books on recovery from addiction/living after addiction

I'm in a pretty dark place and I need some recommendations for life after addiction. Not how to escape the addiction or how to GET sober but literally how to pick the pieces of your life back together. relearning to live after addiction. I'm in a weird space where I'm no longer addicted but I keep going back out of boredom with the life I've neglected and haven't really recovered yet.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Nothing beats drugs.

    • 2 years ago

      Ehh yeah plenty beats drugs. Drugs suck. Like I said I'm not really addicted anymore, I just need books on this topic because I'm not sure where to go from here. All the books on addiction are focused on overcoming it, not the after.

      Like if someone was depressed for years, how do they just go back and recover their life?

      • 2 years ago

        >All the books on addiction are focused on overcoming it, not the after.
        This. Plus, reading about drugs while trying to quit drugs is a fricking moronic thing to do. Unless it solely focuses on the negatives, which they never do.

      • 2 years ago

        I'm in a pretty dark place and I need some recommendations for life after addiction. Not how to escape the addiction or how to GET sober but literally how to pick the pieces of your life back together. relearning to live after addiction. I'm in a weird space where I'm no longer addicted but I keep going back out of boredom with the life I've neglected and haven't really recovered yet.

        I hope you're the same person. I became involved in the Catholic church and its one of the best decisions I ever made. The old Christian faiths are so rich with beauty, truth, and goodness. It's not a cope-- copes don't really work in life I've found. Participating in sacraments and seeking truth often come at the expense of copes and pleasure, but are richly rewarding.

        I do think the Holy Spirit can cure drug addiction, but you claim to not be in the throws of addiction-- and if this is not totally true, I'd suggest a professional rehab program before trying to find anything to "fill" it. I hope you're waking up from abusing some shitty drug like weed or psychedelics and not the life-destroying, soul-destroying stuff.

  2. 2 years ago

    the big book of alcoholics anonymous

    • 2 years ago

      Infinite Jest

      And this. IJ has many chapters about AA.

  3. 2 years ago

    im also trying to figure out what to do. not really a heavy alcoholic or anything but my life still revolves around drinking alone, plus some other vices i engage in more regularly , and i just cant figure out what im supposed to do exactly. i have no idea what Im meant to look forward to on a daily basis, what sort of highlights im supposed to look forward to on the weekends when i currently do my binge drinking, which feels like the main thing which the other days all build up to. when i was young drinking was a much bigger deal, probably because i associate it with my friends because i wasn't drinking alone back then, but now after a goddamn decade of my life just gone with nothing to show for it, the cycle is getting tiresome. I feel like i need some thing(s) to re-build and restructure my life around but i cant quite figure out what

    • 2 years ago

      Read kick the drink easily by Jason Vale

    • 2 years ago

      Not a book, just advice
      Keep busy. Extremely busy. Pack your days with things to do. Books on an ever growing to-read list, exercises in and out of the gym, old hobbies, new hobbies, day trips, long trips. Your schedule should be stuffed with so much you don't have time to think about getting high. Now is the time to learn a new instrument, study a new language, get into miniature wargaming, do all those things that piqued your interest but you never got around to doing.
      Make a schedule and keep to it. You might feel tired or down or bored but stick to it for at least a couple months. After a couple weeks things become routine and then you do them automatically.
      It seems like you find nothing enjoyable anymore and you never will again but this is a facade, just addiction trying to drag you back down again. If you try something new and work at it every day for a few months and it still sucks then drop it for something else. You will find something that appeals to you and brings you joy eventually. There will be a period of soul-sucking lifeless mediocrity and blandness in the meantime - that comes with the territory. Willpower will get you through and yes, you do have the willpower to do it.
      One day at a time. Every morning get out of bed, check your schedule for the day and do it. Give it your all, you really have nothing to lose by doing so. Avoid falling into the same old ruts and traps. You cannot have just one or just a little or just for old times sake. You are busy now, you have things to do and no one is going to stop you from trying your best to do them.
      You have to create meaning for yourself. I can't do it for you, neither can anyone else and you won't find a book that does it for you. Become who you want to be. If you don't know who that is just be better which starts by being better at small things and working towards being better all around.
      Tough road ahead, I wish you luck. Believe in yourself and push yourself, you can make it.

  4. 2 years ago

    I liked porno's take
    you will always be addicted to something
    just get addicted to something better

  5. 2 years ago

    Scar Tissue talks a lot about things like that crazy trip to Borneo he did after he got clean. You notice a pattern, maybe it's just the ghost writer creating a narrative, but it seems like whenever he was in a relationship and making an album he was clean. But it was usually the end of recording an album or a tour that caused him to start using again.
    A Liar's Autobiography he adopts a street urchin and becomes part of a group of daredevils who do things like hike active Volcanoes after kicking the bottle
    If you can find a biography on Jerry Lewis that might also serve you well. He got remarried, adopted a daughter

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you this is basically what I was looking for.

      Infinite Jest

      And this. IJ has many chapters about AA.

      Is this a meme or does IJ really cover the topic I'm asking about, not addiction itself but rebuilding life after addiction?

      The 6th of this month was my four year clean date from Fet and H.

      I was just tired of being a piece of shit. Try to craft a self image and chase that. I don't recommend God or AA, it doesn't work for me. You do need a support system though either friends or family. I had a great and understanding network. I have debased myself for most of my 20s and was depressed because of it. I recommend exercise and a goal of where you want to be in your life. Two months ago I got an entry level job at a Fortune 500 company that's ripe with opportunity.

      Your brain is used to wanting something and getting it right away, that's why your bored. You need to invest in delayed gratification.

      Do you have a job? I worked as a security guard for a year while I got my shit together. I just read books and fricked off, talked to girls etc. Just show up to work and save your money.

