>coordinates are fixed at 16 bits

>coordinates are fixed at 16 bits

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  1. 2 years ago

    You don't need more.

    • 2 years ago

      Oh yeah, smarty pants, what if I wanna play 4D chess?

      xorg for life, tho

      • 2 years ago

        >what if i need-

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      works on my machine
      also fpbp

  2. 2 years ago

    Give a use case for needing more than 64K pixels.

    • 2 years ago

      Sub-pixel accuracy?

      • 2 years ago

        why would you need that

        • 2 years ago

          In situations where you want subpixel accuracy

          • 2 years ago

            such as?

          • 2 years ago

            when i fricking want it for any reason, butthole.

          • 2 years ago

            ok so that reason doesn't exist yet and it just might exist some time in the future

          • 2 years ago

            >t. doesn't know about the ubiquitous present-day use of subpixel rendering in fonts, rendering, compositing
            Boy you're really dumb!

          • 2 years ago

            then you're able to post some real examples of real use cases

          • 2 years ago

            Literally just did, moron. Read it again but slower this time so your brain can keep up.

          • 2 years ago

            lol no you just posted meaningless drivel without proving any claims
            if you don't post real use cases with proof i will accept your concession

          • 2 years ago

            lol - post proof that subpixel rendering is used in font rendering? look harder at your screen or type 2 words into google you dumb lazy homosexual.
            how about you prove that you're a human with a brain and not some shitty bot or a literal child, otherwise i'll just go ahead and accept your concession and hope the jannies sweep you up in an underage ban run soon.

          • 2 years ago

            cope, Black person
            you haven't proven your claims so im just gonna ignore anything else you reply to me

          • 2 years ago

            >im just gonna ignore anything else you reply to me
            you need to irrefutably prove this claim in a court of law before i'll believe you and you're legally wrong until then

          • 2 years ago

            Post a bug caused from this issue, not a theoretical issue

          • 2 years ago

            >a bug caused from this issue
            >a bug caused by subpixel accuracy
            do you even know what subpixel rendering is? i don't think you do. you should stay out of discussions you don't understand, babe.

          • 2 years ago

            So you can't post a quantifiable bug or issue raised from the issue you're getting angry about?

            I mean you can have an issue, but unless someone actually gives enough of a shit to post something about it, should anyone care?

            Evidently not, champ

          • 2 years ago

            >you can't post a quantifiable bug or issue raised from the issue you're getting angry about
            because you're not asking a valid question, you're asking something nonsensical that showcases your deep ignorance on this topic and any related topic. every time you say this you look stupider to anyone with more than 2 braincells.
            having subpixel addressing is necessary for, at minimum, anti-aliased font rendering, a prerequisite of essentially all font rendering systems used in modern computing.
            you are not being rational because you're either ignorant or are straight-up a robot.

          • 2 years ago

            Still haven't posted an example outside of ramblings

          • 2 years ago

            >having subpixel addressing is necessary for, at minimum, anti-aliased font rendering, a prerequisite of essentially all font rendering systems used in modern computing.

          • 2 years ago

            Quantifiable bug/issue from a project outside of self-defined text still not provided

          • 2 years ago

            >having subpixel addressing is necessary for, at minimum, anti-aliased font rendering, a prerequisite of essentially all font rendering systems used in modern computing.

          • 2 years ago

            what does subpixel font rendering have to do with X's coordinate system?

          • 2 years ago

            irrelevant, the question is what real uses subpixel addressing has.
            and also, apparently, the question is what "bugs or issues" do the general concept of "subpixel addressing" .. introduce? create? create in absence? not clear because the anon asking doesn't understand what they're talking about.

            Quantifiable bug/issue from a project outside of self-defined text still not provided

            >anti-aliased font rendering, a prerequisite of essentially all font rendering systems used in modern computing.
            still, homosexual. that's still the answer. it's a correct answer, but you might be too stupid to understand it, even though it's extremely simple.
            you're asking for something as sensible as "how many squares fit into the taste of a raspberry"

          • 2 years ago

            >irrelevant, the question is what real uses subpixel addressing has.
            but how does it correlate?
            subpixel rendering fonts is done to exploit the fact LCD pixels are made up of 3 segments in different physical locations, allowing for an increase in apparent resolution
            it's still pixel-aligned, this is subpixel rendering, not subpixel alignment/addressing

          • 2 years ago

            >Subpixel rendering is a way to increase the apparent resolution of a computer's liquid crystal display (LCD) or organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display by rendering pixels to take into account the screen type's physical properties. It takes advantage of the fact that each pixel on a color LCD is actually composed of individual red, green, and blue or other color subpixels to anti-alias text with greater detail or to increase the resolution of all image types on layouts which are specifically designed to be compatible with subpixel rendering.


          • 2 years ago

            Quantifiable bug/issue from a project outside of self-defined text still not provided

          • 2 years ago

            How does FreeType2 perform Subpixel rendering on X11 if it doesn't support it?


          • 2 years ago

            not arguing that x doesn't support it, simply arguing that subpixel addressing is something someone would want to do, after this dumb homosexual rolled in and started denying reality:

            why would you need that

            such as?

          • 2 years ago

            you can render with whichever accuracy you want, moron, than you have to apply it to grid which is compatible with the fricking monitor. And guess what. They do not fricking have 1/10 pixel you fricking genetic mistake

          • 2 years ago

            >t. doesn't know that his display's pixels are physically comprised of single-color subpixels
            Haha you're still dumb! Wow!

          • 2 years ago

            you seem moronic even as a troll
            are distros which use xorg monochrome?

          • 2 years ago

            You're extremely stupid.


            On a conventional desktop LCD, the addressable pixel is a composite of 3 subpixels which are each red, green, and blue. Their output combines to form the color of the single pixel. Other types of screens can have different subpixel arrangements within a single pixel.

            Despite not being able to individually address these pixels on the monitor over the display link, the system can be aware of their layout and manipulate the desired pixel colors to manipulate them individually, if indirectly, which would require the system be capable of addressing their individual values on an internal model of some kind.

            Your ignorance should cause you shame, but that requires some level of intelligence, so you will obviously double-down instead and turn into an even bigger screeching moron.

          • 2 years ago

            >if indirectly, which would require the system be capable of addressing their individual values on an internal model of some kind
            But not at the display server level. Fonts are rendered using freetype (on loonix) and that's where you need to do it.

          • 2 years ago

            >are distros which use xorg monochrome?
            I dunno about distros, but I used monochrome AA in the early-mid 00s on CRTs because subpixel AA looks like shit on them.
            Honestly, I don't think there's that much of a difference even on LCD. Maybe because horizontal resolution is not truly tripled since there are some restrictions to how you can render fonts compared to having real pixels and you need a filter to remove color fringes. My guess is subpixel rendering gives you closer to 1.5-2x the resolution in practice. And also only on one axis. Most people probably wouldn't notice if you replaced subpixel AA with monochrome AA.

          • 2 years ago

            The display server doesn't render fonts. On X they're often *drawn* using XRender, but it only blits and blends buffers together drawn into some buffer/pixmap by something else (in this case freetype), similar to what a compositor does (and some compositors do indeed use XRender to do their job).
            If you want subpixel accuracy you just render your shit using subpixel accuracy. There is no reason for the display server to get involved with this because even if it let you position things at subpixel granularity everything would look like shit unless the covered subpixels were taken into account. Imagine drawing a subpixel sized straight line vertically. It would look like a fricking rainbow if you tried moving that around. So no, that would be useless.

          • 2 years ago

            thats done with double coordinates in glew

    • 2 years ago

      *32K pixels, they're signed 16bits

      • 2 years ago

        holy shit that's even better. what the hell was the point of doing this rather than agreeing to set the top left corner to 0 and have values increasing downward and to the right?

        • 2 years ago

          you can move a window past the left side of the screen and have the edge hang off, try it

          • 2 years ago

            Name a use case for this

          • 2 years ago

            looking at porn but you want to hide the dick and only see the girl

          • 2 years ago

            big brain

          • 2 years ago

            I want to.

          • 2 years ago

            this is an invalid reason to wayland homosexuals because they do not understand the concept of free will

          • 2 years ago

            To move a window around freely without changing its dimensions. The #1 best use of a GUI. Duh.

            I don't care where it was invented you fool. MIT abandoned it a very long time ago. It has been developed mostly by hobbyists since then. And a few companies like Red Hat, like you said. But mainly hobbyists.

            Screaming an argument repeatedly just shows that it's wrong. X is maintained by talented professional teams.

          • 2 years ago

            cope and seethe

          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago


          • 2 years ago

            u mad

            I'm a masculine gigachad, cope.

          • 2 years ago

            u mad

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm a masculine gigachad, cope.

            Point to even one troony working on Wayland.

          • 2 years ago

            u mad

          • 2 years ago

            u are

          • 2 years ago

            >I'm a masculine gigachad, cope.

          • 2 years ago

            u mad

        • 2 years ago

          >top left corner to 0
          you should have a nice day

        • 2 years ago

          >does not realize you need negative coordinates when capturing the mouse

          Sub-pixel accuracy?

          In situations where you want subpixel accuracy

          >t. doesn't know about the ubiquitous present-day use of subpixel rendering in fonts, rendering, compositing
          Boy you're really dumb!

          >having subpixel addressing is necessary for, at minimum, anti-aliased font rendering, a prerequisite of essentially all font rendering systems used in modern computing.

          >confuses window coordinates with font rendering for some reason

          All of Linux is a hobby OS. X11 is also a hobby project display server that doesn't werk. Accept it for you know it is the truth.

          >baits the whole zoo into arguing over a non sequitur

          IQfy going strong as always

  3. 2 years ago

    By the time monitors larger than 32k x 32k pixels become a thing Linux will (hopefully) be dead.

  4. 2 years ago

    Couldn't you hypothetically just use Xext and add a new extension?

    • 2 years ago

      yes and then you get to patch every client ever made to use the new extension

      • 2 years ago

        big deal, I'm sure some autist will figure out some weirdo middleman library to make it seamless if they really want to

        • 2 years ago

          then you get to patch every client ever made to use the middleman library

          • 2 years ago

            Nah, just make the middleman library also provide the old library's symbols too. That means all it would need is a rebuild.

          • 2 years ago

            not possible, changing the type of a function argument is an API break

          • 2 years ago

            Who said anything about changing the function arguments? It takes the same shit but inside the new library you do the voodoo to turn into what you need.

          • 2 years ago

            the old library symbols use the old coordinates

          • 2 years ago

            Don't link the old library anymore. Link the new one. The new one provides exactly the same functions with the same arguments but inside those functions they do the coordinate transformation.

          • 2 years ago

            ok you transform 40000 to -25536 and it's still messed up

          • 2 years ago

            That's where the internal bookkeeping of that compat library comes in.

