Will our scientific progress be capped by our intellegence?

>aboriginals have lived in Australia for 80,000 years
>literally accomplished nothing
>were using sticks to hunt when Europeans arrived
>they sleep on the road, don't understand or care that cars will kill them
>Australia had to invent a special gas mix that doesn't get you high, because as soon as one was exposed to normal gas the only thing they did was sniff it and sleep

They have IQs of 50-60, something we would consider "moronic". As a result they were unable to fathom anything beyond food/sleep/pleasure. No matter how much time passed, they would have never advanced beyond the stone age. They hit a plateau.

What if we are the same? To a superintellegent alien lifeform we might appear "moronic". Maybe, for example, the explanation for "dark matter" and the solution to FTL travel were almost immediately obvious to them, but we would never be able to fathom them no matter how long we worked on it for. Perhaps the aboriginals worked on creating more efficient weapons than sticks but simply couldn't fathom using materials other than wood.

A depressing possibility then is that a species' intelligence determines the hard ceiling of it's scientific and technological advancement, not just the speed of progress. And perhaps no sufficiently intelligent species can exist, explaining the Fermi paradox.

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  1. 2 years ago

    This is only tangentially related to your point, but can some scientific racist enlighten me why abbos seem to be the bottom of the barrel as far as human potential goes? It has to be mostly cultural right?

    • 2 years ago

      Because theres always a bottom unless everyone was exactly the same. The perception of subhumanity is cultural, you have civilized white peoples in europe that have been perceived as subhuman because they were a generation late in adopting electricity

    • 2 years ago

      This is conjecture and my opinion, but several factors.
      They hunted for food mainly, and the Winter here is pretty mild so game is around no matter what. No need to prepare for the Winter, no need to evolve to have a have a high brainpower. Like Africans.
      When whites arrived, they were devastated by diseases like the native Americans were because they had been separated from the other continents and had no resistance to European diseases. I think this is one of the major differences between what happened to them and what happened to Africa. They also lost in warfare against us, but diseases did most of the killing. They were also displaced from their hunting grounds by settlers. Basically they are a broken, defeated people. I know this part isn't very scientific but losing that badly must be bad for their culture. The purebloods also only exist in remote shitholes where there are little prospects for bettering their lives short of leaving.
      They also are susceptible to addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling). I'm not sure why, maybe due to the low IQ/inhibitions. But they basically get hooked on booze/drugs because they're in a shithole where everyone else is hooked on booze/drugs. This brings down what little potential they have to almost nothing. The only Abos that ever did anything of note were part white and lived among whites.
      In short, I don't think they are that different from Africans genetically in terms of IQ, but they are worse because of cultural and economic factors.

      • 2 years ago

        Winter hypothesis is false. Most impactful contributions are from arabs and italians.
        North dwellers produce autistic marginal contibutions.

        • 2 years ago

          Not him, but Arabs had the problem of living in a goddamned desert where food and water are not so plentiful. That would have similar pressures as living in a seasonal area, with planning and cooperation being essential, I imagine. Along with Arabs, the Mediterraneans had constant trade which helped to share technology and brought its own pressures towards group cooperation and planning in order to defend oneselves or conquer others.
          I'd argue Arabs and Mediterraneans have more in common with northerners than with various jungle peoples where food is ample and planning unessential, but without the benefit of naval shipping to drive trade.

          Pic unrelated.

          • 2 years ago

            >Not him, but Arabs had the problem of living in a goddamned desert where food and water are not so plentiful
            So it isnt the cold

          • 2 years ago

            >I'd argue Arabs and Mediterraneans have more in common with northerners
            What about Egyptians? They have good weather and plenty of water. Should be the laziest less accomplished race ever if you believe in this scarcity=smarts dumb theory with 9000 counterexamples

          • 2 years ago

            Black person what, they only lived close to the Nile, surrounded by desert, and relied on the yearly flood for their agriculture. Their level of planning and logistics was phenomenal for their time, and even then they occasionally had wide-scale starvation when the weather didn't go their way. They did not have ample food available year-round, they grew ample food at an industrial scale because of their math and preparation.

