AI needs to study this place

We have to run a scraper off IQfy for like a month and figure out what % of posts are bots, I swear, the topics are all 90% of the same and repeated over and over and over.

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  1. 8 months ago

    What would be the point of bots here? Everyone here is an ineffectual loser, there's no money to be made... why?

    • 8 months ago

      Same reason why /r/writing is so astroturfed...

      • 8 months ago

        I'm sorry, I'm not being a troll, I literally don't understand what they'd have to gain. If most of the posts are bots then only a very few people use this chan (which is obvious anyway by how slow it is.) So what would the folks who unleashed these bots even gain by turning so few people onto their spamming? I'm literally a moron though, no joke.

        • 8 months ago

          To kill IQfy. Seemed like bot activity had a huge uptick round 2019-2020, which combined with aggressive mods/spam ended up driving most people off this website. Anytime that things start to pick up or quality starts to improve too much we get flooded with more bots. Just having a low level of pointless repeat threads ensures that we no longer have slow moving, high quality topics that linger for weeks at a time

          The powers that be wont be happy until we're all scrolling on an algorithmic feed that's been personalized to MK ULTRA us.

          • 8 months ago

            >bot activity had a huge uptick round 2019-2020
            That was shutdown tourism.

          • 8 months ago

            Sounds more like corporate espionage than anything

          • 8 months ago

            Bro you're a fricking moron if you spend a significant amount of time here and think your brain hasn't been completely fried by it

          • 8 months ago

            >could it be new users?
            >no it must be the bots

          • 8 months ago

            >started browsing in 2019
            >therefore the bots also came around that time
            Many such cases

      • 8 months ago

        That’s just standard IQfy autism you newbie frick.

        Go back

    • 8 months ago

      Influencing upcoming elections

      • 8 months ago

        For what side though? The /misc/ spam will only influence a few vulnerable anons, won’t make a difference for those who are already /misc/tards, and will draw hostility from everyone else. I’m always undecided if the incels, /misc/, and the west has fallen threads are zoomers who are too influenced by the culture war and literally cannot post without thinking with their direction-brain, or if it is purposeful propaganda

        • 8 months ago

          To create context

        • 8 months ago

          >writes this post trying to fit in
          >calls others direction brain

    • 8 months ago

      It's just more fun and easy to make effortless bot posts than the usual low effort shitposts, and less likely to get called out for my authentic faults. I feel low-medium proudness of my bot posts almost always, where I can make a human post to be proud of once in three years if I'm lucky. I am far less invested in what I have to share (nothing) or relating to other anons (gay) than in steering conversations online to be interesting for me to read, which means getting people to talk about WW2 memes or Hitler as much as I possibly can.

  2. 8 months ago

    We need to make a new imageboard without bots/feds. Been playing with the idea of a IQfy centered textboard. Boards would be IQfy-Literature, /pub/-Publishing, /cw/- Creative Writing, etc. Another idea is a multiplayer rpg that basically functions as a chatroom for ppl.

    Obviously both would be protected by a rudimentary IQ test to keep the tards and glowies away.

    • 8 months ago

      >Obviously both would be protected by a rudimentary IQ test to keep the tards and glowies away.
      Will be as big of a failure as every other anons attempt at that. Only chance for such a thing to work is if you set aside your ideals of what it should be and focus on moderation which reflects both the goals of the site and the community which uses it.

      • 8 months ago

        Well my idea is twofold: first, the community would be a textboard, with a clear focus on literature. IQfy would only allow threads discussing a specific book, /pub/ would be more general discussion of the publishing industry at large, maybe a /biblio/ board for buying selling rare books, etc. but it would be much narrower and stricter than IQfy. Something you could browse at work basically.

        Second, it would be a private club. Posting is anonymous (forced anon), but to enter you need to solve a couple of puzzles in order to access the board. This would create a bare minimum IQ cutoff. Then I'd seed advertisements for the website on various wikipedia articles, online books, and so on. With the implication that the webcommunity is more important than it actually is but you're not part of the club or something like that. Kind of like IQfy mixed with freemasonry, for chuds.

        • 8 months ago

          >IQfy would only allow threads discussing a specific book
          So you would not be able to discuss an authors work as a whole? You can't be that autistic if you want to succeed, and you need to allow room for fun.
          >This would create a bare minimum IQ cutoff.
          Which is moronic. Just require making an account attached to an valid email but posting being anonymous, the will get rid of most of the shitposting right there and make moderation actually possible.

          Many have attempted this over the years and they all fail because they try and create their ideal of IQfy instead of addressing the problems of IQfy.

          • 8 months ago

            Nta but the biggest problem of IQfy is the user base or demographic. If IQfy wasn’t filled with anons who didn’t read and ideologues it would be okay

          • 8 months ago

            Which is primarily caused by bans being meaningless which fosters an environment that is impossible to moderate especially since IQfy lacks the active user base required for the community to do its part in moderation.

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah, gatekeeping isn’t effective anymore since the shitposters greatly outnumber. I’m not saying IQfy needs to be JSTOR with nothing but seriousness, but threads should at least be related to literature. Throwing “books for…” or “books about…” onto a blogpost, bait thread, /misc/ thread, etc doesn’t make it literature related. 90% of those threads should be deleted on site with a ban. Philosophy threads should clearly reference a book or it’s just nu-/qa/. Religion needs its own board. I think if the mods and jannies were more active it would really help or at least discourage. Is this board even worth ban evading for a 3 day vacation?

          • 8 months ago

            I agree. At the very least blogposts should be tied to a specific book. "Fyodor Dostoevsky's The Underground Man is literally me" and "Post times you were Thus Spake Zarathustra's the Superman" for example, would both be clearly off topic diaries/shitposting, but at the very least they might generate some discussion of a specific book. "Books for this feel" threads will be deleted on sight.

          • 8 months ago

            We only have one or two mods and I suspect the years of IQfy culture wars has made them shy, they are sick of the complaints flooding in. So jannies on IQfy mostly watch out for work safe violations and are told to ignore everything else.

            It would be three questions. Two riddles that test literary knowledge/basic research skills, one math puzzle to test abstract reasoning. It will be the same tests every time so ppl can be invited through word of mouth as well as brute reasoning, but it filters webcrawlers and random spam bots and requires a minimum of effort to participate. It's unfortunate but [...] has a point. While there are aspects of IQfy culture which are great and really can't be found elsewhere, there's a tendency for spam overflow from mass movement and culture war media operations. This happens on any large platform but IQfy is slow and surface web enough that it often gets flooded with low quality spam. My idea would be a smaller "secret clubhouse" vibe, with much slower discussions but ultimately with much better quality.

            The question would be one of ensuring a dedicated subuserbase which keeps a minimum of board activity and quality discussions alive to attract users. Instead of wholly trying to attract new posters from imageboards id prefer a small group from here to set the overall tone and culture, then aggressively searching for new members from other sources: rare book exchanges on Facebook, publishing industry events, and scrawling a web address on the margins of certain library books for example.

            >So you would not be able to discuss an authors work as a whole?
            You wouldn't. You pick a single book and discuss it. If that thread drifts into a broader discussion of the author, their body of works, life, etc. that's fine, but restricting thread topics to individual books makes the thread catalogue look cleaner and reduces off topic spam.

            More general discussion of authors, literary movements, industry gossip, etc. would be fine on /pub/ however. But this board has a tendency to drift off topic and at the very least having a clear topic could keep things grounded.

            >Which is moronic. Just require making an account attached to an valid email but posting being anonymous, the will get rid of most of the shitposting right there and make moderation actually possible
            That would violate the spirit of this community. Making an account is a pain, logging in is a pain, I don't want to maintain a database, before you know ot you'll have private subcommunities of people circlejerking. It will be very simple, you answer three questions correctly and you have complete anonymous access to the boards. The idea isn't to make people accountable to their posts, its to make people unable to access the site feel like they're missing out on something.

            If you ever do it the site will fail miserably, you are not going to get the wide variety of readers needed to maintain the community, see lainchanIQfy for an example of that. You are going about it in the exact same way many IQfy anons have tried before, don't think a single one even made it a month.

          • 8 months ago

            >We only have one or two mods and I suspect the years of IQfy culture wars has made them shy, they are sick of the complaints flooding in. So jannies on IQfy mostly watch out for work safe violations and are told to ignore everything else.

            I don’t envy them and they certainly have a difficult task. It’s always head scratching when an anon complains about being punished for making some dunderheaded thread. Like are those anons unaware they are chucklefricks? Jannying for free will never attract the high quality judge that is needed. They would need to make judgment calls. If an anon makes high quality posts but gets out of pocket once in a while, should he be punished vs the anon who constantly skirts the line with barely disguised bait threads of low quality? Should both the instigator and retaliator be punished? Unfortunately, at the end of the day, there are many anons here who use this board for their own agenda pushing motives. These anons don’t give a frick about the quality of the board or if a thread is literature related. There are anons who view tweets as literature; there are anons who view slapping a “books for…” on an off topic thread as literature; there are anons who view certain books as dog whistle threads, more of banners or signal for what will really go on in the thread. They skirt the rules and they know it. IQfy has a huge gray zone because everything can have a tenuous connection to literature. Anons who’s brains have been rotted abound here. They will never care about the culture of the board and what it should be about because they want to make the board in their own image

          • 8 months ago

            >gray area
            Pretty much, it made IQfy impossible to moderate, no janny can have the knowledge required to do their job so judgement calls became the order of the day. Books for any topic which there is a board for need to be off topic on IQfy, would greatly decrease the size of that gray area. Really IQfy should probably be made fiction only despite the losses that would cause, it would make it possible to moderate.

