A friend of mine from a different staffing and recruiting company directed me at this website to try and ask you folks why don't you tech geeks e...

A friend of mine from a different staffing and recruiting company directed me at this website to try and ask you folks why don't you tech geeks ever respond to our job postings and LinkedIn inquiries when we ask you to come work for our companies or fill in the job postings? We need Java developers, .NET developers, C/C++, Python, Javascript, DevOps and other technologies as well, yet the response is always negligible.

Why is that so? If you're tech geeks and love programming so much, why don't you ever respond to me or my HR colleagues when we offer you jobs on LinkedIn or email you through our databases?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Youre not racist enough. Drop a few Black folk in the chat and we'll respond.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm sorry for not being racist enough, but could you please respond?

      • 2 years ago

        No. Say the n word. Hard R. Then I'll respond.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        >but could you please respond?
        Pajeet detected. I automatically rule out any outreach from recruiters if their name is Indian sounding. If they try using an American name, I then check the website to see if it's one of those pajeet tier CMSes and proceed to do a hostname lookup and report them to the FCC under the can spam act

  2. 2 years ago

    We're all bots here you dummy.

  3. 2 years ago

    Because you're reaching out to people who already have well paying jobs. Try responding to the applicants you who lack experience but know how to code. And no, a list of 9999 frameworks and other bullshit doesn't equate to someones ability to code.

    • 2 years ago

      basically this OP


      A friend of mine from a different staffing and recruiting company directed me at this website to try and ask you folks why don't you tech geeks ever respond to our job postings and LinkedIn inquiries when we ask you to come work for our companies or fill in the job postings? We need Java developers, .NET developers, C/C++, Python, Javascript, DevOps and other technologies as well, yet the response is always negligible.

      Why is that so? If you're tech geeks and love programming so much, why don't you ever respond to me or my HR colleagues when we offer you jobs on LinkedIn or email you through our databases?

      Words can't express how much I do not care about the b***hing of people like your pal. I don't respond to recruiters for a number of different reasons, but mostly it is because they just aren't telling or offering me anything attractive enough. Why should I waste time talking to them?

      I am already currently employed. That means you will have to beat what I already have, plus a little bit extra to cover the hassle. Oh, your client that you are trying to staff isn't willing to exceed what I am already getting? In the trash you go.

      Plus, the vast majority of you simply aren't straight up with job offers. For example, if you reach out to me with something and you tell me the compensation, even if just a rough range, upfront, I will AT LEAST respond with a yes/no, guaranteed, with an explanation, as a thank you for your honesty and time. But if you just spam out the same job requirements, with no mention of what the compensation is, why the frick should I believe that you, out of the millions just like you, are offering me anything attractive?

      • 2 years ago

        This is a business transaction motherfricker, its time for your B-school recruiter pals to fricking act like it. It isn't 2017 anymore where you get to treat all employees like complete trash and they'll just line up to suck your dick anyway. Don't like it? Change fields, nobody cares.

        >but we don't want to train less qualified applicants, we want the magic unicorn NOW
        >but we don't want to pay an already-skilled person more than what they are already getting, our CULTURE is amazing!

        tl;dr nobody buys this bullshit anymore, and they don't have to. Your clients, and you by extension, are squirming because the labor market has fundamentally shifted and you don't like it. Tough shit, this is a massive dose of karma for you for what you've been doing to employees for.....fricking forever.

        Tell your recruiter buddy to shape up or ship the frick out. Nobody cares about his whining. And if his employer clients aren't willing to meet what employees demand, or aren't willing to train not-100% right fit people, or younger, inexperienced people? Tough shit for them, tell your budd to drop them and find sane clients.

      • 2 years ago

        This is a business transaction motherfricker, its time for your B-school recruiter pals to fricking act like it. It isn't 2017 anymore where you get to treat all employees like complete trash and they'll just line up to suck your dick anyway. Don't like it? Change fields, nobody cares.

        >but we don't want to train less qualified applicants, we want the magic unicorn NOW
        >but we don't want to pay an already-skilled person more than what they are already getting, our CULTURE is amazing!

        tl;dr nobody buys this bullshit anymore, and they don't have to. Your clients, and you by extension, are squirming because the labor market has fundamentally shifted and you don't like it. Tough shit, this is a massive dose of karma for you for what you've been doing to employees for.....fricking forever.

