Defending the Iliad

Only time I actually had a backbone and it felt good

>be in summer reader group from school
>the most popular couple is there
>girl extremely hot but consequently arrogant and wears clothes that leave nothing to the imagination
>her bf is creamy faced and both his parents make six figures
>topic of the Iliad comes up
>he cracks a joke and says funny how Achilles can bully and harm girls and make them slaves but turns into a crying sissy when men do it to him
>everyone keks
>sigh and say Achilles is of course emotional, that is his tragic flaw from the first line of the poem but there is a lot more to it
>everyone looks at me and I can sense them suppressing sneers at my uggo face
>continue and say because Achilles lives in a society where women are kept away or shut up in homes, he is free to express his vulnerability and feelings
>why do women have to be shut up for that, asks his gf
>because women use everything they can against men and when women are around men have to act artificial in order to differentiate ourselves from them but also men have to beware of other men backstabbing and backbiting to impress women
>sounds a bit misogynist says one guy uglier than I am and wearing a shirt that says feminism is for everyone
>end up going on rant (not yelling but cool and collected) that men can’t have our own spaces and women invade everything and that isn’t the fault of women but because men have become weak and useless and this actually makes women miserable
>everyone starts getting heated
>the gf says you mean I wouldn’t be miserable as a sex slave?
>look at her but feel myself shaking like a pussy
>depends , and I’ll tell you why, because a woman’s identity and sense of happiness is tied to her man being strong. No matter how empowered a woman is, if her man is too much of a wimp to be more powerful than she is, she knows deep down is he is a weak man, and this makes her unhappy. If a man is dominating her then she at least knows he might be able to push other men around around and take charge and that leadership makes her feel like she is part of something worthwhile
>one lady screams and they tell me to get out
>get a text telling me I am not welcome anymore in the group
>the guy’s gf steps out and says I am extremely ignorant person and I don’t know what I am talking about and later she is going to explain somehow to me and gets my number
>later she texts me when it is past nine at night and demands to come over and give me a lecture
>let her come in and she starts screaming at me calling me a piece of shit
>tell her to shut and calm down
>she starts shoving me saying if men can dominate women then how come she can push me around
>she throws a cup of water in my face
>spits in my face
>keeps getting hysterical
>have to deal with it for nearly an hour before she leaves

And not a single regret

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  1. 12 months ago


  2. 12 months ago

    big if true

  3. 12 months ago

    It happened to me before where I triggered a woman and she came over to my house in the middle of the night and started physically pushing me around. It’s surreal, not even a ghetto woman but a grade A student

  4. 12 months ago

    She's into you. She's never met a mysterious literature enjoyer like yourself and is beside herself with womanly emotions, her panties are probably permanently ruined from the gruel she expelled while yelling at your steely demeanor. I'm being serious here. She is repulsed by her boyfriends cloying attempts to impress her and attracted to your masculine domination of her very mind.

    • 12 months ago

      yes I was thinking this. why else would a woman visit a man alone at night and goad him into getting physical?
      anon claims to understand women but to the contrary I suspect he may be slightly autistic

      • 12 months ago

        >a woman throwing water in your face and spitting on your is because she likes you

        • 12 months ago

          Sometimes yes

        • 12 months ago

          You've never been slapped by a girl and ended up fricking her a couple of weeks later? I pity you

          • 12 months ago

            Neither have you, so I pity you as well

          • 12 months ago

            Imagine waiting a week and not fricking them on the spot.

          • 12 months ago

            I got a hard-on after a girl at work playfully slapped me.

          • 12 months ago

            Are you a dinosaur? I heard when one felt pain in its tail tip it could take almost a minute it for it to register in the brain due to the distance

      • 12 months ago

        It's not her conscious desire, just a neurotic slip. OP should not pick up bawds from wimps anyway.

      • 12 months ago

        >women only want men who dominate them.
        Are you agreeing with him or?

