
CRIME Shirt $21.68

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago
    sage this shit

    GPT is the worst kind of word soup, one that appears to make sense. Its only valid use is as a schizo post generator.

    • 2 months ago

      >Its only valid use is as a schizo post generator.
      weirdly accurate
      apparently training an AI on a large number of important books produces a schizo

      • 2 months ago

        >apparently training an AI on a large number of important books produces a schizo

      • 2 months ago

        ngl I met plenty of people saying moronic shit with the confidence of ChatGPT. quite often, and in many areas.
        at this moment ChatGPT is that moron who did read a lot of books but is weirdly still a drooling moron, can't do shit with it but at most regurgitate it. if you ask him to build something with what he learned he'll bsod

        • 2 months ago

          kinda this. it's like when they're presented with conflicting information, they chose what to trust randomly.

          • 2 months ago

            They don't choose, the trust what they encountered first.

        • 2 months ago

          Yes but people don't hype up morons to death like they do LLMs.

    • 2 months ago

      Its was never turtles, its schizos all the way down.
      I was just reading another discussion about GPT bots ruining nearly all online discussion.
      I have to agree that is mostly true. Its all word salad. Gibberish that buries, derails, disinforms, and overwhelms.
      Some of it is deliberately malicious, particularly when any discussion of social or political issues occurs. But I think a lot of it floods into other areas as well, including science boards, simply because those developing AI bots see all media as a perfect free testing and training ground for their creations.
      The effect is to make most online discussion uninteresting and unfulfilling, driving away those with something original and interesting to say, I am not so sure about the normies and schizos though, I dont think they realize what is happening, perhaps they are happy to engage with meaningless content.

      The question that arises now is where does all this lead us with respect to open discourse online?

      Here's a pause for thought. If Chatgpt and other AI bots drive away the educated and intelligent users, then its only left to interact with the ignorant, the mentally ill, and those of low intelligence.

      • 2 months ago

        >If Chatgpt and other AI bots drive away the educated and intelligent users, then its only left to interact with the ignorant, the mentally ill, and those of low intelligence.
        Frick artificial intelligence, IQfy had already achieved the same effect over a decade ago using genuine stupidity.

        • 2 months ago

          Yes. Although IQfy has always been the refuge for trailer trash tier troglodytes they could at least write in a somewhat human fashion. Likewise, even the ESLs, whose comprehension skills fall short of reaching classification as sentient life, still managed to convey a human tone.

          AI bots are different though. With the ESLs and trailer trash the point of any post usually sails so far over their heads it gathers interstellar dust, but unlike the AI their responses can be readily identified and ignored. The AI posts however give such a mixed up degree of mutilation, of common sense and grammatical construction, that it takes a moment of consideration to recognize them as such. Resulting in brain flatulence.

          But that really wouldn't be such a problem if the frequency of their posts were on a human scale. However the frequency of AI posts are increasing dramatically, effectively reducing forums from being barely digestible slop that nevertheless can still be consumed, into a sterile barren wasteland to be avoided. This convinces many of us that it is time to throw the women and children into the brine to make room on the lifeboats.

          Soon AI's will learn how to talk like trailer trash and ESLs. Telling people to frick their mothers, that they are schizo morons, to take meds, all while missing the point at near Earth orbit levels. Which is fine, but any creativity and original thought will by then have ceased to exist on any forum. No more gems to pluck from the coal face.

          • 2 months ago

            >The AI posts however give such a mixed up degree of mutilation, of common sense and grammatical construction, that it takes a moment of consideration to recognize them as such. Resulting in brain flatulence.

            It's like those AI-generated gibberish images. It gets through the first-pass filter of your brain because it has all the signs of semantic information, but upon inspection contains nothing.

            It's extremely aggravating because it wastes time. Your brain can't filter it. I wish we had a name for it

    • 2 months ago

      It can't even do simple Caesar encoding of a random text. At most it will print a description of the algorithm. If it tries it fails miserably.

    • 2 months ago

      I suspect a lot of the "people" we've interacted with on the internet over the last 10 years or so have been chatGPT-like LLMs. Some people confabulate and behave exactly like this and have for a while. They're like bots with biological bodies. The superficially intelligent and well constructed grammar and so on disguises that they just mindlessly pattern match and use semantic reasoning. I've thought about the relative paradise one would achieve by wiping them off the face of the earth more than once.

  2. 2 months ago

    if 2+2=5 then 2=2 must be false.
    this is a necessary result of AI getting programmed with schizo leftist fantasies

    • 2 months ago

      you dont know that.
      You spout the same logical nonsense as the AI does!

    • 2 months ago

      >if 2+2=5 then 2=2 must be false.
      You might as well say that if 2+2=5, then pigs could fly.

  3. 2 months ago

    I wonder what would happen if you ask it any other prime number.

