Will Apple recover from this scandal?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    zomg it's firmwaregate!

  2. 2 years ago

    Applel will point out that pajeetdroid users rarely get more than 2 years of support without resorting to disabling security features and "just trusting" some random outdated ROMS of bloated, impossible to audit shitware so they can run even more bloated, impossible to audit shitware, if you were satisfied with an older phone the SE is just $500 *brand new* and even the last gen is faster than the iphone 7 and 8, and iPhone users still have facetime and imessage and shitdroid doesn't.

    • 2 years ago

      6 years of support isn't too bad, still twice and often times more than twice of most Android phones.

      igays who haven't used an Android phone in years. Low-end Samsung phones get two years of OS upgrades and three years of security updates. Mid-range and above gets four years of OS upgrades and five years of security updates. Don't be poor.

  3. 2 years ago

    Why doesn't Apple just publish a long-term roadmap or just regular EOL dates for their hardware? Let the user know on the date of purchase when they can expect the last potential software update to drop.

    • 2 years ago

      6 years. it's pretty much always 6 ears.

      although for laptops its highly arbitrary and based on their older products being so reliable you could use them indefinitely.

      • 2 years ago

        With their laptops/desktops you at least have the option of community maintained releases, they don't prevent that.
        I never thought we would get to the point where a 12 year old unsupported Apple computer will run the current MacOS better than a 12 year old PC would run the current Windows version, but here we are.

        • 2 years ago

          a 20 year old pc with linuxruns better than any mac or windows pc

          • 2 years ago

            poorgay cope

          • 2 years ago

            Black person, are you seriously using something that mcdonalds employees can afford as a status symbol? At these price points it's a lifestyle choice, not a status symbol. You buy the $2000 mac to make a statement about how you are a consoomer drone who values the shiny thing and having the same laptop as becky stacyson or you buy the $200 linux shitbox to make a statement about how you believe E waste is hurting starving children in africa and would rather just not have a bunch of smooth animations for checking facebook. Either way you can spin it as a way to get laid, and either way each computer can't do anything but browse the web.

            Yeah an M1 mac would be GREAT if you could use that power for more than compiling iOS apps. AKA if you used it for a real job.

          • 2 years ago

            Watchhomosexuals would have told you this last week. Buying a longines is impressing no one, you're saying you're poor but still enjoy luxury but you do not look any better than someone with a much cheaper quartz watch.

            Apple is like the longines of computing. Apple is the nissan sportscar of computing. There is no Rolex of computing. There is no porsche of computing. There is a nike of computing, but no LV of computing. There is no middle or upper class to computing. Computing is an incredibly low-class activity. Basketball american oriented fashion phones are as luxury as it gets.

          • 2 years ago

            more poorgay cope

          • 2 years ago

            You bought something that teenagers that work at mcdonalds can afford. Congratulations. My brokerage account that I mindlessly gamble with could purchase 66 and a half M2 macbooks. If I sold my home and paid off my mortgage, I could purchase 382 additional M2 macbooks. I use a Thinkpad T540p and an iPhone 8. In one or two years when my iPhone 8 is unsupported and will stop being viable in 1-2 more years, I will buy a used 2nd generation iPhone SE for $100 which will be supported and viable for half a decade more (if not longer due to EU frickery) and donate my iPhone 8 to starving Black folk.


          • 2 years ago

            here's your watch, rich man

          • 2 years ago

            But you're still installing it 20 years later.

      • 2 years ago

        I had to upgrade from my 2012 Thinkpad because I was sick of using a wireless internet dongle on my wifi6. Literally everything can be used indefinitely if you are willing to cope with obsolescence.

        • 2 years ago

          802.11n goes up to 600mbs. if you aren't paying for GAYMER internet it's not a big deal. it's not like programs cease to work or anything.