      • 12 months ago

        >anon claims to understand women
        >I suspect he may be slightly autistic
        But for his autism, anon would be posting from prison. She was baiting him into a sexual hazard and she might still try to frame him.

  5. 12 months ago

    nice larp, I enjoyed it

  6. 12 months ago

    You should've made her your sex slave, that's the entire reason she came to your house. Also don't believe it for a second gay

    • 12 months ago

      I don’t have a house, I live in a crummy apartment and she is way out of my league

      • 12 months ago

        because you are a weak man.

  7. 12 months ago

    what has this got to do with the Illiad, you fricking toad

  8. 12 months ago

    i could feel ten years drop off the end of my lifespan reading this

  9. 12 months ago

    You had the perfect setup and you ruined it. I expected the story to end with
    >she starts shoving me saying if men can dominate women then how come she can push me around
    >I slap her in the face and say "watch your tone when you speak to me, prostitute"
    >She says "What the frick is wrong with you, you disgusting misogynist!"
    >"Get on the bed"
    >I said "You heard me", and slap her on the ass
    >She clearly gets turned on and slowly drops onto the bed
    >We frick for 10 hours straight and she breaks up with her bf in the morning.

    • 12 months ago

      Real life isn’t a porn

      • 12 months ago

        In quite a few cases it is.

  10. 12 months ago

    not reading your fake sjw epic ownage story

    • 12 months ago

      You did. But it's not really an ownage since nobody really won anything from this. Not that people ever "grow" or "change" or whatever. You are ultimately a willing animal.

  11. 12 months ago

    She's obviously into you in some twisted way. If only you could navigate her disgust and turn into lust. You can get there.

    But I would suggest to be less autistic you can find a woman with more tempered arguments.

    • 12 months ago

      Nah she isn’t. She hit me so hard she actually left a bruise I just pretended she didn’t. I grabbed her hands to stop her and tried to laugh it off and tell her to be cared or she’d hurt herself but I was in a lot of pain and she was so red in the face I feel the heat off it and I could tell she was almost thinking about biting me. I started laughing more and that’s when she spat in my face and said I thought was entitled to do whatever I pleased with women like they were only put on this earth for my pleasure

      • 12 months ago

        She has trauma, 100% chance. Hot women attract perverts from a very young age, loose behavior/self-presentation is a very common coping mechanism for victims. There's no other reason why she, being your social better, would give a moment's thought to what you say unless it triggered something in her. People don't have emotional reactions this strong over a strictly theoretical debate about "feminism" or whatever, especially since hot loose women are not usually the most dedicated foot soldiers of feminism. Seeing how brazen you were in expressing those opinions, despite being someone from whom she expects deference, messed with her mental models and dislodged the barriers she uses to cope with/deny the shame and disgust she feels due to whatever she experienced. So she reacts with anger but it's really just a desperate need for some kind of reassurance or bolstering of her self-worth which has been so fundamentally undermined (by the rape/assault I mean, you just unintentionally made it real for her again).

        That being said, I'm not calling you a bad person, nor am I denying that she has a lot of "privilege" as a hot girl, and will most likely never understand or care about the ways in which life is unfair for people like you. Just trying to point out that this is a moment of weakness, confusion and pain for her, caused by something that was done to her probably before she had any chance to really form an identity or a functional understanding of the world. I am highly skeptical of feminism and leftism/slave morality/etc. in general but I think anyone with any humanity at all can feel some sympathy for that.

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago


            What? What am I pretending to be unaware of? That's my honest assessment of the situation, people don't direct that much attention, let alone that much genuine emotion, towards people who are "below" them unless it has to do with something of great personal significance to them.

          • 12 months ago


            Lol. Also I have to imagine you're trolling given where we are but alright go ahead, hit me with it, what incorrect sexist beliefs are evinced by that post? Just the thing about bawdtiness being a reaction to sex trauma, rather than some sort of enlightened rational hedonism? I don't have a mathematical proof for you, but come on now, I don't think any thinking person actually buys that line of bullshit that women totally love sleeping around the same way men do.

