Can you change your brain entirely and cure mental illnesses by yourself?

Can you change your brain entirely and cure mental illnesses by yourself?

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  1. 2 years ago

    If mental illness were actually a brain disease it'd be treated by a neurologist, not a psychiatrist.
    Reminder that Axis 3 of the DSM up until 2013 was there specifically to differentiate between actual medical conditions vs. mental problems.

    • 2 years ago

      What about conditions such as schizophrenia, transgenderism, etc

      • 2 years ago

        There isn't enough difference between the brain features associated with diagnoses psychiatry covers to even begin to try reverse inference (hence why you couldn't do brain scan diagnoses even if you wanted to and it's all non-physical opinion diagnosis instead).
        In contrast, here are some biomedical reverse inference metrics:
        >Compared with reference methods (viral culture, conventional RT-PCR, and real-time RT-PCR), the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the present assay were all 100%.
        >A study in The Journal of Molecular Diagnostics compared three diagnostic tests and found that the combination of nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) and real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) detects aspergillosis with 100% accuracy.
        >Pan-gram positive and pan-gram-negative probes were able to detect four (S. aureus, S. epidermidis, E. faecium, and E. faecalis) and five (E. coli, P. aeruginosa, A. baumannii, E. cloacae, and K. pneumoniae) medically important species, respectively, and no cross-reactivity was observed between each group or with fungi. Pan-fungal, pan-Candida, and pan-Aspergillus probes also demonstrated 100% specificity. Eight Candida species (C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. tropicalis, C. parapsilosis, C. guilliermondii, C. lusitaniae, and C. dubliniensis), four Aspergillus species (A. fumigatus, A. flavus, A. niger, and A. terreus), Cryptococcus neoformans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Table 1) were detected easily by the pan-fungal probe without any cross-reactivity with the bacterial probes.

        • 2 years ago

          WHO "removed" transgenderism from mental illness, schizophrenia isn't a thing.

          I don't get it. I'm a brainlet. Why schizophrenia isn't a thing? Also transgenderism is a mental illness whether or not WHO agrees

          • 2 years ago

            >Why schizophrenia isn't a thing
            Why it isn't a physical brain disease thing? Because it fails the reverse inference test for one thing. If you take brain scans of people with different psychiatric diagnoses like schizophrenia, OCD, or bipolar disorder there is no actual way to reliably tell which brain scan indicates which disease. If you look at the reverse inference image that was posted higher up in this thread you can see they all have the same vague / generic patterns of correlated brain function references in a reveiew of the different studies in the past that have reported on such correlations.
            In the forward direction it sounds legitimate e.g. "hey, I found X brain feature is significantly correlated with schizophrenia!" But then when you actually try to apply this in the opposite direction to make reliably assessments of what psychiatric "disease" a given brain has you end up with nothing to go on. If someone put a gun to the smartest psychiatrist or neurologist in the world and said they'll shoot unless they can successfully diagnose 20 people for psychiatric conditions going by brain scan alone it's guaranteed they will both get shot.

          • 2 years ago

            So you say that the voices in the head are speakers implanted by the israelites? take your pills, you are having a mental breakdown schizo

          • 2 years ago

            Psychiatry is a business run by the authorities so I specified the WHO to point out as you already agree with me. You can call anyone schizophrenic already, if it was not enough here there are 300 more correlated to say diseases plus the new incoming editions of metal illness you wish to be labeled on.
            >I don't get it. I'm a brainlet. Why schizophrenia isn't a thing
            When was it? I can see schizophrenia? Touch it?Do you define that? Is it just you judging someone based on his personality and actions. You want trannies to be mentally ill? Your word doesn't count as from the bureaucracy.

          • 2 years ago

            >ideas and thoughts are not real because I can't touch them
            Atheism ladies and gents...

        • 2 years ago

          Why do you believe you're not cherry picking studies that back your opinion?

          • 2 years ago

            Why do you believe you're not posting psychiatric studies that are not only surveys .

      • 2 years ago

        WHO "removed" transgenderism from mental illness, schizophrenia isn't a thing.

    • 2 years ago

      That felt silly to read to me.

