>worship me because I'm so great or I'll make you suffer horribly. >pride and wrath are sins btw

>worship me because I'm so great or I'll make you suffer horribly
>pride and wrath are sins btw
why do people listen to this guy again? just because he'll hurt you if you don't?
doesn't seem like a very swell guy; bit of a hypocrite in fact, you ask me

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  1. 2 years ago

    >t. hasn't read the bible

    • 2 years ago

      He literally just used the bible against the bible.

  2. 2 years ago

    >doesn't seem like a very swell guy
    Reject his gifts then.

    • 2 years ago

      like what?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          if I'm supposed to be indentured to god for so long as I'm alive then how can it be a gift? seems more like usury.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah it's really terrible, you can just go ahead and reject it.

          • 2 years ago

            >don't want to spend your life as a slave to a mystical sky overlord? might as well have a nice day then!
            do christians really think like this?
            I really hope you're being disingenuous for your own sake

          • 2 years ago

            >>> I don't like this bwaaaaah
            >> Then don't do it
            > Help! Disingenuity!!!

            You're such a pussy, Anon.

          • 2 years ago

            why do you conflate enjoying life with godly subservience?
            I rather enjoy my life and I don't need to submit to holy authority to do so. if ""god"" has a problem with that, he can feel free to stop me.
            >> Then don't do it
            perhaps it would help if you clarified what you mean by this. do you mean "dont worship god"? which I don't and I'm happy not to. or do you mean "don't live", which is really to say "have a nice day"? because if that's the case then you're just being an obnoxious child.

          • 2 years ago

            >>>Guy's terrible
            his gifts then
            >Nah his gifts are good actually
            Are you starting to understand the point?

          • 2 years ago

            we've already established that it's not a gift.
            if I ""gifted"" you a ferrari for your birthday then told you the next day that you have to drive me to and from work every day until I retire in return, would you do it or would you just tell me to frick off and keep the ferrari for yourself?

          • 2 years ago

            >we've established gifts NEVER come with any responsibilities
            Such a subtle cope. All the more subtle for the fact that my point actually works even if I concede to your invalid semantic pleading.
            Anon, you have neither the integrity nor the IQ to really discuss this. Make a few more posts about how unfair it is that responsibilities exist in life and move on.

          • 2 years ago

            name one gift you've gotten, other than one from "god", that comes with any responsibilities (not including responsibilities to the gift itself, i.e. a new pet dog)

            >I don't like God's rules!
            Good luck with that.

            been going well so far

          • 2 years ago

            >Name a gift with responsibilities
            >Without responsibilities though
            Hard, hard cope.
            >been going well so far
            >posting high school arguments on IQfy

          • 2 years ago

            >can't name a single example, has to strawman instead
            >accuse ME of coping
            I see you don't actually have an argument.
            look in the mirror pal
            god's "clearly" doing you a lot more favors than me I see

          • 2 years ago

            Indeed I can't name an example of a gift with responsibilities without responsibilities. I guess that's on me.
            As I said, neither the IQ nor the honesty. Re-watch The Amazing Atheists and call it a day, senpai.

          • 2 years ago

            how can you accuse me of being dishonest when you're the one deliberately misrepresenting my statements? I ask you for an example of a gift with responsibilities other than to the gift itself, and you nonsensically interpret this as "a gift with responsibilities without responsibilities"
            praising god for the gift of life isn't a responsibility to life; it's a responsibility to god. I can live my whole life a happy man without praising god once and not suffer any consequences until I actually face god himself im the afterlife. inversely, if I'm given a pet dog, I HAVE to feed it or it'll starve, die, and rot in my house. there's no shortcut to enjoying the gift of a dog. if I don't want to take care of it, my only recourse is to give it away.

          • 2 years ago

            >praising god for the gift of life isn't a responsibility to life; it's a responsibility to god
            It's both. Just like caring for a dog is both a responsibility to the dog AND to God.
            If you take care of your dog right, it lasts. If you worship right, your life lasts for eternity. I'm being toxis for sure, but what I say about this topic not being exactly right for you is meant honestly. I don't think you're really fit to understand things like these, from beginning till now everything in this thread reeks 2009 YouTube Skeptic talking points... in about 3 posts you're going to shift from "why would it be justified" to "what evidence does it have" and you'll pretend to argue for science...
            >I can live my whole life a happy man without praising god once

          • 2 years ago

            so if I'm not mistaken your stance is
            >ANY gift that requires taking care of is inherently a duty to god
            >life and afterlife are essentially the same thing
            if that's the case then there's no point arguing with you further because our beliefs differ on a fundamental level.
            suffice to say, you've failed to convince me.

          • 2 years ago

            >ANY gift ... is inherently a duty to god
            >life and afterlife are essentially the same thing
            No. They're both life though.
            >you've failed to convince me.
            That wasn't my task. My task was to expose how inconsistent you are. And that's been successful, although it may not be clear to you just now.

          • 2 years ago

            so is the gift of "life" that you speak of life on earth, the afterlife, or both?
            and if life on the whole is eternal then how could I possibly reject it, even if I were to kill myself on earth? I would just continue to live forever in hell, would I not?

