CAD nerds, is FreeCAD good?

Revit is too expensive, but last time I checked FREECAD it was obviously not intended for construction shit (or any comercial venture for that matter)

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  1. 2 years ago



    Just pirate Revit.

    • 2 years ago

      >Just pirate Revit.
      So Autodesk can rape me with a lawsuit and force me to pay 10x the tag price during an audit? I would rather avoid that.
      I have a knockoff AutoCAD which is good enough, but everything nowadays is BIM.
      I tried blenderBIM too, but it's a decade away from even getting close to Revit. Blender is not suited for this stuff.

      Worth every penny.


      • 2 years ago

        grab a cracked 10yo catia v5 version and be done with it.
        its windows only but it just werk even under linux with wine or in a vm, (even without a gpu passthrought, it will be slower obviously but still usable for simple projects).

      • 2 years ago

        Lmao. Anon they literally don't care about you pirating their shit unless you are making some serious bank with their software. Even then you'd have to announce that you are using their software in the first place.

        • 2 years ago

          It's just okay. It is free, so why not just try it?

          Yeah I'm pretty sure Autodesk doesn't care. From what I've heard, that's how AutoCAD caught on in the first place, it was incredibly easy to pirate, though that was something like 25+ years ago now. The Foundry on the other hand...

  2. 2 years ago

    works on my machine

    • 2 years ago

      Is that just Architecture, or does it have Structure as well?

  3. 2 years ago

    Worth every penny.

  4. 2 years ago

    It’s kind of cool, you can use openfoam, z88, elmer interfaces to do your structural analysis too. They have lagrange contact and all sorts. Sky’s the limit with what you want to put your time into

  5. 2 years ago

    I mean i dont expect free software alternatives to be as good as autocad. Cause that is like the software equivalent of building a cathedral.
    But i just wanted to ake a floorplan right. A simple floorplan. i figure id use librecad. It was so bareboned i ended up using it was just some bullshit for immigration so it wasnt a big deal but yeah. Librecad might as well not exist.
    Freecad is alright for 3d printing stuff i think.

  6. 2 years ago

    >uses a STEP file format
    It's dead on arrival. Anything relatively complex will make the file too big and bloated. They should use a database-like file format that only loads what's currently necessary to the user (like Revit does). That alone kills FreeCAD from ever being relevant for construction. Same reason why IFC sucks and big companies would rather use Revit than complying with formats made by companies that don't really build anything.

  7. 2 years ago

    Is fusion360 still free?

    • 2 years ago

      No and the prices just increased this week too

      • 2 years ago

        if you were an engineer or architect you woukdnt be asking this question tbh
        Seriously, sketchup is fine.

        • 2 years ago

          SketchUp lacks too many features. Maybe it's good enough for architects of normal stuff, but for anything bigger or different is a pain in the ass to do in SketchUp.

          >Just pirate Revit.
          So Autodesk can rape me with a lawsuit and force me to pay 10x the tag price during an audit? I would rather avoid that.
          I have a knockoff AutoCAD which is good enough, but everything nowadays is BIM.
          I tried blenderBIM too, but it's a decade away from even getting close to Revit. Blender is not suited for this stuff.

          Blender bim does look promising but navigating in blender is a nightmare as it is now, I can only imagine how painful it would be navigating a complex model on it.

          • 2 years ago

            oh the blender basucs are not tgat bad and if youre going to be using a plugin im assuming the plugin will do the heavy lifting for you. But im just guessing.
            Anyways to move an object press g. y,x,z for each axis. S to scale and R to rotate.

          • 2 years ago

            okay im done posting on the tablet. time to get on my computer with grammarly lol.

          • 2 years ago

            You know I've been looking at blender bim and it does look better than sketup.
            Sketup models look kind of shitty.
            How can the giant Google corporation be beaten by a blender plugin wtf.

          • 2 years ago

            Well on second thought that plugin looks kind of complicated to use
            I'm guesstimating you'd have to have some intermediate expirience with blender based on what I see on this video.

            Not entirely sure what it does based on that video. I mean if all it offers is 3d models you can buy those separetely
            SketchUp on the other hand...

            Yeah, way more friendly. Also yeah now it makes sense cause the ugly looking models were before they were rendered.
            Yeah I'd just go with SketchUp.

    • 2 years ago

      Its free, but they are doing their best to try to get people to use the paid version. They limit you to 10 files on the free version and they tie everything to their cloud servers. No Linux version.

  8. 2 years ago

    Its awful to actually draw in
    The FEA is good though

    • 2 years ago

      You must be very brave or very stupid to do FEM shit on FREECAD

      • 2 years ago

        Freecad just hooks up to other solvers, it’s not like they have that stuff built directly in.

  9. 2 years ago

    use OpenSCAD

    • 2 years ago

      >text based control for an inherently graphical-based task
      the only use it may have is automated cad model generation from a script to pipe from/into

  10. 2 years ago

    yeah i just checked the blender plugins for architecture on youtube and theyre not that good.
    just use sketchup tbh.

