
>fixes Twitter's algorithm
>fixes fedi's user history
>fixes fedi's third instance block issues
>delivered federation ahead of schedule
Leaving all the /misc/ shitshow beside, may this become an actual tinfoil friendly albeit usable alternative to Twitter and Mastodon? Haven't given in yet to try myself and am probably gonna wait till some proper second party instances pop up, but as of now i can only really see their typescript based server as objective consideration.

>inb4 Twitter is bad, don't use it
have a nice day in your basement, dweller.

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  1. 3 months ago

    twitter is bad, don't use it

  2. 3 months ago

    it doesn't actually fix any of those,
    the only thing it has going is account portability

    • 3 months ago

      Name some and what isn't fixed. User algorithms, history portability and soft limits on second party instances seem pretty obvious to me.

      >drawings of e-girls who don't exist are banned
      >trannies openly discussing how to groom real children are allowed
      Shit place for shit people. There's some merit in making something even worse than Xitter.

      It won't become usable because lewd asian crossdressers will never move to it

      they ban Japanese artists on sight, so no

      Can you /misc/ Black folk at least frick off when one even calls you out in OP? You will get your special needs instance, like you always do, anyway.

      • 3 months ago

        >mentioning "they ban Japanese artists" is /misc/
        the amount of mental gymnastics needed to defend this poor man's mastodon wannabe is astounding

        • 3 months ago

          Touch grass. Yes, the topic is by and large social and cultural, ergo /misc/.

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        those are all valid points though

      • 3 months ago

        polwhining should be a bannable offense

        • 3 months ago

          Make better arguments.

          • 3 months ago

            go back

          • 3 months ago

            >still no argument
            So what is it, oldgay or redditor?

          • 3 months ago

            i'm not making any arguments, i'm saying polwhining homosexuals like you should be banned, no matter how cancerous pol is

          • 3 months ago

            You're trying too hard.

      • 3 months ago

        Lol kys, if you want them gone employ ai to filter out, oh wait, you're too stupid

    • 3 months ago

      ok schizo

  3. 3 months ago

    >shipped hashtags 5 month late and missed the hypetrain

  4. 3 months ago

    >need an account to see NSFW posts

    • 3 months ago

      just like xwitter

      • 3 months ago

        And twitter is shit because of that. On its current state, Bluesky is just Twitturd with less users. At least Mastodon/Pleroma has instances that allow NSFW content without accounts.

        • 3 months ago

          >X is worthless without coomer shit
          Go to your mirror, take a good look and think about what you just said.

          • 3 months ago

            >X is worthless without coomer shit
            Yes. Artists (who are fricking morons and should just use an actual art gallery for their art) are the only thing of worth in Shitter. Everything else in that septic tank are spambots shilling scams, /misc/leftypol/ Black folk arguing about why their favorite israeli puppet is better, and hysteric normalgays who think their opinion matters to others and organize lynching campaigns when somebody says something they didn't like.

  5. 3 months ago

    they ban Japanese artists on sight, so no

  6. 3 months ago

    It won't become usable because lewd asian crossdressers will never move to it

  7. 3 months ago

    >drawings of e-girls who don't exist are banned
    >trannies openly discussing how to groom real children are allowed
    Shit place for shit people. There's some merit in making something even worse than Xitter.

  8. 3 months ago

    gay logo, will never use it.

    • 3 months ago

      Time to make a better logo! Basically IQfy's speciality

      • 3 months ago

        Frick. I'll do it.

  9. 3 months ago

    >i-if we ignore that bluesky moderators literally change rules on a whim to ban anything they don't like i-it's still based right guise???
    Your joke of a social network literally doesn't support videos. The moderation is shit, the technology is shit, and the community is the only thing that isn't shit but only because it doesn't exist. Find something better to shill, moron.

    • 3 months ago

      >i-if we ignore that bluesky moderators literally change rules on a whim to ban anything they don't like i-it's still based right guise???
      Leaving all the /misc/ shitshow beside..
      >the technology is shit
      Please elaborate. I am sure you got more actual complaints than videos. If not, that be quite ironic given spending time on a website where videos don't work properly on almost all boards..

      • 3 months ago

        Touch grass. Yes, the topic is by and large social and cultural, ergo /misc/.

        >mentioning any social aspects of an interactive computer service is /misc/ so you can't say them here even though they make all the difference in desirability
        Even if I was troon and was happy they "got all the chuds out" there's a good chance I'd still find what you're saying moronic, I just wouldn't be saying anything.

        • 3 months ago

          >Doesn't make argument
          Try harder.

