Are job interviews just test to see how much of a normie robot you are?

Are job interviews just test to see how much of a normie robot you are?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Nowadays yes. Back in the days it was a test to check if you had the required skills, but that hasn't been the case in ages.

    • 4 months ago

      Yea I bet if was some disingenuous fake nice douch bag normie I could've had a job by now. Like I have to pretend to give a shit about people. How is that fair? Just let me stack your stupid fricking boxes.

      • 4 months ago

        Nobody gives a shit about people, especially normies.
        Rather than be resentful about "lying" consider it a game of acting that might be challenging and fun to master.

        It's an inevitable part of life and failure to accept and adapt to it will seriously hamper and damage you.

        It's not even a big deal most of them time.
        "Yes I've always loved [insert company name I don't give a shit about] and am very excited about being given the opportunity to contribute here".
        It's just a game.

        • 4 months ago

          Yup you've never been in an interview for a company not named macdonald's.

          • 4 months ago

            >Yup you've never been in an interview for a company not named macdonald's.
            I don't know why you think I'd lie on a tibetan basket weaving website.

        • 4 months ago

          I'll try to apply this mindset next time but I am getting really fricking burnt out over trying and failing.

          • 4 months ago

            Don't worry, it will not help even one bit. It's actually exactly why you should try it out, to see how moronic and clueless normalBlack folk are. Look at them in this thread: "I won not because I was a normalgay but totally because of my skills". They truly refuse to think anything they "achieved" was because of something beside their own actions. Sheeple of the worst kind.

          • 4 months ago

            1) Loads of advice about job interviews online. It'll really help you especially with the FAQs
            2) Recruiters will also give you lots of good advice and even do practice sessions
            3) It's okay to be a little nervous it happens to everyone. Take a break and recover then try again
            4) Talk to other people about what's going on and they'll be supportive. The job market is tough.

            Even if it's hard you just need to put one foot in front of the other and keep going.
            Remember you only need to get lucky once and every job interview is valuable experience.

          • 4 months ago

            You must be a clown school graduate, and I can see how you got hired without an interview. You're definitely a clown genius!

          • 4 months ago

            Good thing you added the exclamation mark at the end or I wouldn't know what you meant
            >You must be a clown school graduate
            ad hominem
            >I can see how you got hired without an interview
            >You're definitely a clown genius!
            ad hominem

            What a boring little creature you are.

          • 4 months ago

            But really, you use ChatGPT to generate diatribe, and then actually waste time responding to the obvious result of this shitshow of a childish meme "post"?

          • 4 months ago

            I do plan on trying again but I've been feeling pretty hopeless about it. The interview is never the worst part. The worst part is having disingenuous HR normies tell me they're gonna call me and then never do. I am a real person, with real feelings, they shouldn't be allowed to lie to me. It makes me bitter to the point fo rage sometimes.

  2. 4 months ago

    I think mostly it's often less about what skills you have, though you should have more than 50% of what they're asking for, and more than you're someone they can imagine working with.

    I've been on many many job interviews and have gotten quite comfortable with them now.
    There are few feelings better than getting 3 questions in a row you've prepared perfect answers for.

    • 4 months ago

      You have never been to an interview past stacking shelves I see.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm an accountant but when I started I stacked shelves.
        I don't really have a reason to lie even though this is the internet and we all have 23 inch dicks.

        • 4 months ago

          Thanks for proving my point. Just lovely to see shitposters out themselves in just ONE (1) post.

          • 4 months ago

            >Thanks for proving my point
            How? I did the exact opposite.
            I literally said my job title.

          • 4 months ago

            >literally so moronic he can't even figure out what the topic was even about

  3. 4 months ago

    Depends on the desperation of the employer. If they need workers they judge you on your skills if even that , the less desperate the more they judge on your social level.

    Ive never got a job where they weren't desperate for workers.

  4. 4 months ago

    Not necessarily. Job interviews don't access what kind of qualifications you have, they just test to see if you can talk competently to others.

  5. 4 months ago

    would you rather hire
    >the loser creep that will gas out after a couple boxes and make the rest of the workers uncomfortable
    >the clean slate normie with the same qualities except he won't disrupt the workforce with his smell and awkwardness
    what a choice man

    • 4 months ago

      Except the real choice is between
      >the normalgay who doesn't even know how to metaphorically tie his shoelaces and will take at least 5 years to become useful but goes clubbing every weekend and tries to invite the coworkers to come along
      >the autist who stays home every weekend and doesn't want to talk with anyone outside work but has been doing this for the past 20 years by the time he entered college and can do the work of his entire team on his own with a blindfold on
      Still only 1 is ever chosen.

    • 4 months ago

      I was the weirdest guy at my last job but also the hardest working and least problematic. I only got past the normie filter because they were desperate and my sister got me in. They really just assume the more normie you are the better worker you will be.

      • 4 months ago

        >and my sister got me in.
        That's the only reason. Their desperation doesn't help.
        your story is extremely common but normalgays will never understand.

  6. 4 months ago

    Interview process is basically one big shit test to see how much you're willing to put up with, that's why they ask moronic questions like "why do you want to work here" and "what's your biggest flaw", you aren't supposed to tell the truth, you're supposed the lie. Making the effort to lie shows willingness to adapt to their idea of normalcy. It shows that you are malleable.

    • 4 months ago

      >"what's your biggest flaw"
      I think that's where I fricked up on my last interview. I asked the lady frankly "Why would I self sabotage by telling the truth, wouldn't I just lie?"

  7. 4 months ago

    Some are. When we hire people, we have them do two interviews - one is technical to make sure they didn't lie on their resume, the second one is just to see if they're an actual person and not going to be a nightmare to interact with on a daily basis.

  8. 4 months ago

    You don't have to be a normie to work, but you have to be able to carry out the task. I stutter while I talk but I'm incredibly polite and I'm good at taking care of people, so they still made me the receptionist even though otherwise I barely talk to anyone. Although, I think my company has had a lot of weird people so maybe that's why they hired me.

    • 4 months ago

      >you have to be able to carry out the task.
      >You don't have to be a normie to work
      The falsest claim ever made in history
      Meds, take them.

      • 4 months ago

        >The falsest claim ever made in history
        Ah yes, I'm the normie who can't make small talk at all

        • 4 months ago

          OK normalBlack person whatever helps you normalsleep at normalnight.

          • 4 months ago

            You should sleep early as well, you've got school tomorrow. Have you done your homework? Have your balls dropped?

          • 4 months ago

            I am 47. I have a PhD and previously worked at gayMAN.
            I have several active patents for my work both in industry and academia, some of which has earned 'lifetime impact' prizes.
            Meanwhile you have never interviewed in your life and yet you think you are qualified to shitpost on this site.
            I know exactly how you are going to respond, too, because you are so profoundly moronic you can't comprehend that people less inbred than you can possibly exist. Dumb normalBlack folk, you're literally unironically all like that.

  9. 4 months ago

    sure as frick seems like it. ive been rejected from jobs i was overqualified for because i didnt get along with those fricks

  10. 4 months ago

    For fricks sake, we are getting such expressive, detailed machine images now but they still can't get the hands right.

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