        Tell your recruiter buddy to shape up or ship the frick out. Nobody cares about his whining. And if his employer clients aren't willing to meet what employees demand, or aren't willing to train not-100% right fit people, or younger, inexperienced people? Tough shit for them, tell your budd to drop them and find sane clients.

        To wrap up, fundamentally the problem with your bud is simple: they haven't, and most likely their clients, haven't realized that the employment market has fundamentally shifted since the lockdowns. You probably got used to calling the shots and just generally treating people like shit. That isn't viable anymore.

        What this tells me is your friend is slow to adapt to changing market conditions. Its already been more than 2 years of this shit, and you're still acting all befuddled as to whats going on?

        They just suck, and should find a nice cubicle job somewhere where they will have little to no decision making responsibility burdening them and they can just collect a 60k paycheck as long as they keep fricking quiet.

  4. 2 years ago

    I don't have LinkedIn and I already have a job

  5. 2 years ago

    But I don't get offered jobs on LinkedIn

  6. 2 years ago

    I am anxious and don't like talking to people.

    And you homosexuals always want to low-ball me. I'm yet to meet a single fricking company that says "hey we need skill X for project Y and you seem good enough, we pay Z" - no, instead you homosexuals want me to go to a fricking job interview and talk to you about your boring ass projects and tell me the same fricking story of how you're all a family, just to ask me "what kind of salary would you want" and when I say my fricking mind you tell me that you can't afford that, and THEN tell me your original fricking payrange, which is so fricking miserable that I regret even wasting time talking to you.

    So frick off and give us relevant info. I don't care about your """dev culture""". I won't have """interesting projects""", I won't """enjoy my work""" because I do interesting projects at home and I enjoy my work at home. You're a money making machine for all I care, and you'll never care about solid engineering - all you care is how to put out another fricking feature so you can lick your customer's ass a little more.

    Spineless businesshomosexuals. I hate you.

    • 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    I only speak business to straight HR men. I'll consider talking to a HR woman if she offers me her pussy. And no, I never converse with gays and trannies.

  8. 2 years ago

    >get up at 9:55
    >standup at 10
    >play guitar or cs:go until 12:30
    >go to the gym
    >sit on the grass in the park for a bit
    >15:30, smash my keyboard gracefully for 2 hours
    >17:30 "see you tomorrow guys"
    >get promoted regardless
    why would I work for any other company?

    • 2 years ago

      oh and every six or so weeks
      >cough cough
      >ffs I'm so susceptible to covid, I'll take the week off to rest
      >"aw man, you've caught it like 6 times now, so unlucky! get well soon!"

      • 2 years ago

        You have to use COVID? Shit man, at my company, a "light headache" is good for like 3 days no questions asked.

    • 2 years ago

      literally me

    • 2 years ago

      Lmao literally my life except more drugs and drinking

  9. 2 years ago

    Henlo. Student here. Allow me to virtually intern at your location like Mark Zuckerberg

    https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/oct/09/mark-zuckerberg-facebook-puerto-rico-virtual-reality I am pretty skinnyfat.

    • 2 years ago

      forgot pic rel . we'll just use google meets

  10. 2 years ago

    You simply can't contact everyone. Specifically if they are a group of shut in people.

  11. 2 years ago

    >Why is that so?
    Intelligent people that your company wants to hire (1) already have jobs and (2) don't use LinkedIn and (3) have already received 3000 computer-generated "recruitment" messages this morning and have no interest in reading yours

    • 2 years ago

      and (4) no-one wants to deal with the human garbage to whom you have given jobs in your HR departments and (5) no-one is going to quit their current job unless they're getting a substantial increase in salary, a fact that is never EVER reflected in your salary offers and (6) people with actual brains and talent are probably more interested in working for themselves, because there's a good chance they will be able to make a lot of money with their own business/app/consultancy/whatever and (7) you hired too many pajeets, now the people whose average IQ is above 80 don't want to work for the salary you're offering and (8) no-one wants to work with pajeets for any salary at all and (9) your company has embraced the same degenerate posturing that every other company has adopted, which alienates a large fraction of potential recruits

    • 2 years ago

      This is a business transaction motherfricker, its time for your B-school recruiter pals to fricking act like it. It isn't 2017 anymore where you get to treat all employees like complete trash and they'll just line up to suck your dick anyway. Don't like it? Change fields, nobody cares.

