Being in European tech is so tiresome

Is being a stem gay outside the US just a big meme (especially in Europe)?

90-100k€ (all-in, 40h) is considered as end game and ceiling for stem people (well, the good ones and even then only like 15% can reach this) in Germany, everyone else earns around 60-75k€ until they retire.
Renting a 50-60m2 flat costs you 1200-1500€ per month in big cities and only there you get proper jobs.
Take a look at this:
Doctors or lawyers make at least double, more likely triple of that.

Cannot win with stocks, cannot win with crypto, cannot buy real estate.
Cannot do anything even as a top earner at MANGA/gayMAN (which only nets you 10-15% more than pic related).
>no tariff
>workload more than 40h/w although you are paid only for 40h
>it's expected that you are reachable 24/7 and to work on the weekend
>managment decisions are all done in the US
>although hire&fire is not possible in Europe, the mentality stays the same and pip culture makes your life hell
>located mostly in the most expensive cities in Europe (Dublin, London, Munich, Zurich) and COL + taxes + housing market will frick you up
>only advantages RSU and other stock options get destroyed by European socialism tax

What am I supposed to do?
Consume and waste my money?
Slave forever in my job and be happy to own nothing?

INB4 some gay recommends remote work in a low-cost area.
None of the big companies allow you to work full remote, it's always 3-4 office days and 1-2 home office days.
And before you recommend Meta or some US startups, Meta has a hire freeze and for everything else that's even less likely than getting into gayMAN itself here in Europe.

Your parents should have forced you to swallow the med or law pill.
TFW you will never make it in Europe without being born into old money.

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    to this day I dont understand why companies just have to have offices in the worst places.
    like, they dont pay more or provide housing, no they expect you to find something in a place filled with big companies (munich alone has apple, intel, nvidia, ibm, bmw, microsoft, bosch, siemens and many more) and gladly pay stupid amounts of money for their office palaces.
    apple alone invested 1 billion $ into a new office in the MIDDLE OF THE CITY.
    remote no.
    office in a more quiet and cheaper place no.
    wasting tons of money?

    not only Europe is to blame here, companies are also fricking moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      nakadashi effy

      >not only Europe is to blame here, companies are also fricking moronic
      dont work for them then?
      embrace the neet life

      stop shitting up the board with your bawwwing and go to [...]

      cannot shit up something, when's already full of shit. IQfy in 2022

    • 2 years ago

      Why do you keep track of money with precision of 5 decimal places, and why do you use a comma to separate the 1/1000 decimal place from the 1/10000 decimal place

      • 2 years ago

        In case you're not baiting: in a lot of countries people use . and , contrary to the way they're used in e.g. the US, i.e. dot separates 1000, meaning he kept track of money with a precision of 2 decimal places.

    • 2 years ago

      >earn 105k
      >government steals 48k for Black person gibs
      top kek

      • 2 years ago

        >Black person gibs
        >How to spot an American
        Here's what my 52k wage is spent on.

        >9k tax
        >4.8k for elderly insurance (you basically get free gibs for the rest of your life when you become old)
        >600€ work insurance (you get free gibs to the amount of 80% what you earned if you manage to somehow lose your job)
        >4k health insurance (you don't have to pay ANY extra costs, it covers anything aside from purely cosmetical shit)
        >800€ cripple insurance, in case you somehow become a cripple you also get free gibs for the rest of your life

        The rest of the money (32k) belongs to me. It may seem extremely low but it's enough to live absolutely comfy and still have 1-1.5k remaining money per month to save up. Note, this is just an entry-level wage

        • 2 years ago

          >>4.8k for elderly insurance (you basically get free gibs for the rest of your life when you become old)
          now you are larping. the german rent system is a ponzi scheme and will collapse in the 2030s. you will not see any money you've ever paid in.
          >>600€ work insurance (you get free gibs to the amount of 80% what you earned if you manage to somehow lose your job)
          only for a year, it has a max level and after that its hartz4, but only if you don't have any savings, else you get nothing.
          >>4k health insurance (you don't have to pay ANY extra costs, it covers anything aside from purely cosmetical shit)
          need someone else but a general practitioner? wait 3-6 months for an appointment.
          and btw, almost every proper company has insurance in the states, you only pay maybe 50-500$.
          i will gladly do so when i earn three or four times more than an stupid socialist europoor.
          >>800€ cripple insurance, in case you somehow become a cripple you also get free gibs for the rest of your life
          enjoy living like wienerroach.
          >The rest of the money (32k) belongs to me. It may seem extremely low but it's enough to live absolutely comfy and still have 1-1.5k remaining money per month to save up. Note, this is just an entry-level wage
          wow dude, you save 1k per month.
          now thats a happy life, maybe someday you will own a car.
          and btw, have fun buying some property when everything costs 500k€+ you stupid brainwashed moron.

          • 2 years ago

            >you only pay maybe 50-500$.
            Burger here, this will only get you shit tier insurance and definitely won't cover shit. So the eurocuck above you actually wins in that regard, it's cheaper and covers more. I'd be ready to accept 4-6months waiting time for that too

          • 2 years ago

            larping europoor
            not paying for insurance (i get that from my company), but paying for an ambulance, treatment or something like that you stupid c**t

          • 2 years ago

            That's not how much you pay for insurance, that's the co-pay.

          • 2 years ago

            >thinks anyone will fall for this

  2. 2 years ago

    stop shitting up the board with your bawwwing and go to


    • 2 years ago

      >med or law pill
      do you think what you described is any different for them, do you have any friends working in law or med? People working in med are fricking exhausted, every day for them is a burnout day.
      Every lawyer I know is depressed, American ones included.
      Stop being such a fricking baby with a sad.jpg save on your computer.

