Are there historical examples of a protracted war where the attacker won?

Are there historical examples of a protracted war where the attacker won?

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  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    >protracted war
    >hasn’t even been a year since it started
    Alexander’s conquest of the Persian Empire took a decade

    • 2 years ago

      Didn't he defeat them in one decisive battle, after which it was just sieging cities and changing the Persian king around?

      • 2 years ago

        Sieging down cities and chasing the remnants of the army is what Russia's doing in Ukraine right now.

    • 2 years ago

      Alexander also rod on mules and horses across Anatolia, the Middle East and North Africa all the way to India. It's not the same thing at all.

    • 2 years ago

      Its not been even half a year

      Russians obviously thought that the war will be quicker and easier.

      • 2 years ago

        no they didn't

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, we did. That's why Russian Army went all-in on day one, suffered huge losses, had to retreat from Kiev and has advanced for 20km over a 100km front during the past 3 months. It's WW1 all over again, Russians has failed their Schliffen Plan.
          t. Russian

          • 2 years ago

            I tried warning your compatriots whenever I could that you weren’t dealing with moron Germans, who think wars can be one in a few days, but the anglophere. If there’s one thing the English countries know how to do well is wage long wars, far away from home and prop up weak allies.
            I see the RIDF has arrived in the thread now, “seamless transition into slow artillery warfare”. Oh my god… the run from Kiev and Sumy was anything but seamless and the front has ground down to one (1) shitty little 20-30km front in Luhansk and rocket exchanges over Kherson.

          • 2 years ago

            I tried warning your compatriots whenever I could that you weren’t dealing with moron Germans, who think wars can be one in a few days, but the anglophere. If there’s one thing the English countries know how to do well is wage long wars, far away from home and prop up weak allies.
            I see the RIDF has arrived in the thread now, “seamless transition into slow artillery warfare”. Oh my god… the run from Kiev and Sumy was anything but seamless and the front has ground down to one (1) shitty little 20-30km front in Luhansk and rocket exchanges over Kherson.

            >dude trust me they thought they could take and occupy Kyiv (3 million people) with just a few thousand troops
            k... keep me posted.

        • 2 years ago

          No they didn't. They attempted a decapitation strike because it was worth trying, and when it didn't work, they didn't panic, they didn't try to hold ground they couldn't properly defend, and they seamlessly transitioned into slow artillery warfare. They've been remarkably successful ever since.

          it's been going on for 4 months you mong

          So what? Yes, they tried a coup de main and that failed. But still, there's no way you could call that a protracted war.

          vatnik cope is hilarious

          • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        No they didn't. They attempted a decapitation strike because it was worth trying, and when it didn't work, they didn't panic, they didn't try to hold ground they couldn't properly defend, and they seamlessly transitioned into slow artillery warfare. They've been remarkably successful ever since.

        • 2 years ago

          > seamlessly transitioned into slow artillery warfare
          That's a strategic failure for an attacker even by WW1 standards, lol. The fact that they acheived no breakthrough and failed to close the increasingly smaller "donbass pocket" means they're waging an attrition war. With full mobilization being politically to costly and the collective West lend-leasing Ukraine, we're nearing the Clausevitz's culminating point of the offensive by the end of summer.

          • 2 years ago

            >That's a strategic failure for an attacker even by WW1 standards, lol.
            Not when there's a massive artillery gap in your favor and you can just grind the enemy to paste. And considering the West appears to be sending maybe 5-6 guns/rocket artillery systems a week, that gap is not getting any smaller anytime soon. Ukrainian losses aren't getting any better either, not when they're already issuing orders to prepare the fricking women for mobilisation.

          • 2 years ago

            > you can just grind the enemy to paste
            That's why the WW1 was over in 6 months. Oh wait, it wasn't, apparently digging bunkers to hide from unguided artillery is not that hard. And after you stopped shelling, you have to go there and occupy the territory, which is the hard part. And the see it right now in how slow the Russian advance was in the past 3 months. Compare it to the Soviet operations in 1943-45, where they would send tank armies into breakthroughs, resulting in fast advance and huge pockets. Russians right know are much closer to the Russian Army during the Brussilov Offense, than to the Red Army in their ability to produce and exploit such breakthroughs.

            It's the Ukrainians who are at Volkssturm levels of desperation for manpower, not the Russians.

            the ukrainians' losses aren't sustainable though

            Ukrainians are in full mobilization mode, they have like 900k men under arms. They lack heavy weapons tho. Russians are not mobilizing, they don't use conscripts, they've lost 50-100k out of thier 200k trained pre-war personnel and they're struggling to find more people to join the service. So Russians have a lot of heavy weapons, but they lack mobilized manpower. That's the reason they have to focus their offense on such a small front. Two things can end the stalemate - either the West supplies Ukraine with enough equipment to fully arm their mobilized reserves, or Russia declares full mobilization and starts to use conscripts.

