Books to cure anhedonia, depression, boredom, 10+ years of avoidant personality disorder?

Books to cure anhedonia, depression, boredom, 10+ years of avoidant personality disorder?

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  1. 12 months ago


  2. 12 months ago

    Lifting weights, getting a job, and being charitable dumb weebie; sitting on your ass and doing nothing the cause of melancholy.

    • 12 months ago

      Why even bother giving advice when you're this moronic?

      • 12 months ago

        Holy shit the posts in this thread are fricking awful.

        IDK about "cure", but reading Eumeswil and Ride the Tiger may help you understand the problem a lot better, if you're anything like me. Beyond that, all I can advise you is to learn to cope with it and be prepared for a day when things might be different. If you get your chance at adventure 20 years from now but you've become a demoralised wreck by then, it won't matter - it'll be game over.
        Genuinely wonder if there are people whose existential crisis can be solved just by lifting weights, or if this is just shit that people say for the sake of looking good, without actually believing it.

        If you think a person is going to get all better by only sitting and reading a book then you are mentally handicapped and an imbecile. All wisdom and philosophy is wasted on people who don't actually go out there and live; using your body and your mind and applying it with energy to your life is how you get better.

      • 12 months ago

        Why bother asking for advice when you really desire to continue sitting around doing nothing?

  3. 12 months ago

    get blood work done for basically everything by your primary care..

  4. 12 months ago
    Voluntary Fool
  5. 12 months ago

    Decline of the West

  6. 12 months ago

    datura, meth and steroids

  7. 12 months ago

    Third shelf, right next to the cancer curing book.

  8. 12 months ago

    Wisdom literature would be helpful. Also, not jerking off to e-girl might do more than you think.

  9. 12 months ago

    Dresden files

  10. 12 months ago
    • 12 months ago

      St. Therese of Lisieux's Story of a Soul, specifically the parts where she gets into a deep melencholic state and struggles with her faith. Don't just skip to it though, read the whole thing.
      Neil Peart's Ghost Rider. Basically, he lost his wife and daughter in the span of a year and went on trip from Toronto Canada through the US into Mexico to find the meaning of his life again. Very good books; would recommend wholeheartedly.

      Also, finding something that gives your life meaning and finding God via prayer unironically and if need be, some SSRIs like Escalastopram in addition to that.

      If that image provokes lust in you, then there's something wrong with you, not OP.

      Holy shit the posts in this thread are fricking awful.

      IDK about "cure", but reading Eumeswil and Ride the Tiger may help you understand the problem a lot better, if you're anything like me. Beyond that, all I can advise you is to learn to cope with it and be prepared for a day when things might be different. If you get your chance at adventure 20 years from now but you've become a demoralised wreck by then, it won't matter - it'll be game over.
      Genuinely wonder if there are people whose existential crisis can be solved just by lifting weights, or if this is just shit that people say for the sake of looking good, without actually believing it.

      Lifting weights and exercise helps, but being a gymrat is genuinely moronic. There are other aspects of life you need to balance like your love life, work life, hobbies etc. Going to the gym all the time just isn't possible for most people but working out and lifting weights 1-2 times a week and early morning runs are definitely a plus for curing depression.

      • 12 months ago

        Also forgot: read Aristotle's Nichomachaen Ethics for a practical guide to implement these positive changes into your life. It's pretty short and uses everyday language so it's one of his most accessible works out there.

    • 12 months ago

      please please don't tell me op's pic is lust provoking to you

  11. 12 months ago

    you need to have sex with an anime girl (child). there's no other way to go back.

  12. 12 months ago

    Stop watching anime and watch family guy instead so at least you’ll have something to talk about with wamens. It’s basically the same shit anyway

  13. 12 months ago

    why is this asked every day? you want to do next to nothing (reading a book is literally sitting and doing nothing) to fix 16+ years of laziness and patheticness. actually live a life instead of reading some bullshit.

  14. 12 months ago

    deleting all anime media from your computer is step #1. reply to me once you have completed this task and i will give you step #2.

  15. 12 months ago

    I feel worse than ever. How do I fix this? Animes does nothing anymore.

    • 12 months ago

      Well I'm no expert but I think you guys don't need books.
      What you need are other people.
      Talking to them, making friends with them, doing stuff together.
      That's how I see it.
      When I meet my friends it feels like eating a senzu bean.

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