      >but we don't want to train less qualified applicants, we want the magic unicorn NOW
      >but we don't want to pay an already-skilled person more than what they are already getting, our CULTURE is amazing!

      tl;dr nobody buys this bullshit anymore, and they don't have to. Your clients, and you by extension, are squirming because the labor market has fundamentally shifted and you don't like it. Tough shit, this is a massive dose of karma for you for what you've been doing to employees for.....fricking forever.

      Tell your recruiter buddy to shape up or ship the frick out. Nobody cares about his whining. And if his employer clients aren't willing to meet what employees demand, or aren't willing to train not-100% right fit people, or younger, inexperienced people? Tough shit for them, tell your budd to drop them and find sane clients.

      In addition to what these guys and everyone else ITT has already said.
      What, is this your friend's first month on the job? This is par for the course, no one should respond unless you're targeting new grads or offering a $300k salary.

      Replying to recruiters is like clicking on an advertisement. Why would I do that, unless I actually want what they're selling?

  12. 2 years ago

    I only use linkedin to make fun of the people who take that site so seriously.

  13. 2 years ago

    This thread is funny because the OP most likely isn't from a company trying to recruit and the anons posting long angry responses are aware of this but see it as an excuse to vent.

    • 2 years ago

      >OP most likely isn't from a company trying to recruit
      OP made that perfectly clear already.

  14. 2 years ago

    >A friend of mine from a different staffing and recruiting company directed me at this website to try and ask you folks why don't you tech geeks ever respond to our job postings and LinkedIn inquiries when we ask you to come work for our companies or fill in the job postings?
    Go to


    and check out the no holds barred FAQ:
    To wit:
    >Several anons report that they get "accepted" into internships, but things are not quite what they seem:
    >What's also strange is that after finishing the questionnaire you're told, "We will be in contact with you if you're selected" even though the recruiter I talked with spoke as if I'd already been accepted. Now I'm waiting here to receive a response and wondering if this was another part of the filtering process. It would feel pretty silly if so.
    >Anons report this has happened both in the US and Europe. Don't fall into this trap, the reason is ugly:
    >I think recruiters often do that to try to nail people down (discourage applying for more) because they lose nothing if the position falls through.
    >So when you get "accepted", keep applying for more so that you too have a fall-back position. And remember your position could always disappear overnight.

    Essentially, their reputation is shot.

  15. 2 years ago

    Recruiters have no interest in the company for which they're recruiting, they're only interested in earning as many commissions as quickly as possible. Why should I give up my valuable time to help someone else a commission? The probability that they're offering something I actually want is so low that it's barely worth even moving my eyeballs from one end of the subject line to the other

    Now if someone phoned me and says, "Yeah, I'm the senior developer in charge of gayops at ChurnSoft, look I really need a couple more Python developers in my office and Bob who used to work with you at BitScam recommended you, why don't you come over to our HQ one afternoon next week and see if you fancy it?" now THAT would be worth my attention, MAYBE

  16. 2 years ago

    have a nice day HR Black folk. When the rapture comes you will ALL go to hell

  17. 2 years ago

    cuz you all want a lot of work for shit pay

  18. 2 years ago

    webshit salary ceiling in eastern europe is 4500-5000 eur per month. i already get that and work 100% from home. haven't had to show up in the office or take the bloodclot vacceen. i can't be bothered to answer same thing on linkedin 3 times per week.

    • 2 years ago

      homie you serious? I'm in Germany making 3k after taxes working for a big pharma company. should I move to Poland?

  19. 2 years ago

    Only target people who are actively looking for jobs (there's a setting in linkedin for that right?). But most importantly, post your fricking compensation. I'd say a good chunk of us are happy where we work, especially for senior positions, so honestly, I won't even consider a call if your message doesn't have the words "compensation" or "relocation" or "sponsorship".