      • 2 years ago

        Side effects of psychiatric drugs such as parkinsonism and symptoms like involuntary muscles movements and finger shaking are in neurology.

    • 2 years ago

      What about conditions such as schizophrenia, transgenderism, etc

      Wrong. The truth is that all mental illnesses are the same disease, just on a 3D spectrum. Long-term depressed, anxious, anger prone, psychotic, etc people have measurable and visible changes in brain structure, most notably the depletion of gray matter. It's caused by chemical imbalances. These imbalances are impossible to cure, they can only be treated. A majority can be put into long term remission though. The most important factors are quality social interaction, quality sleep, exercise, healthy diet and daytime sun exposure. Now what causes these virtually permanent chemical imbalances in the first place is hotly debated but the three most accepted answers are genetic predisposition, chronic stress and trauma early in life.

      • 2 years ago

        Chemical imbalance has no meaning and it's used as an excuse to operate psychiatry, no test studies are given to patients only the pills. The antipsychotics and antidepressants do shrink gray matter, what a tragic hypocrisy.
        Also define chemical imbalance in the case you're not a plagiarist from the bureaucracy.

  2. 2 years ago

    fasting has always been used as a cure method for the mental ill.

  3. 2 years ago

    take sublingual b9&12 vitamins

  4. 2 years ago

    You can change a lot more than people expect, but whenever there are physical or genetics issues, things get more complicated.
    Workarounds could still be potentially devised but it really depends on the individual.

    Anyway, a lot of things aren't really mental illnesses, so curing them would be as simple as putting in the effort to self-brainwash into the desires result.
    But, alas, "effort" is something that most people are not capable of.

    I have brainwashed myself over two decades, because I hated how weak my will was and how I was enslaved by fleeting emotions when I was a kid.
    Eventually, I turned myself into someone who has boundless confidence, immunity to fear, immunity to advertising, immunity to loneliness, immunity to material desires.
    With enough determination you can install all sorts of traits on your main personality, however some stuff has drawbacks, so you need the IQ to know what you're doing. Eg: without material desires you're gonna have a hard time having ambition to reach success.

    You can also change your sexuality, if you really wish so. Sexuality, according to my observations, is just a secondary trait sloppily slapped upon the basic perversion which is innate. I'm correct on this assessment because any child can jerk off to degeneracy even way before they actually develop puberty and sexual urges.
    I do not know why, maybe those pervesions were useful back down the evolutive chain. Evolution is messy.

    Similar to that case, I'd pin down also secondary emotions. You can learn to suppres a lot of emotions and turn yourself into a psychopath, but getting rid of anger is basically not possible, compared to how much easier it is to get rid of happyness/sadness and other stuff.
    Some stuff is just on a deeper level than others.

    Psychology would benefit from gaining such deeper insight instead of just assessing the "outside" of things.

    • 2 years ago

      >You can also change your sexuality
      You can't. Men can't at least

      • 2 years ago

        >You can't. Men can't at least
        There's quite a difference between can't and won't.
        But I understand the aversion... Finding out you have agency over something you previously thought was beyond your power, makes it become a choice, you can no longer safely use it as an excuse.
        It's scary to admit the possibility and take responsibility.

        It's really not much different from saying "I was born lazy. I can't do nothing about that", except that you know that lazy people are so by choice.
        Personally, I see nothing inherently wrong having a certain sexual orientation if you feel fine about it, but those that aren't should be aware that it can be a choice and not a death sentence.
        As I said, the sexual urges we acquire during puberty are like sloppily tacked on additions. They are not as unflexible as they're made out to be.

        Although you shouldn't trust me blindly, neither should you just believe people who have no fricking clue about the inner workings of the mind. I'm over 30 and I have spent over two decades getting deeply acquainted about how my mind works. Perhaps other people may be different, but I doubt by much.

        Anyway, this argument is off-topic I guess.

