write what's on your mind?


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  1. 12 months ago

    I won't bother visiting this board anymore, ChatGPT is just better at discussing books. There isn't really a point to be here.

    • 12 months ago

      Not even as a means to have fun, I'm probably somewhat sadistic, and I shouldn't indulge on baiting people and discussions.

    • 12 months ago

      >having a 'discussion' with a computer program
      Congrats, you're moronic and have no soul

  2. 12 months ago

    >reading the epic of Gilgamesh
    >(Gap of 9000 lines)

  3. 12 months ago

    I’m in a dead end career. I’ve wasted a few years in it now. I feel like a loser.

  4. 12 months ago

    I understand Hölderlin.

  5. 12 months ago

    >9 years old
    >ugly and awkward so don't have a ton of friends and hate going outside, dad constantly signs me up for sports but I'm miserably awful at all of them
    >playing some shitty Disney shovelware video game for ps1 in the living room
    >dad says to mom 'he came home just to fricking do this'
    >start crying and run to my bed, my mom spends the next hour or so trying to console me
    It took me many years to figure out my dad hated me but I think that was the first major clue

    • 12 months ago

      Well maybe if you werent such a spazz and could have been a son he would be proud of, he wouldnt have hated you.

    • 12 months ago

      I know that feel.
      It took me years to understand why my parents wasn't happy with me playing video games and watching anime all day instead of going out and having a girlfriend.

    • 12 months ago

      My dad is abusive for no absolute logical fricking reason and my mom just follow him because she don't want to get hurt.

      Idk man, sometimes shit just happen

    • 12 months ago

      I know that feel.
      It took me years to understand why my parents wasn't happy with me playing video games and watching anime all day instead of going out and having a girlfriend.

      Bizarrely my mom was the opposite. She was happy with me playing vidya all day during my school years and even my wage years because "at least I wasn't in the street", mingling with rowdy kids or prostitutes. She wasn't happy, however, when I stopped playing vydia and started to work on personal moneymaking projects all day, and tried to sabotage me constantly.

      • 12 months ago

        I think your mom was afraid of ending up alone. Even if your attention was on vidya, you were still near her.

  6. 12 months ago

    It's remarkable how quickly "to where" became an expression generally in use. I hear it everywhere now.
    >It's so bad, to where I can't take it anymore.
    Sounds fricking moronic to me. But in 5 years people will assume it has been a valid expression for eternity.

    • 12 months ago

      This has always been an expression

      • 12 months ago

        Maybe in uses like "got to where I was going," but not as a subordinating conjunction, the way people are using it nowadays.

        • 12 months ago

          Did you just crawl out from under a rock? People have always been using that phrase.

          • 12 months ago

            All earlier uses measured by this graph are false positives, being instances of "where" as the object of the preposition "to," not "to where" as a subordinating conjunction as I said. Even in recent years, "to where" is almost unattested in literature except extremely recent literature in an extremely vernacular register.

            It has no attestation in linguistic dictionaries that have tons of slang expressions in them, including rare ones, at least none that I can find. The only real mention of it I can find are relatively recent people commenting on Black folk using it:
            And they all say it's improper usage.

            I'm sure it's common usage in your dysgenic Black person bayou as of the last 14 years (your age) but that doesn't make it "common usage."

          • 12 months ago

            You're autistic to where you're moronic. Go outside more.

          • 12 months ago

            I accept your concession. I'm glad so many resources existed to where I could easily prove you're a moron who just says things without being able to substantiate them.

          • 12 months ago

            I accept your autism

  7. 12 months ago

    ---- Solaria ----

    Cars Compared To Fast Fashion.

    i've driven across
    Hundreds of miles of cold

    Where I'd be dead in minutes, but never have seen
    Anything terrifying in its implications as the Smoke of Canadian fires this year

    To Longevity, if you even care.

  8. 12 months ago


    Dunno if you're still here (but let's be real, where else would you go anyway, lol) but I think I know how you feel.
    I have accepted that I will not get everything that I want, and that if I had started earlier in life to do the things I do now everything would be much better, but there's no use in crying over the past.
    Besides, think about it this way: the clock is still ticking, in 10 years you could still be a hapless unfulfilled person or you could be closer to your ideal.
    It sounds cliche, but acceptance and being positive really go a long way.

  9. 12 months ago

    Whenever I see people making spontaneous decisions with zero regard for the consequences I get insanely jealous because I realize that could never be me. I've spent so much of my life playing it safe and just doing what my family expects me to do that I've never really lived what I've wanted to do, and I feel like I don't even know what that would be. I'm in a very stable position in a comfy job but life feels aimless.

    • 12 months ago

      I felt like being like this when I was still a kid, but then my family kept changing the goalpost and I said frick it, enough of this. You are everything I never wanted to be, I wouldn't really say it was definitely worth because I almost died a couple of times, and I almost got a friend killed by accident which would definitely turn out really fricking bad to me. But I don't really regret anything.
      There is still time, you have a job, just use your free time to do what you want, I don't think it would be that different if you haven't. Eventually everyone has to settle down and behave normally, or they end up dead at some point. I'm glad I haven't seen anyone die.

  10. 12 months ago

    I just wasted over 400 dollars on fetish items.

  11. 12 months ago

    I can't have penetrative sex with my gf because she has vaginismus. It's partly a body thing, partly a mental thing -- she was raped when she was a teenager. It really embarrasses her so we don't talk about it much, and she really wants to have penetrative sex too, but it just hurts too much to even practice with small plugs/dildos/whatever. I pretend like I'm cool with it but I'm tired of oral. We've been together for years and I'm really tired of all oral all the time.

    • 12 months ago

      That's terrible. Poor girl, I hope you're being supportive with her.
      Rub and kiss her clit, make her feel special and loved.

    • 12 months ago

      Have you tried taking ambien or xanax or something together so she can be relaxed? Or psychedelics can help break down some mental barriers.

    • 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      Trying to break myself out of the same pattern where I trick myself into thinking of one thing in my life changes everything will be fine afterwards.
      >once I finish my degree everything will be better
      >once I get a new job everything will be better
      >once I move into a house everything will be better

      Look into pelvic floor physical therapy

  12. 12 months ago

    Mechanised Isis repurposes female Zoroaster

    • 12 months ago

      >Mechanized Isis repurposes female Zoroaster

  13. 12 months ago

    During this past year or so, my life has made a remarkable upswing towards the beautiful, and ''the normal''. I have been blessed enough to stumble upon genuinely warm, good hearted, simple yet brilliant folks who have welcomed me with upon arms and treated me with a lot of respect for some miraculous reason. I found a bunch of guys who want to do good while enjoying a great deal of tomfoolery along the way ; dudes who can stop and admire God's immeasurable grace despite the numerous (at times lethal) issues which plague the environment surrounding them ; guys who are fully alive. I managed to find skills that i could devote myself to their learning processes with enthusiasm and an open heart. And as I keep smoothly sailing towards this isle of balance and tranquility, I am noticing myself becoming more of a Judgemental c**t.
    It may be a result of my own self hatred in regards to where i was (and where i still find myself falling into) as a person. Ever since i've gotten better, i became more likely to distrust a guy who is the complete opposite of my own lifestyle, whereas i would have gladly been receptive to hearing their side of things and lend an ear (and a hand, if i can) when i was down and out. To take one silly example that has sprung to mind right now, my immediate reaction upon witnessing a streamer's chat is repulsion, despite knowing that those pixels are mainly just kids who don't really realize what or why any of this is going on. I have become repulsed by most of the contemporary artists of my country, no matter the medium that they occupy. And worst of all, i have become less lenient with the socially awkward, ''outcast'' types of folks, especially those who are more on the disorderly, ''improper conduct'', loud & lashing out side of things than the shy and reserved ones. All kinds of pejoratives swarm around my head upon witnessing an unlucky middle aged dude sweat and fumble his own words when he tries to order a meal out in public, instead of having some compassion like a decent human being should. Same with seeing a clear shut-in have the guts to try too hard to be cool for once.
    Manners and conduct have become important metrics by which i measure someone's characters nowadays, and while that may be le based by some people's standards, deep down i am aghast at my own hypocritical cruelty. I really do not want to hate my fellow Anon, and i want to stop having these normalized reflexes. I fear becoming another one of those dads who screeches at his son for not being normal, a Wodehouseian caricature. I must not be the one who slams the wide doors of compassion shut in the face of those who deserve it the most. That's injustice. After all i have spent so much time pouring my heart out in these very threads. And yet I don't know how to reach that point. I suspect that this behavior stems from a perceived threat by those outcasts, that they might rock the boat of good health a little too hard and end up drowning us all. (cont.)

    • 12 months ago

      I am sorry if this paragraph has a very woe is me tone to it. I'm trying my best to articulate these feelings out, and this still remains the place I trust the most with this kind of spiel, because truthfully it still inhabits a special corner of the internet. These fears shake me to my core and have been keeping me up at night on a consistent basis. What if I am eternally guilty of the crime of reducing somebody's perspective of the world? I want to believe that I am doing this out of a desire to guide people towards the first hand experiences that have brought me the most transcendental joy and gratitude, but obviously there is a large footprint of egotism in possibly thinking that we all share common grounds on what we could find to be so soul-stirring. It is human nature to cling onto what we deem to be Right, and try to protect those precious grounds as much as possible, because you have to know that this is the way to go. It doesn't help that it gets extra validation by the largely accepted age old norms of this world. And that's the thing with getting older, you cement (or found to be cemented, depending on how you look at things) sharper lines between Right and Wrong. I don't know if this aversion to what could be seen as closed-mindedness is something legitimate or if it's just been drilled into my spirit by misguided folks. I really don't know if there is a necessary catch 22 between accepting the calm waters of the norm and tuning out the cries of those who are unable to fit in. Or if you automatically find yourself wanting others to be closely allied to you as you're getting more advanced in your years.
      Either way, I'll leave this wonderful piece of music here to ensure that you would at least get something worthwhile out of this diary dump : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXnjC3w6v60 I wish they would have followed this musical direction further in their career.

