>Been around for hundreds of years

>Been around for hundreds of years
>Only noteworthy piece of literature is about someone drowning themselves after a policeman tries to arrest him for killing and eating a sheep
Whats wrong with this place?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    They excel in cinema more.

    • 2 years ago

      No they don’t.

    • 2 years ago

      Lmao are you fricking serious mate? Our film industry is pathetic

      • 2 years ago

        Wolf Creek is as kino as a gory slasher flick will ever be.
        Also Walkabout, Animal Kingdom, the Proposition

        • 2 years ago

          Sweet Country was incredible

        • 2 years ago

          I'm sorry but the last great Australian film was Wake In Fright and that wasn't even directed by an Aussie. Our film industry is gutted

          Sweet Country was incredible

          Picnic at Hanging Rock
          The Last Wave
          The Proposition
          Holy trinity of Australian cinema

          • 2 years ago

            >The Proposition
            meh. only watchable because of nick cave

      • 2 years ago

        The Castle is a all time classic

    • 2 years ago

      I'm sorry but the last great Australian film was Wake In Fright and that wasn't even directed by an Aussie. Our film industry is gutted

    • 2 years ago

      You’ve gotta watch Wake in Fright

      Australia is almost definitionally a 'modern' country. We missed the boat on literary excellence. We have some great films but as others have pointed out the best are directed by foreigners. But then we are all foreigners really, so what's the difference? I am 'true blue' for all intents and purposes but even my family came here from NZ in the 80s. Places like Australia and Canada exist as sentient cancer growths off the body of a now dead empire. Not all nations are created equal. We have potential but there's no use comparing us to anywhere else. Anyway, read Damien McKenzie.

      • 2 years ago

        you make pretty funny youtubers, though

    • 2 years ago

      The Furnace is an amazing film btw

  2. 2 years ago

    nobody who lives in australia can read

  3. 2 years ago

    For most of that time the population of Australia was three farmers and a dingo.
    Also, physical isolation is an issue, you might be a bidding writer but the closest fellow budding writer is two hundred miles of desert away; you had to not only leave the country but travel to the other side of the world to study and bounce ideas of fellow writers.

  4. 2 years ago

    You’ve gotta watch Wake in Fright

    • 2 years ago

      Also Puberty Blues

      • 2 years ago

        about bogan girls being junkies and prostitutes?? riveting. so unique and different, couldn’t see that anywhere irl in the Illawarra or far western sydney

  5. 2 years ago

    Henry Lawson
    Banjo Paterson
    Patrick White

    • 2 years ago

      >Introducing a collection of short stories, Capajon, in 1933, Edward Garnett praised Hemingway's 'amazing power of suggesting more in three pregnant words than other authors do in ten', but shrewdly observed in passing that 'Lawson gets even more feeling observation and atmosphere into a page than does Hemingway'.

    • 2 years ago

      Embarrassing tripe.

  6. 2 years ago

    too busy mogging at music and sports

    • 2 years ago

      Name one good album to come out of Australia

      >muh tame impala
      >muh king jizzpants
      >muh powderfinger
      >muh midnight oil
      >muh ac/dc
      >muh avalanches
      >muh wiggles

      our music sucks.

      >implying anyone actually gives a shit

      • 2 years ago

        >grabs mic and wails like a skinned cat
        >GOIN ON SMOKO

        • 2 years ago

          Sheltered suburbanite.

        • 2 years ago

          lol. rofl, even.

          Sheltered suburbanite.

          huge homosexual

      • 2 years ago

        >Name one good album to come out of Australia
        Mine. I just haven't been discovered yet 🙁

        • 2 years ago

          Oh yeah, which one are you? Mouseatouille? gayon Dork?

      • 2 years ago

        >our music sucks.
        Stayin' Alive is one of the coolest songs ever made and the Bee Gees were raised in fricking Redcliffe of all places. Not to mention Icehouse, The Church, Silverchair, Crowded House, GANGgajang, Men at Work, INXS. You're just a massive americanised homosexual.

        • 2 years ago

          >Bee Gees were raised in fricking Redcliffe of all places

          Yeah I know, I walked past bee-gees way yesterday evening on the way to the rustic olive. The beegees suck and it's hilarious you think that stayin' alive is cool. The bands you've listed are all americanised shit, excluding maybe ice-house which do have some more krautrocky tracks. You're trying to prove Australia makes good music by listing the most generic pop shit to come out of here.

          • 2 years ago

            I think what would help Australia most is if you would have a nice day

          • 2 years ago

            Only good music to come out of your shithole are the Bee Gees and The Bad Seeds. Everything else is poofter shit from Melbourne Brisbane and Sidney. Die slow dog c**t.

          • 2 years ago

            I hate that as little as 6-7 years ago Brisbane would not be grouped in with Sydney and Melbourne, then 2016 happened and for some reason, our net export of homosexuals to Melbourne and Sydney slowed down and then eventually flipped and became a net import. I saw it happening before my eyes and understood at once that Brisbane was to fall. Our demise is formally sealed with the development of Queen's Wharf.

          • 2 years ago

            Mate you are too young. The first time I ever went to Brisbane was in 2008 and even then I knew that place was already fricked. Makes me sick to see how far Australia has fallen. I still remember how proud true blue Aussies were fricking up wogs at Cronulla.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah you're right, that might have just been when I became aware enough to notice but I still think that things sped up markedly in 2016.