            It is because you have the intelligence to be empathetic towards a person and understand that sexist ideology probably has contributed towards their plight and yet you reveal your callous sexist beliefs by referring to women as “bawds”.

          • 12 months ago

            There's nothing wrong with the word "bawd" to describe someone however. It's no different from calling aomeone an butthole or idiot, sex just seems extra sacred to you. And what "sexist ideology" are you talking about

          • 12 months ago

            “bawd” implies that there is something wrong with a person having sex more than some arbitrary number. That line of thinking requires making sex “sacred” as well. By sexist ideology I mean just classic redpill stuff. Sex abuse among women is rampant. It is like 1 in 3 although I am questioned on that source every time I mention it

          • 12 months ago

            So? That also means it can be an accurate description of someone. I think you guys just like to create narratives in your head for fun, and you suffer from the "women are wonderfull" effect.

            And no, I don't know ehat you mean. What "sexist ideology" are you talking about that is contributing to "their" harm?

          • 12 months ago

            “Accurate” it isn’t though. This is where you are being disingenuous. It is like me calling a dog a rhino and calling it accurate.

          • 12 months ago

            If a bawd is someone who is promiscuous, sleeps around alot, then describing a person who does that as that is accurate. Come one, it's like you don't know what words are. That rhino comparison made ansolutely zero sense. And yet I'm disengenuous apperantly

          • 12 months ago

            >It is like 1 in 3
            Lol, no. I know you guys have a repressed rape fetish and all that but most institutions say it's 1 in 6. In America that is.

          • 12 months ago

            That includes "attempted" btw

          • 12 months ago

            >“bawd” implies that there is something wrong with a person having sex more than some arbitrary number
            your female moralisms don't work online honey, imagine unironically implying that implying that women shouldn't sloot it up is somehow bad.

          • 12 months ago

            >when women are around men have to act artificial
            Super low-test energy.

            >“bawd” implies that there is something wrong with a person having sex more than some arbitrary number.
            Duh. People judge other people for their sexual conduct. They have opinions. We can judge incels for not having sex and becoming awful people for that reason, and we can judge bawds for having excessive amounts of sex and becoming awful people due to that. Same as we can call people fatasses, creeps, parasites, etc, for offending our sensibilities.

            It's true that such judgement can be misplaced, but you can't just force people to stop forming value judgements about other people - at most you can force them to be more discreet about expressing those opinions, which is just cultivating dishonesty and status culture. It's all ultimately an effort towards thought policing.

            Least of all you can try and stop people from forming such judgements by policing language. That just doesn't work.

          • 12 months ago

            You have sexist beliefs. Sexist beliefs are wrong.

          • 12 months ago

            All beliefs are wrong - anti-sexist beliefs are in fact even more wrong than sexist beliefs, because they are reactionary.

          • 12 months ago

            She has trauma, 100% chance. Hot women attract perverts from a very young age, loose behavior/self-presentation is a very common coping mechanism for victims. There's no other reason why she, being your social better, would give a moment's thought to what you say unless it triggered something in her. People don't have emotional reactions this strong over a strictly theoretical debate about "feminism" or whatever, especially since hot loose women are not usually the most dedicated foot soldiers of feminism. Seeing how brazen you were in expressing those opinions, despite being someone from whom she expects deference, messed with her mental models and dislodged the barriers she uses to cope with/deny the shame and disgust she feels due to whatever she experienced. So she reacts with anger but it's really just a desperate need for some kind of reassurance or bolstering of her self-worth which has been so fundamentally undermined (by the rape/assault I mean, you just unintentionally made it real for her again).

