
What is Christianity even about? What did Jesus Christ actually teach? Genuinely asking because I just keep getting more lost. A part of me sees great wisdom in many things, but another part of me sees what seems to be very anti-life aspects as well. It just doesn't feel right to view this world as something corrupt and meaningless, to trade it for the hereafter. Something I can't honestly admit to believing or not. I don't want to fake being a Christian, I want to know the truth. I just don't know what is.

I see great understanding of not letting your passions control you, to be lead by these "demons". But I also see ambition and glory. Of fighting, of winning, of conquests on the large scale of empires and on the personal. Even with what I feel is the more proper understanding of Heaven and Hell, to which I see someone like C.S. Lewis painting a pretty good picture of both i.e. the gates of Hell being locked from the inside rather than the out; I also see past all of the potential evils and wrongdoing of someone like Lucifer and still can't help but ask "maybe he had a point?"

I'm tired of being lost but I want to be genuine. I want to be true to myself. And to be true right now, I just don't know if I would consider myself a Christian or if I want to become one.

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  1. 2 months ago

    He taught that armageddon was imminent and the people he was preaching to wouldn't die before seeing judgment day and the end of the world. His teachings make more sense in that context.

    • 2 months ago

      the last cope of every atheist

      • 2 months ago

        hah boob

    • 2 months ago

      >AD 70
      Armageddon happened for some of the parties involved at least.

  2. 2 months ago
    Helpless Investor

    It´s about Being Immortal and Indestructible in the same way a rock is.
    Everlasting life,The parables,miracles,ethics that´s it all you need to do is study follow them do the parables in your life apply them it will work its simple and basic

    • 2 months ago

      Is everything Jesus says in the NT a parable? Even the Sermon on the mount?

      • 2 months ago
        Helpless Investor

        Yes.Yes.He talked in adages,proverbs,talking,lessons to help towards a life in this world sinful filled with suffering.To lessen the pain lessen the suffering, that´s it, it´s basic,he came with a message of salvation.

        • 2 months ago

          But what about the literal? About judgement and eternal life in the new kingdom to come? Is it all just metaphor?

          • 2 months ago
            Helpless Investor

            It´s all Metaphor and poetic language,human language works this way,The only thing that is literal is nature.
            There are good authors who said that there is nothing wrong in having a religion in today's world.
            In my opinion everyone believes in something only the dead believe in nothing.
            There are authors who adjust the religion.
            If you want to be a christian or want a religion,You need a really good teacher and not a fraud because it is a fraud then everything is worthless useless but Jesus Christ is always there.

          • 2 months ago

            It’s not metaphor, you people have never stepped foot in a church in your life. Christians believe Heaven is literally real and his teachings and life prescriptions don’t make sense without Heaven being real. He’s very open about the fact that he’s telling you to live a hard shitty broke life on earth but you’ll get to heaven after you die which will make it all worthwhile.

          • 2 months ago
            Fledgling Investor

            How do you view Science most specifically Biology and Geology?.

          • 2 months ago

            What is your view on Science?.

          • 2 months ago

            Then what's the point? The reason religion is so powerful is because it literally happened, if it's all just more poetry who cares?

          • 2 months ago
            Fledgling Investor

            What do you think of the gods that Greeks believed?.

          • 2 months ago
            Fledgling Investor

            It’s not metaphor, you people have never stepped foot in a church in your life. Christians believe Heaven is literally real and his teachings and life prescriptions don’t make sense without Heaven being real. He’s very open about the fact that he’s telling you to live a hard shitty broke life on earth but you’ll get to heaven after you die which will make it all worthwhile.

            The Founding Fathers had the church and state separation issue not related to personal beliefs.
            Most were deists etc.

            >Then what´s the point?
            Literal is literal you are going to believe in the same way that is written,Metaphorical or allegories or different interpretation means you can change the context or it is not like that.
            Believe in what you want

          • 2 months ago

            Separation of Church and sate is one of the confirmable miracles of Jesus Christ

          • 2 months ago
            Fledgling Investor

            God exists,but i think for humans it´s hard to understand Jesus Christ.
            See the countless different denominations of Christianity and versions different.
            The biggest thinking is the Death of Jesus like a sacrificial Lamb and the Resurrection of him.
            He won against death.

          • 2 months ago

            Yeah if one thinks they understand it, they don't

          • 2 months ago

            The new testament says God resurrected him, so if it's true then it is to exalt God's power, yet you give the glory to Jesus as if he raised himself from death.

          • 2 months ago

            Thomas Jefferson thought the same
            Take a look what he changed in the Bible

      • 2 months ago

        Yes.Yes.He talked in adages,proverbs,talking,lessons to help towards a life in this world sinful filled with suffering.To lessen the pain lessen the suffering, that´s it, it´s basic,he came with a message of salvation.

        No. A parable is a tale meant to teach something. The sermon on the mount was preaching.

        • 2 months ago
          Cult of Passion

          >The sermon on the mount was preaching.
          no u r, SIR

    • 2 months ago

      How did you put this image after your name?

      • 2 months ago

        Gotta get trips

        • 2 months ago

          It had something to do with a system32.

  3. 2 months ago

    Whatever you seek, it's not in Christianity. It's just a bunch of edgy teens and 60 year olds brainwashing themselves with preachers preaching script that contradicts itself and isn't reliable. Researching religion is fun, just remember to keep a mind free from cultural restrictions and bias, you'll find the right one eventually

  4. 2 months ago

    >I'm tired of being lost but I want to be genuine.
    In every moment, study the needs of others, and serve them. If you don't want to do this, then ask yourself, "why?" And the answer you recieve is your direction. Follow the direction, and you won't be lost.

  5. 2 months ago

    >What is Christianity even about?
    Elevating Gods chosen people to be the suzerains of the earth.

  6. 2 months ago

    Yahweh is God. God is worth pleasing. God is pleased by righteousness, humbleness, justice, fairness and love for what is good. God is good so you must love God. Being a good person and loving people who do good pleases God. Hating evil and rejecting the people who do it also pleases him. If you please God he will save you from death and let you live forever because you do what he likes and what he likes is objectively good.

    His plan is to one day have the world inhabited only by good people who do only what he likes, where he can create truly amazing and pleasurable things for them to enjoy forever. And he will make those people naturally good so that they instinctually do what he likes and there is no evil inclinations in them and they cant do wrong or have any desire to do so. But he will only allow there those who willingly choose to do good while they lived in a world where being bad was an option. Because those are the people who truly believed in doing good and loved goodness as he loved goodness. Those who willingly rejected doing evil while evil was tempting and profitable prove that they truly worshipped God and feared him.

