Did I really just waste 4 years a useless degree?

What else can I do with my codecel degree? Can I still do other techbro shit or will it all be automated?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Yes. It's over. Time to become a plumber.

    • 2 months ago

      you can become a gay prostitute, just be the same huge homosexual you've been this far but start charging for it

      Why so rude?
      I’m not interested in trades btw. I want to be a techbro.

      • 2 months ago

        because this is a pointless moronic doomer thread. nobody has a crystal ball. maybe ai will plateau and it turns out it can only do brain-dead code or maybe all of humanity will be useless soon. we dont fricking know. do your best and stop asking people to tell you what to do unless you want to be swindled by some grifter.

      • 1 month ago

        Nobody is "interested in" trades, anon. But my pipes need fixing regardless.

    • 2 months ago

      take the mariopill

    • 1 month ago

      itsa mario time

      • 1 month ago

        I think it's more of the other "kind" of plumber, the backside type...

    • 1 month ago

      time to kill the rat israelite parasite bloodlines and inherent the fruits of western civ. you fricking moronic homosexual.

  2. 2 months ago

    you can become a gay prostitute, just be the same huge homosexual you've been this far but start charging for it

    • 1 month ago

      How does one get into this? I have been doing it for free and I really have no standards at all so I think I could do this.

  3. 2 months ago

    Don't worry about it bro, just forge ahead. If every programmer (myself included) is out of a job, then EVERY white collar worker is out of a job: Law, Business, Finance, Marketing, Medicine, Government, you name it. If it ever gets to that point, you'll see Universal Basic Income, and you'll be fine.
    Well, either that, or Molotovs flying through windows until all the Billionaires get the picture.

    • 2 months ago


      So who’s responsible when someone gets injured?
      There’s a difference between making a bot program some gay troony porn website and having it give medical advice

      • 2 months ago

        I don't mean the boots-on-the-ground folks like Nurses and Doctors, I mean all of the white collar workers who keep the rest of it running. Anybody sitting behind a desk at a hospital, really.

      • 2 months ago

        Oh, and AI will definitely be going after Pharmacists, too. And as for bad medical advice? They'll write it off as a business expense. The people making these decisions care about one thing, and one thing only: MONEY.

      • 2 months ago

        I don't mean the boots-on-the-ground folks like Nurses and Doctors, I mean all of the white collar workers who keep the rest of it running. Anybody sitting behind a desk at a hospital, really.

        >So who’s responsible when someone gets injured?

        AI can diagnostic better than doctors, and it will only get better, but yes, nurses will have a job... until we get Robo-nurses, which will be ideal because at least in my country the motherfrickers get so desensitize, a man won a case against a nurse from a hospital who laughed at him and said to her coworkers the dude was going to die, in from of him, fortunately the dude survived and sued her.

      • 1 month ago

        250k people die from medical malpratice every year in the US. After the way America reacted to a fentanyl addict taking a long nap on an afternoon in May a few years ago you'd think hospitals would be burning down everyday.
        But they're not. Don't worry, a fancy binary tree will kill just as much as any given doctor.

      • 1 month ago

        Just become the medicine’s carpenter - ortho ez

    • 2 months ago

      so far I've discovered these alternative paths
      >sysadmin, DevOps, SRE
      requires a human to blame and do stuff when shit hits the fan. AI will never replace this. It's also fricking boring and tedious, but the pay is pretty good
      AI can't fix all vulnerabilities and security problems, because like half of them are human errors. If anything, demand will increase with AI cause now a bot can do phishing better than any Pajeet ever could.
      The problem is that just like DevOps, it's painfully boring. Most cybersec jobs are nothing like in the movies.
      >product owner, scrum master
      most people in this role could've been replaced by a shitty script decades ago, but it's never gonna happen. ""Leadership"" is important in an organization because.. it just is ok?!

      >If every programmer (myself included) is out of a job, then EVERY white collar worker is out of a job: Law, Business, Finance, Marketing, Medicine, Government, you name it.
      that's not how it works. Every position you just named requires humans at every level due to legal/compliance reasons and just to have someone to blame. No such thing with codemonkeys who just graduated. Companies will continue needing senior devs to get requirements and communicate with stakeholders, but there will be almost no reason to hire any junior 99% of the time.

      >So who’s responsible when someone gets injured?

      AI can diagnostic better than doctors, and it will only get better, but yes, nurses will have a job... until we get Robo-nurses, which will be ideal because at least in my country the motherfrickers get so desensitize, a man won a case against a nurse from a hospital who laughed at him and said to her coworkers the dude was going to die, in from of him, fortunately the dude survived and sued her.

      it doesn't matter how much better the AI is at diagnosing. You need someone who's legally authorized to prescribe shit. You need board certifications, etc. The medical field has been guarded by oldgays in a sort of pseudo-union (more like an HOA for an entire field) for decades, that's why the entire med school meme exists. They will just refuse to give any certification to any bot, AIs will never be allowed to replace doctors. Engineers might be able to do the same thing with the PE license, so no matter what happens they'll be safe.
      Meanwhile, devs are slowly programming themselves out of a job with no protections whatsoever.