          • 8 months ago

            I have always been a firm believer in the fiction only board. Non fiction is too often used to exploit that gray area. Want to talk about something off topic? Look up a book about that topic. Post book in OP. Mention topic in OP. Whole thread is filled with anons who probably never read the book, and the thread could be moved to another board with nothing lost. Fiction can be ideology driven but generally one needs to read the book to discuss it. IQfy has always had its faults but it was king when the meme trilogy reigned. Those books might have been too prevalent but they were at least read, they were on topic, and they had some high quality posts. Balkanizing IQfy is the way to go but it will never be done

          • 8 months ago

            >Balkanizing IQfy is the way to go but it will never be done
            Hear me out:
            IQfy - Literature (only discussion of specific fictional literary works)
            /pub/ - Publishing (discuss authors, publishing houses, self publishing, meta-trends in literature, art movements, letters, etc.)
            /ph/ - Philology (translation, languages, linguistics)
            /bib/ - Bibliophiles (buy & sell rare books, show off book collection, bookbinding, elephant leather folio threads, all discussion of books as physical objects)
            IQfy - Technology

            All basically unmoderated except for pruning off topic threads and also a banned word list that includes every current world leader, common incorrect variations of English spelling (color, fueled, theater, etc.), and most ethnic slurs.

          • 8 months ago

            I have always been a firm believer in the fiction only board. Non fiction is too often used to exploit that gray area. Want to talk about something off topic? Look up a book about that topic. Post book in OP. Mention topic in OP. Whole thread is filled with anons who probably never read the book, and the thread could be moved to another board with nothing lost. Fiction can be ideology driven but generally one needs to read the book to discuss it. IQfy has always had its faults but it was king when the meme trilogy reigned. Those books might have been too prevalent but they were at least read, they were on topic, and they had some high quality posts. Balkanizing IQfy is the way to go but it will never be done

            Agree with these anons. It's something I've posted myself a few times over the years. The low quality threads tend to overwhelmingly deal with topics that aren't fiction, and the most partisan, divisive but still moronic takes are found on those threads.

            >Balkanizing IQfy is the way to go but it will never be done
            Hear me out:
            IQfy - Literature (only discussion of specific fictional literary works)
            /pub/ - Publishing (discuss authors, publishing houses, self publishing, meta-trends in literature, art movements, letters, etc.)
            /ph/ - Philology (translation, languages, linguistics)
            /bib/ - Bibliophiles (buy & sell rare books, show off book collection, bookbinding, elephant leather folio threads, all discussion of books as physical objects)
            IQfy - Technology

            All basically unmoderated except for pruning off topic threads and also a banned word list that includes every current world leader, common incorrect variations of English spelling (color, fueled, theater, etc.), and most ethnic slurs.

            >and most ethnic slurs.
            It's still IQfy, anon. Calm down

            >proper accounts
            >no names/trips
            >everyone is either op or anon
            >op moderates own thread
            >ban ops who abuse moderating their threads
            Those would be the big things, will make moderation much simpler and more effective and would allow more lax posting rules since bans would actually work and low effort trolls will not even bother getting an account. Also, saying it is a pain to log in is a joke, modern browsers do that for you.
            The problem is that you would also have to ban theory and criticism since they have the same problems and that would be a major loss even if there is not much of it on the board these days.

            >The problem is that you would also have to ban theory and criticism
            Yeah I'd have mixed feelings on this, but the scope of it goes beyond even IQfy. Critical theory is a bit of a cancer on literature anyway, so I wouldn't be too sorry not to see it, but I do admit there are the odd gems amid the total shite. I'm talking about the formalised "taking an X reading of Y novel" approach to criticism.

          • 8 months ago

            Critical theory does not really have anything to do with literary criticism beyond occasionally using literature and triggering people who think they are the same.

          • 8 months ago

            That's a bit harsh man. I'm aware that they're not one and the same, but critical theory falls under the umbrella of theory, so what I said isn't wrong. I didn't criticise the idea of literary criticism, or theory more broadly, but a specific subset of it.

          • 8 months ago

            It is only harsh if you are one who conflates them. Critical theory is more benign then most of theory, you can't really build an ideology from critical theory, it is just a way to analyze society and essentially a frame work for thought experiments. The only thing wrong with critical theory is seething morons who don't know what it is.

            Despite the constant complaints about board culture here I have noticed a few things that no one seems to be interested in changing. The first is that the only literature that tends to get real discussion here are the same books, attempts to generate interest in different books usually results in a dead thread. The second are the poltards who have realized their own toxic board has driven away free thought and discourse and who show up here posting about pol shit that may or may not include a book just so they can bring their shitty attitudes and low intellect trolling here to a new audience in relation to them. This tends to breed the same responses from the natives and as a result people just don't want to bother, and who can blame them? The third are people who spam the same threads over and over, they may be bots, they may not be, either way the nature of IQfy makes them unavoidable to a certain degree. Once they find a topic they know generates replies they will keep doing it. If it wasn't for the philosophy threads I probably wouldn't browse here either since depressing Russian literature threads that veil incel circlejerks just don't really appeal to me. Only time and letting the poison kill off the weak will determine if this board has a future or not.

            If you want to get discussion on other books going then you need to put in the effort and not give up because your thread died, plenty of anons have done it. Hell even an autistic sperg like Murnane anon got quite a few to read Murnane but he was his own worst enemy so Murnane became a meme.

          • 8 months ago

            >Critical theory is more benign then most of theory, you can't really build an ideology from critical theory, it is just a way to analyze society and essentially a frame work for thought experiments
            Except I'm not talking about it's potency against society or politics, but its corruption of actual insight into literature. The need to frame analysis around a set of principles, and to use literature as a tool to advance your own dogshit ideology, is anathema to the actual understanding and appreciation of a text. Anyway, what exactly do you see as the benefits of critical theory to literature, rather than philosophy or society? Because that should be the real question, if we are discussing literature.

          • 8 months ago

            Critical theory analyzes society, not literature.

          • 8 months ago

            Any course on English literature will have you study critical theory and apply it to literature. It's the bread and butter of half the c**ts in academia

          • 8 months ago

            No. That is analyzing society through a work of literature not analyzing or interpreting a work of literature, if your analyses ends up being an interpretation or analyses of the literature being used you will get an F. They do this primarily because critical theory built off of literary criticism, applied the tools of criticism to the analyses of society so it makes it an easy way to cover critical theory for the lit major while still keeping things lit related. You are talking out of your ass.

          • 8 months ago

            >That is analyzing society through a work of literature not analyzing or interpreting a work of literature
            Are you serious? It is literally analysing the literature at the same time, and foremost the literature if we are talking about English literature departments.
            > if your analyses ends up being an interpretation or analyses of the literature being used you will get an F.
            Since when? I have never heard of someone getting an F in any sort of theory module for analysing the literature alongside the theory, or making a point about the text as opposed to purely making statements about society and culture

          • 8 months ago

            >if we are talking about English literature departments.
            Where all of critical theory is a lecture and an assignment? Maybe two lectures if the professor is into postmodern critical theory. The only analysis of the literature would be a meta analysis and purely academic, it is not statement on the books directly and if you make it out to be that you will not do well in your studies.
            > I have never heard of someone getting an F in any sort of theory module for analysing the literature alongside the theory, or making a point about the text as opposed to purely making statements about society and culture
            Analyzing the literature alongside would not get you an F and is not what I said, but it probably would get you a lower grade since it probably would not support your point and would show that you missed the point of critical theory.

            Critical theory is only taught in lit for historical context, it is primarily part of either sociology where if they use literature they tend to use it in a macro sense and look at trends in literature instead of individual works, or philosophy where they are theory gays and more interested in theory then application. Critical theory is a niche in either fields and massive compared to what it is in criticism. Again, the only problem with critical theory is morons making it out to be something that it is not, which you are proving yourself to be.

          • 8 months ago

            >You are going about it in the exact same way many IQfy anons have tried before, don't think a single one even made it a month.
            What would you recommend? The only imageboard splinters I've ever seen succeed were when a board was getting deleted or there is a site-wide schism. Neither of that is likely to happen on current era IQfy. One idea that I've been bouncing around is that it would need to incorporate some new style of technology/usability that isn't done elsewhere, but I'm drawing a blank on what that could be.

            >If you want a place to be slow and threads lasting a long time, author specific, topic specific, or theme specific threads might be the way to go. They would get more posts and discussions could interweave
            Yes and no. My concern is that, as a very slow board, it should have some usability as well. Being able to easily find discussion of a specific topic, as opposed to large general threads, makes browsing more appealing. It would be impossible for any new website to compete with IQfy/reddit/whatever purely in terms of posting activity and interactions. But without enough of that the site would turn into a dead board. I actually think craigslist is a good example to look at here. It's not exactly a free for all IQfy style website with lots of discussions, but it gets a lot of traffic because it meets a specific need for people.

