Amateur poetry thread

Post your poetry
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  1. 2 years ago

    No one writes.

    • 2 years ago

      What about this?

      There sits an orange tree
      Perched over a ledge of calamity
      It is caressed by loneliness
      Its fruits wither and it feels distress
      They fall down with every press
      Tumbling down the cliff to die
      Their color catches a bird’s quaint eye
      For the gift it sings a tune
      Praising the tree for its boon
      The seeds are spread across the land
      And groves spring forth from the sand
      The shade creates a paradise
      From pain there springs forth a life

      • 2 years ago

        this was published

        your rhymes don't work, and you have an inconsistent pattern. keep writing

        • 2 years ago

          can you explain what you mean with an inconsistant pattern?
          are you talking about aa bbbb cc dd ee or the types of rhymes?
          I definitly see that

          • 2 years ago

            its aa, bbb, cc, dd, ee, ff. why is there a third randomly

            also your rhymes don't work in places. for example, 'dis-tress' does not rhyme with 'lon-li-ness,' just cos it has a ess at the end doesn't make it perfect. same goes with paradise and life.

          • 2 years ago

            there is a third one randomly because I came up with the line of the fruits seperatly, thought it sounded good and kept it there

          • 2 years ago

            Not them but you have no rhythm.

          • 2 years ago

            I was reading it out in my head and it seemed to kinda work, but I suppose that's me forcing it
            other people aren't going to do mental gymnastics

          • 2 years ago

            work with rhythm templates and write like 10 sonnets as a practice. iambic it up

          • 2 years ago

            Sonnets are not good practice. They are too complex to do correctly, especially for a new poet. He should read Poetic Meter and Poetic Form by Fussell, and then practice the forms he learns. Eventually he will find something he likes. I for one don't think regular structures are necessary if meter and rhyme are done well, depends on the poem though, obviously.

          • 2 years ago

            >work with rhythm templates
            Where can I find some?

          • 2 years ago

            Really. Like really really. There's nothing regular to grab onto anywhere.

        • 2 years ago

          Feels like an excerpt of something larger, it reads well like a fast paced rant, there’s a beat to it.
          I don’t like all the references unless is part of a larger poem that extracts either the doomer mentality or offers something more than “don’t forget you are here forever”
          Yes we know that so what? It’s anticlimactic, and takes away from the poem.
          The form of the poem also works great with the sentiment.

          Here’s my poem

          Like a rambling spit
          Or the tedious thing that comes
          Before the walk
          I’ve been trying to hold your hand
          But I keep reaching mine
          Like a little shoe torn by the grass
          Or the other night the knocking
          Woke me up, the knocking
          Of the window pane,
          Like the stupid thing that comes
          Right after
          Or the jacket on the chair
          With the thousand little specks
          Painting the forget me nots
          Lost in the blue fabric
          Like distorted dances in a moving world
          Or the paths erased by rain
          I’ve been trying to tell you something
          But I keep forgetting to
          Like the chain with broken links
          Or the sun is warming feet.

          Here’s another that I’m editing but I’m lost on it

          I’ve broken my knuckles
          The whirlwind on my lungs
          I’ve become empty
          Dramatic and cold
          I don’t even walk the streets
          No more
          I’ve read all the signs
          The river has sung
          The murky water
          That runs at my soles
          Wrinkled and cut
          I’m a stranger
          And I have no fate
          I’ve broken down my joints
          Down to the marrow
          Almost nothing left
          I’m now too dramatic
          Exaggerating each phrase
          I will not give life a rest
          I’ve broken a rook
          The queen and a knight
          I’m on my last pawn
          The king is exposed
          I’m just a victim
          Of an electrical design.

          • 2 years ago

            What do you want input on exactly for your poems?

          • 2 years ago

            General critique, and for the second one ideas for a better end

          • 2 years ago

            General critique, and for the second one ideas for a better end

            I think the first one has a better rhythm than the second, but I don't get what their messages really are. They only give me vague emotions, vague ideas. Are you trying to keep a somewhat regular meter? I think the chess imagery is a little sudden and maybe out of place to the rest of the poem, as well as the last line, which doesn't have to do with chess. The first 2/3rds paint a bleak picture but then the narrator says they won't give life a rest, but without properly getting through as to why, at least for me that is, even after a few read throughs.

      • 2 years ago

        It’s shit.

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        The imagery was vivid to me but my mind kind of ignored the prose and rhyming for some reason. I just saw the imagery and ignored the words which is cool.

  2. 2 years ago

    My first attempt at poetry:

    I hear the bells ring in the darkness, but no light guides my way, the bells continue to taunt me while they sway, and sway.
    I do not like it here and want to leave.

    • 2 years ago

      Ignore my previous post if you saw it
      As I said, saying "in the darkness, but no light guides my way" is kind of redundant
      You aren't expanding upon the qualities of the darkness, you are saying the same thing twice
      I am not entirely against it, but I don't like it either
      In any case, using "but" here is pointless
      You are in there dark, there is no light
      If there was a light, e.g. "it's dark, but I can see a light in the distance", then it would make sense to use "but"
      I see that you want "guides my way" to rhyme with "sway"
      If I were to rewrite it I would put it like this

      "The bells ring in darkess, nothing guides my way. I shiver as they taunt me, with their evil sway. I can't stand to be here, I feel the need to leave. My only wish now is for a reprieve" or something like that

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks for the input I want to create a suspense of mystery and hysteria with what was going on in it.

    • 2 years ago

      This is the type of dogshit that would get you burned in the stake in the middle ages. You seriously need to read more.

      • 2 years ago

        post a poem so we can make fun of it.

      • 2 years ago

        post a poem so we can make fun of it.

        I second this, our of curiosity

  3. 2 years ago

    My Penis Is A Mountain

    My penis is a mountain,
    Erect and sublime.
    My penis a mountain,
    And b***hes want to climb.
    O, my penis is a mountain,
    They climb it for weeks.
    My penis is a mountain,
    rock hard against their cheeks.
    My penis is a mountain,
    It blocks out the sun.
    My penis a mountain,
    You're sore when you're done.
    Yes, my penis is a mountain,
    And the whole town will know,
    When my mountain of a penis
    Becomes a volcano.

    • 2 years ago

      A little editting to make the meter consistent and this would be pretty funny, as well as changing the lines to be more unique

      • 2 years ago

        Please don't talk to me.

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Fricking great. I read it to my 72 year old godparents

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you anon.

        You should submit this to the New Yorker!

        Just did. Keep your fingers crossed.

    • 2 years ago

      You should submit this to the New Yorker!

  4. 2 years ago

    Serenade/Reverie for my wife/ex

    I gotsta
    cause I gotsta
    I havesta
    cause I havesta
    I needsta
    cause I needsta
    just leave me alone

    • 2 years ago

      The ending could be better

  5. 2 years ago

    My Penis Is A Rocket

    My penis is a rocket,
    I'll take you to the moon.
    My penis is a rocket,
    In the vast space of your poon.
    O, my penis is a rocket,
    You'll ride to new heights.
    My penis is a rocket,
    With earth-shaking might.
    My penis is a rocket,
    Exploring dark places,
    My penis is a rocket,
    Blasting off on hoes' faces
    Yes, my penis is a rocket
    They'll judge by your cries,
    When my rocket of a penis,
    Into Uranus it flies.

  6. 2 years ago

    Metallic shiver
    Tumbling down
    Barren earth

    • 2 years ago

      Any commentary on this one?

      • 2 years ago

        No rhyme
        No meters
        Shallow imagery
        Wasted time

        • 2 years ago

          what do you think it refers to?

          • 2 years ago

            You gf can't get pregnant now go away

  7. 2 years ago

    My Penis Is A Horse

    My penis is a horse,
    It gallops for hours.
    My penis is a horse,
    It tramples pink flowers.
    O, my penis a horse,
    You'll ride in great style.
    My penis is a horse,
    But you'll be sore for a while.
    My penis is a horse,
    On it's back it could carry you,
    My penis is a horse,
    So don't ask it to marry you.
    Yes, my penis is a horse,
    The town will all say,
    When my horse of a penis,
    Makes your fat ass bray.

  8. 2 years ago

    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Black folk are black
    You know thats true

  9. 2 years ago

    Poem Melodic

    THE STYLE is refinement of the highest
    The mind at its brightest
    The prize of the pious
    The might of the highness
    Better known as THE MASTER
    The only foe that can go toe to toe with my flow
    Is a captcha
    Cuz my dome is robotic
    Calculating every way to make a poem melodic
    But still there are herds of rebels
    Give turds some shekels
    To preach words disheveled
    And truth better learned from the devil
    Wackness is a man made disaster
    Perpetuated by agents and actors
    Who create fake chatter
    That erases gray matter
    Until the masses are passives
    When they hear the chains clatter
    As it happens THE STYLE has compassion
    And sends THE MASTER to extract satisfaction
    Stand back
    Cuz here comes a blast from the dragon
    Got the whole globe laughin
    As my opponents souls ashen

    • 2 years ago

      More like a rap song. I don't think the style works for poetry, in my opinion

  10. 2 years ago

    My Penis Is A Love Song

    My penis is a love song,
    Long, slow and tender.
    My penis is a love song,
    It fills you with splendor.
    O, my penis is a love song,
    On your lips and on your tongue.
    My penis is a love song,
    Down your throat and in your lungs.
    My penis is a love song,
    You can play it any hour.
    My penis is a love song,
    You can lip sync it in the shower.
    Yes, my penis is a love song,
    The town will all croon,
    When my love song of a penis,
    Makes you howl like a baboon.

  11. 2 years ago

    The blue moon loomed over Tupelo
    A Black person with an itchy trigger finger
    Lingered in the alley where the blues singer
    Sung a song about a b***h that stung him

    • 2 years ago

      Pretty cool, short

  12. 2 years ago

    My Penis Is A Polar Bear

    My penis is a polar bear,
    Furry and heavy set.
    My penis is a polar bear,
    It's always getting wet.
    O, my penis is a polar bear,
    White and ten feet tall.
    My penis is a polar bear,
    Just curl up in a ball.
    My penis is a polar bear,
    You can't run away.
    My penis is a polar bear,
    And you are its prey.
    Yes, my penis is a polar bear,
    The whole town will bawdy.
    When my polar bear of a penis,
    Is done mauling your body.