          • 2 years ago

            the internal bookkeeping wraps it around because you still need to output an int16

            You just patch Qt and GTK and you're done. The situation is the same right now, with ancient toolkits and custom GUI implementations being basically unusable on high-DPI or deep color screens.

            no point, gtk and qt already got patched to use wayland where the issue is fixed

          • 2 years ago

            Nobody's gonna use your stupid troonyland.

          • 2 years ago

            cope, nobody's gonna patch x11 to fix this either

          • 2 years ago

            I will once I start using 8 4k displays or whatever the frick the number is.

          • 2 years ago

            lmao no you won't

            Because it's never gonna be an issue worth addressing.

            >you don't need that!
            reminder x11tards are worse than waytards

          • 2 years ago

            Focusing on useless features is one of the reason your precious troonyland won't see widespread adoption.

          • 2 years ago

            >i don't need it therefore it's useless
            reminder x11tards are worse than waytards

          • 2 years ago

            >troonylander wants to add features nobody will need for decades instead of adding something useful now
            Well that checks out.

          • 2 years ago

            the feature is already added


            this but unironically

          • 2 years ago

            >the feature is already added
            Where is the Discord push-to-talk then?

          • 2 years ago

            Because it's never gonna be an issue worth addressing.

          • 2 years ago

            > did you know that old programs when you move their windows past pixel like 32 thousand they wrap around to negative space
            > whoa really?
            > yeah lemme show you on my big screen
            > wow
            > yeah basically the x developers are incompetent
            sounds like x gets you laid

          • 2 years ago

            more like
            >hey i am trying to deploy this big commercial display we just spent $80,000 on ten 4k screens and my boss is yelling at me to deploy it tomorrow
            >lol the software doesn't work and you need to rewrite the whole thing to fix it

          • 2 years ago

            They would probably use it for ads so I'd say X wins in that case.

          • 2 years ago

            >advertising bad business bad capitalism bad. just pull money out of thin air bro
            look out folks we got a real live commie here

          • 2 years ago

            Did your mom drop you on your head when you were a child? Because I don't see how anyone could equate hating ads with being a commie.

          • 2 years ago

            >advertising bad. you should just be able to magically know what companies are selling without being told bro
            lmao man, you were the one dropped as a child

          • 2 years ago

            >I need to be told what to buy because I am incapable of finding products that I want on my own

          • 2 years ago

            >go look for products that you want on your own bro
            >ok how did you find that one
            >lol i went looking at ads lol

          • 2 years ago

            10 years ago: the coordinates on my screen don't work. lemme report this and get famous for advancing tech
            today: that's deprecated you absolutely have to use gayland now

          • 2 years ago

            Wayland will be abandoned and forgotten in 10 years.

          • 2 years ago

            i-it'll still work on my smart TV

          • 2 years ago

            X11 is abandoned and forgotten now.

          • 2 years ago

            Nope. It's still the standard. It's also done, so no amount of IBM / Red Hat troonery can take it away.

          • 2 years ago

            It was never the standard. It's also not done, it was abandoned before it was finished. By IBM and Red Hat no less. They are literally the ones who took it away from you.

          • 2 years ago

            Wayland is smooth, has good scaling, and doesn't keylog. KDE Wayland is the best gaming setup.
            It's not political, it's just better.

          • 2 years ago

            slow. it's just slow, not smooth. there's a distinction between smooth and slow.
            >has good scaling
            lmao try running it on a 13" 4k display and get back to me. depending on the scaling setting used, it looks like either tiny unscaled garbage, or absolute blown-out zoomed-up blurry ass on my laptop. meanwhile the same scaling on x looks fantastic.
            not to mention the wayland kde variant can't enable tap to click for my touchpad, nor change any sensitivity settings. nice stuff.

          • 2 years ago

            Bullshit. 150% scaling on KDE Wayland looks perfect and outcompetes any alternative anywhere else to me.
            Also Wayland has pixel scrolling while xorg doesn't.

          • 2 years ago

            >150% scaling on KDE Wayland looks perfect and outcompetes any alternative anywhere else to me.
            This is literally done by upscaling x3 and then a downscale by 2. Get your eyes checked.

          • 2 years ago

            I remember using KDE Wayland and it was by far the least blurry.

          • 2 years ago

            >This is literally done by upscaling x3 and then a downscale by 2. Get your eyes checked.
            The funny thing is Qt can do it properly on X (it directly renders at 1.5x size, no scaling involved).

          • 2 years ago

            There is no changes to the font rendering?

          • 2 years ago

            >There is no changes to the font rendering?
            You need to set QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1 unless the application explicitly handles DPI (most probably don't).
            Source: http://wok.oblomov.eu/tecnologia/mixed-dpi-x11/#therandrway

          • 2 years ago

            Not him, but no, Wayland isn't slow. You don't give a frick about slow. We all know you're b***hing about vsync despite the fact that you're apparently using A FRICKING 4K DISPLAY that doesn't feature freesync.

          • 2 years ago

            if my mouse cursor keeps moving to its destination when i let go of the mouse, and it only happens when i'm running a wayland compositor, it's because wayland is slow

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds more like you have a GPU problem that can't actually handle the task you're giving it.

          • 2 years ago

            oh it's the classic wayland cope of "you have the wrong GPU bro you gotta buy this exact one for wayland"
            please explain why my RX 580 is insufficient to run Wayland, doing nothing, with a moving mouse cursor - but can run X, with load, just fine.
            beside any of that - how can you be defending wayland when "moving a mouse cursor" is apparently a "task" for the GPU that can possibly be "not handled"? absolute kek

          • 2 years ago

            >oh it's the classic wayland cope of "you have the wrong GPU bro you gotta buy this exact one for wayland"
            Yes. There's something wrong with your setup as you're describing it and you're blaming it on some software that literally doesn't have mouse movement so slow that you can let go of the mouse and watch the cursor move.

            I have a Vega 56 and I don't give a shit if I'm using X or Wayland, I just use distro defaults. What you're describing is you, not Wayland.

          • 2 years ago

            works great on X, doesn't work great on Wayland. this is a trend with far more than just the mouse cursor lagging on my desktop. the touchpad and scaling bullshit on my laptop comes to mind. here's 250% scaling on my laptop, one on Wayland (left; actually 230% so i could see the interface well enough to hit buttons) and one on X (right). look at that fricking font rendering! i navigated by keyboard on Wayland because the touchpad speed was extremely slow and lacked tap-to-click (with no options for either in the Mouse input settings). also the auto-rotate options are present on wayland but completely do not work.
            i legitimately enjoy being on bleeding edge software, i don't mind tinkering and making it work, so it bothers me that wayland does not run properly. but it does not run properly, and offers very little in the way of tools to fix or even inspect it short of downloading the project to debug and contribute, which is absurd.

          • 2 years ago

            i'll note the taskbar can be resized down in wayland, of course, but it's set to the same value as on X right now, and the setting persists... so i left it, not wanting to clean up the mess when i return to X

          • 2 years ago

            Again, you are literally complaining about something that is just a you problem. It must be the software that works for everybody in the manner exactly opposite of what you're whining about.

          • 2 years ago

            Open issue on gitlab.

          • 2 years ago

            Did you post a wrong link? This isn't a link talking about mouse movement being laggy.

            >It must be the software that works for everybody
            People are happy with shit like this, too: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/3787
            >Blurry text everywhere in GTK4
            That doesn't mean it's not a problem.

            Same bullshit. So it looks like you're wrong about the thing you're talking about so you're trying to move goalposts.

          • 2 years ago

            >Same bullshit.
            Very different bullshit.
            >So it looks like you're wrong about the thing you're talking about so you're trying to move goalposts.
            I just proved that just because "everybody" is happy with bullshit doesn't mean it's not bullshit.
            Different anon, btw.

          • 2 years ago

            You proved literally nothing on the subject and you're just posting random github issues.

            >You have an actual you problem
            not any more i don't. i'm running X, where everything works fine!
            >not a Wayland problem
            damn right

            You have a you problem and nobody thinks otherwise.

            -The mouse keeps moving after you stop touching it and this is humanly noticeable- yet you think this flies as a generic criticism. It's far more likely you have some other serious issue with your computer. This is the real explanation, but you don't like that.

          • 2 years ago

            >You have a you problem and nobody thinks otherwise.
            sounds like you're taking me not having a problem by way of not using your meme shitware pretty badly bro

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds like you just said I said you don't have a problem. You do have a problem. It's a you problem.

            Sounds like you're upset that your criticism of Wayland only applies to your computer.

            >accuses others of bad faith arguments
            >argument is literally "you're lying" and "monitors don't exist"
            the only thing x11 shills seem to think actually exist are nvidia cards with one output for a gaming monitor

            Keep saying it.

            OP's argument is bad faith and his criticism isn't valid, if he cared, he'd know it's not valid, but he pretends otherwise.

          • 2 years ago

            >OP's argument is bad faith and his criticism isn't valid
            >argument is literally "OP is lying" and "monitors don't exist"
            i'll keep saying it until you take them

          • 2 years ago

            Bad faith.

          • 2 years ago

            bad faith, meds and cope

          • 2 years ago

            Keep screaming meds. Meanwhile everyone reading this is just thinking about the fact that his argument doesn't have substance and he'd know that if he cared about the subject.

          • 2 years ago

            >someone mentions a usecase you didn't think of
            >you're lying you're lying
            >someone elaborates on that use case
            >you're lying you're lying that doesn't exist lalalallalalalalala everything i think is great and you are wrong
            >someone tells you to chill the frick out
            >you're lying you're lying you're lying you're lying you're lying you're lying you're lying you're lying you're lying you're lying bad faith bad faith bad faith
            anon, it should be fricking obvious to anyone reading this that you need to take the meds and calm down

          • 2 years ago

            >someone mentions a usecase you didn't think of
            Like monitors that don't exist?

            Rest of post is typical bad faith.

          • 2 years ago

            >you're lying you're lying that doesn't exist you're lying you're lying you're lying you're lying you're lying that doesn't exist
            bad faith, take your meds

          • 2 years ago

            >It must be the software that works for everybody
            People are happy with shit like this, too: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/issues/3787
            >Blurry text everywhere in GTK4
            That doesn't mean it's not a problem.

          • 2 years ago

            gnome developers are truly cut from the same cloth as wayland developers

          • 2 years ago

            >gnome developers are truly cut from the same cloth as wayland developers
            They *ARE* the same developers (RedHat/IBM sois).

          • 2 years ago

            this explains so much holy shit
            the same people who removed the ability to change desktop background modes and use solid colors as a background are in charge of designing the "next generation" of display server kek
            no wonder basic shit doesn't work. any real utility is "out of scope"

          • 2 years ago

            >no wonder basic shit doesn't work. any real utility is "out of scope"
            Exactly. Now imagine trying to do something just slightly unconventional but very basic, like a quake-esque drop-down terminal bound to some hotkey like f12.
            On Wayland you can do neither the drop-down thing, nor the hotkey thing! No OSD-like stuff, either. It's hilariously deficient.