      • 12 months ago

        It's good that you're such a self-aware person, anon. A lot of people react without having that kind of reflection. I empathize somewhat with what you said because I've been finding myself dealing with the same feeling that I'm becoming more cemented in my views as I get older, and I don't like it. Unlike you, I'm becoming cemented in a frame of mind that is largely negative and inhibitive, and I sometimes surprise myself with my own reactions to things as well.

        It seems to me that people may sometimes adopt a more judgmental attitude toward others simply as a side effect of discovering the way of life that works best for them, as a reminder to themselves about how they should or should not live. Basically it's a mechanism of self-preservation. I have to imagine that this mechanism is also what causes a distrust in one group for an outsider's foreign belief system, for instance, or why the nerds in high school are ostracized. Social contagion serves an important purpose, by highlighting and punishing negative qualities, and reinforcing positive ones in a particular group. If that idea holds any merit then it's reasonable to think that you're experiencing the same impulse to reinforce the positive qualities of your life by being judgmental toward ways of life that you don't like or want to return to.

        The tension that exists for me, and it sounds like for you as well, is between the idea that there are infinite lives and ways of living, vs. the idea that there are certain truths about how one should live that can and should be applied broadly. As you get older the impulse seems to get stronger to think more in terms of the latter, which I think must be why many become more conservative with time. I'm still trying to figure out the balance, so I just do my best to exercise as much empathy as possible.

        • 12 months ago

          oops, I guess I meant quarantine instead of contagion.

  14. 12 months ago

    My family bothers me a lot sometimes

  15. 12 months ago

    I remember one time a friend of mine - not a particularly close friend, mind you - told me in anger about how she and her friend were fricking some guys on a roof top somewhere and a third guy secretly filmed them on his phone. She had a copy of the video and showed it to me, the whole time complaining about what a scumbag he was for recording it.

    • 12 months ago

      man it really turned her on, didn't it. why are women like this

      • 12 months ago

        There’s really no need for them to exist besides the procreation of the species, they’re deadweight otherwise

  16. 12 months ago

    I feel like I’ve spent my whole life trying to counteract the bad influence of my parents on my younger siblings, but age is showing me that it’s a losing battle.

    • 12 months ago

      You sound like my brother.
      He's the only one in my famil that turned out relatively normal and well adjusted, though he is prone to excessive pride.

  17. 12 months ago

    I'm really on the fence with antinatalism.
    Is it an intelligent decision or a cowardly one?
    The only reason I would have kids is so that they dedicate their lives to gathering power and money, so that their kids also do the same but to greater extents. Like the israelites or other families/dynasties that seem to only exist to grow stronger with each generation and culminate on people like Bezos or Musk.
    Most families I see don't seem to have any kind of purpose or goal whatsoever. They are like animals that just reproduce for no reason, or for emotional reasons that to me are downright dumb.
    But even saying this, I don't feel capable of dedicating my life to gathering resources. To really spend the rest of my life in the service of money and power and all the sacrifices it supposes just feels like too much. It's a high risk bet that might not ever pay off.
    Maybe the antinatalists are right and my kids will live to see nuclear war or get raped or turn into junkies. Maybe they are wrong and they'll become much more rich and powerful than I can imagine. Bringing another life without a purpose, just so they live so to speak, is completely out of the question. And the only goal worthy of pursuing (to me) is money and power.


    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        What? Why?

        • 12 months ago

          It is literally a cope. If you don't want to have children, at least be honest with yourself. You are an egotistical person that wants your life to be about yourself, that you don't want to be responsible for another being until it grows up, that you don't want to worry about children and you want to be able to be ok with the idea of dying, instead of being tormented with the idea that you have to be alive to be there for your children, or that you want to focus on something and having children wouldn't allow that. There are plenty of reasons to not have children, just be honest with yourself.

          • 12 months ago

            Because if you really want to have them, it is all about having them and giving all you got, and there is a good chance they will turn out ok, considering that you are educated enough to read some philosophical theory about having children or not. I don't think you are wiser by sticking to the possibility that it could all go wrong, most great things are about daring into something. And this isn't even something that daunting considering that most people did it in the past and the world is actually fine.

    • 12 months ago

      I mean, (You) definitely shouldn't have kids. So I wouldn't worry about it, Anon.

      • 12 months ago

        But why not?

        • 12 months ago

          >The only reason I would have kids is so that they dedicate their lives to gathering power and money
          >I don't feel capable of dedicating my life to gathering resources. To really spend the rest of my life in the service of money and power and all the sacrifices it supposes just feels like too much.
          >And the only goal worthy of pursuing (to me) is money and power.

          Do you see a problem here?

          • 12 months ago

            lol, good point.
            From my point of view, money and power require a very special kind of person, someone who is ballsy and ruthless besides being hard working and smart. I can give it my all and dedicate every waking money to get it, even if I fail. Maybe my kids would have a better shot at it as long as I can give them the tools to be better than me.

            Anon, the problem with antinatalism and childfree is that they want to be the child, not just that they don’t want to procreate. As less and less kids are born, it’s going to be weird seeing less and less family friendly spaces (but more “kids thing for adults”) and more people without any sort of filter for what’s appropriate language or behavior other than what’s socially convenient.

            Of course it's cowardly. You're making a decision out of pure fear. Besides, children are innocence. The kids as individuals do gradually "lose" it as they grow older, but the existence and the presence of innocence itself will continue on as long as children remain prevalent in the little world surrounding you. Their purity will lead them to a different understanding of the world, they will see things that you cannot see. That's the thing with this life anon, your perception will always be limited, and when you're trying to tackle something on this large of a scale, you are doomed to get humbled the hard way. What do you value?

            I see the point here, but you're not seeing mine.
            I don't aim to be a kidult homosexual buying funko pops and having furbaby cats and shit, and as far as "the innocence of the world" goes, that sounds to me like one of those dumb emotional reasons to have kids.
            I see the world as a really ruthless place. Most families I see on the streets are doomed to be slaves of better families with smarter and more capable people. In the case of my family, all the people that came before me had a really fricking rough time, but in the end it all paid off: I was lucky to be born in the circumstances I was born into, but I haven't really done much to make it better (or to even make it last in the long run).
            >What do you value?
            Money, and the power that comes with it.
            More and more I see that if you don't have clams, you don't have shit. If my parents and my grandparents hadn't wanted more out of life, I wouldn't even know this language.

            Anons, don't reason with people like this.

            Antinatalism is, at best, severe weakness and cowardliness of the mind and will, and at worst, brain damage. Don't encourage these people with these traits to reproduce. Allow social selection to take its course--in a generation or two, things will be much improved because of it.

            You may be right, but I need to hear more from the "antinatalism is cowardice" side than just homosexualy insults. Why do you even want to reproduce? What's your goal? Do you even have one (or do you not need one)?
            I'm not even really speaking from the "what if le bad thing" happens side, I'm speaking merely from the "what is the fricking point if you don't have a plan" side.

    • 12 months ago

      Anon, the problem with antinatalism and childfree is that they want to be the child, not just that they don’t want to procreate. As less and less kids are born, it’s going to be weird seeing less and less family friendly spaces (but more “kids thing for adults”) and more people without any sort of filter for what’s appropriate language or behavior other than what’s socially convenient.

      • 12 months ago

        Of course it's cowardly. You're making a decision out of pure fear. Besides, children are innocence. The kids as individuals do gradually "lose" it as they grow older, but the existence and the presence of innocence itself will continue on as long as children remain prevalent in the little world surrounding you. Their purity will lead them to a different understanding of the world, they will see things that you cannot see. That's the thing with this life anon, your perception will always be limited, and when you're trying to tackle something on this large of a scale, you are doomed to get humbled the hard way. What do you value?

        Anons, don't reason with people like this.

        Antinatalism is, at best, severe weakness and cowardliness of the mind and will, and at worst, brain damage. Don't encourage these people with these traits to reproduce. Allow social selection to take its course--in a generation or two, things will be much improved because of it.

      • 12 months ago

        Are you fricking stupid? Do you even realize how many authors and prominent people in history never had kids?

    • 12 months ago

      Of course it's cowardly. You're making a decision out of pure fear. Besides, children are innocence. The kids as individuals do gradually "lose" it as they grow older, but the existence and the presence of innocence itself will continue on as long as children remain prevalent in the little world surrounding you. Their purity will lead them to a different understanding of the world, they will see things that you cannot see. That's the thing with this life anon, your perception will always be limited, and when you're trying to tackle something on this large of a scale, you are doomed to get humbled the hard way. What do you value?

  18. 12 months ago

    It's really difficult at the end of the day to not just turn on tbe tv and drink for a few hours until I'm tired enough to sleep. I have this deep craving for alcohol and it's entirely fueled by boredom.

  19. 12 months ago

    I can’t believe people go through this. I don’t like anything. I can’t even conceptualize something that I would enjoy or a future that I would be content with. Idk. I’m deep in the pit I guess. Surely others have been here but they most likely killed themselves. Maybe this is it. I guess the only move next is to kill oneself.

    • 12 months ago

      people aren't supposed to really conceptualize things. you do first, and then you ponder. what's the last thing you've done?

      • 12 months ago

        >what's the last thing you've done?
        Re-reading The Dvine Comedy. Don’t think i’ll finish it. I remember reading it when I was much younger and I couldn’t put it down. Now I’m forcing myself to try to do something in the hopes I will enjoy it.

    • 12 months ago

      There as well. Which is funny because i never lost the ability to daydream before (in my previous depressive episode). Iy was one of my chosen cope mechanisms.
      I interpret this as having neuroplastically wedged myself into a wallow pattern. Because every day i have the same stale stupid thoughts and i ruminate and ruminate and ruminate and for fricking what? Im actively training all my cognitive processes to chew on inane non problems.

      • 12 months ago

        >Im actively training all my cognitive processes to chew on inane non problems.

  20. 12 months ago

    Did you ever think about how there's a comic character named Cathy who says ack and there's a writer named Kathy Acker

  21. 12 months ago

    Sometimes I feel like the only sane person on earth. And that's nuts because I know how crazy I am. Maybe what makes me sane -- I see that I'm moonstruck .