    In order to find, test and choose these types of people, he must allow evil to exist for a period of time and let it be an option for people that they can choose. If you willingly choose good and reject evil he will love you and choose you to be a holy person who lives forever in his paradise and he will give you so many divine blessings, gifts and treasures that billions of years will pass and you will still not be tired of enjoying them. But even if you were, he will never stop creating new and amazing things every day to gift to those who choose to love him in a world that hated and rejected him.

    • 2 months ago

      That seems like a negation of free will and a mere return to a pre Adam eating from the tree like state. I also think Tolstoy had a point when he said the churches are paradoxical to Christs teachings and that you aren’t supposed to commit to violence ever, even for exacting justice, no matter how right it seems.

      • 2 months ago

        That peace preaching position assumes the world is ruled by the children of God who follow the Christ King in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom is in shambles and the children of God no longer even remember themselves, we are far from that place of glory.

  7. 2 months ago

    >It just doesn't feel right to view this world as something corrupt and meaningless, to trade it for the hereafter.
    That is gnostic heresy, Jesus taught a physical resurrection whose members will live on the earth- "the meek shall inherit the earth"

  8. 2 months ago

    >What is Christianity even about?

    John 3:16
    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    The whole point of Christianity is to redeem a fallen world from sin and death. The world and everything in it was created good, but through sin it has become corrupted. It is now a mixture of good and evil, but in the end, will be separated into evil for the furnace of Hell and good for the world to come, so that in the new creation there will be no evil. We today are able to partake in this ongoing process by purging sin from our lives and receiving forgiveness through the body and blood of Jesus so that we may share in his victory over sin and death. We await the bodily resurrection, not merely a spiritual one. In the meantime, we also worship the true God and thankfully receive his gifts.

  9. 2 months ago

    >What did Jesus Christ actually teach?
    The restoration of the Law of God and the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth.

  10. 2 months ago

    Not going to read the thread because I can assume most or all of the answers are B.S.

    To put it as plainly as I can, Christianity is about following God's Will as revealed by and in Jesus Christ. Deism is a rational result of Human reason. However, as restated throughout the Old Testament and a part of Deism, God Himself is unknowable and incomprehensible to humans. Therefore, He sent down His Son, who by his role as Son reveals the Father as the Father. This is what Christ means when he says no one can know the Father except through the Son. Christ came to provide us the perfect example and the sacraments of a life lived according to Providence (God's will).

    Faith is trust, not blind belief. Trusting in God the Father to live the life revealed by God the Son is what it means to be faithful. As much as you struggle, "keeping the faith" means continuing to live that life. This is essentially the meaning of the parable of the renters. Though they are fully aware of their master, they are unfaithful by refusing to act according to his will. Salvation comes through God's grace, which is achieved by faith, both in belief and in intentional action. This is why you sincerely repent of sins. He is forgiving, so when you fail (everyone does frequently, the Pope goes to confession) you will be forgiven as someone who is faithful (sincerely attempting to follow God's Will).

    This is my understanding from my memory. If you aren't reading scripture (Old Testament and New) then do it. If you are interested, I strongly recommend reading the Catechism of the Catholic Church cover-to-cover. It strikes a good balance of being understandable to a layman while not leaving things under-explained.

    Being aware you are lost is the first step to becoming found, knowing what you're looking for puts you ahead of many. God bless.

  11. 2 months ago

    >What is Christianity even about? What did Jesus Christ actually teach? Genuinely asking because I just keep getting more lost.
    If only there was a book to answer your questions.

    >but another part of me sees what seems to be very anti-life aspects as well.
    It's not Christians promoting the mass murder of innocent unborn children nor do they push the sodomite deathstyle on people.

    • 2 months ago

      >It's not Christians promoting the mass murder of innocent unborn children nor do they push the sodomite deathstyle on people.
      The majority of churches in my country support abortion and LGBTBBQ.

      • 2 months ago

        Weird how these are the only churches homosexuals and atheists deem acceptable expressions of Christianity.

        • 2 months ago

          Weird how you pretend to be oppressed when there's literally a church on every street corner in America

  12. 2 months ago

    Nothing. Just feel good non-sense;

  13. 2 months ago


    Is the more Jungian take on Christianity just seen as pure heresy? Especially in regards to Adam eating from the tree of knowledge not being wrong in the end and that is the path forward?

    • 2 months ago

      If by Jungian you mean that it is all symbolic then yes. If you're talking purely about Eden then no. Depending on how I interpret the second part of your post, you would be in agreement with Augustine and Aquinas (and Paul). Mankind had to fall so that it could rise to even greater heights. Original Sin is sometimes called the necessary sin or the happy fault.

      >CCC 412 But why did God not prevent the first man from sinning? St. Leo the Great responds, "Christ's inexpressible grace gave us blessings better than those the demon's envy had taken away." And St. Thomas Aquinas wrote, "There is nothing to prevent human nature's being raised up to something greater, even after sin; God permits evil in order to draw forth some greater good. Thus St. Paul says, 'Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more'; and the Exsultet sings, 'O happy fault,. . . which gained for us so great a Redeemer!'"

      Why are the passions of piety and love praised, but the other passions of ambition and conquest need to be suppressed? I feel like Christianity doesn’t incorporate the totality of human existence and of life. What is even the end state supposed to be for Christianity? What growth could there even be? Why are things such as war and human excellence bad but pity is good?

      They aren't suppressed, they just are not elevated as virtues in of themselves. Read the Old Testament, there is nothing wrong with war by virtuous men for righteous causes. Maccabees is a lot of fun since it's largely just a political history of the late kingdom of Judea with all the wars that entails. It isn't ambition and conquest that is suppressed, it is pride, which is a flaw in Greek/Roman/Norse myth as well.

      • 2 months ago

        Why is it wrong to have pride? I feel like it ties into the notion of all men being equal under God. Which sounds nice until you realize how extreme that really is, prioritizing your own child over another for example, or viewing said child as being above that of a rapist can be considered prideful. It just feels like the notion of a second coming ushering in a new kingdom where only good people resurrect and live just kind of comes off as “well now what?” This is what I mean with suggesting that maybe Lucifer had a point in rebelling. What’s the point of being children of God if he never wishes for us to grow up? Knowledge comes from the tree, the snake is always there. The notion that eating from the tree from the get go was wrong is wrong itself. If Adam didn’t eat from the tree, then there wouldn’t really be life, there wouldn’t be free will, there wouldn’t really be a point to anything.

