
What went wrong?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    If Africa got never touched by Europeans in some type or form .I think they'would be fine.
    Refute this post.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah like if we had quarantined the continent and never provided them with any technology or education then I agree they would have probably remained the in a primitive tribal hunting and gathering existence and been much better off.

      • 3 months ago

        >primitive tribal hunting and gathering existence
        Vast majority of Africa was not Hubter gathering lol.

        >we had quarantined the continent and never provided them with any technology or education
        Not physically possible. Especially since Africa was still part of the global trade.

        • 3 months ago

          Vast majority up until the 1900s hunted wild game because they had yet to domestic livestock for consumption

          Even now a third or more of the continent subsists on foreign calories

          In russia Ukraine conflict closing the grain routes was a point of international contention because Africans would starve

    • 2 months ago

      Removing European Imperial powers would just remove the relatively brief period of civilisation experienced by Africa for about a century. Without the empires Africa would look like the rough end of Liberia - at best. Probably they'd continue as they had done for millennia - as ignorant hunter-gatherers whose only contact with the world outside of their valley being trading some of their people as slaves to the Arabs in exchange for a handful of shiny beads.

      • 2 months ago

        >ignorant hunter-gatherers
        The Amazon has more hunter gatherers than Africa

        >1.Lack of any significant mountain ranges
        There are significant mountains in East Africa, but even where there isn't, plenty of civilizations do fine not living near mountains.
        >There are few rivers in africa which you can sail on
        They have major navigable rivers, such as the Niger, Senegal, and Volta rivers for West Africa, and the Congo river for Central Africa.
        >There are pretty much no animals you can even domesticate on the continent
        Even if that's true, domestication usually happens in one area and then spreads elsewhere. Many animals domesticated in Asia were spread into Africa.
        >It is believed that malaria killed more people than any other disease in human history. Having portion of your population constantly wiped out because of it is a major hurdle
        Europe and Asia use to have wide spread Malaria as well. Disease is something everyone has to deal with, think about the black death that took out ~50% of Europe's population.

        >Warm weather, and an abundance of wildlife made Africans "lazy" if you will.
        So you know nothing about climate. Nice outing yourself like that.

        • 2 months ago

          >The Amazon has more hunter gatherers than Africa
          Nice digits, but pic is still related.

          • 2 months ago

            It is one Lol

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            Whataboutism was never a fallacy in the first place.

          • 2 months ago

            OK Commie

  2. 3 months ago

    African proto-kangdoms resisted conquest by the Finnish, who infused their DNA with genes that put seed oils in their blood to doom them for eternity

  3. 3 months ago

    Islamic need for slaves created a sort of plug that prevented civilization from naturally crawling down; whereas the eastern europeans were brought to a christian moral system and collective of western civilization by the steady spread of christianity, the muslim states like songhai and kanem bornu went out of their way to not convert the tribal population of their domains so that they may be raided indefinitely.

    • 3 months ago

      >Islamic need for slaves created a sort of plug that prevented civilization from naturally crawling down;
      But it did on top of local ones anon. The frick you think Ajami is anon? There's also other influences outside and within Africa.

      >the muslim states like songhai and kanem bornu went out of their way to not convert the tribal population of their domains so that they may be raided indefinitely.
      Many pagans did not want to convert. The Serer explicitly opposed several Muslim states nearby.

  4. 3 months ago

    Average IQ = 70

    • 3 months ago

      Average penis size =22,5 cm

      • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          black men were built for snowbunnies not sheboons

          • 3 months ago

            black men were built for prison cells

          • 3 months ago

            to rape Aryan Brotherhood limpdick members

          • 3 months ago

            Average penis size =22,5 cm

          • 3 months ago

            im actually considered white(Polish)

      • 3 months ago

        but only because i have an enormous schlong that reaches there all the way from a different continent and drives the average up

    • 2 months ago

      It's actually 60 but you were on the right track. That's pretty much the reason.

