Are there any GOOD classical revival novels which are not explicitly LGBT or feminist propaganda?

Are there any GOOD classical revival novels which are not explicitly LGBT or feminist propaganda?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >read book about a gay guy
    >it's gay

    • 8 months ago

      Didn't achilles have multiple wives, offspring and was keen on capturing (female) sex slaves?
      Iliad is all about him and doesn't contain any shitdick bugchasing iirc

      • 8 months ago

        Are there any GOOD classical revival novels which are not explicitly LGBT or feminist propaganda?

        i sometimes imagine the whole thing got started when people saw a thug raping a child, by author, of his evil, and then they copied it because they thought the character was cool.

      • 8 months ago

        >multiple wives
        Who he has zero interaction with. He never expresses any love at all for any of his wives, but does for his male "BFF". His wives are literally just trophies who he couldn't really give much of a frick about. Meanwhile compare achilles and briseis to odysseus(who isn't gay) and penelope. See the difference?

        • 8 months ago

          >Who he has zero interaction with.
          because he's at war and his wives aren't anywhere near Troy? What stupid argument is this? Odysseus' story was about his desire to come home, so obviously longing for his wife was a central part of the narrative. The Iliad is a completely different story and Achilles is just there to frick shit up and conquer a city.

        • 8 months ago

          >He never expresses any love at all for any of his wives, but does for his male "BFF". His wives are literally just trophies who he couldn't really give much of a frick about.
          Literally nothing straighter than this. He’s so straight that you literally can’t compute because of your inherent gayness.

        • 8 months ago

          Explicitly expressed affection and love between husband and wife is an invention of romanticism.

          • 8 months ago

            Erm Hector and his wife tho?

        • 8 months ago

          >narcissistic frickboy doesn't care
          And? He literally got hard for women and went after sex slaves that he insisted on having. At the same time there is no shitdick involved so idk what you drone on about since gayness (even as erastes) was never an option unless every man to have ever lived qualifies as gay.
          Any proof his love for Patroclus was sexual? Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cultures even of today commonly applaud the formation of strong bonds between men, usually friends, who often end up seeing eachother as family. Is a man's love for his father and brother sexual in your eyes? I'm genuinely curious.

        • 8 months ago

          Women are so fricking moronic

      • 8 months ago

        He is pretty straight in the Iliad, but later Hellenistic plays explicitly made him a boyfricker.

    • 8 months ago

      It's not just that the book is gay, it's pure yaoi, that is, homosexuality as seen by women.

      • 8 months ago

        >read book written by a woman
        >it's as seen by women

        • 8 months ago

          I'm not a sexist chud like you, so I hold female authors to the same standards as I hold male authors and I'm not expecting a book written by a woman to be badly written fetish schlock by default.

          • 8 months ago

            That's kind of on you then anon.

            No but in all seriousness. Men and women have hugely different perspectives in how they see the world. Now that women have rebelled (and are still in the process of rebelling) against male-created ideals, a lot of their output is going to be shit since they are not even reaching for standards of taste, profundity, or propriety, rejecting them as patriarchal and such. To be sure, some are, but some were also put there for good reason. But the type of liberal white woman getting published today, who is loath to admit that a single old white guy has ever had a good idea, rejects these ideals wholesale, labeling them with a mix of trite buzzwords. Is it any wonder then that they continue to stumble and fall? When Bloom identified the 'school of resentment,' this is who he was talking about. This doesn't mean that every modern woman subscribes to these ideas, but it does mean that if she's getting published, there's good odds she does. This goes for all modern lit, but if you're gonna read something written by someone currently alive, get it vetted by a trusted source first

          • 8 months ago

            >Now that women have rebelled (and are still in the process of rebelling) against male-created ideals
            god damn nta but I'm so sick of hearing this stupid church narrative

            you should read Esther Vilar and understand that consumer civ and the culture of low IQ males have been selected for by women for much of history in many times and places, especially our own later european.

            1) mens opinions are a cope for their low social status
            2) women do not even need to think as men will do the work for them; this is an aristocratic disposition not a slaves disposition (although this is debatable obviously lol)
            3) the evils of consumerism, on a material level, are all brought about by and for women: what was the slave trade and cotton all about but dresses, etc., or diamond slavery and third world slavery today, for the same things

            cultural background
            4) magna mater is a medusa-monster to be slain as a rite of passage, whilst pandora representing the cardinal evil of 'false hope' is depicted as a beautiful girl

          • 8 months ago

            I was worried at first when writing my reply that I was coming across as too schizo, but you've definitely got me beat there.

            No, all I was trying to explain was why so many female authors today seem to produce utter shit, while women writers in the past did not run into this issue nearly as much. The answer, it seems to me, lies in their rejection of male artistic and philosophical ideals. You're free to disagree with me here, but I'd prefer if you didn't do it by referencing random ancient deities. It's barely compressible

          • 8 months ago

            >I was worried at first when writing my reply that I was coming across as too schizo, but you've definitely got me beat there.
            Yeah nice going low IQ, stance yourself so that your opinion doesn't seem so outlandish; let's not worry about the truth of the thing, let's persist in the same narrative of the left that justifies your slave-status today, that you're a powerful mighty oppressor who just happens to value being a degraded worker drone in exchange for access to sex.

            >to explain
            >(reframes cause and effect into a different narrative)
            and I've given you an author and historical evidence of this existing and you don't seem at all interested in learning about the real cause of the thing you're expressing via a propaganda slogan; if you just want to do pol, frick off to the pit.

            btw your opinion is not novel or a new discovery, every fool thinks this; it's literally the culture that rationalizes your oppression by aggrandizing your ego.