          • 2 years ago

            >digging bunkers
            Yeah, Russia has tanks, infantry, missiles and air power on top of the artillery, you know. There's a reason even Ukrainian weren't stupid enough to start digging trenches.
            >And after you stopped shelling, you have to go there and occupy the territory, which is the hard part
            Not if you kill everyone first, which is what Russia is doing. Reminder that the Ukrainian government itself admitted, over a month ago, that they were losing over a thousand men per day.
            Also, this isn't WW2, tanks are a lot more vulnerable nowadays. Russia didn't choose the artillery strat for shits and giggles, they did it because it greatly minimizes their own casualties while maximizing enemy casualties. They have all the time in the world : as we can plainly see, the sanctions aren't hurting them.

          • 2 years ago

            > Russia has tanks, infantry, missiles and air power on top of the artillery, you know.
            Which they're afraid to use, so they have to slow shell everything in front of them.
            > Reminder that the Ukrainian government itself admitted, over a month ago, that they were losing over a thousand men per day.
            We have no idea how many the Russian side is losing tho, they don't admit anything at all.

            >Two things can end the stalemate
            Dude, there is no stalemate. Everywhere Russia focuses its forces, Russia is advancing, while Ukraine isn't regaining any ground. That's not a stalemate. Russia doesn't need to end a nonexistent stalemate, they can just keep doing what they've been doing.

            > while Ukraine isn't regaining any ground
            They regained a lot of ground around Kiev and Kharkov, they've taken the Zmeiny island.
            > Everywhere Russia focuses its forces, Russia is advancing
            Everyone is advancing until they don't. It's like saying in November 1941 that the German advance to Moscow is the proof Soviets are done with: they're advancing, after all.

            >they've lost 50-100k
            lol, I sure hope you guys dont really believe this

            That's total loses, killed + wounded, well-trained men who won't fight anytime soon. Russia only had 200k of them and with no mobilization it's not training enough replacements right now.

            These are the only figures available to a Western audience that chooses not to go seek Russian or separatist sources, so everyone uses them, even though it's clearly complete bullshit. Not that Russian or separatist sources are to be fully believed either. In reality, Russian and separatist forces combined have probably lost around 15k men at most. Ukrainian losses are harder to estimate, but I'd be very surprised if the current figure is under 100k dead.

            > I'd be very surprised if the current figure is under 100k dead.
            Wew, m8.

          • 2 years ago

            >We have no idea how many the Russian side is losing tho
            They actually do, but of course their figures aren't to be trusted, no more than Ukrainian figures. There is little doubt as to the fact that their losses are far lower than Ukranian losses, however : they have a lot more artillery, and thus are able to inflict a lot more damage.
            >They regained a lot of ground around Kiev and Kharkov
            They regained ground because the Russians packed up and left out of their own volition. They weren't forced out, they simply decided that going for Kiev was no longer feasible and left before overcommitting.
            >Everyone is advancing until they don't.
            You have a point there, but there is also no denying that the situation has very little to do with that of WW2.
            >Wew, m8.
            Again, over a month ago, Ukraine admitted to losing over 1k men per day. They quickly backpedaled because clearly that information wasn't meant to become public, but still. 100k casualties really doesn't seem that far-fetched, especially considering the news we're getting from inside the country about how desperate the Ukrainian army is for new cannon fodder.
            Hell, when the Russians took Severodonetsk, they found dozens of crates of blank rounds. When you have to resort to training your men right on the fricking frontline, you're completely screwed.

          • 2 years ago

            >When you have to resort to training your men right on the fricking frontline, you're completely screwed.
            Then why hasn't Ukraine collapsed and where is there still a stalemate in the east if they have such manpower issues? Russia's de facto held a decent part of the Donbass for years now, so if you subtract that out their gains have been pretty pathetic.

          • 2 years ago

            >Two things can end the stalemate
            Dude, there is no stalemate. Everywhere Russia focuses its forces, Russia is advancing, while Ukraine isn't regaining any ground. That's not a stalemate. Russia doesn't need to end a nonexistent stalemate, they can just keep doing what they've been doing.

          • 2 years ago

            >they've lost 50-100k
            lol, I sure hope you guys dont really believe this

          • 2 years ago

            These are the only figures available to a Western audience that chooses not to go seek Russian or separatist sources, so everyone uses them, even though it's clearly complete bullshit. Not that Russian or separatist sources are to be fully believed either. In reality, Russian and separatist forces combined have probably lost around 15k men at most. Ukrainian losses are harder to estimate, but I'd be very surprised if the current figure is under 100k dead.

          • 2 years ago

            1-2 moths ago i saw an independent ukranian organisation claim 3000 russians dead when the ukranian government was claiming 30k already

          • 2 years ago

            i remember in the first week they were claiming a thousand kills daily
            with only a 100 losses

          • 2 years ago

            Including wounded, 50k is not a crazy number.

          • 2 years ago

            It’s believable but you have to remember that a lot of those are either from donetsk/luhansk militias and mercenary groups from the caucasses. Ukraine is gonna be the one with s manpower problem very soon

          • 2 years ago

            lol no, Ukraine has enough manpower to last for years

          • 2 years ago

            Is that why they’re registering women for future conscription?