    • 2 years ago

      cut the last three lines and it's great

  13. 2 years ago

    Oh good, there's a poetry thread up. I woke up sweating and disoriented, and managed to pull this out of what was bouncing around in my head.
    I'll go back through this and add to/finish it later, but for now have fun with some verbal garbage from the subconscious.

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds good so far. Keep working on it

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks, I've done so

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          I get the first stanza, and partly the second, but I don't see the overall message. It sounds cool though.

          • 2 years ago

            Honestly I'm still trying to figure out the last half (first version I posted) myself. I don't fully remember writing it and it began, like previously stated, as subconscious verbal garbage. If it helps, everything I write seems to end up as an attempt by the unconscious to explain itself to the conscious, with varying degrees of what I'd consider "success."


            aw shucks

          • 2 years ago

            Do you dream in poetry or what? How does that work?

          • 2 years ago

            Sometimes I wake up compulsively repeating phrases or needing to write/draw something to get it out of my head. I assume it's just the subconscious getting done compiling something and then being very pushy about making sure it's permanently recorded somewhere. Does this not happen to you?

          • 2 years ago

            No. I've tried a dream journal for a week or two, but none of them were interestingn so I stopped. Interesting thing tou got going, anon.

  14. 2 years ago

    The frog keeps no silence,
    It feels so bad,
    It brings me to violence,
    It breaks me to tears,
    But all of my fears
    That I've ever had,
    Cannot compare
    To that thing over there,

    It is not a man,
    At least, not anymore,
    But also it can
    Not be a woman, for sure,
    An abomination,
    A hideous a creature,
    A gross miscalculation,
    No womanly feature,

    Anyone want to finish it?

  15. 2 years ago

    My Penis is An Iron Age Mine miner

    My penis is an Iron Age miner,
    Sweaty and tough,
    My penis is an Iron Age miner,
    Penetrating layers of tuff.
    O, my penis is an Iron Age miner,
    Exploring the deepest caves.
    My penis is an Iron Age miner,
    It turns maidens into slaves.
    My penis is an Iron Age miner,
    Answering your unspoken calls.
    My penis is an Iron Age miner,
    Ravaging all your inner walls.
    Yes, my penis is an Iron Age miner,
    The entire province will know,
    When my Iron Age miner of a penis,
    Extracts ores from your forbidden hole.

  16. 2 years ago



    Between my finger and my thumb
    The squat pen rests; snug as a gun.

    Across the street, a glass breaking sound
    When a shopkeeper falls upon the ground:
    My father, nigging. I look down

    Till his outstretched arm among the concrete slabs
    Gun bends sideways, twenty years away
    Stooping in rhythm as he arrives at a prison
    Where he keeps nigging.

    The coarse boot, stood up on a sidwalk, the pistol
    Against the inside knee was levered firmly.
    He busted up a couple shook homies, buried their dark asses in the local park
    To scatter new money that we looted,
    Loving that paper feel in our hands.

    By God, the old Black person could handle a gun.
    Just like his nigfather, a slave.

    My nigfather shot more cowards in a day
    Than any other man in brooklyn or memphis.
    Once I carried him a 40 of ol english
    Corked sloppily with paper. He straightened up
    To drink it, then fell to right away
    shooting and looting, heaving bags
    Over his shoulder, going down and down
    For the good gold. Nigging.

    The cold smell of benjamin mould, the squelch and slap
    Of fuggin dat bit, the loud shots of a nine
    Through looting roots awaken in my head.
    But I’ve no gun to follow Black folk like them.

    Between my finger and my thumb
    The squat pen rests.
    I’ll nig with it.

  17. 2 years ago

    Chieftain Iffucan of Azcan in caftan
    Of tan with henna hackles, halt!

    Damned universal wiener, as if the sun
    Was blackamoor to bear your blazing tail.

    Fat! Fat! Fat! Fat! I am the personal.
    Your world is you. I am my world.

    You ten-foot poet among inchlings. Fat!
    Begone! An inchling bristles in these pines,

    Bristles, and points their Appalachian tangs,
    And fears not portly Azcan nor his hoos.

    • 2 years ago

      It's interesting. I don't think the 3rd stanza is a good transition to the rest of the poem. It seems too different from the rest.

  18. 2 years ago

    is this a good syllable structure?

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        y tho?

        • 2 years ago

          You didn't ask. The climax is too early.

          • 2 years ago

            I can see that, but I feel it having those syllables earlier helps a lot

          • 2 years ago

            >I feel
            Didn't need to read the rest of what you wrote to know that you're wrong. The meter falls flat on it's face less than halfway through and it never gets back up. It's objectively bad.

    • 2 years ago

      Depends. Sometimes you want the last line to have more syllables, sometimes less. Having the one line with a different amount of syllables so close to the beginning doesn't make sense though.

  19. 2 years ago

    I made a haiku 🙂

    >Count my syllables.
    >Did this take a lot of time?
    >You would not believe!

    • 2 years ago

      There are many meta western haikus along the same lines, unfortunately.

      • 2 years ago

        haikus are super forced in other languages so it makes sense
        the challenge isn't finding the right words to express yourself
        it's coming up with something coherent within the limitations of the format

        • 2 years ago

          Aren't haikus in Japan meant to be about nature though?

          • 2 years ago

            Hmm maybe we should do some haikus about our penises.

          • 2 years ago

            Gnarled stump of a tree,
            Belligerent, but lonely,
            I talk of my wiener

            So what am I doing wrong with this one?

            At the crest there is a gate 7
            To where sounds reduplicate 7
            And shadows dance in imitation 9
            Mimicking God’s creation 7
            Its halls saved us from our fate 7
            While they marvel and elate 7

            Decorating this great tomb 7
            Are drawings in every room 7
            Immortalized and anonymous 9
            Original and eponymous 9
            «Bisons that we killed today» 7
            «Imprints that we leave with clay» 7

            Retreating from where it came 7
            The people forgot its name 7
            Then exposed to the shining luster 9
            The playing children muster 7
            Brought into the light again 7
            Now exalted by a pen 7

            Your meter is not regular and is in fact extremely awkward in many lines. Some are good though, metrically. Practice scansion I guess. I also mentioned earlier, what is the reason for certain lines having more syllables? If the lines are meant to have more impact or give the impression of trailing off...then the placement is very strange to me. Why would they be in the middle of the stanza rather than the end? You may have an effect you're going for, but think deeply about the best way to get there.

          • 2 years ago

            That's beautiful.

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            The reason for some lives having more syllables is because I didn't get the idea of having a fixed amount of syllables until I'd finished the first draft of the first verse
            And I liked the line with 9 syllables and couldn't come up with something equivalent in 7
            I kept going with the idea to see what would become of it
            I agree it's akward
            The second verse has two 9 syllable lines because I felt like it and the poem was already weird
            Do you have more tips for writing poems with structure?

          • 2 years ago

            Yes. Read Poe's philosophy of compostion (not too long) and Fussell's Poetic Meter and Poetic Form. Basically, if you really like the lines with 9 syllables try to write the whole thing with 9, or create a semi-unique structure that gives the poem a fun kind of changing rhythm, and then stick to that structure. Poe talks about this, and Fussell's book will help you with meter.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes. Read Poe's philosophy of compostion (not too long) and Fussell's Poetic Meter and Poetic Form. Basically, if you really like the lines with 9 syllables try to write the whole thing with 9, or create a semi-unique structure that gives the poem a fun kind of changing rhythm, and then stick to that structure. Poe talks about this, and Fussell's book will help you with meter.

            To elaborate further, I mean that you could make a structure like
            7 syllables
            Just playing around with line length and even what kind of feet each line uses to get a unique kind of rhythm. Obviously it has to sound good. Like I said, Poe's essay talks about this.

            >Poetic Meter and Poetic Form
            Thanks, I'll check it out. Where do you find good poetry yourself? Or rather, what would you recommend

            I recommend english poets from Thomas Wyatt to Keats and every poet that wrote around the same time. Specifically, Donne, Herbert, Herrick, Byron, honestly there's so many, so obviously do your own research. You can just read their popular poems and if you like them you can read more. My favorite poems specifically are The Raven, Fire and Ice, The Bridge of Sighs, and The Destruction of the Sennacherib, just to name a few

          • 2 years ago

            Longing, in two ways
            Ecstasy meets the abyss
            In a world of piss

    • 2 years ago

      >Haiku should be fast
      >Haiku should flow nat'rally
      >This is a challenge

      Haiku chain anyone?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          >What a sad reply
          >So quick to shut down the fun
          >Why not try it out?

          • 2 years ago

            Anon is a cuck
            He is angry at the world
            His wife is a man

          • 2 years ago

            Your haiku is weak.
            I describe your life and dick:
            reddit is that way -->

      • 2 years ago

        la lala lala,
        La dee da dee da dee da,
        Haha haha, hah

  20. 2 years ago

    Blood red
    Deep pain
    Head ache
    No gain

    Days pass
    Night falls
    No present
    No calls

    No life
    Nearly dead
    Crawl out
    Lay spread

    Sun rises
    New day
    Tears drop
    Wind sway


    • 2 years ago

      I don't think it has a powerful message or image, but it's pretty cool and fun to read. I think if you swapped the first 2 lines of the second stanza it would make more sense, but it would change the rhyme scheme, obviously. Although I don't think that matters much.

  21. 2 years ago

    My Penis Is
    Thousand threaded totems of memory
    carved dearly by broken generation's every
    member and coated in liquid life known
    for its passions but better by its renown.
    It is taller than epics and longer than pain.
    It is mortal but more so it is the only game,
    and though it is a thankless burden,
    my pants wander with Zeus's bolted thunder
    and my under grown with Poseidon's trident,
    and your mother is not yours, but who I lent.

  22. 2 years ago

    >Birdie, birdie in the sky,
    >Please don't poo-poo in my eye,
    >Nor go doo-doo on my car,
    >Do your business somewhere far,
    >On the branch above me sit,
    >But I ask you do not shit,
    >Birdie, birdie from on high,
    >You shit on me and made me cry.

  23. 2 years ago

    So what am I doing wrong with this one?

