
>I felled 3,000 of their fighting men with the sword. I carried off prisoners, possessions, oxen, [and] cattle from them. I burnt many captives from them. I captured many troops alive: from some I cut off their arms [and] hands; from others I cut off their noses, ears, [and] extremities. I gouged out the eyes of many troops. I made one pile of the living (and) one of heads. I hung their heads on trees around the city, I burnt their adolescent boys [and] girls. I razed, destroyed, burnt, [and] consumed the city.
What the frick was their goddamn problem? Why were they so evil?

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  1. 2 months ago

    all of that is made up btw. why would thousands of people willingly live under the rule of such a tyrant king?
    also, keep in mind that the people they supposedly treated like this were raider savages.

    • 2 months ago

      >it didn't happen but it should have
      Why are chuds always like this?

    • 2 months ago

      >why would thousands of people willingly live under the rule of such a tyrant king
      Why do we willingly live under our present society? Fear of the consequences of rejecting its rule, same as then. That said eventually all this cruelty to conquered peoples was what led to Assyria's downfall (remember Babylon the city they destroyed ended up replacing them as the main empire in the region)

      • 2 months ago

        I have no qualms with modern urban living but urban living in Ancient Near East didn't come with the safety nets that it does today. There was no welfare and the most present job opportunities were military service. We live in urban society modern day in spite of questionable government because we're used to it, it has great social security, and we're socially conditioned to strive for consumerist milestones since our birth (buying a nice house, a nice car, etc).

        >why would thousands of people willingly live under the rule of such a tyrant king?
        He's not a tyrant

        Exactly, there's no example of Near eastern tyranny at all. Steppe disgusting shit to each other like right of first night and indentured rural class. Mesopotamians pioneered property and civil law and treated their society better than any other empire would in the future.

        • 2 months ago

          very often military service was a way to obtain a land grant, title of nobility, manumission, or citizenship

    • 2 months ago

      >why would thousands of people willingly live under the rule of such a tyrant king?
      He's not a tyrant

    • 2 months ago

      >why would thousands of people willingly live under the rule of such a tyrant king?
      the didn't, that's why the Babylonias allied with the Medians asap when they saw that they are actually a threat to Assyria

  2. 2 months ago

    Ancient psychology was radically different from ours, I think Nietzsche may have been right that Christianity single handedly ushered in a new consciousness in the human race.

    • 2 months ago

      They were evil even for the day and age. Their neighbors teamed up to crush them because they were sick of skull pyramids.

      • 2 months ago

        What???? Source??
        Worse than the indo-europeans like yamnaya and bell beakers?

        • 2 months ago

          Way fricking worse than them you idiotic amerimutt

    • 2 months ago

      >I think Nietzsche may have been right that Christianity single handedly ushered in a new consciousness in the human race.
      Do you seriously think the Middle Ages were any more humane than antiquity? Shit was completely brutal and human life was almost worthless pre-Enlightenment.

      • 2 months ago

        idk man the Mongols were incredibly brutal even by the standards of that time. they laid entire nations to waste. nothing in contemporary Europe or the Middle East approached the level of destruction they caused.

        • 2 months ago

          >nothing in contemporary Europe or the Middle East approached the level of destruction they caused.

          Ever heard what the Swedes were up to until 1700? At times Mongol tier savagery.

          • 2 months ago

            They need to get inspired by their ancestors to do something against the brown invaders.

          • 2 months ago

            Tell me more. What were they up to?

      • 2 months ago

        >Do you seriously think the Middle Ages were any more humane than antiquity?
        Totally. You have no conception of history if you think they were remotely culturally similar.

        • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            Knights and nobles would ransom one another and keep each other as guests, even with the Muslims at times. Before Islam and Christianity they would have given them the Ashurbanipal treatment- even if they had no prior resentment.

        • 2 months ago

          There is no examples of tyranny in ancient Near East. All of the people that were crucified by Babylonians and Assyrians were bantoid squatter thieves that slaughtered the local farmers, moved in, made demands to the king, and tried to ape out and carve out their own country.

