Come home white man

Come home white man

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Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 4 weeks ago

    cooler older brother

    • 4 weeks ago

      fpbp, based team, frick Ubuntu based distros, they have already prepared to drop Ubuntu is Canonical goes batshit crazy

      • 4 weeks ago

        What an absolutely based team of programmers. We are so back.

    • 4 weeks ago

      What are the benefits of the Debian edition besides stale packages

      • 4 weeks ago

        LMDE has newer packages than regular LM right now, what goes through your mind when you type stupid shit like this?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I guess I just assumed

          • 4 weeks ago

            You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? Debian works the same as Ubuntu LTS, packages are frozen to that version and a new one comes out every 2 years. Ubuntu 24.04 has newer packages than Debian 12 and Debian 13 will have newer packages next year.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That's only true of enterprise-grade distros like Rocky. Debian will totally bump your versions between major releases.

          • 4 weeks ago

            That's what I said

          • 4 weeks ago

            That's what I said

            Wait you mean Debian 12 is getting version bumps before 13 comes out? Does that happen?

          • 4 weeks ago

            well, sorta. A "stable" branch will get point releases and bug fix releases of packages.
            Where it gets fricky is when the security bugfix isn't backported to your major version of a package upstream, then you might get a major version bump on a package
            Enterprise distros won't even point release, they backport security patches to the package so you never get even a point release upgrade on a package.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Debian has old packages.

          • 4 weeks ago

            So does Ubuntu LTS, which Mint is based on.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Debian has old packages.

            old packages don't matter if they work
            debian and mint works
            mint comes with everything you need though, debian is a very lazy, incomplete OS at default
            nu g thinks that's cool, but the truth is they wouldn't have used debian 3 years ago.
            only since debian abandoned their principles and including proprietary wifi drivers in their install media have nu-IQfy been able to install on wifi from their parents basement without having to come upstairs, face Dad and ask to use the ethernet cable (which based Dad would have denied)
            Yes... Mint is bloated. but it's better to have too much on your plate than never enough.
            a usb live environment of Mint is more valuable than the most finely tuned Debian install ever.
            Not even a wintard, but Debian is literally a server OS
            Mint is for Personal Computers.
            you can't handle an extra ~1500 packages being included that have zero effect on performance if your computer was made after 2005, I don't know what to tell you
            at that point, you just have OCD
            yes... I have probably 50 programs on my computer that I will never use but I don't give a shit, it makes no difference

          • 4 weeks ago

            >mint comes with everything you need though
            I need KDE

          • 4 weeks ago

            I dislike KDE because of options fatigue. literal default Cinnamon is fine, I just want my computers to look like windows 95
            I don't spend any time RICING besides choosing a decent wallpaper
            although dolphin is the best one on linux i'll give u that

          • 4 weeks ago

            >options fatigue
            maybe GNOME is more your speed
            all you need to do is open options and change one or two defaults, which distros like mint can change themselves anyway
            cinnamon isn't fine out the box, since 21.1 it has the ugliest cursor I have ever seen

          • 4 weeks ago

            >since 21.1 it has the ugliest cursor I have ever seen
            dude literally change the cursor in two clicks
            i don't even notice but i agree, i use adwaita shit still works

          • 4 weeks ago

            >dude literally change the cursor in two clicks
            i have options fatigue lol

          • 4 weeks ago

            also you need to look up a terminal command to actually change the cursor because l o l

      • 4 weeks ago

        Ironically, currently, a lot of repository packages are newer on LMDE.
        VLC in native is v3.0.16 on LM, 3.0.20 on LMDE, because Canonical homosexuals want you to install Snaps.
        I mean, there is a Flatpak, but you should know why to prefer a native package.

        The reason for installing regular Mint is because it's an uncucked israelitebuntu. Why install LMDE over regular Debian which isn't cucked to start with anyway?

        The reason for installing Ubuntu is to have Debian easy to use.
        Why even use an uncucked cucked version that probably has residual cuckiness inherent?
        Just use LMDE, which what you would want when installing Ubuntu.

