A zoologist who observed gorillas in their native habitat was amazed by the uniformity of their life and their vast idleness.

A zoologist who observed gorillas in their native habitat was amazed by the uniformity of their life and their vast idleness. Hours and hours without doing anything. Was boredom unknown to them? This is indeed a question raised by a human, a busy ape. Far from fleeing monotony, animals crave it, and what they most dread is to see it end. For it ends, only to be replaced by fear, the cause of all activity. Inaction is divine; yet it is against inaction that man has rebelled. Man alone, in nature, is incapable of enduring monotony, man alone wants something to happen at all costs — something, anything.... Thereby he shows himself unworthy of his ancestor: the need for novelty is the characteristic of an alienated gorilla.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Man is quite capable of enduring monotony. It literally takes like 3 days to acclimate yourself to it. try it.

    • 11 months ago

      also im really fricking tired of how EVERY philosopher thinks humans are different than animals and perpetuates this bullshit, so disappointing that even people like Nietzsche and Cioran do it. the only book ive found that affirms that man is just like an animal is the Liezi, but it only does so as an analogy or whatever for some other meaning, and only in some weird story. I seriously hate this bs. It's pretty fricking obvious to me that a human doesn't feel anything an ape doesn't feel and vice versa, the only difference is that humans are better at semiotics and expressing what they feel. humans are not fricking special. your cognition is 90% identical to a monkey, and that's a good thing. I love being a primate.

      • 11 months ago

        ooo eee eeee eee ee eeeee ooo ooo OOOO OOO EEEEEE EEEEE

      • 11 months ago

        >how EVERY philosopher thinks humans are different than animals and perpetuates this bullshit
        But anon, Humans are different from gorillas like how a Zebra is different from a horse. Mabye you think 90% like a primate lmao.

      • 11 months ago

        Human beings are different from animals. Just like a tree is not an animal. I'd like to find a philosopher who argues that trees are the same as animals personally, and that rocks are sentient.

      • 11 months ago

        >t's pretty fricking obvious to me that a human doesn't feel anything an ape doesn't feel and vice versa,
        An ape does not feel:
        >reverence for divinity
        >the perception and acknowledgement of invisible powers and beings. In general the ape is not even slightly aware of the invisible, even invisible beings as simple as "ideas", like Beauty.
        >The sublimity of art
        >The immediate presence of the Infinite
        >harmony (for example, musical harmonics).

        • 11 months ago

          >An ape does not feel rhythm
          I've seen enough dance clubs in Southern US to know just how wrong this take is.

        • 11 months ago

          it feels all of those.

        • 11 months ago

          >an ape does not feel
          Human beings are literally ape. Beyond that, since you meant nonhuman apes, how do you know?

          • 11 months ago
            Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

            Shut the frick up you ESL monkey. You are not a part of the human race.

          • 11 months ago

            Make me egghead

        • 11 months ago
          • 11 months ago

            Grape-kun is proof animals have souls. What we truly lack for is proof that humans have them.

        • 11 months ago

          and how do you know that?

        • 11 months ago

          Lol what a bunch of bullshit, most people don’t feel any of that either.

      • 11 months ago

        Jesus man, you can't seriously believe this, do you?

        • 11 months ago

          >how EVERY philosopher thinks humans are different than animals
          For no reason?

          You guys are brainwashed

          • 11 months ago

            You have been brainwashed by atheism and le epic science reddit memes

          • 11 months ago

            >uhhh if you don't agree with me to worship the desert lawyers' volcano demon it's because you're brainwashed
            ok moron

          • 11 months ago

            I understand the aversion to "anthrocentrism", but a moment's reflection is enough to prove to oneself the vast gap between human consciousness and the consciousness of other animals, including higher primates.

          • 11 months ago

            There is a small gap in intelligence and semiosis ability that only happens to make differences the physical realm. Sure we can create religion and science, but that’s just because of a small cognitive difference that allowed us to express our subjective experience which is 99% identical to chimpanzees.

          • 11 months ago

            Sorry, what I’mctrying to say is that only a small difference in mental ability and experience happens to make big differences in the physical world. It’s disproportionate and leads us to think our experience is different from apes when it isn’t.

          • 11 months ago

            >only a small difference in mental ability and experience happens to make big differences in the physical world
            I see, could you explain this a bit more? From a genetic standpoint, I think this position is easier to defend, so I'm going to assume this is the angle you are taking---feel free to clarify if not. Whatever genetic switch was flipped in our ancestors that snowballed into sentience has been deceptively elusive to find, even if it that switch resides in 0.2% of our genome, at least compared to chimpanzees. While the change might seem small genetically, this is a naive perspective. We share over 60% genetic similarity with bananas, for example.

          • 11 months ago

            I think some researchers showed that it was only one single punctual mutation that lead to the rapid growth of our brain.

          • 11 months ago

            I hate to be that guy, but source?
            Right time right place? Not sure what you mean by this word lol

          • 11 months ago

            It was a documentary in german. No idea anymore. The researchers where also german.
            >Right time right place? Not sure what you mean by this word lol

            What is this supposed to mean?

