Day 1165 of off grid solar lifestyle, so far so good bros. Picrel is the book to my inverter.

Day 1165 of off grid solar lifestyle, so far so good bros. Picrel is the book to my inverter. I don't share my electricity, I'd rather shed the extra into the ground than sell it to the grid. I'm not going to feed their greed. If you're not self sufficient in 2022 what the frick are you doing?
1050w of solar
400w of wind, I'll be buying a few more of these. They work during the winter better because of no leaves.
I have 900ah of batteries. I run my air conditioner, power tools, refrigerator, washer (though I hang my clothes to dry) dish washer, etc.

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  1. 2 years ago

    that sounds interesting
    how many windmills do you have, how many solar panels?

    • 2 years ago

      5 panels, 3x100w, and 2 375w panels
      1 400w wind turbine
      The 2 375w panels feed into an mppt
      The 3 100w into a pwm
      The turbine comes with their own little charge controller
      I was surprised with how little I needed. I want to get another inverter so I can run more at once.

      • 2 years ago

        This is a picture from the other morning when I got up for first shift and I was dumping 2 amps into the batteries at dawn twilight. I don't measure the wind turbine though because it just handles itself. It's more for ancillary support. Night time and winter charging. I definitely need a few more of the wind turbines though. I could add another 1kw of solar but even on cloudy days I never use more than they produce.

        • 2 years ago

          would you let me charge my phone from your strong batteries?

          • 2 years ago

            A 200ah battery with a 2kw pure sine wave inverter will last you like 3-4 hours running 700watts. This should give you an idea on how to scale things. For every 2000w inverter you have, you want at least 200ah batteries. I really like lithium iron phosphate 4 (lifepo4) batteries. Start small and work your way up. I find for every 2kw inverter I need like 1kw of input energy. You learn ways to bypass electricity. Like I heat with a wood stove. I also have a teg generator for during the winter. I don't like it. It doesn't work that well. It's suppose to produce 100w and it costs well over $1000. Don't buy teg generators. They're worthless.

          • 2 years ago

            For hot water I use solar pool heaters during the summer. I just run water through them and by the time they reach my shower, it's over air temperature. Right around 75F-80F During the winter I run water through a copper coil I set on top of my wood stove. It gets pretty warm. 85F. Warm enough for me. I don't need 120F shower water.

          • 2 years ago

            It's amazing I have this gas generator that I've never actually ran. It won't start. It will start with starter fluid but not with gasoline for some strange reason. I just don't know what to do to make it run. I've never needed it before but it would be nice to get it working. Other than that it's been really smooth sailing.

          • 2 years ago

            I've found these to be great for hot water. They work even in mild winters. Never measured the temperature though.

          • 2 years ago

            I thought about getting a real one like that. The pool heaters were free. They work through autumn until it gets below 50F out. Honestly the wood stove coil works great. It's a more uniform heat. I literally used copper pipe and bent it into a small coil and ran it into my water system with shutoffs and a quick disconnect so it doesn't explode. I don't set it right on the stove surface either, it just kind of hovers like an inch or two over it and it's been totally fine. I'm way too lazy at this point to care unless it becomes an issue which it hasn't.
            Pic: don't use more than 50% of these bastards if you cheap out and don't get lithium.

          • 2 years ago

            I just hooked my grid tie inverter to my 48v battery bank and it outputs 240vac... I wonder if I can split this into 2 120v lines and just use it as another inverter! That's amazing! It's just been sitting here collecting dust.
            Pic: I have a roll of 2/0 cable I got for free. You really do not want to skimp on your cabling.

          • 2 years ago

            I had to run a plug from my normal inverter to give it a phase. Oh boy I just filled my day tomorrow!

  2. 2 years ago

    off grid is a cope, if ~~*they*~~ come for you, if ~~*they*~~ chose to impose any law on you, if they chose to seize all your property you can do nothing except take a huge cut bbc up your ass and comply because you have no options other than larping as Varg innawoods

    >not being a multimillionaire
    >not having multiple passports
    >not having offshore bank accounts
    >not living on multiple grids at all times

    you are a slave hiding from your masters until they chose to come for you, you have fake autonomy, you have no real freedom
    you are ngmi

    • 2 years ago

      I made it 1165 days so far. I grow my own food and my chickens produce my eggs. Stay mad.