          • 2 years ago

            >On Wayland you can do neither the drop-down thing, nor the hotkey thing! No OSD-like stuff, either. It's hilariously deficient.
            This is absurdly wrong and easily verifiable with a simple google search.
            X11 shills have to resort to lying, as usual.

          • 2 years ago

            >he has to literally load a terminal emulator into his compositor to make this work
            You can do anything if you inject it right into the compositor. None of those things you posted are limited to using Wayland interfaces.
            Show me a compositor-agnostic drop-down terminal that works on any compositor, or at least uses some nonstandard extension other compositors could easily implement.

          • 2 years ago

            >load a terminal emulator into his compositor to make this work
            Except that isn't what happens.
            >You can do anything if you inject it right into the compositor
            You're so close to figuring out why X11 is bad. Like, so close.
            >None of those things you posted are limited to using Wayland interfaces.
            Why would they limit themselves to only using Wayland interfaces? Wayland is not a terminal emulator protocol.
            >Show me a compositor-agnostic drop-down terminal that works on any compositor, or at least uses some nonstandard extension other compositors could easily implement.
            Moving the goalposts. Why do you need this? Give one valid usecase.

          • 2 years ago

            >Give one valid usecase.
            "I want a drop-down terminal" is a valid use case.
            Explain why you think you can arbitrate what software other people "need" on their computer. Give one valid reason.

          • 2 years ago

            >"I want a drop-down terminal" is a valid use case.
            And you already have one.
            >Explain why you think you can arbitrate what software other people "need" on their computer. Give one valid reason.
            Because I am writing the code and you are not. That is not just a valid reason, it is the *only* valid reason.

          • 2 years ago

            >Because I am writing the code and you are not.
            this makes sense. they screen potential contributors to both gnome and wayland to ensure they have unwarranted self-aggrandizing natures.
            tell ya what i am doing - i'm using the code. not yours though! i bet it bothers you that so many people think your freshly written code is inferior to 20 year old code, no wonder you're out here emotionally screeching all day.

          • 2 years ago

            It makes no difference to me what the gallery of rubes thinks. If you were qualified to write this code, you would be writing it, and not me. You would have written it 20 years ago. But you didn't. You picked up someone else's old trash and pretended it was gold.

            >Except that isn't what happens.
            So it uses some proprietary IPC mechanism/interface that lets it sidestep Wayland's deficiency? If some shitty GNOME extension is allowed to do this, why not any other app? What's the point, then?
            >You're so close to figuring out why X11 is bad. Like, so close.
            It lets you do what the frick you want to?
            >Why would they limit themselves to only using Wayland interfaces? Wayland is not a terminal emulator protocol.
            Because we are talking about Wayland as a display server protocol, not GNOME or KDE specifically.
            >Moving the goalposts. Why do you need this? Give one valid usecase.
            You can shove that goalpost up your ass and keep it.

            >So it uses some proprietary IPC mechanism/interface that lets it sidestep Wayland's deficiency?
            No, it uses wayland.
            >If some shitty GNOME extension is allowed to do this, why not any other app?
            Any app can do it given the appropriate privileges.
            >What's the point, then?
            Gnome extensions are privileged functions inside the security boundary of the compositor. Your app is not.
            >It lets you do what the frick you want to?
            You're so, so very close. Just an inch closer.
            >Because we are talking about Wayland as a display server protocol, not GNOME or KDE specifically.
            GNOME and KDE implement the Wayland display server protocol. There are some other implementations but they're irrelevant.
            >You can shove that goalpost up your ass and keep it.
            Then you admit you don't need this. I thought so. Did you know that most computer users on other operating systems can accomplish everything they need to do without some meme terminal? Crazy, right?

          • 2 years ago

            >No, it uses wayland.
            Which protocol?
            >Any app can do it given the appropriate privileges.
            What's the mechanism to ask for those privileges?
            >Gnome extensions are privileged functions inside the security boundary of the compositor. Your app is not.
            Not only *my* app. *ANY* app I wish to use.
            >GNOME and KDE implement the Wayland display server protocol. There are some other implementations but they're irrelevant.
            Show me a drop-down terminal that works on both.
            >Then you admit you don't need this. I thought so. Did you know that most computer users on other operating systems can accomplish everything they need to do without some meme terminal? Crazy, right?
            That was just an example of something simple you can't do on Wayland using the Wayland protocols. Another example is push-to-talk, which still doesn't work after all these years. No, some GNOME-specific extension is not a general Wayland solution.

          • 2 years ago

            >Which protocol?
            special gnome protocol.
            >What's the mechanism to ask for those privileges?
            being a central gnome developer.
            >Not only *my* app. *ANY* app I wish to use.
            distinction is irrelevant, no such apps work in this circumstance so 'your app' vs 'any app' is the same empty set.
            >Show me a drop-down terminal that works on both.
            he cannot
            he will argue ceaselessly that nobody actually needs push to talk before he admits this is a clear deficiency

          • 2 years ago

            >special gnome protocol.
            There is none.
            >being a central gnome developer.
            GNOME is FOSS, you don't need to be a "central developer" to do anything with it.
            >distinction is irrelevant, no such apps work in this circumstance so 'your app' vs 'any app' is the same empty set.
            Actually it's irrelevant because all apps work in this circumstance.
            >he cannot
            Nope I just I don't feel like finding one. I have better things to do than spoonfeed you.
            >he will argue ceaselessly that nobody actually needs push to talk before he admits this is a clear deficiency
            You will argue ceaselessly that it doesn't have it when it actually does.

            >Wayland devs would merge your patch
            if i allowed them to.
            after the initial author of the bug causing my cursor issue referred to me in some denigrating terms for insinuating "his" code was broken, i withdrew any support for the project. i have a working fix for one (of a great many) lingering wayland issue and i will never provide it to them because of the developer's approach to communication with another volunteer contributor.

            Interesting cope but it's evident that what actually happened is: Your code is shit, you got called out on it, you're a snowflake who took this as an intense personal insult, and now you're embarrassed and don't want to show the patch.

          • 2 years ago

            >what actually happened is: Your code is shit
            Hadn't even gotten to the point of sharing my patch yet. I was asking about the nature of the a particular internal function they used, and if changing it to one used in my patch could- in their opinion- cause unexpected results elsewhere or if I'm just being paranoid and I should push it along.
            He took this as a personal attack instead of answering the question, which - as far as I can tell - could have been done with "no that should be fine. looks like that was an oversight!"
            Worthy of no effort moving forward.

          • 2 years ago

            >Which protocol?
            The core Wayland protocol
            >What's the mechanism to ask for those privileges?
            You don't ask for privileges. You are the user running the compositor. You just enable them. Wayland isn't getting in your way here.
            >Not only *my* app. *ANY* app I wish to use.
            You can enable it in any app if you put it inside the boundary.
            >Show me a drop-down terminal that works on both.
            Moving the goalposts.
            >That was just an example of something simple you can't do on Wayland using the Wayland protocols.
            This uses the Wayland protocols. No Wayland protocols will override your choice as a user, and that's by design.
            >Another example is push-to-talk, which still doesn't work after all these years.
            >No, some GNOME-specific extension is not a general Wayland solution.
            Moving the goalposts. Are all X11 shills this insufferable?

            look, i understand that you write display server code, and that you have no job, no friends, no relationships, and no constructive hobbies. i understand that writing display server code exclusively defines you as an individual, and thus your whole world-view is centered around display server code. i get it, i really do.
            the thing is, healthy, normal people.. they don't give a shit about what you do. you think it's valuable but it's really, really not. you and your whole project could be deleted tomorrow and basically nobody in the real world would care.
            display servers aren't supposed to be important. they're not supposed to be noticeable. if they are, that's a bug. for most people, we want the thing that you can pick up and use. wayland is extremely noticeable. this makes you feel good but means you've written absolute shit code. X is not very noticeable. this makes it better than what you make. sorry bud!

            Who are you talking to? Nothing in your post has anything to do with me.

            >i understand that you write display server code
            no he doesn't kek. It's even worse than yout hink.

            Why yes it is a lot worse. Tell us, how many X11 users in this thread wrote Xorg display server code?

          • 2 years ago

            >Who are you talking to? Nothing in your post has anything to do with me.
            i'm talking to you.
            my post describes you.
            you are worthless except, possibly, for your contributions to a failing display server.
            you cannot see how valueless you are.

          • 2 years ago

            >my post describes you.
            No. It's not even close. Don't quit your day job, pal.

          • 2 years ago

            >how many X11 users in this thread wrote Xorg display server code
            We don't need to. It works fine as-is for 99.9% of people without needing to patch a ton of bugs introduced by sloppy developers every week.
            And when patches are needed, they get in easy. A few days later, "display scaling with this unique hardware combo" is in upstream and getting tested, ready to roll out. No three-year bikeshedding debates about the magnification and coordinate planes and how it can be technically correlated to objective metrics of quality.

          • 2 years ago

            >The core Wayland protocol
            Show me the API that lets you do this.
            >You just enable them.
            >You can enable it in any app if you put it inside the boundary.
            Where is that boundary? And how?
            >Moving the goalposts.
            That's not moving the goalposts. It's reasonable to expect a Wayland application to work on any compositor. If not, then it's deficient and has to be worked around with compositor specific hacks. Which is what we see here.
            How can an app register a handler for a key binding? I'm not even asking for it to bind it anywhere, just to let the compositor know there is something to bind to.
            >Moving the goalposts. Are all X11 shills this insufferable?
            If it's GNOME specific it's not a Wayland app. It's a GNOME app. I'm not moving any goalposts. A drop-down terminal will work the same on Xming, Xdarwin, etc.

          • 2 years ago

            >Show me the API that lets you do this.
            There is no API. You just enable it.
            Go in GNOME extensions and enable the extension.
            >Where is that boundary?
            In the compositor. Just like X11 has boundaries in the X server.
            >And how?
            Have a GNOME extension or Plasma extension.
            >That's not moving the goalposts.
            Yes it is. You added that requirement on after the fact after you were proved wrong. Heinously wrong, I might add. So wrong that you should be embarrassed, but you're not because X11 copelets are inhuman beasts and feel no remorse, shame or guilt.
            >It's reasonable to expect a Wayland application to work on any compositor.
            No it isn't. Who said that? Where were you told that?
            >If not, then it's deficient and has to be worked around with compositor specific hacks.
            Why is that deficient? Some X11 programs only work with some WMs and require WM specific hacks. Is X11 also deficient?
            >How can an app register a handler for a key binding?
            Why do you need an app to do it? You just register the key binding yourself.
            > I'm not even asking for it to bind it anywhere, just to let the compositor know there is something to bind to.
            Why does the compositor need to know that? It doesn't. Just register the key binding yourself.
            >If it's GNOME specific it's not a Wayland app.
            No? It runs on Wayland, it's a Wayland app.
            >A drop-down terminal will work the same on Xming, Xdarwin, etc.
            Actually no it won't, a lot of fricky X programs like that will horribly break on rootless X servers.

