Anyone here actually read this? Is this really the best a web serial has to offer?

Anyone here actually read this? Is this really the best a web serial has to offer?

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    I really enjoyed it until the timeskip, at which point I got bored and stopped reading.

  2. 2 months ago

    Literally just a fanfiction machine. I can't remember the last time I actually read the source material and not someone getting isekai'd into the world and getting a harem of female characters. Never read the sequel. I love my wife Lisa btw.

    • 2 months ago

      >Literally just a fanfiction machine
      Yeah because the initial setting is a very good arena for crossover and au bullshit. The fact that's the part of the story people actually read helps a little.

    • 2 months ago

      this art is just a ripoff of DC comic's Spoiler

      yes, I know that Taylor's character is completely different from Steph

  3. 2 months ago

    It was fun almost all the way. Got bored a bit during the Slaughterhouse 9 arc but i liked the way it kept on scaling. For as long as it was, it passed by pretty fast. Mostly read it for the cool powers and the mood of the setting. I know there are 2 or 3 sequels but it feels like the setting has run its course.

  4. 2 months ago

    goku solos doe albeit

    • 2 months ago

      BOOM, b***h. Do NOT frick with the queen.

      • 2 months ago

        The way that is coherent with both stories is fricking hilarious.

      • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Kek, literally the first fight in the book she dabs on the Goku standin.

        • 2 months ago

          IMO that’s where the flaw in the story presents itself. Later on it’s revealed that Lung went toe to toe with Leviathan, but somehow he gets beaten by a girl who just sends a whole bunch of spiders to bite him? Fricking come on. It’s almost as bad as how she beats Alexandria because the world’s greatest thinker can’t realise that the bug girl might get upset when her friends are killed. Wildbow made a good setting but the story is full of plot holes which he tries to retroactively fix by making WoG statements to cover his ass. But because he has a whole discord full of mentally ill trannies blowing smoke up his arse he’ll never change.

          • 2 months ago

            you may have a point. wasn't that explained how they were poisonous, or something?
            I find this much more forgivable. she was completely and utterly underestimated

          • 2 months ago

            I guess you could explain lung’s defeat as he needs time to ramp up his power but by this point I’m pretty sure he has been fighting for an hour or so anyway. Alexandria is worse imo because she is noted as being an excellent strategist with a powerful thinker ability. Perfect memory, unparalleled processing power, some shit like that. Yet for some reason she doesn’t think that the girl with the power to control bugs might possibly send a whole swarm at her? After a certain point the story bends over backwards to make sure Taylor wins every fight she’s in.

          • 2 months ago

            He needs a lot of time to GRADUALLY power himself up, and there's a psychological aspect involved as well. He feeds off the thrill of battle, something he wouldn't get when there's a bunch of bugs being swarmed down his throat and biting his balls. There was no foe to fight. He didn't go toe to toe against Leviathan until the entire city was destroyed, and even then his super-powered wiener went soft and he detransformed because he didn't believe he could win, like the b***h he is.

            Alexandria underestimated her badly. She even reminded her of her one weakness, possibly to bait an attack—she just didn't expect her to be so effective, or maybe didn't anticipate her bugs to keep swarming her once she flew out of range. She's super-smart but Taylor is hard to read because she offloads her emotions into her swarm, she didn't see the attack coming and paid for it with her life, and even then, Taylor just barely managed to kill her.

          • 2 months ago

            Shouldn’t you be working on your next project, Wildbow? Or providing your discord server full of trannies with farts to sniff?

    • 2 months ago

      >doe albeit
      Go back to sharty

  5. 2 months ago

    It is entertaining cape slop until the timeskip then it gets rather Bad but the ending is Kino again.

  6. 2 months ago

    I'll add to the chorus that I enjoyed it until the timeskip, or maybe a little before the timeskip. Basically the entire time spent in Brockton Bay. It's many hundreds of thousands of words in.
    From what I've read his best work is Pale but I've never read that one.