          • 2 years ago

            Their mobilizational reserve is like, what, 700k? That's not "enough to last years", bro, they need to rotate men and shit.

            Only 1 out of 20 people in a given population need to be involved in active resistance for an insurgency to be effective. All you need are some small arms, some IEDs and a little patience.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, do you want Ukraine to hold the russian advance, and possibly regain its territory, or not? If so, the amount of weapons it has, especially artillery, and the amount of men it has, are simply not enough. End of story.

          • 2 years ago

            >Anon, do you want Iraq to hold the American advance, and possibly regain its territory, or not? If so, the amount of weapons it has, especially artillery, and the amount of men it has, are simply not enough. End of story.

          • 2 years ago

            What are you even trying to say lol? Russia is not going to pull out of the territory it conquers. It will either be annexed or turned into shithole republics like the DPR/LPR

            There’s not gonna be any significant ukrainian insurgency in the occupied regions

            There is, in Kherson and Melitopol, for example

          • 2 years ago

            >What are you even trying to say lol? America is not going to pull out of the territory it conquers. It will either be annexed or turned into shithole republics like the Republic of Iraq

          • 2 years ago

            have a nice day

          • 2 years ago

            read more history.

          • 2 years ago

            You're a moronic tankietroon that cant tell the difference between the US and Russia, and Iraq and Ukraine

          • 2 years ago

            You are completely unfamiliar with modern military history. Russia is doomed in Ukraine.

          • 2 years ago

            Depends on their goals. If they wanted to take all of Ukraine, yes, they'd be doomed for sure. But that's not their fricking goal.

          • 2 years ago

            >But that's not their fricking goal.

            lmao. not anymore.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes. Not anymore. So you agree to what im saying?

          • 2 years ago

            It seems like we both agree that Russia is doomed unless they keep shifting their goals to more and more pathetic achievements.

            Then invaded Luhansk and Donetsk 8 (EIGHT) fricking years ago.

          • 2 years ago

            Would turning Kherson into a meme-republic like the DPR/LPR be a pathethic achievement? Maybe, but it would be a russian victory (albeit pyrrhic)
            If we truly wanted Ukraine to win, we'd deliver hundreds of howitzers, dozens of HIMARS, F-16s, etc. to them, but we dont. So whats your fricking point, you cretin? Russia achieves its goal, NATO doesnt, because they are too much of a pussy to commit

          • 2 years ago

            >Would turning Kherson into a meme-republic like the DPR/LPR be a pathethic achievement?
            Yes. I think you're viewing this through July 2022 lens, not February 2022 lens. Big difference. It isn't that pathetic knowing what we now know about the Russian armed forces I suppose. You could even call it a major achievement, they've been so incredibly incompetent.

            >If we truly wanted Ukraine to win, we'd deliver hundreds of howitzers, dozens of HIMARS, F-16s, etc. to them, but we dont.
            We apparently do not need to do that, considering their abysmal performance thus far.
            >So whats your fricking point, you cretin?
            Russia cannot win this war. They've already lost, in fact.
            >Russia achieves its goal, NATO doesnt
            NATO just got Sweden and Finland lmao. You can cope about it, but that's a major win for NATO, regardless of the results in Ukraine.
            >too much of a pussy to commit
            I guess. I wouldn't mind seeing more weapons there. But there's no reason to overkill. Russia's losses have been enormous so far.

          • 2 years ago

            >You could even call it a major achievement, they've been so incredibly incompetent.

            So what? They still took that territory, and Ukraine cant take it back because, I reiterate, they dont have the weapons to do so.

            >NATO just got Sweden and Finland lmao. You can cope about it, but that's a major win for NATO, regardless of the results in Ukraine.

            I'm pro-Ukrainian and I'm glad it happened. Doesn't make Ukraines situation any less desperate, anon.

            >Russia's losses have been enormous so far.

            Nothing debilitating.

          • 2 years ago

            >They still took that territory, and Iraq cant take it back because, I reiterate, they dont have the weapons to do so.
            me in 2004.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, okay, mate. How many years is it gonna take for Ukraine to take Donetsk back, then?

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            What a motivating prospect.

          • 2 years ago

            It probably is for Ukrainians. It took the US two wars and several decades to be truly free from British rule.

          • 2 years ago

            Putler has already lost 60000 troops bigot, lysychansk was just a strategic withdrawal from the ukrainians just wait till steiners attack

          • 2 years ago

            I know youre being a vatBlack person, but 60k troops probably isnt that far off from reality if we combine dead, wounded, and captured russians. Though I'd think its more 40k-50k.

            It probably is for Ukrainians. It took the US two wars and several decades to be truly free from British rule.

            Doesn't matter. For now Ukraine will just experience territorial losses unless we fully intervene or drastically step up our arms deliveries. Neither is going to happen any time soon.

          • 2 years ago

            >NATO just got Sweden and Finland lmao. You can cope about it, but that's a major win for NATO, regardless of the results in Ukraine.

            There's no need to cope. Not a single NATO member has a population that would be willing to go to war against anyone. It's all weak minded, demoralized, lonely and friendless gays working their useless jobs, and drinking themselves to sleep every night.