      • 2 months ago

        you moron if programming can be automated then this thing is self sustaining and can program itself into AI.
        since that didn't happen immediately(see any mushroom clouds in the vicinity?) it is logical to infer it's not that good.

        • 2 months ago

          >you moron if programming can be automated then this thing is self sustaining and can program itself into AI.
          yes and? you don't need to fully automate programming with genius tier AI to make 99% of juniors/midlevels useless. You can just make som. It just has to be good enough and have a senior or two tard-wrangle the thing. And obviously it's improving. It's already very, very close to "good enough to replace junior codemonkeys" tier. Hell, it might have already been good enough by GPT 3.5 if it hadn't been lobotomized by alignment bullshit.
          >since that didn't happen immediately(see any mushroom clouds in the vicinity?) it is logical to infer it's not that good.
          It doesn't have to be that good.

          DALLE-3 (free) and Stable Diffusion (free and open source) were good enough to frick up a huge part of the illustrator/art industry.
          AI translation is already good enough to make Duolingo lay off most of it staff, leaving a few contract workers to correct its mistakes. This is what awaits us as soon as AI can program well enough for seniors to feel productive giving it instructions and doing some code review.

          • 1 month ago

            it's happening in EVERY industry. AI is a personal computer tier innovation.
            there will be 1 lost generation that will always feel confused(you).the generation above you will not be bothered by it coz they will be too senior for it to matter and the generation below you will understand it perfectly coz the educational tools will have caught up.
            it is what it is.

          • 1 month ago

            This is just the time to decide if you're going to be a moronic boomer who is left in the dust or not. If you're like 30ish right now, you can either double down and claim AI will never change anything and 20 years from now be a "how do I open pdf" tier old-tard, or you can embrace it and learn it as hard as you can on a level that casual aislop 12 year olds won't keep up with and be one of the ones who come out on top since you've been using AI since the start.

          • 1 month ago

            yep i'm already seeing my friends brains calcify as they're unable to understand prompt engineering and how to figure out where AI would fit into their workflow.
            i'm sure i have blindspots just the same coz of my age that i don't see but atleast i'm not going the "REEE AI MUST BE BANNED UNIONS STOP THIS" route some copers have picked up.

          • 1 month ago

            What does your age has to do with anything? It's about a mindset.

          • 1 month ago

            It's a mindset but you know perfectly well that young people very often fall into the "new thing good" mindset and are excited about learning new technologies and ideas, for better or worse even if its zogslop ideas or technologies like phone apps. Older people on the other hand very often fall into "new thing bad" or at least "old thing better" and feel and act like they already know everything they're ever going to be about age 30. In fact this is almost the default way to live, you have to actively fight against it as you get older to not be totally passive and to keep your eyes open for new things.

          • 1 month ago

            >the generation below you will understand it perfectly coz the educational tools will have caught up.

            is this pubic education you talking about?

      • 2 months ago

        , DevOps, SRE
        >requires a human to blame and do stuff when shit hits the fan. AI will never replace this. It's also fricking boring and tedious, but the pay is pretty good

        If it is boring and tedious then that is the first job that is going to be replaced especially considering how less complex it is than actually coding for business requirements

        • 2 months ago

          >it is boring and tedious then that is the first job that is going to be replaced
          why? LLMs are mostly taking over the fun jobs e.g. problem solving/reasoning (slowly but getting there), art, music, movies, writing, translating, etc.
          >less complex
          it still requires a human in the loop cause it's about infrastructure. That's why there's an on-call rotation. It doesn't sound like you understand what these jobs entail

          • 1 month ago

            >it still requires a human in the loop cause it's about infrastructure. That's why there's an on-call rotation. It doesn't sound like you understand what these jobs entail

            The last few projects I worked these guys did nothing more that deploying builds we asked them to. There was just 1 project where these guy actually monitored shit and would troubleshoot if there were any potential issues.

            Still it is not something that looks too complex that cannot be automate by AI before coding tasks

      • 1 month ago

        >You need a piece of paper to prevent you from being automated
        kekekekekek and to think most of you homosexuals look down on PHD's. Who's laughing now

    • 2 months ago

      which means people will be in poverty like they were in the soviet union - breadlines, woohoo

    • 2 months ago

      white people are the most cucked race. you're getting replaced as we speak - if not you, your children. you're not going to throw any molotovs because you all have been fat and comfortable for too long.

      • 2 months ago

        caring about race is pointless at this stage, humans in the future will look nothing like any human alive today thanks to literally unprecedented technological selection pressures

        • 1 month ago

          The main effect of technology is (a) to provide even the dumbest people with birth control and (b) to make marriage and childbirth economically irrational. That means that asians will go extinct, blacks will follow once welfare gets phased out for ghetto queens, and only whites will remain b/c of our combination of irrationality and intelligence

      • 2 months ago

        >white people are the most cucked race.
        While this is true, it's not worth ruining your life over a software job that isn't directly in danger yet. 3rd wolders get to riot because their lives are shit already so who cares, American blacks get to riot because they want to steal shit and had OJ immunity for a while there. If a few thousand majority white nerds got together to protest their jobs the government would drop a nuke on them within 2mins whilst the media runs hog wild with a white supremacy campaign. Really the only way to protest something like this is if everyone's job is in danger but at that point it's too late.