  4. 2 months ago

    Why is it always assumed humans are correct and AI is wrong? Maybe it is right. Perhaps if we throw out 2 as a prime number, it will be easier to prove various prime number theorems.

    • 2 months ago

      There are infinitely many primes that are odd.
      Yet only one prime that is even.
      Mathematicians see no problems with this, even though it implies a specialness to the number 2 or even worse a specialness to a certain base system.
      Never made sense to consider it prime.
      >But muh heckin definition!?
      Who the frick cares? Modify the definition to say a prime number's only odd divisors are itself and 1.

      • 2 months ago

        The specialness is in the definition of even VS odd. If it is divisible by 2 then it is even. That's what makes 2 special. If I say class A, B, and C sets are numbers that have 0, 1, and 2 remainder when divided by 3 (Z_3), then there will only be one prime number in class A. Not special, just a consequence of combining the definition of odd/even with the set of primes.

        • 2 months ago

          it is special oddly enough
          2 has special place in the theorem of existence of primitive roots modulo n
          2 is necessary for fermat primes and ruler-compass constructions

          in both of these cases we have to care about 'odd primes', because 2 acts strangely, but these were the only examples I can think of

      • 2 months ago

        >Mathematicians see no problems with this, even though it implies a specialness to the number 2
        No, it doesn't. 3 is the only prime divisible by 3, 5 the only prime divisible by 5, etc.
        >or even worse a specialness to a certain base system
        It has nothing to do with the base

      • 2 months ago
        Cult of Passion

        >Never made sense to consider it prime.
        Huh, that would make Egyptian Math, powers of 2 up or down, a Prime base system.

    • 2 months ago

      > Maybe it is right. Perhaps if we throw out 2 as a prime
      Can somebody kill this Black person for me?

    • 2 months ago

      assuming for a second you're seriously asking, doing that breaks the fundamental theorem of arithmetic for all even numbers, which is kind of the most important prime number theorem there is

      • 2 months ago

        funnily enough, the consequence of this is that 2... actually becomes special again, as the only number whose multiples break the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. you can't actually make 2 "non-special" by making it non-prime

  5. 2 months ago

    >try to use hammer to insert a screw
    >screw breaks
    >blame hammer
    ChatGPT is made for language, not math

  6. 2 months ago

    Isn't the way people post GPT3 shit to prove AI is dumb prove the opposite? - As in they couldn't easily get GPT4 to say dumb shit (which is certainly possible). Considering the progression, GPT5 (coming in months) will be that much harder to fool and it's very likely that we're nowhere near peak AI .

    • 2 months ago

      I think whatever the frick they working on right now has some type of reasoning. curious to what degree. different than what LLM agents do now

      • 2 months ago

        they're just slapping on more models on top of more models and hoping it somehow gets it
        it'll be a frankenstein with no actual value

    • 2 months ago

      Exactly, and yet that is what morons cant wrap their stupid heads around. They point to any flaws in the present and can't see where its going in the future. Literally subhumans. I wouldn't mind their existence so much if only they kept their ignorant mouths shut but they cant even manage that.

    • 2 months ago

      Exactly, and yet that is what morons cant wrap their stupid heads around. They point to any flaws in the present and can't see where its going in the future. Literally subhumans. I wouldn't mind their existence so much if only they kept their ignorant mouths shut but they cant even manage that.

      Ask GPT4 to type "egypt" backwards.

      • 2 months ago

        It says "Tpyge"
        What is your point exactly?

        • 2 months ago

          ask it "consider the numbers 1 through 20. Which of them can be divided by 3 and also contain the digit 3? Both conditions need to be met. "

          • 2 months ago

            Ask it to take out the spade you shoved sideways up your ass.

          • 2 months ago

            Did it tell you that 12 answers the criteria too? Thought so.

          • 2 months ago

            Your refusal to adapt to new technology will leave you hopelessly behind your peers.

  7. 2 months ago

    Is this rather chatGPT version? Didn't they integrate it with wolfram alpha?

    • 2 months ago

      A recent* chatGPT version

  8. 2 months ago

    yeah but

  9. 2 months ago
    Anonymous Mogul

    Where's the lie?

  10. 2 months ago
  11. 2 months ago

    But IQfy told me GPT was going to replace mathematicians soon?

  12. 2 months ago

    If they just scraped a few more IQfy schizoposts I'm sure it'll be ready to become our post-scarcity glorious divine leader

  13. 2 months ago

    >No, 2 is not a prime number. By definition, a prime number is a positive integer greater than 1 that is divisible only by 1 and itself. While 2 is indeed a positive integer, it is divisible by 1 and 2, which means it has two divisors, not just 1 and itself. Prime numbers have exactly two distinct divisors, 1 and the number itself. Therefore, 2 is not considered a prime number because it does not meet this criterion.

  14. 2 months ago

    >literal ai generated post

  15. 2 months ago

    why is 1 not a prime? it's the most based number

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