Books on destroying or at least mitigating the desire for women?

Books on destroying or at least mitigating the desire for women? I don't mean le sex, just the deeper attachment to romantic female affection in general, maybe love if you'd like.

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  1. 2 years ago

    You can’t do it through books bro
    You really need to have that one relationship that totally shatters any dreams and hopes you had for genuine long-term love
    Only then can you get to that point
    >t. already there and seriously considering never dating again and remaining a bachelor

    • 2 years ago

      Sounds nice but I can't have any relationships now or for the next few years because of my living situation.
      I once chatted to a woman (married and with kids) at a place I used to work at for like a week, nothing flirty just casual convo.
      Then I had to move away and even 3 months later just having a stray thought about her makes me feel dizzy.

      Just walking down the street and seeing random roasties is enough to make feel insane.

      I'm unironically at a loss.

      • 2 years ago

        stop jerking off

        • 2 years ago

          I don't

          • 2 years ago

            start jerking off

      • 2 years ago

        Have sex

      • 2 years ago

        commit a murder

      • 2 years ago

        I don't

        holy based

      • 2 years ago

        >Just walking down the street and seeing random roasties is enough to make feel insane.
        Its fricking terrifying that loonies like this are out walking the streets with the rest of us

        • 2 years ago

          shut up roaster

        • 2 years ago

          It's all apart of the feedback culture, barely anyone smiles at each other and women treat men like losers or psychos at the offset most of the time, so what do you expect? That anon is being a bit triggerhappy emotion-wise but men are not frustrated for NO reason.
          Women are humoured and protected, wanted etc. across the board, it's an enviable position. Naturally, envy leads to other sins.
          Also it doesn't help that most women are into true crime and rape fetishes and turn down anyone who wants a picnic. Supply and demand.
          Women don't know what it's like, so download some average guy pic, make a Tinder and watch women insult you non-stop for no reason.

        • 2 years ago

          two white mice in a sea of cannibal rats all the female mouse can do is insult the male.

          shut up roaster

          what exactly does 'roastie/roaster' mean anyway? it seems like it's not cutting enough.

          It's all apart of the feedback culture, barely anyone smiles at each other and women treat men like losers or psychos at the offset most of the time, so what do you expect? That anon is being a bit triggerhappy emotion-wise but men are not frustrated for NO reason.
          Women are humoured and protected, wanted etc. across the board, it's an enviable position. Naturally, envy leads to other sins.
          Also it doesn't help that most women are into true crime and rape fetishes and turn down anyone who wants a picnic. Supply and demand.
          Women don't know what it's like, so download some average guy pic, make a Tinder and watch women insult you non-stop for no reason.

          >Women are humoured and protected, wanted etc. across the board, it's an enviable position.
          I dispute this. I've been in situations where I've been mindlessly humored or actually "looked up" to legit reasons (i'm pretty great), and it gets boring after a week. If I imagined myself growing up being mindlessly grinned at and told everything I said, obviously contradicting things for example, were great, i'd want to leave those people ASAP. And being unable I'd probably blow my brains out, because it would be terrible.

          If the notion really is that women get this treatment, and they obviously do, then it's not really so simple as overblown pride or ego, but more like a complete and total disregard for anything that anybody says or maybe, along with it, a gradual loss of memory towards verbal or written information as the brain just tunes everything out.

          although it doesn't help us remedy the problem since no fricking woman anywhere in the english speaking world will ever speak about this.

          • 2 years ago

            >what exactly does 'roastie/roaster' mean anyway? it seems like it's not cutting enough.
            you need to be 18+ to use this website

          • 2 years ago

            yeah sorry kido i was busy with life and missed out on about 6 yrs development of your new gay lingo, it's a little hard to catch up.

            ..and i dont really wanna..

            that's more of a pride problem though.
            If you were told you were great all the time, it's not a negative thing or a duplicity at all. They are telling the women that they are attractive and they should be intelligent enough to see that much. It's a frankly insane position to say that "negging is good ackshually" when the foundations of a good society is one when where people are raised up, not competed against.
            Women are obsessed with saying "women aren't perfect" because they are too jaded to understand the purpose of the compliment.