      • 1 month ago

        Over 4 generations of hostile legislation and propaganda will do that. The amount of energy and funding that currently goes into it proves that an aura of fear and threat still exists coming from the top-down.

        They would be doing the same to other racial groups if they weren't completely cooked by default with slave NPC minds easily hooked on vices and collectively submissive to anyone claiming a position of authority (or if they had a long history and rivalry with israelites)

    • 2 months ago

      Who installed the datacenter, Ethernet wires, plug in the electrical outlet, pay the bills?
      Humans. Call me when robots manage an entire company

      • 2 months ago

        >it's not a threat because it can't manage companies by itself!
        think about how far we've come in a few years for this to be the cope now

      • 2 months ago

        AI can easily manage a company, since all it means its sending emails, authorizing decisions, approving purchases, etc

        • 2 months ago

          you just need a neural network that optimizes the profit function

          • 2 months ago

            what do you think blackrock embraced years ago?

      • 1 month ago

        >Who installed the datacenter, Ethernet wires, plug in the electrical outlet, pay the bills?
        not the programmers. And they didn't have a programmer's salary
        >Call me when robots manage an entire company
        damn the goalpost moving keeps getting more and more ridiculous. Remember a year ago when everyone said "call me when it can interpret business requirements and write a ticket"? lol

      • 1 month ago

        darpa will take care of it, next question.

    • 1 month ago

      Lmao you homosexuals are so pathetic. You went all in on your wageslavery (autism form) and now that you risk getting forcefully knocked out of your high horse you have to cope by pretending you're essential and superior to all the actual essential professions. Fact is, 90% of the programmers today are incomparably worse than the guys we had pre 2005 or so, and most of the remaining ones are hobbyists. If you really were good enough, you guys wouldn't be so scared and insecure, making anti AI posts all the time. Remember when artists on twitter were crying about AI a year ago and you laughed at them? That's (you) now.

    • 1 month ago

      You're wrong

      You can't replace human to human interaction, nor decision making. But you can replace 100 people writing code with a person who just reviews it

      AI can't replace leadership positions yet, but it can replace the people under the leadership

      • 1 month ago

        >AI can't replace leadership positions yet, but it can replace the people under the leadership

        AI can definitely replace a ton of project managers. I know because I've done it. You just point the AI at the project docs and ticket system and ask for a summary. Then get the AI to write emails/chat sessions asking for status updates and return the summary. Generating bullshit is exactly what current AI is good at.

    • 1 month ago

      Law, Medicine and Government careers (at least in the USA) are protected by some of the biggest, most powerful rent-seeking lobbies on earth. They are far more resistant to automation than anything CS related.

    • 1 month ago

      Lmao no. You gays are fricking screwed. I'm not. I have to handle way too much stuff in meatspace. Bye bye!

  4. 2 months ago

    I <3 DEVIN

    • 1 month ago

      me on the bottom

  5. 2 months ago

    >shill thread
    shill thread

    • 2 months ago


  6. 2 months ago

    If you spent four years to get a degree instead of learning how to program, then yes, you're fricked. Not because of AI though. Codemonkey jobs have been going away even before AI became the newest trend.

    • 2 months ago

      >no one wants to hire you because you don’t have a degree

      • 2 months ago

        He's saying you need both.

    • 2 months ago

      Implying that you can get any job because of your competency instead of networking. How about you get out of your basement moron?

    • 2 months ago

      >implying any desk jobs have skills that cannot be learnt on the job

      4 years of higher education is a waste of time when information is so freely available

  7. 2 months ago

    Right it’s going the way mechanical engineering did when that died off when we could simulate models in matlab or CAD programs… wait

  8. 2 months ago

    learn 2 weld

  9. 2 months ago

    I major in psychology, believe me you could have wasted in a worse way, just keep on improving.

    • 2 months ago

      My first degree was in psych, and my latest is in CS. That’s two strikes. Never going back to school again.

      • 2 months ago

        My God, dude... and you probably never even got laid.

        • 2 months ago

          While in school? I did a couple times, but they were from Craigslist casual encounters (RIP).

          • 2 months ago

            That "casual encounters" section is gone now too, isn't it? I got smart outside of gayass skeww and I still can't get pussy. Harder than a degree by far.

          • 1 month ago

            >Craigslist casual encounters (RIP)
            When craigslist personals went down that really marked the beginning of the end. It's been over for mankind since that day.

          • 1 month ago


          • 1 month ago

            i got laid so much from there, was sad to see it go

          • 1 month ago


            i got laid so much from there, was sad to see it go

            >tfw socopathic geeklords on IQfy can get laid and you still at body count zero even though you're hot

          • 1 month ago

            i might be sociopathic but im athletic and fricked a lot back in the day lol... studies show girls tend to like sociopaths - they get the 'ick' from nice guys

          • 1 month ago

            >tfw nice guy
            >tfw I can totally confirm this is true
            We really do finish last.