        • 2 months ago

          >What’s the point of being children of God if he never wishes for us to grow up?
          Seeing the world, I definitely do not believe God never meant for us to grow. Of course, I also think there is a lot more to be revealed in due time.

          "But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen."
          - 2 Peter 3:18

          "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
          Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."
          (1 Timothy 2:3-4)

          >Why is it wrong to have pride?
          It's wrong by many different metrics. Because the Creator said it is, because it causes bad outcomes (pride comes before the fall), and it just makes logical sense that thinking too highly of oneself is just bad in general, for that person as well as those around them. There are many examples of where hubris leads to a person's downfall, and I believe even in cases when it doesn't, it will one day. It is also the underlying cause behind many other actions that are evil objectively.

          >Knowledge comes from the tree, the snake is always there. The notion that eating from the tree from the get go was wrong is wrong itself.
          I would agree, because we see that everything so far has been part of God's plan all along.

          "Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,"
          (2 Timothy 1:9)

          "The LORD hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil."
          (Proverbs 16:4)

          "But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive."
          (Genesis 50:20)

        • 2 months ago
          Helpless Investor

          Maybe a better term I could have used is hubris. Moderate pride that accurately reflects what one has actually done or achieved is fine and all, but like Bellerophon presuming he could fly to Olympus without permission, hubris can doom anyone no matter how great.

      • 2 months ago

        Would there still be wars and sin after the second coming of Christ? One thing I don't really like is the notion that those in Hell would only have a will that is only capable of sin and those in Heaven will only be capable of the good and not of sin. I feel like that would stagnate as one needs the other in order to grow. It's like saying how can one claim to be good if they aren't even capable of doing evil? The notion of eternal life at that point sounds more like eternal stagnation. It is like it is a necessity for life itself to eat from the tree and be touched by evil and to have evil in the world. Because what even would there be to do or to achieve? Suffering and pain are both horrible things, but it is only through suffering and pain one can overcome and truly live.

        This is why (apart from the actual belief in the resurrection) I find Christianity hard to get into, with all of its apocalyptic notions and an end point where everyone just kind of "lives happily ever after".

        This is maybe what I mean when I said about Lucifer having a point: maybe it is better to reign in Hell, because at least, while being wrong, you are actually living?

        • 2 months ago

          Adam and Eve could not resist and took the apple by simple curiosity.
          Cain Murdered Abel out of simple envy.
          I think the problem is humans always are.

          • 2 months ago

            Even with all that, he still decided to forgive us. Pretty cool honestly.

          • 2 months ago

            Its humans who created evil not Jesus Christ i don´t remember him being evil like ever.

        • 2 months ago

          Jesus is never actually meant to return, stupid. The point is that you're supposed to believe that he will so you act better. If he actually came back it wouldn't even make sense.

          • 2 months ago

            How about instead of "act better" the true message is that Christ lives on within us, we carry the flame, he is an eternal divine king within us rather than a physical king. We bring the kingdom of heaven into this world through him. That sounds like it makes a lot of sense and is a very bold thing to actually do, but idk if that is the true teaching of Christianity and the church(es) as that essentially admits that Jesus wont actually return and the resurrection is a myth. This view implies more that we are eternally reborn into this world to eternally carry the flame and keep the kingdom of Heaven alive as we are alive, life after life.

            It sounds like pure heresy but it also makes more sense.

          • 2 months ago

            Well one view accepted in Catholicism is that Catholics essentially have to “win” as the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth for Christ to come back. Catholics are all “soldiers of Christ” with all Catholics living and dead being the citizens of the kingdom.

            At the very least, as the kingdom of Heaven on Earth, their mission is to fulfill God’s will.

          • 2 months ago

            It's really just a question of whether the move is to return to something like that or to dare to evolve the story into something like I said. The kingdom of Heaven is already here upon us, our king is already here, in a metaphysical eternal way as apposed to a physical divine king like an Egyptian pharaoh. We need to merely carry the flame and manifest it perpetually here on Earth. Death then being an illusion, death of the body is immediately followed by rebirth in new flesh. New experience, new means to grow, maintain the regeneration of the kingdom both through the sacrifice of the man, and the growing of the new child, never ending, never ceasing.

            Probably ultra mega heretical, but maybe we need something new like that for Christianity to live on, to confirm more to our more current understandings of the universe.

          • 2 months ago

            Again the first part of what you’re saying doesn’t conflict with Catholic dogma at all. Christ established his Kingdom in the Church at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit (and the Son and Father by extension) came into the Apostles. That is what being confirmed actually is, the Church passes on the Holy Spirit from generation to generation. The heretical part is denying that that Kingdom will ever have its fulfillment. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t, but when in doubt being faithful is easier than worrying about something known only to God.

          • 2 months ago

            Maybe our new ultra heretical jihad Christianity can just involve a new prayer that essentially just has everyone say
            >I do what I believe is true
            >If it turns out we are wrong, know that we did what we did and were what we were out of a genuine sense of truth
            >if we turn out to be wrong, then forgive us as our intent was not to do so

          • 2 months ago
            Poor Investor

            You're reinventing the wheel in search for le heckin based trad aesthetics.

          • 2 months ago

            I'm trying to update it to make sense in the modern world.

          • 2 months ago

            Would this just be considered Christian modernism or Catholic modernism?

        • 2 months ago

          We don’t know what God plans after the New Earth is created, which is exciting. Maybe he’ll make more worlds, who knows but Him? Whatever it’s like, it’ll be great. If you want to live in Hell because eternal life, love, joy, and serenity in a beautiful perfect world is less interesting then that’s up to you. The suffering and pain of the current world is what will make the New Earth matter. Every person there will be someone who lived, suffered, and died a life in the old earth.

          Of course eternity is a hard concept to grasp, but we shouldn’t make huge leaps on that basis alone.

        • 2 months ago

          >and an end point where everyone just kind of "lives happily ever after".
          It's more of a mystery than that. The Bible leaves it very open ended, only that it is more wonderful than we can know in this life.

          "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
          (1 Corinthians 2:9)

          "But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
          When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
          For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."
          (1 Corinthians 13:10-12)

          We don’t know what God plans after the New Earth is created, which is exciting. Maybe he’ll make more worlds, who knows but Him? Whatever it’s like, it’ll be great. If you want to live in Hell because eternal life, love, joy, and serenity in a beautiful perfect world is less interesting then that’s up to you. The suffering and pain of the current world is what will make the New Earth matter. Every person there will be someone who lived, suffered, and died a life in the old earth.

          Of course eternity is a hard concept to grasp, but we shouldn’t make huge leaps on that basis alone.