          • 2 years ago

            >No? It runs on Wayland, it's a Wayland app.
            no, it only runs on Gnome, which runs on Wayland. It's a Gnome app that uses Wayland. If you can't start it in another DE and have it run the same way, it's obviously not something that Wayland supports.

          • 2 years ago

            >it only runs on Gnome
            Yes, GNOME uses Wayland.
            >It's a Gnome app that uses Wayland
            Or you could say it's a Wayland app that uses GNOME.
            >If you can't start it in another DE and have it run the same way, it's obviously not something that Wayland supports.
            Yes you can. Wayland supports it on GNOME. Not hard to say.

          • 2 years ago

            >Wayland supports it on GNOME. Not hard to say.
            no, i suppose it's not. it's also not hard to say that wayland is cripplingly broken on a fundamental level and thus requires gnome's special assistance to run a simple tool that could be run on another computer without even a desktop environment present.

          • 2 years ago

            >There is no API. You just enable it.
            Of course there is an API. How else would it tell the compositor where to place the window?
            >Have a GNOME extension or Plasma extension.
            But how do you do it with Wayland?
            >No it isn't. Who said that? Where were you told that?
            So shit's not inter-operable? Sounds proprietary to me.
            >Why is that deficient? Some X11 programs only work with some WMs and require WM specific hacks. Is X11 also deficient?
            Yes, obviously. Just less so than Wayland.
            >Why do you need an app to do it? You just register the key binding yourself.
            How do you do this without letting apps be "keyloggers"? Or do you want people to type in some cryptic command line to inform some app that a binding has been invoked?
            >Why does the compositor need to know that? It doesn't. Just register the key binding yourself.
            How do you bind binding A to action B in app C? You can't do this unless the compositor knows about action B in app C because app C is not a keylogger. So it needs support from the compositor.
            >No? It runs on Wayland, it's a Wayland app.
            If they were Wayland apps they'd run on any conforming Wayland compositor. Why wouldn't they?
            >Actually no it won't, a lot of fricky X programs like that will horribly break on rootless X servers.
            Xming isn't strictly rootless. It can run in a window that acts as root window. Dunno about Xdarwin though.

          • 2 years ago

            >Of course there is an API. How else would it tell the compositor where to place the window?
            It uses Wayland.
            >But how do you do it with Wayland?
            Those are using Wayland.
            >So shit's not inter-operable? Sounds proprietary to me.
            No, this is open source.
            >Yes, obviously. Just less so than Wayland.
            No, it's about the same.
            >How do you do this without letting apps be "keyloggers"?
            You register it yourself. You don't let all apps log all keys all the time.
            >Or do you want people to type in some cryptic command line to inform some app that a binding has been invoked?
            Configuring a keybind is not a cryptic command.
            >How do you bind binding A to action B in app C?
            Set the keybind A to action B in app C.
            >You can't do this unless the compositor knows about action B in app C
            It doesn't have to, it's enough for you to know it.
            >because app C is not a keylogger.
            The app will be able to log key A. That's not avoidable.
            > So it needs support from the compositor.
            It needs no more support than this.
            >If they were Wayland apps they'd run on any conforming Wayland compositor.
            Where did you get that? Wayland compositors can have optional extensions and different levels of "conformance". X servers also can, too.
            >Xming isn't strictly rootless. It can run in a window that acts as root window.
            Running this with a nested root window defeats the purpose, no?

          • 2 years ago

            look, i understand that you write display server code, and that you have no job, no friends, no relationships, and no constructive hobbies. i understand that writing display server code exclusively defines you as an individual, and thus your whole world-view is centered around display server code. i get it, i really do.
            the thing is, healthy, normal people.. they don't give a shit about what you do. you think it's valuable but it's really, really not. you and your whole project could be deleted tomorrow and basically nobody in the real world would care.
            display servers aren't supposed to be important. they're not supposed to be noticeable. if they are, that's a bug. for most people, we want the thing that you can pick up and use. wayland is extremely noticeable. this makes you feel good but means you've written absolute shit code. X is not very noticeable. this makes it better than what you make. sorry bud!

          • 2 years ago

            >i understand that you write display server code
            no he doesn't kek. It's even worse than yout hink.

          • 2 years ago

            >And you already have one.
            None of these use Wayland. They're written against nonstandard, proprietary protocols. Basically EEE-style lock-in.
            >Because I am writing the code and you are not
            The code I have to patch to make it work right, yes.

          • 2 years ago

            >None of these use Wayland.
            "Another drop down terminal extension for GNOME Shell. With tabs. Works on Wayland natively"
            >They're written against nonstandard, proprietary protocols.
            Nope. GNOME and KDE are open source. Not proprietary. I'm beginning to think X11 shills don't even use Linux or even know what it is.
            >The code I have to patch
            You haven't written any patches and you never will.
            >to make it work right, yes.
            Define "right". If you ask X11 users they will say "right" means you have to enable keyloggers, so we shouldn't listen to them.

            Xchads literally let some guy roll in with a protocol binding from the fricking 80s that literally no one uses except from him get his shit merged in a timely manner. Meanwhile wayland devs still haven't fixed cursors not stalling with frame content updates kek.

            >cursors not stalling with frame content updates

            >wayland bug tracker:
            >status: CLOSED, WONTFIX
            >note: not a bug. user could simply stop using a mouse cursor instead.

            Wayland devs would merge your patch if you fixed cursors not stalling. You didn't though. You never will. You're just as bad as them.

          • 2 years ago

            >Wayland devs would merge your patch
            if i allowed them to.
            after the initial author of the bug causing my cursor issue referred to me in some denigrating terms for insinuating "his" code was broken, i withdrew any support for the project. i have a working fix for one (of a great many) lingering wayland issue and i will never provide it to them because of the developer's approach to communication with another volunteer contributor.

          • 2 years ago

            >Wayland devs would merge your patch if you fixed cursors not stalling.
            Umm actually no we can't do that. It would cause tearing.

          • 2 years ago

            >Except that isn't what happens.
            So it uses some proprietary IPC mechanism/interface that lets it sidestep Wayland's deficiency? If some shitty GNOME extension is allowed to do this, why not any other app? What's the point, then?
            >You're so close to figuring out why X11 is bad. Like, so close.
            It lets you do what the frick you want to?
            >Why would they limit themselves to only using Wayland interfaces? Wayland is not a terminal emulator protocol.
            Because we are talking about Wayland as a display server protocol, not GNOME or KDE specifically.
            >Moving the goalposts. Why do you need this? Give one valid usecase.
            You can shove that goalpost up your ass and keep it.

          • 2 years ago

            >real utility is changing my desktop background to pictures of pedophilic e-girl cartoons!

          • 2 years ago

            >you know, now that you mandate it, i have always enjoyed the idea of eating bugs

          • 2 years ago

            >if i keep insulting him maybe he will eventually add back in my e-girl pedophile background wallpapers!
            spoiler: i won't, frick off to your desktop thread pedo

          • 2 years ago

            do you think of underage little girls often, anon?
            i just want the nature pics i took to not get stretched, but gnome-daddy decided i should eat bugs and use the centrally-mandated unsplash or whatever instead

          • 2 years ago

            keep pretending like we can't see the shit you post in your desktop threads, pedo. cops are onto you

          • 2 years ago

            this is a pretty funny take from my perspective, because i'm actually a total homosexual (as in gay) who thinks anime is for children. i might throw up if some e-girl anime trash ended up on my desktop.
            as usual you're so wrong

          • 2 years ago

            >software fails
            >"it's not the software's fault!"
            lol, ok. classic wayland shill response - "not our problem, not our problem, nothing is our problem, it's all your problem"
            i - and people like me - will just keep using X then. you know, superior software that actually does what it's supposed to, despite its old age.

            Open issue on gitlab.

            >software A fails
            >software B works fine
            >"n-n-no you have to go through the effort to either fix or convince others to fix software A instead of using software B! because.. y-you HAVE TO, OK?"
            i've gone down the road of filing wayland bugs. even gone as far as writing a patch for another cursor-related issue which led the cursor to vanishing. met with nothing but derision and contempt and essentially told to go frick myself in the development irc (by the dude who committed the buggy code kek). no fricking thank you.

          • 2 years ago

            Unironically yes, it's not our problem. You have an actual you problem, not a Wayland problem, and you're whining about it. And everyone can see that. That's why you apparently keep hearing about these you problems, because they're you problems.

            Posting from Linux Mint on X, btw, you're an actual homosexual and you're STILL wrong.

          • 2 years ago

            >You have an actual you problem
            not any more i don't. i'm running X, where everything works fine!
            >not a Wayland problem
            damn right

          • 2 years ago

            Take solace in the fact that their shitty project will never come to fruition.

          • 2 years ago

            true when they literally don't care to let it to run properly on the majority of computers. good stuff.

          • 2 years ago

            >changing the type of a function argument is an API break
            That depends on the change you're making; there are tricks you can do. (You need different tricks in C++.)

      • 2 years ago

        You just patch Qt and GTK and you're done. The situation is the same right now, with ancient toolkits and custom GUI implementations being basically unusable on high-DPI or deep color screens.

    • 2 years ago

      Not really. Coordinates tangle into the core event model. The need to expand them is a genuine use case for a new revision to the protocol.

  5. 2 years ago

    it just werks. i won't stop using it til wayland just werks better. but i don't see that happening anytime soon.
    have fun with your hobby project display server, ladies.

    • 2 years ago

      All of Linux is a hobby OS. X11 is also a hobby project display server that doesn't werk. Accept it for you know it is the truth.

      • 2 years ago

        >X11 is a hobby project
        you fricking moronic zoomers i swear to god

        • 2 years ago

          No you fool. I don't care that it some corporations contributed to it in 1992. It has not been that way for many years.

          • 2 years ago

            X11 was invented at MIT, you fricking moron. Red Hat and many other companies still maintain the implementation known as X.org.

          • 2 years ago

            I don't care where it was invented you fool. MIT abandoned it a very long time ago. It has been developed mostly by hobbyists since then. And a few companies like Red Hat, like you said. But mainly hobbyists.

          • 2 years ago

            Going through the latest X.org commits:
            >Apple Inc.
            >Red Hat

            Took me a while to even find a single "hobbyist".

          • 2 years ago

            >X11 is a hobby project
            you fricking moronic zoomers i swear to god

            Unix is a toy OS

          • 2 years ago

            I skimmed through that article you posted about pascal from 1983
            Linux hadn't even been invented in 1983, I don' t see how its related to xorg

          • 2 years ago

            He was talking about Unix, are you unable to read?