    At the crest there is a gate 7
    To where sounds reduplicate 7
    And shadows dance in imitation 9
    Mimicking God’s creation 7
    Its halls saved us from our fate 7
    While they marvel and elate 7

    Decorating this great tomb 7
    Are drawings in every room 7
    Immortalized and anonymous 9
    Original and eponymous 9
    «Bisons that we killed today» 7
    «Imprints that we leave with clay» 7

    Retreating from where it came 7
    The people forgot its name 7
    Then exposed to the shining luster 9
    The playing children muster 7
    Brought into the light again 7
    Now exalted by a pen 7

    • 2 years ago

      >So what am I doing wrong with this one?

    • 2 years ago

      Couldn't tell you exactly why, but despite the more irregular syllable count, these little changes make the poem flow more naturally to my ears. Somebody who knows theory explain why I'm right or (more likely) wrong.

      At the crest there is a gate 7
      To where sounds reduplicate 7
      And shadows dance in imitation 9
      A mimicking of God’s creation 9
      Its halls can save us from our fate 8
      While they marvel and elate 7

      Decorating this great tomb 7
      Are drawings, one in every room 8
      Immortalized and anonymous 9
      Original and eponymous 9
      «Bisons that we killed today» 7
      «Imprints that we leave with clay» 7

      Retreating to from where it came 8
      The people since forgot its name 8
      Then exposed to shining luster 8
      All the playing children muster 8
      Brought into the light again 7
      But now exalted by a pen 8

      • 2 years ago

        The syllables don't matter as much as the feet within the lines. Your meter is not regular throughout the whole, but it is more regular when comparing your couplets where it sounds better now. For example in your first version
        >And shadows dance in imitation
        > u / u / u / u / u
        >Mimicking God's creation
        > / u / / u / u
        And in the newer version
        >A mimicking of God's creation
        u / u / u / u / u
        They are now the same. It was hard for me to decide whether the "-king" at the end if mimicking was stressed or not, but I decided it was since the first version sounds so off, that it must be, and the scansion of the newer version of that line justifies that decision as well, since the line that sounds regular to our ears, is now regular when scansioned that way.

  24. 2 years ago

    Standing among mists
    Starring towards the abyss
    The darkness unbridged
    While I lean for it's kiss
    The smile long unseen
    Now cold as a stone
    A twinkle in My soul
    When I reach forth
    And fall
    And as I fall I hear her voice
    In her arms I die
    Lone and forgotten
    But happy
    For my soul's not yet rotten
    As my carcass will

    • 2 years ago

      >it’s kiss
      Stopped reading there

      • 2 years ago

        Have you ever kissed a woman? It's great,so I added it 🙂

        • 2 years ago

          >Have you ever kissed a woman?
          No and neither have you

          • 2 years ago

            >No and neither have you
            I did actually. No shit. Stranger things happend on this board.

          • 2 years ago

            Then why are you so prickly?
            people who’re confident in themselves don’t lash out because of bagatelles like this

          • 2 years ago

            >Then why are you so prickly?
            Because I write poetry on a vietnamese bread basket forum.

        • 2 years ago

          I’ve made out with a drunk prostitute at a bar

    • 2 years ago

      This is such a terrible poem that I had to get to my pc to explain why
      >Standing among mists
      Mists? As multiple mists? And you stand in all of them at once?
      >The darkness unbridged
      Unbridged? As in the darkness has no bridges? That's what that word means
      I'm not saying its wrong to use unbridged here, but I just don't see the connection
      Anyway, misty and dark? This seems a bit superflous as mist and darkness symbolize the same thing if I'm reading this poem correctly
      >While I lean for it's kiss
      First of all it should be "lean in for its kiss", but this is weird in the first place
      You are standing IN the darkenss, why would you need to lean in to kiss it surrounds you?
      >The smile long unseen
      You lean in for a kiss and see a smile that you haven't seen in a while, ok
      Maybe put a "I see" in front of it?
      It's kind of weird to just say "the smile long unseen" in this context
      >Now cold as a stone
      >A twinkle in My soul
      Proofread you shitty poem for basic mistakes my god
      >When I reach forth
      >And fall
      >And as I fall I hear her voice
      "And fall. And as I fall(...)" I have no words. Repition isn't necessarily a bad thing, but this isn't artistic. This is just clunky
      At least change it up a little like "And as I'm falling I hear her voice"
      >In her arms I die
      >Lone and forgotten
      >But happy
      >For my soul's not yet rotten
      "soul's not yet rotten" sounds very clunky
      >As my carcass will
      Will be? My soul is not as rotten as my carcass?
      Anyway, abrupt ending

  25. 2 years ago


    >Nice, but if it took you too long then
    It took me like thirty seconds, actually.

  26. 2 years ago

    As I sit on the balcony
    My shorts starts digging into me
    My ass itches and I sneeze
    I’m lightly dressed and begin to freeze
    I spill some wine and hurt my knee
    My arm is bitten by a flea
    I open the catalog and I see
    The gaping anus of goatse

    • 2 years ago

      Not ridiculous enough

  27. 2 years ago

    My Penis Is An Atom Bomb

    My penis is an atom bomb,
    Rotund and quite stocky.
    My penis is an atom bomb,
    It could level Nagasaki.
    O, my penis is an atom bomb,
    Spewing radiotoxic pollutants.
    My penis is an atom bomb,
    Making thousands of nip mutants.
    My penis is an atom bomb,
    Banned by a hundred nations.
    My penis is an atom bomb,
    With no peaceful applications.
    Yes, my penis is an atom bomb,
    They say in Sapporo to Manilla.
    Because my atom bomb of a penis,
    Smashes whole cities like Godzilla.

    • 2 years ago

      >nip mutants
      As in what, mutant nipples?

      • 2 years ago

        It's a disparaging term for Japanese people.

  28. 2 years ago

    Farmer’s Walls:

    Stone rocks and
    Plessy pocks, ‘member times of yore

    Laid toes splayed on throes of deer men fading gore

    Nippy wind glacéd grin melt ‘pon the branch, felted moss bursting, Polaris

    Guile fox, slink along the creek, sip nd drink, dip those feet, frazzle locks caught

    In stream, sweet beaming, fragrant rays of sun, let them shine, and dance in silly fun

    While waving heat, gaily seat, ass plummet to the ground,
    Smile to eat and kiss the sun

    • 2 years ago


  29. 2 years ago

    My Penis Is A Buffet

    My penis is a buffet,
    Of cream and white meat,
    My penis is a buffet,
    It's all you can eat.
    O, my penis is a buffet,
    It drives fat girls insane.
    My penis is a buffet,
    Still the black girls complain.
    My penis is a buffet,
    You'll eat your own weight.
    My penis is a buffet,
    There's even a group rate.
    Yes, my penis is a buffet,
    The whole town will abase,
    When my buffet of a penis,
    Is done stuffing your face.

  30. 2 years ago

    I wrote a riddle-like poem for an art collaboration to stir some imagination, let me know what you think

    It could take me many hours
    To tell you the story
    About that peculiar garden of ours
    With a lonely tower of ivory

    A graceful light it shines
    Its glory still so vividly awaken
    Many secrets it confines
    On this land mayhap forsaken

    A master faintly unknown
    His spirit still carrying a scent
    Truly a mystery of its own
    What those intentions are meant

    Across the evergreen maze
    Graced by more than just a flower
    Answers treasured in different ways
    There lies the fabled tower

    • 2 years ago

      You really put the amateur in amateur poetry.

      • 2 years ago

        Care to elaborate? What could be improved?

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      There's imperfect rhymes and the meter is not paid any attention. I don't think riddles and poetry mix, since riddles are supposed to be very exact with their hints, but trying to fit those hints into a structure will likely make them less straightforward as sentences, making them harder to understand. If you want to write poetry, read Paul Fussell's "Poetic Meter and Poetic Form" and a bunch more poetry.

      • 2 years ago

        >Poetic Meter and Poetic Form
        Thanks, I'll check it out. Where do you find good poetry yourself? Or rather, what would you recommend

  31. 2 years ago

    My Penis Is A Tyrannosaurus rex

    My penis is a T-rex,
    Viscous and scaled.
    My penis is a T-rex,
    40 feet from head to tail.
    O, my penis is a T-rex,
    And it's on a rampage.
    My penis is a T-rex,
    Broke loose from it's cage.
    My penis is a T-rex,
    It makes the crowd scream.
    My penis is a T-rex,
    It even has it's own theme.
    Yes, my penis is a T-rex,
    The town will soon see,
    When my T-rex of a penis,
    Stars in Jurassic World 3.

  32. 2 years ago

    My penis
    She destroyed her chastity cage
    My penis is free

    • 2 years ago

      Please don't make fun of me.

  33. 2 years ago

    Don’t be too harsh, I spent 5 days on this

    The white hunter sits on his porch
    With his elephant gun and his tears
    He'll shoot you for free if you come around here
    A protester kneels on the neck of a statue
    The statue says, "I can't breathe"
    The protester says, "Now you know how it feels"
    And he kicks it into the sea
    I'm a Botticelli Venus with a penis
    Riding an enormous scalloped fan
    I'm a sea foam woman rising from the spray
    And I'm coming to do you harm
    With a gun in my pants full of elephant tears
    And a seahorse on each arm
    With my elephant gun of tears I'll shoot you all for free
    If you ever think about coming 'round here
    I'll shoot you in the fricking face
    If you think of coming around here
    I'm an ice sculpture melting in the sun
    I'm an ice sculpture with an elephant gun
    I'm an ice sculpture made of elephant-sized tears
    Raining gas and salt upon your heads
    The president has called in the Feds
    I've been planning this for years
    I'll shoot you in the fricking face
    If you think of coming around here
    I'll shoot you for just for fun
    I'm a statue lying on my side in the sun
    With the memory of an elephant
    Evaporating before your eyes
    And becoming a great grey cloud of wrath
    Roaring my salt upon the earth
    I'll shoot you all for free if you so much as look at me
    A time is coming
    A time is nigh
    For the kingdom
    In the sky
    Don't ask who
    Don't ask why
    'Cause there's a kingdom in the sky
    We're all coming home
    For a while

    • 2 years ago

      >I'm a Botticelli Venus with a penis

    • 2 years ago

      This is pretty fun. Couple lines need tweeking though

  34. 2 years ago

    My Dick

    Not too long, not too thick
    My dick, my dick.
    Nothing special, does the trick
    My dick, my dick.
    Many are like it, average prick
    My dick, my dick.

    Cum injector, makes her sick
    My dick, my dick.
    Few months later, son comes quick
    My dick, my dick.