        • 3 months ago

          /misc/ is a severly demented place to have a healthy serious discussion.
          When I post anything thoughtful the only responses I get are tired/rage-bait memes about my country and my personhood.
          It's pure propaganda from past many years and there are many radical groups that fund shills to redirect criticism or real talk about an important political issue into race/country/community nonsense.

          /misc/ could have been a free-speed heaven if only autists their knew it's a place discuss serious politics instead of deriding or playing troll games.

          • 3 months ago

            Yeah, there's a reason I quit going there even though my opinions haven't changed any.
            Which is why it really bugs me when people say "no, you can't discuss the SOCIAL aspects of SOCIAL media in a place where we talk about websites all the time, you HAVE to go to the hurtbox to talk about that!"
            Maybe if they made a separate board for every single country (but let the main one be the pit of international wrath and ire it is), but then again, that might lead to people actually trying to organize events and mods, jannies, and admins won't tolerate that.

          • 3 months ago

            >"no, you can't discuss the SOCIAL aspects of SOCIAL media
            On a certain level, i do wanna agree. However when i a clear point of leaving /misc/ shit aside, nobody brings up tech related comments but "It's bad, mh-key?" then it's just annoying. Is the main instance currently pure donkey balls? Yes. Does it really matter on a federated platform, where, unlike Mastodon, you can still follow some PSA channels, even if their instance has blocked you? No. Have i tried looking for objective arguments? Yes. Is IQfy even dumber than usual? Yes.

            >nobody wants to create their own instance because they need to be reviewed and approved by a Discord cabal
            Not to mention that anybody who wanted a twitter clone is already running a mastodon instance, and bluesky completely failed to explain why any of those instances should move to a different technology that isn't better in any way and doesn't have a critical mass of users that justified switching either. It's such a half-assed attempt at creating an alternative that I don't believe for a second anybody actually expected this joke to take off.

            >that isn't better in any way
            Learn to read, giga Black person and have a nice day. It's literally right in the OP.

          • 3 months ago

            I guess it's completely pointless to say anything when your response to anything you don't like is to cover your ears and start screaming. The reason nobody cares about your meme technology is that if you advertise it as "unlike with mastodon, here you can't be censored!" and, at the same time, the main instance used to showcase the technology has one of the worst moderations ever known to man, the result is that nobody will take it seriously. Nobody is going to read your code to see how true it is, or if it will stop being true as soon as you get tired of it; your entire credibility vanished the minute you embraced asinine moderation.

            Secondary instances could be a great way to expand a social network. "Are the filesize limits too restricted in the main instance? Let's make an instance for photography aficionados, with much larger files allowed, and where EXIF data is kept!" Now, that would be a proper use for external instances. But what bluesky is doing is just what we saw with Mastodon, it's a pathetic "everyone I don't like should make another instance because I won't let them use mine."

            And yes, Mastodon is shit, nobody will deny it. But, again, nobody is going to migrate from mastodon to bluesky because of the vague promise of less censorship when what we can actually see is literally the opposite, and when the only reward would be the ability to interact with a cancerous and empty main instance, god knows for how long.

            Everybody knows why bluesky failed miserable. You had exactly one opportunity, but instead of using it, you killed it, you burned the corpse, you shat on the ashes, and you threw everything to a pit. You can keep covering your ears and screaming all you want, but you won't change reality just like you can change the fact that you were born a man and you will remain a man until the day you'll die -probably sooner than later.

          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            And what exactly didn't i like besides people bringing up japanese diddling comics as first example for it being bad? Yes, the moderation is liberal hellscape.. like every other platform starting out. Midwestern GOP house moms just aren't tech literate enough to jump wagons instantly. I am fairly shocked having to write this down. It shouldn't be news to anyone here.

            Yes, the whole tech is still in development. That's why i made this thread..

            No, people may migrate from mastodon so all their history isn't gone when their hobby admin decides to close their hobby instance (again).

            >Everybody knows why bluesky failed miserable.
            Bluesky grew to two thirds of the whole of Mastodon users just in the last two months.. The very same reason i got aware of it.

          • 3 months ago

            >he can't filter the wheat from the chaff

  10. 3 months ago

    I don't know what the hell is bluesky besides that it is also some form of the media for socializing. If you are allowed to say a Black person word to a Black person and call out obese someone who is very fat and a homosexual then it is fine, if you are not allowed to say that than it is not so good.
    Nevertheless I wish you good luck if bluesky is your project.

    • 3 months ago

      >I don't know what the hell is bluesky
      Jack Dorsey, one of the homosexuals who created the cancer known as Twitter, made a "new" social network that lets you create your own instances like the Fediverse to "atone for his sins". The problem is that the "official" instance is just as bad as Twitter and nobody wants to create their own instance because they need to be reviewed and approved by a Discord cabal.