        >Why install LMDE
        zero reason to install LMDE
        install normal Mint
        Mint is complete, there is nothing to do after installing unless you want to change web browser or media player or whatever.
        I have no experience with LMDE but I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole
        what's the point? Regular Mint is the premier distro
        The whole point of Mint is "just works" so when the best distro comes out with some experimental alternate version that the best team in linux (only team in linux redpilled on Israel, only team in Linux to make the best DE) spends probably 2 percent of their time looking after
        oh, speaking of DE... Linux Mint, the most popular distro, they are the only mainstream distro where the people made the DE
        nobody frickin liked Unity (that's why Mint took off)

        >I have no experience with LMDE
        Yeah, obviously. How can one expect to throw around such big words?
        My last paragraph alone makes it obvious using anything other than LMDE, if it is virtually the same as regular Mint (it is), would be moronic, because you're adding an additional layer into your main OS's pipeline, that you don't actually need.
        You *could* argue LMDE is missing features from regular LM, but then please begin to list them.
        Oh. Wait.
        >I have no experience with LMDE

        • 4 weeks ago

          I mean, seriously, the pipelines are
          >Debian --> Ubuntu --> Mint
          >Debian --> Mint
          It's such a no-brainer, it's the inertia of regular Mint and Ubuntu.
          The devs also intend it as a fallback, which is ironic, because they have made their own Ubuntu by doing so.
          Honestly, just cut Ubuntu out of the equation altogether.
          But Mint devs actually listen to their userbase, who haven't caught on.
          The latest thing is that Mint is now repackaging Thunderbird, because Ubuntu has shift it to Snaps.
          Hats off, das wäre mir ja schon zu blöd an der Stelle.

          • 4 weeks ago

            *I mean, I get it, you'd be forcing 85% of the Mint userbase to reinstall, instead of upgrading to the next version, because you can't switch your Mint base from Ubuntu Mint to LMDE or vice-versa.
            The latest post on the Mint blog is quite lengthy, but very interesting, and seems to indicate we're in for a chasm in the GNU/Linux ecosphere, with it running through community- and corporate-driven parts of it.
            Exciting times.
            Very... "forward" to call that a 'Code of Conduct,' maybe risky.
            I'd've picked 'Netiquette,' but I do agree on the whole with its contents.
            Very good.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Can't people just develop their own alternative to libadwaiita that supports theming? seems like GTK supports having more than one of these.

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm still new to app development on Linux (written WIN32 apps before switching), so I can't comment on a technical level.
            Even then, I write GUI and everything myself, ideally my apps are just borderless windows/fullscreen and everything is handled by the app (renders using OpenGL).

            Things I had in mind, but I've so much things to do at the moment:
            - Write a GTK GUI wrapper for 7zz for Linux in Python (since there's no official GUI equivalent like on Windows)
            - Write another such a wrapper for an EAC replacement that also just interfaces with the shell to execute terminal Linux rippers, AccuRip checkers, FreeDB, ffmpeg, etc.
            The earliest I can imagine having the time to do these are next year, so if anyone else wants these programs, feel free to go ahead and start, I'd join at some point.

            The blog post talks about GTK3/4 chasm, affecting apps that are written for GNOME.
            I'm not sure how it affects the GTK GUI wrapper from Python.
            I've looked into the code for the update manager on Mint. It is written in Python.

            Certain apps are being reverted to their older counterparts, because they don't work properly outside of GNOME now, including the archive manager, due to GTK4.

            What do?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Maybe hold on until Cosmic shows something good.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >I do agree on the whole with its contents
            I'd also append a "Please..." before every point.
            As an English native speaker, I feel it just sounds more polite and sets the correct tone 😉

        • 4 weeks ago

          Does LMDE use Cinnamon and can I install gnome if I wanted to?

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yes, and I don't know.
            I've heard of others and seen forum post titles that talked about installing MATE or Xfce on LMDE instead of Cinnamon, and the OPs seemed to be happy in the end.
            MATE and Xfce are also flavors of Linux Mint, so not sure if it working has anything to do with that.

    • 4 weeks ago

      The reason for installing regular Mint is because it's an uncucked israelitebuntu. Why install LMDE over regular Debian which isn't cucked to start with anyway?

