Are Zoomers actually less tech savvy than Boomers?

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    I don't trust as a resource, and that person is a brown indian in the picture, so I will disregard the article completely.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Could be but you can't entirely measure it on one parameter.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Than boomers seems like a huge stretch, but based on what I have read from several sources zoomers and alphas are less tech savvy than millenials because they just consume technology superficially. They are mostly used to using (i)phones and tablets, as well.

    I think a lot of us believed that since hobbies and pastimes related to tech grew rapidly, technological proficiency would increase with newer gens, but it didnt turn out that way

    • 2 weeks ago

      if it ain't tiktok they don't have a god damn CLUE!

      What I realize at my office is that they don't know how to work ANYTHING outside of a tablet or phone. They don't use windows. I'm not even joking: literally the average family today doesn't even have windows except maybe on a shitty tablet they have to use at work. Desktop windows is as foreign to them as Apple II was to me in elementary (I started around Windows 95)

      I've had an easier time teaching my mom how to scroll with the mouse wheel than I've had trying to explain to the galphas to find their Downloads folder (they have to open Chrome every time they have to find what they downloaded previously and will re-download it perpetually because they can't find the previously downloaded file)

      They're also just stuck-up grumpy lil morons. They have the patience of OJ Simpson mid-stab. If, and I said ~~*IF*~~ they bother to ask for help, they won't take more than 2 seconds of your explanation before they go "OK, got it, sure, thanks, yep, ok" because they're so socially moronic they'd rather sit on their phone for four hours and then only tell you that they couldn't complete their basic task (ie the job they're hired to do) so they didn't know what to do. I sit two-steps away from these kids...

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Than boomers seems like a huge stretch
      Depends on what you count as a scam. Zoom zooms are known to pay small amounts for some of the dumbest shit like gacha games, eprostitutes and such. Adding up you could say they are scammed in higher quantities than boomers, ie "more" than boomers.

      So zoomies get scammed more often but in small amounts to some catfishing thot or something while boomers give out the entire family savings in giftcards to Poopesh Sukhdeep from India playing pretend as the IRS.

      • 2 weeks ago

        please tell me there is a genre of memes that specifically slams boomers for how fricking moronic they are to pick up the phone and come out of their pockets.

        Imagine a dude on the phone calling you and saying "yo im finna stab yo ass da frick up gimme all dat shit! get to da waw-greens n put that shit on a greendot homie fo you die!" and you actually complying.

        There's something just especially intrinsically wrong with boomers. their brains crystalized in a time when trains were a means of travel and pluto was probably a sky demon but more likely just God winking.

        >hur kids have no street smarts. can't even figure out how to dial a rotary phone

        • 2 weeks ago

          unironically lead induced brain damage fricked boomers as a generation

          • 2 weeks ago

            IDK I can see it's more of an entitlement. It's like Mexicans. Mexicans only have to live with other mexicans at first. Because all mexicans are fricking moronic, they don't have to be good liars to get away with whatever they want in mexico.

            When they come to shit up america, they are shocked whenever their shitty day-care-level deception constantly lands them in the drunk tank and on SO registries.

            Or basically imagine the first time a white guy had to play half court against a black guy.

            So boomers lived their whole life thinking they're hot shit and that the world only works because they really did something, like they've got skills or whatever. They will never and can never admit that living in the 50s and 60s was the easiest time in all of human history and that you had to be a fricking lobotomized shellshocked civil war vet to fail in those times.

            Because their life was so easy, predetermined and conformist, they never had to open their mind to figure anything out or question anything. Thus, Israel is their greatest ally while never being able to explain why.

            If you want to have a clue of just how bad it is, when they started getting called on their bullshit they invented a phenomenon that twisted reality such that we are lead to believe that the ENTIRE UNIVERSE is wrong rather than them. Look up Mandela Effect.

            You understand? Boomers would rather say that the universe is being altered than to simply admit that a store called J.C. Penney's literally NEVER existed.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Although many boomers are addicted to tablets, there's definitely a higher rate of zoomers on the internet daily than there are boomers. Harder to get scammed if you sit there watching football and fox news all day.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    to be fair online scams have advanced in the last 30 years by a mile
    I doubt zoomers fall for the nigerian prince scams

  5. 2 weeks ago

    In my day you had to know shit to even get on the internet

    now things just werk

    Also avoiding scams isn't just as simple as hanging up the phone when you hear an indian accent these days

  6. 2 weeks ago

    As a zoomer. No. But I can't work with most zoomers either. I think the stuff most zoomers like are either politics related or becoming influencers on tiktok/instagram. The zoomers that are interested in tech mostly keep it to themselves and socially awkward so you'll never hear about them either.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    yes. 1982 boomer here and I feel bad for the generations after me, all of them which got hired are braindead and got fired after a month or 2

  8. 2 weeks ago


  9. 2 weeks ago

    >millennials start to enter their 40s
    >sudden influx of zoomer threads on IQfy
    I wonder what could've caused this.

    • 2 weeks ago

      earliest zoomers turning 30 this year, 1994 and up

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Tech literacy stopped when kids started growing up with phone apps and operating systems that don't need maintenance or troubleshooting

  11. 2 weeks ago

    in my experience they're about equal, I've had a hard time teaching them the basic stuff we use at the office (really just Outlook, SAP and a couple proprietary apps)

  12. 2 weeks ago

    >using Vox as a source.

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