      Jesus Christ, you're such a fricking doormat.

      brown hands typed this

      >90-100k€ (all-in, 40h) is considered as end game and ceiling for stem people
      moron, das war einmal.
      selbst die großen wie daimler oder bosch vergeben maximal die eg15 noch, was 80-85k€ entspricht.
      wärste mal beamter im höheren dienst geworden, könntest auf kosten der allgemeinheit deine eier schaukeln statt hart schufften zu müssen.

      average med graduates end up earning around 150k€. the proper ones (which would be in line of the op gay's example of gayman/golden salary ceiling) earn 250k-300k++€ with their own medical practice, working 30-40h per week.
      the good lawyers end up as partners or atleast in big law office and earn around 200k€, but they also work 40-45+h per week.
      have both in my family and im a moron and chose computer science instead of going myself into med. op is a gay, but has valid points.

      wenn das stimmt, warum bin ich dann ingenieur geworden?
      ich hätte einfach nen scheiß lehrer werden können und so in irgendnem billigen dorf haus + grundstück + minimale arbeitszeit mir ergattern können.
      3500€+ netto, urlaub ohne ende und nie wieder hart arbeiten.
      das einzige was übrig bleibt ist quereinstieg, aber dann müsste ich mit 20-25 jährigen kevins und ahmeds in der berufsschule klar kommen.

      >be amerifat
      >need ambulance
      >dr shekelstein patches you up
      >this will 500k$
      >be broke
      yeah, i dont know about that

      >noooooo no the insurance, my company does not have any insurance
      >noooo college so expensive
      >noooo no one pays for sand Black folk there, thats like not fair ok
      nice eu propaganda soiboi

      • 2 years ago

        I'm icelandic, not brown. OP is moronic.

        • 2 years ago

          not in a relevant job, or even worse a neet.
          opinion discarded.

          • 2 years ago

            it is relevant since it's in tech and OP was crying about it like a baby

        • 2 years ago

          What's the situation in Iceland like? Is it better than in mainland Europe?

      • 2 years ago

        >wenn das stimmt, warum bin ich dann ingenieur geworden?
        Weil der Job immer noch weniger scheiße ist als vieles anderes.
        >ich hätte einfach nen scheiß lehrer werden können
        Jo dann musst du Bachelor Lehramt + Master Lehramt + Referandiat erfolgreich bestehen und das in einem vielseits gefragten Fach wie Mathe oder Physik. Und am besten hast du eine 2-Fach Spezialisierung weil sonst ist dein Lohn ebenfalls scheiße.

      • 2 years ago

        >aber dann müsste ich mit 20-25 jährigen kevins und ahmeds in der berufsschule klar kommen
        lol mann

  3. 2 years ago

    as much shit as you can talk about america at least you can be rewarded for busting your ass. in europe you bust your ass your whole life to just barely afford a house for 3 times the price and 1/3rd the size

    • 2 years ago

      my family owns 3 houses and 2 apartments
      have you tried not being poor?

      • 2 years ago

        i'm a homeowner. difference is that you got lucky instead of working hard like me, and my one home in California has more value than 9 homes in your shithole country. either way, pat yourself on the back. you'll never suffer in life.

    • 2 years ago

      >be amerifat
      >need ambulance
      >dr shekelstein patches you up
      >this will 500k$
      >be broke
      yeah, i dont know about that

      • 2 years ago

        more like:

        >get a bill for 500K
        >insurance pays for $499,950
        >you owe a $50 co pay

        You europoors really need to look up how insurance works in the US. If I moved to the UK and made the same amount I make here in the US I would pay right around 5 times MORE for health insurance then I pay now. You guys are so cucked you can't even realize that you are still paying for health insurance and paying more for it in the form of increased taxes. It's not free or cheap, stop pretending it is.

        • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            oh no he fell for the europoor insurance meme

          • 2 years ago

            t. amerishart

          • 2 years ago

            europoor in germanistan here.
            this dude is quite right though, the general health insurance is complete trash and quality is basically absent.
            Private insurance gets you to prolly to 10% of what you would get in other -less social- countries. The europoor insurance is literally to keep you alive, not to solve any of your health problems.

          • 2 years ago

            >European afternoon hours
            >muh us healthcare cope begins once again
            >I make only 100k euros yearly after 7 years of experience and pay 65% taxes and 25% VAT, but at least I don't have to pay $1000 per month towards my employer-sponsored health insurance plan.


            this resume is trash sir, you've taken what should be a plain document and turned into a react app. kindly consult the link below.

      • 2 years ago

        Frick off with your lustful material braindead coomer

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          You know why you call it bait? Because you're too fricking stupid to counter any criticism you have against the people who actually made the video. So you post inane shit on IQfy instead.

          • 2 years ago

            allow me to debunk a israeli new york comedian's take on america

          • 2 years ago

            He's just the presenter you stupid c**t.

          • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        The premise is mental illness already.

      • 2 years ago

        >The Gravel Institute
        L M A O

  4. 2 years ago

    >med or law pill
    do you think what you described is any different for them, do you have any friends working in law or med? People working in med are fricking exhausted, every day for them is a burnout day.
    Every lawyer I know is depressed, American ones included.
    Stop being such a fricking baby with a sad.jpg save on your computer.

    • 2 years ago

      >90-100k€ (all-in, 40h) is considered as end game and ceiling for stem people
      moron, das war einmal.
      selbst die großen wie daimler oder bosch vergeben maximal die eg15 noch, was 80-85k€ entspricht.
      wärste mal beamter im höheren dienst geworden, könntest auf kosten der allgemeinheit deine eier schaukeln statt hart schufften zu müssen.

      average med graduates end up earning around 150k€. the proper ones (which would be in line of the op gay's example of gayman/golden salary ceiling) earn 250k-300k++€ with their own medical practice, working 30-40h per week.
      the good lawyers end up as partners or atleast in big law office and earn around 200k€, but they also work 40-45+h per week.
      have both in my family and im a moron and chose computer science instead of going myself into med. op is a gay, but has valid points.