            Lmao you homosexuals are so pathetic. You went all in on your wageslavery (autism form) and now that you risk getting forcefully knocked out of your high horse you have to cope by pretending you're essential and superior to all the actual essential professions. Fact is, 90% of the programmers today are incomparably worse than the guys we had pre 2005 or so, and most of the remaining ones are hobbyists. If you really were good enough, you guys wouldn't be so scared and insecure, making anti AI posts all the time. Remember when artists on twitter were crying about AI a year ago and you laughed at them? That's (you) now.

            Frick off, A.I.

          • 1 month ago

            One of my worst heartbreaks was because I was nice to a woman. And this is a woman who I tried saving from a shitty situation because I genuinely cared about her. Despite this she started dating the opportunistic guy who was completely disrespectful to me when I approached her. She knows I would never fricking do this to other guys, I would shake their hands and try to meet them. I instantly turned against them both, called her a b***h and let's just say she runs away from me now in fear of retaliation. I'm no longer a nice guy obviously. This does inherently prove that women are inherently evil creatures who are out to get men. And even they know this subconsciously when they treat us like shit over being nice to them.

          • 1 month ago

            Go to single mixers events then, the ratio of women is higher for these events in USA

          • 1 month ago

            girls love sociopaths

    • 1 month ago

      Aren't psychologists immune to AI? You're safe

  10. 2 months ago

    Market's in a dip and because of the coincidental simultaneous emergence of some impressive neural network toys everyone is panicking.
    Relax. Make sure your actual practical programming skills are solid. Keep looking and keep applying. Market will pick up eventually.

  11. 2 months ago

    how are people not freaking out about this

    • 2 months ago

      Its still in the hype phase so its easier to dismiss this as a threat. It isnt really clearly when this will actually start to replace actual SWE jobs.

      Could be couple of years, 5 years, no more than a decade if we are being very generous. That lack of clarity makes it unclear how imminent of a threat this actually is

    • 2 months ago

      It's not good enough to be used on its own, and it's ludicrously expensive to use as an assistant to an already expensive turd worlder.
      For some context, those AI developers are usually multiple GPT4 agents that divide the task into roles -- Manager, solution architect, developer, tester, etc. Each one communicates with the others and does jobs on its own. The problem is not the cost of the output per se, but the cost of the input. To work, those bots need an absurd amount of context. Each request, the context is paid individually (for GPT4 it's 10$ per million tokens, and for Opus, it's 15$).
      To solve a simple bug, on a big project, it might cost you 200-300$ depending on how much those bots communicate. After that, a human would also have to go and double check anyway.
      Now think about it being able to solve only 13% of tasks. It fails 87% of the time and takes 200$ on the low-end. Idk, doesn't seem that scary yet. Either that, or I'm mad coping

      • 1 month ago

        all tech boils down to "do we have the power to run this?"
        AI tech runs super hot, energy consumption is up across the board in ALL countries - power grids are def gonna get strained once general purpose AI starts coming onto the scene.
        same reason why robots haven't taken over factories completely yet - they're super power hungry to run and it's cheaper to just hand a chinese kid a soldering iron

    • 1 month ago

      because it's all marketing hype, just the latest tech grift that will pan out into a bad joke in a few years
      "lmao remember when people thought autocomplete was going to replace all jobs FRICKING KEK"


      What else can I do with my codecel degree? Can I still do other techbro shit or will it all be automated?

      You only feel worried because you're too new to know that there's no way a fricking chat bot could ever replace the actual work involved.

      • 1 month ago

        the trips stand for triple cope

      • 1 month ago

        >trips of truth

        the trips stand for triple cope

        oh shut up rajesh and/or chang, writing code is already the final and most trivial step of software engineering, your garbage chat bot can't do anything except shit out existing solutions to common problems and it will never be able to do more than that and you know it

        • 1 month ago

          massive doube cope.
          >the final and most trivial step of software engineering
          it's literally ALL junior devs do you moron. Stop larping, you're not even in the industry yet if you don't know this. Understanding and discussing business requirements with stakeholders (which GPT can already do, it just can't argue one way or another as it's designed to be a sycophantic yesbot), high level design stuff, sitting in meeting after meeting listening to bullshit, code review, that's what seniors do. I had more varied and interesting duties as a fricking intern that I did as a real entry level. Codemonkey busywork is left to the juniors. What is AI good at RIGHT NOW? Codemonkey busywork. Why would Goldberg hire OP or any new grad?
          >and it will never be able to do more than that
          numerous papers have shown that LLMs can generalize. They're just really bad at it right now. The "it's just overfitting!!! muh stochastic parrot!!" cope has been debunked many times already.
          Companies are investing trillions of dollars into this shit. We already have various possible paths towards almost scifi tier AI with actually good reasoning capabilities. The easiest one (but not the only one) being just continuing to scale the shit we already have, which has yet to hit the so-called plateau you coping downplayers have been predicting since GPT 3.

          if you wanna larp as a super competent senior who has nothing to worry about go ahead and do so but stop feeding your copium to new grads like OP, they are most likely fricked.