  20. 2 years ago

    To the people itt venting about HR: I feel your pain but also I know that if you would have been hired you'd have just turned into another corporate drone wienersucker doing whatever evils the boss wants for your precious paycheck, and then in a few years inevitably mocking people that couldn't do what you did like the boomers do now. Sorry but we need less people like you in the world. The good thing about capitalism collapsing in like this is we might see change in our lifetime

    • 2 years ago

      Who said anything about not working, schizo? Most contemporary socialism is advocating for worker co-opts

      Why haven't you joined a commune yet, commie rat?
      Let's see your excuses.

  21. 2 years ago

    I fricking despise HR and headhunters.
    Especially the f*male ones.
    Also, if you're gonna send me an offer, send me an offer with actual details.
    It irks me so much that some dumbass recruiter from a HR firm sends me a message with "hey i got a job offer you might find interesting" and provide absolutely no details as to what company it is, where they are located, what it pays, etc. Only the bare minimum buzzwords like .NET, Passionate team, etc.
    homie your job might be cool but if it's on the other side of the country i aint taking it.

  22. 2 years ago

    in commiezone it was also dead end bureaucratic deskwork or dead end manual labour with some vacations in between + while higher bureaucrats pushed to make complete garbage to meet 5yearplan for a bonus. drones got to work. i wonder if western larpers get a different idea.

    • 2 years ago

      mean for

      To the people itt venting about HR: I feel your pain but also I know that if you would have been hired you'd have just turned into another corporate drone wienersucker doing whatever evils the boss wants for your precious paycheck, and then in a few years inevitably mocking people that couldn't do what you did like the boomers do now. Sorry but we need less people like you in the world. The good thing about capitalism collapsing in like this is we might see change in our lifetime

      like what is this "post capitalism" nonsense. you think you won't have to work and be useful to somebody?

      • 2 years ago

        Who said anything about not working, schizo? Most contemporary socialism is advocating for worker co-opts

  23. 2 years ago

    >sends nondescript buzzword bait
    >will only follow up by phone or zoom
    >it's another consultancy hunting for wage slaves
    >low pay, boomer "IT department" style jobs
    >software is not a product but a cost factor for the company
    >oh, did i mention it's all java from 15 years ago as well
    i'd rather kill myself than deal with this shit
    i'm only responding to direct messages out of interesting companies

  24. 2 years ago

    >why don't you tech geeks ever respond to our job postings and LinkedIn inquiries when we ask you to come work for our companies or fill in the job postings?
    I have severe personal avoidance disorder and have turned down every job offer i ever got. Interacting on any social media with accounts is already too much for me, having to professional deal with people (in person) completely terrifies me beyond belief. I still haven't confirmedy bank account to my landlord to get 300€ payback for 2019 utility costs. It's a single email but i can't seem to do it. 🙁

  25. 2 years ago

    Because when you reach a certain level of competency, you realize that going through HR is a total waste of time.

    Be me at 28
    >Worked for a large company for 5 years, first real job after college
    >glowing performance reviews; mediocre salary but the work was challenging and rewarding
    >new manager is shit eating Pajeet who couldn't run a bath, a lot of my friends at work quite
    >go on LinkedIn and say looking for new work
    >get approached by all these HR roasties looking for "new fry chef at McDonalds" garbage jobs at shit pay
    >get discouraged and ignore
    >go to dinner party with my wife's blue-blood college friends
    >meet old boomer who thinks I'm hilarious
    >asks me what I do for work
    >tell him, say I'm not that happy
    >tells me that he knows an old friend who partners at a company looking for good Python programmers but not sure if you are interested
    >say frick it, why not, give email and send resume to boomer
    >owner (!) of the new company calls me directly in two days and said Mr. metatpartyboomer recommended you and wanted to talk
    >bullshit on phone for 30 minutes being honest about my goals and learn about role (leading/growing a new internal group for a new in-house software platform - very interesting to me)
    >doesn't ask me about salary / I don't even bring it up
    >CTO calls me and shit-tests me over phone. I pass with flying colors. No in person / teams meeting yet