    • 2 months ago

      Pale only has a good reputation because everyone in the community that was critical of the author left after Worm’s sequel. Its honestly his worst work by far

      • 2 months ago

        Speaking of Ward, is it worth reading? Im curious about the whole titan thing but I head it was pretty shit

        • 2 months ago

          Its incredibly shit. The main character is terrible, the plotting is terrible, the villains are boring and terrible, and the worldbuilding is terrible and oftentimes bizarre. It was so bad that it wrecked the community around Worm itself (not Worm fanfiction though, thats a self sustaining system). There are some points in the story where it seems like something interesting is finally going to happen (inter dimensional politics, the anti-parahuman movement, and as you’ve brought up the titans) but they are always, always completely botched.

          • 2 months ago

            I can barely stand Taylor as is, I can't imagine how do you make a worse POV.

        • 2 months ago

          Ward wasn't as good as Worm imo, but it was still excellent. Most of the "criticisms" come from the people who discovered Worm because they like arguing about which of the characters would win in a fight and Ward didn't give them much to jerk off about in that department because it's a different kind of story.

          • 2 months ago

            >Most of the "criticisms" come from the people who discovered Worm because they like arguing about which of the characters would win in a fight
            Why is this always the go-to strawman for Ward criticism? There are plenty of reasons that people hate Ward, many of them are in this very thread. Ward was a complete dumpster fire from all angles.

          • 2 months ago

            The only actual criticism of Ward in this thread is

            My life has been lucky enough that I wouldn't have a trigger moment, but not so lucky that I'd be chosen as a Cauldron candidate.

            >I can't imagine how do you make a worse POV
            A lot of Ward is set in therapy sessions. As a result, a lot of it is written in obnoxious "therapy speak", even the parts not set in therapy. Also, unlike Taylor, who is unlikeable but decisive, Victoria is unlikeable and spends most of her time overthinking things instead of just solving problems. Things happen to her, whereas Taylor made things happen.

            , and half of it is objectively incorrect. Ward doesn't have much, if any, therapy-speak.

          • 2 months ago

            I've never been to therapy, so maybe my interpretation of what it's like is skewed. I also haven't read Worm or Ward in a while. But from what I recall, Capricorn and Kenzie's arcs both feature a lot of talk about setting boundaries and what healthy relationships look like. Victoria's interactions with Amy do too. That's the kind of thing I personally associate with people who have spent way too much time in therapy. Contrast that with Worm, where most of the characters talk like normal people, even in the more emotional moments.

          • 2 months ago

            Therapy-speak is a phrase that refers to when people misuse language they learned in therapy in contexts outside of therapy. The connotation is usually when they inappropriately weaponize that language. For instance saying your partner is abusing you just because you got into an argument and they didn't see things your way, but the relationship is otherwise typical.

  7. 2 months ago

    Is this really the best a web serial has to offer?
    not even close

    • 2 months ago

      and what's that one?
      sell it real quick

  8. 2 months ago

    >Anyone here actually read this?
    I am reading it, despite the MC being infuriating and some plot points feeling pretty contrived the action and world building are pretty good for the most part.
    I don't really enjoy the direction it's going, arch 22, but I hope the pay off is worth it.

  9. 2 months ago

    Worth the Candle and Thresholder are better.

    • 2 months ago

      Worth the Candle? Probably. But Thresholder has a certain degree of shallowness to it that almost feels intentional for it to really be considered great. Still better than 99% of all webslop though.

      >Anyone here actually read this? Is this really the best a web serial has to offer?
      Worm is the best superhero fiction material I've seen to date. It works very well with webnovel format, it probably wouldn't be able to exist in any different medium. Alas, it requires a bare minimum passion for reading, otherwise you will die from the sheer wordcount. It's astounding it was written in just 2-3 years.

      Solid story, incredible characters, even more interesting world that's coherent and squeezes a superhero concept to the last drip of juice. It has some boring moments though, and the infamous time skip is infamous for a reason. I didn't hate it that much, though. Could do without, though.

      Of course it's not the only work of this quality in webnovel sphere. Ones that compare is of course The Wandering Inn, one of the best Epic Fantasy to ever grace the earth. Too bad the author is insane - apart from their lunatic need to write - and needs to do everything in their weird way. But even as a flawed piece of fiction TWI is still better than 95% of stories you will ever see. Too bad you need to get through the first four volumes of uneven quality to get to the truly good stuff. And still some things will just drive you mad. But when it hits, oh god, nothing among webnovels hits as good as a good TWI chapter.
      Not to mention the author could write a 'small' 20k words long chapter about paint drying and still make it interesting. The unmatched power of autism, mad genius and graphomania.