        • 1 month ago

          you are probably replying to some chatbot already, these aiaiaiaiai spams are really tiring
          >chatgpt still can't do basic arithmetic
          aiaiai is like fusion power and self driving cars. Just around the corner bro. We just need to believe a little more bro. I, for one, will be at the point where the puck is going, consulting for failed aiaiaiai projects

      • 1 month ago

        What do you think that our puny human brains can do that a computer can't? Once simple problem solving is trivialized into a computer, there will be no way for humans to compete.

        • 1 month ago

          Create, innovate, imagine, discuss, design, decide, basically everything that isn't just memorization and regurgitation of common solutions to existing problems (which is all "AI" actually is and ever will be).

          • 1 month ago

            >Create, innovate, imagine, discuss, design, decide, basically everything that isn't just memorization and regurgitation of common solutions to existing problems

            All things that can be trivialized by AI. You think an AI that can do billions of computations per second can't come up with ideas that would've taken humans weeks in fractions of a sec? What you're describing is already something even GPT-4 can do at a small scale, even if it's just seemingly regurgitating stuff right now.

          • 1 month ago

            It takes computers billions of resources just to merely becomes a glorified search engine and language mimicry and it will takes a trillion more to even come close to a human. You're delusional if you think AIs are even capable of 10% of that whole process, the results are going to be a disjointed mess that makes no sense whatsoever.

          • 1 month ago

            You're underestimating how fast research is moving on this field. The days of ChatGPT as a glorified search engine are counted. Right now, LLMs just predict words. They are just a next token prediction, hence they are stupid. But they can be more than that. Sitting in a ClosedAI lab is something they call q*, which can predict entire sentences and come up with its own thinking patterns to tune itself, which is exactly what you described.

          • 1 month ago

            >You're underestimating how fast research is moving on this field
            Wrong there's barely been any progress since the 1930's

          • 1 month ago

            AI was solved in 1956

          • 1 month ago

            It takes computers billions of resources just to merely becomes a glorified search engine and language mimicry and it will takes a trillion more to even come close to a human. You're delusional if you think AIs are even capable of 10% of that whole process, the results are going to be a disjointed mess that makes no sense whatsoever.

            the human connectome performs about 3*10^17 operations per second. That's how much processing is required to get to about human level

            You're underestimating how fast research is moving on this field. The days of ChatGPT as a glorified search engine are counted. Right now, LLMs just predict words. They are just a next token prediction, hence they are stupid. But they can be more than that. Sitting in a ClosedAI lab is something they call q*, which can predict entire sentences and come up with its own thinking patterns to tune itself, which is exactly what you described.


          • 1 month ago

            A good portion of it is used for useless stuff like emotions. We are not concerned about computational efficiency or logic, we are flawed.

          • 1 month ago

            Emotions are a crucial part of creativity. Are you a 15 yo redditor or something?

  12. 2 months ago

    if programming is your job, it's time to pivot to something else, plenty of other roles in IT
    >but surely AI won't get any better from here
    would you bet your life on it?

    • 2 months ago

      >if programming is your job, it's time to pivot to something else, plenty of other roles in IT

      Like what? I dont see how AI wouldnt replace all IT roles within a decade

      • 2 months ago

        it's kicking the can down the road, but you can still pivot in the meantime
        not hard to go from CS codemonkey to sysadmin or cybersec, if you can't get certed within 2 years this field was never for you anyways

        • 2 months ago

          I think this will get oversaturatewd because everyone thinks this is the only secure IT job now

    • 1 month ago

      What if i like programming but hate IT. Though devin wont ever replace the level of work i do.

  13. 2 months ago

    Yep pretty much, I’m in the same boat. I’ve been grinding for several years now just to witness the tech job market quickly deteriorate. It’s a b***h but that’s how capitalism works when scientific breakthroughs occur. It’ll all fix itself after several years. Many of us will kill ourselves, while most will just change occupations to being drywallers or something. Only a select few hardcore programmers will remain after a few more years of this. It’s funny though seeing the anons with 5+ yoe who are currently bragging and thinking they’re safe kek.

  14. 2 months ago

    Yes it's too late, learn to drive and drone

  15. 2 months ago

    no, I honestly thought it was fricking over until I use some """AIs""" for some fast translating recently, they're fricking terrible at it and need to be handheld by me on every paragraphs despite predictive language being their main functions. I expected this to be no different at all and most of it are a grift that people haven't caught onto yet.
    >Verification not required.

    • 2 months ago

      honestly all AI does is raise the floor of quality. since AI can get to an arbitrary cutoff - let's say a smart teenager - now all work must be better than that quality to have any value.
      the inability of AI to polish itself means there will always be work to do if only in weaponising and making competing AI tech.
      ofc it also will increase customer's moronation and their expectation of "oh AI can do it so why should i pay you?"

    • 2 months ago

      > I use some """AIs""" for some fast translating recently, they're fricking terrible at it and need to be handheld by me on every paragraphs
      what language? did you use an actually good model like GPT-4? even older, free shit like Deepl is fricking god tier by now.
      Duolingo fired all its translators for a reason.

