Why people here care so much about iq?

Why people here care so much about iq? I have a certified iq of 120, which makes me a midwit by IQfy standards, however this didn't stop me from getting a double major in physics and data science by age 25 and getting a 110k job as a data analyst (sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language)

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  1. 2 years ago

    Congratulations on doing globohomo's dirty work, I hope that money is worth the constant surveillance and zero privacy

    • 2 years ago

      I don't really care, nobody has privacy these days, I just want to make decent money and retire by age 35-40

      • 2 years ago

        I am 20 studying computer applications and have the same goal. How did you break into Data and where tf are you getting paid so much?

        • 2 years ago

          Firstly, I'm not from the US, I started studying physics, in my last year I realized that I didn't want to go into a PhD and spend my life doing pointless research, so I got into a data science degree my university offers, I did some shitty job for banks for a while and then I got hired by a well known data analysis enterprise, what's even better is I still live in my home country (Argentina) and I'm basically a millonaire with my current income

          • 2 years ago

            >comes on 4chin

            You are not from Argentina, and you don't have German descendant neither. Anon, things can get really bad when you forget your meds, it already happened two times so far and we had two schizo lads who thought they have contacted a deity, and who left a large number of even schizoer followers.
            The world is not ready for a third guy.
            N O T N O W

          • 2 years ago

            I don't usually participate in IQfy, I just like to come here every once in a while to see if there is anything interesting, but lately every time I come here the only thing I see are iq threads, self loathing gays and pseudoscience bs

          • 2 years ago

            Ha, well, shoot me some money and I'll finish a maths PhD.

            I get what you mean about low quality threads, but something I've noticed is they run most rampant without opposition and with echo chambering. A lot of those threads have fricked off as I've persuaded people or cut them to the quick. They want easy targets, not strong opposition.

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, but as for the "self loathing", I think it rather unfair and too hasty simply to dismiss things as "not doing anything to improve". Obviously, people who are suffering would love to be able to NOT suffer. Treating it as if there's a choice there, just because you personally can't fathom how things end up that way, is very short sighted. Life can beat someone down. Being lucky enough to not have been that beaten down is not something you choose free of all causation.
            That applies to you too

            Yes, I get your general point, and my answer is still the same, if you sleep on your only trait and expect life to reward you for thinking you deserve it then it's simply not gonna happen, you are gonna grow bitter and resent everyone

            . Pretending as if the fault lies with people who have problems gets you what you deserve. I quote Joker occasionally because it makes some very good points. Namely, this attitude leads to those ends, and if you don't realize that you fail to realize your part in being responsible for the outcome.

          • 2 years ago

            >I still live in my home country (Argentina) and I'm basically a millonaire with my current income
            Please stay the frick at Argentina after your communist State destroys your economy, don't flee to Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Chile or Colombia (assimung any of them are still alright by then)

          • 2 years ago

            If the situation gets too bad I can always go to europe, I have an italian citizenship

          • 2 years ago

            >If the situation gets too bad I can always go to europe, I have an italian citizenship
            Yes please do


          • 2 years ago

            Nice, I have guaranteed work

          • 2 years ago

            >Nice, I have guaranteed work
            People like you make me cheer for all the african "climant migrants" that will be imported to make you accept working for pennies and live on constant fear of being robbed, raped, etc.

            You also increase my justified hate for code monkeys

          • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >I just want to make decent money and retire by age 35-40
        Hope your money is enough for the mind numbing drugs you'll need to keep yourself away from suicide

        • 2 years ago

          Honestly I'm pretty happy right now, in my last year of physics I have to admit I was miserable, my life was going in a direction I didn't want. Anyways, I made this post questioning the way people here victmize and don't do anything to change their lifes for the better

          • 2 years ago

            >Honestly I'm pretty happy right now, in my last year of physics I have to admit I was miserable, my life was going in a direction I didn't want. Anyways, I made this post questioning the way people here victmize and don't do anything to change their lifes for the better
            I'm not talking about your current life, I'm talking what it will look like 20 years from now

            If you want a taste of it, feel free to read about it, the future you helped create

          • 2 years ago

            Thing is, this was inevitable, don't hate the player hate the game

          • 2 years ago

            >Thing is, this was inevitable
            Is it? We can fight back

          • 2 years ago

            It's not inevitable. You're a bad person.

  2. 2 years ago

    The modern world is built in favour of midwits, which is also another reason why it's going to be gone soon. Enjoy it while it lasts, I guess.