      • 2 years ago

        Absolutely fricking based.

    • 2 years ago

      The israelite fears the self sufficent solar nomad

    • 2 years ago

      >fellow man, you NEED TO become a part of the system or they'll come for you
      go back to israel

    • 2 years ago

      >tl:dr meds
      some people just want to live away from society while enjoying modern comforts

    • 2 years ago

      I realised this long ago so movies to the suburbs from rural urban it sucks it all sucks

  3. 2 years ago

    >I don't share my electricity, I'd rather shed the extra into the ground than sell it to the grid.

    what a pathetic, sad man

    • 2 years ago

      his body his choice

    • 2 years ago

      They want me to get a permit to hook it all up. I looked into it. I have a grid tie inverter. I might hook this up and try to read it's output to see what I can use it for. Frick their permits, I don't want them on my property.

  4. 2 years ago

    >I don't share my electricity
    i'm thinking based

  5. 2 years ago

    >1050w of solar
    >400w of wind
    You couldn't even power a full sized fridge and a toaster at the same time off of this. Lmao.

    • 2 years ago

      You lack reading comprehension. I run the power into 900ah of batteries. Stay a while, you might learn something.

      • 2 years ago

        You would deplete your batteries running a fridge faster than your cuck panels and swc helicopter spinner could regenerate it

    • 2 years ago

      That's 12,600 watts of power I can use at any given moment. You need to learn how to use solar.

      • 2 years ago

        very nice
        how much did your stuff cost you?

      • 2 years ago

        >12,600 watts of power I can use at any given moment
        Wait what, how does this math work exactly?

        • 2 years ago

          I'd say he's talking about how much he can pull from his batteries without them exploding.
          Remember, generation itself isn't actually particularly important - storing it is.

  6. 2 years ago

    Do birds still fly around/visit despite the wind turbines? Or do your chickens take care of bugs in the garden?

  7. 2 years ago

    OK maybe this is a good place to ask this. I want to get an electric bike motor and power it with a inverter generator. Reason being it would be easy to switch out and I could still have a battery to go stealth and I could travel as far as I want on gas. And use the inverter to power other stuff. But the inverter puts out ac. So how do I connect a motor like this to it?


  8. 2 years ago

    When do I learn more about solar systems. I have some basic knowledge about electronics but i want to learn more. I have a tiny solar panel and I'd like to build a solar battery pack so if i mess up and explodes it doesn't matter.

  9. 2 years ago

    I've heard bad things about that inverter - but it's very hard to argue with its price. How has it treated you?

  10. 2 years ago

    > IQfy had bunkerbro
    > IQfy has solarbro
    Good, good.

  11. 2 years ago

    You sound knowledgeable. I have a trailer. I need power there for:
    - a fridge (52W)
    - a laptop (65W)
    - a ventilator (unknown) in summer

    Been considering to put in a few LiPoFe batteries but people say they can explode?
    Since they'd most likely be near my sleeping area I wouldn't want that.

    • 2 years ago

      Lifepo4 batteries don't explode. Just get the biggest one you can afford. A 200ah will drive a 700w ac unit for 3.5 hours on a charge.
      You can get this and run everything all night. You'll want at least 400w of solar panels for what you describe and a solid mppt charger. Epever makes good ones. Rich solar makes good kits as well. Renogy has their kit on sale right now.
      Then you'll want an inverter. DON'T BUY MODIFIED SINE!!! I blew my microwave up. I got the pcl 2000w because it can charge from any 110v source be it generator or otherwise. I've never used that function. With lithium batteries you can't just hook a car charger to them so it's why I got it.

      • 2 years ago

        Those kits come with mppt chargers though so that's why I recommend them to newbies. You can save money buying used panels, but you need to watch your amperage. I blew a 30a charger up being stupid. It melted in glorious fashion.

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