Would Alexander have conquered the civilized world?

Had he not been poisoned by his jealous generals, could he have done it? Crush Arabia, move to Northern Africa, take Carthage and then through Iberian peninsula to the Roman city states finally linking with western Macedon?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Nope. Overstretching on that scale would have opened himself up to peripheral tribes, states, or even rebellious vassals exploiting the fact that he cannot be at more than one place at once. In some of those cases, it would be severe enough to require his attention

    • 2 years ago

      And the more overstretched, the more of that you get, offering an endless cascade of distractions that would eventually collapse the whole thing. At some point you have to consolidate.

    • 2 years ago

      He had competent generals. He could position them around his empire

      • 2 years ago

        ya his generals werent interested in realms of their own at all. Thats why his heir took over a complete empire right? Right?

  2. 2 years ago

    Him conquering India would be one of the biggest monkey wrenches in history
    Just imagine an India having a Hellenistic period and establishes a direct trade route from India to Europe way before the Silk Road

    • 2 years ago

      The trade route were always there but afterthe fall of byzantium they were cut off from Christian Europe by islamic middle east. That's why the church told Columbus to go find trade routes to India but sent him through west instead of east.That's also the reason why he thought he was in India when he reached america and called them native Indians . This is also the time the trade routes connected from Iran to India and they had their golden age

  3. 2 years ago

    China would've destroyed Alexander.

  4. 2 years ago

    No, he just hijacked a large empire that was already collapsing. Impressive, but not earth shattering or deserving of the reputation he has. The Germanic barbarians did the same with Rome.

    • 2 years ago

      You wouldn't have reached guagamela keyboard boy

      • 2 years ago

        No, he just hijacked a large empire that was already collapsing. Impressive, but not earth shattering or deserving of the reputation he has. The Germanic barbarians did the same with Rome.

        I find his dad more impressive. He made the army picked the officers, created the phalanx, and even conquered Greece. Even planned the invasion of Persia. Alexander literally had it easy mode. Not to say he wasn't an amazing General. But would never put him in the same catagory as a Hannibal, or Ceaser.

  5. 2 years ago

    You do realize that all those Western nations had already formally agreed to be ruled by him?

    >>As he was returning to Babylon, from the distant shores of the ocean, he was acquainted that embassies from the Carthaginians, and other states of Africa, as well as from the Spains, Sicily, Gaul, and Sardinia, and some also from Italy, were waiting his arrival at that city. So powerfully had the terror of his name diffused itself through the world, that all nations were ready to bow to him as their destined monarch.


    • 2 years ago

      The Eastern nations wouldn't.

    • 2 years ago

      This is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Rome would never have given a shit. Gaul wouldn't even beleive whatever fairy tales reached them, much less Spain.

      • 2 years ago

        Hmmm who will I believe..
        Marcus Junianus Justinus
        Epitome of the Philippic History of Pompeius Trogus


        a moronic nobody on IQfy

        • 2 years ago

          Ya buddy everything Herodotus told us about history was 100% true, ignore all the nobodies on IQfy telling you anything different. Nice appeal to authority moron.

          He was believed to be divine.

          Every fricking monarch said they were at the time, it would be the exception not the rule.

          • 2 years ago

            Greeks encountered Gaditanian shipwrecks off the coast of Etyrea, and Gaditanian merchants (from Gades/Cadiz) were plentiful in Alexandria of Egypt, them caring about the East and Alexander doesn't seem strange, the only weird thing about this is Gauls caring, but Gauls at the time were expanding and a few decades later would found their own kingdom in the middle of Asia Minor so it's not that unfeasible for them to care

            When Eudoxus was returning from his second voyage to India the wind forced him south of the Gulf of Aden and down the coast of Africa for some distance. Somewhere along the coast of East Africa, he found the remains of a ship. Due to its appearance and the story told by the natives, Eudoxus concluded that the ship was from Gades (today's Cádiz in Spain) and had sailed south around Africa. This inspired him to attempt a circumnavigation of Africa

            >>And when he arrived safely in Egypt, inasmuch as Cleopatra no longer reigned but p381 her son in her stead, he was again deprived of everything, for it was discovered that he had stolen much property. But he brought the figure-head to the market-place and showed it to the shipmasters, and learned from them that it was a figure-head from Gades; for he was told that whereas the merchants of Gades fit out large ships, the poor men fit out small ships which they call "horses" from the devices on the prows of their ships, and that they sail with these small ships on fishing voyages around the coast of Maurusia as far as the river Lixus; but some of the shipmasters, indeed, recognized the figure-head as having belonged to one of the ships that had sailed rather too far beyond the Lixus River and had not returned home safely.

            And from the above-mentioned fact Eudoxus conjectured that the circumnavigation of Libya was possible, went home

    • 2 years ago

      He was believed to be divine.

  6. 2 years ago

    Not believable he could have even taken India. Not that he would be bested. But simply technology of the time could not sustain him that far away from home. Morale would continue to plummet, diseases that his troops weren't resistant too would become more prevelant. India would become his Russia.

  7. 2 years ago

    No. Having control of any stretch of conquered territory would've been impossible to administer. Given the corruption and dumbfricks throughout the region they would've balkanized and crumble in a short span.

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