  11. 2 years ago

    autocad dominated the industry so hard that windows is a de facto standard, even moreso than other industries
    the only professional CAD tools for linux are bricscad, which no one cares about, and NX, which removed the GUI from the linux version
    so tl;dr suck it up and make it a windows VM

  12. 2 years ago

    You gotta pony up in this line of work.
    4K for a perpetual solidworks license.
    Sorry bud but none of the free shit comes even close.

  13. 2 years ago

    just get some uni student to give you an autodesk account

  14. 2 years ago

    It may be good for something, that something not being related to real work.

  15. 2 years ago

    As a freetard who uses FreeCAD regularly and rejects Solidworks and Autodesk for ideological reasons...

    No I absolutely cannot recommend it in its current state... It's complete shit.

    FreeCAD is one of the most bug-riddled, crash-prone, and convoluted POS software that CAN'T EVEN FIX IT'S FRICKING TOPOLOGICAL NAMING ISSUES THAT NO OTHER FRICKING CAD SOFTWARE HAS.

    Like holy shit, the crashes themselves are bad enough, it is almost guaranteed to either segfault or lose its GL context for some stupid fricking reason whenever you use it. So you eventually get use to saving after every 3 fricking operations. And don't even try to auto-recover any missing data because even in the cases where it does detect that it crashed and tries to recover your previous session, it might OVERWRITE YOUR CURRENTLY SAVED FILE FOR NO FRICKING REASON. Welcome to to the year 1999 again. Make sure to have backups.

    Then there's the bugs. I don't understand how sketching a 2d object to be used in a simple pad or revolution operation can sometimes just fail to be fully constrained for one minute, and then say it's all good the next when you DIDN'T EVEN CHANGE ANYTHING. And that's not even touching the goddamn topological naming problems that have entire fricking Youtube series dedicated to covering. FIX YOUR SHIT FREECAD COMMUNITY WHY DON'T YOU SEE THIS AS PRIORITY FRICKING #1

    The real problem is that I don't have another decent FOSS alternative to recommend. If you need to create a sketch or build a mechanical part using a shit ton of boolean operations, then it's unfortunately the best we got. I just hope one day someone will build a variety of CAD plugins for Blender that all work together.

    • 2 years ago

      i use pirated solidworks and it's also unstable as frick and i have to save every 10 minutes if i don't want to lose work

  16. 2 years ago

    If it is for commercial jobs, just rent the tool. But if you are starting at zero cash flow you should not be doing design construction by yourself, or using the trial time to learn whatever (or do a deck).
    If you get a cracked copy expect a RAT.
    It is intended for offices, with competent users because the workflow requires knowing the project limitations so you can use fully the parametric approach.

    But, if you want to build small things, like a house, you could try writing some python scripts in Blender, building the meshes, doing the pieces, and export to a dwg clone software for doing the biulding documentation (even inkscape).
    Revit helps a lot in complex documentation, but it falls short against FEA BIM software that deals with welding (manual, arm), and structure general (even with the structural package). The rebar is nice though,

  17. 2 years ago

    bro, FreeCad is like a 60s commie shitbox car compared to a semi trailer tractor when it comes to hauling cargo
    in theory you can but come on

  18. 2 years ago

    I debated a Freetard idiot for about a day some month ago, and he absolutely refused to understand why i don't use FreeCAD as a replacement for professional work.
    His entire argument was muhh open source. But what does this help, if you can't send these shitty files to a customer or a business partner in the industry since they're not keeping up with the standards.
    Measurements got lost, connected lines and curves broke and interrupted and other shit. Those files were never usable until you edited the shit out of them on AutoCAD.
    What's the point then to make the same job twice, just because someone used FreeCAD.

    But he continued with muhh use moronic loonix and start using FreeCAD because i say so.
    Maybe in 20 to 30 years, FreeCAD is worth a try, but until then, i stick to Autodesk and Solidworks or Catia

    • 2 years ago

      i think i remember this conversation.

  19. 2 years ago

    FreeCAD is shit. I use onshape, works flawlessly on my GNU+Linux machine.

  20. 2 years ago

    Freecad is nice, but the workflow is trash. I use Fusion 360, but unfortunately it doesn't work on Linux. You can use the web version if you have a student license on Chrome OS, but they won't let you use the web version on any other license.

    • 2 years ago

      >fusion 360
      a literal botnet

  21. 2 years ago

    Its fine, and for 2D it is more than fine. For some toy like 3d printing, not an issue.
    If you want something commercial, BricsCAD is what my office uses. Not sure if it is easily pirateable but I kind of doubt it.

  22. 2 years ago

    You're far better off pirating Revit or ACAD.

  23. 2 years ago

    Just pirate Revit
    literally werks unlike open-source bs

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