          • 2 months ago

            >All of the people that were crucified by Babylonians and Assyrians were bantoid squatter thieves that slaughtered the local farmers, moved in, made demands to the king, and tried to ape out and carve out their own country.
            So exactly what is happening on the US-Mexico border now until Trump comes back next year and crucifies all of them. Gotcha.

          • 2 months ago

            sure, but replace latrinos with white trash
            kurds are basically to mena what latrinos are to america
            product of conquistador white filth (steppe) and every tribal savage that sapped the land of everything good it had (aztecs)

  3. 2 months ago

    >boys [and] girl
    Evil people like russians would first rape the girls. So no, they were in fact quite merciful.

    • 2 months ago

      I think rape can be assumed to have been included at every step of this story. It's just what you do.

      • 2 months ago

        I think we can assume you are a massive Mongloid loving homosexual, lying israelite trying to besmerge Assyria good name.

        • 2 months ago

          Shut the frick up philosemite.

  4. 2 months ago

    >skull pyramids
    literally projecting all indopoop necro rituals onto near east lmfao
    no proof no nada

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        steppe people created skull thrones and skull pyramids
        there is no evidence of ancient near east doing any necro rituals with dead enemies
        assyrians were honorable enough to dispatch people that raided them. they didn't even keep POWs.

        That's a Scythian thing but notice the Neo-Assyrians turn into an aggressive war lusting nation after the BAC. I think they were invaded and wars broke out among the Mesopotamians and that's what made the whole region so tough between the 9th-6th centuries BC, basically Persian dominance subdued them. Of course that was mostly through force. Xerxes flooded Babylon after two revolts.

        >Neo-Assyrians turn into an aggressive war lusting nation after the BAC
        they didn't turn into a war lusting nation, they had to start being proactive with slaughtering steppejeets because the raids destabilized their economy

    • 2 months ago

      What???? Source??
      Worse than the indo-europeans like yamnaya and bell beakers?

      That's a Scythian thing but notice the Neo-Assyrians turn into an aggressive war lusting nation after the BAC. I think they were invaded and wars broke out among the Mesopotamians and that's what made the whole region so tough between the 9th-6th centuries BC, basically Persian dominance subdued them. Of course that was mostly through force. Xerxes flooded Babylon after two revolts.

  5. 2 months ago

    >whole known world proceeds to team up against these homies and dabs on them so hard they become irrelevant forever after.

    • 2 months ago

      I m assyrian lol
      Cope, tree worship

      • 2 months ago

        Whoa, a ghost!?

        • 2 months ago

          the Assyrians did not suffer genetic overlap, we are still here.
          see any shitty PCA.
          Furthermore, MENA has not undergone genetic changes.
          even the "ancient israelites" that the whitey say are part of, have been the same since the bronze age

          • 2 months ago

            We wuz

          • 2 months ago

            I m assyrian+ Egyptian...
            Cope, steppeBlack person

          • 2 months ago

            you have no relation to any of those people, who were actually nordic

          • 2 months ago

            Don't make me destroy you, you worm.
            I m Egyptian

          • 2 months ago

            Egyptians are dead today.
            I'm sorry, but it's definitely an Arab+Egyptian+Greek mutt maybe
            Stop the we wuzin Egyptianz n sheit dude kemet

          • 2 months ago

            "dead" how exactly?
            We're still here, you little shit.
            We do not suffer from any genetic overlap... and in your theory without genetic basis, from whom do we "suffer" overlap? of the "Arabs"? no. Did not happen.
            of black people? 8%.
            and to spit in your face;
            take a good look at this photo you idiot.

          • 2 months ago

            What did you want to prove with that?
            wow! you have ancestry (taken from an unreliable dna test) MENA... wow, what a stroke of genius.
            nothing to do with the ancient Egyptians.

          • 2 months ago

            And now? moronic
            You lost.

          • 2 months ago

            this DNA testing thing again? the same ones that have so many anachronistic errors to the point of modeling rubbish on people from Germany? or the same as for some delayed reason, it shows that people from France have Iranian ancestry??? that cheap test you use is good. We don't even know the samples they use in advance.