          Yes, eternity is hard to grasp. It shouldn't be something that is treated as a known quantity.

  14. 2 months ago

    Why are the passions of piety and love praised, but the other passions of ambition and conquest need to be suppressed? I feel like Christianity doesn’t incorporate the totality of human existence and of life. What is even the end state supposed to be for Christianity? What growth could there even be? Why are things such as war and human excellence bad but pity is good?

  15. 2 months ago

    >be jesus
    >claim to be the next david
    >get killed
    >followers say wtf
    >follower leadership likes having power
    >guys he resurrected, a friend of a friend said so
    >well where is he then?
    >look you missed it, he flew away to the sky, but lots of people saw him
    >frick, I missed it
    >yeah, but it's cool cause you have us 12 dudes to follow now
    >Hey my name's Saul, but call me Paul. I totally saw Jesus on the road as a ball of light and he told me all these things.
    >yeah it's in contradiction to some of the stuff he said before, but dude, trust me.
    >yes, you may follow me and give me money teaching you this, as I deserve it.
    >lemme just write pretty much the entire Bible now
    This is christianity

    • 2 months ago

      >yeah it's in contradiction to some of the stuff he said before, but dude, trust me
      No, it's not.

      • 2 months ago

        >we're done with the old testament, these are the new commandments
        >we're not done with the old testament, you must still follow the old israeli laws

        • 2 months ago

          Many of Paul's writings are him complaining about other israeli converts who were trying to convince gentile Christians to follow Old Testament laws actually. He actually called Peter out for being two-faced about it while meeting with him and James, where he didn't follow them, but pretended he still did when the circumcisers were around so they wouldn't get mad at him.

    • 2 months ago

      The main argument against this is that people question whether Jesus' followers were able to sneak into the tomb past the guards to get the body. To me the criticism of the criticism is the fact that according to the story, the women already saw the tomb open and there were no guards, so wtf, where were the guards?

  16. 2 months ago

    Trinitarians actually believe Jesus is God.

  17. 2 months ago

    It's a cult started by israelites to control their mentally challenged drones.

  18. 2 months ago

    Not just about what Jesus taught, but about what Jesus did. That's a huge part of Christianity, I can continue if interested.
    Christus Rex!

    • 2 months ago

      go on...

      • 2 months ago

        The point is to thank Christ wholeheartedly for His Crucifixion and Resurrection.
        It does not excuse from any sin done consciously, but it must be remembered that He died for us. That any sin can and has been forgiven if the sinner repents and tries to walk the right path, no matter how many fails. There is no cheating God though, and the repentant must make an honest effort. This is not like one of those scapegoat religions, there is no need for that anymore.
        The weekly Christian ritual is called Eucharist for that reason, no matter the denomination. It is to thank Christ.

    • 2 months ago
      Helpless Investor

      Maybe it can be about both?

      I'm trying to update it to make sense in the modern world.

      It does make sense. There's thousands of pages on these exact subjects written over the past two millennia. The Catholic Church has a vast intellectual tradition and history for you to study. Just get reading.

      • 2 months ago

        where to get started?

        • 2 months ago

          I would get in touch with local churches and attend their seminars or speak to people who attend them. Maybe go as a guest, they are usually open and welcoming.

          • 2 months ago

            There's one nearby, it's Catholic but evangelical as well, not sure if that's good or bad.

        • 2 months ago

          Catechism of the Catholic Church, Church fathers, famous theologians, etc. You're on IQfy so do what you can to learn church history too.

          There's one nearby, it's Catholic but evangelical as well, not sure if that's good or bad.

          What does that even mean

          Of course it is about both, and God's Logos is God's Logos. John 1:1 is crystal clear about that. Many Bible editions have the Lord's Speech in red.

          people seem to approach Christianity as this exclusionary thing where it has to literally all be faith, or literally all be just love, or literally all just be the divinity and mysticism. Its all of it.

          I would get in touch with local churches and attend their seminars or speak to people who attend them. Maybe go as a guest, they are usually open and welcoming.

          What this anon is talking about is RCIA, and yes that can be very helpful, they are very welcoming.

          • 2 months ago

            The only bible I have is the ESV. Is that fine? I'm sure at least for the NT they should all be on the same level.

          • 2 months ago

            The ESV does the same thing as pic related, I don't remember whether it uses morning star or day star, but those are titles reserved for the Lord Jesus Christ.

          • 2 months ago

            You can "get by" with it and you may even avoid some of its horrible doctrines, but it's really not going to give you a solid faith and it'll be very easy for someone to shake your faith. God can save in spite of someone using erroneous bibles, but there's no reason to eat rat poison which is mostly good food and only a little poison.

            They're all saying the same thing
            Does that really matter? It seems like a tiny nitpick.

            >They're all saying the same thing
            Wrong. That is a blatant lie.

            You already ignored one video proving the horrible errors of these false Bibles. You clearly don't have a love for the truth. You must be naive enough to think Satan wouldn't get into the publishing business and wouldn't attack the truth by making bogus bibles or create perverted manuscripts with occult influence in Alexandria. Maybe you don't even really believe the Bible. Jesus believed in devils, the devil and his angels, do you?

            >Does that really matter? It seems like a tiny nitpick.
            If calling the blood atonement (which needs to be spotless to atone for sin) for your sins sinful or spotted is a tiny nitpick and you're fine calling such bibles "holy" even when they give Lucifer titles reserved for the Lord then there's probably nothing I could say that would convince you. You have a low view of God's power, holiness, word, and promises to keep his word which God has magnified above all his name.
            >Psalms 138:2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
            >Psalms 12:6-7 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
            Even Psalms 12:6-7 is perverted in most of your phony bibles. God promised to keep his word, we can have it, or you can be lukewarm, go along to get along with the world, and be spewed out.

          • 2 months ago

            Hold up, the KJV OT literally uses the Masoeretic Text. You mean to tell me the only good Bible is an early 17th century translation that uses a medieval israeli text for the OT? (Excluding of course the deuterocanon that Luther decided didn’t count on his own personal authority)

            They're all saying the same thing
            Does that really matter? It seems like a tiny nitpick.

            Notice that in his response to this post he says you are a liar, you are responsible for translation discrepancies, you hate the truth, you are naive, you lack faith, you don’t respect God, and implies you are in league with the Devil.

            These people will follow Pastor Bob Christianity invented in the ancient times of the 1950s and then travel to Eastern Europe and scream at the Eastern Orthodox about how they’re all going to hell and are in league with Satan. They got banned outright from preaching in Russia because they were disturbing the peace constantly.

