Windows is literally unberable.

And once more I'm reminded of the pathetic 255 character limit of windows.

Linux has slightly over 4000 (4K) with a per folder limit of 255.

The worse part is that windows will let you create and navigate paths longer then 255 however you can not copy or move the entire hierarchy.

This cancer of
>Is this path to long
Really eats away at me.

How can anyone stand to use windows ?

>b-b-b- use robocopy
I did. Did you ?
Robocopy will not copy anything over 255 characters long only silently not tell you this.

Enjoy the lost files gayot.

You can verify this by compering the file size of the copied folder to the original one.

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  1. 2 years ago

    >implying folder on Linux
    >implying the filesystem _is_ the OS
    >implying Windows doesn't support longer with a simple registry change
    I really hate how ignorant this board is anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      the filesystem _is_ the OS
      Because the OS can not copy it.
      >B-b-b-b it work if you mount the file system under Linux REEEEE
      I accept your surrender.

      >REEE No if you insert these obscure harckerman commands into the registry
      LOL imagine being a wind trash and inserting your obscure registry shit to make your OS functional while on Linux it simply works, windows truly is for pseudo hackers.

      >NOO REEE it will work I swear ! (Despite the OS not ensuring that the copy operation can function in above 255 characters) just like we shilled robocopy last time.

      • 2 years ago

        Windows does not have a character limit. If you really want to use bad practices you can disable the "limit" you are referring to. If the windows registry filters you, don't bother coming to linux.

        • 2 years ago

          >Windows does not have a character limit.
          YES IT HAS.
          > If you really want to use bad practices
          >bad practices
          >bad practices
          >bad practices
          Out of this world cope.
          You degenerates literally would defend 8.3 file names and call everything else
          >bad practices

          > you can disable the "limit"
          I repeat myself.
          WHY SHOULD I ?!
          Linux it simply works out of the box no need for registry fricking around.

          Windows it does not work.
          Shit breaks.
          You need to remember to rage so the worlds most homosexual man on an Asian finger painting forum will tell you the super magical special commands you need to type into the registry to hopefully (LOL I doubt that) it will work this time.

          I repeat myself why is windows so inferior in linux I do not need to do that in windows it is literally (no joke) non stop typing in obscure commands into the CMD and registry.

          Why is windows trash like this ?

          >a literal freetard seething that you can customize wangblows and make it better
          wew lad, stop embarrassing yourself

          The absolute cope, you defend win trash and call it "customize ". When will it get to your win shill brain that literally no one in the history of humanity did go
          >HMMM I sure love to have a 255 character limit and changing this to more is "customize "

          You are literally defending defects and inferiority in windows.

          • 2 years ago

            >configuring linux to work the way you want... GOOD!
            >configuring windows to work the way you want... BAD!!

          • 2 years ago

            linux to work the way you want.
            Literally never happens you simply start Linux mint cinnamon edition and it works.

            look gayot windows having a limit you need to work around is not configuring it is trash.

            What you think needing to do registry commands to not have a 32 KiB RAM limit in windows is acceptable or something ?

          • 2 years ago

            No its actually why I use windows. It has unlimited software compatibility out of the box with minor tweaking needed for perfected power using. Linux can have unlimited compatibility now that its 2022 and a million free wrappers have been developed. But at 2x the setup and no guarantee that everything you want to run doesn't need individual tuning.

          • 2 years ago

            You realize not even MS can ensure that win software does not break in the next windows right ?

            >noo my literal spaghetti code and win shit written crap that breaks in other windows versions REEE
            Why is the path limit not increased you c**t ! This is trivial to do.

          • 2 years ago

            >filtered by the registry
            If you want to use bad practices go ahead, don't complain about it though. Windows works exactly as intended.

      • 2 years ago

        >having to spend hours editing config files on Linux is... LE GOOD
        >spending 30 seconds editing a registry key on windows is... LE BAD

        • 2 years ago

          Editing a line in a config file is no more complex than editing a key in the registry, you absolute moron.