            That being said, I'm not calling you a bad person, nor am I denying that she has a lot of "privilege" as a hot girl, and will most likely never understand or care about the ways in which life is unfair for people like you. Just trying to point out that this is a moment of weakness, confusion and pain for her, caused by something that was done to her probably before she had any chance to really form an identity or a functional understanding of the world. I am highly skeptical of feminism and leftism/slave morality/etc. in general but I think anyone with any humanity at all can feel some sympathy for that.

            Hot women don't attract perverts if their sexuality is repressed and they are forced to dress turbo-modestly. It's disingenuous because every other girl going through puberty nowadays decides to dress like a turbo-bawd and is subsequently surprised she is no longer a child rather an object to be taken advantage of. Most times loose behavior comes before the coping or even any trauma. The real solution to the bawd problem and women's sexual 'trauma' is as with many other things total female subjection. btw, one ugly incel is a beautiful butterfly with infinitely more potential and vibrancy than any any prostitute.

          • 12 months ago

            You are seething and moronic. Yes, of course it is right that women should be led, but if you think there isn't perversion and rape in e.g. Muslim countries you're an idiot, it's the nature of men when not properly self-constrained by personal morals - not to say that some amount of repression might not be ameliorative, but the problem will always remain to some extent. And even if it *was* caused by her personal choices as an adolescent, I think saying "you as a confused adolescent desperate for some sort of validation (usually due to shit parenting, and permitted by a delusional society) made a bad choice, thus you deserve ongoing mental torture". As for incels having more potential, sure, in the sense that males are the active sex and females the passive one, but your resentment unmistakably seeps through in the way that you present your judgments.

            Since nobody is without sin, I'd like to remind everyone that no one is truly "innocent" and people who get raped can often be people who contributed to this garbage heap of a society that we live in and created the rapist. Because ideology, being of most import, is, after all, not a ghost but composed of living people.

            This is an intelligent take in theory and it's a decent point in many cases. However it has to be attenuated by circumstance, and the circumstance of being young (particularly since the actual assault, given the intensity of her reaction, must have either occurred quite recently or at a significantly younger age) is perhaps the one that deserves the most weight, in reference to any sort of crime - as reflected by its being the most significant extenuating circumstance in actual criminal law. This is a school activity, these are kids. Doesn't mean they haven't done bad or morally flawed things, but to say "haha your mind is fricked forever, that's what you get" is an inhuman response. And I feel the same way towards OP who has obviously been traumatized in the way that weak men are traumatized for being weak, as is the case with most of us here. I think the moral failings of a bawd and those of a weak man are very much two sides of the same coin, and are equally likely to result from circumstances of the early-childhood environment.

            It is because you have the intelligence to be empathetic towards a person and understand that sexist ideology probably has contributed towards their plight and yet you reveal your callous sexist beliefs by referring to women as “bawds”.

            >sexist ideology

            Rape is not an "ideology".

            >callous sexist beliefs

            Acknowledging that men and women have different roles and want different things is not callous, it's natural, it's common sense and it results in greater happiness for all parties. But whatever, your bit isn't convincing, you're obviously an obnoxious homosexual trying to concern-troll because I suggested that it's possible for a woman to be an innocent victim in some capacity. Your ilk, on both sides, are what stifles serious good faith discussion and you are a perfect example of why the public sphere needs to be restricted to a limited "public".

          • 12 months ago

            >I think saying "you as a [...]".

            Meant to say I think it's immoderate, biased, cruel, etc., basically the same sentiment I expressed in the other reply about the inhumanity of telling an adolescent that it's their own fault.

          • 12 months ago

            >However it has to be attenuated by circumstance,
            I agree. That's why I said "can often be"
            I'm not saying their minds are fricked forever, in fact, I think suffering can be good for people. Or maybe I'm just a bitter loser who simply hates humanity. who cares? I'm still saying something. It's not like causes actually mean anything in psychology. You live in the now. Its about what you are doing now and not what happened then. The only thing people obsessed with past causes do is find causes so they can ultimately shift responsability away from them. They might even justify their behaviour based on this. Meanwhile others just do it to pathologize their enemies so they can easily and in good conscience dismiss their words. I'm probably guilty of that sometimes though I try not to be

          • 12 months ago

            Sure, in real life it's not the cause that matters, but we are just idly speculating about OP's situation here. All I initially meant to do was offer a broader/deeper perspective and an understanding beyond "wow, what a wacky incident, you should have given her le dick XD". It's a literature board, OP's greentext is a text informed by literary tradition, might as well look at it critically.

