Can we talk about the death of art.

Can we talk about the death of art.

According to Kurzgat we are currently at .00001% of the way through humanities existance. The majority of art is already made.
By the time we colonise mars, the solar system and then the galaxy their will be trillions upon trillions of humans.
All possible art will have been made by that point.

Then what? What is the point in humanity existing after that? Their will be no philosophy to figure out, no books to write, no art to make, since it will already all be made. People will just be existing solely for the point of existing.

Can the human race survive such a meaningless existance?

Any philosophy readers got any insight here?

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  1. 2 years ago

    > By the time we colonise mars, the solar system and then the galaxy their will be trillions upon trillions of humans.

    Imagine actually believing this.

    • 2 years ago

      You're supposed to run with the assumption, FRICKING moron!!!

      • 2 years ago

        Read Spengler homosexual. Dead civilizations will continue to exist in a state of petrifaction if they aren’t conquered from within or without. And they will continue to produce the same art over and over again in a rigid, factory like manner. Yes, you will watch the millionth iteration of the superhero movie and this will continue into perpetuity if this shithole isn’t conquered and put to sleep.

        • 2 years ago

          This is what I am worried about. They run out of stuff to do, but they have to do something, so they just do something pointless.

        • 2 years ago

          Avengers Endgame was actually good though. As technology improves Marvel movies will only get better with each iteration

    • 2 years ago

      I'm not going to lie to you here OP, I share anon's sentiment. There is no way in Hell "[a]ll possible art will have been made" because life and art were made for eachother, the terms being practically synonymous. They are mutually beneficial and they are both perfectly natural. Asking "Does life exist to create art?" is like asking "Does the acorn imply the tree or is the tree already implied in the acorn?". Also, you should read Brave New World.

  2. 2 years ago

    As the world changes there is new art to be made based on those fluctuations. Art that exists today could not have been made a few hundred years ago, art that will exist in the future could not have been conceived of today. Art feels dead because the impetus of creation lies in the unseen future, not in the present where everything that can be explored has been.

  3. 2 years ago

    I even sort of appreciate this post because not a single sentence in it has any logical ground.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Their will be no philosophy to figure out, no books to write, no art to make, since it will already all be made.
    How the frick do you justify this claim? There will be many new philosophical problems caused by the acceleration of technological advancement, not only this but there will be thousands of new subjects for books to be written about and art to be made becuase of the colonization of space. In what world does human creativity have a limit?

    • 2 years ago

      It will mainly be the same story over and over again, maybe the people on planet xaaa676z built their AI centres 10 days faster, and plugged into the matrix with blue cables instead of red ones but it will be the same basic story.
      AI or drones will do most of the work, humans will just sit around hooked up to AI/matrix style stuff, either on space ships or on the planet.

      Past a point humans wont do barely anything, machines/drones/etc will do it all for us.

      • 2 years ago

        I agree with you anon, but its not a matter of inevitability, it's a product of choice. We will never run out of creative pursuits like OP said, only stop pursuing them.

  5. 2 years ago

    >According to Kurzgat

  6. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      not yet, we still live in ok times where new stuff exists to be created.

      But yeah those far future people are fricked.

  7. 2 years ago

    Art has been dead. There hasn't been anything meaningful to say for millennia. Humans are simple creatures. They don't actually need new things. The same old things satisfy them plenty well enough. There's a reason the word "novelty" tends to be used in a derogatory or dismissive manner. People will continue to make art it just won't be new. That's already what they're doing and it seems to be going fine. You've been here before and you will be again.

  8. 2 years ago

    >Can the human race survive such a meaningless existance?
    Yes. People will just do raw dopamine directly in their fricking brain with a syringe. Art is already completely dead not because "it's all been made" but because actual art, the kind of art that is about sharing human experiences, is not very efficient. What does it achieve in practice? On the other hand, watching a Marvel movie gives you that nice adrenaline rush. Watching a porno makes your pp big and when you jerk off you also get a nice rush of chemicals. When you play a game and there's a gambling machine microtransaction minigame built in, you feel a nice rush of chemicals. It's much better and faster and more efficient than having to follow a story or some shit. We're all about efficiency and from this point of view, the "art" that is being made is infinitely better than whatever art may have "changed your life" in the past. In the end if something was able to "change your life" but today you are dissatisfied with stimulus-product art this means you grew up maladjusted to this world. So that art failed. Marvel art succeeds. Porno succeeds. It gives you a nice little rush so a israelite makes money and you get a nice release before going back to work. If you don't like this then you don't like XXI century human society, and if you don't like XXI century human society you're fricked.

  9. 2 years ago

    >By the time we colonise mars, the solar system and then the galaxy their will be trillions upon trillions of humans.
    Type 2 has likely already been achieved. There is no point of spreading like locusts when fundamental political questions remain in the air on the motherworld. To the extent there is outright colonization at scale, it will look like a-planet-as-country with commensurable, stable populations.

    >All possible art will have been made by that point
    The majority ephemera with only passing interest. Canon develops, quality recognizing and preserving quality. The issue of that being politicized in ways burdening this sort of shot to the stars is the bigger concern on this timescale.

    >Can the human race survive such a meaningless existance?
    There as many subspecies of humans as there are character types, at minimum. And the overwhelming majority of the human biomass is just that -- bare life, increasingly losing even its anthropological curio value more to internal collapse than any outward pressure. This is a fundamentally materialist and atheist position The Kingdom of God is the only 'utopia' -- the greatest good for the greatest number, if not in a Taoist sense, will be the most monumental and perpetual slavery for all.

    Read Spengler homosexual. Dead civilizations will continue to exist in a state of petrifaction if they aren’t conquered from within or without. And they will continue to produce the same art over and over again in a rigid, factory like manner. Yes, you will watch the millionth iteration of the superhero movie and this will continue into perpetuity if this shithole isn’t conquered and put to sleep.

    >Dead civilizations will continue to exist in a state of petrifaction if they aren’t conquered from within or without.
    It's entirely possible that we are in a recapitulated cargo cult of an ancient past civilization with higher technology absolutely btfo'd by war or natural (or cosmic) disaster. Art that embodies the cosmist and Promethean urge to touch the stars is imperative, if only to imagine such a society capable of doing so without becoming slaves to their own technology and economies servicing it.

    • 2 years ago

      "Art that embodies the cosmist and Promethean urge to touch the stars is imperative, if only to imagine such a society capable of doing so without becoming slaves to their own technology and economies servicing it."

      Where is our version of this now?

  10. 2 years ago

    how will you know that all art has been created? Humanity has been creating art for thousands of years, what makes you think there is an achievable maximum?

  11. 2 years ago

    Sounds like some onions-leaden redditor feel "we are so insignificant in this universe"

  12. 2 years ago

    >IQfy - Alt Right Pussies Cry About Literally Everything

    • 2 years ago

      Weakest bait I've ever seen. Should be ashamed. I hate to see someone beg like this. Here's a (you)

      • 2 years ago

        Case in point.

        • 2 years ago

          You're still here? Holy shit man. Yeah this is truly pathetic, I'll be your therapist for you I guess. Tell me: Is this "Alt Right" in the room with us today?

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