Why is history so eurocentric? From where did cumskins get this unwarranted level of self importance?

Why is history so eurocentric? From where did cumskins get this unwarranted level of self importance?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Maybe because you’re on a english-speaking forum because your people are too busy being goatfricking savages to create one in their own language?

    • 2 years ago

      Civilization was invented in the middle east you subhuman

      • 2 years ago

        What have they done with it since then?

        • 2 years ago

          Safeguard the from the israelites, instead of giving them full control of science and technology

        • 2 years ago

          >Richest and most developed countries in the world are middle eastern ones like Qatar and UAE
          They're not and Qatar and UAE are like 20% Arab. Their wealth comes entirely from other countries cutting them a check because they happen to live on top of oil.

      • 2 years ago

        Cool, then go somewhere people are interested to discuss all day about who invented what mudhuts 3000 years ago, brown clown.

        • 2 years ago

          Brown men frick your women

      • 2 years ago

        The genes for blue eyes originated in the middle East.

  2. 2 years ago

    Why did kangs never leave apefrica?

    • 2 years ago

      You were saying, KKKang?

      Meet Updown Girl: 10-year-old child buried in Kent in the 7th century was of West African descent - suggesting England was more diverse than previously thought in the Middle Ages

      'Updown Girl' – so-called because she was laid to rest at Updown, near Eastry in Kent – was buried with a pot, a bone comb, a knife and a spoon.

      Findings reveal 33 per cent of Updown Girl's DNA points to West African ancestry, most closely resembling Esan or Yoruba groups.

      • 2 years ago

        en masse, moron. there were probably a few crackas in random parts of Africa also.

        • 2 years ago

          the closest is a mulato archaeologist found in the Congo dating after Portuguese contact with the region

      • 2 years ago

        Sure bro. I'm sure they didn't cook the books on that like all the other times they tried to claim an ancient skeleton in Europe was a Black person.

        • 2 years ago

          What? History being modfieid to push a political narrative? That's impossible! Next you'll tell me that a history book/chronicle will tell you just as much if not more about the time it is being written in than the time/period it's written about.

        • 2 years ago

          What? History being modfieid to push a political narrative? That's impossible! Next you'll tell me that a history book/chronicle will tell you just as much if not more about the time it is being written in than the time/period it's written about.

          Only useful when it fits the /misc/tard KKKang's theories!

          • 2 years ago

            Because no one ever has falsified science ever anon. Unless you want to propse that western archeologist are somehow endowed with quality that prevents them from lying for petty political reasons, an aryan spirit, perhaps?

  3. 2 years ago

    Europeans invented and discovered everything. Africans didn't even know their own history until white people discovered it and wrote it down.

    • 2 years ago

      Objectively wrong.

      • 2 years ago

        These are all abstract ideas that happen independently in all peoples, not "inventions". lmao

        • 2 years ago

          So it's "everyone did it, they're not special" when Africa does something noteworthy, but when Europe does it you pridefully boast of the "superiority" of "aryan" intellect?

          • 2 years ago

            Most of those aren't even black. Nobody denies Egypt was an advanced civilization. Your pic is kangz level shit.

    • 2 years ago

      Europeans don't even have an unique alphabet or religion

      What have they done with it since then?

      Richest and most developed countries in the world are middle eastern ones like Qatar and UAE

      • 2 years ago

        > unique alphabet
        He writes that in unique european alphabet and believes in catholic religion.

        • 2 years ago

          Both arent european
          Even the word "europe" has a semitic origin LMAO

          • 2 years ago

            > Even the word "europe" has a semitic origin LMAO

            It’s literally Greek u dumb ass

  4. 2 years ago

    Many tales I've heard of the soapstone bird
    So I went along to see
    The Acropolis and the passages
    In the temple masonry

    But it all looked so familiar
    Like I'd been there once before
    I felt my mind slipping back in time
    And when I saw him then I knew for sure

    He came down the stairs with his courtiers
    And a soldier left and right
    And his burnished golden bangles
    Gave off a mystic kind of light

    • 2 years ago

      Man how do I miss it.


      Why is history so eurocentric? From where did cumskins get this unwarranted level of self importance?

      Beating the shit out of everyone else of course.
      Now go be a dollar store /misc/tard somewhere else.