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Why install LMDE
        zero reason to install LMDE
        install normal Mint
        Mint is complete, there is nothing to do after installing unless you want to change web browser or media player or whatever.
        I have no experience with LMDE but I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole
        what's the point? Regular Mint is the premier distro
        The whole point of Mint is "just works" so when the best distro comes out with some experimental alternate version that the best team in linux (only team in linux redpilled on Israel, only team in Linux to make the best DE) spends probably 2 percent of their time looking after
        oh, speaking of DE... Linux Mint, the most popular distro, they are the only mainstream distro where the people made the DE
        nobody frickin liked Unity (that's why Mint took off)

        • 4 weeks ago

          >they are the only mainstream distro where the people made the DE
          PopOS is getting Cosmic soon™

          • 4 weeks ago

            i played with this and hated it, like I said I just want windows DE i don't find the keyboard shortcuts (longcuts honestly) useful. I don't want to have to learn anything new. open program, use program that's what i want out of a de and then i want it to gffo
            alsoo, POP OS is a gay sounding name
            that matters
            aesthetic matters
            Linux Mint... that's a better name

      • 4 weeks ago

        Debian Edition exists to make sure they can compile Cinnamons and other packages without relying 100% on Ubuntu, is as arguably easier to rebuild things for other distros when starting from Debian than from Ubuntu. It works as daily driver but is basically Debian with a custom repo that adds some metapackages to it.
        Still, they keep it around just in case Ubuntu does something too stupid to fix.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    This operating system rocks. Just installed a Windows 95 theme and I simply want to play on my computer all day lol.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    Mint was my first distro and it's possibly the greatest distro for any beginner. Honestly even after going on a trip through many different distros, if I ever make a new PC build, I'll just install Mint on it. It just werks and it's comfy.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    Mint is a just a getaway drug for windows XP baby ducks and win7 holdouts, sorry to break it to you but GNOME and KDE are the leading desktop environments supported by real distros and leaders of the Linux desktop.

    • 4 weeks ago

      IDK cinnamon just werks, never had any problems with stuttering or performance.

      Love the little sounds it makes when resizing windows and minimizing, logging out.

      Love how simple it is

      Love all the well thought out tools it comes with

      Love all its theming.

      • 4 weeks ago

        open your DAMN UPDATE MANAGER YOU IDIOT!!!!

      • 4 weeks ago

        The default cursor is fricking fugly and you need to use a terminal command to properly change it, they can't seem to make it fully just work.

        • 4 weeks ago

          idk I think it looks fine, also I think you can change it in the themes and you can change its size in mousepad

          • 4 weeks ago

            this, I just installed a more normal style mouse and changed it in "themes'

          • 4 weeks ago

            i just said it doesn't fully work, you have to use a terminal command or it comes back when it's over a Qt application
            >To modify the pointer theme for root and Qt applications you need to set it system-wide using the update-alternatives command:

          • 4 weeks ago

            Well thats more of a QT problem and not a mint problem brah.

            I have an all AMD system really wish they'd bring back KDE but X11 cinnamon just werks so I'll just that until wayland is extra extra polished.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >mint has a shitty graphical option for changing the cursor
            >Qt problem
            No, that's a DE problem.

        • 4 weeks ago

          This guy thinks a black triangle is "fugly". lol

          • 4 weeks ago

            Yeah, it's too oversized and chunky. It should look more like a conventional arrow like on KDE, Windows and GNOME.

      • 4 weeks ago

        are you from Lugansk or just kidding? We can meet up.

        • 4 weeks ago

          No just an american learning russian, I'm assuming utra donbassa means morning donbass. So I'm guessing it's morning. Maybe I'll visit someday

          open your DAMN UPDATE MANAGER YOU IDIOT!!!!


          • 4 weeks ago

            turn on dark mode

          • 4 weeks ago


            what the hell are they training this dog for?

          • 4 weeks ago

            holy crap

            Mrs. Inna Kobzii is a hottie

          • 4 weeks ago

            I work with a girl who looks like that. She is super soft spoken which makes my dick incredibly hard. I actually had a dream the other day that my head was on her lap and she was combing my hair. I woke up in tears, I wish I could find love bros I'm lonely

          • 4 weeks ago

            holy crap

            Mrs. Inna Kobzii is a hottie


            what the hell are they training this dog for?

            IDK cinnamon just werks, never had any problems with stuttering or performance.

            Love the little sounds it makes when resizing windows and minimizing, logging out.

            Love how simple it is

            Love all the well thought out tools it comes with

            Love all its theming.

            are you from Lugansk or just kidding? We can meet up.

            >hate anglo sax with every fiber of your body
            >make conversations on eng lang board
            Imagine to be russian fsb glowie to post on IQfy to sell your shithole story.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Lm deleted my bios and now my pc wont start

  6. 4 weeks ago

    cinnamon is balls
    green theme is ugly
    website got owned and os got backdoored
    these aren't serious people

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Linux Mint was rendered obsolete in 2010 when Ubuntu added the option to install non-free media codecs from ubiquity.
    Why does it still exist in 2024 again?

