Bad tech job stories

>Get contracted as a Systems Analyst (PHP and SQL stuff for a platform)
>Everyone uses a Ryzen 3200G AIO
>I am given a shitty 2 Thread Celeron laptop with Windows 11 on HDD
>Most websites are blocked by the firewall
>I am told my AIO is being repaired
>Performance is extremely bad on laptop and decide to install Endeavour
>Performance is bad but not horrible and I can work
>Copied all network config, even VNC so IT department can connect into my laptop if necessary
>They start changing IPs and mess up so bad we didn't have internet for a whole fricking day
>LAN conflicts are also noticeable
>I tell IT I can't work like this
>They notice I installed Linux
>My (mostly absent) boss starts scolding me in front of everyone for doing it without the proper written authorization
>They tell me they will have to pay for a Windows license again and I shouldn't install anything thay they don't approve, nor visit any website that isn't about work
>Scolds a coworker too for being listening something on YouTube and tells IT to block Youtube for our IPs
>I know the moment they install Windows again the license will be as if nothing happened but he's just being an ass
>It's been two days I have been sharing a coworker's AIO because my laptop isn't finished
>I don't think they will give me the repaired AIO
I started looking for another job already, will leech them off as long as I can

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  1. 2 years ago

    I read youtube and cant help but wonder how many hours you put into this site I mean I must be a god compared to your life

    • 2 years ago

      What does YouTube have to be with that? My coworker was just listening music on Youtube. Seems normal to me.

      • 2 years ago

        prolly some bad gpt bot

    • 2 years ago

      what is he talking about?

  2. 2 years ago

    I don't get "leaders" that act as if they're managing a fricking adult daycare center. What's even the point to hire people you can't trust?

    • 2 years ago

      Most managers are just on a power/intimidation trip they don't even care about actual employee performance.

  3. 2 years ago

    what country is this in out of curiousity?

    • 2 years ago

      Incheon, SK

      • 2 years ago

        I want Korean BBQ again so bad. Took an intensive FEA course in Busan a few years ago. I wonder how my shipbuilding engineering students are fairing these days. Would love to go visit again sometime soon.

        Also, OP, your job/manager sounds like ass. If you're not a resume-lying frickwit, keep applying for new positions while you eat shit at work. There is ALWAYS a better alternative if you stick out the cancerous application game long enough. I'm speaking from experience, I stuck it out through four years of hell and applying to ~10 jobs a week, but finally got a comfy IoT engineer position in fly-over Midwest country where they love me and I am essentially unsupervised for decent pay. Hang in there, bud!

      • 2 years ago

        Are you Korean? I’m a married to a Korean and I live close to Incheon. How hard is it for F6 visa holding bros to get into tech?

  4. 2 years ago

    why is not doing your work efficiently your problem? you get paid the same regardless

    • 2 years ago

      Waiting for your computer is pure misery

  5. 2 years ago

    >Everyone uses a Ryzen 3200G AIO
    my workplace have Ryzen AIOs too and they're terrible but I guess is fine for coding

  6. 2 years ago

    That is just part of having a job anon.
    Companies normally block you from even changing the wallpaper of the workstation. Installing another OS on the machine would be grounds for termination in the vast majority of companies.

    • 2 years ago

      if they didn't want anyone installing other OS, they would put a BIOS password, it's that simple

      • 2 years ago

        >If they don't want me stealing company prooerty then they shouldn't let me into the office in the first place, it's that simple.

        • 2 years ago

          well that's theft and that's enforced by country laws

  7. 2 years ago

    >worked at company for 2 years - get moved to new department
    >scrumm planning meeting
    >"Anons we're changing our planning this time. We aren't assigning time points to tickets anymore, we're assigning complexity points. Remember, don't associate time with complexity."
    >each member of the team gets assigned 23 complexity points per sprint because we could do 23 time points easily
    >tons of tasks get assigned 1-2 complexity due to not requiring much brain power to complete
    >each of those tasks require extensive testing
    >previously they would've been 7-15 time points due to how long they would take
    >end up with 19 tickets in the first sprint
    >raise concerns that this is 4x as many tickets as the previous project we did
    >"lol shut up anon, you just dont want to do the work"
    >each sprint was 3 weeks without the possibility of working weekends (so 15 days)
    >end of week 1
    >"manager, this is an impossible workload. I've got 3 tickets complete without testing"
    >"get it done anon... you agreed during the meeting planning"
    >end of week 2
    >"manager, this is impossible we really need to reconsider the complexity system or put in ticket caps"
    >end of week 3 during sprint wrap up
    >get chewed out along with the rest of the team for not getting 1/4 of the tickets done and the testing being shit
    >week 4 starts
    >hand in resignation
    >"nono anon, dont leave we'll put you on something else"
    >next project
    >"Anons we're changing our planning this time. We aren't assigning time points to tickets anymore, we're assigning complexity points. Remember, don't associate time with complexity."
    >get assigned 20 tickets
    I dont like working in tech anymore because of this.