  5. 2 years ago

    Do brown clowns realize their “civilization” n shiet from 4 thousand years ago was just some collection of sandhuts in the middle of nowhere?

    • 2 years ago

      Europeans were literally responsible for 90% of all technological development in the past 500 years. You have to be high if you think that's unwarranted self importance.

      The foundation of western civilaztion comes from Al-Andalus and the Islamic Golden Age. No matter how much you like to pretend that wh*toids are civilized, they were nobodies who lived in mudhuts until muslims shared their books with them. And their descendants of Ancient Greece/Rome LARP is hilarious, westerners learned about aristotle and the others from translated Arabic works.

      • 2 years ago

        sandmonkes still live in mudhuts. Sorry you never evolved past the 8th century

      • 2 years ago

        Islamic Golden Age is a crock. What little they actually accomplished wasn't even from Muslims but Christians and israelites.

        • 2 years ago

          The cope here is unbelievable.

          • 2 years ago

            The Black person here is unbelievable.

        • 2 years ago

          lmao, just lmao

          • 2 years ago

            Wow you found one person meanwhile Europe invented the university and polymaths were making advancements in mathematics, philosophy, biology, astrology and physics.

          • 2 years ago

            Not you but.
            >Inb4 uncreative troll tries to pretend any agglomeration of philosophers is a university.

          • 2 years ago

            >were making advancements in mathematics, philosophy, biology, astrology and physics.
            Most scholars agree that they were heavily plagiarizing from Islamic sources
            Even people as late as Descartes plagiarized from Islamic scholars like Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah bro so true.
            I'm sure decartes found dissertations on why islam is true and dissertations of islamic jurisprudence very useful.
            All of islamic philosophy is plagiarized from saint agustine of hippo by those moronec standards.

          • 2 years ago

            You are just showcasing your illiteracy by denying these obvious and well established parallels between academia
            If you want a concrete example, Descartes' "Cogito ergo sum" was blantantly plagiarized by the floating man theory among Islamic Golden Age scholars.

          • 2 years ago

            At this point I'm pretty sure you are just trying to feign authority over some neither of us are all that learned in. In the hopes that I'll stand down.
            Name the experts you are alluding too.
            I have read plenty about islamic spain and the high middle ages and even by the standards of the best depiction of the place you are obviously exaggerating for political reasons.

          • 2 years ago

            I accept your defeat.

          • 2 years ago

            > advancements
            > in astrology

          • 2 years ago

            That's what you called looking at the stars before astronomy became a thing.
            The mayans were astologers, The chinese were astrologers. It's not the fault of ancient civilization you associate astrology with horoscopes and only that (It was always a way to do magic though, not going to deny that, all medieval astrologers were also magicians in some way, several popes were very into astrology for example)

          • 2 years ago

            That guy is white and not arab most top Muslims were white lol Persian Spanish Greeks etc

          • 2 years ago

            ibn khaldun about white people :

            >"The country of the Franks is situated in the cold, northern part of the world, along with the Khazars, Alans, and Turks. It faces out to the northern part of the Enclosed Sea. The natural climate of that land would, naturally, lead to people dumb and ignorant like animals, and many people of that land like the Slavs know no religion and dress in animal skins. But some nations of the Franks and Slavs, like some Turks and Ethiopians (who live in similarly savage climate), received religious law in old times and kept to it."

        • 2 years ago

          Put down the hashish Ahmed and dont believe everything your imam tells you. In case you need a refresher the dark ages are a myth made in the enlightenment and there were advances in science and technology during the Carolingian period and after. Plus Byzantium existed throughout this period and maintained Roman civilization, culture and advancements. Maybe learn some history before spouting those inane ramblings.

          Christian Spain inventions:

          Muslim Spain inventions:
          >Speed of sound, was proposed by the Cordoba scholar Ibn Hazm (994–1064 AD). Ibn Hazm argued and calculated the speed of sound by echoes in the Mosque of Cordoba. He is also credited as being the first to propose that thunder was a production of lightning.

          >Brass type movable printer press/first printing device in Europe, first invented in Muslim Spain 100 years prior to the invention of printing press, by Johannes Gutenburg of Germany, in 1454.