          • 2 years ago


            I repeat myself WHY THE FRICK SHOULD I ?!
            In Linux I simply start working and it works exactly how I want it to work.

            On windows you need to do extra shit.
            Windows is a joke.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't know if you're just merely pretending or whatever but the comparison being made here is between having to spend whatever effort it takes to edit the registry on windows, and literally not having to do anything because it's already fine on linux

          • 2 years ago

            >I don't know if you're just merely pretending or whatever
            Anon you are talking to a full blown payed MS shill.

          • 2 years ago

            well I hope they don't pay him a lot

          • 2 years ago

            >because it's already fine on linux
            Exactly my point.

            > having to spend whatever effort it takes to edit the registry on windows
            Anon you are asuming this will work.
            I know this MS shill and he lies like a lot.

            >Post that you can not create a folder named CON on windows (minor thing however still)
            >Out of nowhere MS shill shows up

            I tried it it literally glitches in a CON folder that can neither be moved or deleted.

            >MS Shill totally seething (like you can feel his Indian rage over the internet) after I point this out

            > Post how windows will let you create paths longer then 255 however will refuse to to copy them fully to another HDD (we are talking D: to H:).
            >>YOU FREETARD use robocopy in power shell !

            I do this however robocopy only silently fails to copy files something you can check by seeing the file size of the """copied folder""""

      • 2 years ago

        >a literal freetard seething that you can customize wangblows and make it better
        wew lad, stop embarrassing yourself

  2. 2 years ago

    I remember something like unzipping a bunch of files on Windows and then not being able to delete one of the files afterwards because the file name was too long.
    I don't remember what I did in the end but that shit drove me mad.

    • 2 years ago

      And linux is the solution.
      Try that.

      Either way fun fact you can not create folders named CON under windows or files named CON.

      Try that.

      Also do not listen to the obscure CMD shit the win shill will try to give you since it will glitch a CON folder into existence, a glitched folder who can neither be moved nor deleted.

      • 2 years ago

        >I remember something like unzipping a bunch of files on Windows and then not being able to delete one of the files afterwards because the file name was too long.
        Fun fact in Linux mint, you literally never get the
        >ERROR something is accessing this folder can not delete it
        Despite nothing accessing it.

        Also under Linux Mint you can literally move a video file that is being played and it will not crash and work (WARNING only works for the currently played file anything in your moved playlist will later say that the file is moved)

        I've switched to Linux several years ago, don't worry.

    • 2 years ago

      >I remember something like unzipping a bunch of files on Windows and then not being able to delete one of the files afterwards because the file name was too long.
      Fun fact in Linux mint, you literally never get the
      >ERROR something is accessing this folder can not delete it
      Despite nothing accessing it.

      Also under Linux Mint you can literally move a video file that is being played and it will not crash and work (WARNING only works for the currently played file anything in your moved playlist will later say that the file is moved)

  3. 2 years ago

    >255 character limit
    It's completely ridiculous. It was limiting 20 years ago, let alone today.

  4. 2 years ago

    Don't care.
    Didn't read.
    Werks for me.
    I will never use your meme OS, so frick off and die.

  5. 2 years ago

    anything that makes the op unhappy is likely to be a good thing

  6. 2 years ago

    oh yeah, seethe some more, this is fun to watch

  7. 2 years ago

    Can you post one of the paths that you’re trying to use

    • 2 years ago

      Not OP but I remember having issues accessing music that had very long and tested CJK paths

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Can you post one of the paths that you’re trying to use
      I try hold on for a second.

    • 2 years ago

      >Can you post one of the paths that you’re trying to use

      Not OP but I remember having issues accessing music that had very long and tested CJK paths


      >Can you post one of the paths that you’re trying to use
      I try hold on for a second.

      Here it is a tree command on the folder.

      WARNING WINDOWS USERS USE notpad++ because default win notpad can not handle Linux newlines.

      So what is it ?
      It is a folder I got from /t/ its full of Star Wars audio books.