          • 2 years ago

            MacOS is built on top of unix too but not really cause it was freebsd
            Unix has been dead for a while. Unix was more like a blueprint at this point in time.

      • 2 years ago

        You're also not correct anyway.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah I am correct anyway. Cry.

          • 2 years ago

            >I am correct anyway.
            It's nobody else's fault but yours that you are wrong. Seethe harder; it amuses us to watch your self-justifications writhe on the rack of truth.

      • 2 years ago

        amazing how a "hobby OS" runs the world. without knowing it, you benefit from linux doing its job for more important tasks than anything you've ever done on your own computer.
        and yet somehow, wayland, built atop the shoulders of this massive giant of success and power, has fricked up so badly that it is worse than the worst microsoft jeetware lmfao

        • 2 years ago

          Real industrial uses of Linux do not use X or Wayland.

          Going through the latest X.org commits:
          >Apple Inc.
          >Red Hat

          Took me a while to even find a single "hobbyist".

          X.org is only one component of X. You need to look at all X code. That includes the libraries, utilities, drivers, basic clients, test suite, documentation, specs, everything.

          • 2 years ago

            >Real industrial uses of Linux do not use X or Wayland.
            irrelevant to dunking on your statement that "all of linux is a hobby OS", so i will accept this as a concession that you are wrong and have no idea what you're talking about
            >You need to look at all X code.
            similarly, to determine the project's viability, one must analyze all code, documentation, and member conduct of wayland-related projects, including all compositors, all "x replacement" wayland apps, and all interactions between users and narcissistic dismissive staff - then you can determine that the entire project and its ecosystem is useless and has an overinflated sense of self-worth, which allows any intelligent person to promptly dismiss it as an option.

          • 2 years ago

            > so i will accept this as a concession that you are wrong and have no idea what you're talking about
            Nope it's not. Linux is a hobby OS that some industries use sometime. It's still a hobby OS. If I take your fork and attempt to use it to pound nails, it doesn't magically become a hammer even if I manage to pound a few. It's still a fork.
            >then you can determine that the entire project and its ecosystem is useless and has an overinflated sense of self-worth, which allows any intelligent person to promptly dismiss it as an option.
            Yes that's what I'm saying. Both X and Wayland are useless hobby projects. Glad we could agree.

            Stop moving the goalposts. Regardless:
            xcb is just a wrapper over the X11 network protocol. Again, this was invented at MIT and extended over time, mostly by companies that found a part of the protocol lacking for their proprietary UNIX offering.
            Usually maintained by the company that produces the graphics chip. AMD maintains xf86-video-amdgpu, Intel maintains xf86-video-intel, NVIDIA does their own thing, etc...
            >test suite
            Part of the server...
            >documentation, specs
            X11 is very well documented. Please elaborate.

            >xcb is just a wrapper over the X11 network protocol. Again, this was invented at MIT
            The core protocol and some extensions were invented at MIT. Many extensions were not invented at MIT. XCB was not invented at MIT.
            >mostly by companies that found a part of the protocol lacking for their proprietary UNIX offering.
            Many extensions were not written by proprietary UNIX companies.
            >Part of the server...
            No. Wrong.
            >X11 is very well documented. Please elaborate.
            Who is maintaining that documentation right now?

            >Stop moving the goalposts.
            literally the only thing he's capable of doing, since he has no point except to be antagonistic.
            stop replying to and feeding this obvious troll, he will take literally anything you say and turn it against you with no regard for rationality.
            wayland apologists have absolutely no integrity.

            >he will take literally anything you say and turn it against you with no regard for rationality.
            That would be X11 apologists who do that. They turn everything against you that they possibly can unless you praise X11 as the holy second coming of Jesus.
            >wayland apologists have absolutely no integrity.
            I'm not a wayland apologist so you're thinking of something else.

            >Real industrial uses of Linux do not use X or Wayland.
            Except they do, albeit less often. Linux on the desktop is used in some niches like scientific computing and film (DaVinci Resolve, Fusion, Nuke, etc). Wayland, as shit as it is, is already being deployed in appliances like smart TVs, where its limitations are not an issue.
            >X.org is only one component of X. You need to look at all X code. That includes the libraries, utilities, drivers, basic clients, test suite, documentation, specs, everything.
            You have no idea what you are talking about.

            >You have no idea what you are talking about.
            Please tell me then what all the other repositories in the xorg git are? Those are just there for shits and giggles then? Maybe people keep them as something like, you know, a hobby? And what don't I know what I'm talking about? Explain it in detail.

          • 2 years ago

            You don't even have a sliver of a coherent point. Are you just wasting time typing things for fun? Are you on drugs maybe?

          • 2 years ago

            It's the wayland schizo. He's a permanent no-coder that can only make up things in IQfy threads.

          • 2 years ago

            >It's the wayland schizo.
            No, you're thinking of someone else. Wayland is not a conspiracy. There are no secret illuminati groups trying to push Wayland. Wayland is actually a shitty project that shouldn't have to exist.
            >He's a permanent no-coder
            So how many lines of code for X11 did you write?

          • 2 years ago

            >So how many lines of code for X11 did you write?
            not relevant to any discussion, and also i did not ask you.

          • 2 years ago

            So you wrote none, and you were just projecting your permanent no-coder status? That was obvious.

          • 2 years ago

            literally have not asked you

          • 2 years ago

            So you're implying that you aren't a no-coder? Show your work or shut the frick up.

          • 2 years ago

            >No, you're thinking of someone else
            Nobody would get you confused with anyone else. Trust me.

          • 2 years ago

            Well you just did, so yeah. Cope. I don't know how many times I have to say it for your idiot lizard brain to get it. Wayland sucks. It's shit.

          • 2 years ago

            >continues to act like a schizo
            >confused when confronted

          • 2 years ago

            >Run out of technical arguments to make when he realized we agree
            >Continues to use ad hominems and project his schizo delusions and confusion onto me
            I don't know why you fricks do this, just take the W and go

          • 2 years ago

            >mentally ill patient thinks he's made a single technical argument
            Keep it coming.

          • 2 years ago

            >mentally ill patient keeps projecting
            Dude just take the W, you made enough shitposts to stun a horse

          • 2 years ago

            Stop moving the goalposts. Regardless:
            xcb is just a wrapper over the X11 network protocol. Again, this was invented at MIT and extended over time, mostly by companies that found a part of the protocol lacking for their proprietary UNIX offering.
            Usually maintained by the company that produces the graphics chip. AMD maintains xf86-video-amdgpu, Intel maintains xf86-video-intel, NVIDIA does their own thing, etc...
            >test suite
            Part of the server...
            >documentation, specs
            X11 is very well documented. Please elaborate.

          • 2 years ago

            >Stop moving the goalposts.
            literally the only thing he's capable of doing, since he has no point except to be antagonistic.
            stop replying to and feeding this obvious troll, he will take literally anything you say and turn it against you with no regard for rationality.
            wayland apologists have absolutely no integrity.

          • 2 years ago

            >wayland apologists have absolutely no integrity
            I don't think that's what's going on. You could easily make the same stupid argument for Wayland ("hurr durr wlroots is maintained by hobbyists!").

          • 2 years ago

            I have agreed with that argument. Wayland is a shitty hobby project. That was never the issue. You'll notice how my saying that didn't stop the X11 apologists from getting defensive about their shitty hobby project.

            You don't even have a sliver of a coherent point. Are you just wasting time typing things for fun? Are you on drugs maybe?

            What didn't you understand? Do you want me to write it real slow for you?

          • 2 years ago

            I mean wlroots excluded a good chunk of the market for a while because it wouldnt work with nvidia's driver. I found this out when I wanted to do a gpu passthru for a gaming vm thru kvm/qemu. I shouldn't have to know what an eglstream is to play video games. Drew Devault you sweaty fricking nerd.

          • 2 years ago

            >I mean wlroots excluded a good chunk of the market for a while because it wouldnt work with nvidia's driver
            Wrong way round: NVIDIA's driver wouldn't work with wlroots. Don't blame the victim. It works now because NVIDIA fixed their driver.

          • 2 years ago

            >Real industrial uses of Linux do not use X or Wayland.
            Except they do, albeit less often. Linux on the desktop is used in some niches like scientific computing and film (DaVinci Resolve, Fusion, Nuke, etc). Wayland, as shit as it is, is already being deployed in appliances like smart TVs, where its limitations are not an issue.
            >X.org is only one component of X. You need to look at all X code. That includes the libraries, utilities, drivers, basic clients, test suite, documentation, specs, everything.
            You have no idea what you are talking about.

    • 2 years ago

      >til wayland just werks better.
      I'm afraid that will never happen

  6. 2 years ago

    Good riddance X11 died. Linux can finally use high PPI monitors.

  7. 2 years ago

    >muh font rendering
    Fonts look like shit in all operating systems.
    t. screenshot taken from windows 11

    • 2 years ago

      Remind that fractional scaling on wayland instantly nukes all your font rendering for good no matter what you do.

    • 2 years ago

      This one from a nix-os linux vm

    • 2 years ago

      Yes and that's why Apple decided to put high dpi displays in their products because then it doesn't matter how shit your algorithm is, it still looks good.
      If you actually care about good looking text you buy a high DPI display, no matter what OS. That's just how it is.

      • 2 years ago

        Not the only reason they use high DPI displays. But cleartype is turned off on a lot of modern machines because displays are likely to rotate these days, which breaks cleartype.

    • 2 years ago

      Fake news. You scaled up the screenshot to wreck the sub-pixel rendering. Post the real image.

    • 2 years ago

      also taken from windows 11

      Cleartype is not enabled by default unless you have a shit-tier display.

    • 2 years ago

      >screenshot taken from windows 11
      >obviously upscaled - and who knows what other modifications

  8. 2 years ago

    wayland trannies will never recover

  9. 2 years ago

    Show a monitor on the market that has a resolution larger then 65,535x65,535.

    • 2 years ago

      Put three 4K monitors side by side and you already overflow the coordinates.

      • 2 years ago

        but 3*3840 = 11520

        • 2 years ago

          that would be 8.5333 4k monitors side by side before overflow occurs.
          Usecase for that: none!

          Use 1/2 scaling and the coordinates overflow.

          The limitation is close to being reached, X11 needs to do something about this if it wants to stay relevant.

          • 2 years ago

            > Using 1/2 scaling on 8 4k Displays running side by side
            Usecase for that: none!

          • 2 years ago

            lmao same attitude as waylandtards

          • 2 years ago

            but 3*3840*2=23040

          • 2 years ago

            Waytards can't even into basic arithmetic, it's a lost cause.

            With that said, it wouldn't hurt to somehow add a few bits to those coordinates just to be safe.