            What you're saying is generally correct of course, and if that girl wants to live a proper life she will have to acknowledge it eventually, but it doesn't mean one has to evaluate her with uncompromising hard-heartedness. Your points about responsibility (in terms of cultural ideology and in terms of seeking causes/explanations) reminds me of The Last Psychiatrist, you should read him if you haven't.

          • 12 months ago

            >You are seething and moronic...
            >usually due to shit parenting, and permitted by a delusional society...
            you sound like a cuck and in every time period and society there are reasons to make bad choices and it is always the fault of the individuals who choose them.

          • 12 months ago

            Ok anon. But by this logic you are solely responsible for any and all opportunities for social advancement that you’ve ever missed due to fear/laziness/mental weakness. If you can accept that sort of blame for your own situation, then you can blame a 12-15 year old girl for her own rape, have fun with that I guess.

            >but I never had any opportunities! It was over before it even started!!

            Fine, so your case is equivalent to that of a woman who gets raped without ever having invited undue attention. And yes, it does happen, to say otherwise would amount to the same sort of just-world fallacy that (understandably) makes incels so mad.

          • 12 months ago

            >But by this logic you are solely responsible for any and all opportunities for social advancement that you’ve ever missed due to fear/laziness/mental weakness.

          • 12 months ago

            Ok anon, just so long as you know that you deserve your own suffering to the same extent that they deserve theirs, i.e. inasmuch as you could have possibly done anything at all, however unrealistic and far-fetched, to avoid it; and any "potential" you had and lost is worse than worthless, it is an indictment of you and your failure - any potential you still have is valuable, of course, but only inasmuch as you have the strength to access it, and with every day a little bit more of it must necessarily either be realized or be lost forever. Potential in itself is nothing, anyone with any sense knows this.

            Just world fallacy makes no sense. It assumes people deserve anything at all. You do something and something happens to you. You cannot get into a situation without going there in some capacity yourself.

            >You cannot get into a situation without going there in some capacity yourself.

            Damn, this homie wasn't even born, he just decided to exist at a certain point in space and time under a certain set of circumstances... next level shit my homie

          • 12 months ago

            Are you, like, a determinist or something?

          • 12 months ago

            I just call 'em like I see 'em, and what I see, in almost every instance of human action I've ever observed, is an extremely strong correlation between the action and the person's genetics/upbringing. If your observation has not corresponded with that, lucky you, you see the world through a far more uplifting lens than I do. We can't prove any of this one way or another, of course, the discussion is idle. But if there was a magical machine that would tell us whether or not differences in action could be reliably associated with differences in circumstance, I know which outcome I would bet on.

          • 12 months ago

            I'm more concerned with the idea of responsibility, which determinism of course renders void. And who's to say causality is not just a construct of your imagination?
            But my point is, causes generally don't mean anything since you are the one who is ultimately doing the behaving. That's not to say some things are not beyond control

          • 12 months ago

            Just world fallacy makes no sense. It assumes people deserve anything at all. You do something and something happens to you. You cannot get into a situation without going there in some capacity yourself.

          • 12 months ago

            Gender roles are sexist…

            If a bawd is someone who is promiscuous, sleeps around alot, then describing a person who does that as that is accurate. Come one, it's like you don't know what words are. That rhino comparison made ansolutely zero sense. And yet I'm disengenuous apperantly

            Because you are just being sexist but disguising it under intellectualism. It is sexist to call someone the S word. Just like it is racist to call someone the N word. You can be as callous and as ‘logical’ as you want about it but I see right through that. You can choose what words you use and you choose to use a derogatory word to put down another person.