            Maybe the question should be framed as what need is IQfy fulfilling or failing to fulfill. I enjoy the irreverent, absurdist culture that thrives on imageboards, but how to encourage that while also having moderation? I'd lean towards having strict rules with lots of loopholes. A certain amount of censorship can be artistically productive, because it forces people to contort ideas in creative ways. Maybe a strict 1-thread-1-book discussion policy and an arbitrary "banned word list" that gets bigger and more orwellien by the day, but otherwise no moderation.

          • 8 months ago

            >Maybe the question should be framed as what need is IQfy fulfilling or failing to fulfill. I enjoy the irreverent, absurdist culture that thrives on imageboards, but how to encourage that while also having moderation? I'd lean towards having strict rules with lots of loopholes. A certain amount of censorship can be artistically productive, because it forces people to contort ideas in creative ways. Maybe a strict 1-thread-1-book discussion policy and an arbitrary "banned word list" that gets bigger and more orwellien by the day, but otherwise no moderation.

            IQfy is barely fulfilling it’s expected function. It’s a catch all board because of the exploitable gray area mentioned. What is needed is jannies that are unbiased, take action, and have good judgment. Questions they should ask are stuff like 1)is it clear OP/anon read this book or reads at all? 2)does this thread belong on a different board in content and spirit? 3)is this anon cancerous and trying to start flamewars? 4)does OP/anon have an ulterior motive? 5)is this thread spam? 6)can this thread be merged with another similar thread or pruned?

          • 8 months ago

            Unique content is so few and far between here. I see the same posts and same topics over and over and over again.

          • 8 months ago

            Personally speaking I’ll barely make threads about books I’m reading anymore because they almost always die with few replies. I’ll probably make a thread of every 4th or 5th book I read. I’ve found general type threads to be the best because a large selection of actual readers gather. Threads like favorites, current reads, shelf, and stack. It’s depressing typing that out but that’s how I feel. Also I feel I’m a better replier than thread maker. I need something to run with

            >Balkanizing IQfy is the way to go but it will never be done
            Hear me out:
            IQfy - Literature (only discussion of specific fictional literary works)
            /pub/ - Publishing (discuss authors, publishing houses, self publishing, meta-trends in literature, art movements, letters, etc.)
            /ph/ - Philology (translation, languages, linguistics)
            /bib/ - Bibliophiles (buy & sell rare books, show off book collection, bookbinding, elephant leather folio threads, all discussion of books as physical objects)
            IQfy - Technology

            All basically unmoderated except for pruning off topic threads and also a banned word list that includes every current world leader, common incorrect variations of English spelling (color, fueled, theater, etc.), and most ethnic slurs.

            I was the one who mentioned Balkanizing IQfy so I’d be okay with that. It would make threads slower, they’d make more time to marinate, and anons have a better chance at finding them. Threads dying in 12 hours is devastating for this board while shit threads get 100+ replies. Current events and politics should definitely be off limits. Not really sure what you mean by the color thing though? Like an British/American thing?

          • 8 months ago

            >Threads dying in 12 hours is devastating for this board while shit threads get 100+ replies.
            It really is a shame. Threads should last a couple of days to at least let people see them.

          • 8 months ago

            This is an issue with both the board culture and the medium. The culture here is very focused on "the classics" and openly hostile to current literary culture. So when events in literature do happen, new books, literary galas, etc. they're either ignored or met with derision. Since we can only discuss Plato or Hemmingway so many times, there's a lack of new material for memes, copy-paste, OC, etc. Also literature doesn't hold the same force is the world it once did, and people's lives are more impacted by politics and technics than books. So meaningful discussion has to include some level of off-topic conversation. Where to draw the line?

          • 8 months ago

            This is an issue with both the board culture and the medium. The culture here is very focused on "the classics" and openly hostile to current literary culture. So when events in literature do happen, new books, literary galas, etc. they're either ignored or met with derision. Since we can only discuss Plato or Hemmingway so many times, there's a lack of new material for memes, copy-paste, OC, etc. Also literature doesn't hold the same force is the world it once did, and people's lives are more impacted by politics and technics than books. So meaningful discussion has to include some level of off-topic conversation. Where to draw the line?

            The average age being ~20 has a huge effect on this I’m sure. They can only have read so many books and life experiences to relate to them are minimal. If you are interested in the classics or western cannon, chances are your first 50-100 books will have a ton of overlap with others the same age on the board

          • 8 months ago

            That's a good point. IQfy being attached to IQfy probably scares off a lot more boomers than it otherwise would. If the average age here was ~30 I wonder what this board would look like? ~60? Imageboards have existed almost 20 years now. What happened to all the people who were in their 20s when it first took off? They'd be forty now, but you don't see them around much.

          • 8 months ago

            IQfy used to be older. The changing of the guards to the new demographic has not been good. IQfy also used to have more English majors that could raise the quality and cultivate discussion. That major is dying in the world, and the zeitgeist here now doesn’t look favorably upon scholars and academic pursuits. I’m in my mid 30’s myself and I see a number around my age on data mine threads unless they’re lying. I’ve come to terms that IQfy is gone. The current zeitgeist isn’t leaving anytime soon, and departed litizens have no reason to return. No one like to hear it but the best bet is the trueliterature sub. Lots of anons went there. Making a new site is too hard and you will have to make a choice between possible over moderation and possible under moderation. The creator will have to lean in one direction

          • 8 months ago

            The issue I see is that IQfy is held back by IQfy. We lose our best posters to life, family, and academia, and in return they're replaced by... people from other boards. So the unique board culture gets swallowed by the broader culture instead of developing into its own thing.

            A big issue with lit is the open racism and obscenity. A non-tenured professor, for example, probably isn't going to browse IQfy in public, nor are they likely to share "this funny thing I saw online" with their friends and colleagues. There are lots of active websites with userbases much older than 30. Lots of forums have the same core users for decades as well. Why not here? I think it's partly cosmetic. Any major newspaper with an open comment section will have much worse stuff than you find here, but it doesn't stop people from sharing news articles with their kind-of-friends-but-only-in-the-office coworkers. But there is a taboo against sending a link to an interesting IQfy thread to your friend or family members. There's a lot of reasons for this, but a big one that comes to my mind is all the pornography. If IQfy was a textboard I wonder if it would have grown in a different direction.

          • 8 months ago

            >proper accounts
            >no names/trips
            >everyone is either op or anon
            >op moderates own thread
            >ban ops who abuse moderating their threads
            Those would be the big things, will make moderation much simpler and more effective and would allow more lax posting rules since bans would actually work and low effort trolls will not even bother getting an account. Also, saying it is a pain to log in is a joke, modern browsers do that for you.

            I have always been a firm believer in the fiction only board. Non fiction is too often used to exploit that gray area. Want to talk about something off topic? Look up a book about that topic. Post book in OP. Mention topic in OP. Whole thread is filled with anons who probably never read the book, and the thread could be moved to another board with nothing lost. Fiction can be ideology driven but generally one needs to read the book to discuss it. IQfy has always had its faults but it was king when the meme trilogy reigned. Those books might have been too prevalent but they were at least read, they were on topic, and they had some high quality posts. Balkanizing IQfy is the way to go but it will never be done

            The problem is that you would also have to ban theory and criticism since they have the same problems and that would be a major loss even if there is not much of it on the board these days.

          • 8 months ago

            >The problem is that you would also have to ban theory and criticism since they have the same problems and that would be a major loss even if there is not much of it on the board these days.

            I think what it basically comes down to is mods need discretion.

            That’s a decent idea about OP’s moderating their own thread. But who would decide is OP is abusing power, and what is the criteria for abusing power?

          • 8 months ago

            Not really difficult to spot abuse, OP deleting effort post for dissent or using their powers to try and create their own little echo chambers. Ultimately it would just be trends over time more than anal monitoring of every thread, 90% of it would take care of itself because abuse will trigger autism, OPs will learn.

            >Threads dying in 12 hours is devastating for this board while shit threads get 100+ replies.
            It really is a shame. Threads should last a couple of days to at least let people see them.

            12 hours is plenty. If you can not bump your thread twice a day you don't deserve a reply.

            If it has proper accounts it may as well just be a forum. The ease of access is the best part about IQfy.

            Then you accept the fault of IQfy or go hyper niche topic and end up creepy lainchan sorts.

          • 8 months ago

            But still anyway you cut it, there will need to be someone at the top if you want gatekeeping. Rules can always be exploited. It’s either you want the anonymity and no account, and the trolls and shitposters that go with it, or you want one or a group of anons with actual power to gatekeep. Keep in mind that too strong of gatekeeping will kill the board. Most of the theoretical board will not be scholars. If you want that then look into a course. Diversity is key to a successful board. There just needs to be an overarching tie that binds. People are wrong and deserve to learn, and everyone is new at the beginning. It would be wrong to keep newer anons out if they are in good faith and read. And if you think 12 hours is enough for a thread, the new site will fail. I’m not coming here when I’m with my girlfriend at a game to bump a thread that has 2 one word replies on page 10, for example. People have lives and if you want to punish such people then the place will fail.

          • 8 months ago

            >If you can not bump your thread twice a day you don't deserve a reply
            This effectively filters out anybody with an active social or work life. I hate normies as much as the next guy but we lose a lot by filtering out everybody who has more interesting things going on in their lives than refreshing a screen every 6 hours.