          • 2 years ago

            I haven't been to WA but I've been everywhere else in this country and Brisbane is still the best major city by far. Sydney is the worst in my opinion.

          • 2 years ago

            You mean brain dead bogans were going around and attacking fathers with their children?
            I never understood this pride in being a low iq gronk. It's the real reason australia is such a shit hole
            >yeah mate putting your pay through the pokies is totally aussie culture!!
            >so is getting piss drunk and assaulting people
            You only have to look at the average advertisements in media to see how degenerated the general population is
            Start with the sports betting apps

          • 2 years ago

            >Gamble responsibly!
            >Drink responsibly!
            >Smoking causes cancer!

            The big corporations aren't at all fueling our vices because they are telling us to be responsible with how we consume their toxic products!

            Sarcasm aside, sports has become fricked as well. Footballers never used to get paid for playing, now nrl is a billion dollar industry - it's americanised. I used to be able to go to my local football field as a kid, and there'd be a football game on. My dad, his brothers, and his friends would bring and share a carton, and it wasn't illegal. Me and my cousins used to surf down the hill behind the grandstand on the cardboard from empty cartons. It was a harmless passtime where bogans of all class-rankings would attend. Now my local grounds has security, flashy lights, paid entry, you can't byo because they've added a bar now and you have to pay $10 for a plastic cup of beer. It's become something only accessible to the rich. Now the only way to watch a game with a bunch of strangers is to go to a bar, which means that you're surrounded in an environment of virtually limitless alcohol, which explains why there's so many more drunk bogans roaming the streets on weekends these days. Corporations saw an "untapped market" and decided to stick their talons in and bleed the thing dry.

          • 2 years ago

            Fricking scary seeing a post that humanizes IQfy posters. I live at Redcliffe and go to the Rustic Olive frequently. I reckon Whats in the pot down the arcade near the chippy is the better Italian though.

          • 2 years ago

            I think it's only scary because reddy is such an unknown place to most aussies, and it's where old people go to die, so you're unlikely to see it mentioned anywhere. If we both lived in Brisbane it'd be less scary. What's in the pot is a lot more comfy, I had a pizza there once.

            I think what would help Australia most is if you would have a nice day

            I don't think I have that big of an impact, but it's nice you think so

            I think what would help Australia most is if you would have a nice day

            I thought Nick Cave was from Melbourne? The bad seeds, grinderman, all those bands are just quirky, they're not actually good.

            Has nobody ITT actually read banjo Patterson?
            Australia produces poets

            We had to read some of his poems in school, but as a 14 year old I thought poetry was "gay" and didn't engage with it well.

            I haven't been to WA but I've been everywhere else in this country and Brisbane is still the best major city by far. Sydney is the worst in my opinion.

            Agreed. I think Perth would be better than Brisbane, if not better, because of how removed it is from the rest of Australia. I haven't been there, but all my friends from there are legends.

            >Best selling fiction was written by a roastie during the late sexual revolution

            I see this b***h's books everywhere at second hand stores but never pay them any attention. Seems like the Dan Brown of Australian fiction

          • 2 years ago

            >I don't think I have that big of an impact, but it's nice you think so
            Self-hating, above it all, le nothing to be proud of in this country homosexuals drag us down just as much as every zogged out melbourne degenerate, so yeah, if you and your ilk all killed themselves we'd be in a much better place.

          • 2 years ago

            Friend, recognizing that Australian culture is cancerous and needs to change does not make one the same as the melbournite hipsters.
            Australian culture is manufactured by the media and corporations. From drinking to sports to 4wding to gambling. Everything.
            The idea that someone who doesn't work a trade isn't a man. The separation between the educated and the uneducated.
            I'd rather be a self hating Aussie (there is a lot to hate, because I have pride as an Australian and want to see this country be as best as it can be) than some crab in the bucket c**t who denigrates anyone who wishes more from life than getting drunk and watching channel 7/9/10 all afternoon.

          • 2 years ago

            OK, and? You literally just projected all of that shit onto me.

          • 2 years ago

            It was directed towards everyone who uses "self hating aussie" as some kind of insult. If you are Australian but don't hate the sorry state of Australian culture you are just another gronk who should move to Mt druitt and cancel your Internet connection.

          • 2 years ago

            You can hate the sad state of affairs in Australia without being self hating you dumb cringe homosexual

          • 2 years ago

            >I don't think I have that big of an impact, but it's nice you think so
            Self-hating, above it all, le nothing to be proud of in this country homosexuals drag us down just as much as every zogged out melbourne degenerate, so yeah, if you and your ilk all killed themselves we'd be in a much better place.

            Lol you'll find any reason to get mad at someone. What a wanker. Also we don't use 'homosexual', real Aussies call each other pooftah

          • 2 years ago

            Cringe post.

            He won't get it, anon. These homosexuals unironically think 80s pop is the height of our culture; they persist that the bee gees are something to be proud of.

            What I love about Australians is our ingenuity and our underdog spirit. We used to truly be an island separated from the rest of the world, we had our own unique stories and experiences, we solved problems in a unique way and never cared what other countries were doing. My granddad was a voracious reader and a tradie. He built his own house and constantly renovated it, up until his death. He tried to get my boomer dad, uncles and aunts to read War and Peace, because it was his favourite book, and they said "frick that, look at how bloody thick it is". My father's generation were raised on TV, indoctrinated to think that they should spend their Friday nights getting drunk and doing drugs.