      Market's in a dip and because of the coincidental simultaneous emergence of some impressive neural network toys everyone is panicking.
      Relax. Make sure your actual practical programming skills are solid. Keep looking and keep applying. Market will pick up eventually.

      Claude is THIS smart and it's probably gonna look moronic by the time GPT-5 is out.
      You can't guarantee that the market will pick up eventually.

  16. 2 months ago

    you shouldn't see a degree as a way to get money but instead a goal you've achieved that gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment

    • 2 months ago

      You’re right. That sense of pride and accomplishment keeps food on the table and a roof over my head.

    • 1 month ago

      it is a waste of time but i can still make my own game and get rich from it.....

      im like a month away from finishing uni and i dont feel proud of anything
      other than the one off time i wont a competitive programming competition in uni

  17. 2 months ago

    Degrees require minimal effort though, at least if you go to WGU like me. I only needed to learn the basics like writing a C++ program that converts celsius to fahrenheit. Academia is all very dumbed down. The rest of the time I experiment with ComfyUI trying to figure out how to fine tune.
    Instead of learning to program I will learn how to make AI program for me while I play vidya. It's an exciting time to be entering the industry.

    • 1 month ago

      I about to start at WGU, but I have to decide this week whether I want to go for computer science or software engineering. Which one should I choose? This is my last chance to get out of construction before I off myself.



      • 1 month ago

        Never go for software engineering degrees like that. Doesn't matter where you are in the world.
        CS teaches the background and theory neccessary to make modern software work.
        SE degrees are the same practical stuff anyone learns on the job or as a hobby (youtube is your friend). It is much harder to learn the deeper CS stuff unless you are a very good autodidact.

        As long as you are a junior or you work as a codemonkey the difference won't look like much. However it will show as soon as you get into the meat of things. After a CS degree you will have a much better ability to form abstractions and apply math in a practical setting.

        • 1 month ago

          I about to start at WGU, but I have to decide this week whether I want to go for computer science or software engineering. Which one should I choose? This is my last chance to get out of construction before I off myself.



          I forgot. If you just want to get a degree then the SE one will be much easier than the CS one. This is almost guaranteed.

          • 1 month ago

            I know that just having either degree, without any professional experience, is going to make it very difficult to get my first job. I'm hoping that I'll be able to do an internship towards the end of either program. I'm just torn over what to pick.

      • 1 month ago

        by the time you finish your degree, it will be completely over for juniors, and if that weren't enough you'll be a debt slave to mr shekelberg with any student loans you take out
        you won't even be able to get your foot in the door to start building a career when everyone is using GPT6 agents to implement code from the specifications of senior devs instead of neophytes they have to babysit like you
        construction, at least, will last a bit longer as it will take time for robots to catch up

        • 1 month ago

          What about IT?
          What about doing a bootcamp and get a code monkey job quickly (I'm talking by the end of 2024 or early 2025), and acquire experience there while doing an online CS degree so that I can say I have a bachelor's when applying to mid level positions later on?

      • 1 month ago

        get the frick out of there dude, CS is fricked, if you have construction experience you should be going in for either some kind of engineering like civil or architectural that is relevant to your existing work experience, or just do Business right out and try to get some bullshit office job after graduation. CS is already O V E R for today's graduates, it's going to be even worse in another 4 years worth of 2 weeks.

        • 1 month ago

          You're full of shit. IT is going strong

  18. 2 months ago

    >ai - rewind, playback
    if you were to make something relatively novel, blockchain web in emojiscript, it would be useless in that realm. it is only useful in reducing expenses for oligarchs.

  19. 2 months ago

    Nobody will lose a job. 95% jobs are already useless. It's just a game so we can determine how to distribute resources. It will go on because nobody can come up with a better idea.

    • 2 months ago

      Probably right

    • 2 months ago

      braindead take, corporate interests take precedence over your survival
      the second they can replace you or lay you off, they will

  20. 2 months ago

    Devin announcement looked to me like nothing but a badly edited demo video of someone trying to build a product off AutoGPT / RAG and Chain-of-Thought techniques. There's nothing here models haven't been doing already. They don't appear to even have their own model. Their website is such absolute trash it's tempting to wonder if they had Devin build it.

  21. 2 months ago

    ha ha, should've learned coal mining homosexual

  22. 2 months ago

    Wasn't Devin already debunked as a complete scam? Even chatgpt is pretty shit for problems that aren't boilerplate tier or regex

  23. 1 month ago

    The writing is on the wall, to be honest.
    When SD first rolled out everyone made fun of artists losing their jobs which never came to pass because they are a small cheap labor force that functions as a value multiplier to an existing operation with small team numbers (Never seen any artist team bigger than 10 except in old animated movies).
    When these LLM models came out, everyone realized the potential for these models to create and manipulate code and every investor has dollars for eyes for such a product.
    Because all tech workers are an insane drain on corporation resources, they are incomprehensibly expensive and superbly fickle, because there was so much demand, they changed teams on the flip of a coin. This "AI SWE" product is the ticket for thousands of companies to productivity IF it is legit, which I think is not...for now.

  24. 1 month ago

    You never needed a degree to write code, that's one of the biggest scams colleges sell you.