          • 2 years ago

            That would be an API breakage, I think.

      • 2 years ago

        that would be 8.5333 4k monitors side by side before overflow occurs.
        Usecase for that: none!

  10. 2 years ago

    So? Human eye can't see that many pixels anyway.

  11. 2 years ago

    How is that a problem? We are long ways off from 64K screens as far as I can tell.

  12. 2 years ago

    You can easily work around this limitation with multiple drawable objects.

    However, it would be nice to bump up this limit to at least 32 bits, just to be safe.

  13. 2 years ago

    Congrats to OP for making the most reddit bad faith post I've ever seen and all the morons who can't help but respond anyways.

    • 2 years ago

      It's objectively true though, do you even know what 'bad faith" means?

      • 2 years ago

        He does. You're probably also the OP, and if not definitely a bad faith actor like OP.

        Pretending to care about X's coordinate system when everyone knows that it works just fine is arch-typical bad faith argumentation.

        • 2 years ago

          >it works just fine
          unless you have monitors that extend beyond the coordinate space, then it doesn't work

          • 2 years ago

            Exhibit A of bad faith arguments. Said monitors don't exist.

          • 2 years ago

            >accuses others of bad faith arguments
            >argument is literally "monitors don't exist"

          • 2 years ago

            Exhibit B of bad faith argumens. I said "Said monitors don't exist", not "Monitors don't exist". Said monitors don't exist.

          • 2 years ago

            >accuses others of bad faith arguments
            >argument is literally "you're lying" and "monitors don't exist"
            the only thing x11 shills seem to think actually exist are nvidia cards with one output for a gaming monitor

        • 2 years ago

          What a moron.

  14. 2 years ago

    Windows is the same, homosexual. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winmsg/wm-move

    xPos = (int)(short) LOWORD(lParam);
    yPos = (int)(short) HIWORD(lParam);

    • 2 years ago

      That API isn't the only way to handle screen coordiantes, since you can also use RECT which uses longs instead of shorts.
      For example you can use WM_MOVE like in this example:
      But I have a feeling that internally win32 just uses 16bit numbers because we don't have displays that are more than 32,000 pixels wide, and if we did, it would be easier to just tile the display as multiple screens, and make the software treat it as one display.

      • 2 years ago

        I know it's not the only way, but it's the default and easy way to do it, therefore it's de facto limited unless they're willing to stop supporting software that doesn't do everything by directly handling SetWindowPos instead of letting DefWindowProcW do it and mangle the frick out of it for WM_SIZE, which they won't do. I don't think it's 16-bit internally though, you usually work with RECTs to define position and size, so that seems more likely to be the actual implementation.

        • 2 years ago

          only the legacy win32 api is somewhat related to how x11 works, both of them were designed in the late 1980s

          The legacy Win32 API is still what's being used. All of their newer UI things are just wrappers for Win32. X11 is the same, it's the same protocol, usually same shit libraries on top of Xlib or xcb. I can name like two projects that manage to dodge those dependencies at most.

    • 2 years ago

      I find it really bizarre how Wayland fans blame X11 for poor GNU/Linux "market share" (as if OEM preinstalls didn't effectively negate any real competition anyway) without realizing that X11 works a lot more like the Windows windowing system than Wayland does.

      This isn't to say that some of the complaints about X11 aren't legitimate. It's just that I find it ridiculous to blame it for these things.

      • 2 years ago

        only the legacy win32 api is somewhat related to how x11 works, both of them were designed in the late 1980s

  15. 2 years ago


  16. 2 years ago

    If you guys want a quick fix, don't allow the coordinates to loop, it wont work (because you need the applications to be able to stretch to fit across all the windows, and the width is also a 16bit number).
    Just scale the resolution of the pixels for old applications, and make new applications that want to use more than 32,000 pixels in width use a new API that uses 32bit numbers.
    4k displays already need DPI scaling anyways for old applications to work, I wouldn't be surprised if this is exactly how windows does it (except they don't offer a new API, they just don't think anyone would need 32,000 pixels of width, especially since 1080p is still a relevant resolution).

  17. 2 years ago

    wayland is superior

    god bless labwc for existing

  18. 2 years ago

    the truth hurts

    • 2 years ago

      >Having to zoom 200% to hide blur
      Xorg shills have no self respect.

      • 2 years ago

        i can't read your message, i'm trying wayland and it's too blurry, please type louder

      • 2 years ago

        Setting DPI on xorg literally just werks. On the other hand, waytards consider applications knowing your physical pixels a security issue so they copied macOS which looks like shit.

  19. 2 years ago

    Xchads literally let some guy roll in with a protocol binding from the fricking 80s that literally no one uses except from him get his shit merged in a timely manner. Meanwhile wayland devs still haven't fixed cursors not stalling with frame content updates kek.

    • 2 years ago

      >cursors not stalling with frame content updates

      >wayland bug tracker:
      >status: CLOSED, WONTFIX
      >note: not a bug. user could simply stop using a mouse cursor instead.

  20. 2 years ago

    So true!

  21. 2 years ago

    I seriously don't understand the Wayland vs. X11 terf wars. They're both fine systems and any real software engineer would investigate both.

    • 2 years ago

      Wayland has problems. It's problems are over-hyped, though the general criticism that it's not really meant for end users is basically valid and is pretty serious.

      X has problems. It's problems are overhyped and generally boil down to "it's old" which doesn't mean anything.

      • 2 years ago

        Wayland's problems are under-hyped actually when you take into account the fact that it's nearly 14 years old.

        • 2 years ago

          No it isn't.

          You're going to reply about some bullshit about how that's relevant or something. It isn't. X is decades old and still can't handle vsync in a window correctly. And no, some extension or specific program that can pull it off doesn't count unless you always give this same leeway to Wayland, which you won't.

          • 2 years ago

            >X is decades old and still can't handle vsync in a window correctly
            Xorg can do this correctly.

          • 2 years ago

            No it can't. By default X won't handle vsync correctly when you're dealing with windowed programs. It requires extensions.

            >same leeway to Wayland, which you won't
            which i can't. wayland doesn't allow the flexibility to do a quarter of what one can do with X, which naturally limits its usability in any environments with even minor deviations from the developer's expected "norm".
            as a result, X will always be the correct choice for any systems that aren't daily driver alienwares running a stable release OS for a neckbeard living in his parent's basement.

            Agreed, but as I just said earlier, the only legit criticism of Wayland is that it's not meant for the end user in most cases.

          • 2 years ago

            >same leeway to Wayland, which you won't
            which i can't. wayland doesn't allow the flexibility to do a quarter of what one can do with X, which naturally limits its usability in any environments with even minor deviations from the developer's expected "norm".
            as a result, X will always be the correct choice for any systems that aren't daily driver alienwares running a stable release OS for a neckbeard living in his parent's basement.

          • 2 years ago

            >X is decades old and still can't handle vsync in a window correctly
            There are multiple ways to do it. PRESENT, SwapBuffers, etc.
            I had working vsync 20 years ago.

          • 2 years ago

            You are either doing something in fullscreen or you're using extensions 20 years ago. X still can't handle vsync correctly in windowed programs.

          • 2 years ago

            sounds like a you problem. there are multiple simple solutions, yet you still can't figure out how to do it? so you come in crying like a baby. lmao
            the state of wayland losers. no wonder you like it - it's like apple people. no options means it's not your fault you can't do it. no options means lack of intelligence can't be blamed.

          • 2 years ago

            >You are either doing something in fullscreen or you're using extensions 20 years ago. X still can't handle vsync correctly in windowed programs.
            GLX is over two decades older than Wayland. It works perfectly fine in windowed programs. So does PRESENT.

          • 2 years ago

            GLX is some horribly broken deprecated crap. It does not work. Even the X11 developers will tell you to stop using it and use EGL.

      • 2 years ago

        >It's problems are overhyped and generally boil down to "it's old" which doesn't mean anything.
        The problems are much worse than that. You would know this if you actually were an X11 developer. But you're not.

        >how many X11 users in this thread wrote Xorg display server code
        We don't need to. It works fine as-is for 99.9% of people without needing to patch a ton of bugs introduced by sloppy developers every week.
        And when patches are needed, they get in easy. A few days later, "display scaling with this unique hardware combo" is in upstream and getting tested, ready to roll out. No three-year bikeshedding debates about the magnification and coordinate planes and how it can be technically correlated to objective metrics of quality.

        >It works fine as-is for 99.9% of people without needing to patch a ton of bugs introduced by sloppy developers every week.
        This is absurdly wrong. I can't even begin to describe how wrong this is. Xorg DOES NOT WORK for 99.9% of people. It works for YOU and YOUR gaming use case and maybe a few other things but that's it.
        >And when patches are needed, they get in easy.
        This is also absurdly wrong. It can take YEARS for an X11 extension to get published. The last updates to XInput2 took THREE FRICKING YEARS to get a release. X11 is much much harder to get code in than wayland because you need to patch multiple key areas and the entire release needs to be coordinated:

        - Xorg
        - Xlib
        - Protocol specs
        - XCB
        - The test suite
        - The toolkits
        - The WMs

        If you get one bug you have to restart the dev/test cycle all over again with all of those parties.
        >No three-year bikeshedding debates about the magnification and coordinate planes and how it can be technically correlated to objective metrics of quality.
        There is actually much more bikeshedding in X11 because of all the above parties. You have to invite every one to give an opinion and if they object it's back to the drawing board. Yes, that means one shitty old obscure WM or toolkit can obstruct all progress.

        >X is decades old and still can't handle vsync in a window correctly
        Xorg can do this correctly.

        No, it can't. Enough with this "works on my machine" cope.

        >same leeway to Wayland, which you won't
        which i can't. wayland doesn't allow the flexibility to do a quarter of what one can do with X, which naturally limits its usability in any environments with even minor deviations from the developer's expected "norm".
        as a result, X will always be the correct choice for any systems that aren't daily driver alienwares running a stable release OS for a neckbeard living in his parent's basement.

        The "flexibility" you're describing is actually an extreme liability as the ridiculous amounts of moving parts make it very easy to accidentally break anything when you have to push an update. See the description of those above. Any minor deviations from the expected norm in X11 will also cause tremendous breakage. It isn't the correct choice for anybody.

        • 2 years ago

          >Xorg DOES NOT WORK for 99.9% of people. It works for YOU and YOUR gaming use case and maybe a few other things but that's it.
          Gaming is, by percentage usage, one of the biggest things in computing. If you're going to argue usage purposes, then gaming is almost the god-emperor in a vacuum, because it's very consistent in its standards concerning display standards and is also ludicrously popular.

          And this isn't even getting into the practical aspects, like the fact that gamers will spend more for a good experience than some office worker who just wants to do light office work.