            Fricking Sweden hahahahha It will be an islamic theocracy in a few decades. Natives don't have kids, men do vasectomies, and others apply for gender surgery.

            Are you seriously claming this is a victory? West is morally, creatively bankrupt, it's just lonely consoomers coutnign the years to their retirement pension, and importing foreigners to keep the country running, because the natives are too "proud" to work blue collar jobs

          • 2 years ago

            >Are you seriously claming this is a victory?
            Yes, as one of Putin's few stated goals has been stopping the expansion of NATO. It is an objective victory.

          • 2 years ago

            Keep telling yourself that, Russia has yet to transition to war economy and they are now slowly but surely pushing the ukrainians back, bit don’t worry murrica will deliver the wunderaffe soon

          • 2 years ago

            >taking 8 years to capture two small areas on your border with populations largely sympathetic to your cause

            yes, it's all going swimmingly.

          • 2 years ago

            >with populations largely sympathetic to your cause
            I thought it was filled with ukrainians who were gonna do insurgency

          • 2 years ago

            Only needs to be 5% of the population.

          • 2 years ago

            It is.

            Putin chose this current method, of slow and grinding push. He could've carpet bomb the shit out of Ukraine and conquer it in a few days, maybe even drop a couple of Nagasaki tier weak nukes here and there. SInce the western media already portrays him as a monster, he could live up to those labels

          • 2 years ago

            >Putin chose this current method, of slow and grinding push.

            Before or after his forces were completely humiliated and defeated at Kiev?

          • 2 years ago

            There’s not gonna be any significant ukrainian insurgency in the occupied regions

          • 2 years ago

            >There’s not gonna be any significant Iraqi insurgency in the occupied regions

          • 2 years ago

            The east and south east of Ukraine is filled with russians while all the ukrainians who Care enough move west

          • 2 years ago

            Not with Russians. Russian-speaking Ukrainians
            You're making the mistake of conflating this with an ethnic conflict. It's cultural if anything

          • 2 years ago

            >The east and south east of Iraq is filled with Shi'a while all the Sunni who care enough move west

          • 2 years ago

            Their mobilizational reserve is like, what, 700k? That's not "enough to last years", bro, they need to rotate men and shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >Ukrainians are in full mobilization mode, they have like 900k men under arms
            Recruits with AKs don't really count

          • 2 years ago

            i doubt they have enough AKs to arm all of the 900k, modern war isnt fought with peasents armed with their farm tools or cheap weapons but are fought with basiclly longbow men tier (if we go by old historic example), now try to arm a army of 900k peasents with long bows and almost no training, Yeah they can shoot but not accuratly and they panic when they get shot back

          • 2 years ago

            >modern war isnt fought with peasents armed with their farm tools or cheap weapons but are fought with basiclly longbow men tier
            stop playing vidya and read more history.

          • 2 years ago

            No, Shut it nerd

          • 2 years ago

            It's the Ukrainians who are at Volkssturm levels of desperation for manpower, not the Russians.

          • 2 years ago

            the ukrainians' losses aren't sustainable though

          • 2 years ago

            T. Robert Mcnamera

          • 2 years ago

            Could this be the situation though:
            Russians put Ukes in a position where Ukes have to retreat to something holdable (e.g. the Dniper), or else face massive losses
            Ukes don't reateat, and face massive losses
            This looks good for Uke's PR and protracts the war, but it's still losing, just losing people rather than territory
            I'm really not trying to read a Russian victory into things, but doesn't that seem more plausible than either Ukr or Russ being run by complete idiot amateurs doing irrational shit because they're simply le evil?

        • 2 years ago

          Pure cope. The US backed coalition had almost a million men for the Gulf War. Gulf War 2, after Iraq was already defacto partitioned by the no fly zone and Kurdish autonomy had around 600,000 deployed all together. To hold just South Vietnam the US + SVA + allies had 1.4 million men under arms. But Russia used just 200,000 for a country significantly larger because they expected resistance?

          It's very clear a lot of the military didn't even know the war was coming since they sold off their equipment and fuel and had BTGs critically under strength in both vehicles and manpower (even Russia admits this as they have put commanders on trial for this as scape goats).

          They had pulled equipment out of mothballs and done just enough work to get the engines to run, as evidenced by broken down vehicles all over the road leaking fluid days into the invasion.

          Despite using a force of just 200,000 to attack a nation of 40+ million they had lol lol lol numbers of different lines of attack, none of which they could supply.

          Your argument is really going to be "yeah, it made sense to try a decapitation attack that took a month, left thousands dead, crashed morale, and resulted in atrocious equipment losses because... uhh...

          Russia is making decent progress given how low perceptions of their military have fallen from this debacle, but that doesn't mean any part of the initial invasion plan was coherent. It was an absolute disaster. With the men and material they lost trying to LARP as the US they could have made significantly more progress with a more coherent effort out East.

          • 2 years ago

            This. I thought to the last second that they would not invade, because 200k troops for a country like Ukraine is an abysmally small amount.