      • 2 years ago

        The sad thing with CS is that virtually anybody can learn it, so competition is rough. Go ahead and learn med or law with a MOOC, it devalues our profession.

        • 2 years ago

          >The sad thing with CS is that virtually anybody can learn it, so competition is rough.
          What competition? Bootcamp "graduates" aren't being taken seriously by companies and the number of normal graduates is far to low to fill job openings.

  5. 2 years ago

    Jesus Christ, you're such a fricking doormat.

  6. 2 years ago

    Europoors isn't just a meme

  7. 2 years ago

    Here in the UK it used to be that you would employ yourself as a consultant and avoid taxes that way, but then they introduced ir35 which broke that loophole and forced you to pay income tax the same as everyone else.
    At least corporate tax & CGT is quite low, meaning one could avoid egregious income taxes by starting their own business. Unfortunately, that's a hell of a lot harder to figure out than simply working for a big tech firm or being a consultant. Incidentally, all monied peoples have an army of tax specialists to pay the least amount of tax possible while running their business, whatever it may be.
    How is tax law for business in Germany and the wider EU?

  8. 2 years ago

    anon i swallowed the med pill and i can assure you it's not cool, the stress will kill you. i have to study 10 hours at minimum everyday if i want to stay at least no so behind. many people in my course started to get bald or fat, at the age of 24-25. i would glad stay behind a pc and get paid less.

    • 2 years ago

      Not OP, but stress from studying CS in one of those meme excellence universities had also made me fat and I started noticing mild signs of balding. Only after graduating did I lose massive amounts of fat and gained back hair (had to use minoxidil).
      I can only imagine how terrible it must be for you medgays when the minimum time to graduate is like 10 years.

  9. 2 years ago

    drink bleech

  10. 2 years ago

    >Cannot do anything even as a top earner at MANGA/gayMAN
    you can ask for an L1 visa and move to the US. all these companies will accept and it's much easier to get in than with an H1B. after that you stick with the same company for a while until you get a green card and then move on

    • 2 years ago

      The major problem is that Germany is an absolute hellscape. Go work in Sweden or some other nordic country, you get more money, less deductibles overall than in Germany, and a government that does not actually pour your taxes down the drain. Compared to Sweden, Germany looks and smells like India.

      Switzerland is nice too as there are way less deductibles coming off your higher salary. UK is a shithole too, but at least you get the chance to score a well paying job in London.
      Or, as pointed out, just go to the US. If you don't have a cushy government job, Germany is ass. Just get out.

      • 2 years ago

        >the only place with higher tax, worse slaray and more welfare than germany is sweden
        >go work there for more money
        >anon, did all the somalis rape you so often, that your brain does not work anymore?

      • 2 years ago

        Sweden is a hellhole thanks to feminists and migrants, and I say that as a migrant myself (in Germanistan). The place worth migrating to is Norway.

      • 2 years ago

        >Go work in Sweden
        oh boy, let's do this
        >you get more money, less deductibles overall than in Germany
        just no
        >and a government that does not actually pour your taxes down the drain
        nice to know the government won't be spending my tax money on importing Black folk and all their derivatives (sand Black folk, chink Black folk, complete Black folk, etc) to complete overwhelm my culture and let our kids get group raped at 10:00O'clock in the morning, let alone the whole lgbtq+ complete crap
        >Germany is ass. Just get out.
        On this, I must concur though

  11. 2 years ago

    Meanwhile, in america:


    • 2 years ago

      imagine comparing employed people with unemployed in order to prove the hell knows what

  12. 2 years ago

    >90-100k€ (all-in, 40h) is considered as end game
    My uncle is on 200k

  13. 2 years ago

    >90-100k€ (all-in, 40h) is considered as end game and ceiling for stem people (well, the good ones and even then only like 15% can reach this) in Germany, everyone else earns around 60-75k€ until they retire.

    You're actually moronic. Most people in the US make a similar salary, you're comparing people that work in FAANG with regular EU jobs, get a job at a top Finance company in London (HFT, Market Makers, etc) or at a FAANG company and you'll be making like 120-150k in your first couple of years going up all the way to 300k.

    In fact, I personally know a quant software engineer that made 600k last year (300k base, 300k bonus). And before you gays say I'm LARPing, google how much the top HRT firms pay their top quants and I AM NOT claiming that I'm making this much, I work a regular software engineering job and make 80k a year, but to pretend that STEM is a meme is moronic, it's just harder to get into the top paying jobs here than it is in the US because most of those companies have more offices in America than t hey do here. You're just a mediocre engineer and you're making a mediocre salary, just like mediocre engineers in the US make mediocre salaries.

    • 2 years ago

      >with regular EU jobs
      larping amerifat, in Germany 100k€ jobs are the top 10% jobs just like gayMAN

      >Renting a 50-60m2 flat costs you 1200-1500€ per month in big cities and only there you get proper jobs.
      If you wfh you can live in a exurbs for like 600€ a month.
      >Consume and waste my money?
      Correct. There is no FIRE in Euro-STEM.
      >None of the big companies allow you to work full remote, it's always 3-4 office days and 1-2 home office days.
      Then you are moronic. Look for companies that offer full-wfh.

      >Then you are moronic. Look for companies that offer full-wf
      yeah sure, work for your 3rd world start-up remote earning peanuts brainlet

      Not OP, but stress from studying CS in one of those meme excellence universities had also made me fat and I started noticing mild signs of balding. Only after graduating did I lose massive amounts of fat and gained back hair (had to use minoxidil).
      I can only imagine how terrible it must be for you medgays when the minimum time to graduate is like 10 years.