      • 3 months ago

        Noted, thx, I know who that homosexual is and I already know what is that platform going to become if it gets any traction.

      • 3 months ago

        >nobody wants to create their own instance because they need to be reviewed and approved by a Discord cabal
        Not to mention that anybody who wanted a twitter clone is already running a mastodon instance, and bluesky completely failed to explain why any of those instances should move to a different technology that isn't better in any way and doesn't have a critical mass of users that justified switching either. It's such a half-assed attempt at creating an alternative that I don't believe for a second anybody actually expected this joke to take off.

      • 3 months ago

        Jack has nothing to do with Bluesky. Hasn't even been there for almost a year now

        • 3 months ago

          >actual non-troony woman in lead position
          Lmao, i'm convinced now.

      • 3 months ago

        why do you insist on trying to market this "platform" here? the entire userbase is the antithesis of this website's, and the only actual content being posted that's not some troony's dilation schedule is content literally DIRECTLY COPY AND PASTED FROM TWITTER by artists who want to pretend like they're rebelling against musk. eat my shit and frick off Black person.

        dorsey left and the psycho troony userbase was delighted. i don't give a shit where does or where he goes but i'm only bringing this up to emphasize how utterly confused and brainless the userbase is since they thought his actions were not in their favor.

      • 3 months ago

        >The problem is that the "official" instance is just as bad as Twitter and nobody wants to create their own instance because they need to be reviewed and approved by a Discord cabal.
        Wait, really? Lmao. Wow, this really is dogshit. At least the Mastodon gays let you spin up your own based instances even if it ends up becoming essentially two separate networks that don't communicate with each other.

        • 3 months ago

          >Wait, really?

          >Because the PDS distribution is not totally settled, we want to have a line of communication with PDS admins in the network, so we’re asking any developer that plans to run a PDS to join the PDS Admins Discord. You’ll need to provide the hostname of your PDS and a contact email in order to get your PDS added to the Relay’s allowlist. This Discord will serve as a channel where we can announce updates about the PDS distribution, relay policy, and federation more generally. It will also serve as a community where PDS admins can experiment, chat, and help each other debug issues.
          They claim this is a temporary measure, but I see several problems with it:
          >this measure scares off decentralization advocates, because the process of creating and integrating instances is centralized in a discord server
          >privacy advocates are also chased away by this, since BS is using Discord of all things to organize this
          >they don't say how long it will be in effect, so it's almost certain that by the time Discord is no longer needed it will be too late and BS will become irrelevant to all those who showed interest in the platform

          • 3 months ago

            Lmao, what a ride. I get the part of "Hey, wouldn't it be nice if we wouldn't pull an instant Mastodon?", but Discord out of all places? They're really leveling themselves.

  11. 3 months ago

    >let's talk about this dead website!
    >but don't talk about the things that are shit, just say that is perfect 🙂
    Oh yeah, it's perfect 🙂

  12. 3 months ago

    the butterfly logo symbolizes the transition

  13. 3 months ago

    the bluesky userbase and moderation is fricking cancer

  14. 3 months ago

    Help me understand this guys, it always stumps me.

    Why is almost all of IQfy so much against middle-class people and blue-collar workers?

    It seems people here themselves are middle-class people in majority and they keep shitting on other people for not being filthy rich so much so that with each post/meme they share, they expose their inner uninhibited and irrational rage against people that work hard to earn a survivable sum of money.
    Why is this a thing here? This seems genuinely counterproductive for society. Demoralize the ones who are the most vulnerable to demoralization?!

  15. 3 months ago

    Bluesky has no future because it's another sanfran techie liberal hugbox that is allergic to how people actually think and behave, which is why the public either won't use it or gets kicked out if they do. Too much emphasis on social conditioning and being offended by everything, and not enough emphasis on providing a useful service.

  16. 3 months ago

    Just use Nostr, it's hell of a lot better, and there's already a bridge to the Fediverse running already.

    • 3 months ago

      So you're going to dismiss Nostr too?

      Just read about it. Seems a bit anti ATproto by try to achieve everything at once, but mostly suffering from "literally who?" problem times two.

      What I don't understand is, how is Twitter / X going to survive in the long run now that it can't be viewed without an account? The only reason Twitter worked was because anyone could read what the user accounts published, it was a powerful channel for relaying information to a large audience. It doesn't do that anymore. What's the point of being on Twitter if all you can reach are other twitter users, which is a slowly diminishing demographic?

      Pretty much why i am looking for alternatives now that normies get finally annoyed as well. Mastodon's UX is just trash though and Threads is just "just". Especially with their whole instagram shitshow.