    Every writhing, clawing, crawling soul just wants somebody to care for them. To tend to their silent aches in the hollow night. I'm no different. Except I don't make it into dramaturgical event. I won't writhe, claw, crawl in your sweating anxious face, like everyone around me does.

    You come across some really damaged specimens out there. It's only then that I realize how good I truly was.

    • 12 months ago

      You mixed up your singular and plural. Post discarded

      • 12 months ago

        You mixed your thinking you're clever with being stupid. To imagine, to fathom for a single instant, that such a grammatical scrounger walks this earth. To think that someone lacking in any ability themselves except for the prudish schoolmistress's eye for correct spelling, can pass so confident and final judgement, really makes you want to take a swill of the ole scotch and question just what sort of species you were born into. All of this happening under indifferent, blinking stars. Makes you wonder what sort of God put on this macabre circus. None that I'd care pray to.

        • 12 months ago


  22. 12 months ago

    I just jacked off to this really hot video of some twink in a straigtjacket who had some teen girl's elbow hooked around his neck getting jacked off by the girl. It honestly is one of the hottest things Ive ever seen and one of the biggest "I wish that were me" moments of my life.

  23. 12 months ago

    I feel hopelessly stuck and like I'm withering, wasting away without hope. Everything seems futile not because it's uninteresting, but because I always seem to fail no matter what. Sometimes I have moments where the lies I tell myself vanish and I go berserk bawling and crying before I lie to myself again, just for the process to repeat itself. I hate this and I want to get better but I have no clue how.

  24. 12 months ago

    >I sat there minding my own business while this spastic moron kept replying to my posts. I've seen enough and heard enough. I'd rather the wienerroaches in my run down flat keep me company. Then I put it together right then and there. He'd have nothing worth a dime or nickel to contribute. It was the deaf, dumb and blind shouting directions. You know the type. They always have something to say, but somehow say nothing at all. I suppose it tickles whatever rotten, charred piece of meat pumps blackened blood through their leprous fleshbags, but there's no mistaking a bad smell once you catch a whiff. Just another lonely, hateful, immaterial aspect of this cruel world, a phantom that scampers around in the corridors of the most banal of nightmares. I had enough.

    • 12 months ago
  25. 12 months ago

    I hated university. I hated living in the dorms. It was an all around miserable experience. It felt like a prison sentence to me. I was trapped on the same small campus day in and day out, no freedom, no outlets, nothig intetesting. I dropped out and enroleld in a community college. After that I really started to grow. I began to "find myself" and meet people and do things. Only afer I escaped the unviersity did my life become interesting. But I keep hating myself for dropping out. I have this feeling that I was supposed to have a great time in the dorms. Everyone told me so. And I've so deeply internalized this idea of a "college experience" that I feel like I missed something, even though I never wanted that thing. It really haunts me. I know I'm being irrational. But I cant make the feeling go away.

  26. 12 months ago

    fricked a nice b***h last night

    • 12 months ago

      how nice was she?

  27. 12 months ago

    I used to be much more grounded, laid back. A generally chill individual. Conflict and confrontation ran off my back. Zero impact. But now im sat wringing my hands, impotently conjuring bloody arguments with people. My self esteem is nonexistent, so brain keeps twisting itself into knots trying to wrestle a measure of posthumous control over a perceived slight to my already shaken core.
    Escapism doesn’t help curb this sudden sensitivity. The insecurity is there. And what to do about it? You cannot create something out of nothing. Affirmations can only work in small inconstant, unsustainable bursts. The model by which you navigate the world is pruned via lived experience.

    I’m filled with punitive rage and revulsion towards my “friend”.

  28. 12 months ago

    My dream is to be well-off and highly respected in my field but anonymously. If not anonymously, then as close to anonymous as I could possibly get. I want to be the man everyone's read, everyone's heard of, everyone talks about, but no one's met. I want to be begrudgingly respected by those dislike me. I want to be seen as singular and irreplaceable.

  29. 12 months ago

    What do you like/dont like regarding guy clothing?

    • 12 months ago

      >caring what w*men think
      They cry on average 4 times a week, dude

      • 12 months ago

        Do they really cry?

    • 12 months ago

      Fricking cargo long shorts. No one wants to see your calves if you won’t go all the way and bare your thighs (hnng).
      Anything is bound to look shit on you if you slouch. More wisdom to mommy if she racked you on your proto-hunch. Long coats look IQfy as frick on moids, idk why they trudge around in those goofy fricking poofter jackets. The north something. Good on you for endorsing a Black person brand you catamites. Any scrote with nut colored skin is bound to dress like the wienerroach that he is. Cummy scroitoids who dress like school teachers, in flannel and goofy specs and backpacks are absolutely hysterical. Keep up the act, Kings.

      • 12 months ago

        how do you hate cleezys but not those y2k shorts? moron

  30. 12 months ago

    I'm developing romantic feelings for a prostitute I'm seeing

    She couldn't make me nut tonight and I lied and said it's because I'm really stressed and tired from work, but I actually just wanted to hang out with her and cuddle non-sexually. She plays the violin, speaks 4 languages, lifts weights and is beautiful, but she's a big time fricking prostitute. I think I'm just hungry and sleep deprived

    • 12 months ago

      You’re such a fricking sap.

      • 12 months ago

        I'm a sensitive young man

        I used to avoid sleeping with women frivolously because I didn't want to add to their number. But this now offends and frightens them if you even suggest it to them, because it implies that "men care about such things." I've had women get very angry with me for suggesting that we not have meaningless drunk sex because it would be cheapening them. Women aren't doing so hot.

        Reminds me of Jesse Lee Peterson calling women "bawds" and men "bawd makers" lol

  31. 12 months ago

    The average woman's body count (horrible term btw) is 10 times higher than reported.

    • 12 months ago

      I used to avoid sleeping with women frivolously because I didn't want to add to their number. But this now offends and frightens them if you even suggest it to them, because it implies that "men care about such things." I've had women get very angry with me for suggesting that we not have meaningless drunk sex because it would be cheapening them. Women aren't doing so hot.

  32. 12 months ago

    In the same way that men cannot truly understand how women often feel unsafe dating, women cannot truly understand that men do not have easy access to sex.

  33. 12 months ago

    The ultimate goal of the modern world and its ringleaders is to create the global citizen, who ensures the continuation of the power and systems and pleasures of the financial-managerial rulers, through his inability to challenge it.
    The global citizen is a who is a slave, yet does not realize it. Should he realize it, he isn't life affirming enough to feel he deserves better. Should he escape this mindset, he cannot pinpoint the source of this servitude or its methods. Should he uncover this truth, he is mislead to a variety of non-solutions for which to impotently engage in. Should he realize this is merely theatre, he cannot fathom a true solution himself. Should he, against the odds of his drug-addled and dopamine fried brain, discover a solution to the world, he is too afraid to even begin enacting it due to any amount of physical pain being unimaginable. Should he rise above this fear, he will struggle to find a single person willing to speak to him, let alone agree with him. Should he manage to find lucid compatriots within the behavioral sink, they would lack the physical constitution to carry out their plans. Should they shed their weak and misshapen bodies, they cannot access the tools or the funds required. Finally, this atomized individual cursed with clarity of thought, may realize they haven't a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction to change his world, and chooses to escape, only, there will be nowhere for him to go. His life, if he could said to be living, had ended from the moment of birth.
    Mankind and his endless stories and achievements, are retroactively mocked for having ever tried, in this pathetic endgame of existence. The human being reduced to a pleasure seeking slug, cultureless, rootless, ugly, mindless, only intelligent enough to push buttons needed to maintain the malicious machine.
    It is well that such an abhorrence could not fully begin, let alone last, before the demons have their hubris corrected by the laws of nature.

    • 12 months ago

      I enjoyed that

  34. 12 months ago

    I'm not sure whether I understand the idea of the freedom of speech. Ideological discourse always happens within an overton window that moves whichever way the powers that be pull it, there can never ever be a state where it is actually free and consequence-free to say literally everything. Considering this, shouldn't it be called something like "the freedom of the speech of the groups who push for the freedom of speech"? People only ever mean the freedom of their speech when they whine about the lack of the freedom of speech, never that of the people they disagree with. I guess freedom in general is a slippery concept like that, it is always one's freedom from something that is meant by it rather than freedom in general.

  35. 12 months ago

    I'm. Drunk as It gets
    I will always be a sad man.

    • 12 months ago

      Why are you say?

  36. 12 months ago

    I need some advice, and you guys seem to be slightly more well-adjusted than other boards.
    I currently have a decent career in education, and I love interacting with my students and it's fun working with my coworkers. However, I still sometimes dream of status and money. Should I pursue an additional career (e.g. management), at the cost of my own free time, stress, and money? I'm also afraid that going this route will take me further away fron the things I like in my job (the kids and my colleagues). I love my life the way it is at the moment, I have time for my wife, friends, and hobbies, but the idea of earning more and more is still there sometimes.
    What advice do you guys have?

    • 12 months ago

      Time and serenity are so much more important than money

      It's a little cliche and cringe, but you know the story of the fisherman and the businessman, right?

      • 12 months ago

        Double-edged sword. As you grow older you regret the things you didn't do or didn't say more than the things you did, but that usually comes into play in situations like love, family, and more specific goals or dreams (like seeing the ocean, having children, or telling someone all the things you've been holding back)
        On the other hand, greed is a beast that gets hungrier the more you feed it, and the best way to be content is to just be content. Grateful and appreciative for what you have rather than wistful for what you don't. You can cherish anything with enough love.
        Spend more time doing more things with your wife or think about having a child/children of your own. Greatly deepens your bond and you'll be amazed at how much love it's possible for you to feel. It's also almost a way to live life twice. The first few years are shitty but after that it is a literal lifetime of happiness and fulfillment

        Thanks guys, I appreciate it. I can always continue my studies at a later time, I'm still young and I'm choosing to enjoy my life at the moment

    • 12 months ago

      Double-edged sword. As you grow older you regret the things you didn't do or didn't say more than the things you did, but that usually comes into play in situations like love, family, and more specific goals or dreams (like seeing the ocean, having children, or telling someone all the things you've been holding back)
      On the other hand, greed is a beast that gets hungrier the more you feed it, and the best way to be content is to just be content. Grateful and appreciative for what you have rather than wistful for what you don't. You can cherish anything with enough love.
      Spend more time doing more things with your wife or think about having a child/children of your own. Greatly deepens your bond and you'll be amazed at how much love it's possible for you to feel. It's also almost a way to live life twice. The first few years are shitty but after that it is a literal lifetime of happiness and fulfillment

  37. 12 months ago

    I missed the flirting edition?
    Anyways it's crazy how badly porn has fricked young men, and the easiest way to tell is the fact that talking face-to-face with a 19-year-old girl not like an autist and with proper eye contact is enough to make them wet

    • 12 months ago

      >not like an autist
      Dont put more salt into my wounds.