      The sad thing with CS is that virtually anybody can learn it, so competition is rough. Go ahead and learn med or law with a MOOC, it devalues our profession.

      >Doctors or lawyers make at least double, more likely triple of that.
      good, because they provide actual value compared to software engineers.
      It is just that tech is big inflated bubble in US and it's currently deflating so this is going to be soon reality for US engineers as well
      >Cannot win with stocks, cannot win with crypto, cannot buy real estate.
      you are not supposed to win, life is not casino
      you can buy real estate, not just in Münich downtown that you wanted
      >What am I supposed to do?
      you are supposed to find comfy job for american company that pays well and for that you don't need to get a job in gayMAN and move somewhere where is less expensive and actually enjoyable to live and that is outside of big cities. If you are still enamored with big cities and you are over 30, you are braindead, there is no hope for you.

      >CS graduates comparing themselves to doctors and lawyers

      >stem = code monkeys
      IQfy - full with retared neets and underaged tech consoomers

      • 2 years ago

        >>stem = code monkeys
        you better believe it

        t. no degree designing and setting up an infrastructure service after a year of generic web dev work
        we are coming for your jobs

      • 2 years ago

        >larping amerifat, in Germany 100k€ jobs are the top 10% jobs just like gayMAN

        Absolutely false lol. The starting salary for a grad at Google Munich is 120k

        • 2 years ago

          >2.5k for an apartment on average
          wow! great way to make money!

          • 2 years ago

            How much do you think living costs in California when you work for a FAANG company?

          • 2 years ago

            >130k usd is only available in commiefornia

          • 2 years ago

            Okay. Name a city in Americia where you can get 120k right after uni and that's cheap to live in and post proof.

          • 2 years ago

            you can literally make 160k remote working for ddg
            I dont need to search to find some specific shit thats everywhere

          • 2 years ago

            Philadelphia you can easily, I'm a moron who didn't even try and got $110k out of school fully remote. I have an apartment in the middle of the city for $1.3k.

        • 2 years ago

          >The starting salary for a grad at Google Munich is 120k
          why do you larp? its not even a good larp.
          new grads at faangs in munich start with 60-70k base salary and 10-20k stocks.
          new grads at european companies starts with 60-70k without stocks, because there are no stock options.
          add to that, that munich is the most expensive city in germany and that salary is complete garbage compared to the us new grads one.

          • 2 years ago

            >new grads at faangs in munich start with 60-70k base salary and 10-20k stocks.

            You're literally just talking out of your ass. it's 90k base + 30-40% bonus.

          • 2 years ago

            nice larp, now go back to grooming children on discord

          • 2 years ago

            nice larp, now go back to grooming children on discord

            Not the guy who you are replying too, but you are fricking moronic if you think FANG/Unicorns pay less than 100k for new grad technicals like Software and Electrical Engineers.

            Some of these companies pay fricking interns what equals out to be 90k a year to work for them over the summer.

            You can check or reddit cscareerquestions on their quarterly salary threads or on blind.

    • 2 years ago

      >In fact, I personally know a quant software engineer that made 600k last year (300k base, 300k bonus).
      Black person, do you know how hard it is to become a quant?

      • 2 years ago

        That's the fricking point you moron? How can you say "HURR DURR TOP JOBS ONLY EARN X AMOUNT" and then get told "Well actually this is the top job and it earns y amount" and then complain that that top job is too hard for you to get you fricking moron?

        Name any other career path where you can make this kind of money outside of being a world class surgeon with 30 years of experience or a managing partner at a giant legal firm

    • 2 years ago

      >I work a regular software engineering job and make 80k a year
      where ?
      I'm interested in immingrating to the UK for money. I need a work visa, and have a MD. How much can I ask for ?

      • 2 years ago

        What the frick is an MD? I make 80k in London with 3 years of experience doing C# and C++ (total comp 100k). It's hard to say whatt you could ask for because iti depends on what stack you work in, if you have any advanced degree/specialisation, what experience you have etc, but the general consesus is

        >Junior 35 to 45k
        >Mid level 45 to 65k
        >Senior 70k to 90k
        >Lead 90k to 120k

        These of course vary depending on your stack, industry, company etc, plus total comp might vary depending on how good to company bonus package is.

    • 2 years ago

      >top HRT firms

  14. 2 years ago

    >Renting a 50-60m2 flat costs you 1200-1500€ per month in big cities and only there you get proper jobs.
    If you wfh you can live in a exurbs for like 600€ a month.
    >Consume and waste my money?
    Correct. There is no FIRE in Euro-STEM.
    >None of the big companies allow you to work full remote, it's always 3-4 office days and 1-2 home office days.
    Then you are moronic. Look for companies that offer full-wfh.

  15. 2 years ago

    >you will NEVER rewatch skins again
    why even live?

    • 2 years ago

      would she rewatch it?

      • 2 years ago

        I recon the dude but not the girl beside.. Oh no i just read your filename... SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ANNOREXIC FUUUCK

        • 2 years ago

          you should join the occasional IQfy skins threads once one pops up

      • 2 years ago

        What the frick? How did she go from this at GoT season 5 premiere a few years ago to THAT?

        • 2 years ago

          Oh wait.. i know how it happened. She was dating the dude who played Sam Tarly in real life. Bet she picked up his eating habits

  16. 2 years ago

    >Doctors or lawyers make at least double, more likely triple of that.
    good, because they provide actual value compared to software engineers.
    It is just that tech is big inflated bubble in US and it's currently deflating so this is going to be soon reality for US engineers as well
    >Cannot win with stocks, cannot win with crypto, cannot buy real estate.
    you are not supposed to win, life is not casino
    you can buy real estate, not just in Münich downtown that you wanted
    >What am I supposed to do?
    you are supposed to find comfy job for american company that pays well and for that you don't need to get a job in gayMAN and move somewhere where is less expensive and actually enjoyable to live and that is outside of big cities. If you are still enamored with big cities and you are over 30, you are braindead, there is no hope for you.