            The world became far more connected in the 40s, and our culture has declined in value since. Now only a remnant of our original ingenuity remains. I think our scientists and engineers are still a creative bunch, but our culture doesn't celebrate those achievements. Instead, we praise any athlete who makes it to the olympics, and if they get a place then it's some huge fricking accomplishment that you hear the world over for the next month. If not that, then the c**ts on triple J will laud some new homosexual teenage rapper who's making the same Black person-shit you can hear the world over. We invented wi-fi for frick's sake, but John Howard, the great economic manager that he is, gave away that technology for free, no patents at all. Barely anyone here even knows wi-fi was developed in Australia, they keep that hidden and instead prop up sports because it keeps the population aiming towards something fruitless.

            Our media celebrates sports, drugs, and sex, and so that is regrettably what our culture has degenerated into. Wanting to improve yourself in any way that isn't physical makes you an outcast here. Even at university you're lucky to find a handful of people who actually want to study for the sake of the content. I graduated a few years ago now and I was lucky to meet 4 other people who actually enjoyed the content and would discuss it in our free time. I'm glad arts degrees went up in price, from conversations I've had, the people studying literature barely read the assigned readings, and the people studying art opt for being "wacky" and "cooky" instead of being good. The others are only at uni to get a high-paying corporate sinecure that can finance an addiction to cocaine and mdma. Over the past 2 decades, education has went from being a place of exploration and creativity to a place of manufacturing job-ready drones, all thanks to Howard, and then Turnbull when he brought in Gonski 2.0. The homosexual you're replying to will probably complain that I'm looking favourably upon Rudd/Labor, because unlike him I experienced and read the difference in policy.

            Based post.


            Extremely based post. Frick you Mrs Ross you c**t teacher for not letting me read this series because "I'm too immature".

          • 2 years ago

            He won't get it, anon. These homosexuals unironically think 80s pop is the height of our culture; they persist that the bee gees are something to be proud of.

            What I love about Australians is our ingenuity and our underdog spirit. We used to truly be an island separated from the rest of the world, we had our own unique stories and experiences, we solved problems in a unique way and never cared what other countries were doing. My granddad was a voracious reader and a tradie. He built his own house and constantly renovated it, up until his death. He tried to get my boomer dad, uncles and aunts to read War and Peace, because it was his favourite book, and they said "frick that, look at how bloody thick it is". My father's generation were raised on TV, indoctrinated to think that they should spend their Friday nights getting drunk and doing drugs.

            The world became far more connected in the 40s, and our culture has declined in value since. Now only a remnant of our original ingenuity remains. I think our scientists and engineers are still a creative bunch, but our culture doesn't celebrate those achievements. Instead, we praise any athlete who makes it to the olympics, and if they get a place then it's some huge fricking accomplishment that you hear the world over for the next month. If not that, then the c**ts on triple J will laud some new homosexual teenage rapper who's making the same Black person-shit you can hear the world over. We invented wi-fi for frick's sake, but John Howard, the great economic manager that he is, gave away that technology for free, no patents at all. Barely anyone here even knows wi-fi was developed in Australia, they keep that hidden and instead prop up sports because it keeps the population aiming towards something fruitless.

            Our media celebrates sports, drugs, and sex, and so that is regrettably what our culture has degenerated into. Wanting to improve yourself in any way that isn't physical makes you an outcast here. Even at university you're lucky to find a handful of people who actually want to study for the sake of the content. I graduated a few years ago now and I was lucky to meet 4 other people who actually enjoyed the content and would discuss it in our free time. I'm glad arts degrees went up in price, from conversations I've had, the people studying literature barely read the assigned readings, and the people studying art opt for being "wacky" and "cooky" instead of being good. The others are only at uni to get a high-paying corporate sinecure that can finance an addiction to cocaine and mdma. Over the past 2 decades, education has went from being a place of exploration and creativity to a place of manufacturing job-ready drones, all thanks to Howard, and then Turnbull when he brought in Gonski 2.0. The homosexual you're replying to will probably complain that I'm looking favourably upon Rudd/Labor, because unlike him I experienced and read the difference in policy.

          • 2 years ago

            >These homosexuals unironically think 80s pop is the height of our culture; they persist that the bee gees are something to be proud of.
            Stopped reading here because I'm assuming that just like this, this pathetic wall of text is entirely projections and strawmans.
            The c**t literally said we have no good music, I rattled off a few, and that was enough for him and you to trot out the same tired angst about how shit everything is in Australia that I grew out of when I was 20

            Lol you'll find any reason to get mad at someone. What a wanker. Also we don't use 'homosexual', real Aussies call each other pooftah

            >wahh wahh we have nothing good everything in australia is LE BAD
            I hate homosexuals like that and I hate homosexuals like you too

            Cringe post.

            Based post.

            Extremely based post. Frick you Mrs Ross you c**t teacher for not letting me read this series because "I'm too immature".

            See above

          • 2 years ago

            Aussie music is shit though. Fricking midnight oil all they do is sing about how white people are evil and everything should be given to coons.

