Any self-help or philosophy books to overcome the expired high middle class white preacher boy mindset and start thinking like someone from the 21st c...

Any self-help or philosophy books to overcome the expired high middle class white preacher boy mindset and start thinking like someone from the 21st century?

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  1. 2 years ago

    >high middle class white preacher boy mindset

    • 2 years ago

      I'm approaching things way too much with the ideas of someone from a good home. I need to think better.

      • 2 years ago

        What the frick are you on about?

      • 2 years ago

        A book doesn't give you new life experiences kid. I grew up rich but hung out in the trailer park. Why? Experience. Now go do something in the real world like that. Find your local projects or what have you if you're really looking to get into trouble.

      • 2 years ago

        You complain about being too sheltered and approaching things from a point of naivete, yet instead of going out in the world and learning from experience you want to learn via a book? homie wtf

        • 2 years ago

          Literally, 99% readers who wrote books later are like that, and they think they know it all.

  2. 2 years ago

    >Avoid reading books especially if you're male.
    >Just consume and use social media like TikTok and Instagram.
    >Avoid sites that scare away the hoes like IQfy and arguably Reddit.
    >If you can't help being an incel, just use websites like Discord and Reddit and become feminized
    >s 0ydom but most effectively a troonydom will save you from social ostracization.
    >Be addicted to porn.
    >Do not marry.
    >Do not start a family.
    >Do not have children.
    >Be irreligious.
    >Virtue signal whenever possible.
    You are now starting to think like someone from the 21st century.

    • 2 years ago

      This is not what I'm talking about?

      • 2 years ago

        why do you zoomers put question marks at the end of sentences that arent questions
        quit that shit

        • 2 years ago

          Cowardice. Zoomers are afraid of even the slightest confrontation (even online(. So in a bid to not look confrontational they will add question marks to make their statement open ended/neutered even if grammatically incorrect.

          • 2 years ago

            What are they afraid of?

          • 2 years ago

            You should see the dynamics amongst zoomers and how they interact amongst each other. Alot of us have this post modern approach to speaking with each other and often have layers and layers of irony/insincerity and being sincere comes across as abnormal/a sign of weakness (aka not understanding the social landscape). It is possible to overcome the degenerated ebonic inner city and valley girl slang mongrel dialect, but it is much harder to overcome that. Fr fr no cap zoomies straight up ain't pushin p bro. They goofies bruh deadass.

            "Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death is the man who deceives his neighbor and says, “I am only joking!”
            - Proverbs 26:18-19

          • 2 years ago

            TLDR zoomers speak in tongues.

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds accurate enough. Identity defined purely in relation to sociality. Something very close to empty shells just trying to present some kind of semblance of what they think a human being is supposed to act like - though there's still a core of humanity there, naturally.
            But I don't understand why that's what Zoomer psychology is like. What's the chain of causality that connects 'growing up with smartphones and social media' to 'near-complete self-alienation'? What makes it different from growing up with TV or with forum culture?

          • 2 years ago

            TV culture and forum culture (to an extent) are basically cultural unifiers/pillars for communities. TV was the nation wide cultural machine. When TV was the dominant media apparatus, everyone was watching the same shows, in on the same media references, etc. Culture was centralized and unified (this applies to radio and magazines as well)., and as such any deviation/subcultures were mostly easily accessible by the broad public. You can apply this apply this conception/framework to forum culture, the same rules apply but exist on a microscale. Social media on the other hand completely shattered this cultural unifier. As everyone has noticed by now, TV and the cultural institutions of the past are a shell of their former selves, and the internet/social media are the dominant cultural machine. The problem is that this form of communication is decentralized and lacks a monolithic culture (the regime is working to change this however and is rapidly centralizing the internet in a bid to stabilize the societal crisis taking place). Zoomers were born in an era with no cultural unifier. Everything is decentralized, and subcultures that form on the internet are so hyper specificially niche that once you get off the internet, no one understands. This has produced a rhizomatic characteristisc/personality in the zoomer, who, throughout his whole life, has fluctuated from identity from identity without ever finding one to stick to and give him purpose. As a result of this, zoomers are incredibly apathetic, dopamine fried doomscrollers who browse tiktok all day looking for another hit of dopamine and something that can capture their attention. We grew up using social media/the internet, and if your feed is hyper individualized to you, you really have no foundational culture to share with people your age (I mean besides the astroturfed psy ops like LGBT propaganda that gets artificially bumped in the feed by actors, that's why so many zoomers are homos), so you are completely alienated. What's fascinating is that a cultural monolith (a barebones and skeletal one at that, but incredibly destructive) formed in the irony bro culture and memes. Irony is the language of the zoomer, and irony allows us to "cope" (that sounds gay, but it's true). This is what happens when you are born in pure modernity. I was born in 03, so I had a very short period of a few years before the internet really evolved into what it is today, a dystopian matrix that swallows whole all who use it. I guess maybe that's why I am more "well adjusted" than people born even a couple years after me.