    First a twig, then a stick
    My dick, my dick.
    Now a branch, not a trick
    Look at my son's massive dick!

  35. 2 years ago

    My unknown love, whatever you are
    Hold on for me, We can't be far
    I know not yet; your form, your face
    still in my heart, you have your place
    in me you'll find, that final key
    so please my dear, please wait for me.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  36. 2 years ago

    People are going to look back at this thread as the place where the Menininity movement started.

    • 2 years ago

      Hear me, hear me, every man!
      Listen to me, if you can,
      These woman act not ladylike,
      They aren't charmed by chivalry,
      But cry out as they even strike,
      Inflame the Sexes rivalry,
      Have you not seen all of our works,
      Misjudged and unappreciated?
      Giving to themselves the perks,
      And every act of ours frustrated?
      Woman wish to be so doted,
      Every single detail noted,
      But they do not give the same,
      To men who are devoted,
      Rare, the dedicated dame,
      That lives to serve her husband's life,
      To make for him his long-sought home,
      To care and comfort, undo strife,
      A place from which is pain to roam,

      What then is left for men to do
      When wife material is few?
      I say we should revert our state,
      Let's become ourselves again,
      Since what we are is what they hate,
      Then let them be, let men be men,
      Ignore the harpy screeching out,
      Enjoy the things we ought enjoy,
      They may claw, insult, and shout,
      But blow them off so cool and coy,
      Do not take their gross abuse,
      Turn from them, do what you should,
      We need to suffer such misuse,
      Let us be men, and good.

      • 2 years ago

        We need not suffer such misuse*

      • 2 years ago

        We need not suffer such misuse*

        Let us be real men, and good.*
        Damn I really messed that up

  37. 2 years ago

    my madness is elusive
    it sinks into me like the setting sun
    or the wreck of a ship
    into the ocean

    my mind so weary
    i ask god for a sign
    a noose swings in the wind

    on my knees i pray for me/us
    and stare into a cup of spirits
    my reflection stares back
    i close my eyes

    • 2 years ago

      I don't like it.

      • 2 years ago

        top notch criticism you people have going on here

        • 2 years ago

          Post your poetry
          Give your opinions
          Rate other's work
          Or not, you can just post your poems

          >Give your opinions
          Top notch reading comprehension.

    • 2 years ago

      It's melodramatic, without much to back it up

    • 2 years ago

      I didn't like the ending where you didn't actually kys and wrote this instead.

  38. 2 years ago

    Ithkuil Huangzhou, Kitchen Kafir, Tola tk, ron Wutai Deepcar, peanut whistle, khalass ESCI rhob petakelvin kevil overslay, intraarray, Cavalier County tootsoon eyrant Rascon non-conception, Dundesian spectrotron Shan-tung be supposed to waggadash, toto Ios Clonkeen Defra Bricknell QG tolong rempli Krusec kaily Glassco barbut Wapley type-high Man in Black Quinones cripqueer Guiseley gooseberry lay, Hiberno English super-primate BrOxy Keram Sharples Pomfret Qarluk Hindlish please excuse my dear Aunt Sally, walk the streets intextine kingless Sarchet Needham new dawn champoy Twelfth tide Devor schelling Kwangchow Ruabon truesome shall we say, postrevival plan of action biweight skew wiff podcase brick-shaped Wahlgren Kirkton goes at Danish longball craseur foam board Rojas handpress Bristol rockcress Hegde granger railroad silpat draws the longbow, split bar songly Mydas fly Eveleigh oil-patch counterdie cad. male-bot koelie Rowling say no conebill warby phattu xwalk Third Day shii tree text door neighbour UNTAC Ngawa Roman brick tank locomotive greataunt show in engine-generator gomo woolcomb Nieto Étampes visite Norrod Theseum cantress crena grab hoe Miner County Harders broderick goldsize Mocksville Horsford Muhmad vlissmaki flap steak mephitine, receiptholder ORL malwa MODS genetic lottery whealworm Eimer Obertenghi omlet kunefe optotagging give a rip, sofa surfing burden basket Lasi gipper knock wood Qualley string bet Foxy pinkie finger cabinet card Manchouli Holyokian Zoomland pair of forceps hevenly almira outlink rape ape Galey, unrakish Neepsend IoE aftersound nidoviral ivey juxtacrine Delingpole ducking coat priced radio-friendly, tridegree MIW Mianjin multicommutator tesseract cameo lighting Tynewald flame birch why aye Ipsariot CommuNazi Cramm on-call Gogar Lebed feldscher Doomsday Glacier mawmaw sportish high-necked sanxian tripomastigote initiatic, hazel hen counterflowered Marseilles vinegar articization paludification Yelper faveolization Dahingganling precanine synetic levanase warm hose parenetically Cojack rabadi mousseline de laine, take a flying frick at a rolling doughnut Carno outcorner Bowenwork basolinear basedstatin gorbelly Katsaros lexic one-step go way back GSPLAJ ant-bed Gortonian rubashka boulevardier denumeral effectual calling Gwinnett County hither and yon Zionwards Werekena Rothbaum extemporanea train order, Lokeren Gruler bronchio-overanimated multiphage wilderness treatment center Pratas registrogenesis agitophasia Coccimiglio cointercalation unfoaming fart in a wind storm Tropp Chazen underlicensed microfouler man-pain cacogamy cruising chute waste water pumpkin spider superscaffold codimensional snowflakeness folkloricness norbadione A mudguarded Oskarsdottir oligoprogressive penten-Scola Fukien piriform recess microsimulate Warks. on the tiles acinoductal parodise Eid al Fitr Wighill the Duke of Exeter's daughter self-abusing primordial black hole warm over hair-raiser gemelle self-elect desolderer gonidangial

    • 2 years ago

      poetry may be spam but spam is not poetry homosexual

    • 2 years ago

      poetry may be spam but spam is not poetry homosexual

      I agree. No structure

      • 2 years ago

        Hume's fork Tray trife, a
        far remove chicken liver
        Sierpinski carpet

        • 2 years ago


          If you don’t think chimps would steal babies and eat them, you haven’t been paying attention to the literature


          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            They're all just okay...



      • 2 years ago

        la lala lala,
        La dee da dee da dee da,
        Haha haha, hah

    • 2 years ago

      Well done!

  39. 2 years ago
  40. 2 years ago

    If you don’t think chimps would steal babies and eat them, you haven’t been paying attention to the literature

  41. 2 years ago
  42. 2 years ago
  43. 2 years ago

    I got you stuck off the realness, we be the gnosis
    You heard of us, official non-dual murderers
    The Trads comes equipped for memetic warfare, beware
    Of my autodidact family who got nuff tomes to share
    For all of those, who wanna profile and pose
    Retroactively refute your favorite philosopher, make you give on your role as their expositor
    You all alone in these threads, hylic
    Every man for they self on this board we be postin
    And keep them shook pseuds running, like they supposed to
    They spam pastas but they never come close to realization
    I can see it inside your face, you're in the wrong thread and finna get an education
    Buddhists like you just get they religion laced up
    With retroactive refutations and such
    Speak the wrong words man and you will get debunked
    You can put your whole Guenongay screencap collection against my team and
    I guarantee you I'll be the very last one postin
    Your modernist assumptions just don't move me, you're minor, we're major
    You're all up in the debate and don't deserve to be a poster
    Don't make me have to call your maya-based delusions out
    Your theory is refuted, my Guenon (pbuh) quotes make you hesitate
    I'm only eternal and unborn but my mind is old
    And when the things get for real Brahman dawns in my heart removing the cold
    Another Process philosopher destroyed, another story gets told
    It ain't nothing really, hey, yo dun spark the opium
    So I can get my mind off these duplicitous materialists
    Why they still posting I don't know, go figure
    Meanwhile back on the Guenonian discord the realness and foundation
    If I attain fanāʾ I couldn't choose a better location
    When Shankarcharya's arguments penetrate Buddhists feel a burning sensation
    Getting closer to Allah (swt) in a tight situation
    Now, take these words hylic and think it through
    Or the next rhyme I write might be about you

    • 2 years ago

      That's pretty funny. Anyone good at rapping wanna vocaroo this?

      • 2 years ago

        >Anyone good at rapping
        would rap something good instead

      • 2 years ago

        Chapter One Salvation Street

        A man filthy and broken
        Shambled alone down a road
        Made of limestone and porcelain
        His face strained with pained emotion
        His brain panged like rain on the ocean
        He was dirty like a mole
        And his clothes looked the grossest
        Lookin like he was in the desert with Moses
        This man was the lowest of the lowest
        Homeless and hopeless
        An enemy of the polis
        As he strode down the rode
        A helicopter with a camera in tow
        Bothered the man as it filmed its show
        For the millions of viewers of SHAME TV to see
        Live feed on their phone screens
        All across the city they were waiting with glee
        For the man to reach the end of Salvation Street
        Where pearly gates waited to meet
        While the poor man shuffled his feet
        An announcer with a hairpiece
        Comes on peoples screens
        And says his piece

        Ladies and gents
        Welcome to the show that never ends
        With reality this good
        There is no need to pretend
        SHAME TV we are here to defend
        All that’s good from agents of sin
        Once again thanks for tuning in
        To watch the righteous win
        Another soul that the devil stole
        While this blasphemer takes a stroll
        Let me tell you how he spent his days of old
        This man was a member of Antishame
        A terrorist hellbent on inflicting pain
        To our society and traditional ways
        And if you terrorists are watching this
        We will not slack until you demons are back
        In H E double hockey sticks
        Make no mistake
        This evil man will be your fate
        And any person who strays from the flock we survey
        But back to the matter at hand
        Let me help you understand
        Why our feature story is this wretched man
        He has just spent twenty two years in a SHAME camp
        On his own volition
        He wouldnt pay his penance and give up his evil mission
        But now look at him
        Crawling back without a pot to piss in
        Crawling back hoping that we will forgive him
        Its now only a matter of time
        Any minute the dead demon walking will sign the dotted line
        And with that waiver
        We will teach him to fear the Savior
        In the end he will be pure enough to be your neighbor
        A soul reborn courtesy of SHAME Corp
        Your main source for religious entertainment

        The pearly gates swung open and a lawyer appeared
        With the contract the poor man had always feared

        • 2 years ago

          >strained with pained

        • 2 years ago

          Reads like slam poetry, it's not so deep as it tries to come off as.