      • 12 months ago

        How hard is it to say things like "How was your weekend?" and then listen and converse honestly?

        • 12 months ago

          Its not that hard if theres no interest in girl. I become an autist when theres interest.

          • 12 months ago

            Lots of guys have this issue, just be a little brave and optimistic. Confidence means you might fail, but a lack of confidence means you will fail

          • 12 months ago

            Hard to be confident with zero experience but I'll try. Im between hammer and anvil, both lying and saying truth hurts.

          • 12 months ago

            There's one way to get experience, good on you for finding some resolve

          • 12 months ago

            In the worst of circumstances I'm a smooth talker, but I've got a body made for radio. Face is good too. Sometimes I get rather more than I want, and make rather too much of it.

          • 12 months ago

            >Sometimes I get rather more than I want, and make rather too much of it.
            What do you mean?

          • 12 months ago

            Fantasy. I get a lot of mileage out of memory of erotic encounters.

          • 12 months ago

            garden variety

    • 12 months ago

      >Still blaming porn for internet/screen addiction.

  38. 12 months ago

    ---- Solaria ----
    Sonority Damask

    I suppose it depends on how you use occasions like this,
    Recordings one recurs to almost automatically.

  39. 12 months ago

    You know I’m so thankful i was born Muslim. The rigid system of values and the vehicular culture of shame enforcing it is just enough to curb my innate, impulsive, self sabotaging self. I mean fricking imagine regular ole bpd moi with access to everything and no staunch moral fiber. Frick’s sake id have been a heroin fiend by now.

    • 12 months ago

      I suppose it depends on where you grew up. Where i did I could come and go without concern, and even now, when I think about, it's kind of astonishing. Neither of my parents were anything of fhe helicopter kind, permissive almost beyond belief, and it never did me any harm.

      • 12 months ago

        It depends on some secret third thing other than environment or upbringing. My parents raised the kids in my family (8) the same as you, and I'm the only one who never got into bad crowds or disobeyed my parents. I did and still do hold a very strong Christian faith, though

        • 12 months ago

          Neither me nor my father ever used the word "obedience" except with vague and insinuating contempt.

          • 12 months ago

            Neither did mine. I just read "obey thy mother and father" and just accepted when they told me no, and did what they told me to do.
            It was at a level where as a teen I'd tell them I'd be going to a house party where people were drinking to make some money and make sure my friends got back safe as a DD, and they'd just tell me to call them if they need anything

          • 12 months ago

            When I was 8, a friend and I went about 10 miles by bike just to see the City. A concerned citizen noticed us in a restaurant, and after a short conversation and phone calls, my mom dispatched a cab to take us home. She wasn't the slightest bit mad about any of it.

          • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            It was a different time. It must have been around 1971.

  40. 12 months ago

    It is over, everything is finished, collapse is iminent

  41. 12 months ago

    There is a stark and interesting difference between the tone and contents of the IQfy wwoym threads and those on IQfy.

  42. 12 months ago

    When i go on LinkedIn and see people with perfect, beautiful progression in education creds, career. I heave a sigh. Very aesthetic. But mostly, these people show a stauncher countenance to mine. Able to sustain pressure without self destructing like i did.

  43. 12 months ago

    In the afterlife, all fiction made real in one big shared crossover universe. Where are you going first?

  44. 12 months ago

    I’m such a fricking idiot for not finishing my graduate program when I was still in my twenties.

  45. 12 months ago

    My guitar and amp got stolen. Have to garner up the money for a replacement

    • 12 months ago

      Just steal some othet shmucks rig.

      • 12 months ago


  46. 12 months ago

    My current theories for why i am currently suffering from rapid memory degradation when im only 25
    A. Symptomatic of clinical depression (which i know i have)
    B. Neurological degeneration due to meagre lexapro use which id tapered off of two years ago (i was literally only on 10mg for 18 months)
    C. I have ADD and the loss of outside structure revealed my insectoid-esque subpar executive abilities
    D. I have rapid onset alzheimer’s (lol, lmao even)
    E. I have a brain tumor (i wish my days on this earth were that numbered)

    • 12 months ago

      I forgot
      G. I’ve spent the majority of my life maladaptively daydreaming/dissociating. Hence the lack of significant, firm identity and memories

    • 12 months ago

      Are you vegan or anything where your diet is restricted?

      • 12 months ago

        Yes, vegan crudivore keto diet.

        • 12 months ago

          Sounds like you fricked up by not having supplements. B12 and b1 are probably too low

      • 12 months ago

        No. My diet is pretty healthy. I exercise every day. Memory is crap. Entire gaps in my consciousness.
        It’s nothing, but i might go for a lil cheeky self indulgent mri

        • 12 months ago

          Get your thyroid checked too.
          It's more of a long shot it's b12 if you're eating fish and red meat regularly but some people don't absorb it well even if they're meat eaters.
          You can get both of those checked with a blood test. It's probably cheaper and quicker than an MRI

  47. 12 months ago

    I wonder how am I gonna look like in 20 years.

  48. 12 months ago

    >cant grow a decent beard
    >cant go clean shaven
    worst of both worlds

    • 12 months ago

      Lose weight and get a decent haircut. Fix your underbite. Practically any man has a nice looking jawline with no maladaptive oral conditions and a low bf%

      • 12 months ago

        Im losing weight but I still have simpsons chin.

      • 12 months ago

        Actually good advice. I lost 10 pounds, cut off my stupid kurt cobain hair, shaved my pube looking facial hair, and discarded the autism shoes for something less offensive and now I get tons of compliments

        • 12 months ago

          what haircut did you get?

          • 12 months ago

            Comb over with a fade, basically. But it looks best when the fade grows in a bit. The comb over rests just above my eyebrows

  49. 12 months ago

    The Anabasis is pure, unfiltered kino

  50. 12 months ago

    Gathered in the building were the celebrants, dressed in red and gold robes; in their middle was the altar. Atop it knelt the inquirer, dressed in a loose dress of purple, breathing heavily, her face flushed. At this point the leader of the group came forward, in red with a gold stole across the shoulders and bearing a winecup full of some dark drink which the inquirer's eyes locked on to immediately.
    In measured steps, the leader approached her, the gathered celebrants opening their ranks to let him pass. Raising one hand to gesture obscurely and the other to bring the winecup high, the leader asked in excited tones what was it the inquirer wanted. She replied that she wanted it. The leader's eyebrows raised and he asked would she give in. She replied yes she wanted to give in and become a celebrant she wanted to celebrate the rituals. Again the leader asked if she wanted it and the inquirer said yes I want it yes yes YES I want to do it I want to give in I want it yes YES. The leader motioned all present to gather near, drew close to the inquirer, and held the winecup to a point straight above the inquirer's head, as her eyes followed it and her mouth parted slightly. Then we will allow you to celebrate intoned the leader we will witness you taking it in to yourself. Slowly he brought the cup down to rest its edge on the inquirer's full lower lip, where the reflected light of the room splintered and danced off the surface of the contents as his hand trembled slightly. The inquirer, the moment come round at last, reached a slender hand to the cup and tipped it upwards and swallowed in long gulps and then turned it down and set it on the altar, trembling herself now. A low whimper escaped the inquirer's throat and her eyes closed. The gathered celebrants raised their arms upwards and thanked their various deities for the bounty they had reaped, as the leader smiled a very wide smile and put his hands on the new celebrant's shoulders and whispered something in her ear.

  51. 12 months ago

    My only option is become charismatic but that seems like you either have it or not.

    • 12 months ago

      you can. if you read the steve jobs biography by isaacson, it covers how jobs learned from some rich culty guy he met at reed. the book the charisma myth covers some of it. basically "executive presence" training teaches it. some people obviously naturally have it, but like anything ambitious people will learn it if it helps them reach their goals.

      • 12 months ago

        do you consider yourself charismatic?

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            why did you delete the previous reply with using steve jobs trick?

  52. 12 months ago

    Is manga literature?

  53. 12 months ago

    I am so fricking moronic and I don't know what to do. I can't for the fricking life of me read Kant, Schopenhaur, Wittgenstein, Nietzsche etc. I can understand their shit fairly well from things like lectures etc. but I can not for the life of me make sense of what the frick they are saying in their books. Their vocab. phrasing and overall prose is so fricking weird and obtuse. Then I could read Plato fine, completely fine as well as Junger and Joyce but these philosophers are just filtering me like frick. I understand the philosophy of Wittgenstein, Nietzsche, Schopenhaur etc but I can't read them because I'm obviously moronic and don't know what to do.