            It's almost like you didn't even read what I said. The aspect of ego-stroking 'seems' legitimate from the outside looking in but..... ah you know wat, reread what I said, not gonna type it out again :0

          • 2 years ago

            that's more of a pride problem though.
            If you were told you were great all the time, it's not a negative thing or a duplicity at all. They are telling the women that they are attractive and they should be intelligent enough to see that much. It's a frankly insane position to say that "negging is good ackshually" when the foundations of a good society is one when where people are raised up, not competed against.
            Women are obsessed with saying "women aren't perfect" because they are too jaded to understand the purpose of the compliment.

        • 2 years ago

          Insane as in lovesick or whatever you want to call it, I've never put my hands on anyone

  2. 2 years ago


  3. 2 years ago

    books written by women

    • 2 years ago

      This or alternatively just talk to any woman for more than 10 minutes about anything related to literature

    • 2 years ago

      What an interesting topic.

      I think probably understanding that we're physiologically wired to be suicide troops to serve random cave women goes a long way to curing this ailment, if you can't wait until the hormones wear off in your late twenties.

      It is an interesting topic for sure. Probably the answer is really the Reichian answer where you go full on into your lusts until your'e sick to death of whatever it was that you fetishized, then you're cured. But remember it's species biology that you're fighting against, not actually anything or anybody but your own default programming.

      Leave your house and meet one.

      sayings of the desert fathers

      This or alternatively just talk to any woman for more than 10 minutes about anything related to literature

      it's going to be difficult to sift through the actual responses to this question that haven't succumbed to bitterness.

      you will never be complete unto yourself anon if that's what you're saying. love union is the innate object of the will and our fundamental reason for being. basically you either choose women or god but in either case you are spiritually wired for loving. the sooner you embrace it the sooner you achieve some harmony in life

      >women or god
      aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh hahahahahahaha

      > but in either case you are spiritually wired for loving
      "spiritually" wired, my foot. it's a baseline default adolescent thing! it's babies! real men are above this.

      • 2 years ago

        And you haven't succumbed to bitterness?

        • 2 years ago

          Hmm.. after thinking about that question seriously, my answer is no. It's more the case that ignorance toward the biological facts of the species is what seems to set the genders against each other; if a man thinks a woman is intllectually cognizant of herself - as an equal - then he cannot help but despise her terrible personality, but if man understands a woman is a farmyard animal then it's impossible to despise a cow or a pig or a goat. It's impossible also to be offended or let down by a cow or a pig or a goat in any way, because one knows at that point not to task them with important things which are far beyond their capacity.

          fully aware of how bad this sounds.

          • 2 years ago

            >if a man thinks a woman is intellectually cognizant of herself - as an equal - then he cannot help but despise her terrible personality.
            Intellection and cognition are opposed to one another. The former deals with the intelligible while the latter is informed by the sensible. Why do you assume that a self-aware and percipient woman capable of readily comprehending the ramifications of her being must necessarily be in possession of a detestable personality?

          • 2 years ago

            >then he cannot help but despise her terrible personality.
            That's on him then. This mindset results from the man's deficiencies --insufficiencies -- and ineptitude.

          • 2 years ago

            Ah but you admit that the burden is on the Man to be intellectually and morally superior in order to tolerate the Woman in the fist place; it's 'his' ineptitude - lack of self-control perhaps - when she loses the dog or forgets to pay the rent or spends the quarterly earnings on shoes, and he considers her poorly because of it.

            Switch the genders in the above example to understand the great hypocrisy in this, as well as the inherent inferiority that 'you' ascribe to Women in order to defend the poor upbringing of Women.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't need the tolerance or avowal of any man. It's basic courtesy to respect another human being. You don't need to dispense any sort of superiority in being respectful of a woman.
            >>poor upbringing of Women.
            Where did I allude to this?
            >when she loses the dog or forgets to pay the rent or spends the quarterly earnings on shoes, and he considers her poorly because of it.

          • 2 years ago

            Well it's obviously upbringing and influence that's the problem; the very terrible character of the western woman isn't the same in women of other countries.. but, sure,
            >Why do you assume that a self-aware and percipient woman capable of readily comprehending the ramifications of her being must necessarily be in possession of a detestable personality?
            Because to know wha you do is terrible; not in any grand philosophical manner but actually 'terrible' in your day-to-day interactions with people, and if you carry on doing it then your personality is detestable. Only if a person doesn't know better or, like a child, is considered not intellectually responsible for their actions would another person forgive terrible behavior.