      Good luck, Anon.

      Not a book, just advice
      Keep busy. Extremely busy. Pack your days with things to do. Books on an ever growing to-read list, exercises in and out of the gym, old hobbies, new hobbies, day trips, long trips. Your schedule should be stuffed with so much you don't have time to think about getting high. Now is the time to learn a new instrument, study a new language, get into miniature wargaming, do all those things that piqued your interest but you never got around to doing.
      Make a schedule and keep to it. You might feel tired or down or bored but stick to it for at least a couple months. After a couple weeks things become routine and then you do them automatically.
      It seems like you find nothing enjoyable anymore and you never will again but this is a facade, just addiction trying to drag you back down again. If you try something new and work at it every day for a few months and it still sucks then drop it for something else. You will find something that appeals to you and brings you joy eventually. There will be a period of soul-sucking lifeless mediocrity and blandness in the meantime - that comes with the territory. Willpower will get you through and yes, you do have the willpower to do it.
      One day at a time. Every morning get out of bed, check your schedule for the day and do it. Give it your all, you really have nothing to lose by doing so. Avoid falling into the same old ruts and traps. You cannot have just one or just a little or just for old times sake. You are busy now, you have things to do and no one is going to stop you from trying your best to do them.
      You have to create meaning for yourself. I can't do it for you, neither can anyone else and you won't find a book that does it for you. Become who you want to be. If you don't know who that is just be better which starts by being better at small things and working towards being better all around.
      Tough road ahead, I wish you luck. Believe in yourself and push yourself, you can make it.

      Thanks for the advice. No my life is in a transitory phase where I'm looking for work and moving and also getting sober, which is why it's difficult. The addiction is dead I'm just bored and have this habit so it's easier to do that now than have to sit and deal with "ok let's rebuild a social circle" especially since a lot of my life is going to change soon. A lot of new structure and community, stuff to do stuff to focus on, is going to be added to my life very shortly, which is obviously going to have a massive involvement here. I'm not worried about my success with it, because as I've said the addiction itself is all wrapped up. I don't have cravings or anything.

      I hope you're the same person. I became involved in the Catholic church and its one of the best decisions I ever made. The old Christian faiths are so rich with beauty, truth, and goodness. It's not a cope-- copes don't really work in life I've found. Participating in sacraments and seeking truth often come at the expense of copes and pleasure, but are richly rewarding.

      I do think the Holy Spirit can cure drug addiction, but you claim to not be in the throws of addiction-- and if this is not totally true, I'd suggest a professional rehab program before trying to find anything to "fill" it. I hope you're waking up from abusing some shitty drug like weed or psychedelics and not the life-destroying, soul-destroying stuff.

      Yeah both of those posts are me. No I'm absolutely not converting to Catholicism and I find your post to be peak Christian/catholic. Preying on the weak and vulnerable. I was born and raised Catholic and I have seen many of my family members become "born again" Christians following severe addictions. It's just replacement of the addiction, not actual treatment. Indoctrination does not cure addiction it's just indoctrination of an addict into another addictive thing. Additionally:
      >I hope you're waking up from abusing some shitty drug like weed or psychedelics and not the life-destroying, soul-destroying stuff.
      PEAK CATHOLICISM: shame. Someone's in a low place and you first focus on conversion, then go out of your way to shame them or make them subscribe to your moral lens. I'm very fortunate enough to be both an ex-catholic and not in the throws of addiction to be able to see through this bullshit but you should really reflect on this action here and why I'm reacting so loudly to it. Because it's disgusting and frankly, out of line with the love of god and jesus that you're supposed to be following. You could have ended your post with messages of love and support, similarly to how an actual person following the teachings of christ or the holy spirit would act, but because religion is dogshit you actively had to shame someone. God, the holy spirit, and jesus christ are unconditional love and controlling someone or having any sort of stipulations on that is quite literally not love. I'm very passionate about this informed by years of unwilling education on the church, I hope this gives you at minimum pause to reflect. Go read the bible you literal parasite.

      • 2 years ago

        Cringe. Enjoy hell then I guess.

        • 2 years ago

          mega cringe

      • 2 years ago

        >Thank you this is basically what I was looking for.
        Happy to help. Sorry I couldn't think of any specific titles for Jerry Lewis.

      • 2 years ago

        much of IJ covers the life of a clean drug addict and his life afterwards. What he does for fun, the addictions he still has but doesn't fret over. Puts it into perspective. Addiction is a interesting thing to wrestle with both literally and as an idea and IJ handles it in a way that you may strongly identify with and understand

      • 2 years ago

        >rebuilding life after addiction?
        It does, one of the main characters is a recovering drug addict/alcoholic and one of the much of the novel takes place is a recovery house. There’s also a lot about people struggling with addiction, though.

  6. 2 years ago

    The 6th of this month was my four year clean date from Fet and H.

    I was just tired of being a piece of shit. Try to craft a self image and chase that. I don't recommend God or AA, it doesn't work for me. You do need a support system though either friends or family. I had a great and understanding network. I have debased myself for most of my 20s and was depressed because of it. I recommend exercise and a goal of where you want to be in your life. Two months ago I got an entry level job at a Fortune 500 company that's ripe with opportunity.

    Your brain is used to wanting something and getting it right away, that's why your bored. You need to invest in delayed gratification.

    Do you have a job? I worked as a security guard for a year while I got my shit together. I just read books and fricked off, talked to girls etc. Just show up to work and save your money.

    Good luck, Anon.

  7. 2 years ago

    i'm trying to quit drinking too OP, on naltrexone and yeah it's tough. my life is a nightmare. i fully understand why i turned to booze for so long. without it, it's just trauma and hopelessness.

  8. 2 years ago

    A Scanner Darkly

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