Why was Iran such an easy prey for central Asian invaders ?

Why was Iran such an easy prey for central Asian invaders ?

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  1. 2 years ago

    The Eastern Iranians were losers which made it easy for Turks and other central asians to conquer through that region

    • 2 years ago

      I was half serious here. Here's how I understand it
      >Caliphate declines
      >Eastern Half of Caliphate divided by various Iranian dynasties (decentralization)
      >The Samanids one of these dynasties take the Abbasid tradition of turkic slave soldiers and crank it up to 11 (the other states also used them but not as much)
      >Samanids thus have shit tons of Turks within and without
      >eventually a turkic slave soldier dynasty rises up and takes out the Samanids
      >these are the Ghaznavids and they are the main power in the east due to the Buyids being in decline for a while
      >The borders on the fringes are transparent due to the situation leaving an opportunity for invaders
      >Seljuks take advantage of these and fight the Ghaznavids for control of Khorasan
      >They win and head west and soon take out the Buyids and take Baghdad
      >The Seljuks open the floodgates for Turkic migrations
      >They migrate into Iran and beyond it (Anatolia mainly
      >convert much of the arable land into pastures and while this has a big negative effect it's not that that bad since most settle in Azerbaijan which has top tier pastures
      >Seljuks strong for only a few decades until they succumb to fracture and decentralization but they hang on for another century
      >this opens room for the Khwarezmians mainly who take the opportunity to conquer Iran
      >soon after the Khwarezmian conquest of Iran the Mongols come knocking.
      >The khwarezmians can't do shit and can't rely on most of their subjects
      >Mongols lay waste to the land and destroy a great deal of the infrastructure thus leading to desertification and a huge population decline
      >Also contributing is the people chased away to a lot of the infrastructure faded away due to lack of maintenance.
      >Enter Ilkhanate
      >Exit Ilkhanate another short lived dynasty (pattern emerging)
      >Post Ilkhanate states last a little while but obviously can't do shit to Tamerlane and get conquered
      >Timur dies
      >Western Timurid state breaks away and new dynasties form

      • 2 years ago

        >safavids emerge from this chaos
        >Conquer Iran from the west
        >bring two centuries of relative prosperity and stability
        >All previous dynasties in the islamic era only lasted a few decades or a century at most
        >so in effect Safavids are the first truly effective dynasty since the Sassanids who lasted 4 centuries
        >Ranking of longest lasting Iranian dynasties
        >Parthians - 471 years
        >Sassanids 427 years
        >Safavids - 235 years
        >Achaemenids - 220 years
        >seljuks -157 years (most of this was in a much reduced capacity kind of the byzantine empire in the palaiologos era)

    • 2 years ago

      You aren't that wrong, Iranians submitted to most of the invaders and show little resistance.

      • 2 years ago

        I guess you only have to look at where the remaining tajiks are located to see the end result of their decline

        • 2 years ago

          Afghans are Iranians too

          • 2 years ago

            >Afghans are Iranians too
            they're not part of the persian sphere. They're just nomads speaking a related language

          • 2 years ago

            Stop being a moron, they're Graeco-Baktrians

  2. 2 years ago

    Wide open borders + shitty central location

    • 2 years ago

      >bad location and border

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine if those petty tribes in the Hejaz united and defeated both the Romans and Sassanids

      • 2 years ago

        do you not see that huge open border with the Eurasian steppes? typically not good to have if you don't want periodic invasions from the steppes.

        • 2 years ago

          why didn't they build walls and lots of castles there?

          • 2 years ago

            they tried

          • 2 years ago

            should have just made the land a complete fortress with localized defenders with every 13 square miles there being a fortress with defenders.

        • 2 years ago

          >mountains and hills not a good defense
          It's Iraq and Central Asia that have bad borders and location; it's too easy to conquer those lands, terrains are good for defense

          • 2 years ago

            wales has 600 castles in 8,016 sq miles

          • 2 years ago

            Little shit castles that can house maybe 20 people are not going to stop steepe invasions, moron

          • 2 years ago

            60,150 castles iran could have if it was littered with them like wales.

  3. 2 years ago

    Steppe bros were huge perso-weebs, couldn't get enough of that shit

  4. 2 years ago

    If only they had stopped the roaches...

    • 2 years ago

      did he touch his ass at 0:06 ?

  5. 2 years ago

    >Be Iranian dynasty
    >All threat and conquest (action) go west-word for more then 1000 years
    >Ancient Greeks, Macedon, Hellenic states, Rome, Byzantines
    >only eastern threat was the Hephthalites during the 5th century and that was it
    >come 600s, conquered by southern Arabs
    >get a somewhat independance later
    >"yeah the west and southern borders are the problem"
    >eastern border which was neglected for centuries makes a prime target for Central asians tribes in need of migration due to the Dark Ages Cold Period

    • 2 years ago

      The Sassanids and Parthians spent most of their time in the east. The eastern satrapies were also where the heirs of the achaemenid, parthian, and sassanid empires were stationed.

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