            I think I understand what you're saying but you're stretching this simply to make allowance for a Woman in the first place. I submit to you that if a Man was noticably blanking you and treating you with contempt and refusing to work, etc., you'd have no trouble immediately recognizing what was going on - you would think he was going out of his way to make you beat him up, but with a Woman, maybe she wants "to be noticed" in some moronic way and genuinely, here's the difference, does not understand how offensive she is actually being. Either she lacks the mental capacity, which I doubt personally, or she has just been surrounded all her life by people who mad excuses for her and stunted her intellectual adult development, causing her to remain in infancy. She seeks a daddy and wants to be called baby, if it wasn't evident.

          • 2 years ago

            >She seeks a daddy and wants to be called baby, if it wasn't evident.
            Again, your entire argument rests upon your own botched notions.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't need the tolerance or avowal of any man. It's basic courtesy to respect another human being. You don't need to dispense any sort of superiority in being respectful of a woman.
            >>poor upbringing of Women.
            Where did I allude to this?
            >when she loses the dog or forgets to pay the rent or spends the quarterly earnings on shoes, and he considers her poorly because of it.

            >it's laughable to pretend anybody in the world would ever say this of a woman having to tolerate a stupid husband.
            That's merely your supposition.

            > your entire argument rests upon your own botched notions.

            Oh Greek Helot, I'll put this down to your poor grasp of English and the heat having addled the brains of your race. I made a straightforward case highlighting your own inherent inferiority 'toward' women in order to tolerate the bad actions 'of' women and not be upset (by the examples; which you said would be the fault of the Man for being upset by). Expound upon this point, if you like, I'd be interested to see how you justify this one point, I'm not so interested in seeing you ape the English language to distract away from this point.

            If you claim now that you're a Woman I find this even more difficult to believe; as a sensible Woman of any intelligence would understand entirely the terrible actions of other Women around her and would be the first to agree.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not even Greek, cretin.

          • 2 years ago

            >poor grasp of English

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not even Greek, cretin.

            Are you still not going to respond properly to defend your case? That's boring. I'd like to see the defense of it.

          • 2 years ago

            I presented a cogent argument already.

          • 2 years ago

            The more I lurk on here the more grateful I am for my wife.

          • 2 years ago

            is your wife built for bbc?

          • 2 years ago

            she's probably more of an rs feed type.

      • 2 years ago

        >it's going to be difficult to sift through the actual responses to this question that haven't succumbed to bitterness.
        what? sayings of the desert fathers is a real recommendation.

        • 2 years ago

          >desert fathers
          I'd disagree. I'm a pretty rabid anti-churcher and don't mind admitting it beforehand, but these men never actually got over sex, they just declared themselves celibate and avoided the subject entirely; consequentially they have no real advise,

          e.g., paraphrasing,
          "moderation (learning to control yourself is too hard, total abstinence is easier!"

          So this obviously deals with zero of the subject. It's the same thing as looking for advise on how to actually not want drugs or alcohol from people who all the time want drugs and alcohol and lack access to it, they haven't actually trained themselves or gotten over 'wanting' those things in the first place.

          It's like a little kids mentality, almost.There are exceptions to this with some of the churchy writers, sure, but only from the extreme other end where they've already lived that life and gotten bored of it and genuinely aren't interested in it anymore for that reason, coming from a pov of experience.

          Controlled opposition

          (Verification not required.)

          this is fascinating, reading and listening to this now. In a lot of ways we've advanced beyond the profligate state of affairs of dumb-beta men from 1971. In other ways, not.

          >linking wikipedia and not reading the book without it
          tremendous bait, or most egregious example of this board

          >The Manipulated Man
          'controlled opposition' lol, how so? I'm 80% read of it since yesterday evening. It's a little exaggerated I think but it does make the point that the behavior (when we find it) is entirely the product of a poor culture, so it's sober and grounded in that it's not ascribing the poor behavior to 'all women' "as women". It's very funny as well.

          • 2 years ago

            It's the other way around. Total abstinence is too hard, moderation is easier!

        • 2 years ago

          also the churchy bitterness is very unhelpful overall - it just makes the soppy woman or the mug of warm beer seem much better than it is.

  4. 2 years ago

    The Kreutzer Sonata by Tolstoy
    Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

  5. 2 years ago

    you will never be complete unto yourself anon if that's what you're saying. love union is the innate object of the will and our fundamental reason for being. basically you either choose women or god but in either case you are spiritually wired for loving. the sooner you embrace it the sooner you achieve some harmony in life

    • 2 years ago

      Based. Not what anyone wants to hear, but based. Real maturity means either fighting for a loving connection like that through self improvement, or dealing with the grief around that desire head-on. Pretending that you’ve just stopped wanting it is no good. You look like a five year old insisting “I’m not hungry” while their stomach keeps rumbling.