    • 2 years ago

      cope more high IQ loser

    • 2 years ago

      How is having a higher iq better for personal happiness? In this age and era is very unlikely that someone has a major breakthrough in science, if you decide to go into research you will do all of the hardwork so people in 60 years can have the low hanging fruit

  3. 2 years ago

    Well if you're genuinely asking, I think the issue is mainly being young and extremely dissatisfied with being unable to advance based on what you can do.

    I think of it like this analogy: Imagine you are, for whatever reason, just gifted being extremely fast. The problem is that society does not let you simply run to show you can be faster than most, or even the fastest in a given group. The problem is society makes you do a whole bunch of things irrelevant to running, and not everyone has the personality or ability to find that rewarding. Add further insult to injury, some can be extremely fast but have an opposite ability, a total inability, to stand still.

    So imagine if you are the fastest runner anybody knows, but you're being punished for not standing still when all that matters is how fast you can run. It is wholly not surprising that some people feel justifiable bitterness and anger about that. Because the game if played straight would, should, reward them for being able to play it very good. Yet they're prevented, for reasons irrelevant to that game, from being able to play at all.

    Of course, I am ignoring for simplicity the sheer mass quantity of narcissists (your flat earthers, young earth creationists, etc) who merely think they're very capable but aren't.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think being the fastest will lead you to any advantage if that's your only trait, idk if Feynman iq is really in the 120-130 range or if he said that to make other scientists angry. I believe that if you are smart enough to grasp general concepts in science you can be very successful, after all creativity is more important than sheer logical reasoning when computers can do that for you.

      • 2 years ago

        >I don't think being the fastest will lead you to any advantage if that's your only trait,
        I am sorry, perhaps I need to refine my analogy further, as I believe I've lead you astray from what I meant. The issue is the perception of being not only held back, but even prevented from competing at all. Anyone can speculate as to reasons why a particular individual may suffer in such a fate, but the point was to explain why it is such an incredible sore spot. Irrespective of the reason for a particular individual.

        • 2 years ago

          Yes, I get your general point, and my answer is still the same, if you sleep on your only trait and expect life to reward you for thinking you deserve it then it's simply not gonna happen, you are gonna grow bitter and resent everyone

    • 2 years ago

      >narcissists (your flat earthers, young earth creationists
      As far as I can tell, globetards are the narcissists (e.g. Neil tyson)

  4. 2 years ago

    >I have a certified iq of 120, which makes me a midwit by IQfy standards, however this didn't stop me from getting a double major in physics and data science by age 25 and getting a 110k job as a data analyst (sorry for my bad english, it's not my first language)
    Yes well this is the problem with mdern day soience isnt it? I have only been pointing this out here for nearly a decade. Our entire system is being run by midwits because they dont ask questions and are easy to control for the ~~*people*~~ really in charge

    • 2 years ago

      and who better to "fact check" and police the actually intelligent people on your society than some narcissistic imbeciles who never have any idea what they are talking about and will never admit when they are wrong (if they are smart enough to realize it, which is rare in itself)

      >and who better to "fact check" and police the actually intelligent people on your society than some narcissistic imbeciles who never have any idea what they are talking about and will never admit when they are wrong
      much like this board in fact, who are filtered by anything that contradicts or is at a higher level of knowledge on a particular topic than is in a high school texbook

      based bodhi dunking on the NPCs

  5. 2 years ago

    and who better to "fact check" and police the actually intelligent people on your society than some narcissistic imbeciles who never have any idea what they are talking about and will never admit when they are wrong (if they are smart enough to realize it, which is rare in itself)

    • 2 years ago

      >and who better to "fact check" and police the actually intelligent people on your society than some narcissistic imbeciles who never have any idea what they are talking about and will never admit when they are wrong
      much like this board in fact, who are filtered by anything that contradicts or is at a higher level of knowledge on a particular topic than is in a high school texbook

  6. 2 years ago


    You really like the fact your children (if the State allows you to have one) will be malnourished and bug eaters?

  7. 2 years ago

    all i want is one of those lovely lovely New York townhouse mansions..
    or maybe a san francisco victorian townhouse..
    or a gothic penthouse in the tribune or woolworth building

    • 2 years ago

      imagine waking up every day and looking onto central park with its miles of greenery and lakes.
      better yet, imagine that but imagine it in a homogenous high trust low crime low rent society

    • 2 years ago

      imagine waking up every day and looking onto central park with its miles of greenery and lakes.
      better yet, imagine that but imagine it in a homogenous high trust low crime low rent society

      imagine all this being taken down to build a BLM museum with weekly transgender performances inside a brutalist style building

  8. 2 years ago

    brutalist architecture is meant to be combined with ample and bio-diverse vegetation, the whole point was that it was natural beauty layered upon obscene ugliness, it was naive, they responsible created a time-bomb

    • 2 years ago

      Brut means concrete in French. Has nothing to do with badass brutal buildings.

