Did you ever automate anything at your job?

Did you ever automate anything at your job?

There's a manual computer task done at my workplace that takes a manager between 2-3 hours to do. It involves generating a gigantic pdf file (sometimes over 300 pages) and then scrolling through it page by page, then copying and pasting certain lines of data into our system to process it. Repeat until entire pdf file is done. Multiple managers of different departments do this every single day. Total insanity

I wrote a JavaScript page to do the whole thing automatically in a few minutes.

This thing surprised the hell out of me because it's a huge company. Plus my job is physical, I don't even work in IT. There seems to be some disconnect between the work that people do on the floor and how the IT system was built. Like the people who made it have no idea what an average day is like for us

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  1. 2 years ago

    Be careful bro like 50% of the jobs in America could be eliminated by little scripts like this. You need to keep your thing a secret or else everyone will attack you to save your job. Ask me how I learned this.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry time

    • 2 years ago

      Really? If so I would love to take one of these jobs and then do everything by a script. Got any examples?

      • 2 years ago

        that's basically most excel jobs these days. a lot of the work can be fully automated by scripts and scanners. but boomers dont know this and think you're working hard pretending to type on a keyboard.

        • 2 years ago

          But aren't these mostly minimum wage jobs anyway? What is the point then, unless you work remotely, in which case you can work multiple jobs at the same time

      • 2 years ago

        Different guy, but same feeling about 50% of office jobs (not only in the US, but in every developed country). I had a job in business process automation (moved to a more technical role now), most tasks staff and low level managers are doing are very repetitive, like filling Excel sheets, or working with information in general. Medium and large companies have standardized these workflows (processes). Most of the time you can describe them very high level as, Input-> Do something-> Output, you see the pattern, it is a function. Now if you already have most stuff standardized, like the input and output and it is fully digital, you can automate the do something part. Like a lot of financial stuff, reporting (HR, FI, MM, etc.), procurement. Or even if you can't fully automate a process, you can support it by workflow engines and part automate or just automating small things, like having an Excel that automatically sends Emails to management for approval and sends the something once the approval is given, and there are people that actually do that, for example procurement employees that do BANF in SAP ERP, they do that for 50+% of their time (in my experience).

        A very simplified and shortened BANF process.
        Someone has a purchase request in the company, the BANFer selects a product (or just looks in the known vendor/product DB, because most purchases are repetitive and that can be easily automated), makes an inquiry with the vendor to get an offer, with that offer he needs to get approval from the guy with the purchase request and in some cases has to get the approval from management, after all that approval the BANFer just sends out the purchase order.
        That process is old now and is theoretically automated in almost every ERP, but a lot of companies don't use it fully and every employee does something different and most do it just by hand. But I hope you get the gist.

  2. 2 years ago

    Just use the script and tell them you did it manually and that you can do it faster, in like 1.5 hours or so. They will always give you the task because you are more efficient. And you can use the 1.5 hours to not work at all and then send them the result that was automatically generated.

    • 2 years ago

      ^Wisdom lives here.

      • 2 years ago

        it's honestly amazing how people have to hide this shit because any automation nowadays just means you lose your job. technology is not being used for the benefit of the people, but a select few homosexuals and their money

  3. 2 years ago

    After some time lurking it appears most of us do anon. There are many reasons why these situations are pretty normal. Some people who can "help" that person who labors for three hours might actually be putting that person out of a job. Some of us have been trying to change the same company for years and have finally given up, now we pretend to do the three hour job when we're actually doing it in three minutes and playing Counter Strike for 177 minutes. Shift yourself into a leadership position, start making money in an independent way or script in secret from now on.

    • 2 years ago

      Also many times if we create good tools for the person they prefer to do it the old way simply because they're used to it and/or don't understand the new way. That's probably the number one reason, people don't like change too much (can you blame them?).

      • 2 years ago

        >can you blame them?
        Yes. And nature blames them too. Survival of the fittest; change and adapt or fricking die.

        • 2 years ago

          The real question isn't "why are these people so stupid?", the real question is why are 70 year olds who haven't touched a computer since before we had mice required to work? And the real solution to all these problems is for everyone to brainwash themselves into believing the bible is true. Boomers would be baking cookies with their grandchildren and dispensing wisdom. Zoomers would be mentally healthy and have fewer issues mating as they aged. Society in general would be much less irritating.

          • 2 years ago

            Christian churches are pedophilic sex cult organizations and has been since the very beginning. Baptism originally was sodomy to children.

          • 2 years ago

            Catholics and protestants are not Christians anon. They are just larpers.

  4. 2 years ago

    >automate my own job
    >run scripts to do everything
    >help other people with their work while mine is automated
    >get promoted
    >give the guy who backfills my old job my scripts
    >tell him they're part of the official process
    >tell him to document and distribute them to the other devs
    >make meeting to tell team about automations
    >automate my new job
    >help other people with their work while mine is automated
    >people working a level under me depend on scripts I wrote to function
    >everyone says nice things about me and my scripts
    >get promoted

    This is the proper way to use automation to advance your career. Take point on automating stuff and you'll make a lot of friends all over your company.

    All you really need to do it is bash, but python3 is helpful for this too.

  5. 2 years ago

    congrats, you now have more time to spend on boards.IQfy.org/g/, are you happy op?
    just don't be a moron and share the script, you'll lose your job. most of the amerimutt gdp is shit like this

  6. 2 years ago

    I hate that we live in a world in which people have to scheme for job security over everyone just making things better for their fellow man for the sake of it

    we're doomed

    • 2 years ago

      it's honestly amazing how people have to hide this shit because any automation nowadays just means you lose your job. technology is not being used for the benefit of the people, but a select few homosexuals and their money

      Imagine we automate every single job a human could do. Well, these robots/automation functionality will still be in corporate hands and they won't just give it to you for free. You will still have to buy food, but where will you get the money? Since there will be no traditional jobs anymore, perhaps corporate executives would start to demand "other services", or perhaps they will just stop giving a shit about people in general and just create their own civilization consisting only of them and the robots. It will be interesting

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