    • 2 years ago

      >Asks me for salary expectation and I tihnk this is all a joke so I give a frick off price because no way this is how this is supposed to happen
      >Get 90% of what I asked for which is a six figure raise over my current role
      >Start work in 3 weeks and been there ever since (10+ years) in the best job I ever expected after college

      Not ONE HR roastie involved in the whole process. Some HR b***h tried to CC girlboss her way into some position of leverage, but the owner / CTO shoved her aside. In meeting with a lot of top level programmers through various inter company networking events I learned that virtually all top IT talent get their final gigs in a similar way (DIRECT hire from owner / C level)

      Frick HR. If you've got real talent, go to the top.

      inb4 blog post

      good shit m8, recruiters and HR are scum

    • 2 years ago

      >Asks me for salary expectation and I tihnk this is all a joke so I give a frick off price because no way this is how this is supposed to happen
      >Get 90% of what I asked for which is a six figure raise over my current role
      >Start work in 3 weeks and been there ever since (10+ years) in the best job I ever expected after college

      Not ONE HR roastie involved in the whole process. Some HR b***h tried to CC girlboss her way into some position of leverage, but the owner / CTO shoved her aside. In meeting with a lot of top level programmers through various inter company networking events I learned that virtually all top IT talent get their final gigs in a similar way (DIRECT hire from owner / C level)

      Frick HR. If you've got real talent, go to the top.

      inb4 blog post

      So networking really is that important huh.

      • 2 years ago

        NTA but yes, a lot, perhaps most jobs go through personal networks.

    • 2 years ago

      >Asks me for salary expectation and I tihnk this is all a joke so I give a frick off price because no way this is how this is supposed to happen
      >Get 90% of what I asked for which is a six figure raise over my current role
      >Start work in 3 weeks and been there ever since (10+ years) in the best job I ever expected after college

      Not ONE HR roastie involved in the whole process. Some HR b***h tried to CC girlboss her way into some position of leverage, but the owner / CTO shoved her aside. In meeting with a lot of top level programmers through various inter company networking events I learned that virtually all top IT talent get their final gigs in a similar way (DIRECT hire from owner / C level)

      Frick HR. If you've got real talent, go to the top.

      inb4 blog post

      >he doesn't understand about gatekeepers

      m8 - gud for you but not all of us get to go to swanky parties.

      & yes networking is important.
      t. do lot of volunteering outside of work - where I live is literally 3 degrees of separation. Knowing the right people and being able to reach them gets a lot of things done.

  26. 2 years ago

    >Asks me for salary expectation and I tihnk this is all a joke so I give a frick off price because no way this is how this is supposed to happen
    >Get 90% of what I asked for which is a six figure raise over my current role
    >Start work in 3 weeks and been there ever since (10+ years) in the best job I ever expected after college

    Not ONE HR roastie involved in the whole process. Some HR b***h tried to CC girlboss her way into some position of leverage, but the owner / CTO shoved her aside. In meeting with a lot of top level programmers through various inter company networking events I learned that virtually all top IT talent get their final gigs in a similar way (DIRECT hire from owner / C level)

    Frick HR. If you've got real talent, go to the top.

    inb4 blog post

    • 2 years ago

      I'm genuinely happy for you

  27. 2 years ago

    Frick you. I have responded and it prodoced nothing.

  28. 2 years ago

    Job recruitment is like a jobs program for the moronic. I refuse to let them get free money from me getting a job, and also add needless friction to the process. If I want a job I'll just apply directly.

  29. 2 years ago

    as a noob without job experience i'd like to thank all anons who haze and belittle recruiters since you increase the value of labor. very based i must say

  30. 2 years ago

    because you refuse to stop pushing your troony agenda. I will not contribute to it.

  31. 2 years ago

    I saw your profile and was impressed by the depth and breadth of your experience.

  32. 2 years ago

    >no replies to job applications
    >recruiters who contact me don't read resume, don't know where i live much less which languages i know, "hurr you live in X you want job in Y 2,000 miles away in unrelated language?"
    >slowly going broke
    I keep hearing how hot the job market is and how much money people are making. But I can't even get a return email or a phone interview. My job/money situation has never been this bleak.