        • 2 years ago

          My X270 Thinkpad is a little newer, has wifi 6, LTE, bt 5, yadda yadda yadda this laptop is gonna last till the box of Li-Ion batteries I have for it is all dried up

  4. 2 years ago

    6 years of support isn't too bad, still twice and often times more than twice of most Android phones.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      but unlike ios, poordroid apps will still work on legacy versions unless if the developer of said app will bump its minimum sdk version support
      gayMAN apps are a prime example, where current versions still work on android 4.4, but afaik it's now shortened to 6.x and up
      >inb4 security updates
      wouldn't matter much as it doesn't interfere with it's core functionality. also use Common Sense:tm: 2022 to prevent getting hax'd by script kiddies (applies to any OS tbdesu)

  5. 2 years ago

    >Apple drops support
    >they still get critical security updates for years
    >every service still works for a decade after

    • 2 years ago

      Some androshit drops support after only 2 years some of them never even do any update.
      6years is pretty big support for a phone, especially since even without support ios 15 will receive 3rd party app updates for at least another 2 years

      where are you getting that ios15 will stick around with third party app support and sec updates for years? I though applel wasn't that much into n-1 support

    • 2 years ago

      From past experience, when devices stop getting iOS updates they stop getting security updates and apps stop working very quickly.
      Any app that requires you to keep it up-to-date will stop working once it is updated for the new iOS version.

      • 2 years ago

        this is what I thought. iOS never supported n-1. They played around with the idea recently and pulled back upsetting more people

      • 2 years ago

        where are you getting that ios15 will stick around with third party app support and sec updates for years? I though applel wasn't that much into n-1 support

        >can't provide a bunch of example of said thing happening
        meanwhile I can connect my 2010 ipod nano and seamlessly import podcasts, music, images and videos from my latest version of itunes running on M1 and everything still works perfectly

        • 2 years ago

          Basically, you can use the same apps that haven't been updated because they don't require updates, yes.

          • 2 years ago

            itunes connects to apple services
            podcasts connects to apple services
            ibooks connects to apple services
            maps connects to apple services
            facetime and imessage connects to apple services
            icloud connects to apple services
            and yet it still all works, because apple cares to not change the protocols and codecs if it's not needed.
            meanwhile with google shit if you are a few versions out of date say goodbye to video calling your friends or listening to your music

          • 2 years ago

            >meanwhile with google shit if you are a few versions out of date say goodbye to video calling your friends or listening to your music
            But the thing is that requiring the latest version of OS for an app is uncommon on Android.
            My Android OS is two versions behind main and not only can I get the latest versions of apps, but I'm still using apps that target as low as Android 4.

      • 2 years ago

        >can still use it as a phone
        >can still browse the web
        >can still send emails and text messages

      • 2 years ago

        This. My family has several iPads that are just literal bricks at this point. Can't install any new apps, Safari doesn't load websites correctly and overall it's incredibly slow.

      • 2 years ago

        >and apps stop working very quickly.
        They work so long there is no new critical part of the app getting patched.
        I had a fricking iPhone 5: My fricking bank app worked for a year after support was dropped.

        • 2 years ago

          >My fricking bank app worked for a year after support was dropped.
          And then it was updated and you couldn't get the new version. Yes.

          • 2 years ago

            It was updated to get some eSIM features which iPhone5 and similarly genned Android devices lacked.
            Tinder, Snapchat and Instagram all worked fine.

  6. 2 years ago

    Some androshit drops support after only 2 years some of them never even do any update.
    6years is pretty big support for a phone, especially since even without support ios 15 will receive 3rd party app updates for at least another 2 years

    • 2 years ago

      >support being to frick over the software to try to get people to upgrade

  7. 2 years ago

    will ios 15 still be supported on the 7 with security updates? They seem to ne purposefully ambiguous but looks like applel is not too keen on doing n-1 even though they were trying it out recently

  8. 2 years ago

    nah get over it
    6 years is pretty generous
    time to let go

    • 2 years ago

      their real crime is dropping support for the old MBPs. if you force the OS to install... it runs fricking fine. and the build quality and potential longevity of those old macs, especially the ones that still have fans, is leaps and bounds ahead of current macbooks at the cost of being slightly thicker. since macgays just browse the internet and use finder and iterm2.app you really don't need a lot of laptop to run mac OS.

  9. 2 years ago


  10. 2 years ago

    how old is this phone again?

  11. 2 years ago

    iPhone 7 is totally fine on iOS 15, wouldn't want anything else
    >iPhone 7 owner

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