  54. 12 months ago

    Lately I've been taking my coffe with me to the toilet to help me shit

  55. 12 months ago

    I can't turn my life around. I can't even put a finger on what is my problem.
    I'm simply innately ridiculous. Pulling out my car and notice a girl smirking at me. Why was she smirking? Does my face just naturally look weird? Or maybe it was something in my bodily expression.
    There's nothing worse than to be ridiculous.
    People sometimes think I'm a foreigner, Swedish maybe, because of my name. It sounds like a fake name. Etymologically it means "man who lives in the hills ... or troll". My last name means a strawman or peasant...
    I once overheard someone describe me as unintentionally hilarious.
    Some embrace their own absurdity make it part of their charm, but then it's charming only because the ridiculousness is cultivated and intentional.
    To be unintentionally ridiculous, at best others may look at you as they look at a bumbling child.
    Thinking maybe I should move back into my parents. Can't seem to make it out here on my own.
    Even just trying to find an apartment is difficult. Went to this one place and now I don't know what I did, but they're quietly rejecting me.
    Wanted three paychecks. I told them I only have one cause I just started but provided my bank statement. They tell me this isn't enough that I need an offer letter from my employer. Employer tells me they don't do offer letters...
    Get the impression they don't believe me or are just trying to get rid of me. No one ever believes me despite me never doing anything bad to anyone.
    They can see on my bank statement that I've more than enough to rent for a year. I think I somehow pissed off the girl at the front desk by being so silent.
    I need to make some radical change to my life, but coming out here to the west was supposed to be that change. And I've wasted it.
    And I haven't changed at all. I'm still the same frightened child I was in college wasting my day hiding out in my shell. Browsing IQfy all day. The next day blurs into the previous.
    Maybe I should take a vacation to South America.

    • 12 months ago


      For anyone genuinely suffering from this problem:

      Be around people, even if it's just at the park, or sitting at a starbucks. Bring a book and/or laptop. Absorb the room, watch people (discreetly). Do this every day for an hour or two.

      Quit porn... maybe once every few weeks if it's absolutely necessary. People, especially women, can see the licentiousness in your eyes. Things you do are reflected by your countenance in subtle ways. Liars and thieves know each other, as do drug addicts.

      Look yourself over in the mirror. Make the facial expressions you might make in conversation. Look at your clothes. Don't agonize over it, but if there are any glaring issues, try to sort them out over the next few weeks.

      most guys in this situation are under-socialized and plagued with bad habits and/or addictions. people are very sensitive to the small cues they perceive to be unusual or weird. it's a survival instinct to keep them away from individuals with broken minds, but today many otherwise normal people exhibit these weird unusual traits because of the lifestyles they've been siphoned into. it takes work, but it can be overcome.

  56. 12 months ago

    I took five cups of coffee this morning and feel like a fricking cartoon character right now.

    • 12 months ago

      I wanna get fricked up on coffee.
      Would you recommend it?h8y8py

      • 12 months ago

        get reign energy instead. it has 300mg of caffeine per can and coq10.

        • 12 months ago

          Is monster good? That's all I know.

          • 12 months ago

            it's ok, it has less caffeine, about 180mg depending on flavor, and taurine which can boost testosterone, but some flavors have artificial coloring while reign is clear as water. reign is better, but monster is probably cheaper. reign is actually owned by monster energy. rockstar has a reign equivalent called rockstar x-durance but it's harder to find in stores, probably have to order it.

          • 12 months ago

            for completeness i should add rockstar is owned by pepsi. just in case you want to look at their stocks. i don't think coke ever brought a successful energy drink to market.

    • 12 months ago

      Hell yes try some. Coffee makes me a god.
      Sometimes after I drink a cup I'll go on a hike and just keep walking for miles and miles. Other times whatever I'm doing it will make me hyper-fixate on something.
      I'm drinking french roast black right now after a 2 day break from coffee it's so good. Bitter tasting in good way, smells great, and makes me more sociable and interesting.
      You will shit your guts out but it's all worth it in the end.

  57. 12 months ago

    im glad was born

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        coz im not really glad

  58. 12 months ago

    I have stage 4 mitosis.

    • 12 months ago

      You are your own grandma?

      • 12 months ago

        I'm my own grandma.

  59. 12 months ago

    I only go on IQfy to enter random thread and call a random IQfygay a Black person

  60. 12 months ago

    Ah, a sweet girl, so willing and so excitable. Beautiful untouched parts. Too bad I live in the middle of nowhere. Colonization was a mistake, we should never have stranded far from Europe.

  61. 12 months ago

    Why are people still hiring writers instead od just using AI?? I genuinely don’t understand why anyone wouldn’t go for the cheaper and more readable option

  62. 12 months ago

    I am working on quotes supposed to come of as sounding profound at a quick glance, what do you guys think about
    >history is nothing important. or perception of it on the other hand...

  63. 12 months ago

    A good week. There's a black guy who works the door at my office building, and I always do an incredibly awkward little nod/smile of acknowledgement when I walk past him in the mornings. I was worried he thought it was because I was weird around black people. But then on Friday I went down at lunchtime to the little building cafe, because I had forgotten to bring a sandwich with me that morning, and he was standing in the lobby while I very awkwardly ordered a panini from the milfy Latvian lady who works there. So now he knows it's just a general social problem I have, and not a specific racial animus.

    • 12 months ago

      >I was worried he thought I was racist, of course I am, but that's besides the point

    • 12 months ago

      >I was worried he thought I was racist, of course I am, but that's besides the point

      quality writing

  64. 12 months ago

    Me just happy robot
    Live on hill of beans
    You and I cut from same cloth
    Rippin' at the seams
    Cut, snip, cut

    Don't forget to remember
    The devil's got pills in his eyes
    Look, laugh, but don't touch
    Cut you down to size
    Cut, up, cut
    Cut, up, cut

    You would know

  65. 12 months ago

    I'm a poet, though I've never written a poem. It's a way of seeing and of being.

    Can anyone else relate?

    • 12 months ago

      I am a mathematician, though I've never proved a theorem. It's a way of seeing and of being

      • 12 months ago

        That's a bad analogy

        just regular seeing and being is pretty incredible. you don't have to be called a poet to justify that, brother.

        I guess it's regular for me, but for regular people it's extraordinary. Like the other day at the bar this girl was sad because of the Titanic sub accident, but I told her these people should be envied. They died a beautiful death in a place very few people will go, pushing their limits. I asked her how she would die. In hospice, shitting herself, numb on opiates? She couldn't understand

    • 12 months ago

      just regular seeing and being is pretty incredible. you don't have to be called a poet to justify that, brother.

    • 12 months ago

      Kinda. I've always felt like I'm made of the same metaphysical raw material that poets and artists get moulded out of. But I've never written a line and I've had limited practical contact with the arts. Life just went a different way. Just because the potential is there doesn't mean it is necessarily realized. Quite the opposite, sadly. But whenever I read a good poet or meet artistic types IRL I feel an instant kinship.

  66. 12 months ago

    I feel good right now not because of any phony release of endorphins from a drug, but from my own pure state of existence.

    • 12 months ago

      I have no idea how this feels. Im only happy when either drinking or being with a woman

  67. 12 months ago

    I just had a novel idea. Why, why do i need to be better than other people? I can literally just… be..

  68. 12 months ago

    Philosophy makes people argumentative.

    • 12 months ago

      No it doesn't, idiot. It makes them cooperative.

  69. 12 months ago

    Did the israelites influence Plato? Or did Plato influence the israelites?

    • 12 months ago

      It is much more likely that Judaism and israeli literature was influenced by Greek culture than the other way around - after all, Greek culture and language enjoyed a status of ’cultural imperialism’ and had a very far-reaching influence around the Mediterranean already in 600's BCs. But, I think they currently believe that at least parts of the Torah were written already in the pre-Babylonian period, before 700BC, and that the Hebrew Bible was assembled during the 4th century, so exactly at the same time as Plato and Aristotle were working. So, seems chronologically unlikely that Plato’s philosophy could have influenced the core texts of Judaism. Later israeli intellectual tradition on the other hand was certainly heavily influenced by Classical Greek philosophy - like any Mediterranean/European thought has been ever since.

      • 12 months ago

        Didnt Greek philosophy and mysticism originate from the same Egyptian and Babylonian mysteries that the israelites derived from?

  70. 12 months ago

    bros how do you cheer yourselves up when you're feeling down?
    i'm so lonely

    • 12 months ago

      Read, drink, smoke bogues. Talk to your woman or try and find a woman to talk to. Pretty much all I do. Sometimes its enough sometimes not. Sometimes you just have to sit with it bro.

    • 12 months ago

      It's hard to be in high spirits if you're unhealthy. Make sure to eat well, exercise, drink coffee.

      When you're healthy, joyful and smiling you become magnetic and light up the room. You will make friends easily

    • 12 months ago

      Liquor, true crime documentaries, dead-heading petunias growing in big planters, driving about 85 to 90 on rural interstates, listening to lush music using HD 600s. Can't say that I'm lonely, exactly, but I miss urban life like you wouldn't believe, despite my overall preference for rural tranquility. Big cities can be like small towns from a certain point-of-view: I somehow ended up on a long Uber ride with a old gal who hosted a radio show on WCKG AM that I listened to as a teenager. Even more weirdly, a neighbor of mine used to work for Chicago's WFMT.

      • 12 months ago

        *I omit a whole lot more. Doxx b***hes be damned.

    • 12 months ago

      Lift weights, play vidya with bros, play basketball, read, draw, have sex (provided I can actually do so on the last one)

      Distraction is not a solution but is an acceptable coping mechanism at times.

  71. 12 months ago

    My brother is a loser and that bothers me. He also mocks me and belittles me and my ambitions even though I’m marginally successful and that bothers me. He is just not a good brother. He enjoys cutting down his own family. I’m afraid of having to cut my family off if I want to do anything with my life. He

  72. 12 months ago

    I've accepted being flat-chested.

    • 12 months ago

      We dont really care. If you have a cute face and a nice voice, we don't usually mind what else youve got or dont got.

    • 12 months ago

      Let a homie bust on your perk breasts.

    • 12 months ago

      Easy for boys to do.

    • 12 months ago

      benchpress and butterfly curls. i always trained for boxing so having big he-man pecs wasn't useful, but i'm p sure u gotta go all out on benchpress.

  73. 12 months ago

    Seeing a big, genuine smile has never failed to lift my spirits.

    Crooked teeth, missing teeth, yellowed, decayed, it doesn't matter. When smiling that smile this person is absolutely radiant. We call it "beaming" for a reason.

    • 12 months ago

      And for anyone insecure about their smile, don't try and hide it. It hurts me when I see that

    • 12 months ago

      How do you feel about dimples?

      • 12 months ago

        They're great!