            I was wrong and Russians are just moronic.

          • 2 years ago

            This is the part where he cries about the USA in Afghanistan or something, as if it excuses Putin's embarrassing failure.

          • 2 years ago

            Right, they like to make that light footprint comparison as if it is all the same.

            The Taliban didn't control all of Afghanistan on 2001, they were in a civil war that had been going on for decades. They had about 40,000 men under arms total, a great deal of the population didn't give a shit about who ruled and the place was Africa tier poor so government control meant relatively little.

            The Northern Alliance was already fielding higher quality troops, with better arms. They were at a 2:1 numerical disadvantage but they held their ground ok.

            That's how the US was able to get away with deploying such small numbers for the initial "invasion." They weren't invading an organized defender, they were tipping the scales in an ongoing civil war with an influx of troops and air support. They didn't have to beat all the Taliban forces, many warlords saw the tides turn and just flipped sides.

            Completely not analogous even if Afghanistan also didn't have a population less than half Ukraine's in 2001.

      • 2 years ago

        it's been going on for 4 months you mong

        So what? Yes, they tried a coup de main and that failed. But still, there's no way you could call that a protracted war.

        • 2 years ago

          Does it seem like it's going to be over anytime soon? And like I said, Russia doesn't even have any legitimate stated goals, so they can claim "victory" at any point.

          • 2 years ago

            >Does it seem like it's going to be over anytime soon?
            It can be over in a week. Victory on the battlefield is meaningless (for Russia) when their operations are limited to Eastern and Southern Ukraine because it's NATO that hold the keys to peace. Until they want peace, there will be none. When they decided they want it bad enough, the war will be over in a matter of a conference of parties. Ukraine, of course, holds no chance of winning this war militarly.
            >Russia doesn't even have any legitimate stated goals, so they can claim "victory" at any point.
            Correct. But it doesn't matter if they claim victory or not. The war will end when there's a deal and sanctions are lifted. As good as sanctions have been for Russia's international financial position in the short term, it's still a precarious situation that will be resolved in favor of the West in a matter of time - that is, when their energy dependence on Russia is allayed.

          • 2 years ago

            >It can be over in a week.
            >Victory on the battlefield is meaningless (for Russia) when their operations are limited to Eastern and Southern Ukraine
            Because they were already defeated in the north?
            >it's NATO that hold the keys to peace.
            Propaganda-tier horse shit.
            >When they decided they want it bad enough
            NATO can do this for a decade.
            >Ukraine, of course, holds no chance of winning this war militarly.
            Neither did the Iraqis against the Americans.
            >The war will end when there's a deal and sanctions are lifted.
            Could be a decade away. Why would sanctions be lifted just because there's a ceasefire?

          • 2 years ago

            >Because they were already defeated in the north?
            The north itself was never an objective. From the moment they couldn't take the Antonov airstrip (and thus decapitate the Ukr. government) their blitz was over.
            >Propaganda-tier horse shit.
            Come on, now.
            >NATO can do this for a decade.
            So now NATO IS in control?
            >Neither did the Iraqis against the Americans.
            And the Iraqis lost. The American occupation of Iraq was the protracted part. The government was toppled in what, a matter of months?
            >Why would sanctions be lifted just because there's a ceasefire?
            Sanctions would be lifted to secure the ceasefire. An armistice can go on indefinitely, even if NATO won't budge in formally recognizing Russian gains - which will probably be the case. The only situation where I can see NATO formally recognizing Russian over Southern and Eastern Ukraine is to approve the entry of Ukraine (what's left of it anyway) into the European Union. Ukraine would have outlived its usefulness to the West by then, however.

          • 2 years ago

            >The north itself was never an objective

          • 2 years ago

            >The north itself was never an objective.
            lel. just a road trip?
            >Come on, now.
            >So now NATO IS in control?
            If by "in control" you mean more powerful than Russia? Yes.
            >And the Iraqis lost.
            >Sanctions would be lifted to secure the ceasefire.
            That's on Ukraine, who seem far more willing to wage this war than NATO - which is telling and should be of serious concern for Russia.

          • 2 years ago

            >w-w-we don't even want to win, and this is YOUR FAULT!!!
            vatnik cope is fricking hilarious, I read 2 lines and am LMAOing

            2 more weeks trust the plan putinbros!!!

    • 2 years ago

      Alexander also rod on mules and horses across Anatolia, the Middle East and North Africa all the way to India. It's not the same thing at all.

      True, the Russians are doing well considering they have been forced to use mules and horses since they can't supply their tanks with fuel literally right across their border.

    • 2 years ago

      Youre comparing war in antiquity to modern warfare. Leave this board moron.

    • 2 years ago

      it took Caesar 8 years to conquer Gaul

      • 2 years ago

        those 8 years were multiple campaigns and quelling uprisings.

  3. 2 years ago

    The Second Anglo-Boer war.

    • 2 years ago

      Less than a year of actual fighting and 3 years of mopping up/police actions against intransigent holdouts. That’s not protracted in the slightest, and is a lopsided total victory. The Boer were lucky the concentration camps were only temporary.