      Average penis size =22,5 cm

      literally false. look up the human penis size wikipedia page and scroll down to the section on race. they have bigger dicks by less than a cm. stop making shit up homosexual.

  5. 3 months ago

    >What went wrong?
    That can't be discussed here.

    • 3 months ago

      Why?free speech and all that.

      • 3 months ago

        mods delete and ban anyone that says anything other than kumbaya disney cast level shit.

        • 3 months ago

          More like because you homosexuals can't have a level discussion about Africa without it being derailed and ending up as another /misc/homosexualry circlejerk.

        • 2 months ago


  6. 3 months ago

    people like the maasai are some of the happiest smartest people on earth
    don't (you) me with a bunch of crap, i know africa is a shithole

  7. 3 months ago

    Nothing. There's literally nothing "wrong" with Africa.

  8. 3 months ago

    While geographic determinism isn't 100% responsible you can't argue that it doesn't play a big role in development
    1.Lack of any significant mountain ranges
    Mountains are great. Air passing above them forces rain and snowmelt+ extra soil absorbing the water leads to stable riverbeds which leads to permanent settlements since humans need water for both consumtion and for farming
    2.Lack of sailable rivers
    There are few rivers in africa which you can sail on. This means transporting goods becomes significantly harder and exploration is a no-go
    3.lack of domestication
    Domestication allowed cities to grow even larger and increase the amount of land you could farm. There are pretty much no animals you can even domesticate on the continent
    It is believed that malaria killed more people than any other disease in human history. Having portion of your population constantly wiped out because of it is a major hurdle. In fact scramble for africa pretty much started right after a cure for malaria was developed because now you could actually conquer the land without significant attrition of your forces
    There are other factors but all this really makes it hard to properly develop there

    • 2 months ago

      >1.Lack of any significant mountain ranges
      There are significant mountains in East Africa, but even where there isn't, plenty of civilizations do fine not living near mountains.
      >There are few rivers in africa which you can sail on
      They have major navigable rivers, such as the Niger, Senegal, and Volta rivers for West Africa, and the Congo river for Central Africa.
      >There are pretty much no animals you can even domesticate on the continent
      Even if that's true, domestication usually happens in one area and then spreads elsewhere. Many animals domesticated in Asia were spread into Africa.
      >It is believed that malaria killed more people than any other disease in human history. Having portion of your population constantly wiped out because of it is a major hurdle
      Europe and Asia use to have wide spread Malaria as well. Disease is something everyone has to deal with, think about the black death that took out ~50% of Europe's population.

    • 2 months ago

      Frick off Jared.

  9. 2 months ago

    1. A lack of peninsulas and bays kept many Africans from trading with Europeans, Asians, and Arabs. A lack of contact with the outside world also resulted in a lack of competition, and thus a lack of progress

    2. Africans did not start to philosophize, didn't create organized religions, and thus didn't progress.

    3. Africa is a continent of milk and honey. Warm weather, and an abundance of wildlife made Africans "lazy" if you will.

    • 2 months ago

      >Africa is a continent of milk and honey. Warm weather, and an abundance of wildlife made Africans "lazy" if you will.
      Lmao laziness in the tropics gets you killed.

      • 2 months ago

        So explain Black folk, Mexicans, and Meds in general.

    • 2 months ago

      South America wasn't trading with Europeans, Asians, and Arabs either yet their civilizations were much more advanced than anything you will find in Africa.

      • 2 months ago

        No. Ancient Egypt was way more advanced than Andean Civilization.

  10. 2 months ago

    Desertification of the Sahara isolated Sub Saharan Africa and made contact with the outside world difficult, stunting progress.

    • 2 months ago

      West Africa had contact through Saharan trade, and East Africa had contact through maritime trade and Egypt.

  11. 2 months ago

    They need more high IQ 100% Aryan Brazilians to learn them civilization ways

  12. 2 months ago

    The french, many such cases.

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