            If I have to come twice a day to this board-in-the-making to keep my threads alive, count me out

          • 8 months ago

            The trolls can be the best part of this place sometimes, when they're well done. The issue is repeat threads which are constantly being recycled. The same topic can only be discussed s many times. Maybe we need an /LULZ/ style filter for OC. The solution to abusive mods is to use abusive systems instead. Require posters to solve a riddle to view the boards. Have a banned word list which makes discussion of certain topics nearly impossible - but don't explicitly ban those topics. Let every OP be the petty tyrant of his own thread. Art, literature, and memes all thrive when they're in an arms race against a blundering and censorous system. This requires two things: clear and impartial policy, and open tolerance of everything that defies these rules in spirit, but not in letter.

          • 8 months ago

            Word filters can be evading Black folk, or black people will become urban youths. You won’t get the best of both worlds unfortunately. The best solution in my mind is an iron fisted but fair Julius Caesar, with good judgment and discretion, being a full time and active janny on IQfy

          • 8 months ago

            12 hours was referring to IQfy/lit/, and I am the anon who is against the gatekeeping. follow the thread.

            >If you can not bump your thread twice a day you don't deserve a reply
            This effectively filters out anybody with an active social or work life. I hate normies as much as the next guy but we lose a lot by filtering out everybody who has more interesting things going on in their lives than refreshing a screen every 6 hours.

            >twice a day means every 6 hours
            It is not difficult, just basic time management, just as you don't watch a movie when you only have 15 minutes to spare you don't use IQfy when you can't at least stop by a few times a day to bump or respond.

          • 8 months ago

            Your site will bomb within a week. So far I’ve seen having to solve puzzles and logic games, having to go there multiple times a day, intricate rules and op moderation systems… no one will use this

          • 8 months ago

            Learn to read.

          • 8 months ago

            It will be like standing in a crowded elevator where none of the corners form a right angle. A truly kafkaesque experience. Too many websites these days focus on comfortable user experience, when they should be making their users as uncomfortable as possible for lulz.

          • 8 months ago

            >If you can not bump your thread twice a day you don't deserve a reply
            This effectively filters out anybody with an active social or work life. I hate normies as much as the next guy but we lose a lot by filtering out everybody who has more interesting things going on in their lives than refreshing a screen every 6 hours.

          • 8 months ago

            >But who would decide is OP is abusing power, and what is the criteria for abusing power?
            Nta but does it matter? An OP flagrantly misusing power would only effect one thread, and be amusing. As long as anyone can make a thread abuse of power won't have any meaningful effect on the board.

          • 8 months ago

            It would allow them to make their own isolated communities which is not good.

          • 8 months ago

            If it has proper accounts it may as well just be a forum. The ease of access is the best part about IQfy.

    • 8 months ago

      I’d be down for an offshoot board but not the IQ test. New readers who aren’t particularly intelligent but post in good faith are better than intelligent anons making cancerous posts and threads

      • 8 months ago

        It would be three questions. Two riddles that test literary knowledge/basic research skills, one math puzzle to test abstract reasoning. It will be the same tests every time so ppl can be invited through word of mouth as well as brute reasoning, but it filters webcrawlers and random spam bots and requires a minimum of effort to participate. It's unfortunate but

        Nta but the biggest problem of IQfy is the user base or demographic. If IQfy wasn’t filled with anons who didn’t read and ideologues it would be okay

        has a point. While there are aspects of IQfy culture which are great and really can't be found elsewhere, there's a tendency for spam overflow from mass movement and culture war media operations. This happens on any large platform but IQfy is slow and surface web enough that it often gets flooded with low quality spam. My idea would be a smaller "secret clubhouse" vibe, with much slower discussions but ultimately with much better quality.

        The question would be one of ensuring a dedicated subuserbase which keeps a minimum of board activity and quality discussions alive to attract users. Instead of wholly trying to attract new posters from imageboards id prefer a small group from here to set the overall tone and culture, then aggressively searching for new members from other sources: rare book exchanges on Facebook, publishing industry events, and scrawling a web address on the margins of certain library books for example.

        >IQfy would only allow threads discussing a specific book
        So you would not be able to discuss an authors work as a whole? You can't be that autistic if you want to succeed, and you need to allow room for fun.
        >This would create a bare minimum IQ cutoff.
        Which is moronic. Just require making an account attached to an valid email but posting being anonymous, the will get rid of most of the shitposting right there and make moderation actually possible.

        Many have attempted this over the years and they all fail because they try and create their ideal of IQfy instead of addressing the problems of IQfy.

        >So you would not be able to discuss an authors work as a whole?
        You wouldn't. You pick a single book and discuss it. If that thread drifts into a broader discussion of the author, their body of works, life, etc. that's fine, but restricting thread topics to individual books makes the thread catalogue look cleaner and reduces off topic spam.

        More general discussion of authors, literary movements, industry gossip, etc. would be fine on /pub/ however. But this board has a tendency to drift off topic and at the very least having a clear topic could keep things grounded.

        >Which is moronic. Just require making an account attached to an valid email but posting being anonymous, the will get rid of most of the shitposting right there and make moderation actually possible
        That would violate the spirit of this community. Making an account is a pain, logging in is a pain, I don't want to maintain a database, before you know ot you'll have private subcommunities of people circlejerking. It will be very simple, you answer three questions correctly and you have complete anonymous access to the boards. The idea isn't to make people accountable to their posts, its to make people unable to access the site feel like they're missing out on something.

        • 8 months ago

          If you want a place to be slow and threads lasting a long time, author specific, topic specific, or theme specific threads might be the way to go. They would get more posts and discussions could interweave

          The culture and set up of IQfy was always a slippery slope. As soon as the culture war became a thing it was doomed. Shitposting has always been part of IQfy and there is good shitposting if done right. The staunch tribalism shitposting breaks everything down into “us vs them” and flamewars ensue. If you are serious about making an offshoot, flamewars and ideologues who can only approach from a certain angle, won’t budge, and shoehorn their angle into everything need to be avoided. There is thin line between welcoming all with no biases and keeping out cancerous anons. My way of judging an anon has always been are they “in good faith?”. It’s tough to explain what good faith is but you know bad faith when you see it. If there is going to be gatekeeping that works then some type of judgement system is needed, and that kinda violates the spirit of IQfy. There is a tricky sweet spot between over moderation and under moderation. Both sides lead to terrible environments but if I had to choose, over is preferable if you want to have a higher quality board that stays on topic. It is clear that IQfy is devoid of quality and struggles to stay on topic

    • 8 months ago

      IQ Test would be bothersome. Honestly I would be fine with posting being behind a paywall : a one-time fee of like 2$ that allows you to post, kind of like a IQfy Pass. Lurking would be free, or course.
      This + decent moderation that can revoke your pass on repeated, or severe, offenses would deter bots and shitposters.

      • 8 months ago

        >IQ Test would be bothersome
        It would be two simple riddles. Solve them and you have unlimited posting access. Plus the riddles dont change, so once you solve them you can always access the site.

        The idea would be to deter a sudden inflow of new users and restrict traffic to word-of-mouth/autists with a taste for puzzles. I dont like registration systems and dont want to maintain a database of users.

        As far as moderation, less is more generally. Lots of the shitposts here are basically just self-published authors trying to generate buzz, and I dont think there would be anything wrong with having a designated board for that kind of thing. Id also like to play with having a board for buying/selling rare books/manuscripts. That kind of thing is banned here I believe, but it wouldn't be a terrible idea to allow for some more "skin in the game" on this site.

        • 8 months ago

          Your optimism is cute

  3. 8 months ago

    This board is covered in the same posts over and over just slightly re-worded, even many of the photos are the same.

    • 8 months ago

      To kill IQfy. Seemed like bot activity had a huge uptick round 2019-2020, which combined with aggressive mods/spam ended up driving most people off this website. Anytime that things start to pick up or quality starts to improve too much we get flooded with more bots. Just having a low level of pointless repeat threads ensures that we no longer have slow moving, high quality topics that linger for weeks at a time

      The powers that be wont be happy until we're all scrolling on an algorithmic feed that's been personalized to MK ULTRA us.

      I get the same impression about bot posting. So far, these are the only two exact duplicate threads I could find.

      • 8 months ago

        It's funny you mention this as I started building a web scraper last week or so. Right now it scraps the OP comment and subject line and just stores the data in a database. Eventually, when I have enough data, I'm going determine which authors are mentioned most frequently. Once I get bored with that I'll sift through the data to see if any interesting patterns emerge. In it's current state it's skipping pages when it encounters error so it might skip days or weeks worth of threads. I'll post another thread and share the data when it's in a more presentable state.

        Just curious, how would you even detect a bot on site? If there are good suggestions I can give it shot.

        Put the titles and context into an xls file like this, then use a sufficiently advanced python or ruby script to parse the entire xls and count the number of similar posts in a month.

        I bet 90%+ of all the posts in lit are astroturfed. Nothing here is actually real discussion.

        • 8 months ago

          I'll get there eventually. Still need more data.

          Here is the csv of what I have so far if anyone wants it:

          • 8 months ago

            Thanks for your work, wish I could donate anonymously somehow to the cause.

            I'm convinced all of these spaces, and places like Reddit especially, are already so infiltrated with bots that the majority of the conversations are all inorganic.