          • 2 years ago

            >Only live in perfect weather with permanent water supply and free fertilizer and are surrounded by a giant desert to protect them frol raiders
            Egypt is a natural paradise. You don't need any planning, nature provides everything. Theres no seasons and no scarcity of anything

        • 2 years ago

          You think italians and ancient greeks were always there? They came from Ukraine / hyperborea

        • 2 years ago

          1) meds are still northerners, globally speaking
          2) Modern mathematics is a German endeavor with some israeli and French traces on the outskirts

      • 2 years ago

        >I don't think they are that different from Africans genetically in terms of IQ
        I'm not sure about that. Africans have lower IQs than Europeans but they also had empires, civilisations, and generally advanced as a society over time.

        Abos are almost like a different species. They're barely "conscious" and truly closer to animals than humans. This is what I mean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1yeBmSFkC4 . Ignoring the obviously funny context of the song, look at how they're staring off into the distance. Like straight up zombies.

        They did nothing for 80 THOUSAND years when they had an enitre continent to themselves, that's almost unfathomable to us. A completely different level to the relitavely minor difference in IQ between Europeans and Africans.

        • 2 years ago

          So before 3.5k BC what did your ancestors do for the preceding 80 000 years?

          • 2 years ago

            make tools, begin farming, move into permanent settlements, domesticate animals

          • 2 years ago

            Farming began 10.000 years ago. What did your ancestors do the other 100 K years before?
            Abbos have tools too

    • 2 years ago

      Purely economic reasons.

    • 2 years ago

      >why abbos seem to be the bottom of the barrel as far as human potential goes?

      Massive inbreeding. Only a few abbos rafted down under. Not their fault, just very shallow selection. Also why they all look so similar.

  2. 2 years ago

    AGI will fix this

    • 2 years ago

      Will AGI debug its formulants?

      • 2 years ago

        Yes. Human shall create what's purer than him to transcend his limits.

    • 2 years ago

      how would that be different from a superior alien just giving us fancy toys.

      right now we have bunch of people who understand relativity and quantum mechanics and yet vast majority of humans will never be able to comprehend any of it. so what if AGI discovers something? It might give us some toys, but we're not gonna understand any of it.

      • 2 years ago

        That's really interesting. Maybe it's time to seriously consider eugenics to improve IQ?

      • 2 years ago

        that an alien didn't give us them
        that a species' intelligence DOES NOT determine the hard ceiling of it's scientific and technological advancement

        • 2 years ago

          >that a species' intelligence DOES NOT determine the hard ceiling of it's scientific and technological advancement
          depends on what you mean by achievement. i do not value technology that is bestowed upon us by silicon gods that we initially built in 2000s

          • 2 years ago

            even though that wasn't what was said first
            >i do not value
            then that's your problem
            learn transitive property

  3. 2 years ago

    >it only took us 4.5 billion years to get here but it took thesw guys 4 500 080 000 years to get here wtf theyre just not fast enough

    • 2 years ago

      Measure from the point they split from us, dumbass.

  4. 2 years ago


    the n word is racist

  5. 2 years ago


    Yeah towards the beginning of the stone age. Then they decided that it more efficient to just grow your own food instead of wandering around all the time, so they developed agriculture. They lived around their farms, creating permanent settlements. They also made pots out of clay btw. The abos barely even made it past the tool stage (only made spears).

    Wtf is your point? Obviously they orignally progressed in the same way as the abos. The important part is that the abos got stuck and they didn't.

    • 2 years ago

      The above stayed where it would have been sustainable.
      We have progressed and become fatally corrupted and our supposed advanced state if being will collapse mightily.

      • 2 years ago
  6. 2 years ago

    >Will our scientific progress be capped by our intellegence?
    It already is.
    >aboriginals have lived in Australia for 80,000 years
    >literally accomplished nothing
    Wrong. They had some impressive techniques. But their social structure could only produced enough energy to maintain them, and not much more.
    People often forget that maintaining knowledge also requires energy, such failure is not rare.

