Could you stop "inventing" new image formats? It's super annoying!

You download it but 90% of the sites and programs can't read it.
When finally most software implemented webp they just drop this new annyoing useless incompatible shit.
It was already super crazy with webp. There were sites where you downloaded a webp and you couldnt reupload it because it didnt read webp. 😀

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  1. 3 months ago

    how else are ~~*they*~~ gonna plant new zero days?
    see CVE-2023-4863

    • 3 months ago

      Nobody needs shit of frick the backdoors are built right into your CPU and motherboard

    • 3 months ago

      these exploits are irrelevant as the browers themselves are botnet

  2. 3 months ago

    >programs can't read it
    Programs already use it without you even noticing.
    Also do you honestly, wholeheartedly believe that GIF, APNG and WEBP are in any way usable in the year 2024, when a comparable AVIF can be up to 20x smaller?

    • 3 months ago

      >GIF, APNG and WEBP
      replace those with audio trackless h264 in mp4 container
      it's already a huge leap and more than efficient enough for <10 second low-medium resolution "gifs" while being already compatible with everything
      vp9 webm is a good substitute if you wanna be fancy

    • 3 months ago

      Gif works and is supported by everything. Nobody gives a shit about compression rates in fricking images in the age of gigabit internet. This would have been relevant in the dial up days

      • 3 months ago

        >Nobody gives a shit about compression rates in fricking images in the age of gigabit internet
        this kind of thought is what made things bloated
        >nobody gives a shit about 1 more line of code
        >nobody gives a shit about 1 more JS component
        >nobody gives a shit if it's using JS when it could have worked using HTML+CSS
        >nobody gives a shit about 1 more GB per video
        etc etc

        • 3 months ago

          GIF doesn't even support normal frame rates.

          Yet gif still works. No one gives a shit about your obscure moronic tranime codex that you want to shill just so you can jerk off to 4k CP hentai with your turd world internet connection

          • 3 months ago

            who the frick talked about gif and anime, you fricking squizo c**t? I just want shit to be smaller

      • 3 months ago

        GIF doesn't even support normal frame rates.

      • 3 months ago

        >Gif works and is supported by everything.
        Gif is meant for images, not video.
        Animated gif is for loops consisting of a few frames, for example to show a busy/loading indicator or to make a banana dance.

        Turning actual video into a gif is doing it wrong.
        It's like hammering a nail with a screwdriver.

        >OK I will only use gif for images and simple animations, as intended
        Use (a)png for that, it's better in every way.

        • 3 months ago

          Except no hw acceleration killed it. There's a reason why android 14 makes it mandatory to be able to hardware decode 5 1080p AV1 videos concurrently.

          • 3 months ago

            The compression algorithm of gif is incredibly simply.
            It's just a bitmap except when multiple sequential pixels have the same color it will write them as "3 times pink" instead of "pink, pink, pink".
            I don't see how you can even "accelerate" that.

          • 3 months ago

            No I'm talking about apng. It's superior to gif in every way except it's a huge fricking resource hog and the phonegays would have gone ballistic if we had started using it.

          • 3 months ago

            I argue that phonegays are already ballistic regardless of what we do
            wearing their battery faster is the best option we have

        • 3 months ago

          Except no hw acceleration killed it. There's a reason why android 14 makes it mandatory to be able to hardware decode 5 1080p AV1 videos concurrently.

          yea, gif, apng and even jxl are dog shit for animated images. They have nothing that is beneficial to all of the video codecs.
          That's one place where avif is undeniably superior to every other format.
          jxl has lots of benefits for still photos, but none for animated "images" and neither do apng and gif.. all apng ever had was more colors

  3. 3 months ago

    >There were sites where you downloaded a webp and you couldnt reupload it because it didnt read webp. 😀
    that's because it's being generated by a proxy somewhere the web app developers didn't create themselves. they're literally just toggling a config option somewhere that enables it (or more likely, failing to toggle a config option that disables it)

  4. 3 months ago

    Most people don't realize this but there's like 1 trillion AVIF images already in existance so this is finally the image format everyone can agree on at least for the next decade or so.

    Basically "images" can be ripped out of AV1 video while:
    A) maintainint freakishly small file sizes
    B) 0 lossy encoding

    Depending on encoder settings you can wind up with 4K images BELOW 100KB. I'm not even joking. The weebs are going to go ballistic over this thing, as soon as AV1 encodes catch on of course.

    Talk about about killing 2 birds with 1 stone.

    • 3 months ago

      pixDAIZ kys
      we can tell it's you if you don't stop using the same fricking copy pastas

      • 3 months ago

        >t. miscrosoft shill

        >Most people don't realize this but there's like 1 trillion AVIF images already in existance so this is finally the image format everyone can agree on at least for the next decade or so.
        This. Even sites like already use it by default. You wouldn't notice it if you didn't pay attention.

        No, I'm talking about AVIF images you don't have to "encode". If you have an AV1 video you have 2 options for a screenshot:

        A.) Have the video player generate a massive PNG file or JPG with inferior quality compared to the video.

        B.) Extract a keyframe and mux into a .avif image file. VERY small file size, lossless image quality compared to the video.

        • 3 months ago

          yup confirmed
          it's him

          • 3 months ago

            Who the frick your eceleb anyway? You seem infatuated with this troony.

          • 3 months ago

            nta but every JXL-related thread gets this functionally-braindead tripgay (pixDIAZ) that won't shut the frick up about AVIF.

          • 3 months ago

            What's a tripgay? Anyway 4K anime rips are on the horizon. It would be pretty cash money if people started using AV1 instead of HEVC.

