Books on how to be a good boyfriend

I found a girl that for some reason said she likes me and i hope to not screw this up. Any books on how to maintain this relationship ? I don`t know what to fricking do

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  1. 11 months ago

    that's gotta be a man on the left, right?

    Men are from Mars Women are From Venus, to open yourself and communicate
    How to win friends and influence people, because you will need friends when she's going to dump your ass and steal half of your social circle

    • 11 months ago

      i don`t have any ''friends'' in common with her (yet) and don`t have friends pretty much at all. She comes sometimes to my neighbors house. We chatted,danced,kissed at my neighbours birthday and that is when she told me that she was interested in me for some time and now that i think back it kinda makes sense unless it`s a scam. I am really interested in Men are from Mars Women are From Venus because i dont talk that much and when i do i feel it is robotic and forced unless there is something that happened to make me talk about it .But i dont know if that is why she is interested in me, the silent observing type ? She is 7 years younger than me btw and i never had a girlfriend

      What's the name of the beautiful senorita?

      Raul Gordomaximo

      back off, buddy

      • 11 months ago

        That ain't the same girl, the first had a more upturned Castilian nose.

      • 11 months ago

        This moron was paid to get drunk at rich gays parties and being a laughing stock. You could literally hire him as some sort of drunk comedian. Then he said on video he could kill a big name drug lord and he was shot and died. Those are not his gfs.

        • 11 months ago

          así nomás quedo…

        • 11 months ago

          So you're saying he was a court jester of sorts and not a chad pussy slayer?

          • 11 months ago

            Yes, he was a lolcow and then was killed in 2017 just days before Christmass. 15 shots.

        • 11 months ago

          so basically these are 'fans' posing with the meme influencer of the month

      • 11 months ago

        is that air hand?

      • 11 months ago

        This moron was paid to get drunk at rich gays parties and being a laughing stock. You could literally hire him as some sort of drunk comedian. Then he said on video he could kill a big name drug lord and he was shot and died. Those are not his gfs.

        so basically these are 'fans' posing with the meme influencer of the month

        Yes, he was a lolcow and then was killed in 2017 just days before Christmass. 15 shots.

        He was called el pirata de Culiacan for anyone interested.

        • 11 months ago
          Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

          What does it say on his ingredients list? / where does he come from

          I found a girl that for some reason said she likes me and i hope to not screw this up. Any books on how to maintain this relationship ? I don`t know what to fricking do

          I swear, if a Woman posed like this in a photograph I would physically lap her. This look is disgusting. TAKE NOTE FEM ANON NEVER DO THIS

          >Books on how to be a good boyfriend
          I feel that the collected works of the 2nd Earl of Rochester are a good place to begin. I see the sickly look of his little wife and understand that, he, like myself, could never convince her to break her facade and be real, and so it took abducting her from the road at gunpoint and a stay in His Majestys Dungeons to convince her to wed, in the manner of the Ancient Georgians and of the Ancient Gods themselves. Needless to say they lived happily ever after, but it took that extreme to get her to drop the facade. Is it worth this trouble? This for you to decide.

          Myself, I think blacks and indians are better conversation.


          • 11 months ago

            'Being good for nothing else/Be wise,' exalted sir. An initial lapping may have preempted that 'passé blasé' that so irks (you) for instance..

          • 11 months ago
            Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

            >An initial lapping may have preempted that 'passé blasé' that so irks (you) for instance..
            That ... is a profoundly astute observation.

        • 11 months ago

          Is it possible he wanted to put his hand in the narc lady's cookie jar?

  2. 11 months ago

    Broom of the System.

  3. 11 months ago

    What's the name of the beautiful senorita?

    • 11 months ago

      Raul Gordomaximo

  4. 11 months ago

    Just read female targeted romance novels and be the male love interest irl. Also use your brain, be masculine and feminine and be vulnerable yet graceful like a swan not like a child.

  5. 11 months ago

    Just be the person she likes; thinking too much about it will morph /you/ into what she doesn't guaranteed. Employ Keats' 'willing suspension of disbelief,' maybe read his letters, definitely read his major poems.

  6. 11 months ago

    You do not need to read books (or consult any outside sources) to have a successful relationship. Your relationship will work if you behave in a way that your partner likes, and your partner behaves in a way that you like. So, all you need to do is communicate what you want and listen to what she wants. Obviously reading books and getting advice from others can be beneficial, but your primary guide for how to act should be her. She already likes you, so you might actually frick things up if you change your behaviour now because a book told you to.

  7. 11 months ago

    When you're with her you need to give her your full attention. Don't get distracted by your phone or whatever. And compliment her and tell her what you like about her. And don't insult her in any way.

  8. 11 months ago

    One thing you'll learn about books is that in almost every single case of one being written it wasn't done so to be a replacement for your father.

  9. 11 months ago

    >Books on how to be a good boyfriend

    • 11 months ago

      St Joesph is pretty much the ultimate father/husband a lot can be learned by studying him.

      • 11 months ago

        >san josep
        ... the adoptive father of Jesus? The actual cuck? c'mon

    • 11 months ago

      >le bible
      Seriously? You are on IQfy out of all places, don't you guys read anything else? As in fricking anything else? As in fricking books like LITERATURE or something?