    • 2 years ago

      Source? I call bullshit, for obvious reasons.

  9. 2 years ago

    Why is everyone convinced they are high iq? And why do they think it is so important in every aspect of life to have genius level iq? You'll be surprised with how much successful people have an iq of around 110-125

  10. 2 years ago

    >I have a certified iq of 120, which makes me a midwit by IQfy standards
    what makes you think IQfy is high IQ lmao
    you're an idiot regardless

    • 2 years ago

      Idk, everytime I come here they are talking about how if you don't have at least 140 iq you will never be able to finish a stem degree or make good money. Anyways, i'm going to sleep, see you guys in 4 months, I hope you stop making excuses and get to work

      • 2 years ago

        >if you don't have at least 140 iq you will never be able to finish a stem degree
        this has never been true in history hunny

  11. 2 years ago

    homie it's dick measuring for nerds. Nootropics threads are just like those old /b/ threads on jelqing

  12. 2 years ago

    Because IQfy in general believes themselves to be lazy geniuses, or countercultural geniuses, or any variation of "I'm smart but I don't have to prove it or do anything because X"
    It's a problem on IQfy, on IQfy, on every fricking board.
    Provided you're not a drooling moron, work ethic trumps raw intelligence the vast majority of the time, but the average anon can't handle that the greatest flaw in their lives, the real root of the majority of their problems, is that they, like everyone else, have to actually put in work and effort in order to achieve anything [and be happy].
    It's why women are all bawds who only frick chads, it's why academia is a sham and should be ignored, it's why society is unfair. It's much easier to sit online, shitpost, and do the equivalent to one night's homework after spending a month doing nothing but jerking off than it is to go to school, get a degree, get a job, learn to socialize, and actually be a real functioning human being.

    • 2 years ago

      Attain freedom through work. Break big rocks into little rocks, eighteen hours a day, and then you can tell me again how much work matters. Until that time, I assume you are talking out of your ass and trying to appeal to boomer logic, in a time where work weakly correlated to a good firm handshake.

    • 2 years ago

      >Provided you're not a drooling moron, work ethic trumps raw intelligence the vast majority of the time,

      I've been working in the corporate world for years and this is so wrong I don't even know where to start. I have seen men work hard, 40 hour weeks on paper and 55 hours in reality, and their jobs can be automated in about two months. The amount of energy wasted through incompetence is fricking staggering.

      Really depends on what you're doing. Some tasks work ethic won't count for shit if you don't got what it takes. Some tasks all you need is a warm body and work ethic is everything.

      • 2 years ago

        >The amount of energy wasted through incompetence is fricking staggering.
        To be fair, in my experience the overwhelming majority of that incompetence is management. That includes upper management, who themselves are incompetent at catching the incompetence of lower and middle management, and who construct a culture of "protect management frick over workers". If we're really talking incompetence, the vast vast majority of that is not the people doing their individual jobs. It's the people fricking over those people for an extra penny. That's been true since I was a wee child delivering packages like food, to working jobs in university, or the university administration, or any corporation be it insurance or finance or surveying or whatever.

        Very very rarely are the people "doing the job" the incompetent ones. It's almost always the corporate structure that needs axed, and what companies do succeed succeed in spite of the suits. This is true in many countries, heard it's endemic in the USA, but it's equally endemic in Europe if you ask me. Nobody can tell me "Buht you don't do the job" because when I have I actually did them. Most office workers and most corporate suits do fricking nothing and sneer at the people who do anything as beneath them.

  13. 2 years ago

    do NOT reply to /qa/ soijak spammers
    do NOT reply to /qa/ soijak spammers

  14. 2 years ago

    IQ correlates with intelligence the way height correlates with basketball skill. On a population level, height correlates strongly with basketball skill. The vast majority of NBA players are above average height. But on an individual level, not all tall people are good at basketball and not all short people are bad at basketball. In other words, to measure height is not to measure basketball skill. The two variables are strongly correlated, but they are not identical.

  15. 2 years ago

    My impression is that most IQ threads are made by tourists because it's about the most over discussed topic on the board.

    IQ is good for certain things, especially diagnosing mental disabilities, people care too much about tests generally used to detect mental illness.

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