          • 2 months ago

            >Hold up, the KJV OT literally uses the Masoeretic Text.
            Not exactly. It follows the Hebrew and Syriac-Aramaic of Daniel Bomberg, the 1525 second edition which was printed in Venice. Bomberg and the people who worked for him were Christians.

            The Masoretic text, Ben Asher version, is what many modern versions use instead of this, such as the New King James version, the NIV and many others. The MT is found in Biblia Hebraica, which is currently in its fourth edition. It differs from the Bomberg Old Testament and the KJV in several places:

            1 Kings 20:38 and v.41 "ashes" changed to "bandage"
            Zephaniah 3:15 "see evil" changed to "fear evil"

            There are also places where the KJV and Bomberg text say "LORD" (the Tetragrammaton) while the Masoretic says "Lord" (or "Adonai"). For instance in Malachi 1:12, pictured here. This is before we get into translation differences in modern versions, which are also significant in their own right.

            As to the differences between the Hebrew Old Testament and the Greek Septuagint, they are enormous. The Greek Septuagint is missing about 1/8 of the book of Jeremiah, for example. In total, about 2700 words are removed in the LXX or Septuagint version of Jeremiah. One Messianic prophecy removed in the Septuagint is Jeremiah 33:13-14. This is because verse 13 to 26 are all missing in the Septuagint. There are also more than 30 verses in Proverbs completely missing in the Septuagint, and other books are outright missing verses as well.

            The Septuagint is also missing a number of other messianic prophecies. Some prominent examples are: Isaiah 9:6, Psalm 2:12, Daniel 9:26 and Zechariah 12:10.

            For example the Zechariah passage in the KJV reads, "and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him". The Septuagint version of Zechariah 12:10 doesn't say anything about being "pierced" here, which is a reference to the crucifixion.

            Instead, the LXX says, "they shall look upon me, because they have mocked me,"

          • 2 months ago

            You're right that Satan has his dirty paws all over the publishing business, but that's about it. Stop overfocusing on details like a hook nosed Pharisee or Sadducee. Christ is about much more than your autistic spergout. I will agree that there are versions of the Bible that are not as good as others, but most of them render NT (the core of Christianity based on the LITERAL Word of God) faithfully. Personally I prefer Douay-Rheims when I'm reading it in English, but I can read NT in KJV or NKJV with no issues.
            The point is that other anon was asking a simple question, and you go and turn it into a sectarian shitfest. Is this what you make of Christianity?

          • 2 months ago

            Yes it should be fine. Translation matters in narrow instances, but most mainstream translations are close enough. If you’ve never read the Bible through I can highly recommend using some sort of timeline to string together the chronological books so you’re not boring yourself by reading say both Kings and Chronicles for example. Ascension Press has one, they are also well known for a Bible in a Year and Catechism in a Year podcast that go over things in heavy detail.


            >Catechism of the Catholic Church,
            Roman Talmud.

            >The only bible I have is the ESV. Is that fine?


            The ESV does the same thing as pic related, I don't remember whether it uses morning star or day star, but those are titles reserved for the Lord Jesus Christ.

            People like this I would advise ignoring outright. Sacred Scripture is not to be made into an idol that you devote your time to making up schizo infographs of minor translation issues about to post on IQfy.

          • 2 months ago


          • 2 months ago


            Hold up, the KJV OT literally uses the Masoeretic Text. You mean to tell me the only good Bible is an early 17th century translation that uses a medieval israeli text for the OT? (Excluding of course the deuterocanon that Luther decided didn’t count on his own personal authority)

            Notice that in his response to this post he says you are a liar, you are responsible for translation discrepancies, you hate the truth, you are naive, you lack faith, you don’t respect God, and implies you are in league with the Devil.

            These people will follow Pastor Bob Christianity invented in the ancient times of the 1950s and then travel to Eastern Europe and scream at the Eastern Orthodox about how they’re all going to hell and are in league with Satan. They got banned outright from preaching in Russia because they were disturbing the peace constantly.


            You are wrong.
            >Verification not required.

          • 2 months ago

            Why are you hyper focusing a very small details?

          • 2 months ago

            Why are you so dishonest and why do you get offended when a lie is exposed? Things that are different are not the same, they plainly do not say the same things, to claim such is a lie and I've already posted the proof. Why don't you read John 8:44-45.

            You're right that Satan has his dirty paws all over the publishing business, but that's about it. Stop overfocusing on details like a hook nosed Pharisee or Sadducee. Christ is about much more than your autistic spergout. I will agree that there are versions of the Bible that are not as good as others, but most of them render NT (the core of Christianity based on the LITERAL Word of God) faithfully. Personally I prefer Douay-Rheims when I'm reading it in English, but I can read NT in KJV or NKJV with no issues.
            The point is that other anon was asking a simple question, and you go and turn it into a sectarian shitfest. Is this what you make of Christianity?

            >Stop overfocusing on details like a hook nosed Pharisee or Sadducee. Christ is about much more than your autistic spergout.
            Why are you projecting your spergout, hate-filled papist?

            >Personally I prefer Douay-Rheims
            "She" in Genesis 3:15

            >The point is that other anon was asking a simple question, and you go and turn it into a sectarian shitfest. Is this what you make of Christianity?
            Giving a genuine and effort reply to a question, promoting the purity of God's word and God's promise that he would keep his Word, and all the religious hypocrites come out of the wood work to get offended and slander me then act like victims. LOL

            Christianity is the religion of Aryans.


            Based. More research is needed on this front but this is a good start. I particularly like his Noahide thesis. Historically it makes sense too.

            God is the God of all flesh.

          • 2 months ago

            You make a lot of bold faced assertions but catechetical documents have existed since the beginning of the Church. Many Protestant branches have their own Catechisms. Are you seriously advising some teenager trying to learn more about the faith just ignore anything that could promote holistic study of scripture? By Sola Scriptura basically everything about early Christianity not directly in scripture is supposedly devil worship; which makes the apostles and their direct students like Ignatius of Antioch liars and deceivers.

            The Canon itself is a matter of Sacred Tradition (which again was edited unilaterally by Luther). You can screech and call me a Papist Romish Freemason or whatever other schizo bullshit you can think up, but it doesn’t change the fact that Christ created a Church, which in turn created the Bible, not the other way around. It doesn’t change the fact that the Apostles appointed bishops with clearly defined roles to continue passing on the faith as they had done. No amount of sophistry or seething bigotry can overcome these basic and undisputed facts. Many “bible churches” rely on historical illiteracy to keep people in their cult because they lose 10/10 times on the historical record. Protestants have argued the same way since Luther, whose letters are that of a seething loser who resorted to name calling and bigotry rather than conceding the point, and whose doctrines conveniently justified his own life of gluttony and lust. He failed to do his basic duties as a religious leader so he came up with Sola Fide to justify it, to justify his overeating, to justify breaking his vows and marrying a nun, and to justify his lustful anal sex dreams about Satan. He came up with Sola Scriptura so no one could tell him he was wrong, then he removed the deuterocanon, used the masoeretic text (he couldn’t even read hebrew) and selectively added “alone” to the NT.