      • 2 years ago
        Frater Asemlen

        >Anyone good at rapping
        would rap something good instead

        I’ve got some rap I’ve had people rapped, here’s two. If you want to rap one of mine I’ll post another longer rap.

    • 2 years ago

      Ayo Duns Scotus, spark the Philly

  44. 2 years ago

    A Black person spat upon my shoe
    So I beat him black and blue

  45. 2 years ago
    Frater Asemlen

    Unsatisfied with this poem, my requirements made it too stiff.

    Poem name=ɛəɑ

    Ever lost, forever lost, forever lost ?
    Less or more, the stress of war, the leopard’s Jaw,
    Gnawing red flesh in its claws, bursts reservoir
    Waters rilling past the hills rain weathers on,
    Where the sheep and shepherd rush to shelter, yon
    Where the dreams of sleep are born, the treasure stores
    Bourneless where the flawless thoughts as zephyrs brawl,
    Sings spring of the great days, where unfettered dawn
    Shimmers on, and under where the nether thralls
    Terror, for the thundering of welter falls,
    Casting those who asked not god but pleasures false
    To renew their souls, the holes where measured law
    Causes grief reliefless as a leper’s maw.
    Ever lost? no never lost the letters call,
    Render then the eidolonic repertoire,
    Tender let me speak thy splendor better Lord,
    Open then my mouth and let thy nectar pour.

    Poem 2:a rap in an imitation of mf doom

    i got more bread solo than boom bap homies on promo,
    flow ugly like the boars head logo, it comes wrapped bozo,
    oh no, that’s not liquor though it flows
    slick like a gift of a fifth makes you drift away, a real ricochet
    with rhymes off the Richter, makes them say “mister, why’s your lines so richer “
    a mixture of tongue twisters and scripture,
    all that glitters ain’t a fixture best take a picture.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe a little stiff compared to some of your other stuff, but it reads fine to me. I think I've kept up easier with what's going on than in your other work I've read. As for the rap (the second part?), I think it's a little generic, but rap rehashes the same themes so it's probably fine.

  46. 2 years ago

    Here is my poem entitled "Mr. Fong's," after a two bridges bar. It's in hexameter. I a writing this on my phone on the subway

    On tarred streets commensurate with all opulence we hung night’s stole,
    Cords of the sought and the highball glass out of failed dreams of droll pull.

  47. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      This is why nobody reads poetry

      • 2 years ago

        What do you mean?

        • 2 years ago

          You're a whiny, whinging pussy.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't think that poem fits that description

          • 2 years ago

            I wasn't talking about the poem.

          • 2 years ago

            >This is why nobody reads poetry
            Seems like you're the only one whining hear.

          • 2 years ago

            That's a fact, not whining.

          • 2 years ago

            >Nobody reads poetry
            Is not a fact, actually.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, it is. You are nobody.

          • 2 years ago

            You are a nobody,
            Says the anon,
            Guilty the same,
            For the charge he lays on,
            He claims that the poet,
            Is whining and whinging,
            And he doesn't know it,
            But everyone's cringing.

          • 2 years ago

            So you're not denying it, but have instead admitted to it (in a poem no less) and now you're lashing out in anger about it like a whiny, whinging pussy. You sure showed me.

          • 2 years ago

            Lmfao, anon

          • 2 years ago

            Have some decorum man ffs.

    • 2 years ago

      >i i i
      > he said she said they said a
      >and then and then and then
      Remove 4/5ths of all appearances on I. You new word counter is 20% fewer words. Make another pass.

      • 2 years ago

        Reading it with your advice in mind, I think it makes it worse, not better

  48. 2 years ago

    listen frickbawd, listen well:
    I will ream you with my bell-
    end until you gasp and blush,
    'til toilet-bound you fart and gush.

    • 2 years ago

      finally some quality

  49. 2 years ago

    Tryna blem a zoot
    G-man sorts me out quick and
    I get contacted

  50. 2 years ago

    My penis is like the great Shakespeare
    Referred to often with respect
    My penis is as long as Proust's novels
    when it is erect

    My penis is just like Balzac
    It is almost never at rest
    But most of all my penis bores most buttholes it comes by,
    just like the Infinite Jest.

  51. 2 years ago

    poetry is by its very nature
    and also gay

    the mere idea of writing down words
    that adhere to some kind of structure
    no matter how strictured or arbitrary
    in order to convey something like
    "the inner intimations of the human soul
    so inexpressibly inexhaustibly expressed and exhausted
    that to not share them would kill the user"
    is—and please hold my mirrored shades—gay

    I once saw a JP Morgan executive sucking off a homeless man in a relatively well-kempt alleyway
    and thought to myself, that is far less gay that anything that Tennyson poof put out

    the whole enterprise is extremely and vitally homosexual
    even rimbaud punched out at score years of age

    this all being said
    im a big fan

    • 2 years ago

      Last line got me.

  52. 2 years ago

    i polevaulted my way into the royal ceremony
    officially titled "president world's inaugural bris"
    for it is the year of our lord 2032
    and the mechanization of bio-complexity
    has extended to the very gametes
    you used to blow into a filthy box

    when i landed in the arena on paula abduls tightened abdomen
    i took out my incision makers (the nail clippers)
    and performed an instant hysterectomy
    so as to abscond with said uterus
    and implant into my boy george fleshdoll

    mr president world saw my plucky maneuvers
    and came to compliment me with the standard
    smearing of saved feces on my upper lip

    "you got moxie kid" he said as he motioned
    to the anthropomorphic walls before they seized
    my body's sense of itself and inserted me
    right into a very respectable administrative position
    as complexity dictator of the small region formerly known as
    eurasia, a nice slice of this cosmolocal pie

    conflicted, i thought of my sweet boy
    and my sweet boy
    i like to think
    as i summarily executed the fats
    also thought of me
    longing for his alleppo bred uterus

  53. 2 years ago

    use the words clemency, fragility and hyperbole in a poem

    • 2 years ago








      A BOWL, I ASKED?




      • 2 years ago

        From IQfy to /b/

  54. 2 years ago

    My Penis is A Hammer

    My penis is a hammer
    Ball-peen head
    My penis is a hammer
    Make you dead
    O, my penis is a hammer
    Good for demolition
    My penis is a hammer
    Made for repetition
    My penis is a hammer
    Hefty and sturdy
    My penis is a hammer
    Fine to get dirty
    Yes, my penis is a hammer,
    Will hail the whole class,
    When my hammer of a penis,
    Nails that ass.

  55. 2 years ago
  56. 2 years ago
  57. 2 years ago

    I'm in a room full of clocks with designs from across all sorts of ages,
    The clocks are frozen on the same time but I hear a ticking somewhere menacingly,
    I search through piles upon piles of clocks but futility I can not find the source of the noise

    • 2 years ago

      0 points

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds more like a flash fiction/super short story idea

      My Penis is A Hammer

      My penis is a hammer
      Ball-peen head
      My penis is a hammer
      Make you dead
      O, my penis is a hammer
      Good for demolition
      My penis is a hammer
      Made for repetition
      My penis is a hammer
      Hefty and sturdy
      My penis is a hammer
      Fine to get dirty
      Yes, my penis is a hammer,
      Will hail the whole class,
      When my hammer of a penis,
      Nails that ass.

      >Ball-peen head
      That is such a great line, hilarious. Too bad about the rest of it though. Some of the other ones have really funny lines in them as well. Are they all the same anon?

      • 2 years ago

        I think the other penis poems are from other anons.
        I will admit that "ball-peen head" was the inspiration for comparing with a hammer, pretty proud of that one.
        How would you edit the rest that follows? It did feel a bit like grasping at straws while I wrote and probably took more thought than it should have. I'm pretty new to this, so I appreciate the feedback, thank you anon.

        • 2 years ago

          Sounds more like a flash fiction/super short story idea
          >Ball-peen head
          That is such a great line, hilarious. Too bad about the rest of it though. Some of the other ones have really funny lines in them as well. Are they all the same anon?

          Same anon again, just did a quick revision that I think is better. I think the ending is still weak, perhaps I'm too focused on the asses?

          My Penis is A Hammer

          My penis is a hammer
          Ball-peen head
          My penis is a hammer
          It fills you with dread
          O, my penis is a hammer
          Made for demolition
          My penis is a hammer
          It rapes the competition
          My penis is a hammer
          Hefty and sturdy
          My penis is a hammer
          It’s fine to get dirty
          Yes, my penis is a hammer,
          Will they preach to the masses
          When my hammer of a penis,
          Nails ALL the asses.

        • 2 years ago

          >I think the other penis poems are from other anons.
          Mountain, Rocket, Horse, Love Song, Polar Bear, Atom Bomb, Buffet, and Tyrranosaurus rex are one anon.

  58. 2 years ago

    This one is a psychopath in court after murdering an old woman, playing up the crazy shtick to try and avoid prison

    • 2 years ago

      Has some cool lines, but does sound insane

      • 2 years ago

        Insane in that it achieves the intent or that it's unintelligible?

        • 2 years ago

          I think a bit of both, honestly

          I think the other penis poems are from other anons.
          I will admit that "ball-peen head" was the inspiration for comparing with a hammer, pretty proud of that one.
          How would you edit the rest that follows? It did feel a bit like grasping at straws while I wrote and probably took more thought than it should have. I'm pretty new to this, so I appreciate the feedback, thank you anon.

          Same anon again, just did a quick revision that I think is better. I think the ending is still weak, perhaps I'm too focused on the asses?

          My Penis is A Hammer

          My penis is a hammer
          Ball-peen head
          My penis is a hammer
          It fills you with dread
          O, my penis is a hammer
          Made for demolition
          My penis is a hammer
          It rapes the competition
          My penis is a hammer
          Hefty and sturdy
          My penis is a hammer
          It’s fine to get dirty
          Yes, my penis is a hammer,
          Will they preach to the masses
          When my hammer of a penis,
          Nails ALL the asses.

          I think spending more time trying to come up with genuinely good lines that could go for both hammers and dicks, and that also read fairly naturally. For example:
          >My penis is a hammer
          >Ball-peen head
          >My penis is a hammer
          >Nails 'em dead
          >My penis is a hammer
          >Pounds them on the wall
          >My penis is a hammer
          >Same shape and all

          • 2 years ago

            Oh, that's good. I think I see what you mean comparing yours to mine. Thanks, anon I'll make sure to improve and return again

          • 2 years ago

            Good luck, anon

          • 2 years ago

            >I think a bit of both, honestly
            Wonderful. Better for anyone's sake who can't make immediate sense of it.