  4. 2 years ago

    Its not been even half a year

  5. 2 years ago

    The Chinese Civil War (the KMT-CCP one) was notable for introducing the concept of "protracted people's war" to a broad audience.
    The communists, which were the revolutionary faction (so the "attacker" in a civil war fence, KMT held power at the start) won after 22 years.

    • 2 years ago

      Its because they reserved their strengths while the KMT/Japanese fought against each other, once the Japan was defeated, the Commies pushed out the weakened KMT

  6. 2 years ago

    I feel really content with my knowledge on the war in Ukraine after reading what your idiots think

  7. 2 years ago

    When did everyone on the internet become military strategists?

  8. 2 years ago

    Realistically, is there any way for either side to actually win this war? I can't see Russia conquering more than half of Ukraine without risking a major NATO chimpout, nor can I see Ukraine retaking their clay without sacrificing every last man of theirs. Isn't the conflict bound to lead to a post-war Germany situation where the country is split into highly militarized puppet states that eternally seethe at the enemy next door?

    • 2 years ago

      fuel and food crisissen in the world will ruin western populations buying power, causing their leaders to strike a deal with russia selling out ukranian land behind their back like chamberlain did with czechoslovakia

    • 2 years ago

      >Realistically, is there any way for either side to actually win this war?
      Ukraine is screwed and will never retake any land that Russia doesn't choose to let them retake.
      Russia probably doesn't intend to actually hold much clay beyond Russian-speaking areas, otherwise they'll get fricked by partisans and terrorism. I can see them offering Ukraine a ceasefire once they hold Odessa and Kharkov ; if Ukraine refuses, which they most likely will, I honestly think they could push on if needed, until Ukraine surrenders, but they wouldn't try to keep that additional clay.
      So yeah, I can see Ukraine surviving and endlessly seething. But if NATO wanted to intervene any more than they're already doing, they would have done so already, so no, I don't think there is much risk there. If a hot war between Russia and NATO happens anytime soon, it will be because someone in either Lithuania, Poland or Belarus chimped out. Keep in mind Russia currently has more troops in Kaliningrad alone than the entire amount of men currently involved in the Ukrainian conflict.

      • 2 years ago

        >once they hold Odessa
        Odessa will make azovstal seem like a joke

        • 2 years ago

          Most likely. I think Russia will save it for last and try to negotiate hard to get Ukraine to surrender before they have to bomb it to shit. It's a beautiful city.

      • 2 years ago

        >once they hold Odessa
        At the rate Russia is taking over Ukraine hat would be in 2032. Especially considering the front near Kherson has been at a standstill for months, with the soul exception of a couple of extremely minor Ukrainian victories.

        • 2 years ago

          It makes sense for Russia not to extend the frontline any further down the Black Sea coast. Besides, the relative lack of speed of the offensive is misleading. Things have been proceeding slowly, true, but also implacably. The offensive is slow, but unstoppable. We've seen the exact same thing in Syria after Russia started to help there. And besides, for the past three months, Russia has been entirely focusing on Donbass, which had been fortified really heavily by Ukraine over the past 8 years. They're actually tackling the very last of these defensive lines now, the Sloviansk-Kramatorsk line. Once they finish dealing with that, the rest of the country lies basically defenseless, which just the very largest cities and the Dnieper being somewhat defensible.

          • 2 years ago

            But there is still a civil war in Syria

        • 2 years ago

          Ukraine will not be able to keep up until 2032. They were already a nation with huge aging issues, as ukranians were migrating in masse by the million for decades all over western europe. Ukranian women left, many men ran away illegally through the Romanian border.
          They will surrender, or get exterminated Paraguay style in a couple of years

          • 2 years ago

            >get exterminated Paraguay style in a couple of years
            there are laws of war nowadays, you know...

          • 2 years ago

            >They were already a nation with huge aging issues
            If you think Ukraine is bad, look at Russia.

          • 2 years ago

            The Ukrainians can keep it up as long as they're being fed weapons by the west. Which will likely happen indefinitely as the Russians have proven their incompetence many times over, and the west knows the costs of supplying them are well worth it. Russians may "win" this fricktarded war eventually, but the expenditures are already not worth it, let alone the accrued costs over the next few years, if they even manage to win, which is a toss-up.

            From an objective standpoint, they should try to cut their losses and just make a peace deal where they get Donbas and Crimea officially. Ukraine isn't likely to retake these regions, but the Russians aren't likely to take over the whole of Ukraine either. And they are losing far more than the Ukrainians as time goes by. They've already fricked themselves hard and it's not going to get any better in the future, as long as the war goes on they're just fricking themselves more.

          • 2 years ago

            >The Ukrainians can keep it up as long as they're being fed weapons by the west. Which will likely happen indefinitely
            How does anyone think that at this point? Westerners sent $100B and it achieved nothing. Their populations are already tired of pretending to care, inflation is causing instability, food security is collapsing and winter is coming.