          • 2 years ago

            >so is the gift of "life" that you speak of life on earth, the afterlife, or both?
            >So is the gift of "dog" that you speak of dog right now or dog that survives my treatement or both?
            >if life on the whole is eternal then how could I possibly reject it
            By making it finite.

          • 2 years ago

            >By making it finite
            by making what finite? you literally just agreed that life is eternal either way.
            I'm not trying to be pedantic by the way. I'm really just trying to understand your mindset.

          • 2 years ago

            I didn't agree it's finite "either way". I said you receive a gift and if you take care of it properly, it lasts. In case of a dog, for 20 years. In case of life, for eternity. But you can frick up both and end them within seconds if you so choose.

            Note that all this time we're really just discussing your pretense that we shouldn't call life a 'gift' because you don't like the logical conclusion of returning gifts.

          • 2 years ago

            returning gifts is fine
            you can't "return" life though
            god will send you to hell if you try, won't he?
            like with my dog analogy. what if I threatened to burn your house down if you if you said you'd give the dog away? then it seems less like a gift and more like an obligation, doesn't it?
            >But you can frick up both and end them within seconds if you so choose.
            so life's not eternal if you're a sinner then, is what you're saying, right? what is that alternative then? oblivion? or do you consider life in hell to not really constitute life then?

          • 2 years ago

            >god will send you to hell if you try, won't he?
            >so life's not eternal if you're a sinner then...?
            You'll suffer a second death after death. It's a rejection just fine.

          • 2 years ago

            and what comes after that second death? you haven't answered that yet.

          • 2 years ago

            Nothing. It's death.

          • 2 years ago

            is that it?
            what you're saying is I can enjoy life on earth completely ignorant of god without suffering any penalty as a mortal, go to hell for a bit or whatever after the first death, then fade into oblivion after the second?
            doesn't seem like such a bad deal to me. don't see why I'd have to kill myself over it either; not wanting to live forever and not wanting to live at all are two very different things in my opinion. but again, that's a fundamental difference between you and me I suppose.

          • 2 years ago

            >death? doesn't seem like such a bad deal
            Then as I was saying. Go on. Take your dog with you, it's not like life lasting longer is any value is it lol

          • 2 years ago

            fair enough

          • 2 years ago

            Oh shit lol atheists really gonn select themselves out of the gene pool because they argued themselves into "life isn't worth prolonging really"

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not an atheist, and I wasn't aware the afterlife had a gene pool
            again, life and the afterlife are two different concepts to me, even if they mostly overlap to you

          • 2 years ago

            So special pleading then. "Yes I love life, I enjoy it and I wouldn't cut it short, except for after the second coming, in which case I don't love life, I don't enjoy it and I would cut it short"... any logic behind it?

          • 2 years ago

            mortal life is worth living to me because it is interesting, entertaining even; there are always challenges, obstacles to overcome, always some way to improve myself both physically and mentally. there is also occassional joy that feels special precisely because it is contrasted against the suffering, and endless possibilities for things to create of my own accord, too. every day is a new unique experience, even if it isn't always an easy one.
            what's in heaven? eternal bliss? praise god for eternity? perhaps I misunderstand heaven but it just seems boring to me. when my time is done on earth I'd really rather just die than spend the rest of eternity in service to a higher power.

          • 2 years ago

            >no counter points
            >you are just stupid to understand ok?
            christcucks never change

          • 2 years ago

            Ironically, you were too stupid to understand the argument implied by the greentext.

  3. 2 years ago

    That's Zeus from Age of Mythology.

    • 2 years ago

      Yhwh is Jove so it checks out

  4. 2 years ago

    >waaaa why are we puny mortals in flimsy flesh bodies not treated the same as a timeless omnipotent entity that created the universe waaa

  5. 2 years ago

    >I don't like God's rules!
    Good luck with that.

  6. 2 years ago

    >gets hurt and suffers

  7. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Misquoted verse. It's [they] could not because [they] didn't fulfill Joshua 17.
      Such a shame, I really sense you were proud of the meme lol

  8. 2 years ago

    Yes god is evil.
    What are you going to do about it?

    • 2 years ago

      This position is so absurd.
      People prove God is evil, a hypocrite. You could prove the abrahamic god is actually an eldritch horror that decided to get himself followers by speaking into peoples heads.
      If you assume he is real (probably isn't) then you reasoned yourself into a hole no matter what you say about it.
      There is this omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent entity, you proved that is entity is what we could call evil. Now what? It's not going to go away. It's very clearly stated it will punish you horribly if you disobey it. It's a completely useless train of thought.
      What this proves is that god isn't omnibenevolent. And then on you can reach to "god don't real" or god lying, that latter just leaves you at the conundrum stated before.

  9. 2 years ago

    >doesn't seem like a very swell guy;
    suffice to say, you've failed to convince me.

  10. 2 years ago

    his world his rules

  11. 2 years ago

    >worship me because I'm so great or I'll make you suffer horribly
    there is no evidence of this.

  12. 2 years ago

    I think Zeus was more worried about banging human females and fathering demigods than wanting people to worship him though

  13. 2 years ago

    Christian arguments are so fricking pathetic holy shit

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