            The conversations are just not organic, it is bot post after bot post after bot post. If you go to forums that actually moderate long-term, you'll get places like which have handles and usernames but every post is 100% legit, the people there have met in real life and the conversations are mostly legitimate. There are a few trolls and psychopaths, a hangover from board culture, but at least you know the people are real.

            Reddit or here, the conversations are just so repetitive. I bet if you track the flow of conversations over a long enough time, we'll see a pattern emerge and it will become obvious that the conversations in these places are recycled and guided to maintain the entropy.

          • 8 months ago

            >Thanks for your work, wish I could donate anonymously somehow to the cause.
            No need, when I get more data I'll create a separate thread and I'm sure everyone get some creative ideas.

            Reddit is for-profit so obviously there is high incentive to cheat and deceive. The obvious tactic to force engagement is to hire some desperate people in third world countries to act as 'human bots' and provoke users. A humorous thought: What if all these insane trends are actually being inadvertently set by bots?

          • 8 months ago

            The way it sits right now, if you compare your "baseline" of organic chat to an OLD SCHOOL web forum like:


            It is obscure enough that nobody gives a frick what people are talking about on there. Nobody cares. It is a micro-community, which makes it great as a control group.

            Same with:

            These small communities can be scraped back for years and the variety of threads compared to IQfy or /misc/ or any /r/vancouver /r/toronto

            Clearly, yes, a city will have a bias towards certain discussions as it pertains to the city and the environment

            Same, a car forum will have a bias towards certain topics for certain models "why is my left taillight out"

            If, via data, we can scan any forum or topic online for a long enough period of time, there should become a metric, or calculated number of "shills vs organic" or "bots vs organic" that can be derived from enough scanning of enough posts over a long enough period of time.

            Why isn't there a website that scans all the top posts / tweets / photos / youtubes / over hours, days, weeks, and months and tries to determine the bot factor? We as people who rely on the internet for our worldview need these tools. Why don't we have them? Why don't we have a "censorship index" for various social media and website comment accounts?

            This is the stuff I want to build, and I feel like I'm meeting up against great resistance. Nice to see someone actually working on a scraper. Excellent work friend!

          • 8 months ago

            The way it sits right now, if you compare your "baseline" of organic chat to an OLD SCHOOL web forum like:


            It is obscure enough that nobody gives a frick what people are talking about on there. Nobody cares. It is a micro-community, which makes it great as a control group.

            Same with:

            These small communities can be scraped back for years and the variety of threads compared to IQfy or /misc/ or any /r/vancouver /r/toronto

            Clearly, yes, a city will have a bias towards certain discussions as it pertains to the city and the environment

            Same, a car forum will have a bias towards certain topics for certain models "why is my left taillight out"

            If, via data, we can scan any forum or topic online for a long enough period of time, there should become a metric, or calculated number of "shills vs organic" or "bots vs organic" that can be derived from enough scanning of enough posts over a long enough period of time.

            Why isn't there a website that scans all the top posts / tweets / photos / youtubes / over hours, days, weeks, and months and tries to determine the bot factor? We as people who rely on the internet for our worldview need these tools. Why don't we have them? Why don't we have a "censorship index" for various social media and website comment accounts?

            This is the stuff I want to build, and I feel like I'm meeting up against great resistance. Nice to see someone actually working on a scraper. Excellent work friend!

            more data:

          • 8 months ago

            Got to be a way to keep gathering data up to January 2024 or something, then parse it all and come up with a formula to determine just what % of posts are bots.

            It has to be like 50%+ of all posts here and places like Reddit.

          • 8 months ago

            Would be interesting to see how many of the BAP threads are bots, I'd say probably 99%... that fricking moron gets pushed on here and across Twitter so hard. Totally astroturfed.

            How do you determine if they're bots? Threads with the same exact wording are obviously shills or bots. Without an IP address or something I can't think of a way to flag them.

          • 8 months ago

            Would be interesting to see how many of the BAP threads are bots, I'd say probably 99%... that fricking moron gets pushed on here and across Twitter so hard. Totally astroturfed.

          • 8 months ago

            I think it’s a mix of shills, and dog whistles for right wing twitter discussion, and da joos discussion. They certainly aren’t literature threads

          • 8 months ago

            How do you determine if they're bots? Threads with the same exact wording are obviously shills or bots. Without an IP address or something I can't think of a way to flag them.

            I think it would be possible to get a database of every BAP thread posted here over the last 6 months and then have a script go over the xls file with the thread titles and content, and either have the script written in a way to sniff out bots, or can flag the most similar posts and have the AI read them back to back and ask the AI what the likelihood is that the posts were written by a bot or a script.

            I mean, we KNOW there are so many bots flooding Reddit and IQfy, we just don't have any early data on how many yet. It has to be a massive number because the threads are so repetitive. It is the same shit over and over.

            The BAP post (one of them?) on IQfy right now is just yet another massive shill fest to keep people thinking that a fake israelite like BAP is somehow legitimate and a voice to listen to. This is how the entire cultural landscape is shaped, through non-stop astroturfing that prevents anyone else from getting any attention. It works very well!

          • 8 months ago

            The saying “don’t mistake incompetence for malice” may apply here. There are lots of younggays here. They can only have read so many books. Those interested in “the classics” and have read 50-100 books will have a lot of overlap with others their own age. I posted this yesterday but just wanted to repeat it. IQfy draws from a very specific demographic the last few years; the disgruntled alienated, bitter young man. They view this site as a way to vent. Is it really a surprise that many threads are just scapegoats for their problems? I’m not surprised that many threads deal with women, israelites, libs, the white race and it’s perceived enemies, doomer le west has fallen, and the same 10 books on endless repeat. Disappointed? Yes, I am; but not surprised

          • 8 months ago

            Yeah but the subject of the posts are always the same, I mean, there is just such little variance, so few genuine posts to read here anymore. I go into these theses and I can pattern recognize the same discussions happening over and over and over again.

          • 8 months ago

            Because it is a user base problem. Anons nowadays are a very specific type, and they only post about the same shit. They view IQfy as the lawless Wild West so they think that only taboo beliefs should be posted here. Therefore we get the same recurring ragebait type topics I mentioned above, plus the same 10 books, which are really low key threads for tribal warfare; I mean, how often does a Dostoyevsky thread, Nietzsche thread, etc, just get broken down to the lowest common denominator theme or message wise, and battles take place accordingly? I’ll repeat, IQfy‘s problem is the demographic, and many anons here don’t even read. Maybe some type of demoralization campaign has taken place because I rarely make threads about the books I’m reading anymore, because they get few replies and die by the time I come back here, bumped off by dozens of low effort bait or off topic threads. I’m going to make a post about one of the books I’m reading today or tomorrow night because I really like it, and think it might be interesting to a few anons here.

          • 8 months ago

            >Maybe some type of demoralization campaign has taken place because I rarely make threads about the books I’m reading anymore

            You could be right, I mean, the repetitive threads at this point has dropped engagement so low, UNLESS you have a post like this or a sperg post by one of the infamous local lurkers.
            >sperg outs get tons of clicks and replies
            >posts that comment on the terrible state of lit get tons of genuine replies
            Going through the catalog now, I can see a bunch of garbage threads with the same low-quality replies. If someone new came here and checked out these posts, I don't see why they'd come back. The content is just terrible here. (deliberately.)

          • 8 months ago

            Only way things will improve is if there is a huge influx of good anons or departed litizens return. That won’t happen unless things change here, and it appears the jannies aren’t going to do anything and low effort non reading anons aren’t going to leave. It sucks but it is what it is. They won. I’ve made peace with the fact the board is shit. Mostly I come here out of habit, to share books/interpretations/thoughts with the few anons who care, and interact with a few anons. It’s a place I mostly come to kill 5 minutes, often less if there isn’t a thread I’m interested in. To my thinking, the best thing that could happen is an offshoot book club type thing with a couple dozen anons, like those Hamburg guys. Instead of a read along, maybe have 5 books to choose from or everyone picks their own. Make a thread every 2 weeks or something, and give a report with some effort, almost like homework. A new site that combines the best of the Reddit lit subs and IQfy probably isn’t realistic. I think a discord type, or a book club is actually possible

          • 8 months ago

            Excellent point Mr bond

          • 8 months ago

            I haven't even learned a single thing from all of these BAP threads.

            I don't even see a single "good quote" or any shit he's written that is praised. It is just the same circular discussions with a few "Black person, he's an astroturfed israelite" thankfully sprinkled among the replies.

        • 8 months ago

          I’d reckon that vast majority of threads fall under one of these categories:

          Women (takes many forms)
          /misc/ (takes many forms)
          The west has fallen(takes many forms)
          Religion larp threads (takes many forms)
          No reference philosophy threads

          These aren’t literature threads. Take them away and I wonder what % of the catalog is left

  4. 8 months ago

    Shills, IQfy has shills. The one guy who plugged in chatgpt was doing it on pol and eventually got found out.

  5. 8 months ago

    It would be immensely profitable to develop an A.I. that could realistically manage message boards.

