Best E reader? Looking to get one finally

Best E reader? Looking to get one finally

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  1. 3 weeks ago

    your phone

    • 3 weeks ago

      With regards to reading a piece with your phone, there are benefits to consider, using the iPhone as an example (related media)

      1. Track your reading time with "Books" by Apple.
      You can import .epubs and PDFs into the app through Safari
      from your chosen sources, and read them whenever, offline.

      2. You can read in the dark.
      The biggest disadvantage of hardcovers and paperbacks,
      you need light to read them, space to set it down, and
      ultimately you just ruin the book in this situation.

      3. You save money and get more use out of your device.
      If you use an iPhone you may be wasting your money if
      you choose not to read any book on the device, it is a wasted
      feature which you have at your disposal, plus pirating books
      has never been easier than today.

      4. "DO NOT DISTURB", 'Reading' mode.
      Your phone has a category for reading which you can give
      custom settings for. Block certain notifications, change
      the background of your device, miscellaneous settings, Etc.

      5. Flex your stats.
      Screenshot your reading minutes, books read and share them online.
      Post the information to Goodreads and keep an accurate reading log.

      So the answer? Don't waste your money on a paper-screen minimalist device that can't track as good as a regular phone. You have already got a device, work it for yourself instead of shilling for a fresh device that you will neglect after a month or less of use.

      Not sure where to find reading material for free? Visi/t/orrents or search, "What is a libgen?"

      "I don't read books" answer:

    • 3 weeks ago

      Your phone or your laptop works wonders. First become a fricking reader who reads before buying the latest meme reader. You should be devouring books before buying something to supplement it. It's like buying lots of equipment for your home gym when you can't even do basic 10 pushups.

      • 3 weeks ago

        E readers are more cost efficient. I have my entire library of about 500 titles on my kindle and it cost me zero dollars and zero cents

        • 3 weeks ago

          >E readers are more cost efficient
          You do not need yet another meme device if you literally read 5 books a year. Just read on your phone or laptop is what I meant. If you read >20 books a year, it's probably worth investing in a e-reader.

          • 3 weeks ago

            I formerly read a few books a year tops and the portability of the e-reader has led me to reading about a book a month. I know I'm essentially a non-reader but it really did enable me to read more

  2. 3 weeks ago

    Kobo's supposed to be coming out with color ones pretty soon. I like my Clara HD.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    >get newest Kindle Paperwhite edition
    >dump epubs into it using Send to Kindle
    ezpz. I've had the Kindle Paperwhite gen 10 since 2019 and I love it. I recently bought a tablet to read PDFs tho.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    just get yourself whatever kobo that suits you best (budget, size) and be happy

    • 3 weeks ago

      It's hard to go wrong with any e-reader really. You'll get your money's worth and more from anything made in the past 5 years.
      that said,
      is good advice

  5. 3 weeks ago

    I have a Kobo Glo and I think it's a good e-reader

  6. 3 weeks ago

    If you're going to be pirating then kobo is easiest, with kindle you'll need to keep it in aeroplane mode else it'll periodically wipe your books

    • 3 weeks ago

      That's not true.

      • 3 weeks ago

        >with kindle you'll need to keep it in aeroplane mode else it'll periodically wipe your books
        i've also never had this happen, and i've had a collection of pirated books on my kindle voyage for many years now

        not strictly ereader related but i'll also throw in a plug for Yomu on iOS, I tried a bunch of reading apps for ipad and that one was be best one I tried

        Nta but don't kindles have issues with epubs? I guess there's some workaround involving converting them or installing an epub reader though?

        • 3 weeks ago

          kindles support epubs now and have since discontinued their moronic support for mobis

    • 3 weeks ago

      >with kindle you'll need to keep it in aeroplane mode else it'll periodically wipe your books
      i've also never had this happen, and i've had a collection of pirated books on my kindle voyage for many years now

      not strictly ereader related but i'll also throw in a plug for Yomu on iOS, I tried a bunch of reading apps for ipad and that one was be best one I tried

  7. 3 weeks ago

    Clara HD-users seem happy with what they have. If you have some money, get one with a USB-C charging, my Clara HD has a micro-USB-charger and it's a little slow compared to all my other devices.

    • 3 weeks ago

      The new clara has usb-c

  8. 3 weeks ago

    Kobo Libra 2 with koreader

  9. 3 weeks ago

    I have picrel. It is provably the only one on the market without touch screen and fast internet access, while being able to read most document file formats (txt, html, djvu, pdf, epub, mobi and more) and has a micro SD card slot. I wanted to have something that would be closest to having printed documents, with no way to steal my attention. I think it is also the cheapest one on the market

  10. 3 weeks ago

    My 2014 Kindle touch has died, RIP.
    I'm considering buying a Paperwhite signature edition with 20% off by trading my broken one, so around 120€ in total.
    32 gb of memory, waterproof, and warm light setting.
    I havent found anything better for a similar price.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    Kindle Oasis if you have the money.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Can you elaborate?
      Other than beinh thinner and a more premium look, whats so different compared to a paperwhite?

      • 3 weeks ago

        Physical page turn buttons

  12. 3 weeks ago

    I am on the Nook bandwagon. Bought my first in 2011 and still use it. A little slow, a little unresponsibe. Very little memory space. Recently it became sticky and the plastic has an odd hair fracture.

    Turns out that Barnes and Noble know their stuff is going to shit so they give out promo codes for their new devices with the old serial number and I recently bought the Nook GlowLight 4e. The screen apparently has a lower resolution, but I'll have a preinstalled dictionary, backlight and an overall new device.

    I like the minimalist design and I'll jailbreak it to access the entire memory which is probably not even that much. Enough for my 200+ to read list of epubs.

    I played with my friends kindle the other day. They're all fine. Literally get the one that looks the coolest and you can afford. In the end you're gonna get basically the same functions and you'll read words on a screen. Amazon might be the most restrictive one if you plan to side load, but apparently, not even.

  13. 3 weeks ago

    I have a kindle paperwhite from a few years ago and i’m happy with it. Just make sure you never connect it to the internet otherwise itll frick with your books formatting and show you ads

  14. 3 weeks ago

    I love my kobo libra 2 - I believe they just came out with a color version

  15. 3 weeks ago

    I kept it simple and with the paperwhite 4. Perfect size for sideloading manga onto it and 32gb was more than enough for me

  16. 3 weeks ago

    Can these things read EPUBs?

  17. 3 weeks ago

    Paperwhite has been chugging since 2014. I even let my grandma borrow it to read countless boomer books (Patterson et. al) that I pirated for her, no issues with it after all those hours of use. I just told her that it was enrolled in an electronic library so books were "free to download" and "put back."

    Semi related, any anons use an eink writer/notebook? Thoughts on those? They seem cozier than an ipad or whatever.

  18. 3 weeks ago

    I have an iPad I have been using for years that still runs well. I use Calibre Sync and it's great.

  19. 3 weeks ago

    I got a Kindle Paperwhite in 2019 and it still works great despite heavy use. The battery doesn't last as long but we are still talking of 10-12 days with around 1-2 hours daily usage.

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