          • 11 months ago

            Your use of the word punctual is strange. It doesn't make sense

          • 11 months ago

            I think he’s using it in the sense of the biological term of the “punctuated equilibrium” model of evolution, where evolution is conceived as generally being slow, minimal, going on with few drastic changes for aeons, before a sudden significant event or environmental stressor rapidly accelerates it.

            Another technical definition of punctual (not often colloquially used) is:

            “Confined to or having the nature of a point in space.”

          • 11 months ago

            I see. Whether or not the claim is true (which I don't think it is), there is more than just a single mutation separating the brain of man and the brain of ape. Even if we were to admit this to be the case, genetic context matters (pleiotropy, etc.).

          • 11 months ago

            Nahh bro i think you are totally wrong and i don't get how you can claim such things.
            Have you ever seen chimpanzees? What shit they do? Yes we have similar things in us but we are in a totally different league otherwise.
            We have complex language, complex political systems, complex music, complex toolmaking etc.
            Yes chimps have some of that but its nowhere near what we are capable of.
            Would you say ants and flies are the same? Or cats and dogs? Cmon man.

          • 11 months ago

            Chimps have all that too, the difference is one of degree.

          • 11 months ago

            This is not even true bro marine mammals also seek out novelty as well as most other primates

            I understand the aversion to "anthrocentrism", but a moment's reflection is enough to prove to oneself the vast gap between human consciousness and the consciousness of other animals, including higher primates.

            Sorry, what I’mctrying to say is that only a small difference in mental ability and experience happens to make big differences in the physical world. It’s disproportionate and leads us to think our experience is different from apes when it isn’t.

            The difference is that humans' reality is constructed by language, whereas other animals experience reality directly. Comparatively simple organisms like rats and pigeons can learn extremely sophisticated patterns of behavior from the consequences of their actions alone, which humans generally will not when placed in the same situation unless they are either a) instructed or b) able to develop a hypothesis about the relationship between the stimuli they are responding to.

            Le epic human cognitive capacity is a meme. We have a worse working memory than chimpanzees, and respond in irrational and sub-optimal ways most of the time to tasks that rats and pigeons do not struggle with. We compensate for this with language.

            But language is not the same thing to consciousness according to most contemporary philosophers who study it. Consciousness is the subjective experience of being alive, which is not demonstrably enhanced or augmented in some magical way by language. In some ways, language estranges organisms from this experience, hence why such a large number of mystics and religious ascetics actively try to suppress internal languaging.

            The bottom line is that anthropocentrism is frankly cringe and boring. That my experience of reality is mediated by language doesn't mean it's somehow more complex than a bat's. They are both ineffable and defy the comprehension of either organism.

          • 11 months ago
            Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

            Can an animal crump?

          • 11 months ago

            >The difference is that humans' reality is constructed by language
            Humans excel at non verbal tasks requiring pattern recognition, e.g. puzzles, without the use of language.
            > Le epic human cognitive capacity is a meme
            No one claimed it wasn't
            >But language is not the same thing to consciousness according to most contemporary philosophers who study it. Consciousness is the subjective experience of being alive, which is not demonstrably enhanced or augmented in some magical way by language
            So then why are you fixating on language? Lmao
            >The bottom line is that anthropocentrism is frankly cringe and boring
            You typed out this whole reply when you could have just said this, a la

            itt people who don't know anything about the natural world coping and seething.

            ; you offered nothing in the way of a rebuttal

      • 11 months ago

        >how EVERY philosopher thinks humans are different than animals
        For no reason?

      • 11 months ago

        This is your brain on material determinism (STEMslop) any questions?

        • 11 months ago

          >This is your brain on material determinism (STEMslop)
          >This is your brain on STEMslop
          >This is your brain on STEM
          >This is your brain on science
          >This is your brain on a rigorous program of inquiry into the nature of the universe
          oh no!

        • 11 months ago

          Nahh bro i think you are totally wrong and i don't get how you can claim such things.
          Have you ever seen chimpanzees? What shit they do? Yes we have similar things in us but we are in a totally different league otherwise.
          We have complex language, complex political systems, complex music, complex toolmaking etc.
          Yes chimps have some of that but its nowhere near what we are capable of.
          Would you say ants and flies are the same? Or cats and dogs? Cmon man.

          I understand the aversion to "anthrocentrism", but a moment's reflection is enough to prove to oneself the vast gap between human consciousness and the consciousness of other animals, including higher primates.

          >t's pretty fricking obvious to me that a human doesn't feel anything an ape doesn't feel and vice versa,
          An ape does not feel:
          >reverence for divinity
          >the perception and acknowledgement of invisible powers and beings. In general the ape is not even slightly aware of the invisible, even invisible beings as simple as "ideas", like Beauty.
          >The sublimity of art
          >The immediate presence of the Infinite
          >harmony (for example, musical harmonics).

          itt people who don't know anything about the natural world coping and seething.