  6. 8 months ago

    The idea that IQfy would do better split up is insane. Op moderating his own thread is also insane. This site isn't getting any better, what you really need are more people

  7. 8 months ago

    The boring threads are definitely horrible but the the real problems are most of the /misc/ tards getting rid of discussions, no one reading/writing anything new or different, and lack of people who know deeply specialized topics. Thats why the overall culture is ass, almost everything is fighting back at it

    • 8 months ago

      I think there are still some good anons but they are gun shy or get drowned in the noise. Those good anons have to find each other which is a challenge nowadays. As has been said, THE big issue is the user base

      >Threads dying in 12 hours is devastating for this board while shit threads get 100+ replies.
      It really is a shame. Threads should last a couple of days to at least let people see them.

      Yeah, not everyone comes here every day or can spend time here. IQfy is in no man’s land in that it’s a fast slow board. Too many threads being made. No time for any thread to get going because they are bumped off by bait threads

      • 8 months ago

        Totally agree with the shy anon point. I used to make some threads that I think are pretty interesting or different, but most don't hit a good bump limit because of /misc/ threads or just a lack of reading classics. We desperately need people to be more forward and knowledgable in what they care about, so we can get rid of the bs noise

        Probably bait but I’ll bite. Reading is a time consuming hobby. Anons can only post about so many books, and it’s usually only the ones they like, are reading currently, finished recently, or have some expertise in. IQfy is focused on the classics which are thought provoking and artistic books. Quality posts will take time to formulate. It will take anons time to connect and find each other, especially when you get to the more minor classics and niche or obscure books. Those books won’t have as big of a readership. If you want a high paced board about books it would have to be Stephen King tier where anons are just commenting on plot points, characters, and giving their opinion. But still, once again, not everyone has read the same books, and the books that a lot of anons have read become stale repetitive threads real fast. What is the point in discussing Stephen King tier books? You read that shit for entertainment and keep it to yourself. Maybe your an Andrew Tate troll and only appreciate fast things, but readers of literature usually appreciate thoughtful things

        I have a project I may try and start to combat this issue. I have to sink in more time to plan out on how it'll work or if it'll even have a chance of being popular with other anons. Plus theirs the matter of it'll be beneficial for me since the project is very transactional (knowledge, not monetary). It'll be good for me having to regularly study the topic even more, but it'll suck ass if no one is putting at least a bit of effort into wanting IQfy to have culture again

        • 8 months ago

          Anons who actually care about the quality of IQfy should start making threads on whatever book they are reading, even if it isn’t high quality or you don’t feel like you have much to say. All it takes is a few back and forth’s and maybe a thread will take off. There should be a concerted and cohesive effort to make the board better. If it fails, then we know the board is done and we can wash our hands knowing we tried. IQfy has never been a friendly place but I think it’s important knowing what threads one should or shouldn’t be venomous in. I know this is “reddit” but pure hostility almost always does more harm than good.

  8. 8 months ago

    Honestly IQfy should be moving at twice it's current speed. At least. This board is slow and dead. What's the point of a website that isn't constantly generating content?

    • 8 months ago

      Probably bait but I’ll bite. Reading is a time consuming hobby. Anons can only post about so many books, and it’s usually only the ones they like, are reading currently, finished recently, or have some expertise in. IQfy is focused on the classics which are thought provoking and artistic books. Quality posts will take time to formulate. It will take anons time to connect and find each other, especially when you get to the more minor classics and niche or obscure books. Those books won’t have as big of a readership. If you want a high paced board about books it would have to be Stephen King tier where anons are just commenting on plot points, characters, and giving their opinion. But still, once again, not everyone has read the same books, and the books that a lot of anons have read become stale repetitive threads real fast. What is the point in discussing Stephen King tier books? You read that shit for entertainment and keep it to yourself. Maybe your an Andrew Tate troll and only appreciate fast things, but readers of literature usually appreciate thoughtful things

      • 8 months ago

        Most of the OC to come out of IQfy came from its early days. When you look at modern literature, which websites have the most effect over the publishing scene? Sites like Instagram and TikTok with massive userbases and tons of bots. If the front page is the same today as it was yesterday, let alone a week ago, it's effectively a dead website.

        • 8 months ago

          Feels like a lot of the internet is super dead in 2023.

    • 8 months ago

      I feel like IQfy is a shadow of it's former self at this point. The ratio of trolling to insightful comments is very high and hardly anything happens these days. Old 4 did have spirited debates on various topics, the new one doesn't

      • 8 months ago

        This thread is great, I think everyone can see how the catalog is full of the same old, same old.

  9. 8 months ago

    it's 100% bullshit, at any rate.

  10. 8 months ago

    while(true) {

    here is your most advanced bot, unrecognizable from an average user

  11. 8 months ago

    Despite the constant complaints about board culture here I have noticed a few things that no one seems to be interested in changing. The first is that the only literature that tends to get real discussion here are the same books, attempts to generate interest in different books usually results in a dead thread. The second are the poltards who have realized their own toxic board has driven away free thought and discourse and who show up here posting about pol shit that may or may not include a book just so they can bring their shitty attitudes and low intellect trolling here to a new audience in relation to them. This tends to breed the same responses from the natives and as a result people just don't want to bother, and who can blame them? The third are people who spam the same threads over and over, they may be bots, they may not be, either way the nature of IQfy makes them unavoidable to a certain degree. Once they find a topic they know generates replies they will keep doing it. If it wasn't for the philosophy threads I probably wouldn't browse here either since depressing Russian literature threads that veil incel circlejerks just don't really appeal to me. Only time and letting the poison kill off the weak will determine if this board has a future or not.

    • 8 months ago

      That's a lot of negative radiation mate. Drink some prune juice.

    • 8 months ago

      It is only harsh if you are one who conflates them. Critical theory is more benign then most of theory, you can't really build an ideology from critical theory, it is just a way to analyze society and essentially a frame work for thought experiments. The only thing wrong with critical theory is seething morons who don't know what it is.
      If you want to get discussion on other books going then you need to put in the effort and not give up because your thread died, plenty of anons have done it. Hell even an autistic sperg like Murnane anon got quite a few to read Murnane but he was his own worst enemy so Murnane became a meme.

      I have posted multiple summaries of books that are not commonly discussed here. I got 2 replies and the thread died.

      • 8 months ago

        Unless you really like a book and want to push to get others to read it, there is no point in making threads on minor books and writers. Tbh I’m not sure how IQfy even comes up with a top 100 list as most of those books don’t have a thriving culture here; as far as actual books go, there are like a dozen that have a chance of getting traction. Every once in a while the stars align and you get a good thread on a book you wouldn’t expect though

      • 8 months ago

        Was it vaguely chuddish and espoused incel rhetoric?

      • 8 months ago

        Only the most autistic of anons would respond to a summary, and only if it was a book they were autistic about and you did not meet their standard. Summary does not really offer anything for discussion.

      • 8 months ago

        Sometimes, instead of a summary, try posting something that includes the term redpilled or say something about the book that appeals to incels. If you do this the token and complimentary initial posts from the based posters and numerous incel posters can bump the thread enough to where it can stay near the top. The trick to this is also to include an intellectual take away from the book, presumably in the title or something. The people who actually read that aren't neets frequently have windows they post in because they browse IQfy when they aren't doing anything else productive and are more likely to see it since it stays near the top of the catalogue longer.

        T. Someone who reads but only browses IQfy when I'm not doing anything else productive or just taking a shit.

  12. 8 months ago

    It's funny you mention this as I started building a web scraper last week or so. Right now it scraps the OP comment and subject line and just stores the data in a database. Eventually, when I have enough data, I'm going determine which authors are mentioned most frequently. Once I get bored with that I'll sift through the data to see if any interesting patterns emerge. In it's current state it's skipping pages when it encounters error so it might skip days or weeks worth of threads. I'll post another thread and share the data when it's in a more presentable state.

    Just curious, how would you even detect a bot on site? If there are good suggestions I can give it shot.

    • 8 months ago

      Is there a reason you're not using the Warosu data? Now that I look, I don't see an obvious way to contact the admins, but I'd guess that they'd be willing to send you a batch of data if not the full set.

      • 8 months ago

        Same reason he thinks his methodology would prove bot posting.

        • 8 months ago

          Do you honestly believe IQfy is 100% organic?

          • 8 months ago

            I think some anons are autistic or post for extremely myopic reasons. Are the AI threads an autist, bots, or some type of demoralization? Same with the antinatalist anon. Same with /misc/posts. Same with /LULZ/posts. Maybe those anons literally can’t help themselves. Maybe they are malicious and purposeful. Maybe they’re bots. Who knows?

          • 8 months ago

            I made no judgement on that, only pointed out that the methodology will fail to identify bots. To even have a chance you would also need IP data to help sort out the autism and memes. Captcha data would be very useful and greatly decrease the data which needs to be analyzed, reduce it solely to bots and phone posters using a captcha solver.

          • 8 months ago

            I think some anons are autistic or post for extremely myopic reasons. Are the AI threads an autist, bots, or some type of demoralization? Same with the antinatalist anon. Same with /misc/posts. Same with /LULZ/posts. Maybe those anons literally can’t help themselves. Maybe they are malicious and purposeful. Maybe they’re bots. Who knows?

            We are into the new age of magic, what is real? what isn't?

            Who is to say?

            All I know is... le reddit spacing.