    • 1 month ago

      it's not exactly a scam, it's an artificial wall created by HR stacies

      • 1 month ago

        A degree doesn't improve your chance to get a job, not as much as experience does.

        • 1 month ago

          but it's better than no degree and no experience.
          I don't know how I would've gotten experience in the first place without my internships, all of which required being a full time CS student

          • 1 month ago

            >I don't know how I would've gotten experience in the first place without my internships, all of which required being a full time CS student

            Github, freelancing, hacking, volunteering, hackatons, signing up for clubs, etc... Just because these are integrated into CS curriculums does not mean it's not possible without a degree. Everything they sell in you in uni, even down to networking, you can do it all without a degree.

          • 1 month ago

            And you can specialize without a degree as well. As simple as researching something, designing something neat, then going on LinkedIn and sending a message to recruiters in that field.

          • 1 month ago

            >Github, freelancing,
            many employers find this worthless without a degree. Especially freelancing cause you can lie about it.
            >hacking, volunteering, hackatons, signing up for clubs
            most of these require being a college student to participate, especially clubs. Hackathons are often in teams of 2 or more, how do you get teammates without classmates?
            >Just because these are integrated into CS curriculums does not mean it's not possible without a degree.
            I guess it depends on where you live and the timeframe. Where I'm from, any "networking" events outside of college are comprised of 99% clueless MBA-type morons who aren't even interested in programming.
            It used to be easier, and what you're describing used to be possible. Remember when any bootcamp grad could get a 6 figure job? That pretty much dissappared over the last 6 years. The market is extremely competitive now. Even if you're lucky enough to network, go to hackathons, etc. all by yourself, Linda from HR still wants that diploma

          • 1 month ago

            >Where I'm from, any "networking" events outside of college are comprised of 99% clueless MBA-type morons who aren't even interested in programming.

            I'm not referring to just networking events, but any place where you can reach and connect with them. LinkedIn, IG, etc... There's also meetup. To get the job, you just shake hands with the right people, after proving your skills to them of course. You only do all this initially to get your foot in the door. And there's a million different ways to go about it, and it's easier than spending 4 years at an institution. Even I was a fool back then. After this, you have the experience, and that HR roastie will prefer 4 years of experience over none and a degree.

          • 1 month ago

            Nah you're moronic. Guess who's gonna to be laid off first, once your boss wants to cut corners. morons without a diploma.

    • 1 month ago

      You need a degree to network and get experience through internships, something all the hackathons and other meme shit you listed will never get you. Cope.
      Also i’m not a muttBlack person so I go to uni for free, not sure how that makes it a scam.

  25. 1 month ago

    >What else can I do with my codecel degree
    Get a job? Just go for government/defence position, unless you're a currycel (aka not a citizen), you're basically guaranteed a comfy, ok-paying job. Rock up when you want, leave when you want, walk down to the cafe for a coffee whenever. Then you jump ship to the private sector, if you want 2-3x the pay

  26. 1 month ago

    This shit will never be able to code

    • 1 month ago

      Lets assume Devin AI isnt up to it. Microsoft has already published a paper for AutoDev with same features.This is now inevitable and will happen sooner rather than later

    • 1 month ago
      • 1 month ago

        >imagine in a few years everyone will be paying with crypto, fiat money is dead and banks are going out of business

        just the regular hype cycle, venture capital will not magically transfer to your pockets without putting on a scam

        • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago
  27. 1 month ago

    You did not. Dont allow blackpilled IQfy nocoders to make you feel sad. You will be fine.

  28. 1 month ago


  29. 1 month ago

    Maybe. Did you work your ass off during those 4 years?

    This is just the breaking point that will separate those who did jack all during university from people who actually accomplished something, tech or behavior wise.

    The market is going to be super shit to all new grads, but it will be less to those who put in more work. If you feel you're currently replaceable but such shitty, initial prototype LLMs, then you 100% need to put in more work.

    • 1 month ago

      I worked my butt off, but guess what? I went to a shitty university with shitty professors who didn’t bother to prepare me for the real world. I did everything right, but they were wrong.

      • 1 month ago

        all professors are shitty and won't prepare you for the real world no matter what university you go to

  30. 1 month ago

    You're all going to rope when they choose to release GPT-5, just saying. My company was shown a demo recently. I sincerely hope they dumb it down for public use.

    • 1 month ago

      will it be able to handle all life administration tasks for me? And go out and get an income for me? 'cuz that would be swell

      • 1 month ago

        It's agentic and can reason within an extremely large context window, and by that I mean abstract reasoning, i.e. mathematics. It makes Claude 3 and Gemini look like GPT-2. And that's only scratching the surface. I strongly suspect those robotics startups like Figure that seemingly cropped up overnight are already using it.

        All I can say is, the tech bros and futurists were right. It's either completely over or a renaissance for mankind.

        • 1 month ago

          big if true

  31. 1 month ago

    Big "AI" will fail. It's already hit the limits of its capabilities since the available training data is well-utilised by existing models. These companies are extremely unprofitable.

  32. 1 month ago

    We need to become luddites.