        • 2 years ago

          Show me a single evidence, preferably a fMIR study that shows men can change their sexual orientation. If you feel you have changed from straight to gay it most likely means you had a capacity for gay attraction all along and just weren't aware of it which means you're bisexual in nature

          • 2 years ago

            >just weren't aware of it which means you're bisexual in nature
            That sounds like copium though, to simply excuse it all to "he was bi all along".
            If things like "acquired taste" did not exist, you'd have much greater chances at being right. As it stands nothing is clear or certain.
            Nowasays it would be controversial to determine/say whether this is indeed true or not in the current wokism climate. This subject would never be allowed to be studied and published properly without politically correct intrusions. Imagine the outrage if it were confirmed that people actually have a choice.

            I'm sure you know well what the current situation is, everything is racist and x-phobic unless it aligns to the current politically correct narrative. I hope this plague affecting the scientific community, along with the dangerous religionization of Science, gets curbed down in my lifetime.

            And no, I have no interest in being gay, even if there's potential for it. The whole point of mastering my mind was to choose how I wanted to be. Being gay or bi is simply a poor choice on the logical standpoint for a man.
            I can however make use of this to emphatize and predict how people will react, or to write believable characters in a story.

            Nature may give a push but ultimately it falls upon us to call the shots and steer the car and.
            You can't expect me to be anything but biased on this regard after having learned the extents I can manipulate my own psyche.
            To say things for certain you'd have to find thousands more people who have similar or greater degrees of control, but I'm afraid you won't find them so easily.
            Nothing would make me happier to compare notes with like-minded individuals, alas, I have yet to find someone like me with proper analytical inclinations toward their psyche. Most people never pay attention, and schizos leave forever without providing feedback when I try to suggest strategies for improving control over their minds.
            I feel discouraged sometimes.

          • 2 years ago

            >I am the impulses of my body
            Truly the peak of Atheism....

  5. 2 years ago

    >cure mental illnesses by yourself?
    It's literally all in your head.

  6. 2 years ago

    Yes switch to an all meat diet. Exercise everyday is jog for 3 miles. Dont shower or clean yourself the fluoride in the water absorbs through your skull into your brain. Do these things for a month and you will cure your mental illness

  7. 2 years ago

    Yes, but you won't actually have the mental fortitude to put yourself through the necessary training, meditation, and change of perspective that would be required

    • 2 years ago

      Why not?

  8. 2 years ago

    nature provides the drugs you need to take to rewire your fricked up brain. psychiatry was always a scam.

  9. 2 years ago

    Yes. I've done it to myself. I've used and introduced many novel nootropics to the nootropics community and through use of intranasal insulin i've greatly improved my mood, health and cognition. Loss of insulin transport and insulin sensitivity in the brain provokes cognitive decline and neurological disorders as well as metabolic syndrome as the brain controls most of our endocrine functions in the Hypothalamus. Inflammation within the hypothalamus promotes cerebral insulin resistance and this reduces brain glucose metabolism and blood flow throughout the brain. Iron accumulates within our brain cells aggravated by neuroinflammation triggering the release of hepcidin by our astrocytes, heme oxygenase breaking down bilirubin and promoting iron uptake into microglial cells, endolysosomal deacidification and glutamatergic disinhibition provoking iron accumulation in our braincells and this provokes oxidative stress, defects in autophagy and ultimately excitotoxicity and neurodegeneration. These can be improved by improving your insulin sensitivity through exercise, healthy diet, administering insulin intranasally, and chelating iron from the brain by drugs such as deferoxamine.Theres a lot that st.johns wort, curcumin, intranasal creatine, and nicotine can do when used occassionally and the side effects are easily mitigable. I don't feel much fear at all or sadness. My cognition is greater than it ever has been so that shows me that we can all be on the fast track to heal our mental disorders with the proper understanding and application of neuroendocrinology to heal our mental disorders and even healthier metabolically based on the same mechanisms.
    > Reduced brain somatostatin in mood disorders: a common pathophysiological substrate and drug target?
    This study shows how somatostatin interneuron dysfunction leads to neurological disorders ,the root causes of cognitive aging

  10. 2 years ago

    What's the difference between a mental illness you believe can be changed through willpower and one you think can't? The idea of the pathology can trap you into stripping agency from yourself. If you can change your ideas, then you're changing brain chemistry already

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