Capitalism is le bad

Capitalism is le bad

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    True true.

  2. 2 years ago

    fr fr

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    no cap

  5. 2 years ago

    Why didn't they just call a plumber for the tub?

  6. 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    So my generation loved atheism, and this place was full of Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens shills.

    Goddamn when is this place going to move on from edgy teens loving communism

    • 2 years ago

      Glad I stopped being a gaytheist. Embarrassing era of myself

    • 2 years ago

      I don't like commies, but has Capitalism been working for us? Is the current state of the western world good right now?

      • 2 years ago

        It worked before WWI. There are other reasons for why Capitalism deteriorated into what we see now, and many are related to the same reasons why they have started pushing for what they call "stakeholder capitalism".

      • 2 years ago

        In b4 a bunch of neets defend some parasitical billionaire

  8. 2 years ago

    Book is le bad because i think capitalism is le good

  9. 2 years ago

    Capitalism brought us trannies and rainbow homosexualry, so yes.

  10. 2 years ago

    No but you don't get it Bast didn't you read all the literture I sent you boy here I am thinking we can help each other out and you didn't even read all the literture I sent you...No but that's the point see you don't even have to read the book like you just go on this here site called IQfy and on IQfy they have these neat things called boards and one of them is called lit and that's where you talk about the... No but that's the thing Bast you don't even have to read the book Bast that's the best part... No but holy why would you read the book when you can just pretend that you read it nobody can tell that's what's so... No but wait wait a second... No but Bast you don't even have to read it I told you! you go to this here board called lit and you do this thing called shitposting... No but holy shit Bast that's what it's called I'm not the one who invented it! what you do is like you say something about the book like whatever you want it doesn't even have to make sense and then what happens is other people read your post...No but they're nobody it doesn't matter who they are you never actually see them or anything they're just like us they're posting on this here IQfy site and they didn't read the book either see... That's just how it works nobody actually reads the books they just talk about them and write these here things called bait and what happens is if your bait is good then you get all these neat things called yous ...what? ...yeah yous like you but with an s... no not you like you Bast like you is what's written on the board it's this neat thing called a you that's just what it's called...and what you do is that the more yous you get the better you are... I don't know what you do with all the yous you just want to get as many of them as possible that's what you do! and if you want even more yous you can add pictures like this here cartoon frog called Pepper or Peppy or something...Didn't you get the pictures I sent you? Holy shit Bast I have to do everything myself here I am trying to help you out so that you have time to work on your music I mean you're always talking about all the music you have to work on so I thought maybe we can help each other out but you don't even... no I know that but... what?... Holy shit Bast I don't know why there's a frog that's just how it is they're these things called memes you just post them over and over again... I don't know why holy shit Bast you just use these here memes to get as many yous as you can... Wait Bast... Fine you don't have to post the frog you can just post what you want but... what?...No but it doesn't matter if you don't know what to post you just look at whatever everyone else is posting and you just post the same thing that's what's so neat about the whole thing you just look at everyone else see Bast and then you just do what they're doing and when you get a you what you do is you give a you to the person who gave you a... Bast?... hey Bast?

  11. 2 years ago

    Frick communism AND capitalism

  12. 2 years ago

    True true.

  13. 2 years ago


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