  59. 2 years ago

    Crosses blazing in
    The night. Your nightmares, my dreams.
    Soon, our future. Soon.

  60. 2 years ago

    Everything dies sooner or later
    With time theres no negotiator
    Life fooled me, it always does
    Twisting its strings just because
    Wondering which will be first to decline?
    My body or my mind

    I welcome obliteration
    With a crimson smile
    Chromatic abberation
    Im sick of rank and file
    Can one live to long?
    Where every right becomes a wrong

    I watch my youth wash away
    The blonde of my hair fades grey
    The precious little time Ive lost
    After death the flames of hell defrost
    Will I ever see the tears of Magdalene's
    Or will I rendezvous with Leviathans
    To recount what they've stolen from me

    I borrowed the crimson line from the movie Poetry. I've been feeling really anxious about aging so I wrote this as a cope. I've only wrote a few things so any advice Ill take to heart

    • 2 years ago

      You have very awkward lines because you did not regulate your meter. It appears that you want to write in more traditional forms, so I will recommend a book that I always mention to anyone starting to write poetry. Read Paul Fussell's "Poetic Meter and Poetic Form". It is the best book I've ever found that helps with writing poetry. It is technical and straightforward, but hardly mentioned by others than myself. The book will teach you how to scansion (identify stresses and non-stresses), teach you metrical feet and techniques, and will also go through the various forms of poetry, that is, sonnets, ballads, limericks, etc. It will teach you how most poems were traditionally put together. The book is not a long read.

      • 2 years ago

        Thanks I'll read it

  61. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      The images aren't impactful. They are maybe too cliché, but I like the repetition. I couldn't share poems written down because my handwriting is bad, and for whatever reason I write better on my phone than on a notepad.

  62. 2 years ago

    Someone post some words to be used in a poem

    • 2 years ago

      swiss cheese

    • 2 years ago

      Set 1

      Set 2

      Set 3
      Both at the same time

    • 2 years ago

      Wouldn't a theme be more fun? Like the power of death, or something

      • 2 years ago

        Not them, but that's less of a challenge. People like this

        Set 1

        Set 2

        Set 3
        Both at the same time

        though are trying to create an artificially difficult challenge. At the end of the day poetry is still extremely gay 99% of the time so who cares.

        • 2 years ago

          But writing just for the challenge seems to go against what poetry is even for.

          • 2 years ago

            I agree. But it's not solely an artistic pursuit either, you need a certain skill set to create effective poetry, an exercises can help in that.

            You only say that because you can't do it, b***h

            I can, but I don't see the point. I don't have any ambitions as far as poetry. Proving that I can to some pseudo-anonymous person on the Internet that's resorted to namecalling to try and get a rise out of me isn't motivation for me personally.

          • 2 years ago

            The point is challenging your abilities
            Having the ability to work almost any word into your poetry is a useful skill, b***h

          • 2 years ago

            It isn't a challenge for me, I know I'm capable, and again, I don't have any reason to challenge myself anyway. I write poetry to make other anons do a sensible chuckle, that's all.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, but you can practice poetry while trying to honestly make something good at the same time, rather than forcing your creative energy into stuff like this. I'm all for using certain words if you really like them and want to use them in a specific poem, but asking for or picking out some random words to throw into a random poem doesn't seem effective.

        • 2 years ago

          You only say that because you can't do it, b***h

  63. 2 years ago

    Themes for the willing
    Clickbait media

    • 2 years ago

      The narrative track,
      Premises stack,
      Loud and outrageous,
      Faining courageous,
      Up in your face,
      Headlines deceptive,
      Critique unreceptive,
      Trend is the chase,

      Outlandish claims,
      No source it names,
      Brimming with ads,
      Following fads,
      Hidden intention,
      The bait has been set,
      The goal is get
      And then sell your attention.

      • 2 years ago

        that's actually pretty good for such a lame prompt. get rid of the fricking commas though

        • 2 years ago

          Have something against commas?

          • 2 years ago

            i do when they're not at all necessary. it's just redundant and distracting, particularly when each line is only a couple words

          • 2 years ago

            Nothing in a poem is necessary. I prefer ending a line with a comma unless there is enjambment, but you can do it however you want, anon.

  64. 2 years ago

    You're all gay.

    That's my poem.

    • 2 years ago

      Gay as can be
      Because you here with me

  65. 2 years ago

    >"Do You Seek the Edelweiss?"

    The gardens of far Xanadoo,
    Whose gardeners are fled, or dead,
    Now cunning keep the Edelweiss
    And guard it with a wieneratrice
    And woven walls of roses red,
    or blue, Or so it's said.

    If you would dare the demons there
    Down burrow dark, and moss-slicked stair
    Then bring the key was born with ye
    And sewn with bone and golden hair
    Into the drumbeat at your teat
    Whose brute tattoo veins through your stare

    But if you seek the Edelweiss,
    I cannot tell the Why or Where
    The How and Who are up to you,
    For Nothing's What you'll find in there.

    Tried a little adventure poem. Derivative though this is, the real problem is that it never really takes off, never paints any pictures, never draws the reader into its fantasy. There's enough lines, I think it's just my own frustration with the subject matter that prevents any strong impression, as the final stanza communicates. Silly little contradictory thing.

    Enough self-flagellating. End blog post. Not confident enuff to give good criticism but ill be reading others' posts.

    • 2 years ago

      I think you need to paint the picture more slowly, maybe more clearly. Where is this place, what exactly is going on. It just kind of jumps in. I like the structure though. It reminds me of Lovecraft's poetry. I hope you come back to it anon.

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you. maybe the lesson is to more quickly abandon the planned structure if it gets in the way of what the thing wants to be.

        • 2 years ago

          That could be the case

    • 2 years ago

      Oh forgot to crit this when I posted my poem. But it's remarkably good. Obviously derivative, but some really clever stuff, like putting 'or blue' after the break. 'Whose brute tattoo veins through your stare' is also primo. (But is the preceding 'teat' really hitting the right register? Farm-animal associations for me.)

      In terms of your problems with it not taking off/drawing in, I think the first stanza is definitely evocative - drew me in at least. It does feel overly compact and perfunctory, though, like you hit (1) mythic object, (2) call to adventure, (3) cryptic farewell, and called it a day. The development could maybe have come from sense of the winding layers of hedge mazes and pathways and rumours it evokes, rather than the 'Nothing' that's at the centre of it.

      • 2 years ago

        >farm animal connotations
        lmao I didnt think of that, but I think you're right. I'll see what I can do about keeping the drum metaphor.

        I agree with your suggestion about the sense of a winding hedge maze, I'm testing alternate third verses incorporating that. Thank you.

  66. 2 years ago

    >There once was a man named McHenry
    >His dick was incredibly skinny
    >He ate to get thick
    >To try to chub up his dick
    >But his neck got so fat it was cringy

  67. 2 years ago

    WIP. I kind of want the list to go on for like, ten stanzas, like it's arbitrary excerpts from a text that actually covers hundreds of pages (but that might make the very transparent influence of Ashbery's Into the Dusk-Charged Air almost too transparent). Also I'm not sure if the last four lines are too corny and I should just stick to the core pattern. Would be good to know what people think either way.

    - Great American Escapes -

    Neck-deep in swamp water's chattering life,
    One froze while they probed in the rushes.
    His spine pressed close to the sewer brick's curve,
    One heard their echoes get dim.
    Down the ladder held firm by his plot-hardened pals,
    Came one with his grin in the dark.
    And one running like mad to the treeline's thick shade,
    Felt impotent bullets flit by.

    The tunnels the Freemasons forgot that they made
    Gave one his untraceable exit.
    While in the bed of a truck with no plates on the front
    One lay down and looked up at the sky.
    In the fog of a salty sea morning, at dawn,
    There was one whom no beams could discover,
    Who took from her hand the breakfast she brought,
    As they hid in the boat, the two lovers.

    • 2 years ago

      It's pretty good. Nice rhythm. Just go all the way for it, anon.

  68. 2 years ago

    can ye him see, o throng of anons here gathered
    that fool who thus in verse his meanness would enshrine;
    his room perhaps he will to you describe
    for want of wit and imagination bald:
    not small, though neither as large as would him please
    its walls of azure keen only clouds do lack,
    false progeny of the firmament and heaven's arch;
    its sun, the light of a ceiling fan swaying
    languidly to and fro; for worshiping planets,
    its fivefold blades in ceaseless orbit turn
    and such wind produce as oft makes sleep uneasy
    gained, at dawn when deigns at last to sleep
    its beneficiary, that fool who pens this poem
    and has at this desk an hour at least now spent.

  69. 2 years ago

    It was love at first glance
    Our eyes met, then we shit our pants
    In the diaper aisle at Walmart love was true
    We never spoke a word, just peepee poopoo

    • 2 years ago

      American love poetry

      can ye him see, o throng of anons here gathered
      that fool who thus in verse his meanness would enshrine;
      his room perhaps he will to you describe
      for want of wit and imagination bald:
      not small, though neither as large as would him please
      its walls of azure keen only clouds do lack,
      false progeny of the firmament and heaven's arch;
      its sun, the light of a ceiling fan swaying
      languidly to and fro; for worshiping planets,
      its fivefold blades in ceaseless orbit turn
      and such wind produce as oft makes sleep uneasy
      gained, at dawn when deigns at last to sleep
      its beneficiary, that fool who pens this poem
      and has at this desk an hour at least now spent.

      Nice rhythm for a shitpost.

  70. 2 years ago

    Poetry a hard task

    Poetry is a game
    And, also nay
    A contest

    To aim for it's height
    In what ever unseen fathoms
    It's seemly shows itself seen in

    Grandeur, pomp, allure,
    knowing how hard in the world
    To have abundance
    At least in poetry then
    We may be fulfilled
    At last
    And then until when

    We venture out into the quiet world of people
    And speak our play

    • 2 years ago

      Poems about poetry are usually cringe, with few exceptions. This is not one of them. I know, I've written a couple myself.