    • 2 years ago

      idolatry of 'love' is a uniquely western thing though. In eastern thought, renunciation of ALL desire (love and hate all the same) is the ultimate goal.

      • 2 years ago

        Because poos and Eastern insectoids are soulless, and thus aim at detachment. Try "destroying" your ego and see what happens, you're not achieving any nirvana, you're just losing your sense of self and become a total open minded (to demons) moron. They need their anti-ego and detachment theology to function as insects collectively in heavily populated areas

        • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        oh shut up

      • 2 years ago

        this isn't true. idea of union with the godhead or beloved is found in non-western traditions, from the devotional songs of the persians to the hymns of the vedas, to the adoration for krishna in the mahabharata.

  6. 2 years ago

    Leave your house and meet one.

  7. 2 years ago

    sayings of the desert fathers

  8. 2 years ago

    you can get half there by researching hybristophilia and how many women deny having rape fetishes.

  9. 2 years ago

    Check out some buddhist books
    maybe one of Lama Surya Das' books

  10. 2 years ago


    Imagine having to force yourself to get into a mindset that contradicts your own male instincts. You are being delusional, OP.

    Just accept you need a woman. You don't need to marry her or have kids. But get yourself a woman, even a sex buddy will fill that void.

    Hit the gym. Get a job. Eat healthy. Thrive.

    Don't allow yourself to be an eternal coping loser.

    • 2 years ago

      Ignore this type of response, OP. This human males head is filled with fungus from the female vegana and unwittingly seeks to uphold the dominion of his slave-master by coaxing you into service. Notice he is physically and intellectually inept due to the displacement of his rational mind and that such displacement is what he seeks to convert you into as well.

      Kill this type of creature if you encounter it, and claim its nearby women as your own.

      • 2 years ago

        >claim its nearby women as your own
        To propagate the cycle?

        • 2 years ago

          >To propagate the cycle?
          No. Because the Turks pay good coin for milk white flesh.

    • 2 years ago

      >Just accept you need a woman.
      I know, I just can't currently and won't be able to for quite a while b/c of my living arrangement. see

      Sounds nice but I can't have any relationships now or for the next few years because of my living situation.
      I once chatted to a woman (married and with kids) at a place I used to work at for like a week, nothing flirty just casual convo.
      Then I had to move away and even 3 months later just having a stray thought about her makes me feel dizzy.

      Just walking down the street and seeing random roasties is enough to make feel insane.

      I'm unironically at a loss.

      in fact I woke up today dreaming about this issue, it might be the end of me

      • 2 years ago

        >my living arrangement
        Put some money aside, move out of your parents house, get a girlfriend, live with her for a couple of weeks, and trust me, once you see the nightmare that it is to be with a female, and how quickly "love" fades (I'm talking weeks, not even months) and all you're left with is dread, you'll drop her and move back in with mommy and daddy, saving up all that rent money and never looking back.
        That's the only thing that works.

      • 2 years ago

        >my living arrangement
        Put some money aside, move out of your parents house, get a girlfriend, live with her for a couple of weeks, and trust me, once you see the nightmare that it is to be with a female, and how quickly "love" fades (I'm talking weeks, not even months) and all you're left with is dread, you'll drop her and move back in with mommy and daddy, saving up all that rent money and never looking back.
        That's the only thing that works.

        Get out of your parents house, rent an apartment, and really try to get a girlfriend and have her move in with you. 2 to 6 months should suffice in curing you forever from this mental affliction called "love", and you'll be over it for good.


        You'll also be shocked at how untidy the woman will be, how much effort and complaint it is for her to do a simple task - how much you'll hear about it and be guilted about it when she does (weeks and months later you'll be reminded about that one time she put her clothes away), how she can't even cook a simple meal (i hope you can learn to eat from microwaves) and how long it'll take before the fake happy act boils over into seething rage.

        I wonder if women would be better suited living in a garden shed.

        • 2 years ago

          >allowing f*males into a man's shed
          It's like you want flowers draped over your power tools.

          Put her in the kennel; the dog can sleep in the bed with you, as in the tradition Georgian fashion, the most civilised of ages.

          • 2 years ago

            what being lonely and loveless do to a man

  11. 2 years ago

    Forrest Gump, both the movie and the book.