          • 2 years ago

            excuse my c**t but kerser is an Aussie music legend

          • 2 years ago

            Aussie rap is so lame. I still cringe thinking back to my lad phase where I listened to NTER and the sydney searchaz.

          • 2 years ago

            Kerser is the sickest like turtles are the quickest.


            >Been around for hundreds of years
            >Only noteworthy piece of literature is about someone drowning themselves after a policeman tries to arrest him for killing and eating a sheep
            Whats wrong with this place?

            Patrick White and now JM Coetzee. We’re swimming in Nobel laureates in lit.

          • 2 years ago

            >JM Coetzee
            You know full well that doesn't count.

          • 2 years ago

            He’s Australian now and his newer novels speak to a sort of post syndicalist quasi-purgatory, which might be the logic of Australian unionism, something that nullifies any socialism scientific or utopian. Also we have Brian Castro, Peter Carey, David Malouf, Alexis Wright, and Miles Franklin.

          • 2 years ago

            HWNBA (he will never be australian)

          • 2 years ago

            Mate that’s bloody un-Australian of ya to think in such terms. I know he’s ethnically Dutch, but those people are welcome here.

          • 2 years ago

            extremely based.
            >and the people studying art opt for being “wacky” or “cooky” instead of being good
            there’s a general idea in australia that art is either for ‘poofs’ or it’s something easy and anyone can do it, so it’s not worth the accolades or attention. being ‘weird’ and artsy fartsy makes you stand out enough here that you don’t have to be good on a mainstream scale. it’s enough for most artists here to be recognised within their bumpkin town, but the people who actually have talent and potential don’t ever stay here because the pond is too small and the money dries up fast (e.g. the hemsworths would never be as famous as they are if they never left australia)
            it feels like australia is simultaneously on the precipice of a great renaissance and about to bury its creativity in an unmarked grave. time will tell. but because of this hesitance to cultivate a literary/creative arts scene for decades now, we will never be able to catch up to let alone keep pace with the international market, which is mainly dictated by american trends and interests

          • 2 years ago

            >it feels like australia is simultaneously on the precipice of a great renaissance and about to bury its creativity in an unmarked grave.
            Well put. Funnily enough I don't spend all that much time complaining about it and "self-hating" as the other numpty says, I spend more free time trying to create something that I genuinely think has artistic merit. I come to IQfy when I'm in a slump because I can often mull over ideas and get raw perspectives. I don't think I'm particularly talented, which is probably a good mindset because it makes me strive to always improve what I'm doing, it makes me question if what I've made is actually good or if it's garbage that needs to be polished. I only doubt myself because I compare what I make to the greats of antiquity; if I compared it to the 'local scene' then without question I would think I'm top shit and resort to producing garbage.

            >The homosexual you're replying to will probably complain that I'm looking favourably upon Rudd/Labor, because unlike him I experienced and read the difference in policy.
            You don't know anything about the Labor Party and the Australian labour movement beyond what you've seen on the Friendlyjordies youtube channel. If you did, you would know Labor have had just as big a part in selling Australia out to globohomosexual neoliberalism as the Liberal party.

            I've read John Howard's biography and I've read Rudd's second biography. The latter showed far more substance as far as what the government actually did under Rudd vs Howard.

            I understand that autobiographies are going to be biased, verging on self-hagiography, which is why I read both of them - get both perspectives. If you're PM of Australia, you're probably going to want to talk about your achievements, and it seems like Rudd just did more of value. Howard's claim to fame was banning guns and gst, which ironically are by definition, not liberal policies. The LNP is not even consistent with its message, whereas labor has a history of battling for worker's rights, as well as just introducing policy that benefits everyone. Isn't it the case that the minimum wage recently went up bc of albo? All Scomo was going to do was give poor people a 1-off piss-poor payment, while simultaneously giving rich c**ts (10% of the people) permanent tax cuts. Oh but ignore that, because both parties bad!!! (as a side note, the "both bad" is a run-off of moronic obsessions with american politics, which was by design going to be a two-party one-doctrine system).

            As for friendlyjordies, he's... ok. I think his standup shows are well-written and well-performed, but his videos have been soulless shit for a few years now because he's trying to appeal to the algorithm instead of just releasing more yilmaz. Sad!

            Yeah, this is definitely a Friendlyjordies watching pseud

            back to plebbit with you!

          • 2 years ago

            For my first paragraph, I forgot to give context that it's no good complaining, and that if we want to see a 'great renaissance' then we have to do what we can to push it into being by creating what we think that would look like.

          • 2 years ago

            >whereas labor has a history of battling for worker's rights, as well as just introducing policy that benefits everyone. Isn't it the case that the minimum wage recently went up bc of albo? All Scomo was going to do was give poor people a 1-off piss-poor payment, while simultaneously giving rich c**ts (10% of the people) permanent tax cuts. Oh but ignore that, because both parties bad!!!

            Bob Hawke and Paul Keating deliberately destroyed Australia's industrial base, and a large chunk of the working class, during the 1980s and 1990s. They implimented "free trade," privatisation and financialisation of Australia's economy on an unprecedented scale. It was the exact same policies that "conservatives" like Reagan and Thatcher were doing overseas. They are almost solely responsible for turning Australia into a mining camp with a country attached to it. All Howard did was finish filling in the grave by diluting the bargaining power of the Australian worker with mass immigration from India and China.

