Books take TOO fucking LONG to read!

Books take TOO fricking LONG to read!
There's like 5000 books you need to read to be considered bare minimum intellectual and I'm 26 wagie I got like 1 hour of free time a day how the FRICK am I supposed to read ALL THIS SHIT?! Are you homosexuals all just pretending to be well-read?

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  1. 9 months ago

    No, reading is enjoyable so I don't mind spending my free time doing it when I can. A lot of people do start reading more difficult literature as teenagers to try and come across as intellectual, and you either get bored and stop, or fall in love with it.

    • 9 months ago

      Eh it can be boring but it's worth it in the end. It's not "oh I've read so many books lol" it's more like "wow I learned about what other people think about life"

      Ofc if you can have interesting convos with people it's about the same thing

      • 8 months ago

        Yeah I suppose I would distinguish enjoyable from fun. Maybe fulfilling is the better word? Sometimes it's fun, and sometimes it can be satisfying hard work, sometimes it's intellectually fulfilling or some mix of all three. I'd definitely say that grade school literature instruction is too concerned with whether things are enjoyable.

  2. 9 months ago

    You are focusing in the end, and not in the journey.

  3. 9 months ago

    How many pages can you read in an hour?

  4. 9 months ago

    I read books at work during lunch. That's about 30 minutes a day. I get through lots of books.

    • 9 months ago

      I do this too. Since I read classics from Gutenberg on my phone, I can also have short reading sessions whenever I have a moment of spare time for whatever reason. If you're like me and operate machinery by doing mindless repetitive tasks alone for most of the day, audiobooks are fine too. Generally speaking I do recommend lighter books for listening because can't really "reread" an important sentence and so on, but I've also found out that some purple prose that make for heavy reading really reveal their inherent poetry when read aloud by a good reader.

    • 8 months ago

      I do this too. Since I read classics from Gutenberg on my phone, I can also have short reading sessions whenever I have a moment of spare time for whatever reason. If you're like me and operate machinery by doing mindless repetitive tasks alone for most of the day, audiobooks are fine too. Generally speaking I do recommend lighter books for listening because can't really "reread" an important sentence and so on, but I've also found out that some purple prose that make for heavy reading really reveal their inherent poetry when read aloud by a good reader.

      Phone reader here as well. I read six pages in 10–15 minutes, so I do six pages while on the toilet in the morning, six pages during lunch break, six pages on the toilet in the afternoon and twelve pages right before bed. 30 pages a day amounts to 420 pages in two weeks. That's at least 26 books in a year.

  5. 9 months ago

    Why do you want to be "considered" an "intellectual"? Trust me, no one cares. Video games are much more efficient if you just want the illusion of accomplishing something.

  6. 9 months ago

    Read during work dummy.

  7. 9 months ago

    Reading is supposed to be fun. I only read pop histories and pulp genre fiction. Find something that will entertain as well as inform.

  8. 9 months ago

    and the surprise was the biggest reveal of all

  9. 9 months ago

    1 hour free time for reading assuming daily is pretty good enough. Along the way, if you could just stop crying, maybe you'll figure out how to get more than 1 hour per day free time for reading.

  10. 9 months ago

    uhhh i'm really sorry

  11. 9 months ago

    it's over

  12. 9 months ago

    You are a consumer. You’d rather have quantity over quality. No one gets anything from checking a book off as finished. The power of the books comes from the endeavor of reading it and finding one that touches you in some way. Not everyone is cut out for the lit lifestyle. You will always have the proverbial carrot dangling in front of you and a bunch of books on your backlog.

  13. 8 months ago

    I pretty much stopped reading once I got a full time job, it's not that I don't enjoy it any more it's just that I'm so tired after working all day, even when I do have free time I would rather sleep to the point that I get through maybe 2 books a year now if that

    it's hard to believe this is all life is, just sitting in an office for 8-9 hours a day occasionally being berated by some middle manager who has nothing better to do then going home and sleeping until you do it again the next day, I don't even have a "bad" job I'm paid above the average wage in my area, it's all so shit

    • 8 months ago

      Do something else bro. I used to be in the same position, I was really well paid, but seeing your soul dying 24/7 isn't worth it, trust me

      • 8 months ago

        I genuinely don't know what else I could do without either taking a drastic pay cut and being borderline homeless or getting more education I've signed up for online classes with the local uni a few times but I just can't bring myself to follow through wasting even more time on another degree that may very well land me back in the same spot, I wish I had just taken the learn to code meme seriously when I was still in school so I could just get some work from home stuff going

        • 8 months ago

          I used to code. Trust me this shit gets stale REALLY fast. Lots of convoluted shit you need to spend hours understanding without diving into actual work. Sometimes it's rewarding but other than that it's mostly an office job.
          Give yourself a year and try working construction, or as a waiter. Do something completely different and see what sticks.
          Money's important, but honestly if that means you have to hate your life for it, I'd rather be middle class

          • 8 months ago

            This. Programming and being well read do not usually intersect. You simply do not have the cognition, usually, for both.

  14. 8 months ago

    books don't take too long to read.

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