          • 12 months ago

            I don't think you see anything at all. I don't see the point in beating around the bush for the sake of worthless people that I have no respect for. I'm not disguising anything, I really hate humanity. You just are more sensible to when I criticize women because you suffer from the "women are wonderfull" effect. What a moron

          • 12 months ago

            False equivalence. Stop defending your sexist beliefs. When you get called out on it you get triggered

          • 12 months ago

            The only thing that triggers me is your stupidity. Sorry. Also, still no argument on your end. Regardless, I'm not a sexist

          • 12 months ago

            You have no argument. There is no argument to be had with someone who holds bigoted sexist beliefs

          • 12 months ago

            Keep saying it. You might believe it eventually.

          • 12 months ago

            No argument

        • 12 months ago

          You have a lot of sexist beliefs that are wrong and it is aggregating to read

          • 12 months ago


            Lol. Also I have to imagine you're trolling given where we are but alright go ahead, hit me with it, what incorrect sexist beliefs are evinced by that post? Just the thing about bawdtiness being a reaction to sex trauma, rather than some sort of enlightened rational hedonism? I don't have a mathematical proof for you, but come on now, I don't think any thinking person actually buys that line of bullshit that women totally love sleeping around the same way men do.

          • 12 months ago

            You are a fricking loser lmao

          • 12 months ago

            Straw man. Literally no argument.

          • 12 months ago

            Calling someone a sexist is also not an argument. You should also stop calling people buttholes or idiots because they are derogatory or something. You are incapable of critical thinking

          • 12 months ago


            False equivalence. Stop defending your sexist beliefs. When you get called out on it you get triggered

            You have sexist beliefs.

  12. 12 months ago

    Is it actually possible to engage midwits like this rather than coddling them?

    • 12 months ago

      >troll a woman by telling her she should be a slave
      >she reacts emotionally
      >a midwit

      Pretty normal human response tbh

      • 12 months ago

        The Greeks had slaves—freewomen were not the same as slaves.

  13. 12 months ago

    sounds like you have upper-middle-class parents (muh summer reader group) so i already hate you.
    Back in school i could only dream about conversations like these, people laughed at me just for reading books.
    Why so many people on IQfy seems to come of from rich urbanite backgrounds? Most celebrated IQfywriting is also full of blahblahblah look how educated and privilaged i am, so annoying

    • 12 months ago


  14. 12 months ago

    Fake and gay
    Go write your fanfiction somewhere else

  15. 12 months ago

    She wanted you to rape her you idiot

  16. 12 months ago

    >>she starts shoving me saying if men can dominate women then how come she can push me around
    >>she throws a cup of water in my face
    in my face

    • 12 months ago

      also fake and never happened

  17. 12 months ago

    Listen OP, I hate humanity, but don't you think you might be depressed? You could have handled it better without bruising yourself. Idk, maybe I just don't want you to be correct.

  18. 12 months ago

    A bit cringey anon, but good for you, I guess?

  19. 12 months ago

    Since nobody is without sin, I'd like to remind everyone that no one is truly "innocent" and people who get raped can often be people who contributed to this garbage heap of a society that we live in and created the rapist. Because ideology, being of most import, is, after all, not a ghost but composed of living people.

  20. 12 months ago

    >one lady screams and they tell me to get out
    >get a text telling me I am not welcome anymore in the group
    Completely based.
    You’re shoving your misogynistic, idiotic views in your group.
    Your ideas have no relation to the Iliad at all.

  21. 12 months ago

    The only reason why women say they do not like rape is because of sexist ideology. Because men do not like women who like rape, and they have to constantly appease and delude themselves to think otherwise.

    • 12 months ago

      >"i acquired rape fetish after being raped"
      >"when a car passes me I'm always wondering what if..."
      >"i want to be raped by a nasty man"
      >"i wish you broke into my house and raped me on my childhood bed"
      You can't imagine things women can say when you play into their idea of a man base as them.