            How many years is it going to take for you to realise that Liberal and Labor are different arms of the same parasitic clique? Frick man, it took me three federal elections before I realised that voting wasn't going to change a thing.

          • 2 years ago

            >How many years is it going to take for you to realise that Liberal and Labor are different arms of the same parasitic clique? Frick man, it took me three federal elections before I realised that voting wasn't going to change a thing.
            Unfortunately this is neither covered in the john howard or kevin rudd autobiographies or on Friendlyjordies.

          • 2 years ago

            Bob Hawke was a CIA shill and he is only revered today because he drank alcohol.

            >How many years is it going to take for you to realise that Liberal and Labor are different arms of the same parasitic clique? Frick man, it took me three federal elections before I realised that voting wasn't going to change a thing.
            Unfortunately this is neither covered in the john howard or kevin rudd autobiographies or on Friendlyjordies.


          • 2 years ago

            >The homosexual you're replying to will probably complain that I'm looking favourably upon Rudd/Labor, because unlike him I experienced and read the difference in policy.
            You don't know anything about the Labor Party and the Australian labour movement beyond what you've seen on the Friendlyjordies youtube channel. If you did, you would know Labor have had just as big a part in selling Australia out to globohomosexual neoliberalism as the Liberal party.

          • 2 years ago

            >duuurrrrrr both parties bad so I’m right
            way to tell all of IQfy you don’t know what you’re talking about

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, this is definitely a Friendlyjordies watching pseud

          • 2 years ago

            Dont remind them of the carbon tax lel.

          • 2 years ago

            I think it's only scary because reddy is such an unknown place to most aussies, and it's where old people go to die, so you're unlikely to see it mentioned anywhere. If we both lived in Brisbane it'd be less scary. What's in the pot is a lot more comfy, I had a pizza there once.

            I don't think I have that big of an impact, but it's nice you think so

            I thought Nick Cave was from Melbourne? The bad seeds, grinderman, all those bands are just quirky, they're not actually good.

            We had to read some of his poems in school, but as a 14 year old I thought poetry was "gay" and didn't engage with it well.

            Agreed. I think Perth would be better than Brisbane, if not better, because of how removed it is from the rest of Australia. I haven't been there, but all my friends from there are legends.

            I see this b***h's books everywhere at second hand stores but never pay them any attention. Seems like the Dan Brown of Australian fiction

            I live in Redcliffe too.... You guys wanna meet up or something? Exchange shit we wrote. Write something together?

          • 2 years ago

            >You guys wanna meet up or something?
            Hahaha, with a stranger from IQfy? Never!

      • 2 years ago

        every album by TISM you c**t

        • 2 years ago

          lol, wrong again, but you did just remind me that passenger of shit exists, so we do have some good music

          • 2 years ago

            >he doesn't drive a truck
            this is also fine
            >searched the approximate name of wanking shit for life
            I've seen some shit
            also, honourable mention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LAD6Im6jrA

      • 2 years ago

        >Name one good album to come out of Australia
        Cosmic Psychos - Go The Hack

  7. 2 years ago

    publishing industry is dominated by caucasian women older than asbestos who are looking to publish the next liane moriarty or tim winton novel set either on the beach or a desert town rather than bothering to nurture newer, versatile talent that can compete on a global scale
    popular literature that ‘does extremely well’ in australia doesn’t even scratch the lower rungs of success when ported to either America or Britain (bigger population that has wider genre interests and fast moving trends, e.g. aussie science fiction is one genre that is incredibly popular overseas). atp it’s too late in the game to change that, so talent gets poached by americans and australia keeps reading the dry.
    not only this, but conservative governments have destroyed every opportunity for the arts to flourish in the country. all opportunities for writing development comes from individual sources and organisations (like university presses and non-profit writing associations). it’s a nanny state populated by yobbos, completely creatively bankrupt and uninterested in developing a culture beyond alcoholism, stereotyping and ‘larrikin’ behaviour
    it’s origins as ‘Australia’ are based on inbred, uneducated convicts and prison wardens. what did you expect?

    • 2 years ago

      Recommend some aussie sci-fi please?

      • 2 years ago

        recently got recommended Salt by Gabrielle Lord and The Sea and Summer by George Turner. Read On the Beach by Nevil Shute ages ago; it’s a bit slow in parts, but it’s an interesting look at nuclear destruction from the Australian perspective with a tone reminiscent of Ballard’s cli-fi novels.
        These are post-apocalyptic works from before the 2000s, but try them on for size anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        Permutation City by Greg Egan

      • 2 years ago

        Peter Carey's early short stories are pretty close to the science fiction of JG Ballard. I'd recommend the collections The Fat Man in History, and War Crimes. I'm not sure if either of them is still in print, though.

    • 2 years ago

      >but conservative governments have destroyed every opportunity for the arts to flourish in the country.
      What? It was Whitlam and Keating that tore the guts out of the creative industries here. Whitlam in particular set up his little film board so that the only movies that could ever get made were either "muh abos" or "muh gallipoli".

      • 2 years ago

        Keating and Whitlam are conservative government, anon.