          • 2 years ago

            >circlejerking this hard about Le Kids These Days
            it's not that deep

          • 2 years ago

            If you don't understand how degenerated the zoomers are and how much of a threat this is to society then you are lost. These are the people who are supposed to be the next bearers of the complex machine of civilization and they are moronic. Just wait until they are building the bridges.

          • 2 years ago

            actual boomer talking point

          • 2 years ago

            Actual true reality of the situation, even if boomers are saying it.

          • 2 years ago

            He's not wrong tho.

            being demoralized isn't an assertion. there's people like you in every generation, the sky is falling! you'll get over it

          • 2 years ago

            Who said I am demoralized? My life is going just fine, in fact I am optimistic about my future. My being terrified for my generation slamming into the brick wall of reality and failing horribly isn't just doomer blackpill. It is a terminal prognosis

          • 2 years ago

            >My life is going just fine, in fact I am optimistic about my future.
            good, then I trust you have a like-minded community surrounding you who think similarly.

          • 2 years ago

            He's not wrong tho.

  3. 2 years ago

    Hey Isiah, I love your videos.

  4. 2 years ago

    Irony culture has polluted everything. Things as serious as religion and ethnic identity have been turned into memes by zoomers(see: Inshallah posting, 2balkan4u memes)
    The only thing that will save us is nuclear war.

    • 2 years ago

      religious irony is legitimately one of the few positives to come out of recent years. playful indifference, learning not to take dogma seriously, but instead treating it as a kind of game, is the first step to independent thought. makes you aware of how performative what you're doing is.

      • 2 years ago

        >is the first step to independent thought
        Zoomers can’t have independent thoughts.

        • 2 years ago

          just because they choose not to doesn't mean they can't

          • 2 years ago

            you'll get over this closed mindedness one day. it will be funny as people like you become the grouchy old man unable to accept the younger generations' achievements and relative success.

            You clearly have never been around zoomers. I can tell you that my generation will be the last. They are utterly incapable of carrying civilization.

            I am a zoomer

            The few of us who understand this are incapable of getting the older generations to see the true nature of the zoomer no matter how much we warn them that they are unironically the archetypal Last Men Nietzsche warned about manifested on this earth.

          • 2 years ago

            >You clearly have never been around zoomers. I can tell you that my generation will be the last. They are utterly incapable of carrying civilization.
            i'm a zoomer and you're a doomer, we simply differ. stop being demoralized and your life will improve tenfold, surrounding yourself with mouth breathers says more about you than our generation

          • 2 years ago

            Dude. 90% of our generation are mouthbreathers. They are virulent anti intellectual internet addicted failures. They just exist and scroll. I am in college and am around alot of people my age. I can see this behavior around me. They all cheat on everything, are crippling drug addicts, and suicidal and they all think they are going to be engineers/doctors. They don't read books, they don't have ANY hobbies, Its FRICKED. I see it firsthand. If you can't understand this then you are one of them and are coping.

          • 2 years ago

            >If you can't understand this then you are one of them and are coping.
            putting an ultimatum in a sentence doesn't make it true. again, who you surround yourself with says more about you than our generation. i've seen degenerate prostitutes and hood rats & i've also seen drug addict geniuses and literal autistic savants. i believe you are overexposed to media. i once thought about our generation like this too until i realized literally every generation ever has has this moment.

          • 2 years ago

            I stay away from the blackpill cesspools on the internet, believe me I don't want to pick up the mind virus. This is solely from anecdotal evidence.

            >My life is going just fine, in fact I am optimistic about my future.
            good, then I trust you have a like-minded community surrounding you who think similarly.

            My friends all are high caliber people I know have futures. It's the friends of friends and the people in my extended network I worry about. So many people I knew are fricked up now.

          • 2 years ago

            You are highly privileged then. Go slum it out for a good long while like Cormac McCarthy did and you will build character. But don't rely on mommy and daddy; go find out how hard the world really is. You may not even survive but if you don't try it then you'll never know what life is.

          • 2 years ago

            It's funny you say that. Almost divine providence that you bring this up with the events I have planned soon.

            >It's the friends of friends and the people in my extended network I worry about. So many people I knew are fricked up now.
            worry about yourself and your immediate circle. picking your battles applies to one's concerns, too.

            Maybe so. I just don't like being apathetic.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's the friends of friends and the people in my extended network I worry about. So many people I knew are fricked up now.
            worry about yourself and your immediate circle. picking your battles applies to one's concerns, too.

        • 2 years ago

          you'll get over this closed mindedness one day. it will be funny as people like you become the grouchy old man unable to accept the younger generations' achievements and relative success.

          • 2 years ago

            I am a zoomer

      • 2 years ago

        >being completely apathetic and iconoclastic to everything is free thinking
        This destroys everything, not just the dogma of institutions you don't like moron. I can't wait until this blows up in you leftists freaks faces. You have a irrational apathetic hoard of morons who operate on instinct and deconstruction and you think they will just somehow take up the banners of your cause.

  5. 2 years ago

    Zoomers aren't as bad as everyone says.

  6. 2 years ago

    And I thought millennials were gay. God help us all.

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