          • 8 months ago

            The outcome of the internet becoming ubiquitous. Anyone know if Reddit oldheads reminisce about the good old days? Once the surface web is part of everyone’s everyday life, things become stale and homogeneous. It is kinda an interesting era we are living through now and we can analyze in real time. IQfy is basically a microcosm

          • 8 months ago

            I made no judgement on that, only pointed out that the methodology will fail to identify bots. To even have a chance you would also need IP data to help sort out the autism and memes. Captcha data would be very useful and greatly decrease the data which needs to be analyzed, reduce it solely to bots and phone posters using a captcha solver.

            Using the power of the new media engine I've built, I think we can open the internet back up.

            NSFW, obviously:


            View it on a big screen, the bigger the better, F11 for full screen. See how content can be previewed. Imagine with a big screen mounted on the wall, you could touch-over any of the playing videos and have a tool tip pop up with all of the relevant information about this clip.

            Thing is, I don't want to sell porn, I want to build an education system and a way to use this engine to browse knowledge, books, guides, everything to help people. However, to stay alive I have had to sell porn in the meantime. I would much rather turn this engine I built into something that people can use to make money from teaching from.

            Imagine a way to browse books based on the most recently-added, curated art based on them, or critical writing, or whatever, it would recycle the book market and make commenting on old work possibly worth something. A new digital marketplace based on visual stimulus and a new way of displaying content.

          • 8 months ago

            I think you just might be on to something anon.

          • 8 months ago

            Why do you always tag me even though my comment has nothing to do with what you are talking about? It never fails and has been happening for years now.

          • 8 months ago

            Think of who he might be

          • 8 months ago

            I know who he is, hence my asking why he always tags me.

          • 8 months ago

            Some people just have a destiny where they are fated to meet in their greatest moment. He can sense it and wants to bring it about, but you don’t want greatness, standing on the sidelines fondling your soft dick and scrotum nonchalantly

          • 8 months ago

            Well, unlike Jason I am a published author who is read and reviewed, no serious criticism yet but have been reviewed in print which is nice. And I have done what I can to help other anons (including Jason) in their writing careers. Is that sitting on the sidelines fondling my dick? Mostly I am curious as to if he actually recognizes my posting style or if it is something unconscious, I suspect the latter since his writing suggests he does not have a good grasp on style and relies on intuition.

          • 8 months ago

            What kind of publication, anon? And short stories, or have you got a novel out? What keeps you coming to IQfy?

          • 8 months ago

            >What kind of publication?
            Do you mean that I have been reviewed in? Various journals and news papers, have gotten the one paragraph blurb in the NYT book review which felt good but those reviews are essentially meaningless and getting one convinced me that no one actually reads those one paragraph reviews, had no verifiable effect on sales. But who knows.
            >And short stories, or have you got a novel out?
            Both, third novel sometime next year. Short stories are mostly just a means to keep my name out there, not really my thing but I don't have the recognition to allow for disappearing for a few years between novels.
            >What keeps you coming to IQfy?
            It's anonymous and the old writing culture here is what got me started. Anonymous means I don't have to worry about composing things to perfection, I can just throw stuff out there and see what comes as I did back when I was completely unknown. And the old write culture was really something special that I want to come back, no other site can reproduce that, it was built off of the large community with diverse influence and anonymous image board format with a sprinkling of memes and shit posting. IQfy is also a part of my writing process, I can larp as my characters and see how people respond, I can experiment and try things out, it is my sandbox.

            Really I just want to do what I can to get IQfy back to creating and not just living off its past regurgitating its past in the most superficial way possible. Pasta and memes need to be created and allowed to evolve as they once did, but a sizable portion of IQfy wants to deny its past or is completely ignorant of that past,

            Perhaps your destiny lies higher than being published. Maybe you and Jason will get together and the world will be changed. You may see your name mentioned in the same breath as Plato, Julius Caesar, Saladin, Louis XIV, Charlemagne, or Gaddafi. Realize your potential

            Maybe but probably not. Jason wants to play the victim but never actually try. He complains about the lack of dissidence but never tried to be a dissident, he circumvented the system from the start and never took the risk of being a part of the system, never risked anything.

          • 8 months ago

            lol bro... this winter is going to be fricked, my place is up for sale and I have an AMAZING deal just outside of Kelowna, I will probably pay 50%+ more for a shittier place within an hour of my kid in Kelowna if I have to move. Shit's rough bro!

          • 8 months ago

            How is that taking a risk? You are only doing what you are forced to do and what is easy. Work on some short stories and put in the time and effort required to make your point within the confines of society without sacrificing your point, submit them to the journals and contest, learn from your failures, take a real risk for once.


            So it’s /misc/ gobbledyasiatic, I take it?

            Jason was actually more nuanced a couple years ago, he took a turn toward /misc/tard before his recent return and threw in some Gardner shill tactics for good measure.

            You tell Jason all about it

            Tell him about what?

            I may be wrong, but I think you gave me really useful criticisms and high praise when I posted an excerpt of my novel in the daily writing thread one time. Just in case you're that anon, thanks for the advice. I gained a lot of confidence in my prose, especially now if you're telling the truth about being published and reviewed in a publication. Thank you for helping me out. I wish you the best of luck in life and your art

            I never gave you high praise and the only people I would give high praise are the ones who have already put in their time and paid their dues. High praise leads to complacency. But you answered my question, it is intuitive and not purposeful. Work on your analysis and grammar until you can identify my posts in any thread and identify other anons by their style, then take a hard look at your writing. You have potential but you need to get over yourself and your imagined plight, you need to challenge yourself and your beliefs and not just preach. The true conflict in literature is that of the author with themselves.

          • 8 months ago

            Who is Jason?

          • 8 months ago

            I remember the shitkickers guy didn’t seem like a bad sort outside the spamming. But then he started going on and on about the streets of Vancouver or something. Poltard shit. Acted like he was persecuted and the man was keeping him down because he has eyes and tells it like it is. I didn’t wish him success after he showed himself to be a nut

          • 8 months ago

            Who is Jason?

            How come people in 2023 can't see that sights like this to someone who grew up in the 80's and 90's should be fricking traumatic?

            You guys realize, when I was a child, everything was so optimistic. Howard the fricking Duck, Lost Boys, RoboCop, Commando, Terminator, Rocky...

            Like holy frick then the 2010's rolled into town and took everything over, and perverted everything we'd ever known!

            Jason's a ghost, he's nothing, just some desperate loser crying out about a culture that has already been forgotten. We are all in the present now. The present where, if you just conform and do the basics, you'll always have a nice view of the people below you getting shit kicked while the elites above you live in a totally different world.

            Doesn't Drake have a new album soon? If the counter-culture is so dead, I figure I should study normie culture a bit, at least then I would have some banter to have with the modern prostitutes in 2023!

          • 8 months ago
          • 8 months ago

            Listen, this ain't the first time us autists have been down in the 4th, and it won't be the last, but we're still fighting, bro!

          • 8 months ago

            Based asf, keep up the spirit anon. I want to ride on the same energy you're on

          • 8 months ago


            Please buy my shit and give it the nastiest 1-star troll review you can!

            I can't even get any trolls these days, I don't even exist anymore!

          • 8 months ago

            Nope, I never will. But you did get me this time. I hope you savor it since it'll never happen again

          • 8 months ago

            What does this even mean?

            Bro... I'm stoned and working on my porn site and just tryna survive... why you hatin'?

          • 8 months ago

            Damn you're the real deal. First time on IQfy someone recognized me and my style so well. As for what you said on the praise. I'm 99% sure you did praise what I wrote, but I was being hyperbolic on how significant it was. It felt huge to me since I was so concerned with character, imagery, and pacing. But, now I know grammar and dialogue are my biggest weaknesses that I need to work on the most.

            I'll also keep in mind the advice of being able to analyze other anons posts, including yours. I'm able to recognize maybe 6-7 non-/misc/ anons on here (15 overall) if I really focus, but I can definitely get better at it. That way, I can be a better critic of my own writing, like you said, which is another fault of my own I acknowledge. I'm also getting better at not preaching my leftist politics in real life and on IQfy so much, I need to get better at keeping it to myself unless it's for my own benefit to get better at analyzing. As for challenging my belief system, right now it's pretty strong, I was someone who was drfting in and out of the alt-right pipeline , but is now pretty leftist after I focused on what I care about. I will keep an open mind and challenge myself again like I used to. That was how I left the /misc/ mindset in the first place. Thank you for the stern advice once again, I'll keep this all in mind to challenge myself and not have such a big head with any sort of praise, big or small

          • 8 months ago

            How many active 'tards do you think there are on here, including my 'tard self?

          • 8 months ago

            I'm not sure, I know theirs definitely more than the obvious ones I can spot. For a ballpark estimate, maybe 15-20. It's hard to tell since most /misc/ people are not unique in how they speak and the points they make. I'm only able to know some of them since they're pretty much cliches of how people see the alt-right.

          • 8 months ago

            No, I never said more then you have potential. If you really want to write then make your writing about trying to prove yourself wrong, without that conflict there is not much point or depth. Otherwise frick off leave.

          • 8 months ago

            I love watching your interactions here, because I have no idea if any of you are actual real people.

          • 8 months ago

            I'm real and Jason is real enough, might as well be real. Frankly I am surprised by how rare it is people recognize me, I am occasionally recognized as a few different anons but no one seems to have put them together. I have also been dropping odd hints towards my real identity for years now but It would take an old gay with nothing in life beyond IQfy to have seen enough of those posts to be able to put the pieces together, or a very lucky anon who has read me.