          • 8 months ago

            I haven't reframed anything dishonestly, I was clarifying my point. Also, dude, I'm not responding to what you've said because I have no idea what the frick you're talking about. You've jumped 17 steps in your train of logic without filling me in. You actually, unironically sound like an angry schizo right now. Who tf walks into a conversation and starts twattering on about the magna mater needing to be killed or whatever the frick? I actually have no idea where the frick you're going with half this shit. "Oh, women manipulate men for resources". Okay, and this explains the recent decline in women's writing HOW?? It sounds like you were just angry about something, and latched onto my reply because it was tangentially related to it

          • 8 months ago

            >17 steps
            I did mention why; you wee starting out from the premise of "women in their rebellion" - I was just cleaning this up, on the slight chance that you were serious and not just verbally reaffirming that leftist church ideology.

            >Okay, and this explains the recent decline in women's writing HOW??
            It clears up the premise, is how, so that you can proceed clearly in the investigation into that particular aspect of the broader subject which could go in a couple of ways:

            1) Women 'writing' are just pretending to, because it pleases them to play act as a writer, w/ Female status and Male helpers enabling this
            2) Women 'writing' are so deeply unconcerned for what farm animals think that they ignore "male" thought absolutely, w/ Female status and Male helpers enabling this and presenting that impression to women as low IQ farm animal male :
            e.g. if the greatest so-called thinker was a creep who begged on his knees for his wife not to leave him then all male thought can go out the window for being reduced to that denominator

            3) Women 'writers' lately are more stupid (but then we live in a post-grammar society where this applies to everybody) but this is selected for in a way a lot like 1) and 2) but slightly different in that full blown solipsism and male helpers have actually atrophied their brain to the point of rejection of all reality ... done to them by torrents of positive feedback and lies.

            whichever option, it's still Esther Vilar. I feel it's going to be a mixture of the three.

            But as I said,
            yeah brah, the church talking point is fricking tiresome and I said that right off the bat,

            if the premise is flawed; in your case you think this is a recent thing exclusively, then you're not looking at the causes clearly.

            4) I suppose overlaps also with 1, 2 and 3 - commercial publishing obviously neuters anything that which doesn't conform

          • 8 months ago

            Your writing is convoluted, incoherent, and nonsensical. You write as if you had read a thousand books but never had your writing praised in an academic context. It's as if you've never even tried to order your thoughts and edit for clarity before. You actually, unironically sound crazy and insufferable, and I won't be responding to you any longer

          • 8 months ago

            yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, nice cope, chastity-cage guy, but you just told me you have ZERO argument to anything that was said.
            >(null response, ad hominem, runs away)

            if you recognize my writing one day (because i have written a dozen books) come introduce yourself to me and i'll knock your teeth out for that dishonorable little exit to a very interesting topic.

          • 8 months ago

            but just for fun, unless you're a real fricking pussy, what do you make.. hypothetically.. of the notion that Women consider "all male thought" to be beneath consideration due to their status?

            i'm sure it's very upsetting for you to realize that this is the reason why Nobody Cares IRL for you or the western canon, ... but try and answer this as a hypothetical if that helps you suppress your trigger-response to try to emotionally abuse the individual who has brought this to your attention.

          • 8 months ago

            >The answer, it seems to me, lies in their rejection of male artistic and philosophical ideals.
            Or it's beneath consideration. What does a farm animal have to possibly say?

  2. 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    >classical revival novels
    who the frick even reads those, just be a big boy and read the originals

  4. 8 months ago

    Tried reading this, pure garbage.
    Don't think there's a market for serious classical revival, since there are so many actual classics to read.

  5. 8 months ago

    Nope. Next question please.

    • 8 months ago

      fish fingers or chicken drumsticks for supper

      • 8 months ago

        i'd say checken droomstucks, as they ms resemble the thighs of Archille

  6. 8 months ago

    This book offends me because it portrays Achilles as the top

  7. 8 months ago

    >LGBT or feminist propaganda?
    none of that despite being written by a Lesbian believe it or not

    • 8 months ago

      There's a whole other thread about this. People have been having the argument on whether or not Achilles and Patroclus were lovers for at least 2600 years. I do have to say I prefer this approach of writing fictional interpretations to insert what the author wants much more than the Emily Wilson "I'm going to translate this wrong on purpose" approach.

      She had Tolkein as a professor at one point didn't she?

      I'd recommend the Athenian Murders if you want a neat mystery in a classical setting. Structurally it's an interesting book too.

  8. 8 months ago

    I read this. it was a meme. how did it get so popular?

  9. 8 months ago

    Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis is a (very good) creative retelling of the Cupid and Psyche myth, although the aesthetics seem a bit more Middle Eastern than Greek

  10. 8 months ago

    I, Claudius

  11. 8 months ago

    I enjoyed Lavinia by Ursula Le Guin

  12. 8 months ago

    >classical revival novel
    I think this fits your criteria

  13. 8 months ago

    >>e.g. if the greatest so-called thinker was a creep who begged on his knees for his wife not to leave him then all male thought can go out the window for being reduced to that denominator

    better e.g. is that "if the greatest thinker" is unmarried then it's immediately disregarded because it's outside of a womans comprehension; the man is a total loser and his writing is Le Cope - which is exactly what the culture says today about any critique about anything

    it's partly true as well hahaha

  14. 8 months ago

    Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis. Essentially he took the myth of Cupid and Psyche and wrote a book. Some consider it his masterpiece.

  15. 8 months ago

    Had no idea that this book was about Achilles in a gay romance

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