    • 2 years ago

      Similar story for me, somewhat:
      >management promising a determined set of points per sprint
      >small red flag but take no notice
      >during planning, manager chews out anyone giving a task more than 3 points
      >realize that they want to treat us as if we were a fricking sweatshop, starts applying
      >some coworkers started staying late, a team straight up didn't sleep a night previous release
      >by this time already got the contract for somewhere else and handed in my resignation letter

  8. 2 years ago

    >>They tell me they will have to pay for a Windows license again
    >what is volume licensing
    I'll take things that didn't happen for $500

    • 2 years ago

      NTA but my company literally buys random business-class laptops on sale so the whole office has different brands and models of laptops

  9. 2 years ago

    >Small local MSP that recently transitioned from a mom/pop PC repair store - never more than 6-7 full time people, 60 SMB clients
    >Onsite/hybrid T3 desktop/server and networking tech - the most broad skillset working knowledge at the company
    >Always cycling through T1 helpdesk monkeys due to actually having expectations of them to finish tickets
    >Constantly picking up the slack on webform phone and email tickets between onsites while MGMT plays musical chairs with hiring and firing zoomie T1s
    >Literally pointless to teach anyone anything before they're there more than 60 days
    >Smack dab in the middle of the pandemic so don't want to quit due to economy going to shit, and I have a 1yr non-compete clause if I bail
    >Finally settle on a solid selection of capable zoomies to handle T1 ticket volume
    >Shortly after vaccine rollout and cases drop - almost the entire staff takes a 2 week vacation at the same time including the owner - somehow this is allowed
    >Quit, no notice in the middle of the day
    >Business folds 3 months later after I'm not there to prop it up and my lawyer says my noncompete is voided

    • 2 years ago

      get a better lawyer. That non-compete wouldn't be enforceable even if they stayed open. You have to get into the larger enterprises before non-competes are a real threat. It is yet another reason why stock is offered instead of pay.

  10. 2 years ago

    Please don't install different operating systems on company issued hardware.
    Cyber insurance is a thing and the israelite auditors will find a way to increase your rates.

    Work within the means provided by your company, it's a management issue if you can't do your job, not yours.
    Make that known but don't step out of line and make the jobs of everyone else involved more difficult.
    An inconvenience for you just gets transferred to the next in line with the cc field in the mail filling up more and more.

    • 2 years ago

      if they didn't want anyone installing other OS, they would put a BIOS password, it's that simple

      company can go frick itself if it doesn't place any security against that, while being against that
      BUT it's funny that autists think that they can use whatever flavour of the rainbow distro to do their job when it's clear as day that their whole company is run on windows

      • 2 years ago

        >company can go frick itself if it doesn't place any security against that, while being against that
        The acceptable use policy you sign during onboarding should be enough

        I suppose my perspective is a tad different since I work for an MSP & we've got local admin on our notebooks since it's somewhat necessary for the work we do.
        With our customers though there is proper enforcement of these things, but Carol in accounting wont be installing flavour of the month distro.
        What ticks me off are people in technical positions (particularly DEVELOPERS) that need to make their special snowflake requests known.

        t. managing EDR solution and dealing with a group of devs complaining that their git commits take 6 seconds instead of 2

        • 2 years ago

          It seems you are an butthole anon

          • 2 years ago

            I am happy to troubleshoot and tweak, involve the vendor etc.
            But the first email having 2/3 of the managing board in cc, demanding that this harmful product be removed because they literally can NOT work is a bit excessive.

            We have a ticketing system

          • 2 years ago

            I see that explains a lot.

        • 2 years ago

          I am happy to troubleshoot and tweak, involve the vendor etc.
          But the first email having 2/3 of the managing board in cc, demanding that this harmful product be removed because they literally can NOT work is a bit excessive.