  8. 2 years ago

    Bluey is currently the most influential children's show. Cope and seethe, yankee doodles. It's time for you to get off IQfy and start looking up how to make lamingtons and import vegemite for your kids' brekkie. You WILL learn what a bush wee is in this lifetime. You WILL explain to your kids why smoko is sacred. You WILL be begged for a dog just like Bluey, crushing your dreams of buying an American, toddler-eating pitbull.

    Your future is Aussie.

  9. 2 years ago

    The smartest man alive is from Australia

    • 2 years ago

      >he's still asian

      • 2 years ago

        that's 100% australian phenotype

        • 2 years ago

          lol not even a little bit.

          • 2 years ago

            >implying australians aren't a chinese colony

        • 2 years ago

          Are you moronic

          • 2 years ago

            I'm from melbourne and I have never seen another anglo

          • 2 years ago

            We have to embrace multiculturalism bro. This isn't really targeted at you but I might as well reply to you, so don't take it personally. We have to embrace multiculturalism for the simple point that there is no going back. It's happened. The ethno state isn't going to happen. You have to embrace multiculturalism and put your effort towards love and making something beautiful out of this new world order. There is so much potential to be realised, there is no use in living a miserable life thinking about the past. Be a part of the new wave. Love the new wave. Up the Blues and frick the Storm and frick AFL.

          • 2 years ago

            I was merely memeing I don't really care about race but I don't have to embrace multiculturalism either
            >white australia policy resulted in a lower immigration and thus higher pay for domestic workers
            black white or yella frick off we're chockablock

          • 2 years ago

            Nothing beautiful will emerge from our country being a dumping ground for the cheap labour of Asia, ruled over by a corrupt elite that despises our history and culture. The subtext of multiculturalism is that there's no culture or community worth joining in Australia, so why even bother to integrate? I'm only half Anglo myself, and this shit makes my blood boil.

  10. 2 years ago

    It's a pity that as soon as Australia was starting to develop a unique literature of its own, we got turned into American 2.0. The intellectual class here claims to be anti-American, but uncritically sucks down every moronic theory and social trend shat out by the US intelligensia. As a result pretty much all Australian literature written after the 1970s is complete garbage. Even the good authors from that time have been subverted by the eternal Yank (Peter Carey being the worst example - from sharply satiric speculative fiction then to leftoid tracts today).

    • 2 years ago

      same for france

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong
      >under the shade of a coolibah tree
      >he sang as he watched and waited til his billy boiled
      >you'll come a waltzing matilda with me

      It's true, I live near Brisbane and there were women protesting that abortion shit here. A bill that passed in America, and mass crowds protesting it here. Everytime America does something moronic, I just compare it to some stupid action happening in a third world country no-one gives a shit about, it's so absurd to me that we have our noses so far up the seppo's asses. Gough Whitlam tried to save us, Malcolm Frasier sold this land to the devil.

      • 2 years ago

        The mutts have already got to you.

        • 2 years ago

          I see my folly and shall correct my ways henceforth. If it makes it better I still pronounce it arses, and I opt for "t" in lieu of "ed" endings for past participles were apt (e.g. spelt over spelled)

          • 2 years ago

            Gah! Fie! Inexcusable misspelling. Curse my fingers!

    • 2 years ago

      I unironically think Alexis Wright is a very good writer but that'll never be accepted on IQfy lol

      • 2 years ago

        absolutely. of the books I had to read in uni, the swan book is one I always enjoyed and would read again. but god forbid any homosexual on this romanian pubic hair weaving forum willingly engages with and actually likes something created by a ‘non-Anglo’

      • 2 years ago

        Carpentaria was pretty solid too!
        Had to read that for an Indigenous Lit class.

    • 2 years ago

      All the angophone countries are now just shitty adumbrations of America. This has been true to an extent for the past 80 years or so, certainly since hollywood; but it's got so much fricking worse lately.

      Anyway, nothing to do but accept it. The whole world's collapsing into a maelstrom—why exactly would being an island help against that?

      • 2 years ago

        >Anyway, nothing to do but accept it.

    • 2 years ago

      This. Our architecture was destroyed by mid-century modernisation/urbanisation as well. We no longer have a coherent architectural style.

  11. 2 years ago

    They just weren’t developed enough before the pozzed cutoff where all literature was ruined.

  12. 2 years ago

    >tfw our only great living author is now dead

  13. 2 years ago

    Bryce Courtenay
    I really like The Potato Factory

  14. 2 years ago

    Woolston is the future of Australian literature

  15. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >During his time at Cambridge he developed a romantic attraction to a young man who had come to King's College to become an Anglican priest.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh the same award they gave to Bob Dyan?

  16. 2 years ago

    Australia is just a slightly cooler Canada.

  17. 2 years ago

    uhhhh, op?

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        that's a big schnoz, must be cursed

  18. 2 years ago

    The only interesting Australian lit is historical literature. Theres a novel about the story of a group of convicts who escaped an open air island prison in Tasmania and resorted to cannibalism after becoming lost in the wilderness. The leader was then caught as the nly remaining member and escaped again with another convict who he also killed and ate.

    • 2 years ago

      It was made into a kino film

  19. 2 years ago

    >Patrick White
    >Gerard Murnane
    That's it but yeah.

  20. 2 years ago

    >australia has no literat-

  21. 2 years ago

    what is the book that OP is referring to

    • 2 years ago

      I thought he might be talking about Wake in Fright, I remember the policeman but I don't remember the book concluding with the protag drowning or killing a sheep.