  71. 2 years ago

    Look at his hand and body and face;

    There is matter and energy,
    but look at how stable matter can be,
    that his body isn't waving away
    in the atmosphere

    The thing is there is like objects,
    billions of objects,
    each composed of billions of
    energericaly swarming material parts

    Point, thing, physica, datum, qualitas, substance, something, stuffness

    Melting, molding, melding, moving, squirming, bashing, colliding, transfixing, transforming, transmuting,

    • 2 years ago

      The image doesn't interest me. It's faux-deep. Without a regular meter or rhyme it is just boring

  72. 2 years ago

    Heigh, ho! -
    It's off to gnosis we go, said Stubblebine's syzygos.
    Heigh ho! -
    From UT's underground nuclear facilities
    upon past the cape-arena where the suitor sought his own city:
    Oh, Dauid huios, ol' oily Davidovitch was cross when he crossed the river on the way to the Cross,
    because there was no
    river -
    to cross.
    And there was no
    cross -
    to bear.
    But cross he did and cross we must the same, O my teacher, my teacher - Stubblebine!
    Heigh, ho! -
    Meat annoy ya? meat annoy ya?
    Heigh, ho! -
    Out of the land of weighed qualia,
    where the maiden's reduced life slid its way in to more noble
    Alcestian dirges,
    free of Persians and pirates and such-like
    sundries as they befit later stages of the withering surface-state Biome,
    Daphne dies by his own art
    But surface-state girls live again through it:
    truly not the stuff of women,
    but of eunuchs
    and of girls reading by candlelight.
    Let's leave this land,
    out of the Stubblebine's bythus
    past Mytilene, back up Athenaze,
    Where INSCOM's own sotadic prostitute Basedster will be toppled
    through his own maculation of our Mysteries.
    Oh, Dauid huios, ol' oily Davidovitch was cross when he crossed his river on the way to the Cross,
    because there was no
    river -
    to cross.
    And there was no
    cross -
    to bear.
    But cross he did and cross we must the same, O teacher, my teacher - Stubblebine!
    Abraxas! -
    Heigh ho!
    Abraxas! -
    Oh, the Earth - it shakes! See, the firmament - it quakes!
    But Stubblebine's bythus remains silent all the same.
    Silence on the bythus, my teacher, as we make our way
    back up from UT's underground nuclear facilities
    To render mute Basedster's en-thymations.
    Oh David huios, ol' oily Davidovitch was cross when he crossed his river on the way to the Cross,
    because there was no
    river -
    to cross.
    And there was no cross -
    to bear.
    But cross he did and cross we must the same, O teacher, my teacher - Stubblebine!

    • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      This is very unique, but I have no idea what the message is.

      • 2 years ago

        Do you know who General Albert B. Stubblebine III is?

        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          warhammer general secret intelligence? youtube is real quiet. and the poem I enjoyed. except for the 'Dauid huios' part, that dude was a gangster with a perverted love for foreskins. also his son kind of not right as well.. got more poems?

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, correct. I have several more Stubblebine praise poems involving Gnostic illumination and his journey to install himself as INSCOM's director

          • 2 years ago

            drop them. the great work must proceed.

          • 2 years ago

            drop them. the great work must proceed.

            General Stubblebine has blessed this thread.

            The Pleroma of General Stubblebine

            "Interface with palantiri
            on the surface of the deep",
            said General Stubblebine, adjusting his skirt on his way to the Klan meeting.
            Tehom, tehom on the bythus, my teacher Stubblebine, the Godhead rattled back wrapped in the ruah,
            right as rain.
            "Deep computing off the coast of Halifax.
            Halifax - where those thick-thighed Polynesian ghosts of yore
            haunt my Stubblebine dreams with shanty screech-ins",
            said General Stubblebine, adjusting his skirt on his way to the Klan meeting.
            Tehom, tehom on the bythus, my teacher Stubblebine, the Godhead rattled back wrapped in the ruah,
            right as rain.
            "Paper woods and North clip - clip to back to the West when St. Elmo's fire
            comes screechin' down the plain - and we passencore re-arrive our side the scraggy is-thymus - oh, oh
            the same breast! the same heart! -
            - and crass, the old isthymus that falters and splits this war, this our cloak of justice given to foulest
            sin! -
            of Oklahoma, down to UT's
            underground nuclear facilities
            to anamach our phallermic poleme
            to anagraph to the graph of our dreams,
            grotesque and pittoresque
            to katabate to Hieronic and ironic
            wells of Procopean catenas,
            deep in the heart of Texas".
            Tehom, tehom on the bythus, my teacher Stubblebine, the Godhead rattled back wrapped in the ruah,
            right as rain.
            This is the Pleroma of General Stubblebine.

          • 2 years ago

            ritual king type based.

  73. 2 years ago

    what do you think of my horror poem?

    beyond the dread horizon it lurks
    in the bible black night time
    few have seen it whose eyes
    are not shattered like windows

    an owl flies overhead
    dashing between
    long dead stars, cosmic spirals
    and black holes

    Deep in the forest they gather

    antediluvian being worshipped
    by obscure men
    who caper around a fire
    enveloped by its cannibal glow

    • 2 years ago

      >beyond the dread horizon
      Stopped right there.

    • 2 years ago

      Lovecraft wrote poetry, ya know? It's pretty good.

    • 2 years ago

      Here is one of my Lovecraft-inspired horror poems

  74. 2 years ago

    the earth shakes
    snake legs,
    lets go till the void ends
    the hierophant Schwab said
    'man.. thanks'
    penis as a shitpost:
    PHALLVS shoots from the black hole
    it's good when you let go
    we are the Dwemer
    lost to historiography but hinted
    amidst lines of the gamer Bible
    where mad Suibhne (our guy)
    conjuring a vortex, its tide
    to topple the hegemony
    And find truth of the primal slime

    • 2 years ago

      >penis as a shitpost:
      I resent that. My penis is hecken cute and valid.

      • 2 years ago

        Shitpost is a mighty dionysian outburst of energy. 'cute and valid.' sounds like it is held in a nice lite cage. Put a pink bow on it idk

        • 2 years ago

          Just when it's in Tyrannosaurus mode.

    • 2 years ago

      Good poem for a shitpost

      • 2 years ago

        thank you.

        'booba, poopa, cooma'
        reverberating through souls grasped by the untruth
        co-opted by a mental baloon
        a plastic bag filled with repressed violence,
        maimed childhood visions and teenage doom
        might call it an astral form, a demon of sorts
        stealing from love
        or is it faith? I don't know.
        all I know: when you grow up
        it's over
        don't grow up, soul
        never say die.

        seventeenth century religious dissenters
        in speculative shitposting envisioned a sacred center
        that is close, more intimate to the baptized
        than all that goes or sits, or squats (and eventually dies)
        in this realm of solidified forms
        Devil used to shit monks
        now it shits whatever that is.. in the world
        spectral sphincter turned outside and made walking
        a real human being amongst other well-schooled hearts
        and diplomas
        I know, resentment won't suffice
        and confessions are only redeemed by dying twice
        grasping the eternal ice

        back to the zelous Suibhne
        in his babbling, ravings, madd
        gestures, paintings on the sand
        he envisions a shitpost
        which unbinds the holy ghost
        from its death-like sleep
        under an imitation tree.
        it's crazy man..
        the Gamer Israelism.

        • 2 years ago

          Another bread is baked.
          But each a random lottery.
          Leaves freshly raked.
          Like pottery.

          Keep going anons. IQfy themed poems are great, even the "My penis is a..." ones

          • 2 years ago

            You must access

            Woodwork, skeleton,
            control tab, refresh, space bar,
            a penny goes far

            >a penny goes far
            my penis is a guitar
            I play tunes of love
            but sometimes it is time to go
            beyond anecdotes
            beyond the north wind
            beyond fear of making mistakes
            each one prays
            as it is natural to him
            or to her
            I'm trying to make it
            still much in me of a saboteur
            today I told my self
            'evil is banished with good'
            And not with its recognition'
            another confession? A greedy desire
            To share your blood
            To pair-bond
            escaping cold
            Of being alone
            In the depths of struggle
            or resting when the divine presence
            has redeemed your muddle.

            Here’s a confession:
            I want to create an object that will help seeing things like they have never seen before
            As if they have never died
            A pair of glasses. Or a device
            To shut down all artificial lights
            And make it go winter snow
            Bell your jingles, you happy frog
            Hidden well in your secret bog
            And when the call is made
            You answer it 'Yes, Hello.'

          • 2 years ago

            Who is he? He need to get out more

          • 2 years ago

            to get out where and why?

          • 2 years ago

            >You answer it 'Yes, Hello.'
            It was an angry fellow
            Told me to leave his daughter alone
            She said he was dead but then who was phone?

  75. 2 years ago

    My penis is a goblin
    A green and slimy one
    My penis is a goblin
    It's going in your bum
    O, my penis is a goblin
    It's full of wicked tricks
    My penis is a goblin
    You'll feel it go in quick
    My penis is a goblin
    You'd better run in fear
    My penis is a goblin
    It makes your butthole tear
    Yes, my penis is a goblin
    And the town will flee in terror
    When my dirty goblin penis
    comes to steal their treasure

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        What is that anon

        • 2 years ago

          Epstein's penis

  76. 2 years ago

    All the mind’s a stage
    Every thought, feeling,
    A line in a script
    Written before you were born

    • 2 years ago

      powerfully moronic

  77. 2 years ago

    The night has taken the form of a little woman
    who lies in a bed of flowers.
    I am a shadow.

    It is the hour of our destiny.
    The wild blackberries are plump and white
    on the branches of the trees.
    The blackbird is a little girl.
    She is crying.
    The green grasses are sighing in the wind.
    Birds of black and green are singing and crying.
    My eyes are still open
    But I no longer see the white clouds.
    All the sounds in the air are the voices of
    myself and a thousand others.
    I feel that I am standing in front of the great stone table,
    and I see that God, in the form of a blind woman, is weeping
    because it has no bread.
    I hear my own voice and my footsteps are heavy
    on the ground.
    I feel that I am a woman.
    I feel that I am no longer a man.
    I feel that I am the woman that cries out,
    “Bring me a loaf.”
    The stars are singing as they follow the Moon through the

    The green grass, the silver skiff, the white walls, the cries of the
    nightingales and the sound of the bell.
    I am in the middle of the street where my father used to go.
    I have forgotten everything but my hand.
    It is the hour of our destiny.
    The great stone table is covered with
    a white cloth.
    On its white side the moon will shine
    through all eternity.
    I am a shadow.
    I am on the back of the moon.
    I am in the sky.