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            >Their populations are already tired of pretending to care
            This is worse, if the population doesn't give a shit then nobody will raise their voice if the government keeps supplying Ukraine. Take a look at what happened in South Vietnam. The US had been supplying them since 1955 and only between 1968-1969 did people start giving a shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >if the population doesn't give a shit then nobody will raise their voice if the government keeps supplying Ukraine
            They do give a shit about inflation and the collapse of energy and food supply.
            >Take a look at what happened in South Vietnam. The US had been supplying them since 1955 and only between 1968-1969 did people start giving a shit.
            The Vietnam conflict wasn't crashing the global economy

            It achieved nothing because its not enough. Ukraine needs not a few dozen pathethic howitzers, they need atleast a few hundred, they need fighter jets, proper anti-air, etc.

            The strongest military-industrial complex on earth, plus the strongest military alliance, can easily give Ukraine those things. They just dont do it.

            And as long as they dont, Ukraine will retain the disadvantage in the long-term war of attrition that Russia is leading right now.

            I hate Russia but being delusional doesn't help.

            >The strongest military-industrial complex on earth, plus the strongest military alliance, can easily give Ukraine those things. They just dont do it.
            How could they afford to? If 100B didn't do anything, are we talking about a trillion? What government could survive offering that much of their nation's wealth for a war people don't even care about? It was never feasible.

          • 2 years ago

            >What government could survive offering that much of their nation's wealth for a war people don't even care about?
            bah gawd, that's the united states' music!

          • 2 years ago

            Not anymore it isn't. Otherwise the US would have invaded Iran or North Korea sometime over the past 15 years.
            And pulling dog and pony shows like roe vs wade crap to distract the populace will not work anymore. The average americans struggles, but there's two things that piss off the average american above everything else: gas prices going up, and gun control laws. Those are sacred issues. They will riot for real if the gas prices keep going up.

          • 2 years ago

            >things that piss off the average american above everything else: gas prices
            should have built walkable/mobility scootable cities, this will just further the divide between city slickers and rural morons.

          • 2 years ago

            >If 100B didn't do anything,

            Source? I only know of 40 B from the US. For a collective like NATO, 100 B is not a scary amount of money to spend.

            The EU spends that amount of money on russian gas in a year. Just to provide you with a comparison.

          • 2 years ago

            I made it up. But this site estimates over 80 billion USD so far:
            That's bigger than the entire military budgets of most NATO member states. It's far from insignificant.
            >The EU spends that amount of money on russian gas in a year. Just to provide you with a comparison.
            That's something they need to survive, not sure how that's comparable.

            It's too late for that now. Things are already moving as you say, and the west has made its position clear. The Russians are super assmad now (and rightfully so, from their perspective) and are not going to be cooperating with the west anytime soon. If westerners relented now, it'd just make them look weak. Things have to play out as they are. Russia has already been forced to be China's, and even India's b***h.

            Diplomacy doesn't work like that, even Palestinians and Israelis negotiate during crucial moments.

          • 2 years ago

            >Diplomacy doesn't work like that, even Palestinians and Israelis negotiate during crucial moments.
            They will negotiate, of course. What I'm saying is that you are never going to get the same deals you got with Russia before "stabbing them in the back" as they see it.

          • 2 years ago

            It achieved nothing because its not enough. Ukraine needs not a few dozen pathethic howitzers, they need atleast a few hundred, they need fighter jets, proper anti-air, etc.

            The strongest military-industrial complex on earth, plus the strongest military alliance, can easily give Ukraine those things. They just dont do it.

            And as long as they dont, Ukraine will retain the disadvantage in the long-term war of attrition that Russia is leading right now.

            I hate Russia but being delusional doesn't help.

          • 2 years ago

            Least hawkish Westerner.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm definetly hawkish when it comes to Russia, yeah.

          • 2 years ago

            Which is why you and all your peers need to be exterminated. israelite.

          • 2 years ago

            The west won't keep feeding them weapons and ammo indefinitely to Ukraine.
            The population of western NATO countries will revolt as teh gas prices and food prices keep going up, and more and more people will see their leaders of what they are: a bunch of short sighted, professional politicians who never held a real job in their lifes completely out of touch with reality. Especially in UK, Germany and France.

          • 2 years ago

            Feeding Ukraine weapons isn't going to affect gas and food prices. The Russians aren't going back to those old deals anyway after being shafted by the west, so it's pointless to consider. Ties have been severed and it will probably be decades before relations are back to the level they were last year, no matter what the outcome of this conflict is. People can get mad all they want, what's done is done. I personally don't agree they made the right decisions either; giving more money to the fricking arabs is hardly better than giving it to the Russians.

    • 2 years ago

      More like Korea

  9. 2 years ago

    Considering Russia hasn't stated anything other than amorphous goals in the war and will declare "victory" in almost any scenario, it doesn't really matter.

  10. 2 years ago


    um. it's a special operation sweatie.

    • 2 years ago

      Actually declaring war has been out of fashion since 1945.

  11. 2 years ago

    First and Second Indochina war. The Vietnamese were pretty much in a non stop war between 1941-1975

  12. 2 years ago

    >protracted war

    It's only been 4 months anon. Analysts are estimating this could last years, think it's still pretty early on to declare this protracted.