            My faith comes from Christ as relayed by the apostles and their students.

          • 2 months ago

            >false gospel
            >idolatry and kneeling pads before idols
            >deification of Mary as sinless, comediator, and ceredeemer (only Jesus was sinless, only Jesus is the mediator, only Jesus can redeem)
            Unlike you, I don't follow men like all whoever you've all listed and all the nonsense you're rambling on about, I follow God's Word.
            - John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
            - Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
            - 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
            You don't even have a real argument or anything of value to say, all you have is dishonesty and deception and appeals to your cult leaders but you mask it as saying "by the apostles and their students". Well, Peter's epistles debunk Roman Catholicism, so much for your cult's lie of him being a pope.

            >Antioch... le bad!
            - Acts 11:26b (...) And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
            You papists always whinge about Luther too, I don't even read his writings and I never mentioned him. Go buy your indulgences and pray your rosary idolatry where you exalt and hail Mary ten times more than God the Father.

            The Bible teaches that salvation is by faith as well, but again, Papists just pick and choose whichever verses suit them and ignore the rest to fear monger people to keep coming back to their cult.
            - Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
            The works follow, but they don't contribute or work towards salvation. You can't earn a gift, else it's not a Gift. Catholicism adds to and nullifies the blood atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. By their tradition they have made the word of God of none effect.

            Also see:

            It's a Talmud in the sense that they're both mental gymnastics to justify disobeying God's plain word. Your abominable traditions are more important to you than God's Holy Word. In practice, your clergy/magisterium and tradition take precedence over God's Word every time and Scripture is only used to support tradition or popish edicts, otherwise it is ignored. And the average Catholic is just told "trust the experts" so it's not like you can really provide anything of substance here in rebuttal other than appealing to authority of man.

            Mary had other children too and she rejoiced in God her savior (i.e. she wasn't sinless, only Jesus was without sin), and she can't save you since she's not a co-redeemer nor a co-mediator (only Jesus can save, only Jesus can redeem only Jesus is the mediator). And none of that Mary-worship or deification bothers you because you're so indoctrinated to believe their lie of the appeal to man's so-called authority over God's Word. The Catholic cult hates God's Word, it's why they would murder people and burn their scripts for owning Scripture or translating it into common languages so people could have faith.
            >Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
            >Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
            >Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
            ^ That's literally what your cult tried to stop for centuries. Catholics shouldn't even own Bibles since their cult would burn people at the stake for having one.

            See pic [...]

          • 2 months ago

            >genuinely be a good person
            >just believe bro

          • 2 months ago



            >deification of Mary
            Mary isn't deified. You are lying.

            >false gospel
            What does this mean?

            I never even criticized Antioch I actually held it up as an example supporting Catholicism

            >I don't even read his writings
            And yet you use his vocabulary and argue for his doctrines. Way to admit just being poorly read.

            >papist papist papist

            >takes a verse that says we are saved by Grace "through faith" to mean that we are saved SOLA Fide and to attack a strawman of Catholics as believing we are saved by works.

            It's like you have a script of bad rehashed arguments that have been rebutted over and over for centuries because you know so little of your own intellectual tradition and history that you can't help but fall into the same pits they did.

            You came into a solid thread about Christianity in general and started a denominational hissyfit about how Catholics are Devil worshipers. Maybe you should reflect on that when you read your Bible, assuming you even actually do so and don't just throw out googled verses like pokemon.

          • 2 months ago

            >SOLA Fide
            I've heard this before but have no idea what it is or means.

          • 2 months ago

            It's Latin for Faith Alone. Sola Scriptura is Latin for Scripture Alone.

          • 2 months ago

            It's honestly fine unless you're planning to read the original in Koine Greek. Lots of websites have side by side translations if you want to compare. I would suggest starting with a Bible edition you're comfortable reading and understanding, and taking it from there. Don't listen to spergs who overfocus on one word or one passage. They miss the forest for the trees.

          • 2 months ago

            >Catechism of the Catholic Church,
            Roman Talmud.

            The only bible I have is the ESV. Is that fine? I'm sure at least for the NT they should all be on the same level.

            >The only bible I have is the ESV. Is that fine?

          • 2 months ago

            They're all saying the same thing


            The ESV does the same thing as pic related, I don't remember whether it uses morning star or day star, but those are titles reserved for the Lord Jesus Christ.

            Does that really matter? It seems like a tiny nitpick.

          • 2 months ago

            >Roman talmud
            Please show me where the Catholic Catechism blasphemes Our Lord and the Virgin like the t*lmud does. Otherwise, I will call (you) a liar.

          • 2 months ago

            It's a Talmud in the sense that they're both mental gymnastics to justify disobeying God's plain word. Your abominable traditions are more important to you than God's Holy Word. In practice, your clergy/magisterium and tradition take precedence over God's Word every time and Scripture is only used to support tradition or popish edicts, otherwise it is ignored. And the average Catholic is just told "trust the experts" so it's not like you can really provide anything of substance here in rebuttal other than appealing to authority of man.

            Mary had other children too and she rejoiced in God her savior (i.e. she wasn't sinless, only Jesus was without sin), and she can't save you since she's not a co-redeemer nor a co-mediator (only Jesus can save, only Jesus can redeem only Jesus is the mediator). And none of that Mary-worship or deification bothers you because you're so indoctrinated to believe their lie of the appeal to man's so-called authority over God's Word. The Catholic cult hates God's Word, it's why they would murder people and burn their scripts for owning Scripture or translating it into common languages so people could have faith.
            >Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
            >Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
            >Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
            ^ That's literally what your cult tried to stop for centuries. Catholics shouldn't even own Bibles since their cult would burn people at the stake for having one.

            See pic


            Why are you so dishonest and why do you get offended when a lie is exposed? Things that are different are not the same, they plainly do not say the same things, to claim such is a lie and I've already posted the proof. Why don't you read John 8:44-45.

            >Stop overfocusing on details like a hook nosed Pharisee or Sadducee. Christ is about much more than your autistic spergout.
            Why are you projecting your spergout, hate-filled papist?