          • 2 months ago


            And now? moronic
            You lost.



            Don't be that, you idiot.
            We can model it with other things if you want!
            see this and cry with envy

            muh the MENA is silenced

            you look like a regular arab

            Arab is not a race.
            What is an Arab? Bedouins? They did not go out into the world conquering other peoples.
            language doesn't mean anything, actually.
            Black people are not Americans because they speak English and Gauls are not Latins because they speak Latin.


            It hurts a lot, doesn't it?
            Tell me what your people did in 2000 BC? live in earth huts? do you realize that the Greeks were literally inspired by Egypt? you lost.
            and Egypt was so influential, that Greek philosophy comes directly from Egyptian teaching

          • 2 months ago

            you look like a brown man from Saudi Arabia, like Aladdin or Jaffar

          • 2 months ago

            Again, not an argument.
            my DNA tests are clear 🙂

            and you didn't answer me;
            What is Arabic?

            I m literally an Egyptian lol

          • 2 months ago

            >Again, not an argument.
            >my DNA tests are clear 🙂
            Ancient Egyptians cluster with Arabs. You probably look like a pajeetoid Saudi as you lack the key anatolian component

          • 2 months ago

            > key anatolian component
            yea ur a kurdoroach diaspooop

            Middle East is the most mutted region in the world. The crossroads of cultures and genetics.

            no that's europe
            the way you go back and forth about spain and italy is proof

          • 2 months ago

            >yea ur a kurdoroach diaspooop
            thanks for revealing you know jack shit about genetics. Anatolian farmer ancestry is highest in europe and what gives light features. Middle eastern populations have varying degrees of anatolian farmer admixture. Can't believe there exists a moron who thinks anatolia from thousands of years ago means turk

          • 2 months ago

            >Anatolian farmer ancestry is highest in europe and what gives light features
            why do you think this is important for your argument? old israelites describe hittites and assyrians: brown and dark eyed
            what is the big conflict you're seeing in an egyptian guy looking like an egyptian? because at this rate you are grasping straws

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago

            >Ancient Egyptians cluster with Arabs
            >Sample size: 30 cherrypicked Zahi Hawass specimens

          • 2 months ago

            >Again, not an argument.
            >my DNA tests are clear 🙂
            Ancient Egyptians cluster with Arabs. You probably look like a pajeetoid Saudi as you lack the key anatolian component

            Cope, barbarians

          • 2 months ago

            it's true moron. Ancient Egyptians were largely natufian so they cluster closely with other natufian rich populations

          • 2 months ago

            There are no Natufians. The entire thing is an Israeli supremacist fever dream. They're literally trying to LARP as Atlanteans.

          • 2 months ago

            you look like a regular arab

          • 2 months ago

            Middle East is the most mutted region in the world. The crossroads of cultures and genetics.

          • 2 months ago

            this DNA testing thing again? the same ones that have so many anachronistic errors to the point of modeling rubbish on people from Germany? or the same as for some delayed reason, it shows that people from France have Iranian ancestry??? that cheap test you use is good. We don't even know the samples they use in advance.

            Don't be that, you idiot.
            We can model it with other things if you want!
            see this and cry with envy

            muh the MENA is silenced

          • 2 months ago

            You're just a Black person. And a dumb one.

          • 2 months ago

            It hurts a lot, doesn't it?
            Tell me what your people did in 2000 BC? live in earth huts? do you realize that the Greeks were literally inspired by Egypt? you lost.
            and Egypt was so influential, that Greek philosophy comes directly from Egyptian teaching

  6. 2 months ago

    You have records of Churchill, Roosevelt and Salin playfully joking about atrocities just 80 years ago.

    If you can't imagine sending thousands of innocents to their deaths you're not suitable for national power in a competitive international system.

    • 2 months ago

      So you're pretty much saying only legit psychopaths are suitable for such positions??