  74. 12 months ago

    What I want for my life and what my life is are so far apart that I don’t even know what to do.

    • 12 months ago

      one step at a time brother

  75. 12 months ago

    Had a road rage incident. i was tailgating some guy and he got angry, pulled aside and then pulled in behind me. He followed me around a few blocks before I got out to confront him. He's an older guy, maybe 40, but he had a mean face. He just stared at me from his car and then drove away. I think he knows where I live now though. A little worried he might come back later. I'm hoping he got over his boomer rage and wasnt ready to fight and is moved on.

  76. 12 months ago

    Semi meta threads are deleted with the swiftness of an antelope yet so many shit threads aren’t deleted

    • 12 months ago

      Meta threads are gayer than shitpost threads

  77. 12 months ago

    Fricking subhuman monkey Black folk just shot fireworks at my window to hit my cat. I have had it up to fricking here with Black folk, I will vote for the first politician who promises to deport them. I don't care if he's deporting them to the moon or the bottom of the sea.

    • 12 months ago

      homie comes cry about it with his secret club friends hahahahaha

      • 12 months ago

        What else, ask them to stop? There's no reasoning with them or their parents who can't understand counterfactual sentences or the idea of consequences for one's actions. Threaten them or fight with them? They'll happily go to prison for life over a scuffed sneaker. Call the cops? The cops are overwhelmed dealing with shootout over scuffed sneakers on every other block of this city.

        Let them keep having what's left of their day in the sun, soon they will be enslaved and exterminated either by fed-up whites (I'm not even white myself) or by other races who, unlike whites, never gave a frick to begin with.

      • 12 months ago

        Its all fun and games until the Black folk move into your neighborhood

    • 12 months ago

      Voting is moronic, but your heart is in the right place more or less. Consider getting to a place where you dont have to live around them.

  78. 12 months ago

    when was the last time you had a teacher say "just copy what I'm doing", instead if you watch some youtube tutorial for programming they put shit in there thats like "ok here's this tool useful to know but I don't actually ever use it!"

    • 12 months ago

      When I was in second grade and she realized I wanted to frick her brains out.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        a teacher can mean somebody who teaches something, usually because you want to learn something that can help you create things, such as programming to make programs. it doesnt have to be somebody who is assigned to teach a classroom in a school

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        this is exactly the type of stuff i mean. "dude just do this regiment i made up" not "dude heres something formulaic you can easily copy and just do"

  79. 12 months ago

    The TRANS Atlantic slave trade

  80. 12 months ago

    Only I have seen this bioluminescent dot resting on the branch
    We share a secret in passing — festering on this belle planche

  81. 12 months ago

    What he must have suffered to be so desperate to play the clown

  82. 12 months ago

    My two inch ball gag came in the mail

  83. 12 months ago

    Being surrounded by religious and superstitious people while not being religious or superstitious is fun.
    It feels like I have a huge advantage over them.

    • 12 months ago

      Little do you know the advantage is there's

      • 12 months ago

        For some reason I thought adding an apostrophe to there would be equivalent to their. I need to stop drinking

  84. 12 months ago

    I wish I could forget this book so I could read it for the first time again. I loved it and I've been chasing the high that it gave me for the past 8 years.

    • 12 months ago

      frick. it's been that long already? frick. it's like we made fun about the publication just yesterday.

      • 12 months ago

        The hardback came out 6 October, 2015.

  85. 12 months ago

    what a jam

    • 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      I don't listen to jams.

      • 12 months ago

        How about jellys

  86. 12 months ago

    i never read but after reading camus im wondering if i could be a great athout because man what i just read what was fricking gay

    • 12 months ago

      I know camus is shit-tier

      • 12 months ago

        he actually isn't?
        he taught me how to let go and be this pepe

        • 12 months ago

          Hmmm. That pepe convinced me. Perhaps I shall give Camus the third chance.

  87. 12 months ago

    I’ve always had a feeling most anons never go past the third or fourth page in the catalog. Threads are continuously made, killing old threads, and most anons hone in on bait threads, which receive hundreds of replies. Most threads die with few replies.

    Don’t make a thread if you don’t have to

  88. 12 months ago

    I was pulling a plant from the soil and as I dig the soil using my hands and the shovel, I can feel the earth on my hands and as I dig deeper, it made me realize how real death is. It was only about 5 inch deep I dig the plant bed and think of how it would feel like to be six feet under with earth on bulking on top of you. You're dead. Your phone is not with you. Neither do money. You don't need to eat or drink.
    It fascinated me how people can do evil things. Death is certain yet, I saw my father make my shoulders bruise when I was 7. As an adult, I reflect my past (I wish to forget it, but it's trauma) because I need to recover from it. Philosophically or whatever you have believed in, it comes down to that death is a fact and it made me think of why, why would anyone hate this life.
    We have standards, yeah, I get it, you want a slim woman, a chad guy to be your spouse, you want to be rich, you want pleasure in form possible but have you ever thought like, you know, calm the frick down?

  89. 12 months ago

    I wish I could be 13 again

    • 12 months ago

      13 years old or 13 months old?

      • 12 months ago


        no you don't

        I peaked at 13

        • 12 months ago

          >I peaked at 13
          That's the most depressing shit I've ever read.

    • 12 months ago

      no you don't

  90. 12 months ago

    Your lives are all unique. No matter how much of a failure you feel like, I would still learn something valuable about life from you.
    You don't know me. At this point in time I might just be an artificial intelligence.
    I guarantee we will never be anything more than strangers. But you're all special to me.

    I'm going to die now. I think I'm finally ready to go. This is the ultimate red pill. The cessation this experience in exchange for a mystery.

    I am staring at the void. I wish I could force you here by my side, take a second seat to the action. I wonder what you would do and say. I wonder what you would do if this was just a nightmare and not about to happen.

    Would you beg? Would you cry?

    My hands are shaking with excitement. I feel so alive right now, so complete, so total. I'm ready to go, I don't know where.

  91. 12 months ago

    I'm ugly. I'm a big shiny greasy forehead asymmetric nostrils sun damaged textured pores yellow piss yellow shiny teeth poor person gas station assymetric eye size strange mouth and odd neck development from leaving bottle in too long as baby phenotype worthless college drop out net drain on the healthcare system executive order euthanize people of whom everyone truthfully knows is ugly and just that lot of nothing achiever human beings whose ancestors probably lived and died in mud huts drain on food supply air supply insipid hylic brain press OK on the McDonald's Machine $99.99 OK! THANK YOU 非常感谢您!!! Plus other glance indicators of I Was Raised By Idiot Poor People such as one nostril being hideously larger than the other (mommy didn't bother to notice a nasal or sinus infection early on, she was SMOKING WEED)) not even F.A.S. just pure nothing person genetics. ugly. deeply ugly. i wonder if this is why my effort doesn't seem to pay off. i'm a rat. genetic detritus. i'm not supposed to try.

    • 12 months ago

      If someone aims a gun at your head and tells you to clean your room, would you let him shoot you or would you clean your room?

      • 12 months ago

        I'd take the bullet in a heartbeat

        • 12 months ago

          Are you sure? How do you imagine it going down?

          • 12 months ago

            >Clean your room

    • 12 months ago

      Live in spite

  92. 12 months ago

    I want you to imagine something.

    Imagine you can't go out because there's a massive gang of violent, bloodthirsty criminals roaming the streets. They are in your city, walking around your house and heavily armored.
    You don't have anything to defend yourself or your family with. They wont hesitate to kill you if they see it convenient or necessary in any way. They'll also kill you in a horrible, violent manner.

    A pandemic of fear, covering an entire state like a dark fog. Life tries to go on, but everybody knows.

    How many of you have seen tortured corpses hanged in the streets you walk around on the daily I have.

  93. 12 months ago

    Stumbling across CP (actual, not hentai) on this site still gives me whiplash.

  94. 12 months ago

    go out and make friends they said. meet people. touch grass. well guess what, the content of most people's conversations can be summarized thusly as:

    - complaints of some kind (typically medical in nature)
    - gossip
    - work related things (or see point 1)
    - consumerist discussion
    - inconsequential small talk

    and worse, i am no better! i find myself participating in these things, because that is precisely the only things the vast majority of human communication can be boiled down to. no better than a handshake or a game of chess where if one says this one then says that, and so forth. therefore, the next step must thusly be a return to solitude. silence and i, we have a lot to talk about

    • 12 months ago

      It helps no one, let alone yourself, to be this reductive.

  95. 12 months ago

    I need to exercise more, my social skills are so fricking degraded. I get most of my socialization through discord, irl I basically only talk to my spouse and my best friend. I got invited to some discord community and they were talking about who they liked or disliked in another server and I wanted to fricking curl up, I am so autistic. I get insecure to the point I can barely talk or respond and it makes everything awkward. I'm not that weird but irl people can tell I'm off, I went to a party when I was in college where a guy I was dating invited me, the people there seemed to shit talk people who weren't in the room. Anyway I didn't know anyone so I was filtering through rooms and I walked into one and someone said "I think ___'s new girlfriend (me) is autistic" n I fricking 180'd outta there so fast. I'm not sure why I'm insecure because after that I wasn't embarassed, yeah I'm autistic it's not really news. I just though "man these people are dicks I gotta get tf outta here". If you're not gonna fit in its not gonna happen so I don't know why I'm afraid to be myself, when I am more confident people tend to like me. I'm not sure I wish I could just unabashedly be myself like I see other people do. I need to stop beating myself up.

    Anyway here is my fursona

  96. 12 months ago

    I feel like the only thing that can make up for a lifetime of lethargy and cowardice is a long, drawn-out suicide.

  97. 12 months ago

    I feel so crushed and inhibited by life but I read all these posts here about people fricking and achieving things and it feels like I'm some martian watching human beings go about their normal, daily, sexuated lives from low orbit. Why was I born so defective?

  98. 12 months ago

    I've basically stopped talking to people irl (besides out of necessity) and online. How fricked am I?

    • 12 months ago

      Why would you do that?

      • 12 months ago

        The feeling of disingenuousness creeps up, like do I really care or do they? Its been festering as of late and feels like a chore to talk with people.