    • 2 years ago

      >actual value
      Lawyer is the most useless necessity.

      • 2 years ago

        lawyer is more usles than the most bloated webshiter indian code monkey unfixable proprietary programmer.Because the webshit program actually does something useful compared to lawyer who leeches of other poeples work charges fees for permit to work and obstructs other poeple work who didnt pay enough.Also lawyer writes most moronic convoluted laws possible al in the effort to protect his guild .Lawyer also doesnt alow you do enter his proffesion.If lawyers wrote code it would be mother of all bloat locked hardware and if you tried to fiddle with it the company would be alerted and you would get sued.

      • 2 years ago

        lawyer is more usles than the most bloated webshiter indian code monkey unfixable proprietary programmer.Because the webshit program actually does something useful compared to lawyer who leeches of other poeples work charges fees for permit to work and obstructs other poeple work who didnt pay enough.Also lawyer writes most moronic convoluted laws possible al in the effort to protect his guild .Lawyer also doesnt alow you do enter his proffesion.If lawyers wrote code it would be mother of all bloat locked hardware and if you tried to fiddle with it the company would be alerted and you would get sued.

        t. triggered Code Monkeys
        you will never be respected in society like lawyers or doctors are

        • 2 years ago

          >you will never be respected in society like lawyers or doctors are
          >muh respect
          code monkeys can be anoying but lawyers folowed by Doctors are subhuman scum protected by a guild .Once your guild protection expires you will be despised and your skills like mu asskissing the judge or asskissing hospital chief will be absolete.I dont even like code monkeys but frick you couldnt pick worse poeple to compare them too.In the end capitalism will win over having a bunch of codemonkeys in a country creates something having a bunch of Lawyers leads to collapse Doctors well you cant have too much of them because they will not alow it but liberalization would kill those old corrupt bastards.

          • 2 years ago

            you are so much of envy and you have such a brainlet take on this, I can only assume that you are a literal pajeet level web dev shitter

          • 2 years ago

            cope doctors and lawyers are not inteligent at all being able to remember a bunch of bulshit doesnt make you inteligent.Nobody is envious of you exept for old israeli women.You are parasites and you know it.

          • 2 years ago

            IQfy is smarter than IQfy. Same goes for IRL

          • 2 years ago

            cool it with the autism dude

  17. 2 years ago

    You have to compare the whole system. I have 55k€ full remote in France, gaining more than 85% of my fellow countrymen (so much, much more than Europeans and other humans, plus all the social advantages). Put a little perspective on your situation, unless your swallowed the neoliberal meme and want to be in the top 1‰, in that case good luck, I'm not sure you will find happiness this way.

  18. 2 years ago

    >CS graduates comparing themselves to doctors and lawyers

  19. 2 years ago

    >noo I make double than a good job doing more work in my country whyyy

  20. 2 years ago

    Stop whining so much, tech people have it pretty good. I used to be in physics/semiconductor. Average Atomic Energy Commission engineers make 40k. Average project leads make 50k. And that's considered a pretty good position, look at non-CEA researchers salaries (especially CNRS) and weep for them.
    I switched to a dev job, and make 50k right off the bat, plus bonuses. And that's in a company with a reputation for fairly low wages.
    Why the frick does everyone suddenly expect 6-fig salaries for non-management jobs?

    • 2 years ago

      >Why the frick does everyone suddenly expect 6-fig salaries for non-management jobs?
      op is comparing top tech jobs in the us with top tech jobs in europe.
      no one cares about your gay administrative work jobs

      • 2 years ago

        He's comparing regular experienced dev jobs vs dev jobs in FAANG. And dismissing everyone who tells him he's just too stupid to get a high paying job in Europe.

        The starting graduate salary at Jane Street London for a software engineer is 150k

  21. 2 years ago

    >Cannot win with stocks, cannot win with crypto, cannot buy real estate
    prostitute yourself out on onlyfans wearing programming socks.

  22. 2 years ago

    the end game is realising waging is not the way to make money
    its where you earn enough to have a good base starting capital after being frugal for half a decade, then trying to venture that capital elsewhere where you can build off it
    for every dollar I add jobhopping 60% will go to taxes, its an endless race

  23. 2 years ago

    You will own nothing
    You will eat ze bugs
    You will be happy

  24. 2 years ago

    >make 55k€ p.a., fully remote, in a (formerly) low cost of living area
    >can save 1 to 1.2k€ a month
    >It doesn't fricking matter since houses cost 500k in bumfrick nowhere these days.
    Why do I even save money? Even if I made 75k€ p.a, it's just not "enough". Shit sucks.

    • 2 years ago

      You save it so Mr. Shekelberg at the bank gives you slightly lower interest on the loan that you need in order to purchase the home that you need.
      You WILL pay the bank.

  25. 2 years ago

    >Is being a stem gay outside the US just a big meme (especially in Europe)?
    Why would you think it's not the US that's the meme for being wildly out of line with the rest of the world? No grad is doing button-pushing so complicated that they deserve 150k straight out of university. God SV needs to crash and burn.

  26. 2 years ago

    Yes, developers in the USA earn much more, but the downside is that they have to live in the USA.

  27. 2 years ago

    I'm working full remote in a junior SWE position for 1.5x the average junior SWE position salary.
    If you can't find a good job, that just means you don't have an appealing skillset, in which case this is just a skill issue.