          We have a ticketing system

          >git taking longer than a second
          I can understand this pain because it interrupts your flow. A lot of the time you need to commit one thought away and switch to something else, but those few seconds are enough for a good idea to flicker out of existence. Its especially bad if you need to hold an idea and there's even a small chance what you're currently doing gets rejected and you need to go back in.
          >snowflake developers
          These people are cancer and shouldn't be listened to. If you can't make the majority of your shit work with default gear then you shouldn't be a developer.
          >switching to new project and the dev lead has decided we're using some random python library for something trivial
          >tfw secure application written in c should read from a file and run whatever command is inside which is usually "python" with no file integrity checks
          Sometimes I swear these companies are asking for breaches.

          It seems to be very USA thing for companies to have such strict IT policies. Every company I have worked just let you install whatever OS and software you want, no IP/website blocking. And most companies also let you choose the computer model and specs you want.

          Me too.

          Every time I read these histories here on /g I think "that is not real, it is just IQfy fiction" but they are so common that I start to believe.

          The closest thing I have experienced is a company that gives you a dell or Thinkpad instead of a proper MacBook but you are allowed to install anything you want including Linux which most of the developers do for obvious reasons.

          Try working for any top company (banks, defence, government or insurance), they all require very strict security policies and enforce them religiously and litigiously

          • 2 years ago

            I'd be happy to resolve things somehow, we have got a "known working" configuration which while disabling 50%+ protections of the EDR solution does bring about close-to-no-agent performance on the system.

            It just includes a good amount of user specific exclusions (project directory etc.) and for that I'd need some cooperation.

            Really don't mind solving the issue in itself, I just don't appreciate being vilified in the first mail for installing this scourge of a software onto their systems.

          • 2 years ago

            Probably that was a person without soft skills, don't worry about that anon.

            If the machine is slow probably it has not enough hardware for the function, and the person is blaming the EDR.

        • 2 years ago

          Dev are also surprising not very good with technical problems and can't troubleshoot for shit.

  11. 2 years ago

    I was once a desktop contractor for a hospital and they assigned me the bummiest hand me down Thinkpad T4 something... with a mechanical hdd and 4gbs. I raw dd'd the encrypted OS drive to an 30 dollar chink SSD and put that in instead. I got my work done so much faster that I could basically frick off after about 11:30 every day.

  12. 2 years ago

    It seems to be very USA thing for companies to have such strict IT policies. Every company I have worked just let you install whatever OS and software you want, no IP/website blocking. And most companies also let you choose the computer model and specs you want.

    • 2 years ago

      >Every company I have worked just let you install whatever OS and software you want, no IP/website blocking. And most companies also let you choose the computer model and specs you want.
      that's why you have worked in 20 different companies, those are basically kindergartens that leech money from investors till they fold

    • 2 years ago

      Me too.

      Every time I read these histories here on /g I think "that is not real, it is just IQfy fiction" but they are so common that I start to believe.

      The closest thing I have experienced is a company that gives you a dell or Thinkpad instead of a proper MacBook but you are allowed to install anything you want including Linux which most of the developers do for obvious reasons.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm in charge of dev machines at our company and it's Thinkpads fully locked down, running fedora silverblue with no root. they can use flatpaks, podman or toolbox for development needs

        • 2 years ago

          Not that bad, most developers will live with it without problem, if a member of your team wants something different i would allow he install another system and keep an eye on him.

          >git taking longer than a second
          I can understand this pain because it interrupts your flow. A lot of the time you need to commit one thought away and switch to something else, but those few seconds are enough for a good idea to flicker out of existence. Its especially bad if you need to hold an idea and there's even a small chance what you're currently doing gets rejected and you need to go back in.
          >snowflake developers
          These people are cancer and shouldn't be listened to. If you can't make the majority of your shit work with default gear then you shouldn't be a developer.
          >switching to new project and the dev lead has decided we're using some random python library for something trivial
          >tfw secure application written in c should read from a file and run whatever command is inside which is usually "python" with no file integrity checks
          Sometimes I swear these companies are asking for breaches.

          Try working for any top company (banks, defence, government or insurance), they all require very strict security policies and enforce them religiously and litigiously

          I did. IBM, Santander, and others local big companies. They do have strict polices as you say, specially the network what I believe to be reasonable, but at machine level they give to the developer a MacBook or a PC if you prefer where you can do anything you want.

          My point is, software engineering is fundamentally different from other jobs that are made with computers, sometimes certain things looks baloney (and they are) but it is part of a creative process, forbidden it is like forbidden a football player from doing keepie-uppie

          if your company try to force the dev team some rules, in a long term the result of that police will be an Exodus of creative developers.

          • 2 years ago

            >Not that bad, most developers will live with it without problem, if a member of your team wants something different i would allow he install another system and keep an eye on him.
            they can install it in a VM, GNOME Boxes is installed and usable without root. Another system wouldn't really work, we have VPN tied to TPM amd SecureBoot. I guess we could do OEL/RHEL as an alternative, maybe openSUSE or at most Ubuntu.