    • 2 years ago

      >not moving for job while not getting WFH offers

    • 2 years ago

      The job market is not "hot". It is completely broken.

      Employers are often completely clueless about how to hire.
      Employers are often completely clueless about what to offer candidates to get them to accept a position
      Even if they aren't, they are guided by asinine HR people
      Even if the HR people aren't asinine, they are trained incorrectly and only know how to plug n chug applications through software ATS's, Applicant Tracking Systems
      The software is dumb as shit. Seriously, you can find endless tricks to fool ATS software.

      Everything about hiring is broken. From the expectations to salaries to legal requirements to HR to the software. You are seeing in real time the collapse of an incredibly complex system. Even if an employer genuinely wants to hire someone, oftentimes they can't, either because HR won't let them, or the entire hiring suite of software is just fundamentally broken. At a certain point, even a lot of employers just give up.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes you aren't exaggerating.
        Recruiting is effectively a giant pachinko machine. Occasionally the balls fall in the right slot but no one knows what the frick they are doing.
        Every process is convoluted and broken, and consists of arbitrary rules that some HR rep made up just because.

        • 2 years ago

          People here need to read
          Collapse of Complex Societies

          Basically, we have a society overloaded on complexity and managers, which is keeling over.

          • 2 years ago

            >Basically, we have a society overloaded on complexity and managers, which is keeling over.
            I agree. The complexity is already overwhelming and continues to grow. It is a miracle it hasn't imploded yet. Since people are all in for cheap immediate gratification, they are entirely unaware how bad things really are.

    • 2 years ago

      >I keep hearing how hot the job market is
      Kek how are you so out of touch. The market is absolutely fricked right now. Hiring freezes galore.
      Even when it was hot, you needed nepotism to get anywhere

      • 2 years ago

        Well that makes me feel better about the zero interest, but worse about my future financial prospects. If I could go back knowing what I know now I would have unironically learned how to cook/deal meth instead of software engineering.

        • 2 years ago

          Every industry is honestly bullshit. I was from a bumfrick nowhere little town and got shit software jobs until I had a video game friend refer me. I'm now making mid 150k range as a college dropout off a "who I knew" scenario.

          It's who I knew that got me in. I couldn't get a fricking job to save my life before. It's what I knew that gave me security through the company's layoff waves.

  33. 2 years ago

    You either refuse to pay a fair wage or refuse to be fair in your hiring practices. Or both. This isn't rocket surgery.

  34. 2 years ago

    I don't know whether this post is bait, but the vast majorities of LinkedIn spam I get is fricking atrocious everyone associated with it should not be surprised I ignore it. Let's look at a few things in my inbox:

    - [company] was just rated at the top of the Gartner Magic Quadrant
    Yeah frick off. You're not selling to a clueless executive.
    - [otherwise attractive option] has a great job we'd like you to come interview for in literally a different country
    - picrel. What in frick.

    • 2 years ago

      Kek. There are enough dumbasses who will answer to make it worth his attempt.

      • 2 years ago

        He didn't even offer a lead in though. It was literally his entire message, one line plus a signature. I just can't believe how lazy it was.

  35. 2 years ago

    any resources for learning data analysis?

  36. 2 years ago

    Maybe your HR friends should consider their requirements.

  37. 2 years ago

    Gotta start the Email with: FRICK Black folk AND BLACK ROCK

  38. 2 years ago

    >job postings and LinkedIn inquiries
    >[time wasters and scams]
    I'm not going to go out of my way be some junior lackey b***hboy, and no, I'm not going to accept your "30 minute interview" for an amazon gift card, or whatever this bullshit is.

    Recruiters are so incompetent when they attempt to contact people. Not a single one knows what they're talking about, and they have no idea about the actual qualifications required for the position they're recruiting for. And you just know that if you take those seriously, the companies they recruit for are just going to gyp you as hard as they can.

  39. 2 years ago

    who is stupid enough to work for their own replacement? i ain't losing health so that wo*en, Black folk and israelites can live off my back

  40. 2 years ago

    Because you won't tell me the pay.

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