          • 3 months ago

            It would be pretty cash money if people started using AV1 instead of HEVC.
            yeah... it would be pretty cash money if people started using *codec that allows keyframe extraction* instead of *codec that also allows keyframe extraction*
            heic exists, shocking i know

          • 3 months ago

            they have been, it just takes time. I'd guess my total Plex library across TV/anime/movies is probably like ~15% AV1.

          • 3 months ago

            >4K anime rips
            wtf did I just read? jap monkeys were producing anime in 800px since 0s, why would they ever change to a better format?

          • 3 months ago

            More $$$$. Your name (what a stupid title tbh), is one of the few anime movies mastered in 4K and grossed nearly 400 million dollars. Any anime studio that can crank out full blown anime tv shows at 4K resolution would easily be able to demand hefty premiums and the weebs would have no choice but to fork over the money for the 4K blu-ray until the pirates spend months encoding it LOL.


          • 3 months ago

            nice one anime of thousands, most stuff I see on trackers is either a disk rip or (started to happen recently a lot) webrip 900px with poor codecs encoded shit.

            >pirates spend months encoding it
            any good source of pirated anime that is not encoded with generates who bought a videocard yesterday? I hate Black folk who encode h264 with a shitty nvidia videocard

          • 3 months ago

            >Your Name was animated digitally at 1080p resolution

    • 3 months ago

      >Most people don't realize this but there's like 1 trillion AVIF images already in existance so this is finally the image format everyone can agree on at least for the next decade or so.
      This. Even sites like already use it by default. You wouldn't notice it if you didn't pay attention.

  5. 3 months ago

    webp and avif both literally just worked out of the box on linux right after release. your problem is using dumb proprietary software.

  6. 3 months ago

    Always and forever relevant comic

    • 3 months ago

      Something like 50% of the images you see online come from video screenshots. WHAT IF you read a small portion of the video and saved it as an image file?

      That's why AV1 + AVIF is serious buisness.

      • 3 months ago

        that's not even remotely an advantage the image is in any way manipulated (e.g., cropped, annotated, watermarked), which accounts for a VAST majority of your 50% (even excluding the many cases where someone screenshots their screen rather than the video)

        • 3 months ago

          90% of images on the web are anime

  7. 3 months ago

    I don't use repurposed keyframes for my 2D rasterized image formats. AV1 is based, AVIF can die in a fire.

    • 3 months ago

      >lossless 4K AV1 video screenshots under 100KB are LE BAD because...

      • 3 months ago

        it's not that they're bad
        1. nobody fricking cares (normies won't extract keyframes from videos anytime soon)
        2. is a dogshit feature compared to what jxl offers that avif doesn't (crazy good progressive decoding + lossless jpeg transcoding)
        also sorry, but if I want to screenshot something, I want that exact frame, not a keyframe that comes like 5 seconds after
        and chances are, I want to share that screenshot, which is often not possible without jpeg/png transcoding

        why the frick am I even spending time replying to this moron btw i should kms

        • 3 months ago

          Websites care.

          It would be pretty cash money if people started using AV1 instead of HEVC.
          yeah... it would be pretty cash money if people started using *codec that allows keyframe extraction* instead of *codec that also allows keyframe extraction*
          heic exists, shocking i know

          Not open source, deemed a complete and total failure.

          • 3 months ago

            >Websites care.
            Websites show lossy thumbnails of videos.

        • 3 months ago

          jxl is pretty good for cameras/photography but if we're being fair it's not going to compete with AV1 keyframes.

          I mean weebs are the biggest seekgays on the planet, they'd probably push for keyframes every second.

          • 3 months ago

            Seeking to the end of this video without keyframes takes no more than a few seconds for me. Every encoding guro online recommends 10 second intervals and no less.

          • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        >I need my temporally filtered keyframes untampered because... I just do okay?

      • 3 months ago

        >lossless 4K AV1 video screenshots under 100KB
        I've actually tried it before. Those sreenshots are not small, it's the opposite, AV1 key frames are huge and therefore pointless. Post some examples because I haven't seen one yet.

        • 3 months ago

          Maybe in another 10 years or sooner if hiro sells us to the feds. I've personally encoded CRF 40-50 4K AV1 video and get some pretty high quality sub-100KB keyframes all the time. When I encode them to PNG they baloon to like 5-10 MB, even 100% JPGs will often hit 3-5 MB.

          All I can say for sure is quality on the internet will go down the shitter if we don't adopt AVIF. Even favela monkeys can now afford 4K TVs.

  8. 3 months ago

    >search for av1 encode on tracker
    >idiocracy AV1 OPUS has the most seeds of any
    >it's the same size as the h264 version
    >literal same quality
    >the movie is available for free anyway

  9. 3 months ago

    we don't need to stop, we need to change everything to use the one that generates the smallest possible outcome losslessly, which is jpegxl for images, but programmers nowadays are so useless and like bloat so much that the most used browsers had support for it as a flag and then got removed

  10. 3 months ago

    AV1 encodes slower than HEVC and only the latest hardwares have hardware encode/decode support for AV1

    • 3 months ago

      >AV1 encodes slower than HEVC

  11. 3 months ago

    avif just works and is already widely supported, jxl and heif are not

    • 3 months ago

      >jxl and heif are not
      I've never even heard about those. Why should I defend them?
      Is everyone a bot or a paid shill here?

      • 3 months ago

        It's just flif 2.0 but the moronic marxist creator lost some patent dispute with microsoft and everyone shilling this piece of shit keeps pretending that it's not a big deal and microsoft would NEVER be evil...

  12. 3 months ago

    has anybody noticed larger output with the same settings, particularly d0, on the latest version of libjxl?
    did it get more lossless or something?

  13. 3 months ago

    You can argue about it all day. But in some asian country they are turning plastic backs into oil and there's nothing you can do about it.

    • 3 months ago


  14. 3 months ago

    90% of sites and programs can read it fine.

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