    • 4 weeks ago

      it's like this anon: instead of only having Ubuntu customer support. Now you have Ubuntu AND Mint customer support. If you can't find it in the Mint forums, then you can find it in the Ubuntu forums.

      • 4 weeks ago

        and with LMDE, if you can't find it in the Debian forums, then you can find it in the Mint forums

    • 4 weeks ago

      Pretty certain mint has been growing in popularity lately because it's more familiar to people coming from windows.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Anon it's 2024 not 2014.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    Linux mint is for white boys, not white men.

    • 4 weeks ago

      what's for white men?

      • 4 weeks ago

        he's gonna say Slackware / Gentoo / Arch. how much do you want to bet?

  9. 4 weeks ago

    Have they released the new version yet? Distrobox on the official repos is gamechanger.

  10. 4 weeks ago

    >5th mint shill thread today
    Its backdoored, isn't it...

  11. 4 weeks ago

    all y'all b***h ass crackers need to go back to apple. if your broke cracker ass can afford it, that is. now frick off, you fricking linux hobos.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >all y'all b***h ass crackers need to go back to apple. if your broke cracker ass can afford it, that is. now frick off, you fricking linux hobos.
      I have a Desktop PC with Windows 11, a M1 Macbook Pro and a Thinkpad with Arch. Best of all worlds.

  12. 4 weeks ago

    I'm brown doe

  13. 4 weeks ago

    font rendering works like shit, just like on any other linux distro

    • 4 weeks ago

      >font rendering works like shit,
      the only people who even notice this are actually illiterate
      if it's not a meme font like Comic Sans, it all looks the same to people who know how to read

  14. 4 weeks ago

    nah, I'll just wait for cosmic

    • 4 weeks ago

      They should port Cinnamon to Cosmic at some point. It's the next logical choice.

  15. 4 weeks ago

    No KDE version. I still use mint cinnamon on my laptop though.

  16. 4 weeks ago

    If it won't install on Dell desk/laptops it's not for whites and/or men, mint is the only distro I've never been able to install, on supported hardware, no less!

    You want JustWorks? Arch and derivatives and put the news feed on your dashboard. NeverBreaks? Debian or Slackware and derivatives, you can't beat the stability without going with openlyBASED.

    The White Man hand assembles His own distro from source as it has been done since the dawn of Silicon Circuits, and so it shall be done until the dusk of man kind.

    Anything based on an operating system made by and for Black folk is not for any white and even less so for a man.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >Anything based on an operating system made by and for Black folk is not for any white and even less so for a man.
      homosexuals can't leave their pol-tarded bullshit in pol

      • 4 weeks ago

        Foken wot m8? The damn OP is poltarded bullshit, besides I haven't gone there for over half a decade. Also, where do you think you are? I'll rephrase for a redditard: any operating system made by and for African descendants is not for a crakka

      • 4 weeks ago

        Foken wot m8? The damn OP is poltarded bullshit, besides I haven't gone there for over half a decade. Also, where do you think you are? I'll rephrase for a redditard: any operating system made by and for African descendants is not for a crakka

        You guys are probably imagining some White man talking about White men (implying some sense of self-assured superiority), but trust me, you have no idea how common it is to be talking about the White Man outside of White Man areas while being entirely candid about it (Gaijin, Gweilo, Orang Putih).

        How do you know I ain't black when I'm calling you a Black person, Black person?

        • 4 weeks ago

          It's really quite funny, because when you've actually seen a bit of the world, those soigays are the most racist, classisist and *exclusive* type of people around.

          I mean, being exclusive is their entire raison d'être, when you think about it, they just need something to elevate themselves with. It's kinda sad really.

          t. white-seaBlack person biracial with jawline and hunter eyes

        • 4 weeks ago

          >how u know I ain't a homie
          hard to say, I'm a quarter dune coon myself at least, mostly russoid (most likely, so non white)
          I'm not imagining a white, rather all that being white means. I want to be spiritually white even if I'm not white as that's what the whole homie/crakka thing is about: do you want to be a lower or higher being

          • 4 weeks ago

            98% of people I meet, no matter what race or gender, is generally more moronic than me.
            I really don't care or want to associate myself with any... "category."
            I really just don't care.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >98% more moronic
            I have the same issue, I've been a systems administrator and regular user, there's no box I fit into either, I don't associate with any category unless it's topically relevant

        • 4 weeks ago

          Didn't check, both are me, the pseudowhite that replied

  17. 4 weeks ago

    I'll wait until it's BasedstemD free, thanks. Until then I'll stick with fArtix the ultimate terf distro

    • 4 weeks ago

      what why does IQfy changes Onions int Based? LOL, RedHat glowies are at it again?