      • 12 months ago

        Yeah, rape fetish generally comes from being raped, that's how the brain works. Kinda like how men who are raped at a young age tend to become gay. Not so much a "omg women so crazy and bad" thing as it is a "nature is deeply harsh and amoral" thing. Being outraged by those sorts of statements is as stupid as a feminist being outraged at how evil men are because they commit the vast majority of rapes. It's just how shit works, and every time I see someone get mad at the opposite sex about it, it just serves as an indication that that person has a very dull, pedestrian mind.

        • 12 months ago

          If roughly half (50%) of women have rape fetishes, and rape fetishes generally (>50%) come from being raped, that would require about 25% of women to have been raped. I think the better answer is that women just lust after the idea of rape regardless.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah this doesn’t logically controvert what I was saying, anon was implying that the fetish resulting from rape made it worse, not better. If I had to hazard a guess I would say that women being that way has to do with their foremothers in ancient or prehistoric times getting used to rape, and I would also say the explanation works the other way for men who still have the (psychologically repressed or not) desire to take women by force. Just another case of our animal reality peeking out from behind the civilized mask.

            I'm more concerned with the idea of responsibility, which determinism of course renders void. And who's to say causality is not just a construct of your imagination?
            But my point is, causes generally don't mean anything since you are the one who is ultimately doing the behaving. That's not to say some things are not beyond control

            I don’t think it should render responsibility void in any meaningful way, people who can’t participate properly in society have to be removed whether it’s “their fault” or not, it just means such things should be done with regret and sympathy rather than with self-righteousness. But it could never happen, humans are not built to bear that sort of apparent contradiction. Like I said I’m only reporting on how things appear to me - the causality question is what it is, obviously we can’t speak on that. And yes, again, this is all theoretical, I don’t lead my own life as if I have no choice but to do X, because to say that I could somehow know in advance what X is would be an absurdity, it’s a system that cannot be understood from within.

          • 12 months ago

            >people who can’t participate properly in society have to be removed whether it’s “their fault” or not, it just means such things should be done with regret and sympathy rather than with self-righteousness
            What's the meaningful difference?

            >But it could never happen, humans are not built to bear that sort of apparent contradiction
            You mean, the removing them with regret part can never happen?

            My point is still that I think the weight responsibility is heavier than most people think and if you want to live in a society that's not the garbage heap this one is you cannot let anyone off the hook. It's probably never going to happen because current humanity is a trash rodent whose natural environment is garbage.

          • 12 months ago

            >What's the meaningful difference?

            The difference is that it accords with what we can know of reality. It may or may not make any difference to the person on the receiving end of punishment, that's not really the point, the point is to follow one's conscience.

            But what you're talking about is different and more on the level of practical concerns, and I agree in that sense - people pretend that, e.g., pollution is the fault of some rich guy with a top hat and a monocle, and we just have to make the right laws to stop him, instead of taking responsibility for their own complicity as consumers. If that's the sort of thing you mean, then it's a parallel concern to what I'm talking about, the two points don't really contradict each other if each is restricted to its proper sphere.

            It could also be that prehistoric women just selected for aggressive men. I think Out of Eden talks about this

            Absolutely, I'm sure it is a combination of choices made by both sexes. All these discussions ultimately reduce to the unavoidable principle that neither sex can exist in any meaningful way without the other, nor can they get away with anything the other does not allow them to get away with (on the level of whole populations, of course some individuals will always be helpless).