  28. 2 years ago

    Itt people start to realize they’re ruled by USA which makes them underpayed 2-3rd class citizens

  29. 2 years ago

    You don't suffer in the first world, stupid fricking whiny Black person. have a nice day

  30. 2 years ago

    >Doctors or lawyers make at least double, more likely triple of that.
    Nah, doctors make around the same, they also have much shittier hours (working 60-70 hours a week) and much bigger responsibilities than the average codegay. The only advantage is that you're not the underling of someone and are pretty much free to frick off whenever you want.
    For lawyers it's pretty much the same and imo the most boring office job only second to accountant.

    Tech is still by far the comfiest place to work in unless you're a naturally charismatic guy who can manage to convince people to pay him a lot of money to spend time talking and sending emails (basically your average exec).

  31. 2 years ago

    Because Europe doesn't have many world renowned tech firms that were homegrown. I encourage you greenhorns to make your own tech startups, so that you body now only the economy of your country, but also provide higher wages to your countrymen

    • 2 years ago

      it's a good advice in theory, but in practice the red tape will ensure you go bankrupt. competition is not appreciated, so they just make sure it can't even come into being to begin with

      • 2 years ago

        >red tape
        It's like Europe wants to be conquered by American tech.

        Europe needs a Chinese style firewall to block all FANG traffic. Will let them develop their own tech firms like China has. A lot of developer salaries are higher in Shenzhen than UK (when account for cost of living).

        Never gonna happen. Europe doesn't care about its tech sector.


        Not sure if you should doxx yourself

    • 2 years ago

      Europe needs a Chinese style firewall to block all FANG traffic. Will let them develop their own tech firms like China has. A lot of developer salaries are higher in Shenzhen than UK (when account for cost of living).

      • 2 years ago

        >Europe needs a Chinese style firewall to block all FANG traffic
        every country needs one but at least we know half of the world is american colony.What serios country would alow all of its citizens data to be controlled by another country .

        • 2 years ago

          There would be so many new jobs if EU had it's own Chinese style firewall...

          • 2 years ago

            the EU belongs to america bud it's ok to admit it

  32. 2 years ago

    I just work fully remote. I told my employer that I am not going to go back to the office unless he is going to raise my wages accordingly to make up for all the extra costs.
    So now I live comfy in a rural area while making a citygay wage.
    Granted, I got a bit lucky since I made that demand right at a time where they simply could not afford to lose me and had no other option but to agree to it.

  33. 2 years ago

    Jesus Christ, my VA disability payment for killing Arabs for 9/11 is how much you Euros take home for tech pay?

    >make 120k as a Federal engineer working barely 20 hours a week

    • 2 years ago

      I make 42k€ for a full time junior fullstack position with a CS degree from a reputable uni. Please send help.

      • 2 years ago

        Wie hast du denn das geschafft? Ich hab mit 45k angefangen als Studienabbrecher.
        Wenn du einen Abschluss hast dann verlang entweder mehr Geld oder wechsel den Job (und verlang da mehr Geld).

        • 2 years ago

          English website, schnitzelfricker

  34. 2 years ago

    Es ist eig noch schlimmer als das.

    Many of my friends are physicians or dentists in Germany and their job is absolute shit. Everyone hates their job and their life. I know some lawyers too and this either the most boring job, or if not boring, the least comfy job ever. And not just Germany, basically everywhere. OP, to think that those are good alternatives just shows how much of a mongoloid you are.

    The truth is: For someone who wants to become (not stay) wealthy, EVERYTHING is shit in Germany and has always been. Germany was literally always the forefather of serfdom/no-upward-mobility.
    - The birthplace and execution-place of communism
    - The birthplace of the wellfare state and thus high tax burden (Bismarck invented it)
    - After some communist shitholes, maybe the worst bureaucracy-burden to people.

    The only solution is to literally leave Germany for a more capitalist country like the anglo-saxon countries of the west (UK, US, Canada, Australia). Those countries still have problems but I know from family, friends and myself living in such countries, that they are much more open to high salaries for high achievement and believe much more in self-actualisation than Germany.

    My plan is, after I got some more savings and work experience as a fullstack dev here (i am already) to become one in Australia on an independent visa.

    • 2 years ago

      This anon knows. As for fellow medgays, you have to go to scandinavia, same or better pay for less hours/week and the people are actually nice and you won't feel pissed off all the time.

  35. 2 years ago

    kek being a SWE in Germany is the biggest meme ever. I've worked as one for a short time because I was told after no time that they dont want SWEs and just need IT-Managers. Why?


    amerisharts you dont even know SAP but this parasitiv piece of shit company has its dirty fingers inside every German companies ass. Only people needed in German companies are Managers and testers who tame the pooBlack folk in India that configure the SAP-app.

    Germany is a country of naive, rent-seeking serfs that only care about externalities. Every manager has the goal to have their problems solved by SAP. This is your life as a SWE is shit in Germany. Nobody is motivated to build their own stuff with the exception of some scam-start ups in Berlin that blow up after 1-2 years with all equity-options worthless.

    • 2 years ago

      kek don't forget SUSE

  36. 2 years ago

    so leave?

    • 2 years ago

      >why didn't anne frank just leave germany hurr

      • 2 years ago

        good post, I keked

  37. 2 years ago

    >Anon says wrong endgame number when you can get 60k entry level and 120k jobs nowadays
    >Deliberately picks literally THE MOST EXPENSIVE city in Germany as an example of high rent kek (this is like picking socal or Manhattan)
    >Muh doctors
    Doctors only start warning real money in their mid thirties, by that point you can become some kind of CTO or technical advisor in it and live a comfy life.
    >workload more than 40h/w although you are paid only for 40h
    Pick a non-shitty company. I have to work 20h/week tops for my job
    >None of the big companies allow you to work full remote, it's always 3-4 office days and 1-2 home office days.
    Germany literally lives and breathes midtier companies who pay comfy wages and allow full remote.
    >TFW you will never make it in Europe without being born into old money.
    Depends on what you mean by make it. Become a gigamegabillionaire like muskie or le bezos? Yeah unlikely.
    Live a comfy life and retire early? Lol you'd have to be dumb not to manage that in IT

    TLDR: stop lying fricking homosexual

  38. 2 years ago

    You should get into tech if you like tech. If you don't like tech, don't get into tech?
    Most of us aren't trying to be rich. We just want a career in our hobby?

