Why was alcoholism such a problem in Soviet Union?

Why was alcoholism such a problem in Soviet Union?

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  1. 2 years ago

    It wasn't

    • 2 years ago

      The actual reason is climate.
      All replies below are spam.

  2. 2 years ago
    Chud Anon

    It’s funny how much headspace Zyklon Ben and Pebble Yeet occupy in the brains of shitlibs. Two cartoonists who have a small audience, and they spend hours trying to own them with edits.

  3. 2 years ago

    1.because the men were bored.
    2.because everywhere you find alcohol, you find a manly competitive challenge in tolerating it.
    3.because atheists have a harder time escaping the boredom of the material world without material distractions, and soviets were atheists.

    • 2 years ago

      >3.because atheists have a harder time escaping the boredom of the material world without material distractions, and soviets were atheists.
      >implying every Irish Catholic you've ever met isn't a raging alcoholic

      • 2 years ago

        no, i'm not implying that.
        how does a statement about irish catholics negate a statement about soviet atheists anyway?
        banter is so stupid.

    • 2 years ago

      >atheists have a harder time escaping the boredom of the material world without material distractions, and soviets were atheists.
      lol. lmao, even. once again religiongays admitting that their entire belief system is simply a crutch against their own weak-mindedness.

      t. atheist, don't drink

      • 2 years ago

        What do you stuff yourself with in an attempt to fill that God shaped hole in your heart? I bet it’s other men’s wieners.


        Why was alcoholism such a problem in Soviet Union?

        When you have no possibility for advancement or accomplishment unless the state selects you, weed wasn’t popular or legal, what else to do but drink? Jesus is said to have turned water into wine, Russians turn potato into vodka.

        • 2 years ago

          >What do you stuff yourself with in an attempt to fill that God shaped hole in your heart? I bet it’s other men’s wieners.

          Religioids sure think of other men's wieners a lot. So you would be gay too if not for your mental crutches?

          • 2 years ago

            Why not be as degenerate as you feel? Even if you do horrific sex crimes and get executed, you’ll end up in the same place after you die. There is no justice to your universe, why restrain yourself?

          • 2 years ago

            >if only there was no god... think of how many sex crimes could i commit
            do theists really?

            Why do subhuman homosexuals project their fetish onto everyone else?

            No wonder even atheist societs like the USSR slaughtered you. You are just a bunch of sex crazed rapists and pedrasts.


          • 2 years ago

            your entire being is the definition of projection

          • 2 years ago

            Do you not have a counter argument ? What reason do you have for being moral of individuals aren’t important? The idea of individual rights was created by religious slaveholders in the early enlightenment, later the French beheaded everyone who stood in their way, much later the Soviets perfected the gulag system. Stalin killed millions, but it was a means to make the Soviet Union a superpower. An atheist like you should deem him a great man, no?

          • 2 years ago
            Chud Anon

            Why do subhuman homosexuals project their fetish onto everyone else?

            No wonder even atheist societs like the USSR slaughtered you. You are just a bunch of sex crazed rapists and pedrasts.

      • 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    Alcohol is the people's way of coping with the industrial society, and laws are the government's way to cope with the people.

  5. 2 years ago

    It was a problem in the USSR because it was already a problem in Russia and the USSR simply kept it going.

    Russia uses a state hard booze monopoly to keep the proles docile and/or as an idiot tax depending on the circumstances.

  6. 2 years ago

    Soviets could afford only the cheapest forms of entertainment. Angling was popular (you need a stick and a string for that..), chess, ping-pong. And, wait for it, booze is really freaking cheap - if it isn't taxed to oblivion by the state (but they were often just making moonshine)

  7. 2 years ago

    Driving what? A horse cart?
    And apparatchiks could do whatever the frick they wanted in their cars.
    They actually tried to curb alcoholism in their Army once (soldiers had access to "free" spirits they used for maintenance of their machinery) but they gave up because soldiers went on strike, or something. They were happily driving their tanks and piloting fighter jets wholly drunk till the end.

    • 2 years ago

      >horse cart
      erm, the Russians butchered almost their entire horse population for food during the starving times

  8. 2 years ago

    >shit quality of life gets worse
    >alcohol becomes cheap and widespread
    its a mystery for sure

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