  33. 1 month ago

    Talking firsthand as a senior dev with 20+ years of experience, streamlining AI use in my team...

    Code monkey jobs are already dead, as I'd even today never give out a job to some monkey which would steal 1 hour of my time explaining it 3 times to them how to make it work correctly.

    For me it is simply more efficient to rapidly iterate with Copilot and generate a roughly the same snippet in five minutes of my guidance and tweaks.

    A code monkey using AI is instantly capable of delivering something a 5+ years of experience would deliver 2 years ago. Use it or get the frick out, we seniors will smell that from a mile away because the delivered code quality difference is so enormous you can never fake it by doing it yourself. I will see it at once when I see your PR if it was AI enhanced, or just a dumb monkey trash I'd need to reject back 3 times to get it even to be half decent, wasting everyone's time in the process (again going back to my previous point, it is at that point just faster to do it myself, babysitting AI for 5 minutes instead of an idiot luddite - refusing to use AI - for 1 hour).

    The person who would long term consistently refuse to use AI correctly in his code delivery would be the first one I'd candidate to get fired away, as they are wasting so much of my time, their wage has became 300% more expensive counting how much of my time they burned which company still needs to pay for.

    p.s.: Everyone thinking you need a degree: YOU DO NOT. I have dropped out of college and said frick you to all those losers who have no idea how real world programming looks. I earn in a month more than my "professors" earn in the whole year. Money talks. You just go on linkedin, prove you can deliver great shit, and get hired, no one ever asked me for my degree. NEVER. Skip the human resource garbage, they are from companies who don't care about your actual quality and will NEVER be able to pay your worth.

    • 1 month ago

      You almost definitely make too much money and your company would save a lot of money by firing you and replacing you with three or four prompters.

      • 1 month ago

        But because I know your company secrets and project strategy I can create my army (already working on it actually) of Agent code monkeys, which will outperform all your prompters at covering all your business cases delivering it in half the time to the market. Now what?

        Better to stay in line.

    • 1 month ago

      Why didn't you start a multi-million dollar business while finishing your college degree? Too lazy to work *and* study huh? Maybe just not skilled enough to multitask

  34. 1 month ago

    All this AI shit is incredibly gay. It will replace junior devs to the point of no company willing to take a risk on anyone who hasn't had several years of professional experience. When the senior devs finally retire we'll be left with a workforce that has no professional experience because junior roles will be gone. What happens when there's a problem that AI can't parse a dataset to solve? When are people going to realize that all this AI technology is just hype for stocks and all the people investing are just in it for the money or to cut more of their workforce out? It's the same people who are obsessed with needless DevSecFinDataResOps jargon or morons who moved their entire company a Cloud without understanding anything about it. We're going to get bullshit "AI prompter" jobs that are a bigger joke than then "DevOps-but-it's-really-just-a-Black person-doing-IAM-account-permissions-all-day" positions.

  35. 1 month ago

    I'm using GPT4 to make tools way above my knowledge. Keep telling yourself this thing won't replace you lol.

    • 1 month ago

      What tools are you making? What do they do?

      • 1 month ago

        Automated object detection on videos, vector database, emotion analysis from text with complex formulas, etc. It would take me ages to learn how to write a tenth of the stuff it outputs.

        • 1 month ago

          Wait, are you really using it to make tools or is it just importing the yolo library and hooking you up with mongodb? If you're using a vector database with LLM, you can totally get the same results with metadata and a lot of conditional statements.

          • 1 month ago

            I'm making tools from scratch using basic libraries most of these are >500 loc. Vector databases are useful for similarity search, conditional statements can only get you so far.

          • 1 month ago

            How do you think I started doing my shit? I searched online and copy pasted random crap I had no idea what it is about until it worked.

            Now AI just makes this process faster and sticks together crap that works 95% of what you want. It is always the last few percent that fricks you up, this never changed in last 20 years.

  36. 1 month ago

    you incels are hopeless, LLM just filters out the tards, there i plenty to work if you have skills, but muh piton uwu. Python is scripting, a 56 yo guy at my company writes python scripts. Rest of us write C like real men.

  37. 1 month ago

    Wasted 4 years on a degree is the real answer

    Why can't I do this or that is the proper question

  38. 1 month ago

    where the frick is the AI programmer??? they've been saying exponential growth for years now and the best they got solves 13% of the tasks?

    Where the frick is the AI programmer I've been waiting for to make my software??!?! I'm stil tormented by having to code on my own

  39. 1 month ago

    >simple vector movement problem
    >GPT4 and Opus shit the bed constantly and lie about it
    GPT6 will probably replace me, but we've got a ways to go.

  40. 1 month ago

    Came looking for a thread on this


    Im not computer guy, but isnt this the end of most jobs in general?

    • 1 month ago

      Also Nvidia is making domestic robots, so tradegays in shambles


  41. 1 month ago

    I am in same boat. I feel like I got scammed. Pic related is real I took it myself

  42. 1 month ago

    >Did I really just waste 4 years a useless degree?

    No, but israelites wasted 3000 years trying to defeat God. Building and promoting AI under false pretenses will be yet another crime punished on Judgment Day.

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