  39. 2 years ago

    >Your parents should have forced you to swallow the med or law pill.

    They made me swallow the med pill, Genosse. You get 4200€/month (Brutto) in your first year as Assistenzarzt -> ~2500€/month (Netto). Look at the tariff plan to see what you'll get as Facharzt / Oberarzt / Chefarzt (new tariffs, not old ones) and you'll see that contrary to popular belief it's not really worth it. Even if you got your own office (don't forget the fricking loan you need to take for that), you'll have to really grind it to get >10.000/month, while still having to fight with health insurance trying to frick you and other israelites forcing you to use their software and IT machines.

  40. 2 years ago

    I make 125k in America with 4 years experience. I know i can make more job hopping but its a pretty good place to work for and now being fully remote is great. And I do like the stuff I work on. I will say I do not feel bad for yuropoors that don't make that with 10+ years experience. You reap what you sow. Always claiming superiority over Americans yet rent, housing, gas, taxes, everything is much more expensive and you make less. Cucks.

    • 2 years ago

      >Americans yet rent, housing, gas, taxes, everything is much more expensive and you make less. Cucks
      Why are we happier then and don't get shot or can enjoy daily life without sitting 45min per day in traffic jams

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds like some super yurotard megacope to me lmao.

  41. 2 years ago

    I'd understand slaving for money that much if you lived in the US, but dude, you're in the EU, it's tolerable to live there without money.

  42. 2 years ago

    IF you suck like typing this thread
    EU would help you but US dump you to trash

  43. 2 years ago


    >The ceiling really is 100-110k for OEMs (which are the best paying companies in Germanistan).
    You're actually fricking moronic, literally THE FRICKING STARTING SALARY FOR A GRAD is 90k + 30-40% bonus at google, THIS IS THE FRICKING STARTING SALARY. How many times does this have to get repeated in this thread until you fricking morons stop saying



    • 2 years ago

      Repeating a lie does not make it become true.
      Do you have some mental problems?
      Try to face the truth and adjust accordingly.

  44. 2 years ago

    >Renting a 50-60m2 flat costs you 1200-1500€ per month in big cities and only there you get proper jobs.
    Such dir halt ne WG oder zieh mit deiner Freundin zusammen. Ich zahl 450€ Miete zentral in Frankfurt bei 60k als Analyst.
    Auch: Steuern sind Raub.

  45. 2 years ago


    Not sure if this is real or not but the last two Indians I interviewed were rejected because they smelled like curry

  46. 2 years ago


    It's good that you are trying to quantify your impact but I wouldn't put numbers unless they are significant.

    - $20k savings / year: That's pocket change
    - increasing productivity / efficiency by 40$ / 10%: I call BS, how do you measure this?
    - 1% down time: Ho wmany 9's did you achieve? 99%? 99.9%? 99.999%? This is fairly important. If I a program didn't work every 100th time I open it I would uninstall it
    - 100% accuracy: What does this mean? You didn't accidentally the prod data?
    - reducing labour cost by $2000 - see pocket change comment above

    What was the drone footage thing used for? Who used the live chat / map thing? What JSON data was read?

    Currently this reads like a list of some of the things you did as part of your tasks, try to see the big picture. I don't care if you used <specific library> once I care if understood and contributed in your role to a larger goal.

  47. 2 years ago

    What you all need so much money for? 4-5k EUR/mo is like dream land. You spend around 1k on rent and you have 3-4k every month to buy whatever you want

    • 2 years ago

      neets should not contribute to threads about jobs

    • 2 years ago

      At some point people in their lives want to become financially independent, buy a house and raise a family.

    • 2 years ago

      a decent detached home in my country cost 500K+ (the Netherlands) and house prices generally go up.

    • 2 years ago

      pathetic, ambitionless brown hands typed this

      • 2 years ago


        Fact is most germans are ambitionless and more afraid of losing the little they have than making it big. If you want to earn decent money take the freelance pill, found a company (outside of germany ofc) and create a product or join FAAGMAN or some other soulless pile of shit. But you won't do any of this, because it is too hard and tiresome.

      • 2 years ago

        Having a comfortable life is ambition enough for 99.99% of the world

      • 2 years ago

        What do you expect from a board full with 3rd world subhumans

  48. 2 years ago


    Jesus Christ I hate development so fricking much. Hell of a field. You have to know 200+ frameworks while your job will require only 3 and they won't hire you because you don't know that one specific ANALJOB.js even tho you can learn it within a week

    • 2 years ago

      webshitter gets what he deserves

  49. 2 years ago

    why is there so much autism in this thread?

  50. 2 years ago

    Where my 1st gen euro Americans at?

  51. 2 years ago

    >waah waah i only earn 75k€ a year
    try 25k€ homosexual
    complaining about salaries as a northern euro should be a bannable offense

    • 2 years ago

      75K a year and still not able to afford a detached home because of shit housing market
      lending money everywhere and selling the futures of their children so they can retire on a beach
      literally stealing half of my earnings every day
      >>Not allowed to complain

      Frick boomers, jannies and the country I live in.

  52. 2 years ago

    Third world gay here
    When you say that you make 100k euros a month, what is your actual monthly income?
    A quick google search shows that the income tax on Europe is of about 40%. So you make 5k a month?
    Also, if your government literally steals almost half of your income, why don't you revolt and create a revolution? This is absurd.

    • 2 years ago

      100K before taxes is about 60K after taxes in my country (the Netherlands).

