Why is Thailand poor if it was never colonized? Even Malaysia and Singapore are richer despite being ruled by the UK.

Why is Thailand poor if it was never colonized? Even Malaysia and Singapore are richer despite being ruled by the UK.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >why does brown suck even when White people never heckin destroyed their glorious wakanda
    damn I wish I knew
    magic probably

    • 2 years ago

      thailand always been poor farmer country , it's never been a wealthy nation
      >never colonized
      But it was heavily influenced by europeans. , it was colonized but just unofficial , we loss large chunk of land that equal as our current territory , a lot of unfair treaty
      >muh race bullshit in 2022
      i see a lot of dumb narrative like " why thailand don't be like japan if they was never colonized it must because they're brown and low IQ , first , compared siam to japan is nonsense , japan does not have to deal with Western threats. so they could able to industrialized their country easily without worried from outsider invasion and received a lot of mutt's buck after ww2 same reason why south korea became rich , all of it is just about american's investment money not their efforts or IQ
      >Unironically the monarchy
      without monarchy thailand would ended up like being a communist or endless wartorn shithole like myanmar , imagine if thailand was a communist , amerimutt would lost the vietnam war since 60s or even haven't a chance to save south vietnam at first place , because they have to deal with another commie state that nearby with vietnam cambodia laos


      • 2 years ago

        >thailand always been poor farmer country
        So was Japan until recently
        >we loss large chunk of land that equal as our current territory
        Most of that territory were lightly populated jungle that the kingdom barely controlled anyway
        >japan does not have to deal with Western threats.
        Japan industrialized because of westerners on gun boats arriving and forcing unfair treaties on them
        >mutt's buck
        Japan was already industrialized before the war, and beside of most of the aid money going to rebuild a ruined country.

        • 2 years ago

          >so was japan recently
          Pre-industrial is japan on par with western europe for literacy rate , urbanization and education
          >barely controlled anyway
          >muh black boat
          Can't even compare to what european did to SEA
          >mutt's buck
          Japan industrial outputs before ww2 is not even 1/10 of america , theybjust invest a lot on military that make them look so prosperous

          • 2 years ago

            Thailand and Burma had literacy rates on par with much of Europe and Japan. The bigger issue was having a tiny population (a couple million at most, compared to 30 million in Japan) consisting almost entirely of peasants and slaves. The urban population was small and consisted mostly of Chinese and other foreigners rather than Siamese.

          • 2 years ago

            >Thailand and Burma had literacy rates on par with much of Europe

            It's just because of monastery education and it useless , only use for buddhismShit studies , while nips steal yt's technology blueprints and translate it in their language

        • 2 years ago

          >Japan industrialized because of westerners on gun boats arriving and forcing unfair treaties on them

          Its not nearly as equal to Britain & France's colonies right beside your borders and looking to potentially carve you the frick up and sending all sorts of Envoys to you to force one unequal treaty over the other.

  2. 2 years ago

    Unironically the monarchy

  3. 2 years ago

    the colonialism was real in my mind

  4. 2 years ago

    The Patriarchy ( in the form of monarchy )

  5. 2 years ago

    Currently Thailand is a military dictatorship, and has been this way for most of the 21st century. They also have a powerful monarchy that's a drain on resources.

    The economy is solely based around tourism and prostitution. Aside from food, they don't really produce anything for export.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      they does export a lot thought my AC was made in thailand but people only remember about tourism

  6. 2 years ago

    Thailand isn't poor, Cambodia is poor. Thailand is doing quite well.

    • 2 years ago

      their income per capita is just behind malaysia and singapore that blessed and being a maritime trade hub in that region but people would like to thinking that they're poor as an african or something

  7. 2 years ago

    Why was every woman from every ethnicity in the past so much more attractive than the average modern woman? My fricking great-grandma mogs current-year b***hes making 6 figures on Onlyfans.

    • 2 years ago

      >Why was every woman from every ethnicity in the past so much more attractive than the average modern woman?
      There's two things going on there:
      1) Most photographs 'back in the day' were carefully, deliberately staged in advance, because photography was expensive. The price of photography also caused a selection for upper middle class people appearing on photographs, not laborers/plebs.
      2) The average modern woman eats a disgusting, artificial, chemically unbalanced diet, and as such is bloated, looks older than her age (whereas men with a similar diet tend to look younger than their age), and is overweight. 34.8% of women aged 20-34 in America are obese now.

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    I was just talking at my wife about that.
    Thailand is middle income trapped.
    And the only way to escape from that is by encouraging high risk investments and entrepreneurship... Well I also told her that the entrepreneurs ought to be visionaries inspired by God but maybe that's just me going off the rails.

    • 2 years ago

      And there will no any nation became a high income or developed soon due globalization and most of technology market belonged to developed countries that no literal space for new competitors ,

      only way is ww3 , country like china russia and other developing or the global south must collab each others to overthrow firsties and " free world domination " , i'm not even joking

      • 2 years ago

        They didn't because they didn't do that. They didn't promote high risk investment and they had no visionaries.
        I've been around the world and I know what Latin America and Asia are like. They don't like risk. Well drugs aside but that's not what I'm talking about.

        • 2 years ago

          Literal nonsense cope

          Most latin america just stucking in debt cycle by developed world financial trap that afriad of 500 million competitors from the south , it main reason why usa intervene them during cold war and keep funding mexican narco

          • 2 years ago

            Well Thailand is Buddhist. My wife won't tell me but I don't think they believe in a higher power.
            Buddhism is about being in control I think. Being melow. Christianity is about being embolden by the holy spirit.
            They ought to preach the parable of the talents
            If you ought to invest your money make it 10% and up APR risk it. For yourself and for your country.

          • 2 years ago

            >muh christcuck

            Explain philippines and africa then , religion is liar

          • 2 years ago

            Well Africa is not middle income but the Philipine kind of is. I think what it is is that when you're filthy rich well you're more likely to take risks anyways... But every middle income country has filthy rich people as well. Well the ones in america take risks. But there's more of them in america though. It's called middle income trap for a reason. Where lies the key though? Risky investments.

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