  99. 12 months ago

    Very recently I got addicted to nic juice. No more ciggies for me, ig, but oh man now I love watermelon strawberry nic juice

  100. 12 months ago

    Is it just me or I hardly find RATIONAL people to talk to anywhere? Like, people who have their lives sorted out and not having any issues or unresolved trauma?

    It's almost every person I talked to, from family, friends, acquaintances, dating, everyone seem to have unresolved problems. I just wanna have a nice chat without talking about abuse, Oedipus complex, not getting over your-ex, insane drive to outsmart me, like, can we just talk about, I don't know, the weather or video games or something?

    I'm almost go insane because I have been feeling lonely andy options literally like Mortal Kombat characters, it's like a fight talking to them. Like, I have to win or something otherwise they'll disrespect me

    It's NUTS guys, it's NUTS, I'm so lonely I'm going nuts.

  101. 12 months ago

    Had a queer dream last night.
    I had returned to Germany, to visit the place. I remember leaving the train station and began walking around some old city, with distinct and beautiful houses. At one point, and as the sun started to set, I remember seeing a gorgeous synagogue; and when I circled around it, I began to hear music and saw a large tent next to the synagogue.
    I decided to go into the tent, and was greeted by an older man with a beard and curly sideburns. I didn't know any Hebrew nor Yiddish, but knew some German, and so we spoke. As we conversed, a couple had come to and we spoke. The mood was merry and I entered the tent with them. I saw people dancing around and singing.
    Then I woke up.

  102. 12 months ago

    Discovered that my Dad has two postgrad degrees. An MRes and an MA. Mom also had an MA, but professed a regret at not having caved for an eventual doctorate. I ask why either of them went for these extra diplomas in the first place and she said “i just wanted to study.” I pressed further “But why? People don’t just pursue these things to have an extra piece of paper to wipe their ass with.” And she just reiterated that she’d just wanted to study. Their whole approach to academia is surface level. Almost utilitarian. It’s refreshing. My own relationship with academia is akin to that of a battered housewife. I slack, and shit and piss, and then mewl when the institution robs me of the validation I’d be craving. Worse, would pummel my worth to the fricking ground.
    Now i exist with no direction and no worth. One of my ruts. Legitimately no worth. You know when you can conjure an image of yourself, objective party, ready for assessment. Might come up with a thing or two to gas yourself up. Frick the appearance. Abilities. “This person is highly adept at wiping their ass. They’d truly mastered that process.” Bjt no, no. I look at myself and can’t even give myself the benefit of the doubt on that front.

  103. 12 months ago

    Suicide is proof there is a God. I am not the universe, I am not a demiurge, I am not some inescapable topological boundary, I'm just a shell and when this shell expires I will become air and emptiness again. Bright leaves. Clouds.

  104. 12 months ago

    2023 has been such a shite year for me, reading-wise. Been constipated with like 5 dnfs and several books on the go right now, several of which I've been almost finished for weeks and weeks now, and I've only finished one single book this entire friggin year and that was a YA novel I re-read from my teenage years.
    I need to finish The Dunwich Horror asap (on chapter X); and I'm only two-odd hours from the end of The Cyberiad by Stanislaw Lem (I've been listening to it on audio for at least two-plus months) which incidentally is narrated brilliantly in English; I'm also on my second attempt at Andrew Roberts' (admittedly masterful) Napoleon: A Life, also reading on audio.
    I dnf'd that Timothy McVeigh book everyone was screeching about at the beginning of the year. I started The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall (on audio) but I think I've dnf'd it as well. I also dnf'd but read the majority of a book on Aleister Crowley (which I may actually come back to when I think of it).
    I think I have to admit that utilizing audiobooks is not going to make me read any greater number of books, and that I'm just not cut out for long books. As much as I loved it, it took me 3 months to read Catch-22, at just 450 pages. However I do admit I like a well-narrated audiobook. I have so much to read actually.
    Next I think I'm going to read Post Office by Charles Bukowski, audio, but I need to finish The Cyberiad and Dunwich Horror FIRST.

    • 12 months ago

      there's a great audio book of Post Office in which the narrator sounds like Bukowski but also like a more sociable fat slob

    • 12 months ago

      >one of those ridiculous occult guys turns out to be functionally illiterate
      well well well can't say i'm surprised

  105. 12 months ago

    I’m dopamine deficient. Dangerously so.
    If everyone is depressed no one really is. Now it’s a word. Not a legitimate condition. As common and rudimentary as getting the flu. You can’t use it as a crutch. Lost some of the enigmatic mystique. Remember me some fiction where it was treated as the convenient asspull to tear down your center of the character study. Wooo so magical and wow.

  106. 12 months ago

    It is odd that in my drunken state I always experience moments of either impulsive violence or impulsive forgiveness. My sober existence is much more neutral and impartial. I can understand the benefits of violence and forgiveness but can't act on either. It leads me to believe that intellect or 'rationality' is alien or at least tending toward something outside of the body since the state is outside of the extremes AND in a sense leads to sort of inaction.

  107. 12 months ago

    I just took a yuuge shit really not compatible with human life. 1/10 healthy. Pray for me anons.

  108. 12 months ago

    Would someone explain to me wtf the first chapter of A Farewell to Arms is trying to say? It seems entirely separated from the rest of the book. I think it's some meta commentary on Hemingway's actual experience in World War I but idk

  109. 12 months ago

    how many languages have the use of "it" or is it only an english thing?

    • 12 months ago

      You mean as a pronoun for objects? Quite a few, and some have forms which denote what kind of object (eg you'd use a different object counter in Japanese for people vs long objects vs thin objects vs clothes vs drinks vs buildings vs bird vs small animals)

      • 12 months ago

        those wouldn't be the same as it, if it's specific then you would give the word you described

        • 12 months ago

          It's an example of a language that has extra forms. It's probably an example of anon being a weeb also.
          Germanic languages generally have a neuter with a common source. It in English has a h in the original Old English: hit. In Dutch that is het. In Freisan and Low German that is it like English, but in German that is es.
          Other languages have more markers. Hic in Latin probably has a similar root to hit/het/it/es, but it has a more specific use. It doesn't have as many different forms as Japanese, but still has a more specific use than Germanic third person singular neuter.

  110. 12 months ago

    >manga artist draws a nice series that I like
    >volume sales slump because japs have shit taste
    >he turns to drawing his characters getting fricked by faceless ugly bastards and black dudes for money
    Frick this shit. I hate it.

    • 12 months ago

      Japanese people have shit taste overall. It's something in their genes that's fricking them up. This is why they have trouble finishing their stories properly. I haven't read a japanese novel/manga in years and have never felt better. Mushoku tensei was the only story I finished.

      • 12 months ago

        I don't get it. Somehow almost every mangaka out there secretly harbors an NTR fetish or some shit and almost all their fans lap it up when it comes to light.

  111. 12 months ago

    I'm looking for meaning, but I don't know where to look anymore. I don't agree with many aspects of Christianity and Islam, and I'm still unsure about Buddhism. Daoism has many things I agree with, but it's very vague. I'm going to read Nietzsche next, but I feel iffy about the whole "you are the only one who can provide meaning to your life" idea.
    Where else can I look?

  112. 12 months ago

    what if music were books and books were music? what then?

    • 12 months ago


  113. 12 months ago

    my gf won't let me sleep, every fricking night I have to hold her for hours or she'll toss and turn, poke me awake, start crying, accuse me of not loving her anymore, etc. etc. I can't stand it anymore. I am angry and tired 100% of the time

    • 12 months ago

      is she bpd?

    • 12 months ago

      she sounds like she needs some medication of some sort
      suggest to her that she talk to her GP as soon as possible

  114. 12 months ago

    Rationality is our downfall
    What is correct will not always be what is right, and what is right will not always be what is correct
    The snide jeers of the rational will forever be an disgusting spectacle
    The slow suffering of the holy will never be anything other than beautiful

  115. 12 months ago

    On Friday I went for a walk after work, on a sunny evening, through the university I used to attend. It was one of those nostalgia inducing walks. But sad nostalgia as well.

    I used to walk the same route during cold winter evenings in early 2022, when I was in a job I really fricking despised with managers (yes, plural) that I hated. I would walk the same route on Friday evenings, during the cold. I remember the first time I went on one of those walks during an icy Friday evening, and ended it by going to a supermarket and buying cookies and crisps that I ate at home. I remember getting my new job and informing my Dad by phone during one of those walks.

    When I went two days ago there was a clear blue sky and it was warm. The campus was very empty both because it was Friday evening and summer.

    I saw a noticeboard cabinet that hadn't been updated since the early 2010s and the posters were feels inducing. They were social events that I hadn't attended during my time at university.

    I saw a few buildings that were boarded up and due to be demolished. I had exams in one of them a few times. I remember leaving it at the end of the spring term one year, wondering what I'd do for the rest of the mundane summer. The exam was for a class where I had a crush on this qt and never talked to her.

    I walked past some buildings with run down computer rooms that I used as refuges during university, while I was an ugly, friendless beta.

    • 12 months ago

      >reddit spacing
      I shiggy diggy

  116. 12 months ago

    It's over. It's so fricking over. I'm never gonna come back from this.

    • 12 months ago

      What happened

  117. 12 months ago

    It's love, it transcend logic. It's our only redeeming quality.

  118. 12 months ago

    Drunk at work and pooping on the clock.

  119. 12 months ago

    I'm struggling to think of a moral or ethical belief system that refutes total moral relativism and might-makes-right in a physical universe without the spiritual/transcendental. The end result I always find is "just be the winner bro". Is there any refutation to this?

  120. 12 months ago

    Barely slept last night but today I feel peppy. Going to hit the beach

  121. 12 months ago

    I didnt expect much yet I was disappointed yet again. I wish I could stop expecting anything from people yet I cant. I'm the ultimate fool.

  122. 12 months ago

    Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.
    Matthew 11:28-30

  123. 12 months ago

    There is no post.

    I love you!