      Income tax rates:
      0 till € 35.942 ,19,20 %
      from € 35.942 till € 68.508 37,10 %
      from € 68.508 49,50 %

      The working man is a sucker.

      • 2 years ago

        Jesus you comma gays disgust me.
        1.5 >>> 1,5

  53. 2 years ago

    Shut the frick up homosexual, plenty of people had/have it way worse than you. Boohoo you can only save 1k each month. Stop crying about it

  54. 2 years ago

    You aren't capitalising on your skills then or taking bigger risks for bigger rewards.

    The real money is in Consultancy. In my area of IT - Enterprise Architecture you can consult for over £1000 a day (min contracted at 37.5 hours weekly). Especially In the public sector too you can get contracts that last for years because if you are moderately decent at what they bring you in for you will get renewed because there isn't the replacement staff.

    We've had one contractor who earns this. He was brought in on a 1 year contract and has had it renewed for 15 years.

    In addition our renewal process takes a month too; so he uses that as part of his yearly leave on top of his bank holidays, plus whenever he feels like taking time off. His longest break period was 60 days in one year which is double my annual leave and within a month had made back half my annual salary.

    Assuming around 260 work days a year; plus a modest annual leave of around 45 days (20 days during contract renewal + 8 Bank Holidays + another 17 doted around the year) that gives him 215 working days at 1k a day - so £215k before tax. With IR35 he can afford an accountant and his PLC is used to employ his wife to fiddle what he pays out. Plus he claims so much back.

    TL:DR OP Is moronic

    • 2 years ago

      >TL:DR OP Is moronic
      muh you need to know every legal loophole and be hired as a consultant to earn ant money
      And when they get the loophole and make legal system even more complex.You can complain about software bloat but nobody complains about legal bloat.The buirocratics are slowly improsoning you and your solution is basicaly pick the lock quietly and disable electronics while guard is taking a nap and jump over 10 foot wall .Hey it worked for one dude everyone should do it.

  55. 2 years ago

    >Doctors or lawyers make at least double, more likely triple of that.
    US as well. Six digits is the lowest. Seven digits is common.

  56. 2 years ago

    >Employers don't pay enough here
    >What am I supposed to do?

    Start your own company, do really well, offer better pay for the best programmers around, who would probably fricking love to work for you because they're in the same boat you are now.

    Or you could be a b***h, not take the risk and get the pay you deserve because you won't fight for more.

    • 2 years ago

      >just start a company bro
      I started a software company two years ago. It makes me about 20,000 USD a year, is not growing, and I feel depressed and useless all the time because the number of sales is not increasing and I can't afford the things I would like to have.
      This is still a success story, most people who venture into entrepreneurship don't make any money (see the losers at indiehackers).
      Also tried trading stocks before that using algorithms and failed.
      I'm in a hole and don't know how to get out of it.

  57. 2 years ago



    >increased productivity by X%
    >reduced cost by $Y
    Literal webshitter. I bet this guy doesn't know how a for loop works. Make sure to check out his Zoom clone with chat feature application:

  58. 2 years ago

    Reminder that all the europoor cope whining about how america's not actually that much better is straight up nonsense
    Europoors make *way* less money in tech and pay *more* in taxes
    >but american devs don't actually make that much!
    Yes we do
    >but muh healthcare!
    All American tech jobs provide free or extremely low-cost comprehensive health insurance to the employee, and the quality of healthcare in America is significantly better than in europe. A complete non-point.
    >but muh shootings!
    You have a far higher chance of getting raped and murdered by an immigrant in europe than shot by anyone in the US.
    >muh cost of living!
    There are high and low cost of living areas in both America and europe, and they're similar. European tech workers are just locked out of their HCoL areas because they're poor.

    • 2 years ago

      >Sweden has highest rate of immigrants
      >murder rate is 1.08 per 100k people
      >6.3 for U.S

      • 2 years ago

        >cherry picking a specific stat in a specific country
        Compare murders by immigrants in all of Europe to gun-related homicides (be careful to not include suicides) in America. Then when you see how much lower the latter is, filter out minority-on-minority homicides from both and watch the gap grow even wider.

        • 2 years ago

          Sweden literally is made up of 26% fresh immigrants. If you remove white people entirely from the equation, the murder rate would still be less than the U.S.

          Europe's murder rate is 3 per 100k. Even the worst country in Europe has a lower murder rate than the U.S

          • 2 years ago

            Three quarters of homicides in the US are Black folk killing other Black folk in some ghetto somewhere.

          • 2 years ago

            Happy Juneteenth!

    • 2 years ago

      US invented modern computers and the internet, I guess you mutts deserve this.

  59. 2 years ago

    You're just an incompetent gay lol. I just got a job as sysadmin in le Europe with only my ricing experience. It's comfy shit, I just have to watch the computers and fix them up when they brake. 90% of time is spent reading manga and watching anime. Net income of 3K a month for a start and in this economy I'm sitting comfortably in lower middle class. I work only half the month.

  60. 2 years ago

    Lmao cs gays think they deserve the same as doctors or lawyers

  61. 2 years ago

    I'm an Eastern Euro and I earn 3000€/month after ~~*taxes*~~.
    I have my own apartment and zero debt. My secret? Just inherit your grandparents' apartment lmao.
    But seriously, complaining about housing is moot because EVERYONE is getting fricked in the ass except entrepreneurs who really earn the big bucks.
    Doctors and lawyers just wagecucks with higher pay and longer hours, and they have to apply for the same buttfrick loans if they want to buy real estate.
    Life is good if you work in tech. I've been working from home for over 2 years and my living expenses are around 700-800 per month, which leaves me shitloads to save, invest and buy whatever the hell I want.
    If you're valuable like me, your company doesn't give a shit where or how long you actually work as long as you get shit done. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

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