    • 2 years ago

      >abbos in prehistoric down under were one big happy family
      they were warring tribes for tens of thousands of years, then whites came in an put an end to it, now they live harmoniously. their cousins in new guinea were never given that treatment, they still have constant, never-ending intertribal warfare. somewhere today in new guinea, two groups of small brown men are facing off across a valley shooting arrows at each other in their daily sissy slapfighting, they're all high on betel nut and on sucking each other's wieners, which is part of their native customs

  7. 2 years ago

    Even if you were right, just add enough selection pressure and the ceiling is gone. The real problem awaits in the tendency of complex networks to fail, so there may be an upper limit on the brain, and that limit would be mathematical in nature.

  8. 2 years ago

    >Perhaps the aboriginals worked on creating more efficient weapons than sticks
    Didn't they invent the boomerang?
    It is a surprisingly ingenious weapon.

    • 2 years ago

      an ingenious stick is still a fricking stick

  9. 2 years ago

    You do realise that by stopping stupid people having kids you can increase average IQ by a few SDs in several generations?

  10. 2 years ago

    >"dark matter"
    Doesn't exist
    >FTL travel
    Also doesn't exist
    Life isn't a scifi movie, your idea of "scientific progress" relies on things that don't exist

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Literally all scientific research up to this point?
        There isn't any evidence to support either of those existing without massively skewing observations of the universe.

  11. 2 years ago

    if we figure out a way to lower the collective iq of humanity (maybe encourage the reproduction of poor people) and do something to hinder that 0.1% that make scientific progress, our growth will cap already

  12. 2 years ago

    >What if we are the same? To a superintellegent alien lifeform we might appear "moronic". Maybe, for example, the explanation for "dark matter" and the solution to FTL travel were almost immediately obvious to them, but we would never be able to fathom them no matter how long we worked on it for. Perhaps the aboriginals worked on creating more efficient weapons than sticks but simply couldn't fathom using materials other than wood.

    Ready for some serious Red Pills, Anon?

    You're sounding like you might be ready...

    Our Universe is an infinite, continuous fractal and c (the speed of light) is its calculation speed. That calculation speed is highly affected by latency, and so the smaller you get the faster the calculations can be, and as I said, this Universe is completely continuous.

    We COULD tether downward into smaller scales and be Gods to the galaxies below us. Yes, Anon, atoms ARE galaxies - but they are accelerated due to the latency I previously alluded to.

    THAT is the end state of all suitably advanced organisms. Not outward expansion. INWARD.

    Once you truly understand this you might notice some wild shit happen in your life... almost as if the greater scale above us keeps tabs.

    I am dead serious.

    I get that this sounds like "schizo" talk but bookmark this and search your thoughts. It's dead accurate.

    • 2 years ago

      is there any papers or books or anything on this or is this schizo shit

  13. 2 years ago

    Because living as a hunter gather is a million times better than our fricked up civilization? Our way is fricking bullshit, and only developed out of pure necessity to survive our fricked up northern climate.

    • 2 years ago

      If you lived as a hunter-gatherer, how would you earn any money to make a living, moron?

  14. 2 years ago

    It will be capped by our irrational belief in dogma of Equality.

  15. 2 years ago

    Not if we make machines smarter than us.

    Maybe one great filter is not making hyper-intelligent machines to manage us, before we destroy ourselves.

  16. 2 years ago

    >A depressing possibility then is that a species' intelligence determines the hard ceilin

    it suffices to be intelligent enough to augment one's intelligence through artifical means. you are correct, aliens have nothing to discuss with us morons because they've already passed through their singularity event.


  17. 2 years ago

    of course. consider theory of relativity and quantum field theory. only a fraction of mankind is smart enough to be fluent in these; and it took the brightest minds in the human genome to figure it out in the first place.

    I think we may indeed have reached the end of our capacities

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