  12. 2 years ago

    it's 'her' ineptitude - lack of self-control perhaps - when he loses the dog or forgets to pay the rent or spends the quarterly earnings on shoes, and she considers him poorly because of it:

    doesn't she realize she is at fault? he is a delicate flower, whereas she, if she is in anyway upset by his actions.....
    >That's on her. This mindset results from the woman's deficiencies --insufficiencies -- and ineptitude.

    We wouldn't take this seriously even for a second, it's laughable to pretend anybody in the world would ever say this of a woman having to tolerate a stupid husband.

    So you see the point of hypocrisy, ἐποχή

    • 2 years ago

      >it's laughable to pretend anybody in the world would ever say this of a woman having to tolerate a stupid husband.
      That's merely your supposition.

  13. 2 years ago

    If you really want to do it, get your hands on hard drugs.
    I suspect this is the real reason why hard drugs are banned. I haven't partaken myself, but I am told that they make women look worth less than 100 quids worth.
    Either that or become a Wizard.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        no, Wizard.
        30yrs of virginity

    • 2 years ago

      Absolutely on point. Even weed for me kills the drive but I've been addicted to Xanax and Tramadol and that shit made me flat out hate flirtatious attention from women. Sex seems a chore to getting fricked up, and your values are swapped so you would never want to share you time intimately or waste you cash on another. I just wanted to listen to my headphones.

      William Burroughs discussed this in junkie when relaying his Junk habits effect on his love life. His first book is really good.

      Being a burnout is exactly what THEY don't want. Oh and Pessoa's Book Of Disquiet.

      • 2 years ago

        >experiences flirtatious attention from women enough times that he can compare how it feels when sober to how it feels when he's on not just one particular drug, but more than one, implying at least three instances of flirtatious attention from women over the course of his life, and likely more than three

        Discontinue posting immediately.

  14. 2 years ago

    What helped me was taking drugs to chemically castrate myself
    A book that was nice was A Hero of our Time

  15. 2 years ago

    >being a gay with no strong opinions n anything besides gay Kantian bifurcation who retreats to the bare minimum of logical argumentation in discussions

    Don't be this guy

  16. 2 years ago


  17. 2 years ago

    IQfy will not ever improve with incel rates this high. It's not a matter of incels necessarily being wrong, it's a matter of myopia. We'll never reach higher planes of discourse because the tfw no gf elephant in the room hoovers up all the discourse. A sad fate.

    • 2 years ago

      > higher planes of discourse

    • 2 years ago

      tbh I don't mind defending the "incel" position at all, the nature of how some Mens brains go to shit around Women is very interesting - as well as their attempt to resist any inquiry of this subject by insulting any Man who voices their thoughts on the subject, as well as the total absence of Women in general - you'd think intelligent Women would be the first to remark on how awful the culture of 'Modern Women' is, since they'd the ones suffering the most at the hands of those other Women. Although perhaps they all killed themselves in their teens.

      Eh, anyway, a Man learning to shake off the infantilism and mother-dependency of the contemproary western culture is more like a naturally occurring brain-development; from child to adult, for the species I think where the opposite gender is no longer idolized or mysterious but is intimately understood and found to be deeply flawed, and probably being not allowed to speak of it at all leads to mental illness, pills, fads, suicide and mass shooters so it's good to talk about these things.

      just my opinion ....

      Though, moreso, it's very fun to take the hard position and argue it. If other people prefer to pretend like this is their social media where they're here to impress random anons by playing dumb, then that's just a waste of this format entirely.

    • 2 years ago

      >tfw no gf
      if that's all you got out of OP then maybe you should personally leave IQfy, we'd definitely get a higher level of discourse without you

    • 2 years ago

      >higher planes of discourse
      What subjects do you suggest?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Which writers? I enjoy Alexander Pope, Knut Hamsun, Percy Shelley, Whitman, Borges to name a few.

          • 2 years ago

            oh boy another pseud tripgay eager to make their name on a dying board past its prime

  18. 2 years ago


    >the subject
    What's the most salient concession you are willing to make? Let's not waste my time. I, for my part, concede nothing.

    • 2 years ago

      >Let's not waste time

      Try and discover the sentences that were carefully written for you to read in the earlier post here,

      Well it's obviously upbringing and influence that's the problem; the very terrible character of the western woman isn't the same in women of other countries.. but, sure,
      >Why do you assume that a self-aware and percipient woman capable of readily comprehending the ramifications of her being must necessarily be in possession of a detestable personality?
      Because to know wha you do is terrible; not in any grand philosophical manner but actually 'terrible' in your day-to-day interactions with people, and if you carry on doing it then your personality is detestable. Only if a person doesn't know better or, like a child, is considered not intellectually responsible for their actions would another person forgive terrible behavior.