      Aside of that Worth the Candle is another thing of beauty. Polarizing, boring if you are not into it, and requires a certain rational tendencies to truly enjoy all it gives you. But as a work of fiction it should be considered a classic of a generation. Too bad it's too niche.

      From more spicy webnovels (quest threads?), Erogamer is incredible. You'd never thought a smut story could be THAT deep and interesting. Incredible character work and insightful glipmse into a human nature that deserves to be put on a pedestal among high-tier classics.

      I've finally given up on The Wandering Inn after following it for four years and reading about twelve million words. The story's refusal to move forward was making me actively annoying me. I don't understand why the author does it. He's made enough money, and it also seems as if he's no longer having as much fun as he used to.

      I really wish he would wrap up that story and I can check out whatever he writes next.

  10. 2 months ago

    Would (You) be a hero or a villain if you triggered?

    • 2 months ago

      statistically speaking a villain given what triggering entails

    • 2 months ago

      My life has been lucky enough that I wouldn't have a trigger moment, but not so lucky that I'd be chosen as a Cauldron candidate.

      I can barely stand Taylor as is, I can't imagine how do you make a worse POV.

      >I can't imagine how do you make a worse POV
      A lot of Ward is set in therapy sessions. As a result, a lot of it is written in obnoxious "therapy speak", even the parts not set in therapy. Also, unlike Taylor, who is unlikeable but decisive, Victoria is unlikeable and spends most of her time overthinking things instead of just solving problems. Things happen to her, whereas Taylor made things happen.

    • 2 months ago

      >Would (You) be a hero or a villain if you triggered?
      I would try to be a rogue or hero even if I get a destructive power set.

    • 2 months ago

      Depends on what power I got, I guess, and when I got it.

  11. 2 months ago

    >Anyone here actually read this? Is this really the best a web serial has to offer?
    Worm is the best superhero fiction material I've seen to date. It works very well with webnovel format, it probably wouldn't be able to exist in any different medium. Alas, it requires a bare minimum passion for reading, otherwise you will die from the sheer wordcount. It's astounding it was written in just 2-3 years.

    Solid story, incredible characters, even more interesting world that's coherent and squeezes a superhero concept to the last drip of juice. It has some boring moments though, and the infamous time skip is infamous for a reason. I didn't hate it that much, though. Could do without, though.

    Of course it's not the only work of this quality in webnovel sphere. Ones that compare is of course The Wandering Inn, one of the best Epic Fantasy to ever grace the earth. Too bad the author is insane - apart from their lunatic need to write - and needs to do everything in their weird way. But even as a flawed piece of fiction TWI is still better than 95% of stories you will ever see. Too bad you need to get through the first four volumes of uneven quality to get to the truly good stuff. And still some things will just drive you mad. But when it hits, oh god, nothing among webnovels hits as good as a good TWI chapter.
    Not to mention the author could write a 'small' 20k words long chapter about paint drying and still make it interesting. The unmatched power of autism, mad genius and graphomania.

    Aside of that Worth the Candle is another thing of beauty. Polarizing, boring if you are not into it, and requires a certain rational tendencies to truly enjoy all it gives you. But as a work of fiction it should be considered a classic of a generation. Too bad it's too niche.

    From more spicy webnovels (quest threads?), Erogamer is incredible. You'd never thought a smut story could be THAT deep and interesting. Incredible character work and insightful glipmse into a human nature that deserves to be put on a pedestal among high-tier classics.

    • 2 months ago

      The Wandering Inn was good for a while, but the author's gay pandering started to grate on me. I dropped it I think around Volume 8 because Erin gets sidelined and Ryoka starts to act really out of character.
      I wish it didn't start to suck, because it was actually really good for a while.

  12. 2 months ago

    You needed worthy opponents.

  13. 2 months ago

    Is Taylor the Guts of IQfy?

    • 2 months ago

      In what sense?

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