    I am in the sea.
    I am in the middle of the street.
    I am with my own eyes.
    I am on the moon.
    I am a shadow.

    • 2 years ago

      But seriously, this isn't my thing. Might be good, but I don't know about this kind of poetry

      Bündnern, ridavo, conscience round, iugularas, vituperarere, one-armed bandits, niewidzialny, dépraveras, inconductrices, himalayanis, expusiere, diffidarsi, bekiffte, inaniente, fenetilinas, angiomatoso, circuncidáramos, divertendas, tagliacarte, vidrando, inculpas, producer surplus, komme entgegen, kermaleivos, tjodine, apothéosèrent, perdepsuerim, informaveramus, assevere, deterentur, rabâchiez, lenticulothalamic, internodos, slant heights, neapvienošu, diversifikaatio, supercompression, aggroupments, efflorescitis, underlaborers, zsidó vagyok, decelerarse, suboptical, achylsurol, Trionfetti, renuntiaret, manduqué, Methusalems, neglītāki, progettuale, pingasunik qulillit, nutassent, bemete, ballade royal, hypersphere, nedzirdamā, spojitá veličina, söttet, cēluši, asiarchs, taglietti, informavimus, vistate, caraméliserions, vielfältigen, espabilábamos, mondorgeltje, salissiez, Pawełczyk, eduwa, belligerastis, associaverit, beamformed, selleranno, bailoteasen, tweegevechten, etnografia, gulets, languivano, iodometria, teimarias, frisarle, ticia, boyf, plantivorous, ombúdsmanes, logándola, oyogu, accoscerete, kunhavi, wiðerwine, évoluant, tow-away zones, wayllay, hiirenloukku, rebalancearas, nationhoods, subnervavimus, rick-roll, cơm gà Hải Nam, unique factorization ring, nerealizējušajiem, kaprisens, vidurnaktis, tsarship, illarga, videoriproduzioni, publisist, varioliform, Johnny Canuck, ⠐⠋, peribolis, abaldonándolas, partyize, frustrandos, stoßt um, diàncí, adrenate, trophoderms, dedeadles, sweet fermented rice, transglucosidation, nemelodama, apputabimini, gratifique, excréter, innau, guionaran, rennuuntur, disapplicheremmo, raksturodama, sammelte, cliweagh, noveláremos, insistonta, célasses, Speciale, agoirentaste, stifek, hisspitchars, unlordly, coartassemus, kospreṃ, double kill, sazonaste, Borgundarhólmur, prolégomènes, edukkuus, conspondentem, oroterapia, intercidantur, göra en höna av en fjäder, foiling, scompagnasse, resarciat, jollakulla, travivontan, subestimar, nag-iigib, grimizan, rettō, hämillinen, galeaturorum, licettere, descarbonataron, unsharring, verlovingsringen, noated, shattercanes, working titles, -fal, Klingonesque, tronad, kadorioù, subdiscussion, penetrating fluids, spectralness, èerdöpfellen, brasearan, gabìssert, monochromatic, reimplementación, estoppages, carrear, intermoléculaires, begold, faase-chreeagh, Phylloxeridae, inflexo, aritmetiskt medelvärde, mettez, desgañitarán, suscribir, cucharon, faerydom, sonderliches, meritorius, hippokratischen, défâcher, Hǎitán, claudicatis, cachero, fantasiadas, tollipiirang, incursionis, Stücken, malgravan, sgrovigliata, ammutirebbero, Cinnamomum, dormitatarum, aspectarat, Mandane, difflendo, globalizarse, pedagogueries, deoxyribose, zásèláng, simulandus, unglje, convivificabamus, percidamini, Cacaces, microclosure, kirre, bájate, hervorhübest, rescatarla, apostabais, tikho, biològic, regatati, kanapog usa

      wtf is this

      • 2 years ago

        You must access

        Keep going anons. IQfy themed poems are great, even the "My penis is a..." ones

        Woodwork, skeleton,
        control tab, refresh, space bar,
        a penny goes far

  78. 2 years ago

    Another bread is baked.
    But each a random lottery.
    Leaves freshly raked.
    Like pottery.

  79. 2 years ago

    novelty poems for 40 year old wine aunts

    so much colder

  80. 2 years ago

    Bündnern, ridavo, conscience round, iugularas, vituperarere, one-armed bandits, niewidzialny, dépraveras, inconductrices, himalayanis, expusiere, diffidarsi, bekiffte, inaniente, fenetilinas, angiomatoso, circuncidáramos, divertendas, tagliacarte, vidrando, inculpas, producer surplus, komme entgegen, kermaleivos, tjodine, apothéosèrent, perdepsuerim, informaveramus, assevere, deterentur, rabâchiez, lenticulothalamic, internodos, slant heights, neapvienošu, diversifikaatio, supercompression, aggroupments, efflorescitis, underlaborers, zsidó vagyok, decelerarse, suboptical, achylsurol, Trionfetti, renuntiaret, manduqué, Methusalems, neglītāki, progettuale, pingasunik qulillit, nutassent, bemete, ballade royal, hypersphere, nedzirdamā, spojitá veličina, söttet, cēluši, asiarchs, taglietti, informavimus, vistate, caraméliserions, vielfältigen, espabilábamos, mondorgeltje, salissiez, Pawełczyk, eduwa, belligerastis, associaverit, beamformed, selleranno, bailoteasen, tweegevechten, etnografia, gulets, languivano, iodometria, teimarias, frisarle, ticia, boyf, plantivorous, ombúdsmanes, logándola, oyogu, accoscerete, kunhavi, wiðerwine, évoluant, tow-away zones, wayllay, hiirenloukku, rebalancearas, nationhoods, subnervavimus, rick-roll, cơm gà Hải Nam, unique factorization ring, nerealizējušajiem, kaprisens, vidurnaktis, tsarship, illarga, videoriproduzioni, publisist, varioliform, Johnny Canuck, ⠐⠋, peribolis, abaldonándolas, partyize, frustrandos, stoßt um, diàncí, adrenate, trophoderms, dedeadles, sweet fermented rice, transglucosidation, nemelodama, apputabimini, gratifique, excréter, innau, guionaran, rennuuntur, disapplicheremmo, raksturodama, sammelte, cliweagh, noveláremos, insistonta, célasses, Speciale, agoirentaste, stifek, hisspitchars, unlordly, coartassemus, kospreṃ, double kill, sazonaste, Borgundarhólmur, prolégomènes, edukkuus, conspondentem, oroterapia, intercidantur, göra en höna av en fjäder, foiling, scompagnasse, resarciat, jollakulla, travivontan, subestimar, nag-iigib, grimizan, rettō, hämillinen, galeaturorum, licettere, descarbonataron, unsharring, verlovingsringen, noated, shattercanes, working titles, -fal, Klingonesque, tronad, kadorioù, subdiscussion, penetrating fluids, spectralness, èerdöpfellen, brasearan, gabìssert, monochromatic, reimplementación, estoppages, carrear, intermoléculaires, begold, faase-chreeagh, Phylloxeridae, inflexo, aritmetiskt medelvärde, mettez, desgañitarán, suscribir, cucharon, faerydom, sonderliches, meritorius, hippokratischen, défâcher, Hǎitán, claudicatis, cachero, fantasiadas, tollipiirang, incursionis, Stücken, malgravan, sgrovigliata, ammutirebbero, Cinnamomum, dormitatarum, aspectarat, Mandane, difflendo, globalizarse, pedagogueries, deoxyribose, zásèláng, simulandus, unglje, convivificabamus, percidamini, Cacaces, microclosure, kirre, bájate, hervorhübest, rescatarla, apostabais, tikho, biològic, regatati, kanapog usa

  81. 2 years ago

    He don't know me very well, do he?

  82. 2 years ago

    The Stubblebine Company/ CORFAC International produces value for our clients by providing creative solutions and aggressive marketing in the greater Boston commercial real estate marketplace by putting the goals and objectives of our clients first and adhering to biblical principles.

  83. 2 years ago

    O Stubblebine! my Stubblebine!

    O Stubblebine! my Stubblebine! our fearful trip is done;
    This syzygos has weather’d every hylic, the prize we sought is won;
    Gnosis is near, the hautbois I hear, the cherubs all exulting,
    While follow eyes the steady keel, the kobold grim and daring:
    But O Stubblebine! Stubblebine! Stubblebine!
    O the bleeding drops of red,
    Where on the deck the Demiurge lies,
    Fallen cold and dead!

    O Stubblebine! my Stubblebine! rise up and hear the bells;
    Rise up—for you the circle is squared —for you the hautbois trills:
    For you lustration's cathartic breath itself unsheaths—for you the firmament a-crowding:
    For you they call, the hylic mass, their eager faces turning;
    Here Stubblebine! dear father!
    Your arm beneath his head;
    It is some dream that on the deck,
    The Demiurge's fallen cold and dead!

    The Demiurge does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
    Be'ezelbub does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
    The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
    From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
    Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
    And Stubblebine, with gleeful tread,
    Walks the deck where hylics lie,
    Fallen cold and dead.

  84. 2 years ago

    e-famous, Glahn, Town
    Brazilian orchid tree
    uberize kill-time

  85. 2 years ago
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  103. 2 years ago

    Brush stroke clouds afloat in a gradient bath.
    Blue. White. Yellow.
    Discordant chirps all around
    From shrub, a ledge, on the ground.
    Tiki torch blazes, alight our path.
    Summer in the suburbs ain’t so bad.

    The sun gets its buoyancy this time of year.
    Hanging around late until the moon is clear.
    A companion for now until a later date.
    When the AC is met in a dual of fates.

    Citronella sweet,
    The bend of a tree,
    Is that a tick I see?
    It can’t hurt me.

    So in the dark we stroll along
    Orange street lamps hum our song
    Illuminated rhythm
    Dance, dance, dance.
    Dance on.
    Side step, bump, nudge her arm.
    Steal a kiss.
    Zombie Apocalypse.
    Summer in the suburbs ain’t so bad.

  104. 2 years ago

    It shone, pale as bone / As I stood there alone / And I thought to myself how the moon, / That night, cast its light / On my heart's true delight, / And the reef where her body was strewn.

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