      I think I understand what you're saying but you're stretching this simply to make allowance for a Woman in the first place. I submit to you that if a Man was noticably blanking you and treating you with contempt and refusing to work, etc., you'd have no trouble immediately recognizing what was going on - you would think he was going out of his way to make you beat him up, but with a Woman, maybe she wants "to be noticed" in some moronic way and genuinely, here's the difference, does not understand how offensive she is actually being. Either she lacks the mental capacity, which I doubt personally, or she has just been surrounded all her life by people who mad excuses for her and stunted her intellectual adult development, causing her to remain in infancy. She seeks a daddy and wants to be called baby, if it wasn't evident.

      when you're able to understand what was said, then perhaps we can try again.

      I would like to hear a defense for:
      1) how it's the Mans fault for noticing that a Woman who behaves terribly is behaving terribly.
      2) how this argument of yours (where it is the mans fault for not being tolerant to terrible behavior) does not rely upon 'you' (or him) considering Women to be inherently inferior and himself inherently superior; that 'he' must not apply normal standards of reason or behavioral expectations of good conduct to a Woman.

      • 2 years ago

        >Try and discover the sentences that were carefully written for you to read in the earlier post here
        You reek of insolence.

        • 2 years ago

          >you reek of insolence
          hahaha the ego of this woman..

          Hey, that's ok dear
          I am more than happy with non-western women who do not have 'terrible' personalities, ... I do not mind in the least to watch in amusement as you engage in dysgenics with mentally moronic simps - and I smile when you give birth to handicapped offspring from your bad choices in life.


          and just btw, your behavior here has been fairly 'terrible'. It kind of proves the point rather beautifully.

          >and just btw, your behavior here has been fairly 'terrible'. It kind of proves the point rather beautifully.

          • 2 years ago

            >smile when you give birth to handicapped offspring from your bad choices in life.
            I've never suffered a single bad choice. I'm also never rearing and bearing children. I am unfazed.

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm also never rearing and bearing children.
            Thank goodness for that. I am wholly pleased when I find westerners gelding their kids or not having any at all.

            It's nice to end on a positive note!

            Bunch of newbies here? How come no one said pic related?

            Ah, see, proof that not all Women are diabolically criminally moronic. Pay attention, greek-anon from earlier.

            Based. Not what anyone wants to hear, but based. Real maturity means either fighting for a loving connection like that through self improvement, or dealing with the grief around that desire head-on. Pretending that you’ve just stopped wanting it is no good. You look like a five year old insisting “I’m not hungry” while their stomach keeps rumbling.

            >Based. Not what anyone wants to hear, but based
            jack off into your sock already, would you?

            >Real maturity means either fighting for a loving connection like that
            C'mon, get a clue, look at the divorce rates and the break-up rates; 999% any child this guy may have with a westernish woman will be taken from him through the courts within the first six months and he will be reduced to a narcotics addled wreck, being forced to pay for the keep of that woman whilst living close to if not actually in a homeless shelter. If not this, then it will be misery upon misery until this eventually does occur.

            You are dreaming.

            OP needs to simply go to a foreign country and interact with non-broken Women from less decayed cultures, and he'll avoid all the misery you want to foist on him.

            this goes for you too casual lurker.

    • 2 years ago

      and just btw, your behavior here has been fairly 'terrible'. It kind of proves the point rather beautifully.

      • 2 years ago

        >, your behavior here has been fairly 'terrible'.
        How so?

  19. 2 years ago

    can our tripfriends please stop derailing and kindly leave, thanks a bunch

  20. 2 years ago


    >pretends to consider "sticking to the subject" as a bad thing
    Ideally, any discussion should transcend the subject's bourne. Take your arguments to their limit. Be wary of dealing with absolutes.

  21. 2 years ago

    On a related note, any books promoting asceticism?

  22. 2 years ago

    Bunch of newbies here? How come no one said pic related?

    • 2 years ago

      this is fascinating, reading and listening to this now. In a lot of ways we've advanced beyond the profligate state of affairs of dumb-beta men from 1971. In other ways, not.