          • 2 years ago

            >Gaming is, by percentage usage, one of the biggest things in computing
            No it isn't and your bias is showing. Gamers should be banned from this board. You are all insufferable and think your shit is the most important and can't fathom that someone would use their computer for anything besides gaming 24/7. This isn't IQfy, go away.

            And anyway Valve thinks X11 is shit and is investing in Wayland, they even wrote their own Wayland compositor.

          • 2 years ago

            >No it isn't and your bias is showing.
            Yes it is and your bias is showing. Gaming is one of the biggest things in computing.

            lmao you're trying to avoid saying that servers or some other bullshit is more important but you know X and Wayland are both irrelevant there so you're trying to avoid the topic entirely.

          • 2 years ago

            >they even wrote their own Wayland compositor.
            yeah, the UI runs in a wayland compositor, but it specifically uses a nested X session to run all the things that matter - the games. the games don't touch the wayshit at all. they're using it like a glorified drm wrapper, like the trash it is.

        • 2 years ago

          >Xorg DOES NOT WORK for 99.9% of people. It works for YOU and YOUR gaming use case and maybe a few other things but that's it.
          this is decidedly a you problem, not an us problem.
          >X11 is much much harder to get code in than wayland
          i'm sure you've had this experience, since you're a hack of a developer, but your unpleasant personality gets you in the door with wayland.
          >an extreme liability
          not really as extreme a liability as having it just not work anywhere in the first place in its base form, which is the approach wayland takes.
          if wayland was all that exists, over half of desktop linux users would be stuck in terminal only kek.
          >It isn't the correct choice for anybody.
          you're just whining because you encountered a YOU problem, probably an insufficient intelligence issue pertaining to your setup, and now you need to vent about your hurt feefees online.

          • 2 years ago

            >this is decidedly a you problem, not an us problem.
            No it affects ALL LINUX DISTROS except for maybe SteamOS because that is the only real "gaming distro". But again, Valve said X11 is shit and they want to switch to Wayland.
            >i'm sure you've had this experience, since you're a hack of a developer
            This is the experience of ALL X11 DEVELOPERS. Ask them and they will agree with exactly what I'm saying. It is a huge giant pain in the ass to push out an X11 release. There are like 2 people on the planet who fully know how it works and know how to fix the test suite, and they don't want to look at it anymore after 30 years of pain.
            >but your unpleasant personality gets you in the door with wayland.
            If you think I'm unpleasant, you really don't want to talk to X11 developers when they have to do a release.
            >not really as extreme a liability as having it just not work anywhere in the first place in its base form
            It's the same liability or worse. Because remember, X11 ALSO DOES NOT WORK ANYWHERE IN THE FIRST PLACE.
            >you're just whining because you encountered a YOU problem, probably an insufficient intelligence issue pertaining to your setup
            No. This is ALL SETUPS on ALL LINUX DISTROS.

            Option "TearFree" "on"

            That affects the X server itself, and only with some drivers. It does not stop all clients from tearing.

            >No it isn't and your bias is showing.
            Yes it is and your bias is showing. Gaming is one of the biggest things in computing.

            lmao you're trying to avoid saying that servers or some other bullshit is more important but you know X and Wayland are both irrelevant there so you're trying to avoid the topic entirely.

            >Gaming is one of the biggest things in computing.
            Not as big as REAL FRICKING WORK.
            >but you know X and Wayland are both irrelevant there so you're trying to avoid the topic entirely.
            That's even more reason for X and Wayland developers not to give a shit about you. Gaming is primarily done on Windows. Not Linux.

            >they even wrote their own Wayland compositor.
            yeah, the UI runs in a wayland compositor, but it specifically uses a nested X session to run all the things that matter - the games. the games don't touch the wayshit at all. they're using it like a glorified drm wrapper, like the trash it is.

            They are looking to drop that nested X as soon as they can.

          • 2 years ago

            >It does not stop all clients from tearing.
            Yes it does.

          • 2 years ago

            No it does not. Here you are with your "works on my machine" shit again. Enough. It's shit, it's trash, you would be banned from the X11 issue tracker immediately if you pulled that.

          • 2 years ago

            Sorry but it does work. I just double checked.

          • 2 years ago

            Prove it? Did you check with every:

            - Driver
            - GPU
            - Client
            - WM
            - Compositor
            - X server version
            - Xlib version
            - Mesa version
            - Kernel version

            And all permutations of them? I will need to see the full test matrix.

          • 2 years ago

            Yup, works on all of them.

          • 2 years ago

            sure. i'll provide that once you provide me with the first-asked-for proof that wayland will even start without any trouble with every:

            - Driver
            - GPU

            oh wait i already listed at two things that have obvious huge exceptions that will cause wayland to shit the bed and the maintainers to just tell you to buy another computer

          • 2 years ago

            Wayland doesn't even support the hardware where this could be broken on Xorg.

          • 2 years ago

            >They are looking to drop that nested X as soon as they can.
            post proof

          • 2 years ago

            What will you do with the proof if I give it to you?

          • 2 years ago

            not assume you're a complete liar.
            but you can't provide proof now, can you?
            because you're a complete liar.

          • 2 years ago

            >Not as big as REAL FRICKING WORK.
            Don't care, gaming is the most important graphical aspect of computing, meaning any computer that displays graphics should be able to game.

            You're STILL trying to dance around the fact that any instance where REAL WORK is done on a computer with X or Wayland should be 100% optimized for gaming by default.

          • 2 years ago

            >gaming is the most important graphical aspect of computing,
            No it's not. It's most important to YOU because YOU are a IQfy tourist who installed Linux just to LARP as a hacker. Shoo.

            Yup, works on all of them.

            Show the full test matrix? And post the code to run it, we need to reproduce your results.

          • 2 years ago

            >post the code to run it
            sure. first, prove that you can run the code so i don't just waste my time.

          • 2 years ago

            >No it's not.
            Yes it is. It sells the most computers. It sells virtually all of the high end personal computers. It pushes graphical technology forward. It's the most demanding graphical aspect of computing and is also at the same time the most consistent, meaning it's the most relevant by any measure because it's what gets hardware made for it and determines what computers will look like as the years go by.

            You are unironically the larper hacker. Any computer that prioritizes graphical display should prioritize gaming unless you're literally talking about some specific use case like some specific company hiring for some specific use case in their specific marketshare, of which only Apple still exists outside of the real general market.

          • 2 years ago

            >Yes it is. It sells the most computers.
            I doubt it. Businesses buy more computers than home users.
            >It sells virtually all of the high end personal computers
            Maybe if you don't count laptops, but only maybe.
            >It pushes graphical technology forward
            I guess so.
            > It's the most demanding graphical aspect of computing
            No, that would be stuff like movie renders, special effects, etc.
            >and is also at the same time the most consistent, meaning it's the most relevant by any measure because it's what gets hardware made for it
            Hasn't been the case for a decade. Most graphics hardware is designed for compute first nowadays.
            >and determines what computers will look like as the years go by.
            Not really.

            >Of course there is an API. How else would it tell the compositor where to place the window?
            It uses Wayland.
            >But how do you do it with Wayland?
            Those are using Wayland.
            >So shit's not inter-operable? Sounds proprietary to me.
            No, this is open source.
            >Yes, obviously. Just less so than Wayland.
            No, it's about the same.
            >How do you do this without letting apps be "keyloggers"?
            You register it yourself. You don't let all apps log all keys all the time.
            >Or do you want people to type in some cryptic command line to inform some app that a binding has been invoked?
            Configuring a keybind is not a cryptic command.
            >How do you bind binding A to action B in app C?
            Set the keybind A to action B in app C.
            >You can't do this unless the compositor knows about action B in app C
            It doesn't have to, it's enough for you to know it.
            >because app C is not a keylogger.
            The app will be able to log key A. That's not avoidable.
            > So it needs support from the compositor.
            It needs no more support than this.
            >If they were Wayland apps they'd run on any conforming Wayland compositor.
            Where did you get that? Wayland compositors can have optional extensions and different levels of "conformance". X servers also can, too.
            >Xming isn't strictly rootless. It can run in a window that acts as root window.
            Running this with a nested root window defeats the purpose, no?

            >It uses Wayland.
            Show me the Wayland API enabling this.
            >Those are using Wayland.
            Show me the protocol.
            >You register it yourself. You don't let all apps log all keys all the time.
            >Configuring a keybind is not a cryptic command.
            >It doesn't have to, it's enough for you to know it.
            If you want to bind a key you have to have an action to bind to. The compositor must know about it otherwise you have nothing to bind a key to.
            >Where did you get that? Wayland compositors can have optional extensions and different levels of "conformance". X servers also can, too.
            So it's not possible without proprietary extensions?
            >Running this with a nested root window defeats the purpose, no?
            Not at all. If you fullscreen it you can run any X app, desktop environment, etc. as if you were on a *nix machine.

          • 2 years ago

            >ALL LINUX DISTROS
            >ALL X11 DEVELOPERS
            >ALL SETUPS
            >ALL LINUX DISTROS
            this is sounding more and more like a problem that only you have that you're trying to paint as universal because you're insecure about your bargain-bin braincells

            No it does not. Here you are with your "works on my machine" shit again. Enough. It's shit, it's trash, you would be banned from the X11 issue tracker immediately if you pulled that.

            >Here you are with your "works on my machine" shit again.
            well, it does. you know, the same way wayland allegedly works on your machine. but i've yet to see any proof of this so i think you're possibly just projecting your insecurities and incompetencies everywhere wildly.
            this, of course, makes it even more of a YOU problem kek

          • 2 years ago

            >this is sounding more and more like a problem that only you have
            Nope. I'm quoting X11 developers. The people YOU worship but apparently you don't like it when I tell you what they actually said.
            >he same way wayland allegedly works on your machine.
            I actually never said this.

            not assume you're a complete liar.
            but you can't provide proof now, can you?
            because you're a complete liar.

            Oh no. What will happen to me if some anonymous nocoder who can't google things thinks I'm a liar?

          • 2 years ago

            >Nope. I'm quoting X11 developers.
            oh, then surely you can post the source of the quotes.

          • 2 years ago

            >t. Confirmed full of shit, cannot provide proof

          • 2 years ago

            >This is the experience of ALL X11 DEVELOPERS
            Keith Packard doesn't agree with you.

            GLX is some horribly broken deprecated crap. It does not work. Even the X11 developers will tell you to stop using it and use EGL.

            Works on my machine.

          • 2 years ago

            Keith packard is not an X11 developer. He quit.
            >Works on my machine.
            No it doesn't.

            sure. i'll provide that once you provide me with the first-asked-for proof that wayland will even start without any trouble with every:

            - Driver
            - GPU

            oh wait i already listed at two things that have obvious huge exceptions that will cause wayland to shit the bed and the maintainers to just tell you to buy another computer

            No one is saying Wayland is perfect except for you and the rest of the X11 shills strawmanning. Wayland has horrible problems and does not work. X11 also has horrible problems and does not work. It is intentionally being ignorant to suggest otherwise.