  13. 2 years ago

    >Ukie war thread
    >Annefrankspammer isn't shitting up the thread with r/Ukraine talking points
    wh-what's going on

  14. 2 years ago

    The West should force Ukraine to come to the table. The longer this war goes on, the more Russia with all its land and resources becomes a puppet state of China and that is a disaster scenario. Rapprochement with the Russians should have been done long ago.

    • 2 years ago

      It's too late for that now. Things are already moving as you say, and the west has made its position clear. The Russians are super assmad now (and rightfully so, from their perspective) and are not going to be cooperating with the west anytime soon. If westerners relented now, it'd just make them look weak. Things have to play out as they are. Russia has already been forced to be China's, and even India's b***h.

      • 2 years ago

        We don't "relent", what we do is we make a backroom deal to "miraculously" achieve peace by guaranteeing Russian security by admiting both Ukraine and Russia into NATO at the same time. The question is only how much of Ukraine ultimately ends up going to Russia as part of the deal.

    • 2 years ago

      >The West should forced Czechoslovakia to come to the table.
      Appeasing Putler is not an option

      • 2 years ago

        It should be. Putler has the highest IQ of all the G20 nations. All it takes is to look at his CV and the other leaders CV's.
        Cut the losses, what happened in 1991 was a vicious attack on Russia. Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Georgia etc. are rightfull Russian clay, just let Putin have it again, and he will cease all warmongering too

        • 2 years ago

          Why not just assassinate him instead?

      • 2 years ago

        Russia does not have the same capacity for expansion as Nazi Germany had. Russia by itself is not as threatening as a Russo-Chinese axis.

    • 2 years ago

      Russia tried to join NATO in the 90s and we said no. Neoliberal homosexuals have zero interest in having a reasonable relationship with Russia because pure ideology based fear mongering is necessary for them to justify their ludicrous hawkishness the world over. The reality is it doesn’t matter if Russia were to reintegrate all of Ukraine and Belarus into their country, and it’s none of our fricking business or concern.

      • 2 years ago

        You're an idiot if you think that Russia tried to sincerely join NATO

  15. 2 years ago

    I remember watching this thing on YouTube of Solzhenitsyn having a program in Russia in the 90s, and he talked about how the population was collapsing with a low birth rate. He brought up how the Soviets suffered horrific casualties taking the Seelow Heights and how losing so many men like that can affect a nation. Really profound, he called it the death of a nation.

    • 2 years ago

      Nobody cares homosexual

  16. 2 years ago

    It was over the moment Kyiv didn't fall in, like, a week and everything else is vatBlack person cope. Imagine unironically shilling for the incompetent clique of double digit IQ gopniks responsible for this disaster. For free!

  17. 2 years ago

    Russia should just nuke the wheat fields. If they can't have them they shouldn't let the west keep them either. That's literally the whole reason anyone even gives a shit about ukraine anyway.

    • 2 years ago

      ah yes, that will help them win.

      • 2 years ago

        nuking the wheat fields to destroy ukrain's only value would be a nice way to end the conflict and walk away. If the west wants it so bad, let them keep the radioactive crater.

        • 2 years ago

          >end the conflict and walk away.
          They'll lose India, probably China, and anyone else remotely on their side. Forever. South Korea, Taiwan, Finland and the Baltic states will be armed with nukes.

          • 2 years ago

            Russia and China can and do just rely on one another in a way that means they can do what they please without really giving a damn what the west wants. And europe will still buy russian oil, and pay for it in Rubles too. India doesn't have a moral backbone and will just do whatever russia and china want, like they always have. If the other baltic states want nukes then let the west arm them, I'm sure that wont end poorly for anyone.

          • 2 years ago

            >China relies on Russia


          • 2 years ago

            >China relies on Russia
            yes. one example is oil. China gets more oil from Russia than anywhere else and China imports more than two thirds of the oil it uses.

          • 2 years ago

            >June imports of Russian oil -- including seaborne shipments and pipeline supplies -- are set to total about 2 million barrels per day (bpd), or 15% of China's crude demand, on par with May's record volume, these analysts said.

            why do you lie about such basic, easily googled facts?

          • 2 years ago


            China gets more oil from Russia than anywhere else. Fact.

            Maybe don't be moronic.

          • 2 years ago

            That's not reliance. Germans "rely" on far more Russian oil than that. Do you see them collapsing?

    • 2 years ago

      nuking the wheat fields to destroy ukrain's only value would be a nice way to end the conflict and walk away. If the west wants it so bad, let them keep the radioactive crater.

      Putin is the savior of the white race, nuking the wheat fields of EVROPA is the diametrical opposite of what he’s fighting for

  18. 2 years ago

    of course, there are dozens upon dozens of examples

  19. 2 years ago

    Has the Ukraine managed to take anything back which was occupied by an entrenched garrison?

  20. 2 years ago

    Winter War

  21. 2 years ago

    I think this is just libtards playing another "it's comin' straight at us" foreign policy and it blowing up in their face.

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