  124. 12 months ago

    Changes! I'm starting a new chapter of my life, in a new state, far away from my home of 25 years. I'm going to be truly alone for the first time. This all terrifies me. I knew for years that I needed to be alone, that I needed to be out from under the skirt, thrown from the nest, because I'd stagnated completely. But, to throw comforts away, to knowingly expose yourself to harm. Seems insane. I've given myself too many responsibilities as well. I'm teaching, in addition to studying.
    I've spent my life failing to be social and I fear repeating this in a far away land with no family to lean on. I'm spooked, brother.

    • 12 months ago

      You will be continually amazed at the heights you reach. Unbelievable success is waiting for you!

      • 12 months ago

        God bless ya

  125. 12 months ago

    My mom watches a lot of tick tocks on her phone. She keeps telling me to make a tick tock account.

    • 12 months ago

      Don't, it's unironically Chinese spyware.

    • 12 months ago

      My mom use TikTok a lot too now and I swear every time I hear the little boodooloodoo at the end of the videos I incur psychic damage

  126. 12 months ago

    Spent all weekend gaming and making music. Haven’t touched my books

    • 12 months ago

      What sort of music?

      • 12 months ago

        Pop music interpolations about sucking dick and various gay activities

        • 12 months ago

          sittin on a wiener cause im gay

        • 12 months ago

          Sounds like Miu Miu but lamer and gayer.

  127. 12 months ago

    >got banned on all boards for "racism" for saying women having sex with animals is an ugly and debased act on /tg/
    I wish I was making this shit up.

  128. 12 months ago

    I don't know how to feel about the fact a whole civilization was completely forgotten about and only rediscovered because the clay tablets a couple civilizations after them (which we also forgot about) wrote were buried in a desert

  129. 12 months ago

    Usually I don't jerk off a lot. Neither often nor with more ejaculations than three. But sometimes I remember that I can look at a particular webcam bawd and get more than just a good coom. I can feel that feeling. That wonderful feeling... I don't know how to describe it, it's very blissful and makes me feel like I have so many good days in my pife not yet lived. It's a feeling of childhood, sunrise, 70s french music, anime happy endings, whealthy small american towns... Alright, going for another round.

  130. 12 months ago

    Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic … (ㄒoㄒ) (ㄒoㄒ) (ㄒoㄒ)

  131. 12 months ago

    ---- Solaria ----
    Unusual Manufactured Objects

    There's something almost insulting to both the living and the dead
    To keep photographic portraits of family on display,

    As if their looks, manners of speech and such didn't occur often enough to memory
    Without the promptings of such simulacra

    Or that is, such slightly convincing illusions of frozen time,
    As if they were anything like that in life or motion.

    Likewise, there's there's the most peculiar situational awareness when it come to things
    So worth keeping in heavy kitchen rotation or visible,

    So useful and or purely decorative that one almost forgets how it was to do without them,
    So unusual is their anonymous excellence

    That hardly anyone else notices their worth, nor ever will..
    Most literature is like that

    In the sense that few preserve it for a fortunate few
    Whose vices are more of age than youth.

  132. 12 months ago

    I'm worried about my girlfriend, everyone. I'm worried about our ability to last long-term, but moreover I'm worried about her.
    Without giving away too much, she's had difficult life circumstances and is prone to sudden panic and hours of paralysis at simple tasks. That seems normal among people of our age and origin, but for her it is severe and has predictable symptoms, such as losing sense of direction (taking a train far in the wrong direction) or shutting down completely in public. She follows these up with self-berating and then refuses to seek help. In fact, she lashes out altogether against the idea of seeking help, or not berating herself loudly and publicly. I totally understand distrusting mental health schemata - I distrust them too - but fully to believe one's worst inner narratives is quite much. It hurts when she lashes out against me earnestly expressing concern - last time she shouted at me that I "wanted her to fail."
    Recently she got drunk and accused me of thinking she was stupid. I don't think that - I think she's smarter than me when not attacking herself, frankly - but she asked over and over and very aggressively. Things have been tense since.
    I guess I am slowly coming to understand that we will likely eventually break up and bracing for that pain. I'm really, really worried about her, though. There is a history of permanently debilitating mental illness in her family. Am I doomed to watch? Am I doomed to be another crag against which to crash her ship?

    • 12 months ago

      How do you cope with the things that upset you in life, IQfy?

      I've been coming to terms with my own death and what it will mean for my consciousness and basically no religion or thoughtform can really help me cope. I am afraid of dying despite not really enjoying life because of the metaphysical implications. An unconscious, unfeeling unchanging eternity of dark nothingness from the atheistic outlook is upsetting but so is the existence of God and the possibility of eternal torment should I choose the wrong religion or not believe hard enough/have enough faith. There's also the idea I have that if I only convert to a faith out of fear I am both a fraudulent member of that religion and likely not going to attain any positive afterlife anyway as a result, which means my endeavor was just selfish animalistic self-preservation. It seems like all roads are a bust and I am basically just existing to distract myself from death. The only works I can really identify with right now are things like Ligotti and Zapffe which makes me cringe but it's the honest truth of my situation, I unironically enjoy work because at this point being left to my own devices leads to the inevitable intrusive thoughts of life > aging and sickness > death > potential oblivion or eternal torment or some other lovecraft-tier nightmare existence of which I have no control over in a meaningful way.

      I can't give advice as I have never dated a girl with serious mental health issues for a long time, but I hope you find a viable solution soon in spite of how bleak things seem. The only serious run in I've had with bad mental issues only lasted a couple weeks after my new gf tried to smother me in my sleep whilst she had a psychotic episode, long-term struggles seem horrifying. Best of luck friend.

      • 12 months ago

        >I am afraid of dying despite not really enjoying life because of the metaphysical implications. An unconscious, unfeeling unchanging eternity of dark nothingness from the atheistic outlook is upsetting
        If it makes you feel any better, by far the most likely metaphysical outcome of death is to simply be reborn again in the same exact body/life. There is no other outcome that realistically makes sense.

      • 12 months ago

        >long-term struggles seem horrifying
        We live together, anon. And just this past hour she came home weeping. I planned a trip to meet my family (they live in another country) and bought tickets and she's saying she won't renew her passport or go because travelling abroad is "too loaded and scary." I'm shattered.

        As for your question, anon, I try to do the good I can in the corners where I can do it. It clearly isn't working fantastically.

      • 12 months ago

        Poetry is the only thing that really consoles me.

  133. 12 months ago

    trans women are men

  134. 12 months ago

    It's now been three months since I've started doing the opposite of what I want. (e.g going out even if I don't want to, listening to people I hate, pretending I'm fine when I'm not).

    Things have improved on the social side. I've been seeing friends from college and having fun pretending to be normal. People are inviting me to parties and I'm learning to fix my posture and dressing a bit better. I can hold short conversations for a bit, and make people laugh sometimes. Most of the work on that side has been trying to fix my facial expressions, learning to look at people in the eyes and not talking even if I want to.

    People, especially in groups, do not seem to hold it against me if I'm not saying anything. When I would do anything to fill the blanks before, I just let it go now. People will fill them themselves and I just need to react (smiling, laughing, saying "no way!", "shit", asking questions). When asked personal questions before I would try to explain everything. Now I'm either redirecting the subject or just quickly answering/saying inane shit. The worst that can happen is that I get to be boring, but boring in the normal sense this time, which is good.

    Aside from this, I'm trying to stop navelgazing all the time. Weirdly, this has been the biggest hurdle so far. I still think about killing myself or turning back time multiple times an hour. This fricking sucks but I can't just stop thinking all day.

    Also I've been thinking about my ex. She can go frick herself but it's hot outside and I really miss her. Anon out.

  135. 12 months ago

    ---- Solaria ----
    Things The Instructions Don't Mention

    The scent of sweet pea blossoms depends interestingly upon their color.
    Pink reminds me of Fruit Loops cereal, delightfully fake

    While white is a whole lot heavier, richer,
    And red almost heady as orange blossom, if not so potent.

    Who knows how these things come about.

    • 12 months ago

      This doesnt even rhyme

      • 12 months ago

        Rhyme hasn't prevailed except in satire and light verse since the mid 19th century. I've nothing against either, and enjoy Pope and Johnson at their best. But I like Emerson a whole lot more.

  136. 12 months ago

    Not moving to the city when I was younger is one of my many regrets

  137. 12 months ago

    Ive been so insanely horny lately. Ive spent the last 5 days jacking off

  138. 12 months ago

    When left to my own devices I just drink and jack off

  139. 12 months ago

    Hurry up and make a new fricking thread

  140. 12 months ago

    Did Shoepenhoward ever list like a systematic list of evils that afflict mankind?
    I was thinking about it and I would list them as so...
    1. Familial Issues. One of the greatest afflictions of the human condition is the deprivation of relationships between each other. This does not have to be a lack of a realtionship (TFWNOGF) but it can be that a relationship is not fulfilling,i e. my mom is mean to me, etc. A good friend, wife, parent, can help a multitude of afflictions that come with life. And the lack thereof can make sour any blessing in life.
    2. Health issues. You know this one is obvious, and if you don't agree that this is one of the great afflictions, then you have never been truly sick. This can include mental illness. Or conviction from sin, guilty conscious or whatever.
    3.Death. Death is the ultimate evil insofar as it disqualifies any and all progress or hope that we ever strive for. We all are due for death and it encroaches on us ever so persistently and (at times) subtly. No matter what you accomplish it will be eaten away forever by death.
    These are the three great evils. I do not count powerlessness or a lack of self fulfillment like maybe Jung or someone would suggest because simply put, we are weak creatures ontologically. The only pain from the lack of self fullfilment is a sign of bad mental health.

  141. 12 months ago

    >I’m looking for a good pair of work pants I can take a dump in, in an emergency. I’m a roofer and sometimes I don’t want to get down and just keep working through it. Ideally it would have a deuce pouch I could pinch a loaf off into that would hold the Cosby kids in stasis. Later in the day when I’m working nearer the roof’s edge I could abort the entire Cosby family down a pant leg chute and off the edge of the building into free fall and eternal oblivion. Can anyone recommend a quality pair of pooping pants?

    I just read this in diy thread on work pants

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