          • 12 months ago

            >the two points don't really contradict each other if each is restricted to its proper sphere.
            The sphere can only be universal unless you are ok with contradictions, not that they matter. But yeah, this whole victim worship needs to be squished into the mud. Arguments in its favor are based purely on sensibilities made by weak people, aside from being often nonsensical. It's not like they are being punished even if someone were to make fun of their victimhood. Their whining will not take the pain away. The criminal is the one being punished, purely for the victim, in essence: vengence.
            >All these discussions ultimately reduce to the unavoidable principle that neither sex can exist in any meaningful way without the other
            It's too bad they hate each other and seek to dominate the other, never being wholly satisfied with the results, mindless and worse than cattle. Extreme bullying will not be enough to remedy this.

          • 12 months ago

            It could also be that prehistoric women just selected for aggressive men. I think Out of Eden talks about this

      • 12 months ago

        Many men are as base as them. Or did you expect these people to be anything more than cattle?

  22. 12 months ago

    >10% defending the Iliad
    >90% rant on women
    eh, I'll take it. Better than most woman threads here.

  23. 12 months ago

    An X-ist is, I think, someone who actively advocates for the enforcement of a certain conduct. I don't think women should be sex slaves or handmaids or whatever.

  24. 12 months ago

    Stupid frogposter

  25. 12 months ago

    I’m going to, for better or worse, assume this story is true. You have courage, anon. And the other anons are right, the girl was undoubtedly thinking about you. Disgust and lust actually are not as far from each other as one might think. I have seen, both from me personally and others, that when a guy makes a girl disgusted she weirdly finds him attractive at a later point. It’s bizarre, but women are not like us. If a man is disgusted by a woman, the result is usually long term. I still feel disgust from some girl from long ago. Again, women tend to be different. All that to say, don’t let women attack you. Learn to tame them without hurting them. Choke holds are a last resort, but might be better than not standing up for yourself.

    • 12 months ago

      You have sexist beliefs

      • 12 months ago

        Yes. Men and women are different, so I treat them as such. I generally treat women better. So yes, in a way I am very sexiest.

        • 12 months ago

          That is sexist

    • 12 months ago

      I don't think she was into him lol. I think she was just uncontrollably frothing mad that he murdered her delusional and hypocritical worldview in front of her. Not that these people have anything about them that's "controllable"
      I mean, how moronic to you have to be to seriously believe it's the rlusive patriatchy that makes men repress themselves and not act vulnerable instead of women, the ones they are constantly trying to impress just to get a crum of pussy. I mean, shit, people will find you unattractive simply for the way you speak and for being timid. Uncritical women will talk about wanting men to be vulnerable until the men actually start spilling their awkward and embarrassimg baggage to them. But that's just what liberation is all about.

      • 12 months ago

        I wasn’t there, so I can’t say for sure. What could have actually made her mad was that she liked him, and was angry that she did. Very common.

        • 12 months ago

          Unconsciously? As in, she was repressing?
          I don't think I want you to be correct because I don't want to think that women and humans in general are this delusional and worthless. And why would she even be interested in him after that? Even if that were the case, she'd never follow through with it because apperances, precepts and ideology always win out in the end

          • 12 months ago

            You are being sexist

          • 12 months ago

            How? I don't think she liked him.

          • 12 months ago

            Lots of people repress emotions. Not just women. We are still trying to understand how we think as humans, it’s a complex and not easily understood process.

          • 12 months ago

            I'd say it's impossible to understand for certain even your own intentions. You are not exactly impartial. No one is. Personally, I think psychoanal is pseudoscience and a waste of time.

  26. 12 months ago

    >creamy faced
    what does this even mean

    • 12 months ago

      Either pale or flawless face.

  27. 12 months ago

    Hmmm, I really like the interesting setting of this literotica draft, but the green text format is a weird choice; also, it's a bit of a loophole how she suddenly has a cup of water, that should be revised.

    • 12 months ago

      She was there for an hour, I didn't feel like explaining every detail. I got her to calm down for a few minutes and told her maybe I was wrong and she should just sit down and accept my apology. I got her some water and she was quiet for a while and apologized too and said she was really sorry for bothering me so late and that I was being really good about her flipping out like that, then I said I take it back, I was 100% right, and, well

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