    • 2 years ago

      waltzing matilda

  22. 2 years ago

    They are too extraverted/outgoers to be writers.

  23. 2 years ago

    Australia is a relatively young country with most of its culture just being downstream from elsewhere.

  24. 2 years ago

    I read Kenneth Mackenzie's The Young Desire It on an anon's recommendation. He will probably see this thread and this comment, so if he does, I'm the anon who was disgruntled at booktopia a few months back for taking so long to mail it. I rate it 7/10. Very, very cozy read. Reminded me a lot of my time boarding at an old private all boys school sans the sodomy and pederasty though a lot of borderline to straight up homosexual shit did go down.

  25. 2 years ago

    ur just a pleb homie. use the google search function next time

  26. 2 years ago


  27. 2 years ago

    Australians are too self conscious to make great art.
    As for film it's been completely gutted by grant agencies' agendas. It is impossible for a director's own vision to reach the screen under this system. As a medium Film is nowhere near to being as vital as it was even ten years ago.

  28. 2 years ago

    Has nobody ITT actually read banjo Patterson?
    Australia produces poets

  29. 2 years ago

    I am Australian and I will be publishing my works soon

  30. 2 years ago

    it's a penal colony

  31. 2 years ago

    I would also note that as one year olds don't tend to write, for the first hundred years or so most of our population were first generation immigrants- so they aren't often claimed as Australians.
    We also wash our hands of Aussies who piss off to live in the UK- we don't claim theirs neither.

  32. 2 years ago

    Should I write a story about being a Leb in Sydney?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah there was that book about being Viet in Cabbra that won a bunch of prizes. Might as well go for it. Just don't make it too good or they'll never read it. Gotta dumb it down for the publishers.

    • 2 years ago

      >be me
      >some guy on the other side of the street looks at my girl, maybe idk cuz
      >"Oy, you wanna go cuz?"
      >He looks at me and looks away
      >I'm fricking fuming, this pussy homosexual just looked at my girl
      >Cross the street, some old c**t in a toyota almost hits me but I death stare him and he stops
      >"Oi c**t what do you think you're doing looking at my girl like that?"
      >"I didn... what?"
      >Land a perfect hit right in the centre of his face
      >He goes down almost instantly
      >Call up my cousins and brothers for back up
      >In 2 minutes I've got the whole family caving this guy's head in on the sidewalk

      • 2 years ago

        >WRX drives down the street with the windows down

  33. 2 years ago

    Can I get some actual Australian books that aren't just "dude outback"?
    Read some truly shit ones in highschool and I genuinely wonder what the state was thinking when they put them on the essential reading list.

    • 2 years ago

      Helen Garner writes about being a heroin junky hipster in 70s Melbourne if that's more your speed

      • 2 years ago

        Eh, more so I want to read a book that's not about Australia if that makes sense.

        • 2 years ago

          Matthew Reilly?

          • 2 years ago

            Which of his books are good?

  34. 2 years ago

    its a colonialized area whomes purpose is to serve the interest of the crown (i.e. the commonwealth)

  35. 2 years ago

    OP is wrong part 1

  36. 2 years ago

    OP is wrong part 2

  37. 2 years ago

    OP is wrong part 3

  38. 2 years ago

    OP is wrong part 4

  39. 2 years ago

    OP is wrong part 5

  40. 2 years ago

    OP is wrong part 6

  41. 2 years ago

    And just so OP knows he's wrong let's include IQfys homegrown aussie legend

    • 2 years ago

      OP is not only wrong he's stupidly wrong


      OP BTFO

    • 2 years ago

      The location in the cover photo is literally a kilometer from my house. One day I'm going to recreate that shot, but with a post-it note added in one corner with "Frick off Lewis".

      • 2 years ago

        Do it homosexual

  42. 2 years ago

    OP is not only wrong he's stupidly wrong

  43. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      He lives in Australia but you can't really call him Australian in any meaningful sense

      • 2 years ago

        Why not

        • 2 years ago

          >some kind of mystery meat asian c**t
          Cos he's not a-fricking-'strayan!

  44. 2 years ago

    at least you have DankPods

  45. 2 years ago

    >Best selling fiction was written by a roastie during the late sexual revolution

  46. 2 years ago

    Sadly Australian "culture" has always been the culture of scum criminals and drunken miners. Miners were chained to trees by the friends so they wouldn't fall down holes and die while drunk. This was only like 100 years ago.

  47. 2 years ago

    This was a fun read when I was a kid. Only the first one though.

  48. 2 years ago

    A friend of mine says Gerard Murnane is the best australian writer but I've never read him. Any australianons wanna comment on that?

  49. 2 years ago
  50. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Frick fantashit.

    • 2 years ago

      Literally the best Australian series, still have a poster set I ordered from scholastic for $2

    • 2 years ago

      Didn't know this was Aussie. Best post in the thread.