      • 2 years ago

        >linking wikipedia and not reading the book without it
        tremendous bait, or most egregious example of this board

    • 2 years ago

      Controlled opposition

      (Verification not required.)

  23. 2 years ago

    The world as Will and Representation

  24. 2 years ago

    Imagine wanting to cut yourself off from the libidinal magma core. The challenge is to improvise a creative form of sublimation: better to become a shack-dwelling but prolific R. Crumb pervert than to abandon it all and castrate yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      But anon, the pain from the lack of fulfillment of the desire to be with a woman is too painful, enough for one to go insane. I doubt creative pursuits can ease that pain

      • 2 years ago

        >the pain from the lack of fulfillment of the desire to be with a woman is too painful,
        spoken like a true virgin.

  25. 2 years ago

    Simple just be born without it.

  26. 2 years ago

    Seeing all these dudes who couldn't get pussy to save their lives talk about women is the funniest thing.
    Book rec: Aesop's Fables.

    • 2 years ago

      cum brained little airhead.

      Just go on tinder and frick random women. It's so easy. You don't have to marry them, just be a degenerate coomer like me

      Okay, so I was getting laid when I was 17 to late 20's and am fully over it. Now what? How much longer the fake incel thing can actually last, it's not been the actual complaint ever.

      • 2 years ago

        he who fights the oceans ends up drowning. you have no idea how powerful these biological and psychological impulses truly are. You will never get over women. We are doomed to them.
        What you can do is simply not engage. Do not date, do not marry, do not get some broad pregnant. That is not so hard. But you will never cease to desire them.

        • 2 years ago

          see previous:

          What an interesting topic.

          I think probably understanding that we're physiologically wired to be suicide troops to serve random cave women goes a long way to curing this ailment, if you can't wait until the hormones wear off in your late twenties.

          It is an interesting topic for sure. Probably the answer is really the Reichian answer where you go full on into your lusts until your'e sick to death of whatever it was that you fetishized, then you're cured. But remember it's species biology that you're fighting against, not actually anything or anybody but your own default programming.

          it's going to be difficult to sift through the actual responses to this question that haven't succumbed to bitterness.

          >women or god
          aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh hahahahahahaha

          > but in either case you are spiritually wired for loving
          "spiritually" wired, my foot. it's a baseline default adolescent thing! it's babies! real men are above this.

          Also most civilizations understood this and were able to recognize that a Man stupid enough to be led by a Woman was not a man in the first place, this is very much at odds with the idea that,
          >You will never get over women.

        • 2 years ago

          >You will never get over women. We are doomed to them.
          Explain homosexuals then

          • 2 years ago

            Male homosexuality is the height and culmination of masculinity.

          • 2 years ago

            >You will never get over women. We are doomed to them.
            Explain homosexuals then

            This is a proof, sure. But it's an extreme other end, no pun intended. If you think about it it's really the notion of monogamy and hyper-fixation on sex acts that's the creation of these problems in the first place. It's our society that's setup this way where sexuality is made too much of and overly aggrandized; sex acts defining a personality, put into a cultural backdrop of monogamy and 'love' which adults aren't really wired for (and which societally can be shown not be practiced anyway, e.g. divorce and break-up rates) but which is reinforced from habit.

            And the idea that a person needs to swear off the opposite sex if they get bored of this; to become celibate (i.e. cease procreation) and exit the gene pool, is bizarre. Virtually all of these notions come from a society that lacks an adult comprehension of sexuality.

            >desert fathers
            I'd disagree. I'm a pretty rabid anti-churcher and don't mind admitting it beforehand, but these men never actually got over sex, they just declared themselves celibate and avoided the subject entirely; consequentially they have no real advise,

            e.g., paraphrasing,
            "moderation (learning to control yourself is too hard, total abstinence is easier!"

            So this obviously deals with zero of the subject. It's the same thing as looking for advise on how to actually not want drugs or alcohol from people who all the time want drugs and alcohol and lack access to it, they haven't actually trained themselves or gotten over 'wanting' those things in the first place.

            It's like a little kids mentality, almost.There are exceptions to this with some of the churchy writers, sure, but only from the extreme other end where they've already lived that life and gotten bored of it and genuinely aren't interested in it anymore for that reason, coming from a pov of experience.

            >The Manipulated Man
            'controlled opposition' lol, how so? I'm 80% read of it since yesterday evening. It's a little exaggerated I think but it does make the point that the behavior (when we find it) is entirely the product of a poor culture, so it's sober and grounded in that it's not ascribing the poor behavior to 'all women' "as women". It's very funny as well.