      I found a girl that for some reason said she likes me and i hope to not screw this up. Any books on how to maintain this relationship ? I don`t know what to fricking do

      Considering that you are asking this shit here, I would focus on yourself first. So start with Plato, that Socrates crap "know thyself". Get a textbook or start reading things, or get an anthology, I haven read it, but Baird's Philosophy Classics seems nice.

  10. 11 months ago


    No. Frick off. Be spontaneous and have itineraries. Die

  11. 11 months ago

    You don't need books, perhaps just psychological papers to understand how the brain functions in a relationship and set your expectations right.
    The most decisive factor is communication it's worth considering to reach a book about that topic.

    • 11 months ago

      >You don't need books, perhaps just psychological papers to understand how the brain functions in a relationship and set your expectations right.
      holy shit absolute bugman midwit advice

  12. 11 months ago

    How are you supposed to treat women with daddy issues? Like a loving father or treat her like trash?

    • 11 months ago

      Maybe the latter? Maybe feed her dirt and shout THIS IS WHAT YOUR SOUL WOULD TASTE LIKE IF YOU COULD EAT IT?

  13. 11 months ago

    most advice about women for men you'll come across is moronic mind games for normies. i would say study the successful relationships you see in your own life. I'm lucky that my parents have been together 30+ years so I get a lot of my knowledge from them. There are points in the relationship where you'll have to be the man and make things happen getting through those trials definitely improves your bond. Women want a man they can lean on they don't want you to lean on them.

    • 11 months ago

      i actually dont know a single relationship that i want to mirror. I have never seen my parents show any affection towards each other, in all my life i remember only seeing them kiss once and never seen them hug

  14. 11 months ago

    Never really read it, but there is a manga called Kare Kano.

  15. 11 months ago

    Man lit is crazy unhelpful
    Look up the cycle of abuse and trauma bonding
    follow that and she will never leave you

    • 11 months ago

      This, don't forget to neg her all the time and encourage gluttony. Call her a fat little piggy while she eats her third snack of the day. Then while you have sex you should call her skinny.

    • 11 months ago
      Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

      you have to present as quite low IQ for it to be convincing, so that she thinks you "need her assistance" and you "cannot help it because you are stupid," hahaha

      yeah i've been there, it's sad to watch. Much easier if we were allowed to simply kill these little guys. imagine the dysgenics going on there.

      • 11 months ago

        >you have to present as quite low IQ for it to be convincing, so that she thinks you "need her assistance" and you "cannot help it because you are stupid," hahaha
        No, no I don't think so. This is how it works usually when not done deliberately, but if you aren't actually a low iq idiot, you don't have much to gain from acting like one 99% of the time. On the contrary, I think being high IQ would be massively helpful. You kinda want to have your shit together all the time, but also insert fits of abuse in there, yeah then you tell you you cant help it, she's the only support you have in life, the only one who truly gets you, you just have some issues and couldn't help yourself but so long as she's there you can get through it or whatever promise it wont happen again, hold her tight and really shower her with love, but only after you are rough with her.

        For both the low IQ and high IQ that pulls this off, she will get the feeling that she is needed and wont want to leave, but I think that if you are actually high status and valuable, there is still going to be a lot more apprehension than if you were low status. In a scenario like this, the main threat is gonna be from outside influences. To someone on the outside (note this doesn't have to just be friends, but also media and stuff), there's gonna be a lot more ammo to give her justification for her to leave and for the spell to be broken if you're a low IQ idiot than to leave a high IQ successful guy. Like, that's how the romance novels always are, the guy is a high status high iq billionaire playboy, but she's the only one that can get through to him and handle his rough edges, and because of his high value she feels good merely because of his selection of her.

        But then again, or maybe I'm wrong and you actually do want to lean into the helplessness low IQ manbaby angle as much as possible. Really stoke the fire of that motherly instinct. I dunno, maybe it depends on the girl. Or maybe they both work equally well.
        This has given me something to think about.

        • 11 months ago
          Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

          I’m not reading all that, homosexual. Summarize what you just said or frick off.

          (His Lordship)

        • 11 months ago
          Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

          A Mn stands bleary eyed in a string vest with a can of alcohol.

          "Occams Razor: is it easier to be intelligent or pretend to be dumb or to simply be dumb but yet paradoxically be too stupid to figure out what occams razor dictates? but not needing to be intelligent to figure out what comes naturally."

          He is contented.

  16. 11 months ago
    Sir Duncan Crumb (His Lordship)

    slap i said slap .. n-not lap

  17. 11 months ago

    stop reading books and spend time with your girlfriend moron

  18. 11 months ago

    Not be like that goofy fricking Hispanic and get yourself killed firstly.

  19. 11 months ago

    This post makes it seem like you’re already halfway there. Going into a relationship with the intention to do it well is admirable. Just don’t try to become a chameleon and conform to her desires. You’ll frick things up if you try too hard. She likes you, not whatever future abomination you could turn yourself into.

    Majority of the books here won’t help. In reality women are keen enough to sniff out the lit club gays that are larping as their favorite Hemingway protagonist or trying to manipulate them with unearned Jungian wisdom

    • 11 months ago

      the road to hell is paved with good intentions

      • 11 months ago

        Fair enough, hopefully OP’s relationship doesn’t turn into a personal hell for him. Or at least hope he’s smart enough to leave if it does

  20. 11 months ago

    RIP mi piratita
    Así nomás quedó

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