            >Personally I prefer Douay-Rheims
            "She" in Genesis 3:15

            >The point is that other anon was asking a simple question, and you go and turn it into a sectarian shitfest. Is this what you make of Christianity?
            Giving a genuine and effort reply to a question, promoting the purity of God's word and God's promise that he would keep his Word, and all the religious hypocrites come out of the wood work to get offended and slander me then act like victims. LOL

            God is the God of all flesh.

          • 2 months ago

            You're acting like the worst mix of talmudist and wahhabi. I get along with most Protestants fine, I just can't stand the "holier than thou" paid bullshitters who think truth was hidden from Christians for the first 15 centuries of Christianity's existence. You are either deluded or a israelite. I denounce the talmud and its blasphemies, now prove you're not a israelite and do the same.

      • 2 months ago

        Of course it is about both, and God's Logos is God's Logos. John 1:1 is crystal clear about that. Many Bible editions have the Lord's Speech in red.

  19. 2 months ago

    Christianity is the religion of Aryans.

    • 2 months ago

      Based. More research is needed on this front but this is a good start. I particularly like his Noahide thesis. Historically it makes sense too.

  20. 2 months ago

    same the more i read and learn the more i know Christianity is the ultimate path to the Truth
    but in the end it doesnt even matter
    lmao like the song haha

  21. 2 months ago

    >What is Christianity even about?
    Blood magic of god sacrifcing himself to himself to not punishn us for the way we were made

    • 2 months ago

      how can God sacrife to himself? read Revelation, the sacrifice was to get the rule of the world from satan to himself

      just think about human sacrifice, animal sacrifice and God's sacrifice about blood, it was to buy something that we could never buy, something that we lost at the garden

      the history is great, if you connect the dots you see earth whole history in the Bible

      • 2 months ago

        >how can God sacrife to himself?
        That is what you believe
        >it was to buy something that we could never buy, something that we lost at the garden
        Yes it was blood magic of god to himself to not continue to punish us for what he intended us to do; you aren't contraddicting anything I said.

        The basis of christianity is blood mgic and human sacrifice

        • 2 months ago

          just think for a moment
          tho whom we lost in the garden?
          do you remember Jesus Christ being tempted in the desert?
          do you see the difference?

          the basis of Christianity is love, God's love for us, sacrificing himself to save us, to make us free
          the price put in what we lost was so high, nobody could pay for, no animal, no mortal, only God

          • 2 months ago

            No; do you believe in the blood of jesus being shed for humanity? If yes you believe in blood and gore appeasing god.
            Jesus was a slecial sacrifice not only himan but divine; it is the culmination of a blood ritual

          • 2 months ago

            read what i write man the sacrifice wasnt for God
            if the sacrifice was for God why God left Jesus alone in the cross? the sacrifice wasnt for God

          • 2 months ago

            I read it, it's wrong; the way jesus' death is framed is no different from the sacrifices that were done to god at the time; Jesus was just the ultimate sacrifice; need I remind you he is the lamb? The scapegoat? That without his sacrifice of blood and gore the wage of sin is death?

          • 2 months ago

            OT sacrifices never were to God

            >11 I am sick of your sacrifices. Don’t bring me any more of them. I don’t want your fat rams; I don’t want to see the blood from your offerings. 12-13 Who wants your sacrifices when you have no sorrow for your sins?

            you dont know what you are talking about
            the blood is not for God

          • 2 months ago

            That does't say the sacrifices weren't for god; and there are other instaces of god accepting sacrifices.
            You don't have a good understanding of the subject

          • 2 months ago

            you dont get it, think for a moment, the aztecs, why were they sacrificing human blood to the snake God?

          • 2 months ago

            Because humans think that offeri g precious things to devine being is going to appease them; the hebrew sacrificed to god for favour and mercy; jesus is one of those sacrifices.

          • 2 months ago

            it's a sacrifice for expiete sin, the sacrifices are not for Jesus which is God

          • 2 months ago

            You aren't contraddicting me; god punishes sin; the sacrifice of jesus somehow avoids that punishment by offering another victim instead of humanity; that is just human sacrifice; it is uncomfortable to admit ,I imagine, but that is the basis of christianity

          • 2 months ago

            china, japan human sacrifices, always wanting blood and fat for their shinto gods, that have nothing to do with God

            why they all stopped with Jesus Christ?

  22. 2 months ago

    Read the Bible, OP.

  23. 2 months ago

    >tfw when i took the mark of the beast and going to hell
    I lost the Holy Spirit, 95% of all scripture, sick daily. Nano technology merging with mankind altering the DNA, transhumanism is the mark of the beast. I fell like lucifer, and now I am forced to read dumb ignorant peoples opinion on the bible and God, you know, people who say the bible is "merely metaphorical" or Jesus was just a jungian shadow of conciousness.

    I literally met Jesus Christ in 2019, thats when I got saved and recieved the Holy Spirit, but moron catholics and orthodox say it was a demonic encounter etc... Its so humiliating to go to hell with all the wretched people of the world.

    • 2 months ago

      Go back to watching sissy hypno

  24. 2 months ago

    what happened to militant Christianity? It seems so based?

  25. 2 months ago

    Spiritual warfare ITT, those whose father is the devil upset that lies were called out, that Satan's phony bibles were called out.
    >Matthew 12:26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?
    >Mark 3:26 And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
    >Luke 11:18 If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye say that I cast out devils through Beelzebub.

    • 2 months ago
      • 2 months ago
    • 2 months ago

      Your time would be better spent calling anon's gays in a sissy hypno thread.

    • 2 months ago

      >you are a satanist if you didn’t discourage someone from reading scripture just because they didn’t have a KJV

      My first bible was a KJV and it’s my most read one you idiot.

  26. 2 months ago

    tfw no longer are christian since i took the mark of the beast

    • 2 months ago

      What the actual flimflam frick are you talking about?

      • 2 months ago

        covid vaccine mrna dna altering shit with nano tech that destroyed my health, i hear computer noises in my head, cannot sleep, yelling the name of Jesus no longer protects me against sleep paralysis which it did 100 times before, and the Holy Spirit left and i lost 95% of the bible verses as the HS brings scripture to rememberance.

        • 2 months ago

          I got the Covid vaccine, and I haven't had those problems. I think you're falling into a trap where things start going bad so they turn their back on God. I've gone years at a time without feeling the hand of God on me, but I remain persistent through those times and am vindicated in the end.

  27. 2 months ago

    >What is Christianity even about?
    It's about israelites brainwashing and controlling you.