            >entirely the product of a poor culture, so it's sober and grounded in that it's not ascribing the poor behavior to 'all women' "as women"
            her argument of how women end up this way; stopping their intellectual development early on for having decided to be a prostitute, can be demonstrated to be the same cognitive pattern in 'passive' homosexuals as well; they adopt the same disregard for their actions and grasping attitude for useless trinketry and clothes, etc., seemingly for the precise same reasoning.

            I mean: if 'this' is what turns Men off Women and some of those Men become gay instead, then they'll face the same problem with gay Men too - as it's the poor character of 'that' mentality that's the problem; i.e. that type of Woman is herself no more than a devious-minded homosexual engaged in solipsistic disregard of the people around her.

          • 2 years ago

            Its also self destructive. Pride before the fall and all that jazz

  27. 2 years ago

    Just go on tinder and frick random women. It's so easy. You don't have to marry them, just be a degenerate coomer like me

  28. 2 years ago

    i wish i could get rid of my desire for female companions bros...

  29. 2 years ago

    If you need a book I would suggest The Book of Disquiet to inform you what avoiding women completely will really do to your mind. That said, no book will help. It numbs with age, becomes ephemeral fits that can spiral into despair, but it won't completely go away. Until your mid-30s you'll have to find numerous coping mechanisms to get by. I used writing, reading, illustration, cooking, and boxing. Alcohol fueled it all for some time. If you have male friends you will lose them as they become entangled with women, marry, become fathers, and ultimately can no longer relate to you. You will become suicidal and your mental health will suffer greatly in the long term. I'm not sure how I made it this far myself even with the distractions, and I gave up on women about 15 years ago.
    >t. 39 year old virgin

    • 2 years ago

      this, in a matriarchal country, man's freedom is over when he turns 18 or so, quite cruel since school takes up all of the rest.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm 40 that's somewhat related to what happened to me. I started a thread on Samael Aun Weor (no one answered, unsurprisingly) and apparently he held a hostile view of sex

  30. 2 years ago

    For me it's "The Collected Orations of Barbarossaa"

  31. 2 years ago

    The Manipulated Man

  32. 2 years ago

    I have accomplished this. How? Well I just think of all the guys she fricked and all the depraved shit she's done. It's not even a conscious thought anymore. It's actually very hard for me to feel any affection towards a woman.

  33. 2 years ago

    No books can achieve this, not even terrible first-hand experience can override your longing for intimacy and breeding instinct. I had only one long term relationship, a humiliating experience of emotional abuse and cuckoldry, and despite managing to stay celibate for years afterwards (even turning women down) I still catch myself pining after them, even missing my evil prostitute ex sometimes. I have to shame myself and mentally replay all the pain I suffered in relationship to stay volcel. It sucks, but better than falling for the veganal trap again.

    • 2 years ago

      'longing', the 'instinct for breeding', and 'pining' are not the same as love. in fact these interfere with love.

  34. 2 years ago

    Get married and divorced. Trust me, it will destroy any desire that you once had for women far better than any book. You won't even want to have conversations with them. There is no other way of learning of the devious, manipulative and utterly amoral nature that hides behind their charm. There are no "equal" and "respectful" relationships between men and women - you either control a woman completely or see yourself become a human pet.

    t. Recently divorced

    • 2 years ago

      >you either control a woman completely or see yourself become a human pet

    • 2 years ago

      Let's extrapolate that to 4 billion

    • 2 years ago

      Remember: no marriage, no life

  35. 2 years ago

    Not quite on point, but in the ballpark:

    Isaac B. Singer, The Penitent (a lustful man becomes pious)

  36. 2 years ago

    Get out of your parents house, rent an apartment, and really try to get a girlfriend and have her move in with you. 2 to 6 months should suffice in curing you forever from this mental affliction called "love", and you'll be over it for good.

  37. 2 years ago

    why would you want that?

  38. 2 years ago

    Just be gay, bro

  39. 2 years ago

    >Take women and then condition them to behave and think like men
    Just fixed all the world's problems

    • 2 years ago

      "Just train the dogs on how to do taxes, bro, then everyone will be able to do their own taxes"

      You can't train an animal to do or to be something which is fundamentally against their nature.

    • 2 years ago

      the world is unequal precisely because men offer to do everything a woman is expected to do. Because pussy inflation is this high.

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