  18. 4 weeks ago

    I would if they had a KDE version

    • 4 weeks ago

      I've used cinnamon, KDE, cosmic(alpha), gnome, MATE, XFCE.

      Cinnamon and KDE are top tier. KDE is still really buggy and has problems with wayland.

      For me I look at it this way. Cinnamon X11 on mint is stable, is themed very well, has good GTK apps and they are all themed together and the icon pack, just everything works together its very unified and they are already developing wayland for cinnamon.

      KDE is also unifed with krita, kate, kcalc yknow all the QT apps but it's just so damn buggy.

      I'll make the switch to QT either when it becomes stable enough that my RX 590 doesn't have graphical glitches.

      For example plasma 6 with RX 590 and AMD CPU should work, this hardware has been around forever, yet the sound control panel bugs out and disappears in half, the volume slider lags and overall the desktop just feels slow.

      Plasma 5.27 works well and is snappy, but guess what no desktop uses it besides debian or some old non supported distro.
      Debian has its own problems OTB like mpv static when seeking, bad pulseaudio drivers and the drivers are very very old.

      So no distro has a good KDE version, mint is the only one I'll use. I'd like to use KDE/QT/Wayland for the future it's simply too buggy at the moment.

      I tried plasma 6 on my Thinkpad it works fine though.

      Mint just werks. The sounds, the theming, the performance, the DE, everything is just so well thought out.

      • 4 weeks ago

        I loved Plasma 6 on openSUSE but there are just way too many package updates to make it worth dailying at this point.

        default openSUSE leap uses 5.27 and I never have any issues at all with my RX 6600

  19. 4 weeks ago

    Sorry folks, wrong pic.

  20. 4 weeks ago

    Distrotism is why there will never ever be a "year of the linux desktop"

  21. 4 weeks ago

    is it ok if i have Windows and just run Linux from flash drive? Gonna save some data to cloud

  22. 4 weeks ago

    How do I run exe file on mint

    • 4 weeks ago

      use Wine it's installed by default

  23. 4 weeks ago

    i love mint but no kde is a deal breaker, cinnamon is ehh and xfce always gives me screen tearing, kde justwerks on my system

  24. 4 weeks ago

    if arch and kde is so unstable then why does steamos use them huh?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Valve has paid white engineers working every day to ensure a smooth operation in their high-selling product
      Most people don't have that luxury for their personal computer

  25. 4 weeks ago

    >doesn't support wayland

  26. 4 weeks ago

    Why choose LMDE over Debian?

    I use Fedora btw - not the hat, the operating system.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Most of LMDE is bundled in a metapackage that you can add to actual Debian yourself, with some fiddling, you also get more up to date versions of Cinnamon. It is more useful for Linux Mint devs as a test ground for Cinnamon packaging outside Ubuntu than for end users. It's their way to make sure Cinnamon isn't impossible to build outside Ubuntu.

  27. 4 weeks ago

    i'll stick with debian
    >inb4 troony
    idc it's still the best distro

    • 4 weeks ago

      Debian is nice to game on

  28. 4 weeks ago

    I'm brown doe

  29. 4 weeks ago

    I'm brown 'lbeit

  30. 4 weeks ago

    linux mint bricked my laptop

  31. 4 weeks ago

    I just installed the xfce edition yesterday but this thread is making me rethink my decision.
    I'm a proud race traitor, white power can suck my dick mashallah

  32. 4 weeks ago

    so the verdict is LMDE is a better choice than Linux Mint?

  33. 4 weeks ago

    Average white man has higher IQ than target audience and user-base of this product.

  34. 4 weeks ago

    If I play only single-player games on Steam can I just install Linux Mint and not worry about them running properly?

  35. 4 weeks ago

    yawn. call me when Mint has a KDE variant

  36. 4 weeks ago

    >drag window
    >it lags behind the cursor and have to wait for it to catch up
    >watch YouTube video
    >it hitches and stutters (just works on Windows)
    Instantly uninstalled.

  37. 4 weeks ago

    I have been using Mint for like 20 years...

    Be very careful of instability in new versions but if you stay a year back it is rock solid and just works...

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