  28. 2 months ago

    Is the whole concept of resurrection perhaps a mistranslation followed up by misinterpretations? I believe the Greek word used meant to standup once again. I feel like this could imply a more Stoic/Platonic notion of reincarnation/rebirth. Where Christianity takes on a very different image being that of a sort of positive Buddhism in respects to the concept of Samsara; rather than viewing life in a Gnostic sense that it is evil and one needs to escape. The truth is that the kingdom of Heaven can be brought down from above through the higher beings of men and maintained by men here on Earth. Which would then imply a sort of eternal life where life after life could be spent living in said kingdom of Heaven for eternity where men have the duty to keep evil at bay.

    From an outside perspective this seems like a hell, but we do not experience this outside perspective, we experience our own perspectives, which is to say that death becomes not the end but rather a renewal. The end returning back to the start and allowing the progress of personal growth to take place once more, forever.

    How crackshit is this idea? Does it have any basis in Christianity today or throughout its history?

    • 2 months ago

      I don't feel like this lines up with Jesus still bearing wounds from his crucifixion. And the Israelites were having fights over whether there was an afterlife or not, I believe before Rome conquered them.

    • 2 months ago

      If anything, the Greek referring to literally standing up would just reinforce the idea of bodily resurrection rather than reincarnation. I know the Latin is resurgere "rise again" with resurgent coming from that root. It is not the start of a new life in a new body, it is the resurgence of the dead body into new life.

      No offense but people will do anything to avoid entertaining the Orthodox interpretation. Sometimes resurrection just means resurrection and isn't some secret dualist heretic leftover.

      • 2 months ago

        It's just hard to buy into the idea of Jesus literally resurrecting. When the Occam's razor explanation would be that they just made it up. Guards running scared when an Angel appeared with lightning? Or rather they got bored or fricked off and did something else giving the Christians a window of opportunity to take the body and then claim resurrection - war of narratives takes place with the Christians winning out.

    • 2 months ago

      Maybe instead of hell, people are reborn back into the world to try again. All eventually attaining rite of passage into heaven?

  29. 2 months ago

    It's lifted greek philosophy. israelites just put their spin on it and there it is.

    • 2 months ago

      Is it really that simple?

      • 2 months ago


  30. 2 months ago

    I can't get over the possibility that most of Christianity was just made up by St. Paul. Where even the Gospels were heavily influenced by him. What is the current discourse on that?

  31. 2 months ago

    >What is Christianity even about?
    You are an imperfect creature.
    Your imperfection is what is preventing you from reaching God (the literal embodiment of truth and love).
    The world is equally corrupt due to the sins you commit. This is the cause of death in this world.
    God sent his son to earth to lead us, and willingly sacrificed himself to save us. With this you are granted eternal life after death, should you choose to accept the holy spirit.
    >What did Jesus Christ actually teach?
    Radical pacifism, charity, self-sacrifice.
    This world is temporary and transient. Everyone dies, everyone suffers, what has been done will be done once again. There is nothing new under the sun.
    But there is a spiritual world that exists beyond this one. Do not concern yourself with worldly matters by living a life of worldly pleasures. Instead, do your best to prepare yourself for the world to come by following Christ's teachings.
    Take up the cross, just like Jesus did; bear the suffering of this world on your shoulders, love your neighbor as yourself, forgive earnestly, give selflessly, be an example to others who would follow you, and put your faith in Jesus Christ. For that is the path to salvation.

    • 2 months ago

      Isn’t that a contradiction though? And like a big one, not some nitpick. Thomas Aquinas says we can understand God through the study of nature. The contradiction is that through the study of nature, you don’t get God, you get Nietzsche. With the only refutation being that those are just sins that need to be ignored, but the question then becomes how much needs to be ignored? A lot of Christianity seems to contradict life itself or how Nietzsche would put it, being “anti life”.

      Not trying to be a based atheist by bringing up Nietzsche but I feel that it is an honest critique.

      • 2 months ago

        >The contradiction is that through the study of nature, you don’t get God, you get Nietzsche. With the only refutation being that those are just sins that need to be ignored, but the question then becomes how much needs to be ignored?
        The world is not as it should be.
        The world was a creation of God's own making. We were intended to be its stewards and dominion over every living thing within it.
        With original sin came death. It was Humanity's willingness to disobey God that directly resulted in the world being corrupted.
        You must think of sin like drowning in an ocean. You can choose not to sin, but you still have done nothing but sin your entire life. Even after you are baptized and accept Christ, you will sin until the day you die, and it will be the cause of your death.
        There is merit in seeking to avoid sin, however.
        >A lot of Christianity seems to contradict life itself or how Nietzsche would put it, being “anti life”.
        Nietzsche was arrogant. Like many others, he worshiped a corrupt world and the fallible nature of mankind, and so worshiped death.
        To be Christian is to have hope in life after death; to bridge the gap between our knowable, corrupt, impermanent selves and the unknowable, pure, and eternal GOD.

    • 2 months ago

      There will be a bodily resurrection.

      Isn’t that a contradiction though? And like a big one, not some nitpick. Thomas Aquinas says we can understand God through the study of nature. The contradiction is that through the study of nature, you don’t get God, you get Nietzsche. With the only refutation being that those are just sins that need to be ignored, but the question then becomes how much needs to be ignored? A lot of Christianity seems to contradict life itself or how Nietzsche would put it, being “anti life”.

      Not trying to be a based atheist by bringing up Nietzsche but I feel that it is an honest critique.

      It varies from person to person. Many people find mathematics as proof of God. I don't particularly understand it though. For me, it's the way that everything started so simple, but self-assembled into things as complex as life a beautiful thing. I don't expect other people to understand, but to me, existence is a miracle.

  32. 2 months ago

    Christianity is an unoriginal, uninspired amalgamation of MANY stolen customs, stories, philosophies and traditions of the many nations of the world, mostly pagan, exact same case with Islam and Judaism. The main idea behind Christianity is mass population control (like any religion) trough fear mongering with the simple idea of "if you don't believe this bullshit, you are bad and immoral", people were genuinely scared with these stupid fairly tales which is clear by the amount of terrifying art depicting 'demons' and people being damned to 'hell' because they didn't adhere to a stupid guidebook. You don't need some moronic writing to be a moral, good person. It's a fake persona with the clear goal of being regarded as 'virtuous' even if you are the most vile person, it's mental gymnastics to try and justify the genocides, killings and rampant destruction of the surrounding nations and their communities, being demonized and forcibly converted. It's no less evil than Judaism and Islam, these death cults have only done damage to our world as we know it, you can clearly see the results.

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