      I can not mess with the content of them because they are separated logically by the one who made this folder.

      Placing this folder in my hierarchy is basically impossible since the path lengths are used up.
      From what ?
      Who knows. Windows is not telling.

      I tried to change the title from
      >[Update 4]Star Wars Audiobooks Megacollection
      To literally one letter however it is not working
      This hierarchy is to long.

      It took me some time because I needed to unzip this under linux.

  8. 2 years ago

    >set an 8 character hard limit on folders
    Let me guess, you need "more"?

  9. 2 years ago

    everything about windows is a fricking joke.
    the biggest joke I hate dealing with daily is how every single homosexual program tokenizes command line "string" differently because argv/argc are just one string in WIN32, setup by crt. I hate windows so much it's unreal.

    • 2 years ago

      >every single homosexual program tokenizes command line "string" differently because argv/argc are just one string in WIN32, setup by crt
      jesus christ that's horrific I had no idea

  10. 2 years ago

    other fun winshitty facts:
    DOS Device Paths: the alleged solution to OP's problem, assuming the program you're working with even uses them correctly and they have other problems like allowing you to create directories like . or .. or even .COM
    It's a really bad joke.

    There is a configurable that disables the 256 path limit, but I don't know if it breaks shit because it's not on by default.
    Fun fact too, Windows does at least have a UTF-8 locale, but it will probably break 80% of win32 shitware.

    POOSIX may be shit, but WIN32 is literally thermonuclear waste in comparison. Pretty fricking pathetic that UNIX homosexualry makes something made in the 90s look like a complete fricking amateurish joke.

    • 2 years ago

      >Pretty fricking pathetic that UNIX homosexualry makes something made in the 90s look like a complete fricking amateurish joke.
      It is comical that loonix freetards solved this problem while multi billion corporation literally can not.

      Anyone has the e-mail bill gates did send how he is a shamed since everyone in the industry thinks MS is a joke ?

    • 2 years ago

      >Pretty fricking pathetic that UNIX homosexualry
      Old UNIX had 8 character file names like doprnt.c and the .c is part of that 8 character limit. Commercial UNIX extended that to 14 characters. Linux is not UNIX.

      • 2 years ago

        >Old UNIX had 8
        And DOS 1.0 Did not have folders....
        >Old UNIX had 8
        Do you understand the concept of time, it is 2022 anon tell us when le UNIX switched to 4K and full Unicode with spaces (excluding NULL and / ) ?

        • 2 years ago

          > tell us when le UNIX switched to 4K and full Unicode with spaces (excluding NULL and / ) ?
          It never did. Linux is not UNIX.

  11. 2 years ago




    can you go and be schizophrenic somewhere else pls

  12. 2 years ago

    >literal days of shitposting, bait and all kinds of trash threads
    >IQfy's resident schizo is nowhere to be found
    >a single thread critical of Windows
    >IQfy's resident schizo spams the thread with gibberish
    Really makes you think.

    • 2 years ago

      >Really makes you think.
      Yea it is a payed shill so he decided to spam the thread since he can not argue with the facts.

  13. 2 years ago


    Why do you allow all the troony and politics threads to stay up?

    I'm starting to think you don't give a shit about the rules, you just want attention.

  14. 2 years ago



    this is you

  15. 2 years ago



    Can the mods please ban this spammer ?

  16. 2 years ago

    Why would you even need more than 255 characters in a system path? What the frick are you even cataloguing at this point?

    • 2 years ago

      literally any system that depends on a module system will choke. I've seen pyshit and node shit choke on it and the windows filesystem subsystem is more than capable of it, but by default the winshitty win32 user calls impose these moronic limits unless you bypass them with DOS Device style Paths.

      shut the frick up you moron.

  17. 2 years ago

    Show me a use case for something over 255 characters. I'll wait.

  18. 2 years ago




    What a shit show, ban this spam.

  19. 2 years ago

  20. 2 years ago



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