          • 2 years ago

            I see, that looks reasonable, if the hardware is good I can see myself working without problems.

            The Linux distro is one of the best too, I had no chance to work with it as the company main OS, it is always ubuntu or osX, but I have used it on personal machine, excellent distro.

  13. 2 years ago

    we need a career board already you homosexuals are getting out of hand making IQfy into some bizarre mess of reddit and linkedin.

    • 2 years ago

      kys tranime

    • 2 years ago

      I've noticed theres a lot larger pool of working fa/g/gots than when I lurked years ago - I think a lot of 2000's permanent NEETs parents died or threw them out so they had to join the workforce.

      • 2 years ago

        personally i plan to go back neet very soon.
        Frick wageslacing I can't stand fricking entreprise culture a toxic management anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        Could make sense, the real oldgays must be 30+ years old at this point, and you can't really NEET it out forever unless you live in a country where you can get a decent amount of neetbux

        personally i plan to go back neet very soon.
        Frick wageslacing I can't stand fricking entreprise culture a toxic management anymore.

        How are you going to make money?

        • 2 years ago

          >prefers Asuka to Rei
          uhhh what? Asuka is the normalgay choice, this is contradictory to everything else in the image

  14. 2 years ago

    >be me
    >liked-by-all L1/L2 tech support with a company for four years
    >overtime out the ass, but at least I take home $$$ since I'm paid by the hour
    >during those four years, IT has seen four different managers
    >in comes the fifth
    >immediately wants me to start coming in on weekends, no extra pay
    >laugh in his face
    >enraged, the moron files an insubordination complaint to HR
    >nervous HR roastie swiftly comes back stating that such a request not only conflicts with company policy, especially considering my current already huge workload, but is also straight up illegal in this country
    >from this day forward, the manager makes it his sole mission to make my existence as miserable as possible
    >this strategy eventually results in me as well as the entire rest of the team, eight people in total, all resigning within a period of five months
    >manager is left without anybody to manage, as all knowledge holders rush out the door with little to no handover

  15. 2 years ago

    >be me
    >computer engineering student
    >get a paid internship in embedded software dev
    >telecom shit
    >workplace is mostly 40+ year old boomers with 10-40 years of experience
    >almost no documentation about anything
    >software is insanely complex and messy
    >end up working there for over a year
    >eventually get fed up
    >spend the last few months mostly slacking off
    >end up leaving without having really learned much at all
    >almost quit school while working as a sysadmin
    >thinking about going back to study full time
    At least it paid pretty well for an internship, but I got so burned out and depressed that it almost made me quit school completely. It seems impossible to get into a place like that, where everyone else has years or possible tens of years of experience, and the product is extremely complex. I think I'm just gonna go back studying full time to finish my degree, since being an IT janny quickly got boring. I guess I'll worry about a job later, I have plenty of money saved up

    • 2 years ago

      >end up working there for over a year
      >end up leaving without having really learned much at all
      leave this industry
      it's clearly not meant for your kind, dumdum

      • 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    I'm genuinely sorry for this, but in your experience do they still demand vax passes to get employed?

    • 2 years ago

      Depends where you go.
      In my case, our company director wasn't vaxx'd and I managed to get by without it as well.
      Company did organize testing though for visits to customers, but we never needed the vax to enter our office.

      A customer of ours did however more or less enforce mandatory vax, but they're a pharma company so it's to be expected that they've partaken in the israelite.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick. I assume schools, pharma, and government companies are out of the question for me then. I hope I can get something in an IT contractor company at least.
        Frick maybe I should just be an office renovation worker for a while. It may teach some useful skills

        • 2 years ago

          from what I can tell
          like anon says
          anything in those sectors or any lame company that requires visiting clients might have vaxcuck requirements
          just look for remote or non meme companies and you'll be fine

          • 2 years ago

            Man it's just too frustrating

          • 2 years ago

            >my job is primarily WFH except for conferences
            >all conferences require a vaxpass
            >"sorry anon you're gonna have to attend the conference virtually"

        • 2 years ago

          literally just lie
          you can print a card yourself if you're not a brainlet
          it's not going on your permanent record and most businesses and even some government agencies can't actually look up your medical records for vax even if they have the broad access to all the different databases the CDC spread the injection records in
          just lie
          it's that easy

    • 2 years ago

      >sorry guys I got Corona AGAIN need another week off
      No thanks pablo

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