Did they always seethe over the West?

Did they always seethe over the West?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Only after they realised (after the opium wars) just how hilariously outclassed and behind the curve they were. The only reason China wasn't colonised is that by that period in European colonialism everyone was stretched about as far as they could reasonably administer, and nobody wanted to break their empire to try and civilise the Changs.

    • 2 years ago

      >nobody wanted to break their empire to try and civilise the Changs
      Hilarious how apologists for colonialism constantly contradict themselves:
      Why did you colonize them?
      >we colonized them to civilize them!
      But they're shitholes
      >no we found them like that!
      So you didn't civilize them?
      >they're all sub-human that can't be civilized!
      Then why did you colonize them?

      • 2 years ago

        The post that buck breaks colonialism apologists

      • 2 years ago

        >Why did you colonize them?
        Because it was in our interests to do so.
        Civilizing them was done to appease the moralgays.

        >But they're shitholes
        >we found them like that!
        Yes to both.

        >So you didn't civilize them?
        We tried and sometimes failed.

        >they're all sub-human that can't be civilized!
        Some of them are.

        • 2 years ago

          >Civilizing them was done to appease the moralgays.
          These people didn't exist. Anti-colonial Westerners were against colonialism altogether, not "civilizing" anyone.

      • 2 years ago

        Honestly that was the logic Europeans used when they did colonize, though. Only the few at the top knew the real reasons for it, so the average citizen had to justify in their heads why their governments were committing atrocities.

      • 2 years ago

        ColonialBlack folk absolutely buckbroken.


        >my moronic self-contradictions are correct because....china leftist?

    • 2 years ago

      China/Liberaks have tried to make "colonization" a bad word on the internet. They have no understanding of American- UK relationships, morality, and how to function as a civilized humane people. They are simply jealous and evil and wish to have power through accusation.

      • 2 years ago

        The Chinese have been colonizing their western territories and Canada/Australia, and the """liberals""" have been enabling thug hordes to colonize the Western first world. Colonialism is not "when white people do stuff".

        • 2 years ago

          Thats not colonization.

  2. 2 years ago

    china was too peaceful and their hearts too pure, whites are evil and thrust the world into a permanent state of competition where the only option is enslave the masses and develop your country so it doesn't come under threat from whites again

  3. 2 years ago

    They mostly just dismissed them as barbarians until the last possible moment.

    • 2 years ago

      they gave no fricks about the West until 1830s

      more like petty traders but sure you're right in the roman sense of barbarian= person from outside our greatest civilization

  4. 2 years ago

    In the Middle Ages it was actually quite the opposite. china was the most advanced civilization on the planet, while the West was a backwater shithole constantly fought over by a hundred interwarring lords

    • 2 years ago

      >In the Middle Ages the West was a backwater shithole
      Imagine thinking this.

      • 2 years ago

        >while the West was a backwater shithole


        it has nothing to do with QOL or tech in europe, it simply was poor and irrelevant comapred to the chinks and poos

        • 2 years ago

          >it simply was poor and irrelevant comapred to the chinks and poos


          • 2 years ago

            So until the 1500s?
            They may not have been poor, but they weren't as relevant because European GDP per capita and populations took a longer time to offset much larger populations in Asia like China which had 1/3 of humanity.

          • 2 years ago

            That is only in modern times. Remember, Rome had the same population of China around 100 AD before constant plagues and wars changed that, so around 1000 - 1500 AD the population gap was smaller than you think. Probably only after the devastation of the Napoleonic wars did the population gap become similar to today.

          • 2 years ago

            Rome was the exception and half of it was non-European territories.
            Meanwhile chinks constantly had frick huge numbers of people, and if 2/3 of those died they recovered as quickly. Mostly due to rice farming.
            France and the HRE together had 1/4 of China's population.
            Or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_population_in_1500, same story. So a slightly larger GDP per capita wouldn't have made a lot of difference at first.

      • 2 years ago

        >To readers brought up to respect "western" science, the most striking feature of Chinese civilization must be its technological precocity. Huge libraries existed from early on. Printing by movable type had already appeared in eleventh-century China, and soon large numbers of books were in existence. Trade and industry, stimulated by the canal-building and population pressures, were equally sophisticated. Chinese cities were much larger than their equivalents in medieval Europe, and Chinese trade routes as extensive. Paper money had earlier expedited the flow of commerce and the growth of markets. By the later decades of the eleventh century there existed an enormous iron industry in north China, producing around 125,000 tons per annum, chiefly for military and governmental use-the army of over a million men was, for example, an enormous market for iron goods. It is worth remarking that this production figure was far larger than the British iron output in the early stages of the Industrial Revolution, seven centuries later! The Chinese were also probably the first to invent true gunpowder; and cannons were used by the Ming to overthrow their Mongol rulers in the late fourteenth century.

    • 2 years ago

      >think the earth is flat

      • 2 years ago

        The difference between the Europeans and Chinese is that while both thought the world was flat, when the Chinese had people suggest the world was round, they set their opinions aside as an interesting sidenote but altogether unimportant to the business of running the state. When the Euros had someone suggest the world was round, they declared him a heretic and put him under house arrest.

        The East never discovered the world was round while the West did so, and promptly forgot, abandoning their wisdom because it contradicted with the words of a semitic holy book.

        The West was fiercely dogmatic while in China, learning of the two competing schools of thought, an Emperor challenged his court astronomer and European astronomer to a contest of predicting eclipses to judge the strength of each school of thought. And when the European won, he acknowledged it. The difference between the East and West is that the West is dogmatic while the East is practical.

        • 2 years ago

          >When the Euros had someone suggest the world was round, they declared him a heretic and put him under house arrest.

          "The earth is round" is a common knowledge in the middle ages

        • 2 years ago

          >The East never discovered the world was round while the West did so, and promptly forgot, abandoning their wisdom because it contradicted with the words of a semitic holy book.
          Never happened.

        • 2 years ago

          It was whether Earth was at the center of the universe or the Sun that made the Church freak out.

        • 2 years ago

          this never happened, you are literally talking fiction

    • 2 years ago

      >while the West was a backwater shithole


  5. 2 years ago

    What you always have to remember about China, and most East Asian nations, is that their official attitude towards basically everything is determined according to to what will best serve the authority of the government.

    So when the Ch'ing authorities were taking desperate pains to deny reality and pretend that the British weren't a formidable opponent and potentially lethal enemy but rather just some typical brigands or pirates, this was mostly not out of blind pride or arrogance, exactly. It was above all to avoid any hint or suggestion that the current dynasty was any weaker or lacking in authority and force than China's previous rulers.

    To be clear, I don't think Chinese officials had any sympathy for, or understanding of, the desire on the part of British officials to be treated with dignity and respect: the worldview of the former was simply too myoptic and self-centred to really understand let alone accept anything like that. But it's still true, I think, that in Chinese political thinking the perceived need to humiliate the barbarian was less for the sake of the barbarian being humiliated, but rather for the watchful peasants of China to see that his imperial government was still capable of doing the humiliating.

    • 2 years ago

      >in Chinese political thinking the perceived need to humiliate the barbarian was less for the sake of the barbarian being humiliated, but rather for the watchful peasants of China to see that his imperial government was still capable of doing the humiliating.
      Would they really need to do that for the peasants? Surely they'd do that more to show other elites, or would-be elites that they were still capable?

      • 2 years ago

        Chinese civilization historically gave more political power to peasants than Europeans, which is just one of the practicalities of rice farming.

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