why smart people are not socially inclined (theory)

not sure if this pertains to the board or not but this was closest one

imo the reason smart people are socially inept in a lot of cases and dumb people are socially adept is that dumb people, being dumb and all, can relate to and experience primal emotions associated with the monkey shitbrain social instincts and norms of society since they are too, essentially shitbrained monkeys

smart people have a cognitive capacity beyond their apelike instincts and therefore have thoughts that transcend the defined boundaries of social norms and what makes people comfortable, i.e. what make ooh ooh ahh ahh monkey man not pound his chest and scream and be afraid

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  1. 2 years ago

    "smart people" who are not socially inclined are just coping autists
    In general the great geniuses of history were rather personable

    • 2 years ago

      the great geniuses of history being smart people with status

      they weren’t sociable per se, everyone just gawked at what they said because they were famous and revered for being smart

    • 2 years ago

      Its hypothised that "genius'" were actually apart of a group of smart people who encouraged and challanged each other at their craft or intellect.

  2. 2 years ago

    I think smart people are generally risk-averse which leads to social anxiety and dummies dgaf and just say whatever comes into their heads. Phoniness is one of the biggest barriers to socializing and shyness is basically just the phoniness of hiding your true personality and feelings to protect yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      I think you have something there. I'm not smart at all, but people say I am for this and that reason. If smart is a social thing then yeah I don't go out a lot and talk to randos because it's really risky. I don't make friends because I don't like the official narrative promulgated by the globohomo.

  3. 2 years ago

    Yes this is also why the average woman is so much more socially adept than the average man

  4. 2 years ago

    if you were smart you'd realize you need to be socially adept regardless of how difficult it is, it's the exact same as weightlifting, literally no one is born sociable

  5. 2 years ago

    For some reason as IQ increases social impulses diminish meaning the smarter an animal becomes the more like a machine it behaves like.

  6. 2 years ago

    actual "smart people" is socially inclined. you're just larping as an intellectual and projecting your moronation on people.

    • 2 years ago

      i said some smart people are socially adept, i.e. smart people who lack social intelligence but make up for it in some other kind of intelligence you utter cumass troglodyke gay bag

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >i said some
        you didn't say "some" nor implied that "some". read your own blogpost again, illiterate.

        • 2 years ago

          >”smart people are socially inept in a lot of cases”

          go be homosexual somewhere else, i’m sure there’s a pride march somewhere you can go to

          • 2 years ago

            "a lot of cases" is not "some" in any way.
            totally different meaning, illiterate.

  7. 2 years ago

    >smart people differentiate in opinion and have trouble relating to other people's opinions...

    Basically yes, but in all honesty i like stupid people, they are simple, even when they do bad shit they simply admit it, and even if they try to lie they rarely succeed.

    All complexity is derived from simplicity, it only makes sense for simple people to be more unified then people who take their thoughts a little bit further. There is no disgrace in being your own person as long as you aspire to be dignified.

    • 2 years ago

      What are you on about? Stupid people lie all the time. Lying is often the only way stupid people can ever get ahead, so they will do so at every opportunity.

      • 2 years ago

        >even if they try to lie they rarely succeed.
        if they get ahead this way chances are it fails, how many stupid people you know actually coerced a lie across some capacity to (Multiple) people or an entity

  8. 2 years ago

    Oh boy I can't wait to expend energy on explaining thing to people who will never accept any new ideas because they already convinced themselves they are right about everything and have no plasticity. Why are us le smart bros so le quirky and introverted

  9. 2 years ago

    With a higher IQ, there is a tendency for better working memory and long-term recall, as well as faster processing, which grants the ability to generate more and better mental imagery, creating an incentive for "daydreaming" or "zoning out" (imagine having your own personal "mental holodeck").

    Because IQ is defined as the ability to deal with abstract thinking, the intellectually gifted are more likely to detach from concrete experiences.

    The things that many of the Gifted are most interested in are not the things that the vast majority of people are most interested in, and the same is true for their life and work experiences, so the highly intelligent may not have much in common with the majority of people and vice versa.
    Being a minority by definition, a significant portion of the Gifted may face prejudice, making them more prone to withdrawing from social interactions and/or being less empathetic or altruistic.

    The differences in vocabulary size and breadth between the Gifted and the rest of us may make communication more difficult or time-consuming.

