Wtf was Timur's problem?

Wtf was Timur's problem?

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  1. 2 years ago

    He didn't have enough cool skull pyramids.

  2. 2 years ago

    He was lame (read: cringe, dripless)

    • 2 years ago

      Nah that hat is bussin, fr fr

  3. 2 years ago

    my man Timur just wanted to protect Islam, no need to hate

    • 2 years ago

      >calls himself the "sword of Islam"
      >wrecks the Middle East, the heart of the Muslim world
      What did he mean by this?

      • 2 years ago

        Sword of Islam, as in "I will put Islam to the sword".

      • 2 years ago

        Sword of Islam, as in "I will put Islam to the sword".

        The Abbasids since their inception were largely deviants or heretics, and stopped being relevant in the 930s when they became puppets of the Twelver-Shia Buyid dynasty. By the late 900s their eastern and western provinces broke away under the rule of Iranic, Turkic and Amazigh dynasties, which marked the first time that orthodox Sunni Muslim dynasties came to power in the post-Rashidun era.

        By the mid 1000s, the Abbasid territory was largely isolated to Southern Iraq alone. You'll notice during the Crusades that the Abbasids, or any Arab dynasty for the matter, are nowhere to be found. It was Turkic, Iranic and Amazigh dynasties fighting back against the Crusaders, and subsequently against the Iberian Conquistadors and Mongol-led Ilkhanate.

        Baghdad being the epicenter of the Abbasids was likely fated to suffer divine retribution for its past heresies, which came in the form of the city being sacked on multiple occasions.

        He didn't have enough cool skull pyramids.

        Accounts like those are usually exaggerated language.

        • 2 years ago

          >iranic dynasties fought against crusaders/conquistadors/mongols

          Like what ?
          Apart if you count saladin as iranic because he is kurdish

          • 2 years ago

            It was Zengid Turks, Ayyubid Kurds, Hafsid Amazigh, and Mamluq Turks who defeated the Crusaders.
            It was Mamluq Turks who defeated the Mongol-led Ilkhanate.
            It was Amazigh Almoravids that sent reinforcement to Andalusia to hold back the Catholic Conquista.

            Arabs have never once saved non-Arab Muslims from persecution or genocide, but it's always been the other way around.

            The Seljuks who first fought the Crusaders, were a mix of Turkic and Iranic. The Crusaders described them as "Turks and Persians". The Zengids and Ayyubids were among the successors of the Seljuks after the empire fell into a state of civil conflict between numerous competing factions.

          • 2 years ago

            I know about turks and amazighs
            Im talking about iranics

          • 2 years ago

            >I know about turks and amazighs
            >Im talking about iranics

            Read the post you replied to. The first line and the last line.
            Kurds and Persian are Iranic.

            Saladin is kurd and Baibars isn’t Iranian

            >Saladin is kurd and Baibars isn’t Iranian

            Congratulations. You just reiterated what I said here:

            It was Zengid Turks, Ayyubid Kurds, Hafsid Amazigh, and Mamluq Turks who defeated the Crusaders.
            It was Mamluq Turks who defeated the Mongol-led Ilkhanate.
            It was Amazigh Almoravids that sent reinforcement to Andalusia to hold back the Catholic Conquista.

            Arabs have never once saved non-Arab Muslims from persecution or genocide, but it's always been the other way around.

            The Seljuks who first fought the Crusaders, were a mix of Turkic and Iranic. The Crusaders described them as "Turks and Persians". The Zengids and Ayyubids were among the successors of the Seljuks after the empire fell into a state of civil conflict between numerous competing factions.

        • 2 years ago

          Saladin is kurd and Baibars isn’t Iranian

      • 2 years ago

        he was protecting Islam from it's greatest enemy

        • 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    He was probably just having a bad day that extended to his entire life.

