A farewell to arms

what the hell is this book even about? i'm a massive book normie and i read it because a friend said i should. it's like 300 pages of italian people drinking wine and talking about drinking wine and then suddenly at the end it's just LE TRAGEDY. it's certainly not about ww1, and i think it's supposed to be about love or something but the principle romance is so unromantic, he just randomly sees baker and he's like "yep, i'm gonna marry her" and then the book spends so much time being about anything but romance (mostly just italian people drinking wine) and then in the last 70 pages or so it's just entirely about romance and them it just ends tragically super randomly. am i too stupid to appreciate this book or is this book just stupid?

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  1. 8 months ago

    I didn't like it either and it completely turned me off from trying any other Hemingway.

    • 8 months ago

      me too. especially since it's like his best one apparently. can't imagine what the others are like.

      • 8 months ago

        if you want something a bit different try To Have and Have Not
        for Whom the Bell Tolls is also nice but feels a bit too much like a shlocky action movie sometimes, especially with the MC's whole tragic backstory thing

    • 8 months ago

      when is Banderite Nickocado Avocado going to write the Ukrainian version: A Farewell to Legs

  2. 8 months ago

    Filtered I guess, you've watched too many Marvel and Tarantino movies where everything is cheap and in your face.

    This is my favorite Hemingway book by far, and I've read it a few times. The scenes in the beginning are very cozy, and even cozier are the scenes that take place when he is Lt. Henry is convalescing and when they are living in the alps.

    Whenever I read the parts about the retreat, I can feel the dogged tiredness that the characters have, and I can imagine the feeling of wooden ambulance wheels getting stuck in the soft mud. I can taste the martini's he drinks with the old billiards guy, and feel the cold rain of the lake as they paddle to Switzerland.

    Idk, maybe this book isn't for everybody but I certainly was moved by it, and the world Hemingway builds in this novel has felt more real to me than many other books. Honestly now that I am talking about it, I may have to pick it up and read it again, it's been some time.

    The Rock Hudson film was pretty good too, I haven't seen the Gary Cooper movie yet.

    • 8 months ago

      atmosphere doesn't equal story
      sure, the atmosphere was enjoyable and all that. but honestly it was a little inappropriate, he was near the
      front line of ww1 and he was just sipping wine and taking in the landscape. it makes him feel unlikable honestly because it's like he's on a nice vacation in the alps while soldiers are dying on the front. sure that changes eventually and he sees some bad shit but its still odd. either way, having good atmosphere doesn't forgive the lack or a real theme or the pointless and disjointed story.

      • 8 months ago

        plotgays don't deserve literature

      • 8 months ago

        Well doesn't your frustration with the inappropriate atmosphere make sense in the context of the story? I mean, he does go A.W.O.L.

  3. 8 months ago

    > it's like 300 pages of italian people drinking wine and talking about drinking wine
    literally kino, what else do you need?

  4. 8 months ago

    The retreat is literally the best part of the book.
    >Captcha: RADYK

  5. 8 months ago

    The point is that you and everyone you love is going to die. The order in which that happens is usually uncertain.

    • 8 months ago

      wow, much profound, very deep

  6. 8 months ago

    >it's like 300 pages of italian people drinking wine and talking about drinking wine and then suddenly at the end it's just LE TRAGEDY.
    sounds exactly like "for whom the bell tolls" except that book has spanish people drinking wine in a cave.

  7. 8 months ago

    Why he didn't go to western front?

    • 8 months ago

      because he spoke italian

  8. 8 months ago

    There was a great episode of Young Indiana Jones spoofing this where he ends up a rival over woman with another guy who turns out to be a young Hemingway). He also meets Kafka in another episode where he has a breakdown from dealing with bureaucracy

    • 8 months ago

      Literally every episode of Young Indiana Jones is like that.
      >oh I stumbled upon Tolstoi
      >oh look in this episode I'm a friend with Churchill
      >now I'm hanging out with this cool Austrian painter haha

      • 8 months ago

        Lucas said he wanted to stealth teach kids about all the basic ideas of history and literature and art and so on and get them interested, by making a very high budget series with lots of action and adventure that would get them addicted in a good way, so that was a running part of it, yes. However despite him sinking so much money into it, many Americans found the intellectual content a major turn off, which is why he switched away from that totally afterwards

  9. 8 months ago

    Alcoholics inadvertently advertise their addiction in everything they write.

  10. 8 months ago

    I think I liked it the least of all Hemingway I've read.

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