      I'm not a /misc/tard but Jack Dorsey is notorious for being an evil bastard. The "algorithm problem" is something he blogged about many times. His stance is that posts which are classified as hateful or "dangerous" (e.g. misinformation) can be algorithmically suppressed without being outright deleted, and that subtle tweaks to how posts are recommended can have such an exponential impact on how viewpoints spread through a community that he believes that technique should be integrated into everything. He is very open about this, I'm not exaggerating or twisting his words here, he genuinely believes stuff like algorithm shadow banning should be the foundation of a global social platform. I can pull up the receipts if you care, I just remember reading his blog posts about it back when mastodon was blowing up. Stay away from bluesky if you value the integrity of free expression, it's a very deceivingly anti-internet project.

      Frankly, no clue who Jack Dorsey is now, but as long as users stay in power of their feed algorithms, i don't see a problem about what he thinks inside his tech elite mindset.

  17. 3 months ago

    What I don't understand is, how is Twitter / X going to survive in the long run now that it can't be viewed without an account? The only reason Twitter worked was because anyone could read what the user accounts published, it was a powerful channel for relaying information to a large audience. It doesn't do that anymore. What's the point of being on Twitter if all you can reach are other twitter users, which is a slowly diminishing demographic?

  18. 3 months ago

    >Leaving all the /misc/ shitshow beside
    So it's gay and you want to ignore that?

  19. 3 months ago

    Bluesky was working fine but now I get an annoying bug when I check someone is media tab if I scroll 2 images down it tanks to the bottom of their feed, basically I can only check an artist last 2 images and first 2 images ever posted

  20. 3 months ago

    I'm not a /misc/tard but Jack Dorsey is notorious for being an evil bastard. The "algorithm problem" is something he blogged about many times. His stance is that posts which are classified as hateful or "dangerous" (e.g. misinformation) can be algorithmically suppressed without being outright deleted, and that subtle tweaks to how posts are recommended can have such an exponential impact on how viewpoints spread through a community that he believes that technique should be integrated into everything. He is very open about this, I'm not exaggerating or twisting his words here, he genuinely believes stuff like algorithm shadow banning should be the foundation of a global social platform. I can pull up the receipts if you care, I just remember reading his blog posts about it back when mastodon was blowing up. Stay away from bluesky if you value the integrity of free expression, it's a very deceivingly anti-internet project.

    • 3 months ago

      Jack has nothing to do with Bluesky. Hasn't even been there for almost a year now

      • 3 months ago

        The fact that he advocated for it, or was involved with it at all, is a major red flag.

        • 3 months ago

          So you're going to dismiss Nostr too?

          • 3 months ago

            Never heard of it. I only know about Bluesky because of coming across Dorsey's evil blog posts back in the day about how to build a censorship algorithm.

          • 3 months ago

            >Dorsey's evil blog

          • 3 months ago


          • 3 months ago

            I can't find any of the others, but this is from the same era. I recall several where he went into detail about point #3. But essentially he believes the future of moderation (a dogwhistle for censorship) is an algorithm that suppresses or boosts certain views by promoting them and generating engagement artificially. This has been his goal from the start.

          • 3 months ago

            I can't find any of the others, but this is from the same era. I recall several where he went into detail about point #3. But essentially he believes the future of moderation (a dogwhistle for censorship) is an algorithm that suppresses or boosts certain views by promoting them and generating engagement artificially. This has been his goal from the start.

            Thank you.

      • 3 months ago

        How does it feel to be such a smug disingenuous liar?

        • 3 months ago

          Why don't you click on the citation for that? Compare the archived version and the current one

          • 3 months ago

            This is the current live version of the page. You really thought you had me there huh.

  21. 3 months ago

    I do not care for it as it does not have keyboard navigation. Neither does fedi. Only dimden's oldtwitter extension manages to implement good keyboard navigation.

  22. 3 months ago

    Bluesky is fricking DOA.

    Hashtags months after launch.
    UI is fricking awful.

    Fedi is way better in every way

  23. 3 months ago

    Aww, mah gawd! Guys, they even got a comic!!

    • 3 months ago

      What? Oh my Science! They're just like me! I'm migrating as we speak!

    • 3 months ago

      >Bluesky CEO who is a trans woman (Jay Graber) depicts thoughself as a cute girl in a drawing that looks 10 times more feminine than thoughself in real life
      It's like pottery

      • 3 months ago

        Albeit a hapa, Jay Graber is an actual woman, anon.

        • 3 months ago

          >actual non-troony woman in lead position
          Lmao, i'm convinced now.

          Looks trans to me.

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