      • 2 months ago

        Positions of authority have always been a magnet for psychopaths, there's research to prove that. If your country has a meek and docile political class it will inevitably end up sucking dick of psychopths from the outside.

  7. 2 months ago

    Assyrians of today

  8. 2 months ago

    >Why were they so evil?
    Did you not read the part where he says he's defeating them because they're evil?

  9. 2 months ago

    While "good" is not subjective, morality is, and people's sense of morality adjust to the circumstances of the time. Societies such as the Assyrians were heavily based on honour, familial honour especially and the way in which you honoured your forefathers and current relatives was being as bloodthirsty as possible. This leads to an arms race of brutality, where everyone is trying to one up eachother in brutality to show just how good of a warrior they are and make mom and pop proud. You're acting like this is unheard of, but its really not. The exact same circumstances arose in Imperial Japan, and produced the exact same horrific brutality on a much larger scale. There are many old Japanese men hobbling around today who have a very strong influence on modern Japan, who 80 years ago were skewering babies and burning down villages

    • 2 months ago

      Why japs are so homosexual
      Act tough against civilians and think that killing innocent is brave while being getting destroyed in a real battle

  10. 2 months ago

    We should have done this to black people instead of letting them frick white women.

  11. 2 months ago

    And they disappeared for good. Well, you've got some Arabo-Iranian Aramaic-speakers who claim to be their descendants, but they're also about to disappear.

    • 2 months ago

      Kurds don't speak Aramaic. There's Kurdish israelites that speak Aramaic, but they're not Arabo-Iranians like the Kurds are.

      • 2 months ago

        Hebrew is literally reconstructed Aramaic from the medieval period.

        • 2 months ago

          All the more proof that "Kurdish" israelites aren't Kurd mutts at all.

          • 2 months ago

            No shit, nobody is claiming that. Did you know polish israelites are not actually polish or russian israelites are not actually russian?

  12. 2 months ago

    Assyrian brutality is almost certainly highly exaggerated. Both by themselves and by their enemies, plus later Greek records.
    One notable thing with all of these inscriptions is that the slaughter and maiming almost always seems to befall enemy combatants and leaders. Civilians are rarely brought up in such regards, with a few exceptions of rebels.
    That’s not even mentioning that everyone else was a murder happy psycho back then, Romans, israelites, Egyptians, Babylonians, celts, germanics, Scythians, and even the supposedly tolerant Persians had a particularly brutal method of execution known as the boats.

    • 2 months ago

      >Assyrian brutality is almost certainly highly exaggerated
      The stele of Ashurbanipal was recorded by the scribes of Ashurbanipal. There's literal artwork, from themselves, showing them making a father grind the bones of his own son after being defeated in combat. If anything, the western accounts gloss over these facts.

      • 2 months ago

        Did you even read a letter past the first sentence?

        • 2 months ago

          you're a moron
          >Assyrian brutality is almost certainly highly exaggerated. Both by themselves and by their enemies
          if you have two accounts that agree with each other especially when one of those accounts are the assyrians themselves you can trust them

      • 2 months ago

        >There's literal artwork, from themselves, showing them making a father grind the bones of his own son after being defeated in combat.
        NTA, but that's just how you interpret the art.

  13. 2 months ago

    Where can I read more of this kind of Assyrian pronouncements?

    • 2 months ago
  14. 2 months ago

    because they are semites

  15. 2 months ago

    Its called we do a little trolling

  16. 2 months ago

    >I felled 3,000 of their fighting men with the sword. I carried off prisoners, possessions, oxen, [and] cattle from them
    Nothing wrong with this. Just war
    >I burnt many captives from them. I captured many troops alive: from some I cut off their arms [and] hands; from others I cut off their noses, ears, [and] extremities. I gouged out the eyes of many troops. I made one pile of the living (and) one of heads. I hung their heads on trees around the city, I burnt their adolescent boys [and] girls
    Nothing wrong with this either. You had to be brutal to scare your foe into giving up
    >I razed, destroyed, burnt, [and] consumed the city
    This still happens today in war, look at Ukraine or Palestine

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