  51. 2 years ago

    >Whats wrong with this place?
    That truly is the problem. Most obvious answer: the southern hemisphere is upside down, people have more pressure in their brains. It's why the only native populations are primitive in comparison to even equatorial ethnics. So when northern ethnicites come down, they undergo strange cognitive transformations. It's more bearable in the tropics - there, the temperament is 'exotic.' Further down, into the strange climate, people become quite literally insane. Australia has one of the most fervent acceptance rates for the vaccine. That's the direct result of a fundamental way of being. I've had dreams about explorers still with their low density european tongues and minds, discovering an island in the south pacific and having an interdimensional experience with some 'prehistorical source' drive them to total exclusion from the understanding of their fellow men. In reaction to the dearth of genuine individual vivacity here, I believe Australia is a literal land boat, a kind of forgotten arc, that is only temporarily housing people not just in space, but between times (eg. hypermodern developments built upon dinosaur earth, foregoing the 'planting roots' phase that takes at least 500 years) until some cataclysm that will lead the most noble on a trek into the north, through the tropics, the asiatic jungles, all the way into hyperborea, like seeds in the wind, avenging the forests burned down by the natives, and the wretch instantiated by civilization. Hair sunbleached, golden skin, strange language.
    Inherently, there's nothing *living* to salvage here outside of raw materials besides the occassional prehistoric forest, which we should just leave untouched and unseen (see Picnic at Hanging Rock.) Worse, the previous inhabitants now have the displeasure of watching their previously oral culture become latinized by the mouths of McDonalds eaters with funny accents, and that latinized language fedback into 'culture' as if it were some revival of authentic nativity. All it means is more tourist boots in the national parks. More photos stealing the souls of the animals. People here can be based, too based for their own good, which is a bad thing if you want anything more than hard workers or battlers. Even effeminate gays are forced into cultural compliance wearing blundstones (made in china.) There's less appreciation here for the interpersonal climate necessary for 'artistic production' then there is in, say, texas. Any attempt is totally in vain - old women with a penchant for german romanticism, or the remnants of british gardening. Australia is basically a weathering hat. At best, any cultural output (past and future) is a nice patina finish on the not just the old world's, but the other colonial projects' leather, a variant, or style, a dialect - until we intiate our destiny: like ANZAC men in the wars for the british, now four ourselves: going walkabout across the entire planet. Desert vikings.

    • 2 years ago

      Based speculative poster.
      Can you elaborate on what your pic related seems to imply? Is an Australian "culture" in the Spenglerian sense nascent or even imaginable, and how should the termite mound be interpreted as its prime symbol?

    • 2 years ago

      Not a bad theory. But the internal skull pressure is silly. It's a result of the land. Australia is a living and breathing entity. It works it's way into the mind of it's inhabitants and changes them.
      The aboriginals were able to survive for so long because they surrendered themselves to the spirit of the land. European settlers resist it to a degree and it drives us mad as a result.

  52. 2 years ago

    Some very good poets. Apart from Paterson and Lawson I Love:

    Les Murray
    James McAuley
    A.D. Hope

    Also philosophy in Australia has been good. J.L Mackie, David Charmers, David Armstrong to name a few.

    Literature not so much.

  53. 2 years ago
  54. 2 years ago

    I reckon the Bulldogs are still crying from that absolute spanking Melbourne gave them last year.

  55. 2 years ago

    The fact that so many children's books have been posted in this thread is just another expression of the overwhelming feeling of insecurity and yes, "cultural cringe" every thinking Australian feels when he's asked to offer up the best his nation has to offer.
    Australians are culturally incapable of taking anything seriously, a fall into a practiced defense of "she'll be right" and "don't get so bothered mate" whenever they catch themselves expressing a genuine emotion. It's a brain-numbing combination of empty posturing and learned helplessness, and until Australians are able to express themselves without stumbling over their innate hang-ups and insecurities, we will have no true art. The only Australians that have come close to creating art were our (pre-modern) painters and sculptors, likely because they were shipped off to Europe and taught to give serious matters their due.

    • 2 years ago

      Rupert Bunny went to Europe, as you say. I attended a gallery exhibition in Rockhampton. It was so good.

  56. 2 years ago

    The last book written by an Australian that I read was Stasiland by Anna Funder and all I remember from that was when she got an interview with some Stasi guy who made her swear that she'd anonymise his interview but she decided not to afterwards because 'lol frick him'
    God I fricking hate that b***h so fricking much

  57. 2 years ago

    Get this in ya.

    • 2 years ago

      That's mostly south african literature

      • 2 years ago

        Thinking in terms of nationhood is dumb anyway. Think in terms of glocalities.

        • 2 years ago

          >Thinking in terms of nationhood is dumb anyway. Think in terms of glocalities.
          Explain before I soγjack your post.

          • 2 years ago

            >Globalised economy
            >Metropolitan multiculturalism
            >Finance capital
            Are in direct contradiction with:
            >Nation states
            Even if you try to believe in nationhood, somewhere like France has a spectrum of speaking more standard French, to speaking something closer to Italian, until it is Italian across the border. On a literary level, it is not so clear cut. Economically, the nation can’t compete or else go to all out war during a crisis of capitalism and the accumulation of wealth in finance, which hungrily pits brother against brother. Thinking in terms of a geographical location within the global and local context is probably more accurate.

  58. 2 years ago

    a guy from my hometown wrote a story called
    'the merry-go round under the sea' which i think is beautiful, maybe you just have to be from geraldton to get it

    • 2 years ago

      also, randolph stow wrote many other novels and what about louis nowra? Im doing a production of cosi right now, it's a great play

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