  5. 2 years ago

    >pajeets are very rich and bad at fighting
    He was just doing what came naturally

  6. 2 years ago

    >Timur marched into these vacuums and then moved on the Middle East, successfully laying siege to Baghdad, Antioch, and Damascus. Outside Damascus he met with the great North African historian and scholar Ibn Khaldun, who pleaded for him not to pillage the old Umayyad capital. Timur plied the elderly thinker with probing questions, and Ibn Khaldun responded with flattering remarks, tracing Timur’s ancestry back to Nebuchadnezzar. But Timur sacked Damascus anyway.

    >At Damascus Timur herded thousands of residents into the Friday mosque and set it ablaze. At Izmir on the eastern Mediterranean he beheaded all the captured soldiers of the defending Ottoman army and then lobbed their heads by catapult onto the ships on which others were fleeing the port. At Aleppo, Baghdad, Tikrit, Isfahan, Delhi, and other conquered cities, Timur ordered the construction of what he called “minarets” of the skulls of the defeated populace.6

    He was just too based

    • 2 years ago

      You really buy the colorful dumb shit in that second paragraph?? If you read into the account about the Songhai Empire's first king, the writers claim Sunni Ali crushed babies in mortars.

      There is zero chance that Timur "herded thousands of residents into the Friday mosque and set it ablaze". What conquering Muslim leaders typically do is make the Friday sermon recite their name as being the new leader.

      Medieval European writers wrote insane things about opponents, but weirdly enough nobody brings them up and they get brushed under the rug as if nobody should notice. Some writers even claimed Muslims were led by Amazonian women. Try reading ancient Greek and Roman sources, they write about supernatural myths as if they are fact.

      • 2 years ago

        You wouldn't be one of his armies rapebabies from Damascus by any chance? Still butthurt after 600 years?

        • 2 years ago

          Butthurt about what, if I'm questioning exaggerated accounts?
          You sound like the rape baby.

    • 2 years ago

      some chads just want to watch the world burn

    • 2 years ago

      >attacks shia for being heretics
      >attacks sunnis by claiming to avenge Ali and Husayn

      • 2 years ago

        He was just searching excuse to kill people

        • 2 years ago

          He actually did larp as an alid/Sayyid though. It's even on his epitaphs. The man was just a schizo

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe its because he was a mutt in a extreme multicultural place
            It happens to racemixed people, they are generally schizos about their identity
            They dont know what are they

  7. 2 years ago

    Timur i Lang (Tamerlame) invaded the Middle East after his invasion of India. He slaughtered, tortured and raped his own co-religionist Sunni Muslims across Iraq and Syria. Timur's Tatar (Turco-Mongol Central Asian) Sunni soldiers gang raped Sunni Arab women and virgins girls of Iraq and Syria in their own mosques.

    This is the story of horror that the Turco Mongol conqueror Timur inflicted upon the Sunni Muslim Arabs of Baghdad, Aleppo and Damascus. His soldiers gang raped girls while their brothers and fathers were tortured and forced to watch in the mosques.

    They say the descendants of his Turco-Mongol soldiers are found among the Sunni Arab populations of those places today due to the amount of virgin girls that were violated. Iraqi Arabs are the rape children of Timur.

    All Arab women were violated and raped by Turks, Mongols, Ethiopians, Persians, Armenians etc.

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Oh boy, Schizo Chang bot is here with his spam floods.
      And the Arabs as a whole weren't orthodox Sunni.

      The Abbasids were literally puppets of the Twelver-Shia Buyids just a few centuries ago, and before that they propagated the Mu'tazili heresy as their state religion.
      When the Abbasids were Sunni, they specifically promoted Hanbalism while actively repressing Asharism.

      Ashari-Maturidi = Orthodox Sunni Islam
      Hanbali = Athari (not orthodox) Sunni Islam.
      Twelver Shia = heretics.

  8. 2 years ago

    transphobic islamochuds. had she been allowed to transition into a beautiful asian woman built for BWC, everything would have been better

  9. 2 years ago

    Timur suffered from a severe case of eight-grader-syndrome.

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