    The Gifted can become frustrated, impatient, or irritated with the slower and/or more limited intelligence of normal people, which can stem from elitism, self-importance, a sense of superiority, and even Narcissism, but can also stem from honest exhaustion from constantly having to wait for, explain to, correct, and accept errors from the majority of people with whom they interact.

    • 2 years ago

      IQ has a huge range in sapiens. homosexual Erectus (abos) average between 50 and 60. homosexual Africanus, 70-80. Affluent aryan and japanese males between 110 and 130. True geniuses are usually north of 150. IQ in terms of mental ability exponential, and inversely exponential to population size. It's practically the intellectual difference between rats and giant cats.

      In affect, a normal IQ (90-100) european will spend most of their life surrounded by others of similar IQ. Yet a highly intelligent european (~130) is only going to find ~5% of their peers, as actual peers, and genius's maybe 1% are similar. As a result these people spend most of their social life interacting with intellectual inferiors. For smart kids, this means constantly having to deal with inefficiency brought on by everyone else. Can you imagine actually being smarter than your teacher at 8 or 9? This in turn leads to communicative differences where the child is speaking a different language than the adult; but intellectually are still following typical social communication. Without the opportunity to interact with real peers, this child will reach the conclusion that the vast majority of humans are infact NPCs, and social life is infact, bullshit. Worse yet, finding mates for high IQ individuals is a fricking nightmare due to specialization and typical workload of advanced positions. Even further, the most applicable form of IQ is an individuals ability to correctly predict outcome. If you have ~150 IQ and are hearing the life problems of an average individual, everything is both predictable and uninteresting. They won't listen, they probably won't understand and your input at the end of the day is useless relative to the bigger problem.

      There are a lot of misconceptions about having high IQ, especially in the sense that it must necessarily be a good thing. In reality it's a mundane trait and in some cases a disadvantage, because there is such a thing as diminishing returns when it comes to IQ. There is no advantage conferred to an individual if their IQ is 20 points about the average person, because due to diminishing returns at a certain point the competitive advantage intelligence gives a person gives way to other factors that are determinant to societal success such as discipline, work-ethic, and ambition.

      People with higher IQ are also more prone to mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder.

  10. 2 years ago

    IQ has a huge range in sapiens. homosexual Erectus (abos) average between 50 and 60. homosexual Africanus, 70-80. Affluent aryan and japanese males between 110 and 130. True geniuses are usually north of 150. IQ in terms of mental ability exponential, and inversely exponential to population size. It's practically the intellectual difference between rats and giant cats.

    In affect, a normal IQ (90-100) european will spend most of their life surrounded by others of similar IQ. Yet a highly intelligent european (~130) is only going to find ~5% of their peers, as actual peers, and genius's maybe 1% are similar. As a result these people spend most of their social life interacting with intellectual inferiors. For smart kids, this means constantly having to deal with inefficiency brought on by everyone else. Can you imagine actually being smarter than your teacher at 8 or 9? This in turn leads to communicative differences where the child is speaking a different language than the adult; but intellectually are still following typical social communication. Without the opportunity to interact with real peers, this child will reach the conclusion that the vast majority of humans are infact NPCs, and social life is infact, bullshit. Worse yet, finding mates for high IQ individuals is a fricking nightmare due to specialization and typical workload of advanced positions. Even further, the most applicable form of IQ is an individuals ability to correctly predict outcome. If you have ~150 IQ and are hearing the life problems of an average individual, everything is both predictable and uninteresting. They won't listen, they probably won't understand and your input at the end of the day is useless relative to the bigger problem.

    • 2 years ago

      >Affluent aryan and japanese males between 110 and 130
      European average is 90. Japanese average is 105. israelite average is 115.

  11. 2 years ago

    Being Homer Simpson IRL is not the proof of your superior intelligence, sorry anon

  12. 2 years ago

    Depends what you mean by smart. The lead deficient often believe they are smart, but that is an illusion. They lack abstract thinking, which mean they can't simplify and extract the important abstractions from an amount of data, instead they take a small amount of data and construct bizarre delusional theories based on that. Then they think that others are dumb, because they "can't understand" and see thing in dumbed down ways instead of their full complexity, as their lack of abstract thinking prevents them from understanding how the simplifications could be adequate.

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