            >Nope. I'm quoting X11 developers.
            oh, then surely you can post the source of the quotes.

            >t. Confirmed full of shit, cannot provide proof

            So what will happen to me if some anonymous nocoder who can't google things thinks I'm a liar?

          • 2 years ago

            >No it doesn't.
            Yes, it does. Vidrel.

          • 2 years ago

            Looks incredibly choppy, I wouldn't call that "working".

            >what will happen to me
            probably everyone will assume you're actually just an idiot and that everything you say should be considered a falsehood

            You already consider everything I say a falsehood because I don't agree with you. So nah, I'm not doing shit for you. Lrn2google ya dickweed.

            >Keith packard is not an X11 developer. He quit.
            He literally has owner access level on xorg's gitlab.

            And he makes no commits.

            >No it's not.
            Yes it is. It sells the most computers. It sells virtually all of the high end personal computers. It pushes graphical technology forward. It's the most demanding graphical aspect of computing and is also at the same time the most consistent, meaning it's the most relevant by any measure because it's what gets hardware made for it and determines what computers will look like as the years go by.

            You are unironically the larper hacker. Any computer that prioritizes graphical display should prioritize gaming unless you're literally talking about some specific use case like some specific company hiring for some specific use case in their specific marketshare, of which only Apple still exists outside of the real general market.

            >It pushes graphical technology forward. It's the most demanding graphical aspect of computing
            Haha no, that's machine learning and shitcoin miners doing all that for the last several years.
            >Any computer that prioritizes graphical display should prioritize gaming
            No. That shit does not matter to non IQfytards. Go away. People use their computers for REAL WORK.

          • 2 years ago

            >And he makes no commits.
            That is false.

          • 2 years ago

            Anon, making two one line fixes per year isn't being an active developer. You're coping again. Obviously no one is going to remove his commit access, but he isn't doing anything. And still if you ask him all the problems with X11 he will tell you them in great detail.

            >Looks incredibly choppy, I wouldn't call that "working".
            this is funny because it seems choppy to you due to being on wayland

            Actually I'm on X11.

          • 2 years ago

            >Actually I'm on X11.
            i highly doubt that. after all, you were just talking about how X doesn't actually work for anybody.
            if you were on X11, it would require you to have the intelligence to set it up.

          • 2 years ago

            The fact that I use X11 is why I can admit it's broken. You copelets can't, for some reason. You must all really be using Windows.

            That does not mean he "quit".

            He did quit. He doesn't want to work on this anymore.

            >Looks incredibly choppy, I wouldn't call that "working".
            Of course it's choppy, I had to limit the frame rate to fit it into the size limit.
            Try finding a single tear in any frame. I'm waiting.

            That is one client with one driver, actually it is a pretty useless demo client.

            What about kilo chads?

            Sure but then it's homo.

            >First you provide proof that
            kek. so no proof then, got it.
            so you do "computer vision" and "machine learning" ooh, is that so. well mister definitely-not-full-of-shit guy, tell me one thing about the nature of your work that doesn't use text copied from wikipedia or some other trivially accessible webpage. maybe you can salvage yourself from appearing like a 12 year old lying about his canadian girlfriend with increasing urgency as tears well in his eyes

            >Computer vision, machine learning
            Lol, when I was a jr. dev still I used to lie to my friends that I did these things to sound smart. Seems like it's the go-to.

            Hello virgins. I'm gonna need proof of at least mega chad, giga chad or kilo chad.

          • 2 years ago

            >H-H-Hello v-v-virgins
            >I swear!! Stop laughing!! I do Compuper Vision IT'S REAL!!!
            >MOM they're not believing me!!!! make them believe me!!!

          • 2 years ago

            If you are a female I will accept your bf/husband as proof. If you are asexual or lesbian I will accept a 10 inch clit.

          • 2 years ago

            >haha mom look i said the c word on IQfy

          • 2 years ago

            >He did quit. He doesn't want to work on this anymore.
            max kek
            >he quit
            >he didn't
            >ok but he doesn't commit
            >he does
            >ok but not a lot
            >that's not what you said initially
            it's so sad it's funny

          • 2 years ago

            >Shows up to work 1 hour per year
            >HE DIDN'T QUIT! HE DIDN'T QUIT!
            I really hope you never become the boss at any company

          • 2 years ago

            Linus doesn't write many commits either. Same shit.

          • 2 years ago

            Still doesn't negate the fact that he hasn't quit like you said, he still commits, and that working on an open source project is not equivalent to employment at a company.
            You're just coping to an unimaginable level to avoid the fact that you were completely wrong. The cope might work for you, but it's really transparent to the rest of us.

            No. Linus at least responds to emails. Keithp does nothing. He quit. He works somewhere else. He doesn't work on this anymore.
            >working on an open source project is not equivalent to employment at a company.
            Haha that's hilarious. You expect a grown man with 40 years of industry experience to work for fricking FREE? On your stupid gamer bullshit so you can wait for him to get one thing wrong and then you yell at him to cope and seethe? Everyone knows your game Anon, it's not new.

          • 2 years ago

            >Keithp does nothing.
            This is an obvious lie. Prove that he does nothing and maybe I'll concede your other points.

          • 2 years ago

            >This is an obvious lie
            No. Ask him yourself.
            >Prove that he does nothing
            Prove wiener size and bench first. Also get keithp to do it too.

            >Keithp does nothing
            He has several open MRs right now lol

            >several open MRs
            They are not being worked on by anybody.

          • 2 years ago

            open MRs
            >They are not being worked on by anybody.

          • 2 years ago

            >Keithp does nothing
            He has several open MRs right now lol

          • 2 years ago

            Still doesn't negate the fact that he hasn't quit like you said, he still commits, and that working on an open source project is not equivalent to employment at a company.
            You're just coping to an unimaginable level to avoid the fact that you were completely wrong. The cope might work for you, but it's really transparent to the rest of us.

          • 2 years ago

            >X11 is why I can admit it's broken
            Yet you prefer it over some Wayland compositor. I wonder why?
            >That is one client with one driver, actually it is a pretty useless demo client.
            No, that is *7* clients, all of them using GLX and vsync. I tested using both intel and nouveau, with and without compositor (picom).
            >Hello virgins. I'm gonna need proof of at least mega chad, giga chad or kilo chad.
            >he took the kilo chad pill

          • 2 years ago

            >Yet you prefer it over some Wayland compositor.
            Wrong. You don't know what I prefer, I never said what I preferred. Using something is not preferring it. Why do Linux users on IQfy have this toxic unhealthy idea that in order to use something you have to make it part of your personality or some shit and write all kinds of shit about how great it is and how you love it? It's honestly fricking stupid.
            >No, that is *7* clients
            No it is the same client run 7 times.
            >all of them using GLX and vsync.
            Try with several REAL clients and not the demo program. Also try with some EGL clients.
            >I tested using both intel and nouveau, with and without compositor (picom).
            That is about 0.0000001% of the things you need to test.
            >>he took the kilo chad pill
            Proof of wiener size and bench? And don't post a picture of your wiener you pervert, firsthand testimony from your gf and at least 3 side b***hes will be enough.

          • 2 years ago

            >You don't know what I prefer
            yeah, i really do
            >No it is the same client run 7 times.
            nope, it's 7 different clients doing the same thing
            >Try with several REAL clients and not the demo program. Also try with some EGL clients.
            they're real enough for me
            >That is about 0.0000001% of the things you need to test.
            that is 100% of what i need to test
            >Proof of wiener size
            speaking of what you prefer, it's obvious you prefer homosexuality

          • 2 years ago

            >Wrong. You don't know what I prefer, I never said what I preferred. Using something is not preferring it.
            Picking X over Y means preferring X over Y. Or is someone forcing you to use X?
            >No it is the same client run 7 times.
            There's glxgears and kitty if you want to count it like that.
            >Try with several REAL clients and not the demo program. Also try with some EGL clients.
            Works with mpv, too.
            >don't post a picture of your wiener you pervert
            I would have :(.

          • 2 years ago

            >I would have :(.
            i'll accept a picture of your wiener anon
            not for any weirdo proof reason though
            i just like giving complements to friends

          • 2 years ago

            That does not mean he "quit".

          • 2 years ago

            >Looks incredibly choppy, I wouldn't call that "working".
            this is funny because it seems choppy to you due to being on wayland

          • 2 years ago

            >REAL WORK
            Describe what "real work" it is that you do on your computer and provide proof that you do it.
            Failure to do so will be accepted as a concession that you are a know-nothing loser.

          • 2 years ago

            >Describe what "real work" it is
            Computer vision, machine learning
            >provide proof that you do it.
            First you provide proof that you are a real person and not a gpt3 bot. Also prove that you have at least a 10 inch wiener and can bench 150kg, I only give proof to mega chads, giga chads or above. Yes I am serious about this, no homo.

          • 2 years ago

            What about kilo chads?

          • 2 years ago

            >First you provide proof that
            kek. so no proof then, got it.
            so you do "computer vision" and "machine learning" ooh, is that so. well mister definitely-not-full-of-shit guy, tell me one thing about the nature of your work that doesn't use text copied from wikipedia or some other trivially accessible webpage. maybe you can salvage yourself from appearing like a 12 year old lying about his canadian girlfriend with increasing urgency as tears well in his eyes

          • 2 years ago

            >Computer vision, machine learning
            Lol, when I was a jr. dev still I used to lie to my friends that I did these things to sound smart. Seems like it's the go-to.

          • 2 years ago

            >Looks incredibly choppy, I wouldn't call that "working".
            Of course it's choppy, I had to limit the frame rate to fit it into the size limit.
            Try finding a single tear in any frame. I'm waiting.

          • 2 years ago

            >what will happen to me
            probably everyone will assume you're actually just an idiot and that everything you say should be considered a falsehood

          • 2 years ago

            >Keith packard is not an X11 developer. He quit.
            He literally has owner access level on xorg's gitlab.

  22. 2 years ago

    Reminder that wayland has even less support for fences than xorg btw kek.

  23. 2 years ago

    I'll listen when you show me your 65536p monitor.

  24. 2 years ago

    muh dick

    • 2 years ago

      kek, did not expect delivery on a blue board.
      you have a nice wiener anon, ladies like uncut in the US because it is uncommon. they will talk about you to their friends and they will all be interested.
      i hope you like the complement.

      • 2 years ago

        >you have a nice wiener anon
        Thanks. :3

      • 2 years ago

        >ladies like uncut in the US
        I'm from Germany, tho.

  25. 2 years ago

    You're all so dumb holy frick.
    I'm unsubscribing from IQfy

    • 2 years ago

      You can check out any time you'd like,
      But you can never leave.

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