        • 11 months ago

          itt people who don't know anything about the natural world coping and seething.

          Any mathcel vs wordcel discussion is unter brain cancer and cope for morons who can't polymath. If you view the world in that way you might as well just be illiterate, your clearly moronic propping up such idiotic non-existent abstract dichotomies.

      • 11 months ago

        Post hand

      • 11 months ago

        Black person.

      • 11 months ago

        If my dog had a larger brain and not a stupid canine vocal system then he could speak English to me.
        ...but then he would stop being a dog, anon.
        >your cognition is 90% identical to a monkey
        speak for yourself, shit slinger.

  2. 11 months ago

    >A zoologist who observed gorillas in their native habitat

    that's impossible, the gchq donut is impregnable

  3. 11 months ago

    In the Western world it is second nature for us to assume that all creative action requires the incentive of inadequacy and discontent. It seems obvious that if we felt fulfilled at each instant and no longer regarded time as a path of pursuit, we should just sit down in the sun, pull large Mexican hats over our eyes, and put bottles of tequila at our elbows. Even if this were true it might not be so great a disaster as we imagine, for there is no doubt that our extreme busyness is as much nervous fidgets as industry, and that a certain amount of ordinary laziness would lend our culture the pleasant mellowness which it singularly lacks. However, it does not seem to occur to use that action goaded by a sense of inadequacy will be creative only in a limited sense. It will express the emptiness from which it springs rather than fullness, hunger rather than strength.

    • 11 months ago

      >In the Western world it is second nature for us to assume that all creative action requires the incentive of inadequacy and discontent.
      >I know nothing about the lyric mode.

      Nice job punchy, now stop fricking my motorcycle's saddle. Yes it is a vegana. That's why its called sex motorcycle. No threesomes with me and the sex motorcycle until you can account for the lyric as opposed to the epic and dramatic.

    • 11 months ago

      Good post

      >the uniformity of their life and their vast idleness. Hours and hours without doing anything. Was boredom unknown to them?

      Indigestion from having to process huge amounts of plant matter.

      >indigestion from its natural diet
      Humans are the only specie not eating a proper diet

  4. 11 months ago

    >Man alone, in nature, is incapable of enduring monotony
    Refuted by the existence of this board.

    • 11 months ago


  5. 11 months ago
    Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

    Why don't I commit suicide? Because I am as sick of death as I am of life. I should be cast into a flaming caldron! Why am I on this earth? I feel the need to cry out, to utter a savage scream that will set the world atremble with dread. I am like a lightning bolt ready to set the world ablaze and swallow it all in the flames of my nothingness. I am the most monstrous being in history, the beast of the apocalypse full of fire and darkness, of aspirations and despair. I am the beast with a contorted grin, contracting down to illusion and dilating toward infinity, both growing and dying, delightfully suspended between hope for nothing and despair of everything, brought up among perfumes and poisons, consumed with love and hatred, killed by lights and shadows. My symbol is the death of light and the flame of death. Sparks die in me only to be reborn as thunder and lightning. Darkness itself glows in me.

    • 11 months ago

      This guy is such a fricking meme.
      I finished On the Heights of Despair today, it reads like the diary of an emo teen that picked up a thesaurus and is particularly hung up on the word "paroxysm".
      The only upside is that the book is mercifully short, still drivel doe don't read him anons.

      • 11 months ago

        Emo was the last bastion of vvhite culture. Pseud.

      • 11 months ago

        He was being a human being you homosexual, life is depressing, most philosophers call it out how life fricking sucks dick sometimes.

  6. 11 months ago

    Haven't you ever seen videos of Black folks and other such turd worlders just sitting on the ground idly for hours?
    This is the reality for most huemans. The constant strive for greatness of the Aryan race is alien to most.

  7. 11 months ago

    I'm an animal and so are you. being sapient dont change shit.

    >hurr durr I like da philoassahpeee

    yeah your bag of bones and guts controlled by hormones and your brain stem

  8. 11 months ago

    I have been pondering similar thoughts

    • 11 months ago

      Being bored sucks.

  9. 11 months ago

    I find this guy mega cringe and you can read other people saying the exact same shit all over LULZ but everyone mocks them for it. it's basically just the same antinatalism waa waa frick you mom I hate life shit. this guy should just be mocked.

    • 11 months ago
      Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

      /LULZ/ is eternally underage and anti-crump

  10. 11 months ago

    >the uniformity of their life and their vast idleness. Hours and hours without doing anything. Was boredom unknown to them?

    Indigestion from having to process huge amounts of plant matter.

  11. 11 months ago


  12. 11 months ago

    Nice cope with your unproductive lifestyle lel

  13. 11 months ago

    Does anybody have the webm of the microcephalic listening to the stereo in some third world country? Its more powerful than a thousand words.

  14. 11 months ago

    From time to time, I wish I was a gorilla. Not a Silverback, just some incel beta minding my own business eating fruit, climbing trees, relaxing.

  15. 11 months ago

    I didn't know eraserhead thought about all that

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