          >Metronome, invented by Ibn Firnas (9th century)

          >Water and weight driven mechanical clocks, by Spanish Muslim engineers sometime between 900–1200 AD.

          >Mercuric oxide, first synthesized by Abu al-Qasim al-Qurtubi al-Majriti (10th century).

          >Modern surgery. Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi (936–1013 AD), better known in the west as Albucasis, is regarded as the father of modern surgery and is the most quoted surgeon of all times. Albucasis invented over 200 tools for use in surgery - many still in use today.

          >Antiseptics were in used as early as the 10th century in hospitals in Islamic Spain. Special protocols, in Al Andalus, were used to keep hygiene before and after surgery.

          >Pharmacopoeia (book of medicine). During the 14th century, the physician from Malaga, Ibn Baytar, wrote a pharmacopoeia naming over 1400 different drugs and their uses in medicine. This book was written 200 years before the supposed first pharmacopoeia was written by German scholar in 1542.

          >Ligatures, described in the work of al-Zarawi (936–1013 AD), Kitab al-Tasrif, one of the most influential books in early modern medicine. Describes the process of performing a ligature on blood vessels.

          • 2 years ago

            Christian Spain inventions:
            The single most important invention ever exist.
            Christians win worshippers of wabobo the moon spirit lose yet again.
            I am a milipede I am amazing.

      • 2 years ago

        Put down the hashish Ahmed and dont believe everything your imam tells you. In case you need a refresher the dark ages are a myth made in the enlightenment and there were advances in science and technology during the Carolingian period and after. Plus Byzantium existed throughout this period and maintained Roman civilization, culture and advancements. Maybe learn some history before spouting those inane ramblings.

      • 2 years ago

        >westerners learned...
        Good thing half the Roman Empire in the East was still a thing well into the Middle Ages and was really at its individual peak in the century before Islam. Good thing these Greek peoples with an unbroken political and social continuity preserved Hellenic philosophy until the Ottoman takeover. Good thing most Islamic sources that were preserved come from these Greek Romans.

        I also would've accepted Ireland as an answer, as most Scott's missionaries spoke Greek and preserved Hellenic manuscripts on mass in the centuries before and after the rise of Islam.

        Just to put it into context the Hagia Sophia, originally a Christian church, was finished in 537. Quite the mudhut considering the Muslim just stole it instead of tearing it down and building something better

        Love Persians, but arabs in my experience are dumb as shit and I can't wait to see your societies fall apart back into camels and tents after the oil's gone. The Turks and Persians are the only ones who could stop your re-domination by Europe. And is t it saying something that the most successful of Islam is never the average Arab, its Persians, Turks, and Europeans.

        • 2 years ago

          Wasnt alhazen an arab?
          The whole islamic golden age was started by the Rashidun caliphate who was an arab, the government funded the entire thing
          You kinda sound a bit butthurt

          • 2 years ago

            abbasid caliph*

          • 2 years ago

            abbasid caliph*

            Lol case and point when you have to correct yourself. The whole success of the Islamic Golden Age was bringing non-Arab into the fold. By this I mean genetically non-Arab peoples. The success of Baghdad is largely from the Hellenic and Persian Muslims whom brought their ideas and perspectives from superior cultures into the common Arab core. Once that was gone and Arabs went back to backwards philosophy and violence to solve their issues it fell apart for good faster than it built up. The whole issue before the Abbasids was Arab domination over foreigners in the Caliph. The Abbasids learned from this, but the wider Arab world would not accept it long term.

      • 2 years ago

        Muslim homies really be we wuzing

  6. 2 years ago

    Europeans were literally responsible for 90% of all technological development in the past 500 years. You have to be high if you think that's unwarranted self importance.

    • 2 years ago

      > Europeans

  7. 2 years ago

    >why do europeans see the world from an european pov
    beats me

  8. 2 years ago

    They did everything that mattered and invented everything important and everyone else on earth copies their culture (modern civilization is white culture)

  9. 2 years ago

    Shitskins really be thinking they human and actually did anything because they are gassed up by whites technology ahahahah look at the cope and seeth on here they literally are so obsessed with whites they come to our little space on the internet hahahaha

  10. 2 years ago

    That particular statue was actually made around 1400 AD

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