          • 8 months ago

            I recognize you mr. Steven King. Huge fan of your movie The Shining.

          • 8 months ago

            Try again, I still have my septum.

            are you the fight club guy? he seems like the kinda edgelord who would post on IQfy and also the kinda guy who would give advice on writing pop fiction

            Try again, I still have my dignity.


            Does this blow your old boomer mind?

            Try again, I am gen-x. I think you are probably older then me, you at least look older then me. And I do not care about your porn site.

            this thread is full of bots

            >t. bot

            Where should I share it?

            120 megs or so...

            I have created the most innovative way to view media you've ever seen!

            Try IQfy, really not the sort of thing for

          • 8 months ago


          • 8 months ago

            You may well come out with it since nobody on IQfy actually reads.

          • 8 months ago

            It would be so fricking funny if he's Bret Easton Ellis. But theirs no way its him since Bret would easily be the most insufferable IQfy posters of all time

          • 8 months ago

            I like my anonymity and my monthly night of drunk posting.

            It would be so fricking funny if he's Bret Easton Ellis. But theirs no way its him since Bret would easily be the most insufferable IQfy posters of all time

            In all honesty, I am Bret.

          • 8 months ago

            You win, Bret, you win!

          • 8 months ago

            New Damien Hirst art?

          • 8 months ago

            >Damien Hirs
            What's the connection? I don't get it

          • 8 months ago

            Perhaps Tracey Emin would have been a better name to use. It looks like some of her art, the pic I mean. It’s got an aesthetic set up

          • 8 months ago

            You can't be him because Bret's is being incredibly egotistical and harsh. You seem too nice and helpful to be him

          • 8 months ago

            >older then
            >older then

          • 8 months ago

            I was doing pretty good considering I was halfway through a bottle of Jack and a case of beer by that point.

          • 8 months ago

            are you the fight club guy? he seems like the kinda edgelord who would post on IQfy and also the kinda guy who would give advice on writing pop fiction

          • 8 months ago

            Does this blow your old boomer mind?

          • 8 months ago

            if you couldn't upload it to a post i most def shan't be clicking it

          • 8 months ago

            Where should I share it?

            120 megs or so...

            I have created the most innovative way to view media you've ever seen!

          • 8 months ago

            I don't think my post was disagreeable with what you said. I completely agree that right now, I have only potential. What that'll be is up to me. I don't have any prospects rn, but I need to work on building a portfolio and getting my degree. The only thing I have right now is the praise my english professors and fellow classmates gave me in the past, which is tangibly almost nothing. I have some connections to the industry, but other than that, I'm ground zero

          • 8 months ago

            I hope you document your journey in 2023... it must be a trip starting out at zero in modern times.

          • 8 months ago

            That's funny since I've been incredibly pathetic in terms of trying anything, whether that be writing or basic adult shit. I'm starting to get better now, but you'll only see a little progress from me in 2023, whether that be some excerpts of my novel , adding some culture to IQfy, or maybe absolutely nothing at all. 2024 will be the real start of something since I'll actually be in my 2-3 draft of my novel by then, I'll have time managment skills to post stuff to journals and contest consistently, and I know people who can edit my work while having small connections to the publishing industry. I'll make sure to throw some hints and progress on here, though, just so the people on IQfy I actually like know I'm trying to succeed

          • 8 months ago

            Keep pushing man, 2023 is a slog for sure!

          • 8 months ago

            Thanks, man, I'll do my best. Good luck with you too, if you need it

          • 8 months ago

            You're creeping me out man, come on dude. Why didn't you even comment on the amazing conent display system I'm building? That woman's art is sus as frick...

          • 8 months ago

            Did you reply to the wrong guy? I have no idea what you're talking about

          • 8 months ago

            I think you are confusing me with someone else and quoted someone else thinking it was me. To make things clear that tarp setup in Vancouver reminds me of some “art” like picrel that Emin did. Even the people seem perfectly arranged. It’s a good shot. If you have no clue what I’m talking about ignore this post

          • 8 months ago


            So it’s /misc/ gobbledyasiatic, I take it?

          • 8 months ago

            You tell Jason all about it

          • 8 months ago

            If I can be the victim so we can try and find out what % of bots are on IQfy I'll be the victim!

            I know I'm a loser, I basically just barely survive and I'm banned everywhere, if people can make fun of me and have a laugh while someone reports on what % of posts on IQfy seem "bot like", I'll take that L.

            Hope Frank Gardner is watching this thread. It is because of his fearlessness that I have been able to overcome my autistic self and been able to freely post the truth here. Hopefully we get an answer to the burning questiion:

            Just what % of posts on IQfy are bots? Is it even over 1%? Are the only people who ask these questions schizo as frick losers or are we somewhat normal people?

          • 8 months ago

            Well Jason you don't sound like a loser to me

          • 8 months ago

            Perhaps your destiny lies higher than being published. Maybe you and Jason will get together and the world will be changed. You may see your name mentioned in the same breath as Plato, Julius Caesar, Saladin, Louis XIV, Charlemagne, or Gaddafi. Realize your potential

          • 8 months ago

            Well, unlike Jason I am a published author who is read and reviewed, no serious criticism yet but have been reviewed in print which is nice. And I have done what I can to help other anons (including Jason) in their writing careers. Is that sitting on the sidelines fondling my dick? Mostly I am curious as to if he actually recognizes my posting style or if it is something unconscious, I suspect the latter since his writing suggests he does not have a good grasp on style and relies on intuition.

            Umm bros?

            Jason here

            If I can survive this winter that will be a major +... lol

          • 8 months ago

            I may be wrong, but I think you gave me really useful criticisms and high praise when I posted an excerpt of my novel in the daily writing thread one time. Just in case you're that anon, thanks for the advice. I gained a lot of confidence in my prose, especially now if you're telling the truth about being published and reviewed in a publication. Thank you for helping me out. I wish you the best of luck in life and your art

          • 8 months ago

            There are some very nice people here who genuinely do help other anons

            Well Jason you don't sound like a loser to me

            I am a massive loser right now because I am following my heart and not the way things are trending

            How is that taking a risk? You are only doing what you are forced to do and what is easy. Work on some short stories and put in the time and effort required to make your point within the confines of society without sacrificing your point, submit them to the journals and contest, learn from your failures, take a real risk for once.
            Jason was actually more nuanced a couple years ago, he took a turn toward /misc/tard before his recent return and threw in some Gardner shill tactics for good measure.
            Tell him about what?
            I never gave you high praise and the only people I would give high praise are the ones who have already put in their time and paid their dues. High praise leads to complacency. But you answered my question, it is intuitive and not purposeful. Work on your analysis and grammar until you can identify my posts in any thread and identify other anons by their style, then take a hard look at your writing. You have potential but you need to get over yourself and your imagined plight, you need to challenge yourself and your beliefs and not just preach. The true conflict in literature is that of the author with themselves.

            Okay, sure, for my 3rd book I will do the traditional route and submit it and document every step of the way.

            I would also like to build a new book website or sorts with lit's help. I will use the engine I created for porn for books, I think it will look great.

          • 8 months ago

            >Okay, sure, for my 3rd book I will do the traditional route and submit it and document every step of the way.
            You got to start with short stories and the journals and contests, industry uses them as a filter.
            >I would also like to build a new book website or sorts with lit's help.
            Like your book binder that you bought and talked about publishing other anons but never went beyond saying you were going to do it? You were literally complaining about being broke and selling your books outside of grocery stores when anons would have lined up to support you if you had followed through on that. Perhaps enough of the board has forgotten your self serving ways for this to work but I doubt it, if you ever make any actual steps I suspect you will get a few autists who will make it their goal in life to ruin you.

      • 8 months ago

        Admin here. If he asks nicely I may be able to provide

        • 8 months ago

          I'm not the bot-watcher guy, but I'd be interested in getting a copy of the archive, or even just a slice. Email me at [email protected] if that's cool. And just so you know, liars go to Hell, anon.

          I think some anons are autistic or post for extremely myopic reasons. Are the AI threads an autist, bots, or some type of demoralization? Same with the antinatalist anon. Same with /misc/posts. Same with /LULZ/posts. Maybe those anons literally can’t help themselves. Maybe they are malicious and purposeful. Maybe they’re bots. Who knows?

          A few years ago on IQfy I was convinced there was a bot posting based on a template, but in the end it was just a really clueless newbie.

      • 8 months ago

        what's Warosu data?

        • 8 months ago

          It is the largest collection of autism to date.

  13. 8 months ago

    It's known that social media sites use bots to drive engagement i.e. start/incite discussion. Think of it as a writing prompt.

  14. 8 months ago

    I am working on a media display system that I think would be great for books, book shopping, and book discussion.

    Pretty much have to build my own since I'm banned everywhere else online, shouldn't be too hard to create a system that looks good even for book shopping. It is all about how you present the content...

  15. 8 months ago

    this thread is full of bots

  16. 8 months ago

    As if they haven't been for years?? What are you smoking bro, you need to be 18 to fricking post here.

    • 8 months ago

      Yes, but in 2023, the bots are like 90% of the board now.

  17. 8 months ago


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